Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 04, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Stipend ous
We arc retiring from business and must vacate our
premises within 60 days, so we are compelled to
slaughter our immense stock of seasonable mer
chandise at unheard-of low prices. The greatest
money-saving values ever offered the public. Note
a few of the many purse openers :
$20 Suits at
18 M "
15 " "
10 M
Furnishing Goods below cost ; Hats at less than
manufacturers' prices and all other merchandise
down to bedrock prices. Come early while good
selections can be had.
Sixth and Main Street
Circus coming to
annate, mm m mwm
Double Menagerie
Real Roman Hippodrome
Scores of Trained Wild Beasts
Pretty EDNA
The Only Lady in the Entire World who throws
SOMERSAULTS on the Naked Back of
a Swiftly Running Horse.
Thundering Roman
9Lrs- i itnuni rrr iininrnr ninnn
Only Lady Japanese Artists in America
Boys' Clothing Reduced
45 per cent.
odd Lots $450 Pants
at $2.25
Regular $4 Pants. $1.90
$3 " 1.45
Ail ,Mh.rc ,,,,-pH in
i All V ".. vj 1 V. V H. V V
Oregon City WEDNESDAY, MAY 9
22 Famous Equestrians
18 Daring Aerialist,
23 Merry
T. i . all
Chariot Races
Astonishing Acrobats
$5 Men s Shoes at $3.65
4 3.05
3.50 Men's and Wo
men's Shoes at $2.50
3.00 Men's and Wo
men s Shoes. $2.35
2.M) Mens and Wo-
men's Shoes. $180
Children's Shoes be
low Cost.
Oregon City, Oregon
10 Lovely Ladies of Faultless Form in Clusslc
Poses on u Great Revolving Pedestal
Arabian Tumblers
Stiik (10)
Iniriei'l Greatest Cyclists ind Roller Skittfi
10 Reckless Rough Riders
Ma5 Picards
Aerialists Supreme
7 Russian
(Continued from Pago i i
th Milwaukee lth every facility
It Im mii til by railroad engineers tlutl
ell having twin n membor of nil of
tiii'so orders iiiv. k. s Bollinger,
'pastor 01 llio First Congregational
church made it ftw remarks and itt
i in' ooDohiiioo of the services, which
wore brief, the remains wore taken
to Hlvrvltv cemetery, near Portland,
I fur Interment. tln Hlonmor Pudlne
having Ihvii chartered for the funeral '
party. During the MrrioMi it number I
of Selections Wi ll' Hllllg llV II quintette
consisting tf Mlas draco Mnrs.li ill I. J
Miss Marks, .1 W I, odor nml 0. II :
Tlic business houses nf the city i
doted during tan Umt of the funeral
nml the people of Mm city assembled '
In one groat throng ( pay it lust trib
ute Of regard to a fttllliful, fearless
mill efficient OfflOfT aiul a highly ro- i
; spected aiul honored cltlron.
Sketch of Sheriff Shaver.
John It Shaver was a nntJ v of this
staii. having ltHn horn nt Bllvet ton
19 veins ago, of pioneer stock, his pat
ents having crossed the plains In
1851. When u yoniiK man Mr Shaver
was engaged in llii livery stable busl
MM In Kant 1'inllnnil. nt one tlmfi
'serving as deputy ussoiaor fur Huh!
Portland before that district was b
corporal ed Into the city proper Sub
sequontly In' rontuvod to Ctackamai
county and kx'ntcil on n fm in nonr :
Ifolalla, whan ho raaldad until July.
1901, whatli followliiK his otooUon
Sheriff, lie romovcil with his family
to this city. Sheriff Shaver luul one
of the host farms in the county nml
; was ail extensive flfttf of hlooiloil
cattle, with which Ills farm Is very
plentifully supplied. At the clime of
his first term ns Sheriff. Mr Shiner
wuh ronomltlHtoil aiul re elected mid
would hove concluded his second term
In July.
Sheriff Shaver was a thorough, cure
fill. palitxtakiiiK ami conscientious of
fldnl lie was one of the substantia!
citizens of the QOV&tJ and Ills friends
; were leKlon. H WH a fiiltliful offl-
rial, mi esteemed neighbor ami a val
ued friend.
Sheriff Shaver's Immodlato family
.consists of a wife, two sons and three
daughters, llvlnn In Oregon City. The
children are Misses Zeltua. Klla and
(ienevleve. Karl and Lloyd Shaver He
nlso leaves bis mother, two brothers
and three sisters, living In I'ortlaml.
nml a brother (ieorge, who Is now In
Alnska. The two brothers in Port
land are .1 VV. and Delnier Shaver, of
the Shnver TransMirtatloti Company
The sisters are Mrs Herman Wltten
berg. Mrs QOr(a HOJTl anil Mrs. Al
b. rt S. Hetntx.
Df.ith Greatly Deplored.
Interest In the pursuit of the dos
Mradc Frank Smilli was only siirpas
sed locally by the general grief thnt
followed the announcement of the
ileatli of John H Shaver The ow
, anlly and unprovoked murder In cold
blood of Officer llanlon and Sheriff
Shaver serveit to Intetislfy the pi-nernl
XCltement that has existed here dur-
' Ing the last ten day.
H. W. Trembath Appointed Sheriff.
The County Court Wednesday af
ternism tppotBttd Constable H W,
Trembath. of this city, as Sheriff to
fill the unexpired term of the Into
Sheriff Shaver The deeoaseil offlelal
! was serving his second term which
would have expireil Monday. July 2.
' Mr. Trembath. the appointee, la a
native son of Clncknnias county and
, for Uie last two years has served as
consnible of the Oregon City Justice
district, being renominated nt the re-
'rent primary election for a laOOtll
Resolutions Are Adopted.
At a meeting of the Clackamas
'County Republican Central Commit -I
tee held here Monday, the following
resolutions offered by Jas. C Camp
I bell, on tlw- donth of Sheriff Shaver,
' were unanimously adopted by a rising
vote of tho Committee:
"Whereaa, John it. Sharer, sheriff
i was brutally murdered on the MU)
day of April. 1906, In the discharge of
his duty, and.
"Whereas. It Is with
sorrow that
every good citizen has
beard of the
great misfortune that has befallen the
County In the donth or this brave of
I fleer, and.
I "Whereas, The greatest devotion to
one's country thai any citizen Is cap
able of Is that he lays down his life
in the discharge of his duty, lliereforo,
I he It
"Resolved. That In the death .of
Sheriff Shaver the county hits lout
( a brave and efficient officer and the
I country a respected and honored citi
zen. Be it further
"Resolved, that this committee ten
dor the family or the deceased Its sin-
j cere sympathy in the Irreparable loan
i they have sustained by the death of
the husband and father. He It fur
! ther
"Resolved, That, tl xamplo of
I Sheriff Shaver in his cournge nml do-
! votion to duty be commanded to ail
! citizens and officials."
At a meeting of the Clackamaa
i County Har Association, presided over
: bv Judge T. a. McBride, a committee i
'of five members was appointed to pre
j pare resolutions on the death of
Sheriff J. K. Shaver. The members
of the committee, consisting of three
attorneys ami two of the county of
ficials ure: rrankHn t. Orlfflth, 0. i.
Latourette anil John K. Clark; County
cierk Qreanman and County Treat-
i urer Cuhlll. The Association also re
quested that business men or Oregon
City (Jose their placet or buaineai
W'ednesday from 10 until 11:80 a.
j m., during the time or the funeral
j services over the Into sheriff.
in our educational system or today,
there are a great many fundamental!
which are settled, which we look up
on as tho natural order or thing!,
which many tUPpOte could never have
been questioned. Among, these ea
Huntlnls is the principle that our pub
lic, schools shall be tree. As thorough
j ly established, us almost, universally
I unquestioned as this principle Is t.o
I day, yet there was a time In the enrly
I part, of the nineteenth century when
Mils was a vital Issue undergoing tho
heat of popular discussion. The argil
ntnti tain advanoed, that each rami
I) should edlicale Its own chlliliou nt
private expense. Hint a person Willi
out children should not be taxed to
educate his neighbor's children, and
iiuii fMntltaa nay have their ohlMren
uneducated If they so desire these
arguments today are not considered
worthy of second thought AM reooaj
BUM that II Is for the welfare of tho
slate and lliereforo the duty of the
state to see that Its future cltlM&a
are educated All realize Unit Is ben
aflelal to baya InVilllsanl neighbors,
that the laiety Of life and propeiiy,
and that the existence of tho nation
H . ii depends upon education
Ye! I here are BOOM who are advane
lug those same arguments aguliisl the
Comity High School It Is Hue that
some will he taxed who "ill send no
Chlldran to the school, never the less
they will be benefitted Indirectly, A
constant stream of young people of
high school education passing mil Into
the social life of a community win
affect It In every ib-partpienl The
rural districts will receive hotter
teachers, the business men hotter
help. The state roeognl.es the belle
lit of having Culversltlos and N'ormul
Schools, the eoilllty ought to recog
nize the benefits accruing from high
schools, As tlu state Is the null for
college education the coiinly Is the
unit for the high school The district
Is too small to secure the greatest
The significance of education can
not bo appreciated without consider
ing the fact that the school gives the
power to continue ones education
with Increasing skill throughout life
Our know ledge Is iicipilred by per
sonal experience and by absorbing the
thoughts ami experience of others
Tin- illiterate may grow slowly In
mental power b reason of his expert
BBOC In life Hut how much more rap
Idly will his educated companion grow
by means of tits ability to profit by
the eape fiancee of others tun much
more will he accomplish In a givcm
time nml how much more greater will
bo bin ability to servo his fellow man?
What man aCOOnpUahee mid his sue
cess In 1 1 f t Is gained largely by ox
perlcnOB yet thl rapidity with which
he accumulates those experiences do
ponds usiti his powers at the begin
nlng A business man of 4n may look
with contempt upon the high school
graduate of .'0. but beware' thai f)
your graduate may possess powers
which with '.'it years' experience will
enable him to far outstep his former
With a high schisil graduate there
are opened new windows out of which
to observe man and nature physics
ami chemistry give the laws of si-i
once, hlstorv the Mien ; ..-. and fall
urea of man. and algebra and geome
try the exac. thought of mathematical.
With this better training. lOCOewe
surely awaits the young innii or
VOBUUI of ordinary ability
We may pause here and ask the
queettoai. What makes our efftllaa
I lou great' r than another'.'" Why Is
RoerawMc, peraerering a- fiim u general'.)-
ni ce-', ir . to overcome the obctaelei
nnd attain ureal and noble ends In lite.
Bo, too, it one hi efllleted with t dread
diteaat which Im- (i-n-insi iiweil upon
some i if tbeorgau of the bodj and become
firmly sealed ,i i lingering or chronic
malady, active and peratetcnl trcataMat
i" l'i uer.iiiy mwiary to dteiudge the
Slin e ntiv tnnllcil ireatinent, howevi-r
gissi it iimy ip. mn-t be long continued
io order t ibeeffeetlve in old netahllahrd
unit therefore nbatlnale ceoea, how Im
port .1 in iimt the rnmedlcal agcaelei em
ployed ! of a harm law character. To be
safe and harmicee, when their um Ii thus
pmiracttsi, they inocid be of such nature
a to be eeeliy eliminated or carried out
of the srvtem when they have performed
their erork, inai m the refute ol fist i
i nn e, nut nt tnaaratem, Hotl mineral
medicines are not thui eaally gniu'ti rid
of. Take afaeaia, for Inttance, if intro
dnced Into the iretem lo any contlderable
quaiitlly it w III 1'mIuc In the brain, liver.
kidneys and iille-r purls and there remain
aa a foreign iksK toaei up irritation and
dtfeaaefori long period of time it death
doai not wHiner Intervene. This Is nlso
true of moaymlnernl medlclnea,
With medicine nt vegetable oompoai
tlou It is different. Thej do their word
by aiding the natural fpnctlom of the
several organs ol ihn UidT for which they
have an affinity, and like the refuse of
o i r fondi urn carried nut of the eyatem
throutoi tne tiaiurai nmunctoiiet the1
lung. kin, kldneyi and howelt, Tbuil
no injury U done to the aystem in cate
where toe use of such mndlflnC Is coll- !
tinned for ti King period of nine. Eape
eiallj I" thi trui .1 the medicine taken la
free 'ri no alcohol. It Is well know ll. bow
aver, that even small porthmi i alcohol
taken for a considerable period of time
win do serious Injury ui t he bodily orgtfui
and function and oepeclail) to the brain.
Bow Important then, in chootlng a med
icine fur treating malad) d long staud-
Ing, and when medlclnet muat, in order
locum, be preanverlngl) taken (or a con
itderable period of time, thai thoae only
should Im- used w blch are knmi n In Is- free
from alcohol an i ol regatabit composi
tion Willi mint, medicinal put up for family
use and sold through drngglitt, their
competition Is kept a profound Hicret,
know ii only to those w ho compound and
put them out for sale. Any afflicted
IMirson who buyi and ues then, does so,
as It, were, In the dark, If not Indeed at his
or her peril. They may and generally b,
contain a very large percentage of alcohol
or cheap whisky which thoroughly unfit!
them for protracted use. Hut this Is not
the worst, fault, of many of them, objec
tionable though It, Is. Narcotics and
mineral poisons, which we have show n In
be to harmful, especially w hen Used pro
tractedly, are contained in many of these
Mere! coin pounds.
To overcome the well-grounded and
reasonable otvlootloni of the more Intel
ligent to tht use of secret, medicinal com
nouuds, Dr. It. V. Pierce, of Buffalo. H,
V.. some time ago, decided to make a bold
departure from the usual course pumucd
by the maker of put-up medlclnei fordo-
meitlC use, and so has putillshed brond
cast, and openly to the whole world, a full
and complete list of all the Ingredients
entering Into the coin position of bit widely
Celebrated medicines. Thus he has taken
his ntimerotl pa trims ami patients Into
his full confidence, Thus t00 be lias re
moved his medicines from among secret
nostrum of doubtful merits, and made
them RemcdtcM of Known Oowpoirttinn,
By thl bold step he has shown that his
formula! aW Of such excellence that be
Is not, afraid lO subject them I (the fullest
"orulJuy. He has come to believe, and is
, willing tn concede, that bis patlentt ami
all who lake bis put, up mod lei ties have a
It that the Indian, the Chinese, and
Die Philippine civilization In DO I as
Q04 us ours or Hint of Nuropoiin
count i'Iom? ICvldently the answer Is,
it is mi account of the oiiiiliiiion of
the people Tho ncciiliiplliiblllonts of
one or two grout BJWO are not taken
the Oivllllltlon Of the race, for If
this wore mo I hero would not In- a
groat difference between nations.
ilM there are great men In all land'
II Is the Intelligence, the power, the
activity or the groat mass of people
that determine the ran It of nation
mining tho civUlaad people "r the
This being true, the pbonoinoual
growth of high schools in the United
State l Oil object of pride of eVOI
true American. Tin unly hogb
school in not an untiled experiment
Its growth has been very rapid In the
Diddle west during the past ton years.
Ohio loads with M township high
schools, ndlanfe next with 89 Men
i ana bud II county high IChOOll In
l!uTj while Oregon had but one These
itatiitloa are looordlng to the report
nt tiu United tsatoH CeamJeeloner or
IMncat Ion's report for IMI Oregon
bus now four county high BChOOU
one each in crook, wheeler, Klamath
ami Harney counties. All these are
much more sparsely settled than
Uickajnai county, gad do not low
h i rood facilities for coiuniunlcatlon
Why cannot Clackamas county hai
a high BChOOll Let thl fOteri grajWOI
a' the next election, In our hands Is
pla I the decision of a queetiOB which
cannot fail boi aSaot the poeitlon
which Oils county shall take among
the counties or this state In educn
Uonal affain HutU e, for perchance
a half mill tax, cast obstacle In the
Wg) of our boys ami girls starting
mil .n life as well equipped as any in
the stale'' ld us answer Juno 4
I,. A. Ill AO
Hyspepsln Is America's curse. Hut
dock llbsid Hitters coiupiers dyspep .
sin every time It drives out Impuri
ties, tones tlpt atomnch, restores per
fsxjt digestion, normal weight, and
gisiil health
Colonist's tickets will he sold from
, tin- Bant to points on the Oregon line
or the Southern Pacific Co via POM
i land, commencing February IS and
looOtlaaiag dally to and Including April
7 and from September Ifi until October
31 The rates rrotn some nt tho BfiBCl
pal points ore Chicago. tt: lllnom
lugton III $31 HO; Si Uiuls. fm
Omaha, tl; Kansan City, 25; Conn
Oil muffs, $2r; 8t. Joseph, t:T,; Sioux
city. $'.', Denver, $26; rorrospondlng
rates will be matta from other jMilnts
and will appear to all points on Ore
gun lines
Persons desiring to pay for tick
ets to bring anyone from the Kant or
middle West to Oregon may deposit
the amount required with the local
agent of the S P. The company will
do the rest. For further Information
Inquire at any Southern Pacific ticket
-1 feci right to
taking Into i heir
Not oulj doee
bottle of In Ph p
no er . the ! i Be
know what they r
ticniii lis
the wrapper ol everj
n'i tliddi ii Medical
us im dii ine for aeil
Momach, torpni iher or bllloumi
nil catarrhal diaeaaee wherever located
hive rorintrd uiniii it, in nfefti Bftuftin i
lull ami eaminete list of nil the uum.':
i hi- comwi ii g It. but .1 Mi, all bonk hi
been entnplled f , nnmeriiiM itandar
medical work, "i ;'H the dlfferi nt chool
of practice, rotitaliiing very numeron
extracts from the writing,, of leading
practitioner ol medicine, endorsing In
thr ifrtmotirl ,m -.,i icrm, eich i I
every Inirndlenl contained In I r. Pletce'i
nedictiii. (hie ol ihcebiile look will
is' mailt i tree lo an) one ndiinrai'dre-s
ui pnetel eird 0 til letter, t-i Or. I!. V.
Pierce. Ituffnlo, N. V.. and requeetnigthfl
-a me. rein this little Usik It will is.
learned that Or. Pierre's medlclnei con
tain no alcohol, narcotic, mineral tgentt
or oiber pmacmont or injnrloui agentii
that tbcv ure made from liidlgenou, or
iiativ e, medicinal rooti ol great value, tbp
pmnertlei ol which are extracted ami
perfectly preserved by the uie ol Ui pie
re fined, rhemlcallr pure glycerint of
proper itrenglh, It will also be found
that the alycerine employed greatly an
banoee the curative principle of the
several root em loyed, it is the is-st
possible solvent of tie ir medicinal prlncl
jiles, beelde m lew mg intrinsic mealcinal
value of ItlOWn, being n line demulcent,
nutritive, intlseptlg and intlferment
Prom perusing this little book of ex
tracts. It will bo fiilinil Hint -nine of tho
moat valuable Ingredient! contained in
Dr. Pierce'! Favorite Proscription for
weak, nervous, ov er-worked, "run dev. n,
ami debilitated women, were empWaadj
long year ago, by tne Indian for similar
ailments affecting their squaws, in fact
one of the molt v altttble medicinal idaiits
entering Into th mposltlon of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Pretcrlptioti a as know n
10 the liHh.o - as "Squaw-Wood." Our
know ledge of the nei oi not a few of our
most valuable native, medicinal plant!
was gained from the Indians.
As made up by Improved and exact pro
cesses, the "Favorite Prescription" Is a
most, efficient remedy for regulating nil
the womanly function!, correcting dis
placements, ns prolapsus, gnteveriion
and retroversion, overcoming painful pe
riods, toning up the nerves and bringing
about a perfect state of health, It cures
the backache, t lie ilragglug-ilow n distress
in the pelvic region, tne pain ami tender
neaa over the ovarlea, drlei up the pelvic
catarrhal drain, aoditagreeahle and weak
ening, ami overcome! ev ery form of weak
lass Incident to the organs dislluctly
" Favorite Prescription" W the only med
icine for women, the mnkert of w hich are
not, afraid to print their formula mi the
boi i lo w rapper, thus taking their patron
Into their full confidence, it, g tne only
medicine for women, every Ingredient of
which he tile strongest Kmlbie endortts
ment of the most eminent medical prao
tltloneri and writer! at our day. rcrom
momlliig II for Hie discuses for which
"Favorite Preecrlptlon " is used, it is the
only put-up medicine bv women, sold
through druggist, which doei not contain
a large percentage of alcohol, so harm
ful in the long run, especially to delicate
women, thai more genuine cures to Its
credit than all ot her medlclnei for women
combined, hav ing saved thouiandi of auf
(eren from the Hiirgeon'i knife, it has
restored delicate, weak women to strong
and vigorous health and virility, mak
ing motherhood poiltblfl where there vvns
barrenneu before, thereby brightening
ami mnklngfhappy many thousand! oi
homes by tiie noveiit, of little ones to
strengthen the marital bonds and add
sunshine where gloom and despondency
had reigned before.