Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 04, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Constipated All His Life
801 Mnin St., Peoria, III.
Wilhrrt Thompson nfver knew a wfll day until last June fie had been eonrtipaltd all Ml life-many
doctor treated him, but all tailed to even help him hit health failed rapidly and on January 21,
1903, Mrs. Thompson asked us to suggest a treatment (or her husband We thought the case
too serious and recommended that a specialist be consulted "but he alvo failed to help the
p..tint NOW HH IS Wf I I .
Mull's Grape Tonic Cured Him
Mrs. TNtOMOfl flfst wrotn u in follows: "My litintinrid. lurid 21, milTi'M fruin sharii pains In Ills stomvh anl
snmetlmiss thlaHs It M bis heart, I in. know by return mail tlit cauws Mm alii, II you van. Mr. lliouis ii
has Ihh'ii .rritlml by wtvnrn! l(s:tor, liul limy have nffl MB Up."
Wn riimlly mlvlsH that a first i lass i:IIhI Im' cofiHiilli it, Vii'ft: "Wn Wimt to aell Mull s Grape
Timlr, liiM iiiisii wn Know II will corn iiiiiitlpallou, lint ItW. a lw,Uln Ih no olijnfll to III wln-n H linman Itffl Is at stako,
and If your husband's raw li as snrlous an you statu, wo siiKKCst you consult u rrll'ililo sixwlallst. not tlir lelvrrtlilnic
klmt. promptly." At tint SHlim HIM, kuowliik Unit Mull's Grape 'Ionic MUM -to DO harm, inlvU.-. Us urn until a
pliysli inn oouUl h noiinilU-d. January JA M i . Thompson. roh- that it physician hal dwn noimiilMwt. Ilo Olaif
nosed llm nisnas Ixtlnv rlirwilc constipation and dyspepsia. Ills treatment was followed faithfully, but tlmrn was
n.p parMptlbW Improvement In Mr I lnaiipson'a lnalth. 'I lien lie Ih'khii takliiK M 'ill's frao 'Ionic and on Kept.
I, nam, w roeoivasl llm foilowiiiK bHi from Mrs. Thompson:
"Vou will rensembar thnt I -rote to you last Januar- In ragarrl to my huaband'a health. It
la four monthaslnoa he quit taking Mull'aOrape Tonlo lor oonatluatlon, whloh he sultered from
alnoe birth. Me took ual 24 bolt lea of It and la perfeotly oured. Ho la muoh stronger and ha
galnod oonalderably In lleah. I cannot thank you enough for Mull'a Orape Tonlo. 'It la worth Re
welg tit In gold.' tluat 1 1 2 oured him and he ha apent hundred of dollar with dootora who did
him no good. Now I want to atate my oaae to you and expect your early reply. I alao have constl-
patlon, have had lor three year. Kindly let me know aa I am aure It will oure me II you say It will,
would I
Very reapeotlully youra,
a It did all vu ninimurf II timlii In mw huhand'a oaae. I await an early reolv.
BUS. w. II. I nuniroua, DS l main si., rwr p,ni.
This Coupon It good for a 50o. Bottle of
Mull's Grape Tonlo.
I ill out Ibis roiipnti anil ifinl to the DaMnlfi
Mr. II. In. I ,,., Ml Tlilnl'Aii. , Ile. k Island, III., mnl pM
.in maalta foil mm, Bm, fcatUa al Msill's - i
I no It-.
I i.,.m oev.r lakrn Moll's drape Tonli , lint If rati
ill mi pply me w lib a ftOe. 1ml 1U Ire., I will lake II n.
Street Ni
Ity Ntata
ivi run aooaaaa o waive hsi.lt.
or nny
on of
of its kindred,
your drug(iat
If yon ur- MBlcted willi roust ijnittnai
ilivnara we swill buy a 50-cfiit Ixjltle for
innl give It to you to try. It you art coir Utmled wo know 11
will OWV you. Surely if wr Imvo aurh confidence in our rrmcdy
ns to pay for iKittle of it that you may test for yourself its won
ilrrfti! curative qualities, you sliyuld not ri-fnae to accept our offer.
Mull's Grape Tonic
la the only tore for constipation known. We lo not recom
mend it for anything but Const 1 tuition imd its allied diseases. It ia
our free i;if'. to you. Hi accepting thin free ttottlc you ilo not obligate
yourself further tlwiii to take ita content. Mull's Crape Tonic is
iile.iHiiiit to take and one txittle will U-nefit you. We want you to try
it taif therefore, if vou will fill out the attached couon and mail
it to us to day wo will instruct your druggist to give you 50-cent
bottle mid charge aaiue to us.
HOWELL & JONES, Reliable Druggists.
; Sunday and apont. the day with Mrs.
Mr. and Mr. Paul fftftag and
daughter Noma, apent. Hunday at t'ap
tain Smith'.
j Mra. HeriwaiilieaueT Ih In Portland,
; vlHltlni? her daughter. Mrs. Hoach.
I Mr. and Mm. W. K. Drayton spent
Saturday and Sunday with their
flitutc lif'-r. Mr. Wood, of Clackamaa.
fJuy I'lireelPa and young Mr. Itlt.t.on
house's friend, will Iio glad to know
j the lioyn Biirvlvod the San Francisco
disaster, and arc working away aa If
nothing ever happenod In their lo
cality. Miss Wllaon waa kindly remernber
ed that Tueaday was May day by hav
ing beautiful floral baskets left, at
her floor, 8h heard a low nolao and
on going to the door saw the reced
ing forma of the Mlasea Stella Crosa
and Ituth Ranch. The girls have Mlsa
Wilson's sincere thanks for their kind
' remembrance.
Claud Foraythe left Monday for the
Jiwi-r Columbia, where be expocta to
work for the Hummer.
The Parkplace school will give
their annual entertainment Friday
evening, May 11. An excellent pro
gram Is being prepared.
decrease In the same ratio that the
use of I)r King's New Life PIIIh in
ereaaea. They save you from danger
and bring quick and painless release
from constipation and the Ilia grow
ing out of It. Strength and vigor al
ways follow their uae. Guaranteed
by Howell ft Jones, druggists, 25c.
Try them.
See Nature's
Wondrous Handiwork
Through Utah and Colorado
Castle date. Canon of the
firand, Hlack Canon, Mar
shall and Tennessee Pau
ses, and the World-Famous
Royal Gorge
For Ijescripltlve and Illustrated
Phampleta, write to
W. C. McBRIDE, Gen'l Ag't,
124 Third St., PORTLAND, Or.
Mra. I, 8. Yoder of this place died
Of paralysis at 4:20 p. m. Sunday.
April 29. Interment was made at the
Smyrna cemetery at 10 o'clock a. m.
Tuesday, Rev. Smytbe of Hubbard,
conducting the funeral services. Mrs.
Yoder whose maiden name waa Frye,
was born In Butler county, Ohio, June
1C, 1842. While yet a child she came deep
with her parents to McLean county,
Illinois, where In 18GC she was mar
ried to Jonathan 8. Yoder, who with
six sons and two daughters, are left
U mourn her death.
two weeks. Several parties have
looked for him, but. found no trace.
It Is reported that he went out. In the
mountains with a timber cruiser and
owing to some difficulty arising over
the payment of an old account, ru
mor has K that Al. Pa ; has been
made way with. Several years go
the name man wan missing and after
an unsuccessful attempt to And him,
he came walking In. It ia hoped he
may do the same this time.
Lloyd Shaver, youngest son of the
Sheriff, who resides on the farm at
Molalla. Immediately went to his fath
er's side when the phone message
came that his father was shot. We
fear the Injured man will not live but
a few short hours. Later John R.
Shaver baa died. Everybody Is in
sympathy with the family In
A very pleasant week ho far.
We heard at noon of the ileath of
the misguided Smith, and one could
Hot but feel relief In the certainty
he could bring death and sorrow to no
more stricken families.
Mrs Mint Peters has Invitations
out for a ipilltlnK on WttfBtfsilf
The tenelnT. MIkh Donaldson, Mrs
7. Klllgsen, ami others, made a pleas
unt call upon Mr and Mrs Gage last
Sunday evening.
The earthipiake Is the principal top
ic o conversation In all gatherings
The Wai hltc's got a letter from Mrs
Welsenborn ; they were safe She
wrote they were very tired from sight
MOtaj anil their Jonnny. and slept
very soundly, so that although their
lied uas pushed in. m the wall a font
or more, and the lamp was Jarred from
the table, they slept through It nil.
Mr Htalnecker, whose daughter's
pitiful letter from San Fnim-laco, ap
ntarod ll last week's Knterprlae, sent
her $.riil Immediately, but of course tllov
will In time icot their money from the
llev Waehlte's I wo sons made a
flying visit home on Friday
Mr Gage's daughter, Mrs Holtnn.
und fnmllv gut back Into their house
during the rain of Sunday night and
Monday ami filled It full of those
worse off than themselves. The fire
came across the street, but their
house was one of the few saved. It
In situated on liubols avenue.
I am NOjUOtttd by many to say that
all who are Interested are Invited to
gather at the Stafford cemetery on
Decorntlnn Day. Wednesday, the llnth.
bringing not only (lowers, but spades,
gmbhoes, or whatever needed to
dear land, nnd all Join In 11 friendly
and praise worthy efTort to make the
city of the dead beautiful. There are
harels to be grubbed out. trees to trim,
and an ocean nf fern to cut. nnd If
fern Is cut In June It will bleed to
death nnd the :mth of May Is very m ar
June The question of the fence
gOght to be OOlUlldOrOd also, therefore
come one and all dressed and prepar
ed for work, with lunch baskets and
coffee pota. Como early and avoid
the rush.
jrisiir baby'.' You wonder why he cries
Bttjl a bottle of Willie's Cream Venn
Iflljsj nnd he will never cry. Most
babies have worms, and the mothers
don't know It White's ('renin Verm
ifuge rids the child of worms and
cleans out Its system In a pleasant
Kvory mother should keep
of this medicine In the house.
and cattle gritlug
and walking on tin
lug over the yard
grass on our lawns.
along the street
1 sidewalk, reach
fences after the
and as one of the
coiiucllmen live here and his stock
are on the street, we presume there
Is no law against letting stock out
Inside the corporation. Hut when It
conies to putting a cow on the street
(hat scares women and children, we
do object
Mrs McGcchan lost a valuable dla
mond ring one day last week and nf
ler a patient search found It among
some leaves thnt had been gathered,
up In the yard.
Little Mattel Smalley la very sick.
Mrs Morati continues In feeble
Mr Pottlt Is sidling off his lumber
and Intends moving to Portland to'
make his future home
Mrs LtweUefl Is visiting at Spring
water this week.
The store was closed Wednesday
during the time of Sheriff Shaver's
funeral, many of our people went.
While our sympathy goea out to the;
ones whose homes were made deso
late by (he hand of the assassin, wn
ask our hoys to take warning from
what has passed and shun bad com
pany That murderer one time was
perhaps mother's boy and the lender;
kindness of a home perhaps wore'
showered on him. but he went nstrny
nnd today Is burled unhonored nnd
iincared for It may be that some
where In the land a mother, or sister.
Is wondering what has become of him
We need all our boys and we want
them to live such lives that we can
look with pride In their honest manly
The Jolly little girls of our town
were out hanging May baskets and
we found several on our door step nnd
heard their scampering feet. We said
God bless our girls too. They don't 1
forget their friends.
had chronic liver complaint, which led I PARKPLACE.
to such a severe case of Jaundice that ,
even my finger nails turned yellow; Mrs. W. F. Hoynton treated all the
when my doctor prescribed Klectrlc teachers to a tsquet of large double
Hitlers, which cured mo and have ; red (ullps Monday morning, for which
me well for eleven years " Sure
for HIIIoiihiichs. Neuralgia. Weak
and all Stomach. Liver, Kidney
Hladder derangements. A won
derful Tonic,
drug Htore.
At Howell
50 cents
& Jones
she has their sincere thanks.
Mrs. Press and daughter, Mrs. Cof
fee, from Portland, were gueata of
Mrs Ilrayton last Friday.
Mr and Mrs. W. M. Holmes and
daughter Marie, drove to Portland
ltoht Dullard took
and Mrs H. Wallace
Mr and Mrs
dinner with Mr
Mr. Hall passed through this burg
hstklng for beef cnttle which seems
to be rather scarce.
Mr and Mrs O Daniels have mov
eil up to l)ix Hros ' saw mill.
Mrs T Sugar, who was operated
on for cancer, is rapidly Improving.
Mr. .O. Daniels had the misfortune
to cut his leg while harking logs for
Dlx Hros.
Mrs. Stark, who Is sick, Is some bet
ter at this writing.
Mr. I'wls and Mr Km est Wallace
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Anderson. i
could not bring as much happiness to
Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline. Wis .
ns did one 26c box of Hueklen's Arni
ca Salve, when It completely cured a
running sore on her leg, which had
toriured her 2'i long years. Greatest
antlsceptlc healer of Piles. Wounds,
and wires. 26 cents at Howell &
Jpnee Drug Store.
A splendid rain, quite enough for all
Immediate purposes, and now It Is per
fect weather again; it is good to be
In Oregon.
Karly last Saturday morning this
community was thrown into a state of
excitement and sorrow by the shoot
ing of our neighbor, John Shaver, by
thug Smith, the desperado, at Wood
burn. About a dozen Molalla boys
went over Saturday to assist In run
ning down the murderer.
Al. Pasonld has been missing for
this, their great distress,
Willful false reports This Monday
morning some one gave out the re
port west of here a few miles that
they saw the desperado going across
a field limping. Molalla turned out
to get him. Dee Wright with the aid
of his shepherd dog soon ran him
down and It proved to be a neighbor
taking a near cut to his home, which
very plainly showed that the reporter
either was so excited that he did not
know his neighbor, or did not care
what he said.
Plate Glass, burglar-proof, and ell
kinds of casualty Insurance written
by O. A. Cheney of Oregon City. Of
fice with Justice of the Peace.
Near Huntley's Druf: Store,
ireat Britain and America.
C. 1. Gran
Transfer and Express
Freight and parcels -delivered
to all paits of the city
we seldom henr from this little
"When I was n druggist, at Livonia,
Me ," rites T. .1. Dwyer, now of
Graysvllle, Mo., "three of my custom
ers were iiermiinontly cured of
sumption by Dr. Klng'H New Discov
ery, and are well and strong today.
One was trying to sell his property
and move to Arl.ona, but after using
New Discovery 11 short time he found
It unnecessary to do so. I regard Dr.
King's New Discovery as the most
moaderful medicine In existence."
Surest Cough and cold cure ami throat
and lung healer Guaranteed by Unw
ell Ai June;, druggist. 6(1 cents nnd
$1.00. Trial bottle free.
Is being
this place
is nl-
it. fear
Drug Co.
Sold I
enter III
v llunlh
and I vii spent
Sunday in
We Invito everybody owning stock
to turn t hem mil In t he street ; II save i
one dollar a month for pasture, and
as we are nil nod nalured citizens
here We ciiii look out and see llOnM
' tot ,
w r 1
Made in black or yellow for all kinds
of wet work On 5le everywhere
Look for the of the Fish mv
the mint TOWtfi on the buttons
Mis Irish
Mrs. Jessie Reehner nnd Edith
Jackson spent Saturday nnd Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Charley Spangler.
Itev. Wet Hunter, of Oregon City,
will preach his farewell sermon at the
Kviuigellcnl church Sunday evening.
Mr. Monroe Irish and sons have
been I mining hops at Eldorado.
Mr. Eph Jones and family vlnlted
with relatives al Heaver Creek Sun
day. Misses lierthonii llownrd and IVnrl
Trulllnger nt tended the soctnl nnd
dance It MncUsliurg Saturday night.
The UurgesH girls have been train
ing hops for Mr, Lowery at Liberal
Mr. Cooper and Fred Voiulerhae
went Halting Monday.
Will Smith made n business trip
lo Oregon City Tuesday.
1 The primary election passed off
I qityetly in this vicinity.
I Mr. and Mrs. Lewis called on Mr.
and Mis. Davis one day Inst vok.
Mr. Molsen and son Fred wont to
Shubel Wednesday.
G. W. Fonts, postmaster at Hlverton,
Iowa, nearly lost his life nnd was rob
bed of all comfort, according to his
letter, which says: "For 20 years I
; As
Imrg we will try and have n corres
pondent from here.
Mr. Fred Howard and family
building on their place nnd will
tie In this vicinity
C. Hoynton is spending a few days
In Woodburn this week.
Mr. Aklns nnd daughter Jennie left
; Monday for Dix' mill, where they will
con- j work.
The bridge which
across Milk Creek at
most completed
Mrs January, of Portland spent a
few dnys with Mrs Fll.a Derrick Inst
The prospect for fruit In this vi
cinity Is very good.
Frank Shaw and family spent Sun
day with his father and mother of
tills plnee
A birthday dinner was given In hon-
or of Mrs. Wallace at Mulino Sunday
hi her home.
All enjoyed n good time nnd also the
delicious dinner. Those present wi re
Feed and Agnes Wood side and daugh
ter Echo, Mrs. Idn Hoynton, Mr. and
Mrs. Berry Hueknor. of Cams; Mr. and
Mrs. W, A. Woodslde. Henry Selt.cr.
Alfred Dodge, and Mrs. Sophia Wal
ItCe, recently from St. Louis.
Mrs. Snlly Howard's little girl has
been sick but Is better.
2,000 miles of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon, Washington, Cali
fornia and Idaho now in
operation by the Pacific
Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,251)
Quick, accurate, cheaj
All the satisfaction of a
personal communication,
Distance no effect to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane and San Francisco
as easily heard as Port
land. Oregon City office at
Harding's Drujr 8torf
If Yot Want
ELECTRICITY in your home will just about cut
out the fire danger. Curtains and draperies are not
endangered by the ELECTRIC LIGHT. Yet the
lampswilll .v vv lK-ever, whenever you want them,
bringing light in closets, cupboards, any dark places
entirely without risk,
ELECTRICITY in the sickroom aids thejdoctor and
the nurse in their ministrations. The electric light
enables the physician to make examinations at any
hour whole ingenious devices permit the heating
of water, the cooking of special dishes, quickly, safe
ly. An electric heating pad never too hot to burn
or blister retains just the proper heat.
ELECTRICITY furnishes the best and most
ECONOMICAL of all artifical illuminants. The
ELECTRIC LIGHT is there when you want off
when vou don't. It is not burning up money when
not wanted. It is not consuming air.
Think it over. If there are difficulties in
they can be removed.
"Some weeks ago during the severe
winter weather both my wife and my
self contracted sevore colds which
speedily developed into the worst kind
of In grippe with all Its miserable
symptoms," suys Mr. ,1. S. Ktfleston, of
Maple Landing, Iowa. "Knees nnd
joints nchInK, muscles sore, bond stop
ped up. eyes nnd nose running, with
alternate spoils of chills and fever.
We began using Chamberlain's Oottgh
Remedy, aiding the same with a doub
le, dose of Chamberlain
a "Cracker Jack" Plumbing;
Job at a little cost, by all
means confer with us before
s Stomach and h.indino' nut vnur rnntr.irt.
ldvor Tablets, nnd by Us liberal use
soon completely
Sold by Howell
knocked out
& .lones.
I lie grip.'
Main Street, near Uigbth
At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday
on Appointments.
JUNO W. THOMAS, Ht-utist
On cost of wiring, cost of current and informa
tion regarding the use of electricity for LIGHT or
POWER in the HOME, the OFFICE; the STORE
and the FACTORY promptly furnished upon appl
Cation to C. G. Miller at the Company's branch of
ffioe, next door to the Bank of Oregon City.
C. G. Miller, Contract Manager for Oregon City
Jayneis Tbnic Vermifuge
w 'Gives strength to men, women and children. d