OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1906. 3 I 4 H fell M fT7i POLKADOTCANSX'?i )! 11 IT I I Pure, raw iinseed oil costs less than "ready miffed" paint, but when mixed with thick pigment, gallon for gallon, it kes the best paint for the least money. FOR SALE BY GEORGE A. HARDING OREGON CITY, OREGON. 11 U U teU&K Trtc!.Ts.C0MPANY o-------------------- - o Local Events j o- - -- --o Mr. Raines, of Bolton, is erecting an attractive cottage at that place. Flour 95c, $1.05, and good as Snow drift $ 1.10. RED FRONT. .Miss Gertrude Fairclough enter tained the Gypsies at her home last Friday evening. - the intention to enlarge the plant as soon as possible, the capacity of the plant being installed being rather lim ited for the business already pledged. Judge McBride has granted a di vorce in the suit of Polly M Hampton vs. Ralph H. Hampton. S. T. Roman, printer, 9 Weinhard Bldg., Oregon City. Personal Mention the outlaw, at New Era, last Smth: week. Mrs. A. E. Acheson arrived Sunday from San Francisco and is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. J. Moreland. Mrs Acheson was in San Francisco at the t at Am, r t,.: . 1 time of the recent earthquake and t ,' cnXr' subsequent conflagration and relates that the calamity was indescribably awful. She says that the papers have suppressed many of the fearful de tails rather than exaggerating the ac counts as published Card of Thanks We desire to express our profound thanks to the' friends and especially the members of the Fraternal Broth' erhood for the many acts of kindness shown us during the illness, death and burial of our daughter and sister, Cyrus Straight and Family. Card of Thanks. We take this means of expressing our most sincere and grateful thanks to the many friends, fraternal orders and the W. P. & P. Company for the many acts of kindness shown us in our recent bereavement. Mrs. J. R. Shaver and Famliy. T IMMENSE MERGER FORMED. city Saturday. A. Kocher, the Canby implement dealer, was in the city Friday, L. Tenny, of Viola, was an Oregon City business visitor Monday. W. H. Counsell, of Harmony, was m the city Tuesday, on business. E. C. Chapman, a business man from Clackamas, was in Oregon City Fri day. Mayor Wm. Schindler, of Milwaukie, was transacting business in Oregon City Friday. Arthur Howland, of Grants Pass, was this week the guest of Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Adams. J. B. Mitts of Maeksburg, was in the city Friday, as was also Wm. Kyler, of Molalla. Mrs. E. S. Bollinger and daughter Alioe, have returned from a visit with friends at Corvallis. W. Marshall, of Russellville, visit ed his mother, Mrs. E. J. Marshall, a Canemah last Friday. Judge T. A. McBride has gone to St. Helen to hold a term of the circuit court for Columbia county. Mrs. Risa Frye, and . daughters Irene and Goldie, are the guests of Mrs. Harry M. Shaw this week. T. W. Sullivan, of this city, has been placed in charge of the big power plant at Estacada, succeeding E. I. Brown. E. E. Beard, editor of the Vancouver Columbian, accompanied by his wife, was a caller at the Enterprise office Sunday. 3. A. Tufts has been elected treas urer of the Oregon City Assembly United Artisans, succeeding the late John R. Shaver. Miss Delia Young and Mr. Chas. Linne, of University Park, were the guests Sunday of Miss Grace Maude Marshall, at Canemah. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoak, Miss Hoak and the Misses Dove, of Portland, vis ited at the home of Mrs. E. J. Marshall at Canemah Sunday. Mr. James arrived from Kansas Fri day and went to the home of his fath er, J. H. James, near James. The latter Mr. James has been seriously ill. Mrs. Barbara Hixson has returned from an extended visit with relatives at Los Angeles and will spend the summer in this city with her daugh ter, Mrs. R. hi. Holman. Miss Lena Goldsmith has returned from a visit with Eugene friends. She was accompanied by Mrs. Julius Gold smith who remained for several days the guest of Oregon City friends. M. J. Cockrell has returned from San Francisco where for several weeks he was attached to the medical staff of Dr. MacKenzie, of Portland, who directed relief work for the afflicted San Francisco people. Chris Schuebel, chairman of the Re publican county Central Committee, has returned from Salem where he attended a meeting of the Congress ional Committee tor this district last Saturday. Mrs. Sadie White, of Portland, was in the city the latter part of last week visiting old friends before leaving for Nome. Mrs. White is a sister of Mrs. E. J. McKittrick, formerly of this city, and has many friends in this city. David McArthur, of New Era, was in the city Saturday. Mr. McArthur was among those who took an active and important part m finally sur- Daily Telegram and Enterprise, rounding ana ettecting the capture of both one year, for only $5. Eastern Capital Invests Heavily Oregon Property. Portland, May 3. A deal involving the consideration of nearly $30,000,000 and every light, power and traction company operating in the lower Wil lamette Valley including Portland, and using electric energy, was consumat- ed today. Telegrams confirming the merger were received from New York by the heads of the different local con cerns involved this afternoon. The purchasers are E. W. Clark & Company, of Philadelphia; J. and W. Selligman, and Charles Pratt & Com pany of New York. The various com panies involved in the transaction and the estimated value of each are: Port land General Electric Company, $10,- 000,000; Portland Railway Company, $12,000,000; Oregon Water Power & Railroad Company, $5,000,000; Citizens Light and Traction Company Salem, $500,000; .Vancouver Light & Power Company, Vancouver, Washington, $200,000; Union Light & Power Com pany, Silverton, Woodburn and Mount Angel, $100,000. Better facilities at a minimum cost are expected to result from this consolidation. SOCIALISTS COMPLETE TICKET. Have Two Candidates for Joint Representative. At a meeting of the Socialists of Clackamas county held in this city Sunday, vacancies on the county and legislative tickets were supplied and certificates of nomination filed with the County Clerk in time' to give the ticket a place on the official ballot. The complete Socialist ticket in this county is as follows: Joint Representative for Multnomah and Clackamas counties Jos. Ehal aines, of Portland; and Jos. Meindl, of Oregon City; State Senator Wm. Beard; Representatives (3) Robt. Guenther, F. J. Kraxberger and M. V. Thomas; County Judge C. E. Spence; Commissioner Elijah Coal man; Sheriff, Frank Mathews; Clerk Chas. E. Reyolds; Recorder J. Y. Kauffman; Treasurer Chas. Moran; Coroner Geo. M.B. Jones. For rent, two six-room houses at Green Point for $6.50 and $7 per month including water. Apply to A. W. Cheney, Phone 1716. Dry Goods and Shoes at strictly bar gain prices, no baits or premiums to pay for here, one price, the lowest, at Thomson's Bargain Store.. The latest styles and patterns in dress hats. Miss C. Goldsmith. Ira Hughes, carpenter and until a few months ago a resident of this city, was arrested Wednesday at Van couver by Deputy Sheriff George Brown. Hughes is charged with crim inally assaulting his 16-year old daugh ter. Hughes was returned to this city and lodged in the city jail where he is being held, pending preliminary ex amination. The alleged crime is said to have been committed last July, when the family resided in this city. Millinery Cut. Child's trimmed hats 49c up. Ladies' $1.39 up; stylish hats. RED FRONT. LOST on the road between Oregon City and Liberal, check book and other papers. Return to Enterprise office and receive reward. Miss Anne English, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. English, of Portland, and well known in Oregon City, will be married to Chas. Hall at Portland, ( next Thursday, May 17. The members of Meade Post No. 2, G. A. R., on Monday evening at Wil lamette Hall held exercises in celebra tion of the 25th anniversary of the organization of the Oregon City Post. Adjutant L. W. Ingram presided and numerous short addresses were made by the old veterans and some of their guests. Of the charter membership of the Post, only two are still living, Capt. J. T. Apperson and Geo. Hard ing and both were ' present Monday evening. Lowest prices. Seed peas or 5c. package seeds now 2c. 10-qt. galvd pail 19c; 14-qt. pail 23c, soaps 2c, 2 and 3c. RED FRONT. Last Tuesday evening the Knights & Ladies of Security gave an ice cream social at the residence of Wm Rambo. the proceeds being contribut ed to the local fund for the relief of the San Francisco sufferers. The Southern Pacific Company is constructing a concrete wall at the scene of the recent cave-in at the Third Street underground crossing, The company is also replacing the light rails on its track through this city with heavy steel. FOR SALE One yearling Hereford bull for sale. C. W. Haskett, Mount Pleasant, R. F. D. No. 1, Oregon City, Oregon. t4 Arthur A. Schell, manager of the publicity department for Eilers piano house, and Miss Gertrude Baker, both of Portland, were quietly married in this city Tuesday afternoon, Rev. P. K. Hammond, of St. Paul's Episcopal church, officiating. Manager Wetzler, of the Milwaukie Band, was in the city Monday evening completing arrangements for the final dance of the season that is to be given under the auspices of his musical or ganization at the Armory Hall tomor row, Saturday evening. Lost, Strayed or Stolen One large bay horse, weighing about 1200 lbs., two white hind feet, forelock cropped and star in forehead. Disappeared from my place Wednesday night, May Will pay reward for return of ani mal or information concerning same J. S. Vandeleur, Butteville, Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 per cent. Farm security. U Ren & Schubel. The residents of Bolton, one of Ore gon City's progressive suburbs, are daily becoming more metropolitan The latest acquisition in the nature of city comforts and conveniences, is the installing of an electric light ser vice that is being very generally taken advantage of by the residents of that ittle village. State Superintendent J. H. Acker- man has notified the " Oregon City teachers that the annual meeting of the National Educational Association that was to have been held at San Francisco this summer and for which elaborate arrangements were being made, has been given up and will not be held this year. 0 Do you know what the Allen Business College, of Oregon City, Ore., is doing: for its students? Will R. Logus and Jos. Goodfellow, of this city, have acquired the sole gency for the sale of the Wilhoit mineral water. These young men are both rustlers and with the splendid article they are handling are having little difficulty in giving this refresh ing beverage an extensive introduction to this section of the state. Our patterns are the latest designs. Our styles are exclusive. Miss C. Goldsmith. The Clear Creel; Mutual Telephone Company, with iff principal office in Harding precinct has been incorporated with a capital stock of $2500. The company was formed by the residents of Redland, Viola and Logan to pur chase the Bonney telephone system. The incorporators are W. P. Kirchem, Louis Funk, J. L. Stewart and Fred Gerber. The estate of the late Sheriff John R. Shaver was admitted to probate Tuesday and his son, C. Earl Shaver, was appointed administrator. The es tate consists of personal property of the estimated value of $2750.- Bonds men of the deceased official are hav ing the accounts of the office check ed up by Attorney Curry and Miss Cochran, preparatory to turning all funds due the county over to Sheriff Shaver's successor, H. W. Trembath, who is now in charge of the office. The latest styles and patterns in dress hats. Miss C. Goldsmith. By reason of the earthquake at San Francisco, the operation of the gov ernment mint in that city was neces sarily suspended with a consequent scarcity of gold and silver resulting. Until operations can be "resumed at Chas. V. Galloway Of Yamhill Cotmty I ' V a V n) - 1 Let Your Money Work For Yoa and, you will have a willing and faithful servant. You can never make a fortune by days' work, but if you let your money work , -with you, together you can accomplish results that you could never obtain by manual labor. Money when out to work keeps right at it day and night, never stops to rest, asks for no holi days and never takes a day off. It is very easy to start your money to work, all that is neces sary is to open a Savings Account with us and make small weekly or monthly additions and it will work without complaining and with results that will be highly gratifying to you. Do it to-day, tomorrow never comes. The Bank of Oregon City Dr. Geo. Hoeye, in the Caufleld build ing, administers Somnoforme and Air- oform in the painless extraction of teeth. Perfectly harmless and no sick ening after-effects. Under the sidehead "Well Known Here," The Oregon Mist, of St. Helens, has the following notice of the late Sheriff John R. Shaver: "Mr. John R. Shaver, sheriff of Clackamas coun ty, who died at the hospital in Salem, on Saturday last, from the effects of a wound inflicted by a desperado named Smith, whom he was trying to arrest. was well known in Columbia county, being a brother of the steamboat men of that name. The esteem in which he was held is shown by the fact that his body was placed in the court house in Oregon City and all the stores were closed in order that the people might do him honor. He was a brave and faithful officer and it seems horrible that such a wild beast as Smith should be able to take his valuable life." MEN WANTED Saw Mill and Lum ber Yard laborers, $2.00 per day, woodsmen $2.25 tm $3.00. Steady work. Apply to Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene, Oregon. Democratic Candidate Representative in Congress for A. Fred Toner, of Dallas, was in the city this week visiting his old friend John F. Clark. Mr. Toner was in San Francisco during the recent earthquake, having arrived in that city from his Oregon home only the night before. After leaving San Fran cisco, which he did as soon as it was possible for him to do after the quake, Mr. Toner went to Los Angeles where he met Z. F. Vaughn, a former Dallas boy who is now becoming wealthy in the manufacturing of gold hyperder mic needles and surgical knives, he having discovered a process for tem pering pure gold. This wonderful pro cess was made by Mr. Vaughn after sixteen years' study during which he maie an even more remarkable dis covery in producing a compound that entirely destroys gold, silver and steel without leaving the slightest trace of the metal. a committee of the Oregpn City coun cil and arranged for the distribution of the $1500 reward offered for the capture of Frank Smith, the outlaw. Of the reward, the Oregon City au thorities offered the sum- of $250; Clackamas county, $250; Marion coun-' ty $750, and Sheriff Culver, personally $250. By the apportionment Sheriff Culver was allowed $50 which will bring his donation toward the reward down to $200. Mr. Culver stated last evening that he had never in his life parted with money so willingly as he did with his share of the Smith re ward, since the money was paid to run down a desperado who had fouly murdered three brave and respected citizens. During the meeting of the authorities at Oregon City the subject of bloodhounds 'was thoroughly dis cussed and it was the unanimous opin ion. that the coming legislature should take steps to secure and provide for the keeping of several dogs at the Ore gon penitentiary. Thursday's Salem Statesman. DEEDS, NOT WORDS. Oregon City People Have Absolute Proof of Deeds at Home. the San Francisco mint, all gold and silver must be shipped to banks on the coast from eastern points, the ex pense of transportation being about $3 per thousand pounds. As a result, currency is being adopted largely by the banks and this accounts for -the abundance of paper money in Oregon City these days. The Clackamas County Court, act ing in conjunction with Marion county on Tuesday awarded to T. F. Royal & Son, of Salem, the contract for build ing a Howe Truss 100 foot span cov ered bridge across the Pudding river. The expense of the structure, $1100, will be shared by the two counties. At the same meeting the court or dered the O. W. P. Company to repair Main Street in Canemah or remove its track from that street. Bridges were also ordered constructed across Sucker creek, near Oswego, and New ell creek, near Maple Lane. There Is plenty of State School money to be had at 6 per cent Inter est Loans can be had from one to ten years. Gordon E. Hayes, agent. Drs. Beatie & Beatie, Dentists, Rooms 16, 17, 18, Weinhard Building. Ai a meeting of the musicians of this city held Monday evening, it was decided to continue the organization of a band for the entertainment of the public during the summer months. An organization was effected by the elec tion of the following officers: Presi dent, John Moehnke; secretary-treasurer, Harry Whiteman, manager Thos. Smith. It was decided to employ the services of Harry M,. Shaw as director and instructor. . . R. L. Holman, leading undertaker, next to Harris' grocery 'store, Oregon City, Oregon. Another manufacturing enterprise is soon to be added to the rapidly growing list of Oregon City industries. R. A. Lawrence is installing a plant for the manufacture of roll-top desks at the corner of Fourth and Main streets. The machinery is being plac ed as rapidly as possible and it is affliction While the members of the Crown Boy Mining & Milling Company are not saying very much, they are going quietly about the development of their promising property, being now engag ed in working on a 100-foot tunnel. The farther the work on this tunnel pro gresses the more satisfying are the prospects. The stockholders held a business meeting last Friday night when encouraging reports were made by those directing the work of the company. The officers are: G. F. Anderson, president, Tom Carrico. secretary; G. C. Etchison. general manager, and A. Knapp, treasurer. Mr. John Berry, of Vanderbuilt, Michigan, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Gardner, of this city. Mr. Berry has just returned from a seven months' tour, having spent five months in New Zealand writing up that coun try, and had only arrived in Sap Fran cisco a few days before the earth quake, but remained there for eleven days afterward and gave a helping hand to some of his friends. Mr. Berry is ex- senator and land commis sioner of the state of Michigan, but is now interested in a large com mercial business. He is a Mason of high degree and visited the Masonic lodges while in New Zealand, Hono lulu and Samoa. He is also a G. A. R. man, having been a delegate to a number of encampments, among some of them held at San Francisco in 1903, Boston in 1904, and at Denver in 1905. He will leave in a few days for his home in and will go by way of -Vancouver, B. C, but is so favorably im pressed with the climate of Oregon that he is seriously thinking of re turning to become a resident of this state. It's not words, but deeds that prove true merit. The deeds of Doan's Kidney Pills, For Oregon City kidney sufferers, Have made their local reputation. Proof lies in the testimony of Ore gon City people who have been cured to stay cured. William McLarty, tailor, in the Court House Block, living at 16th and Washington Sts., Oregon City, Oregon, says: "I had persistent back ache and pain through the loins that seemed to never let up, and the worst part of it was the annoyance I was caused at night, for I could not find a comfortable position or get any rest ful sleep on account of the continual aching. The result was I lost energy. I learned of Doan's Kidney Pills cur ing others of similar trouble and I pro cured a box at Huntley Bros.' drug store. By the time I had used bait of one box there was so much improve ment that it seemed almost unneces sary to take any more, but I finished the box to make sure of the beneficial results. I could then sleep the entire night, arise rested in the morning, and not a trace of the aching remained." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. TO CLACKAMAS COUNTY VOTERS. Agents wanted: -San Francisco Earth quake Disaster; Thousands killed and injured. $500,000,000 worth of property destroyed. Full and authentic story told by survivors and eye witnesses. Largest and best book, best illustrated 80 per cent profit to agents. Freight paid. Credit given. Outfits free. Send 4 2-cent stamps for postage. Address COOPER & CO., 134 Lake St. Chicago. Cut in Shoes White oxfords 83c. 99c, $1.19; choc, low shoes 95c up. Cut in Misses' fine shoes $1.14; ladies' fine to $1.19. Red Front. The remains of George F., the 14 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kelly, who died at Astoria Sunday af ternoon. ' following an operation for appendicitis, arrived in Oregon City Monday evening and were conveyed to the home of the bereaved parents. Funeral services were held at St. Paul's Episcopal church at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Rev. P. K. Ham mond officiating. Interment was had at Mountain View cemetery. George was an exceptionally bright little fel low, a favorite with his classmates and associates and admired by his elders for his manly qualities. The bereaved parents have the sincere sympathy of the community in their Sheriff W. J. Culver and County Judge J. H Scott were in Oregon City yesterday where they met with the authorities of Clackamas county and In the intelligence of the people is the security of the nation. " In all mat ters of importance let reason rule. In the forth-coming election momentous issues are to be decided and these hang on your decision. My appeal is to you in your behalf. It matters little whether you select me to rep resent you in the State Senate or John Doe, but by all that is good, noble and grand, cast your votes for a man, who, like Caesar's wife, is not ' only pure, but above suspickm. Give voice and action to the promptings of a good conscience. Do not stifle this silent monitor. Do Right. On the 4 th day of June assert your rights by purging Clackamas County of a debased politician, and supporting a man for the Legislature who has never taken a bribe nor secured any one to swear a positive falsehood. I entered this race for the public good. It is a pleasure to serve 'you and to assist in eliminating the indi vidual who has blurred the fair name of our County and State. Respectfully, N. F. NELSON. Spring fever is prevented by the use of our Red Line Sarsaparilla. None Just as good. Our price CO cents. CHARMAN & CO., City Drug Store. MR. B. METZGER OF Metgef & Company JEWELERS AND. OPTICIANS 111 Sixth St., near Washington, Portland, Oregon Will be at the Electric hotel every .Wednesday, He will test your eye's free, should you need glasses, he will fit you. .All work guaranteed and prices the same as in Portland. WE GUARANTEE A PERFECT FIT FOR ONE DOLLAR. Remember, lenses are included at thesgf prices. We change your lenses at often as required without extra charge. v '