OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1906. 7 LOGAN. This "made to order" weather is appreciated by the farmers. Among aid familiar faces seen in our midst lately, we not that of Mr. Henry Gill, whose enlistment on the i battleship Oregon recently expired. Another was that of Mr. A. Swales, who has just returned from an ex tended visit to England, his boyhood home. He reports having enjoyed the visit very much. Miss Minnie Steinman, of Currins ville. is visiting friends and relatives in Logan this week. From present indications there will be quite an exodus of people from here to the bunch grass country in the near future. Several having pick ed out locations already. Last Friday night the stockholders of the Clear Creek Mutual Telephone company held a meeting at the Grange hall and elected a board of directors and officers. Louis Funk was elected president; O. D. Robbins secretary, and F. Gerber, treasurer. The board of directors are H. S. Anderson, W. P. Kirchem and L. Funk. It is the intention to have a first-class service. The old adage "be sure you are right and then go ahead," will be borne in tricts can only maintain a school a few months, where others thickly settled get more than they can make use of. A blind man can see it is not right Compelling children to write the ver tical system was another fraud fad held up for criticism. ' What kind of scribes will our young men be in a few years, if this fad remains a law? Fish Wardens were oat looking for something this week. The weather being fine a few days outing at $.... per day is very nice. However there are no salmon in the river yet. H. Babler, Edwin Gerber, S. E. and Louis Gerber, leave soon for Alaska, for the canning season. Mr. M. H. Riebhoft has moved his family. out and begun the foundation for his new cottage. Mr. Newkirk is getting along nicely now and can be out on crutches. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kirchem have returned from a visit to relatives at Lostine, Wallowa county. Something or someone too low down to mention, Mlled eight head of Mr. Swales sheep again last week.- I say again, because the same died was done early in the spring, only the first time they were shot and this time their I throats were cut. It is strange how low some can become. It was announced that Rev. Anna with Miss Lydia Hornschuh is making her a visit this week. Dennis Hylton and Tom Kelland visited today. Henry Hettman is working for Sam attended the dance at New Era last Elmer at Clarkes. j Saturday night. Rev. Wettlaufer preached his fare well sermon in the Evangelical church last Sunday night. It was a splendid sermon, full of truth and practical common sense. Mr. and Mrs. Grimm spent Sunday with friends in Oregon City. Mr. Hylton is the first one in our neighborhood to be making hay. Mr. Scheer and family were guests 'talked ON EQUAL SUFFRAGE. Henry Moehnke is working for Amos at the home of his brother in New Era Harrington of Highland. John Stricklin of Molalla, and Mr. Krueger of Oregon City, spent a pleas ant evening with Robert Ginther and family one evening last week. Well, Mr. Editor, it seems the Re publicans of Clackamas county, the majority of them, have a preference for corporation rule, at least for a corporation attorney. It is hard to conceive why men are so indifferent of the general welfare. DO YOU LOVE x mind. Already one company has made ghaw woud lecture nere on' equal some very tempting offers. Yes, tempt ing to those persons who are easily led or influenced, or hypnotized is the word, by smoothe tongued agents, whose business it is to tell these poor, ignorant old farmers what is best for them to do. They have some old worn ont wire that they will sell very cheap too. It really would be an act of charity to this very wealthy cor poration if the board would take it. Better do like. Josiah Allen, if you can't overcome the" influence of agents go crawl under the barn when you see one coming. Farmers stick up for your own rights and raise the stand ard of your dignity. Saturday was Grange day at Logan and 71 were there to enjoy the day. Of course it is needless to say it was otherwise than enjoyable, for Grang ers can have good times if they wish. We were much interested in the County High School subject that was being discussed and many different opinions expressed. It does seem an injustice that we cannot have the 9th and 10th grades taught in our country schools. Another is the apportion ment system. Sparsely settled dis- suffrage, but we have not learned the date. Mr. J. Gill the road supervisor, is re-graveling the road in the worst places, where cut and worn most. DEATHS FROM APPENDICITIS decrease in the same ratio that the use of Dr. King's New Life Pills in creases. They save you from danger and bring quick and painless release from constipation and the ills grow ing out of it. Strength and vigor al ways follow their use. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones, druggists. 25c. Try them. 9 your baby? Tou wonder why he cries. Buy a bottle of White's Cream "Verm ifuge and he will never cry. Most babies have worms, and the mothers don't know it. White's Cream Verm-, nuge rias tne cmia or worms ana cleans out its system in a pleasant way. Every mother should keep a bottle of this medicine in the house. With it, fear need never enter her mind. Price 25c. Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Co. last Sunday. Mr. Olds purchased one of Geo. La zelle's fine Poland China pigsk Mr. Schreiner has so far recovered from his recent illness, to be able to finish his contract of cutting wood. The Democratic candidates spoke in Twilight Hall last Saturday night to a large and appreciative audience. Their views were presented in a most pleading and satisfactory manner. We would be glad to hear the other parties. INSURANCE. Plate Glass, burglar-proof, and all kinds of casualty insurance written by O. A. Cheney of Oregon City. Of fice with Justice of the Peace. O. A. CHENEY. CARUS. UNION MILLS. SHUBEL. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hornshuh visited with Mr. and Mrs. Massinger today. John Heft is building a barn for Mr. Stegeman. Robert Ginther is improving the appearance of his place by building new fences. Luke Duffy attended Grange at Clarkes last Saturday. Misses Laura and Lucille Shubel Crops are looking good in this vi cinity. V -Mr. Newt. Trullinger departed this week for Coburg, Wash., where he will work this summer. Miss Maud Husband was visiting at the Parian home last Sunday. Eva Wallace is staying with Agnes Woodside at present. Mr. and Mrs. John Mulvaney spent Saturday and Sunday at Carus. Mrs. Alta Graves and Mrs. Currens called on Mrs. Fred Woodside a few days ago. FORTUNATE MISSOURIANS. I Electee Sty ' "When I was a druggist, at Livonia, Me.," writes T. J. Dwyer, now of Graysville, Mo., "three of my custom ers were permanently cured of con sumption by Dr. King's New Discov ery, and are well and strong today. One was trying to sell his property and move to Arizona, but after using New Discovery a short time he found it unnecessary to do so. I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as the most monderful medicine in existence.' Surest Cough and cold cure and throat and lung healer. Guaranteed by How ell & Jones, druggists. 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle free. REDUCED RATES FOR CURRENT ON METER BASIS. ELECTRICITY in your home will, just about cut out the fire danger. Curtains and draperies are not endangered by the ELECTRIC LIGHT. Yet the lampswillglow wherever, whenever you want them, bringing light in closets, cupboards, any dark places, entirely without risk. ELECTRICITY in the sickroom aids' the.'doctor and the nurse in their ministrations. The electric light enables the physician to make examinations at "any hour whole ingenious devices permit the heating of water, the cooking of special dishes, quickry, safe ly. An electric heating pad never too hot to burn or blister retains just the proper heat. ELECTRICITY furnishes the best and most ECONOMICAL of all anifical illuminants. The ELECTRIC LIGHT is there when you want off when you don't. It is not burning up money when not wanted. It is not consuming air. ELECTRICITY FOR YOUR EVERY DAY NEEDS. Think it over. If there are difficulties in the way, they can be removed. ESTIMATES On cost of wiring, cost of current and informa tion regarding the use of electricity for LIGHT or POWKR in the HOME, the OFFICE, the STORE and the FACTORY promptly furnished upon, appl cation to O. G. Miller at the Company's branch of ffice, next door to the Bank of Oregon City. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY C. C. Miller, Contract Manager for Oregon City CANBY. Mrs. George Kessingler is reported sick with pneumonia. The Bank of Canby is now ready for business. You can find Mr. Walk' er behind the desk ready to accom modate you. Mr. Samuel Terry left last week for Portland, where he expects to work for a little while. Mrs. W. H. Evans, of Barton, has been quite sick with rheumatism. Mrs. J. L. Murdock, of Macksburg, is spending a few days in Monmouth with her children, who are attending the normal school there. Strawberries are ripening in the vi cinity of Canby. Picking will soon begin. The lawn social given by the Ep- worth League, on Tuesday evening, at the home of Mrs. C. R. Boroughs, was a great success. The beautiful moonlight and warm evening was just the time for an out door gathering. Ice cream and cake were served and everybody had a good time. Mr. J. S. Dick has been re-appointed night-watchman for the city. Mr. Jones, the photographer, is get ting ready .to leave for Molalla. He has done a good business, and has given satisfaction with his work. TWILIGHT. Relatives from England are visiting at the home of Thomas Kelland. Adolph Joehnke is suffering from a severe attack of measles. Mrs. Martin's granddaughter Gladys CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm 'This Remedy Is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. CIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Large Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York. How glad we all are to hear that Smith, the desperado, has been killed. Several of the boys went fishing Sunday. Miss Edna Irish, who has been working in Portland for the past four months spent Saturday evening and Sunday with her parents. Tom Inskeep made a flying trip to Oregon City Saturday ' evening. Ed. Jones, of Portland, spent last week with friends and relatives at this place. Louis and Florence Jagger have both been quite ill with the measles. ' Fred Spangler is able to be up and around after having a severe spell of the small pox. Mr. O. G. Morris, of Macksburg, called on relatives here last Friday. Lawrence Darringer and Clyde Smith, who have been working in the paper mills at Oregon City, spent Sun day with their parents. Ralph Howard has gone to Molalla to work for Fred Schaffer. We understand that Mr. Hough and son have sold their place for $3000. Herbert Green, of Oregon City, has been spending a few days in our burg. Miss Belle Gregory is visiting with her uncle in Molalla. Rev. Wettlaufer preached his fare well sermon at the Evangelical church Sunday evening. A large crowd was present. Mrs. Orm has a little baby girl. Several of the boys from here at tended the dance at Mulino Saturday night. Richard Davis went to Portland Sunday. Mr. Hough has returned home from a visit with his daughters at Oakland. Ed. Jones took supper with Ed How ard and family Monday evening. Miss Jagger has returned home from Portland, where she has been attending school. There was quite a crowd from here attended the show at Oregon City Wednesday. FOR BOTH One disease of thinness in children is scrofula; in adults, consumption. Both have poor blood ; both need more fat. These diseases thrive on lean ness. Fat is the best means of overcoming- them; cod liver oil makes the best and healthiest fat and SCOTT'S sions Mrs. Bradford proved herself -j , 1. equal to the high expectatitons of her H III T xT audience, showing herself perfectly : AVJ, J X X N familiar with women and conditions inoCn0e10byd0one false fears 'o, anti-suf- f the Biest and most effective fragists were dissipated as it was I01'" ot cod liver oil. Here's a found that women retained their mod- natural order of things that esty, that the polls were wreathed shows why Scott's Emulsion is with flowers and chivalric men show- j e , . . ui so mucin vaiue in an cases ot scrofula and consumption. More fat, more weight, more nourish ment, that's why. Send for free sample. ' SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 409-415 Pearl Street, New York 50c. nd $1.00 :: : :: :: AH druggist Oregon City Women Tender Mrs. Bradford Reception. No more attractive and convincing speaker on Equal Suffrage has ever visited Oregon City than the distin guished lady from Denver, Mrs. .Mary C. C. Bradford, who was honored by an elaborate reception Monday af ternoon on the spacious lawn at the home of Mrs. C. D. Latourette. A goodly array of the G. A. R. and their wives as well as several of younger women gathered to hear of the prac tical workings of Equal Suffrage in Colorado. In the evening a large au dience assembled at the Presbyterian church where excellent music - was rendered by the choir and soloist, Mrs. M. K. Foster. On both occa- ed new deference to their sisters. It was shown that influence was slow, but power, the swift execution of the bal lot. Women had but to speak, and her word had weight, whereas before it was unavailing. No' longer were women obliged to buttonhole legisla tors to get a library bill passed, men simply asked what they wanted and fell over themselves to give It. The votes of women weigh just as much as those of men. CORRESPONDENT. Many ills come from impure blood Can't have pure blood with faulty di gestion, lazy liver and sluggish bow els. Burdock Blood Bitters strength ens stomach, bowels, and liver, and purifies the blood. SILVER CELEBRATION. HAVE YOU REGISTERED? The registration books will 'be closed to voters on next Tuesday, May 15th at 5 o'clock p. m. If you have not register ed, do not delay doing so any longer. Comply with the law and be in a position to take an active part in next month's important election. PARKPLACE. '235 Gives tone, vitality and snap. -y The children's friend Jayncts Tonic Vermifuge Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscles. Gives tone, vitality and snap. Get it."from your druggist Don't forget to come to the school entertainment' Friday evening. May 11. Ice cream and cake will be serv ed after the entertainment. Mr. Putnam returned Monday from trip over in Washington, where he had been looking after his ranches. Mr. Henry Natchien is in Vancouver where he is visiting old friends for a week. The Parkplace High School baseball team played with the B. Walker Busi ness College boys last Saturday in Gladstone park, and although the score stood 15 to 11 in favor of Port land, the Parkplace boys played a fine game and deserve much credit. Mr. Latourette, from Oregon City, umpired for them. Miss Olive Straight, of Oregon City, who died last Saturday, was interred n the Straight cemetery, at Park- place, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Captain and Mrs. Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith went to Portland Sunday to celebrate Mrs. P. Frey- ag'i birthday and Captain and. Mrs. Smith's 35th wedding day. The Misses Anna and Edith Smith, of Gladstone, gave a pleasant little party at their home last Friday even ing, to which the teachers of Park place were invited. Music and games were enjoyed until eleven o'clock, when refreshments were served. All went home saying they had a good time and hoped the girls would invite them again some time. Mr. Walker, proprietor of the Glad stone store which burned Saturday night, intends to start again as soon as a suitable building can be procured. Howard Etters purchased two town lots in Gladstone last Saturday, con sideration $180. Good for Howard. If other young boys would do likewise, they .would have a start by the time they are twenty-one. On Monday evening, May 7, Meade Post No. 2, Department of Oregon G. A. R., celebrated the 25th anniversary of its organization, at that time there being .no department organization in Oregon, it was designated No. 24 and attached to the department of Cali fornia. The charter members are S B. Califf, T. C. Bell, C. H. Daudy, J. T. Apperson, C. J. Immel, R. M. Wich ham, L. T. Beaven, M. C. Athey, G. C. Wood, A. B. Moore, W. W. Westen paugh, J. C. Stewart, F. O. McGowan, Dr. S. Parker, Geo. A. Harding. , Since organized there has been mustered into the Post 297 recruits, present membership 159. Of the charter mem bers only two, Capt. J. T. Apperson and G. A. Harding were present. The meeting was called to order by Adjt, L. W. Ingram, who after a few re marks read the Adjutant's report of organization. Capt. J. T. Apperson was then called upon and responded in his usual pleasing style with talk To the delight of all. Miss Kinney ren dered on the piano- a delightful in strumental number which was duly appreciated. Comrades Harding, Nel son, Tufts, Guder, Cheney, gave inter esting war incidents which were well received. Rev. E. S. Bollinger, Rev. P. K. Hammond, Rev. J. S. Lands- borough, each contributed fully to the entertainment and have our thanks Meade Keiier corps No. 18 was present in full force and had prepared one of their delicious suppers of which about 80 partook with zest and pleasure. Itching, torturing skin eruptions, disfigure, annoy, drive one wild. Doan's Ointment brings quick relief and last ing cures. Fifty cents at any drug store. School Report. Following is the report of Highland school for the month ending May 4: Number of days taught, 19; number of pupils enrolled, 33; average daily at tendance, 31. Those who were pres ent daily are: Herbert, Leo and Ed na Vohs, Dora Fairfowl, Josephine Adams, Marion and Lawrence Mud- gett, Sadie Fellows, Eva Schram. Mrs. Mudgett, one of our patrons, visited the school during the month. Visitors always welcome. ROBT. GINTHER, Teacher. . After a heavy meal, take a couple of Doan's Regulets, and give your stomach, liver and bowels the help they will need. Regulets bring easy, regular passages of the bowels. AN INTERESTING STATEMENT. GRIP QUICKLY KNOCKED OUT. "Some weeks ago during the severe winter weather both my wife and my self contracted severe colds which speedily developed into the. worst kind of la grippe with all its miserable symptoms," says Mr. J.'S. Egleston, of Maple Landing, Iowa. 1 "Knees and joints aching, muscles sore, head stop ped up, eyes and nose running, with nttprnatp Rnflla rkf ima ATiri firr We began using Chamberlain's Cough . Eros- Remedy, aiding the same with a doub le dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Huntley Bros. Say they Have at Last Discovered a Positive Cure for In digestion. "For years," said a member of the above drug firm, "we have been wait ing for some one to discover a rem edy that will really cure dyspepsia." "We recently learned that a new remedy, Pepsikola Tablets, had been placed on the market, and on investi gation we found that at last there is a remedy that will surely cure." "We laid in a big supply because we knew that as soon as the peonle began to know about this remarkable cniedy there would be a big demand fcr it. and it is selling beyon I our ex f.t CL&ticris." It :f- not often that a druggist sells : :i;v remedy on a positive guaran tee nut unless cured of new snesj, Uy.y swells, sour stomach, coatees tongi e palpatatin, and other symp toms of e'vspepsia, Huntley Bros, will hand back your money cheerfully and without argument. No one should hesitate on trying ANNOUNCEMENT. The June number of The Pacific Monthly will be extraordinary in ev ery respect, in fact the equivalent of two numbers in one. It will contain a most graphic and complete sympos ium contributed by the best writers, business, professional and scientific, covering the recent appalling events In San Francisco, as well as a thorough review of what is, has been, and is to be in Alaska. This great number profusely illus trated, will be ready about May 22, and will be sold on the news-stand at 15 cents per copy, or sent postage pre paid by the publishers at the same price. This will unquestionably be consid ered, from every .possible point of view, the most valuable and the most entertaining' in its relation to the trag ic events of April 18th, 1906, which will be issued by any publication of the country. The Pacific Monthly Publishing Company gives its emphatic guaran tee to this statement. A Reward. We offer a reward of 25 cents for every case of skin trouble, eczema, ulcers, old running sores, wounds, cuts or any kind of scalp trouble that Der makola Ointment will not heal, for if not cured we pay the 25 cents back. Huntley Bros. Prescription for Headaches. When you have headache or other nerve pain try Ake-In-The-Head tab lets and you can have your ten cents back if your headache or neuralgia is not relieved in 15 minutes. No mat ter what the cause is one tablet gives relief. Huntley Bros. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lin ing of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rum bling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the inflamma tion can be b takn outhmrdlutadlu tion can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hear ing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaces. ' We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of .Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lars free. F. H. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Everybody's friend Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Cures toothache, ear ache, sore throat. Heals cuts, bruis es, scalds. Stops any pain. OREGON CITY MARKET REPORT. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat No. 1, 67(g) 73c per bu. Flour Valley, $4.25 per bbl. Hard wheat $4.90, Portland, $1.10 per sack. Howard's Best, $1.25 per sack. Oats In sacks, $1.15 per cental. Hay Timothy, baled $11$12 per ton; clover $9; oat, $9; mixed hay $9. cheat, $8.50. Millstuffs Bran $19.50 per ton; shorts, $20.50 per ton; chop $18.00 per ton; barley rolled $25.50 per ton. Potatoes 5065 per hundred. Eggs Oregon 1516 per doz. Butter Ranch 3540; separator, 4550; creamery 5055. Rutabegas, Carrots, Turnips, Par snips and Beets 75c per sack, j Good Apples Choice $2.252.50. Honey ll12"4c per lb. Prunes (dried) Petite, 3c per lb; Italian, large, 5c per lb ; medium, 3c; a 25-cent hrnc nf Pensiknla Tahleta 99 they will not cost you a cent should 1 0 iT,' Is V . . - they fail to relieve and cure the very ' , Dried Apples Sun Dried, quartered, worst case of indigestion and dyspep- sliced, 6c; fancy bleached, sia. 1 y How to Improve Your Complexion. . Everyone who wants- a good healthy color, a ruddy glow and a clear skin free from the effects of biliousness, sluggish liver and chronic constipation should get a 5-cent package of Laxa kola Tonic Tablets today. Huntley Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use I Boan tta soon completely knocked out the grip." Signature Sold by Howell & Jones. I of The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought w5 Dressed Chickens 12c lb. Live Stock and Dressed Meats Beef, live $3.50$4.75 per hundred. Hogs, live, 6; dressed 84; sheep, $4$6 per head; dressed 9c; veal, dressed 64 7c; lambs, live $2.50 $3.50 per head. DENTISTRY At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday on Appointments. JHNO W. THOMAS, Dentist