OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1906. M ol nnnnnnnuu 1 I I I S A I Pi I A i A I II II f i n s R Jr lu n JJ I I J If I I If If I The House was Piled ftill of People From one End to the Other. The Whole City was Awake to the Situation THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS WE CAN OFFER YOU MEN'S SUITS They are single or double breasted and come in greys, browns, plain blacks and blues The $25 and $27.50 values j -7C Carnival price The $16 and $18 values O 7 Z Carnival price J J -J The $10 and $12.50 values A Q T Carnival price Boys' Knee Pants Suits For half their real value Knee Pant Suits $3 and $4 7 Q values Carnival price .. I S Knee pants suits regular $2.50values go at 1.39 Men's Underwear Fleece lined, regular 75c values Carnival price Medium weight in. brown, blue, and black , 75c values ' Am') f Carnival price ftC Light weight for summer wear, regu lar 50c values y 1 Carnival price C Men's Work Shirts G0c values Carnival price 43c Handkerc'fs 3c 4c 6c 9c Ladies' Vests i 5c valtfes 8 c Infants' Shoes 50c values 1 9 c Men's Pants 99c $1.44 $2.29 Men's Jumpers and Overalls 50c valaes 39c Children's Dresses 3 to J 2 years in Brown, Blte and Plaids, $2 values 99c Baby Bonnets 25c values 13c We Ae tlie People Behind the Gun We are directing each shot and they are shooting into the enemies' camp at a fearful rate. It is coming to all the people's gain and not the very few. The farmer and the working man have heard of it and they are sending word to their friends and neighbors for miles around. You have been paying 50 and 100 per cent profit to these mansion dwellers, but the Eastern Mercantile Company has come, to your relief. While others it is their loss the people 'get the benefit. Havoc The Savings are something magnificent, and if we were to tell you the whole truth in detail, in this advertisement, it would sound like a fairy tale, too good to believe, so we leave it to you to come to the store to see for yourself to feel with your fingers and to look with your own eyes and then they will know that no other store in Oregon City has ever before attempted such a collossal price slaughtering Carnival. Men's Suit Prices That Will Wake Men Up You may be a man with a great deal of ability but nine out of ten men judge you by your dress. This Carnival has put a new suit of clothes within the grasp of every man in this locality, no matter how humble his station or small his income. If you have a poor job, dress up now and get a better one. If you have a good job and plenty of clothes buy a new suit now and save half of what you would pay for- another one. Just drop in and take a look anyway. If you don't want to buy after you see the way prices are marked down, we won't sandbag you. It is a matter of money with us. Get in now with the other boys, the water is fine. Get Busy, Act Now! Now! Now! The distinct understanding with all the people is before you in great big plain letters "Follow the Crowd and Come to our Store." Thanking you one and all for your ' attendance to the sale in the last few days and trusting you will be here each and every day during the sale, we are faithfullv yours. Men's Socks 3c 4c 6c 7c 1 2c 1 6c Men's Ties 6c 9c 19c 29c Ladies' - Wrappers 43c 78c Misses and Children's Hose 8c 9c 1 Vc Ladies' Hose J 5c values He Men's Summer Hats 35c values 19c Boys' Knee Pants 23c 49c 69c Extra Specials For Women Nobby new Spring Jackets, tight and semi-fitting, notch collar and collarless styles. Some lined others unlined $3.00 values $4 and $5 values $6 and $7 values 49c 95c $ 1 . 1 4 MEN'S HATS Conqueror brand, fashion's latest con ceit, in soft models, $3 and $3.50 y valuesCarnival price 1.11 The $2 values QQ go at Z7S The $1.00 Values 30 go at Jww, Shoes Men's dress shoes in vici kid velours and box calf, heavy and light soles regular $3 values R f OA Carnival price Men's work shoes, $2 values f OQ Carnival price iy Ladies' vici kid, pat tips, heavy soles $2 values I 10 Carnival price Iy Men's Dress Shirts Regular $1.25 values Carnival price J Men's negligee shirts, regular $1.50 values Carnival price Bargain Day All the Time We Are Here to Serve "You Thirty Days We Celebrate Don't Wait Come Early The tern Mercantile Co GR AND MERCHA1MBI Knapp's Hall, Co. Tenth and Main Sts., SE GARMVAI Oregon City, O.