Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 04, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Resolutions Adopted on Death of Of
ficer Other Matters.
At a meeting f the Oregon City
Council Wednesday night. V. Henry
Cooke wits appointed night watchman
to succeed tho lat Coorgo ,1. Hanlon.
who was murdered while In the per
formance of his duty by one so-called
Frank Smith on the night of tho ISd
ult Tho following resolutions wore
also adopted on the death of Hanlon:
"Whereas George .1. Hanlon. former
nlghtwatchman of Oregon City, was
always a faithful officer and was al
wavs found at his post of duty, and
"Whereas said George .1. Hanlon.
while In the faithful performance of
his duty as said officer, was brutally
shot and killed by one Prank Smith
on April 1806. now therefore, be It
"Resolved by the Council of Oregon
City. In regular session assembled,
that thev hereby express their apprec
iation of tin- faithful performance of
dutv by said George .1. Hanlon and
that the Council extend Its sympathy
to the bereaved family of the deceas
ed, and be it further
"Resolved, that a copy of those res
olutions be spread on the minutes of
the Council and that a copy be fur
nished the bereaved family of said
George .1. Hanlon "
The Improvement of Sixth street
between Railroad avenue and Water
street was ordered.
The matter of arranging for the
city's further printing was referred to
the finance committee.
A resolution was ndopted directing
tho finance committee to pay over to
the captors of the desperado. Frank
Smith, the reward of $250 offered by
the city.
A vote of thanks was extended the
0. W. P. Company for the special car
that was furnished by the company to
take Nlghtwatchman George .T. Han
lon. mortally wounded, to a Portland
Several other minor matters were
considered at this meeting which did
not terminate until nearly midnight.
Mr. Wm. Thos. Lanorgan. provincial
Constable at Chapleau. Ontario, says:
"I caught a severe cold while hunting
a burglarn the forest swamp last
fall. Hearing of Chamberlain's Coush
Remedy, I tried it. and after using
two small bottles I was completely
cured." This remedy is intended es
pecially for coughs and colds. It will
loosen and relieve a severe cold In
less time than by any other treatment
and Is a favorite wherever Its super
ior excellence has become known. For
sale by Howell & Jones.
Search Party Cornea on Paeold Com-!
fortably Ensconced in Cabin.
Far up in the mountains, about 26
miles from Molalla. Albert Pasold. the
missing mountaineer who disappeared
from a partv of Portlanders after
: J 2 V . n tlmriAK o' ; rn , i , .
davs since, was found safe and sound j
in his cabin Wednesday. Henry Mel-
drum. ex-Surveyor-General, headed the
party that found Pasold. This party
had been urged by friends and rela
tives of the mountaineer to make the
search as the snow still lies deep on
the high ranges, and much anxiety was
felt for the man's safety.
Pasold had no explanation to give
as to why he slipped away during the
night from the party he was guiding,
permitting them to get home as best
they could.
A happy home is the most valuable
possession that is within the reach of ,1
mankind, but you cannot enjoy its ,
comforts if you are suffei.ng from
rheumatism. You throw aside busi
ness cares when you enter your home
and you can be relieved from those
rheumatic pains also by applying
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One appli
cation will give you relief and its con
tinued use for a short time will bring
about a permanent cure. For sale by
Howell & Jones.
if you .suffer from Rheumatism or
pains, for Ballard's Snow Liniment
will bring quick relief. It Is a sure
cure for Sprains, Rheumatism, Con
tracted Muscles, and all pains and
within the reach of all. Price 25c,
50c, 11.00. C. R. Smith, Tenaha, Tex.,
writes: I have used Ballard's Snow
Liniment in my family for years and
have found it a fine remedy for all
pains and aches. I recommend it for
pains in the chest." Sold by Huntley
Bros. Drug Co.
succeed the first time use Herbine
and you will get instant relief. The
greatest liver regulator. A positive
cure for Constipation, Dyspepsia, Ma
laria, Chills and all lix-er complaints.
Mr. C , of Emory, Texas, writes:
"My wife has been using Herbine for
herself and children for five years. It
Is a sure cure for constipation and
malaria fever, which la substantiated
by what it has done for my family."
Sold by Huntley Bros. Dnis Co.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Notice ia hereby given that there
are sufficient funds on hand In the
general fund of Oregon City to pay
all outstanding warrants endorse.
prior to November 17, 1903. Interest
will cease with date of this notice.
Dated April 19, 1906.
City Treasurer.
Often The Kidneys Are
Weakened by Oyer-Work.
Unhealthy KiJnevs Make Impure Rlood.
It used to bo considci ed that only
bladder troubles vvcic to ttr
traced tO the kidneys,
but now modem
science panes that
nearly .ill diseases
have their beginning
in the disorder ot
these most important
The kidneys tiller
and purify the blood
that is then work.
Therefore, when your kidnev I am weak
or out of order, you can understand how
Huieklv vour entire IhxIv i effected and
how every organ seems to tail to do its
dutv. ,, .
if vou are sick or M feel lu.lly,' begin
takitig the great kidney remedy, Ir.
Kilmer's Swnmp-Root, because as mhmi
as out kiduevs are well the will help
all thfl other OrgUM to health. A trial
will Convince anyone.
If vou are sick vou can make no mis
take' by first doctoring your kidneya.
The mild and the extraordinary ctfect of
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. th great
kidncv remedy, is soon realized. It
stands the bighmt for its wonderful cures
of the most distiesMU
on its merits by all
druggists in fifty-cent;
and one-dollar sue
bottlea. You may
have a sample txUle
11,'to. fSm
by mail free, also a pamphlet telltni you
how to find out it JrOO have kidney or
bladder trouble. Mention this ttapcr
w hen writing to Or. Kilmer S: Co., I'uug
hamton, N'. Y. iKm't make any mistake,
but rememtwr the name. Swamp-Root,
Or. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every lottlc.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas county.
Yerna Schilling, Plaintiff.
F. W. Schilling. Defendant.
To F. W. Schilling, defendant nhove
named :
Tn the name of the State of Ore
iron. TOH are herehv rerjuired to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
cause on or before the Oth day of
.Tune. lOflf!. aid dav heinsr more
than six week from the ?7th day of
Anril. 100f!. the date of the first rn1.
lientionlof this nmmonc. and if vou
fail to so answer for want thereof
the nlnintiff will nnr.lv to the court
for the relief prnved for. towit :
For a decree of said court forever
filSeOlvillff the lonrl of mtrtrimonv
veen plnintiff nnd
plaintiff. Vernn
defendant: thf
Schilling, have the care, custody and
eonlrol of their said minor child.
Howard Schilling, nnd for ueh
other and further relief as mnv he
eoniTanie nni msr.
The o'ler for mihlionf ion of snm-
lie T i
"nn! tn fl
i.-ic made hv tVn
TTon. T1.es VeTtr;.''" JvA
tnflve onflH-l fWMtssJ on the "Hi
of Vnril. IftO.
The Mo of the fi rf
f His summon
nr 8TW. 1906,
ind the dote of the last publication
is June Rflj, mnn.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Liauor License.
Notice l hereby given that T will
annlv at the next regular meeting of
the Oreeon City Council for a license
: to conduct a saloon In my present
store building, west side of Main
Street, between Fourth and Fifth
Streeta. D. M. KLBMSEN.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. William Copland, Plaintiff,
va I
Hector B. Campbell and Mary E.
Camnbell. his wife. Defendants.
County of Clackamas. as.
By virtue of a judgment order, de
eree and an execution, duly issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 20th day of April 1906, upon a
judgment rendered anil entered in said
court on the 24th day of April. 1900,
in favor of William Copeland. plain
tiff and against Hector B. Campbell,
and Mary E. Campbell, his wife, de
fendants, for the sum of ll,000!00,
with interest thereon at, the rate of 7
per cent per annum from the 16th day
of August 1904, and the further sum
of 1100.00 as attorney's fee, and the
further sum of $lf,.."0 costs and dis
bursements, and the costs of and upon
this writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following described real
property, situate in the County of
Clackamas. State of Oregon, t.o-wit:
The West Half of the North East
Quarter (WVi of NE4) and the East
j Half of the North West. Quarter (EV2
Of NWV4) In Section Twenty-five (2r,
Township Three South (3 S) of Range
I Eight and One-Half East of the Wil
lamette Meridian (It ift E. of W. M.)
j containing one hundred and sixty
i acre
more or less.
Now, Therefore, by virture of said
execution, Judgment, order anil decree
und in compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
2Ct.h day of May, 1900, at tho hour of
ten o'clock a. m., at the front door of
iiriuarv and
tho County Court House tn the Cltv
of Oregon City, In said County and
State, sell at public auction, subject to j
redemption, to the highest bidder, fori
U, S ghld coin cash In hand, all the I
right, title and Interest which the
within named defendants or either of
them, had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since bad In or to the above
described real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution,
lodgment order, decree, Interest, costs
and all accruing costs.
I, ll. siLWFit.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore
lt R C Hackott, IVputy.
Hated. Oregon city. Oregon, April 27.
In the Circuit
Oregon, for
Court of the State of
the County of Clnckn-
llnil K Havidson.
I, if, Meiklejohn and Mettle L
Meiklejohn. his wife. .1 N, Hall
ton and Mrs. .1. N. Itailton. hla
wife. Defendants
County of Clackamas ss.
Hy virtue Of a Judgment order, de
ereo ami an execution duly Issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled court. In the Bluive entitled
cause, to me duly directed nnd dated 1
the 25th day of April. 1900, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In said
court on the 24th day of April. 1900,
In favor of Mary I' Davidson, plain
tiff, and against .1 M. Meiklejohn and
Mattle L. Meiklejohn. his wife. J N.
Rallion and Mrs I N Rallton. his
wife, defendants, for the sum of
flttt.73, With Interest thereon at the
rate of fi per cent per annum from the
21th day of April. 1904, and the further
sum of $27.10 costs ami disbursements,
and the costs of and uion this writ.
Commending me to make sale of the
following described real property, sit
uate In the County of I'lackama
gtato of Oregon to wit
The SYk of the SW", of Section
3. and the KW of the NWi, of Sec
tlon 10; also the following: beginning
at the quarter section corner bOCWOOS
9 and 10; running thence West 11.50
chains; thence North 22 40" Rast 30
chains to the line between Sections
9 and 10; thence South 27.70 chains
to the place of beginning, containing
95.93 acres, more or less in T. 0 8. It.
2 R. of W M.
Now. Therefore, by virture of said
execution, judgment, order and decree
and In compliance with the command
of said writ. I will, on Saturday, the
20th day of May, l'.mt',. at the hour of
one o'clock p. m . at the front door of
the County Court House In the City
of Oregon City. In said County and
State, sell at public auction, subject to
redemption, to the highest bidder, for
C S. gold coin cash In hand, all the
right, title and Interest which the
within named defendants or either of
them, had on the date of tho mortgage
herein or since had In or to the above
described real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution,
judgment order, decree, Interest, costs
and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore.
i By E. C. Hackett. Deputy.
Dated. Oregon City. Oregon, April 27,
! 1900.
Deserves Your Patronage.
The growth of a community and the
4iccess of Its local Institutions depends
I Pntlrely on the loyalty of Ita people. It
la well enough to preach "patronlie horn'
' Industry'" but except the service five
it a home Institution equals that of out
lot - town enterprises, this argument car
riea no weight and la entirely disregard
ed. as It should he. But with Oregon Clt)
people It It different. A few months
ago E. L. Johnson established the Cas
cade Laundry. It Is equipped with the
latest Improved machinery and la dally
turning out work that Is equal to an
and superior to much of the laundry
work that Is being done In Portland.
Being a home Institution and furnishing
employment for many Oregon City people
It Is enjoying an Immense patronage
The high standard of the work being
done commends It to the general public.
Laundry left at the O. K. barber shop will
be promptly called for and delivered to
anv part of the city. Telephone 1204.
E. L. Johnson, proprietor
Bright's Disease and
Diabetes News.
The New Fulton Compounds Have a
Record of 87 per cent of Recoveries
Among; Chronic Caaea of Bright's
Disease and Diabetes, Heretofore
Considered Incurable.
DrnirlMs know that Bright's Disease sad
Diabetes have been regarded by physicians as
Incurable and that up to the advent of the
Fulton Compounds that nothing on their shelves
would touch It. It Is a psoven fact that nearly
cine tenths of all BSSM are now curable, and
druggists themselves are talcing the new Com
pounds. One of the recoveries was Ur. Zells
biniMlf, the pioneer druggist of 622 Paolflo
street, San Francisco, and he gave It to over a
doien others who recovered. Here Is another
Interesting recovery (We copy from the Baors.
mento News of November 19, l!K)2):
"After a serious Illness of over a year Judlft
J. R. Allen of this city has recovered and re
gards himself most fortunate In successfully
battling with what is generally regarded as s
fatal malady, lirlght's Dlaease of the Kidneys.
In speaking of bis casa Judge Allen said: '1
believe that the treatment given me 6y my
physician was In accordance with the best
methods uv;d In the regular practice of medi
cine, but II afforded me no Nllsf. Hearing of
the lAilton ( viipoui)ds I went to Hun Francisco
10 Investigate and was soon convinced I should
nndergo trio treatment. It was three moriilis
before I noticed a change for the better. 1 UM-d
the medicine faithfully for nearly a year arm
can now Und do evidence of tho disease aud
m satisfied It Is entirely eliminated. My an
ixjtlle Is good, I have gained seventeen pounds
In weight and will be pleased to describe m
experience to anyone who may call or write.
Banrsnaifltn HAWS. Nov. 111. Uflg
The edlwr of the News himself was the friend
win, told Judge Allenof the Fulton (,'oiiiixiunds.
They are the only things known Unit cure
lirlght's Disease ar.J Diabetes. Fulton's Renal
Compound for lirlght's uud Kidney Diseases,
II; for Diabetes, 11.50. John J. Fulton Co.,
409 Washington street. Sun Francisco, sole
compounders. Free analyses for patients.
Bend for i'amphlet. We are the exclusive
agents lor these Compounds la this city.
Charman & Co., City Drug Store
tbMi tha lei llni medical writers and
teachers of :-il fre soverel aehonbi of
practice endnrffi nnd recommend, lu the
troutteal tertux pnaalble, nachend every
ingredient enter u) into tlie composition
of )r. Pierce's tlolden Medical Discovery
for the cure ( weak stomach, dyapeuala,
catarrh ol stomach, "liver oomulaltit,
torpid Ivor, or blllonanena. uhroulc bowaj
affeetlons, and nil catarrlial diaOUM M
whatever region, nam or nature, it it
iNo a aju'oltie teme, (or nil Mich chronic
or bum si, iiuiing cases of cniiiii bul affeo
tlnni anil their rwanltenu, aa broncltlah
throat and lunidlseiteea (except oonatttnj
ilnn)accouipauTed lib aeyera coimhs. It
is not o wmmI ItMf acute oultii and coughs,
but for in ;ei lu, ur chronic cases it u
eSM'clall ctbcacloiis In producing per
fect cures. Itcuutnlnx Htaok Chnrryberk,
(ioldell Seal reel RlooUroot, Stone loot.
Maudraki nut and Uueena root nil ,(
which are hlghl) urelaed ai rernedleifof
all the abot e mentlnnrd affeotloaa bj inch
etnltteni ntetllcnl urllers mill teachers
I't'd. II. li t holou . of .lellerson Med. I'ul-
h ;e; Prof, Mure, of the I nlv. of P ;
ITof, Plnlav RlllngwiMMl, M. )., ql Reap
i ft t Me i. College, Chieagot Prof, joup
King, M. I)., lute of liiicinnatl I l'r(.
John M Scttdder, M. I)., lata of Cincin
nati ; Prtif. Edwin M. Halo, M. I of
Hahnemanii Slid. College, Chicago, and
scores ,i( other etuall) rnilnent In their
several c hoi lis nl urei tlce,
The t; ,h i MiHiloal Dlscorery" is the
only medicine put up (or sale 'through
druggists (or iiiie purpuaes, ibat haaani
hucIi proeaaluntil endtirsnroenl oru
more than an) number of ordinary tMU
monlala Open publlcit) ol its formula
on the bottle wrapper is the best poaalhie
guaranty ol 1 1 merita, Aglaneeei thin
publiahwl formula ill slum thai "tloldvn
Medical Ihianvery" contalm no poison
mis or harmful agents ami no alcohol -chemlcailj
pure, triple refined glycerine
beiiu-used in-tead. oitmmiw n entirely
unobjectionable andhivldel Is a motl
useful Inimdlent In the cure of all stom
ach as well us hninehlal, ihruat and lung
atfe, t ons. There le ibe hlgheet medical
authority for ii- use In nil such case.
The " placoverv " Is a concentrated kIvc
erlc extract of native, ruedteloeJ rooie
and is gaff i' ud reliable.
A IssiVlet ol i vtr.icts from emliient,
medlbal authorities, mooning n ingrn-
dlent- ma led I'n on rmiUMt, AdilrcM
Dr. K. V, Pierce Buffalo, N. Y.
Seuled proposal- for furnlahlng all
labor nnd materlala and Improving
John Qulncy Adntns St. of Oregon t'lty
Oregon from the North lino of Slvtii
Street to the South line of Seventh
Street, will be wvolvod by tho Commit
tee on Streets and Public Property of
tho Council of Oregon City, until 4
o'clock p. ni , of Tuesday, May ir.th.
Specifications containing further In
fotmatlon will be furnished iimn ap
p'.icatlon to the Itecorder f Oregon
Ench ptoposal must ho accompanied
l,y a certified check for a sum equal
to 5 per cent of the total estlmato of
thr Work, which huiu will bo subject
to forfeiture In case of failure to fur
nish bonds and enter Into a written
contract for said work, If called UpOB
bo to do.
Proposals must bo made upon blanks
furnished by the City Engineer
The right to reject any and all bids
and to accept any bid considered nnmt
favorable to Oregon City la reserved
All proposals niuat bo addressed to
the Committee on Streeta and Pub
lic Property of the Council of Oregon
I City. In care of tho Recorder.
Hy order of tho Committee on
Streets and Public Property and the
; Council of Oregon City.
Oregon City, Oregon, April H, 190fi.
I Committee on Streets and Public
Property, of the Council of Oregon
City. Mny 4. PJOG
RspfsSrwi th survival efts SssssC Ws
Imv ht- on i Hit- UM-g,!-. ,1 h In lh
Hurlil !Tauiw iHir srii, i.e-Ih-i i-r I l,sn
i.'hrra. l wish n gfOS) r be BMsl
IM-Hiiiirul flw-rs mihI iii- iiiu-wi m-vi
IsMesT I'Unttlii-lHtxssls -1-,-rrj a.
I lii(l Mrril Annual free tn sll
m. pgataj v a co.
Detroit, Mloh.
urwiiir .r ,.li fur uijjrrt wsn li wet trw rrfiort,
VW sTrler, h',w Ui ,,l,Ublll lr!U, trul" liuuks,
';,'!',- Jirrr trM Wakgltn Mai ft timr
m 'i y nnJ often tht patent.
Pitent and Infringement Practice Eicluilvely.
Wrlta or room t" us 4
SU Bloth atntt. opp Uslted 8UU1 Uol ) ..
A miir.HTnil RFVFRAf.F I
for Sale Dy
Agency for Oregon City. I
In the Circuit Court of the Htate of
Oregon, for the County of Claeka
W A Hatlmwuy, Plnintiff,
Mnitha A.Crunglo and J. J. Taylor
County of Clackamas, mm.
By virtue of n judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued out
of and under the seal of the above un
titled Court. In the above entitled
ogute, to ma duly directed and dated
the '.'::d day of April l!inr. upon a linlg
men rendered nnd entered In aalrl
court on the t"lb day of April, limit,
lu favor of W A Hathaway, plaintiff,
nnd against Martha A. Crangle and J.
.1 Taylor. cte(eudants, for the anni of
fl'Jfi.Oi), with Interest (hereon nl the
rale of in per cent pet annum from
the lltb day of November. IftOB, and 1
the further huiu of $:tr 01) as attorney's
foe. and the furthur sum of 14,90,
costs and disbursements, and the costs
of and UDOn thla writ, commanding
ute out of the personal properly of
-mid defendant, and If sufficient could
not be found, then out of the real prop
erlv belonging to said defendant on
and after the date uf said judgment to
satisfy anlil autn of $ and
also the costs upon this said writ
Now. Therefore, by virtue of said
execution. Judgment order and de
cree, and lu compliance with the com
mands of said writ, being unable to
fl tul anv personal property of said do
fondant's. I did heretofore and on the
tflth day of March. ItM, duly levy
upon under attachment In this action,
the following described ronl property
of said defendant .1 J, Taylor situate
and being In the County of Clackamas,
nnd State of Oregon, to-wlt:
All of lot Bight (S) In SoctlonTtn,
Township four (t) South of Hnnge
One tl) Kast of the Willamette Merl
And I will on Saturday, the 'Ji'tb
day of May, limfi. at the hour of If)
o'clock a. m., at the front door of
the County Court House In the CKy
of Oregon CKy. In said County and
State, sell nt public auction. MbjJeOl
to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for I'. S gold coin, cash In hand, all
tho right, title and Interest xvbUh the
within nnrned defendant, or either
of them, had on (be dab- of Hiild Judg
ment or slnco had In or to the above
described n al property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said Judgment order,
decree. Interest, costs and all nccru
Ing rosta
Sheriff of Clackamas County. OfOf(X9
lly B C Hackett Deputy.
Dated. Oregon City, Oregon. April
27th, 19of,
In the Matter ,,f ibe Kstate of 1
Mary A. Ililelat Bradley, deceased
Notice Is hereby given to the ered
Iters of and all persons Interested In
snld estate, that the nnderHlutied lias
been duly appointed executor of the
last will and testament of the said
Mnry A lluelnt llradley by order of
the minty Court (if tbe State of Ore
gon, for Ihe County of Clm KamiiM and
that all persons havlnc claims against
the said estate are hereby required
tn present tbe same, properly verified.
to the undersigned at the ofFU f
Hedges A Crlfflth In Oregon Cite. Or
egnn. within six months from the date
uf the first pilbllenlliill of this notice
Kxeculor of the last will and testa
ment of Mary A Hiu lat llradley,
First Publication Mny I. irmo
Hedges (Irlfflth, Attorney! for Fx
Treasurer's Notice.
I now have money to pay county
warrants endorsed prior to- April 1,
190r. Interest will cease on such war
rants on the date of this potin
Oregon City, Oregon March V. HtOfl.
Treasurer of Clackamas Cniinty, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of Hie State of
Oregon, for County of Claekamns
.Joseph A. Plechaty. Plaintiff,
Ktnma Plechaty, Defendant.
To Kmma Plechaty, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear In
the above entitled Court and answer
the complaint llled against you there
In on or In fun
the l!lh rlny of May.
1900, said date being six weeks after
the first publication hereof, which
first publication is on the f,th day of
April, lOOfl, If yon fall to appear and
answer the plaintiff will take a decree 1
iigalnHt you for the relief demanded
In the complaint, which Is for a decree
dissolving the bonds of mntrlmony
now existing between yourself and 1
the plaintiff.
This summons Is published In pur- -nuance
of an order of the Honorable 1
Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judge of the
above entitled court mnde and enter- i
ed on the Illst day of March, 1000.
, I W. 8. U'llRN,
Attorney foe Plaintiff
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas county.
B. H. Plckard, Plaintiff,
Mary B, Plckard, Defendant,
To Mary R. Plckard, defendant above
named :
In the nnme of the State of Oregon,
you nre hereby required to appear anil
answer the complaint tiled against you
In tho above entitled court anil cause,
on or before six 'Oil weeks from tho
20th dny of April, 1900, t.hn date of
the first publication of this summon:!,
Ittd If you fall so to appear and an
swer, t,he plaintiff will apply to the
court, for the relief prayed for and de
manded In the complaint, herein filed,
r.o-wlt: For judgment anil decree for
ever dissolving tho bondH of matri
mony heretofore existing between
plaintiff and defendant, nd for such
other and further relief as to the
Court, may seem just, and equitable.
This summons Is published by order
of Hon. Arthur L. Fraer, Judge of the
County Court, for the County of Mult.
Domah, made and dated on the 12th
day of April, 1900.
Attorney for plaintiff.
First Publication April 20, PI00,
Last Publication June 1, 1900.
lu tho Circuit Court of I ho Slate of
Oregon, for ClneknmiiM County
Inna Boyd, Plaintiff,
(ieorge lloyil. Dofendiinl
To (ieorge lloyd, defendant above
lu tho name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
gnawer Uteoomplnlnt filed ifttut you
In the above entitled court nnd causu.
on or before six I'il WimllH from the
'limb day or March, IllOtl, the date of
the iii .i publlettlon of tali lumfnoag,
and If you fall mi to appear and an
swer, UM plalnllfr will apply t the
court for the relief piayeil for and de
manded In the complaint herein Mod.
to wll I'or Judgment and decree for-
lover dlaeolvlBi the bondg or mttrlmoay
I heretofore existing between plaintiff
nnd defendant and that plaintiff b
ri stord to her maiden name, Anna 1
Prahl, and to all tho rights and prlvl
legoa of an unmarried woman, and for
her coMtH and dlahiimttmentH herein
anil for inch other and further rolttl
as to the Qtntii may MMHB Just and
This HiinimonH Is puldlsbed by order
of Hon Thus, A Mcllrlde, Judge of
ihe alios it 1 1 It ol emu I . made and
dated on the Will dav of March. I'.MMI
Attorneys for Plaintiff
KlrHt publication March 10, IBM
Last publication May II. 1U00,
In the Circuit Cattt of the Slate ol.
Oregon for Cluck. nuns County
Maude clays,
Henry Clays,
To Henry t'layi, the defendant:
In the name of Hi- Stat i of Oregon
yon am hereby required to appear In
the above nuiiieil court and unsvvcr
the complaint llb d a-v.iu .. v , m Jber-te
on or before the Ith d ay ol May. I: lot),
said date being nix -.xooks alter tho
first publication hereof, which first
publication Is on Hie '.'ltd day ot March.
ItM If you fall to appear and answti
the plaintiff will take a decree against
yon for the relief demanded m (be com
plaint, which Is for a decree dlsaolv
lug Ibe bntids of matrimony now exist
tug between youraelf uud plaintiff ana
for the resumption of her maiden
name, to wll. Maude Cook and for her
coHt i and dlsbursementa.
This sutnnioiiH Is published In pin
stianee of an order of tho lion Thoa
A Mcllrlde, Judge of the above namod
court, made and entered on Ihe lDth
day of March IMfj
Attorney for Plaintiff
Notice Is hereby given that the us
derslglled will apply to the Countf
Court of Clnckamas County.Oregnn,
for a license to sell spirituous, malt
and ftSttOSl liquors for the period of
six months from thr day of....
1900, at 10:00 a nt.. nnd that
he will pr, seat the following petltloa
to Mild limit nSi.inl day for said li
cense T M ALLISON.
To the Honorable County Court of
Claekamns County. Oregon::
Wo the undersigned residents and
legal voters of llorlng precinct. Is
Clackamas County, Oregon, herehr
respectfully petition your hoimrabln
body to grant to T. M Alllseon. a M
cense firt a period of six months from
day of ls$.
spirituous, malt ami Yinumw
liquors In less quantities than one gal
Ion In llorlng precinct. Clackamas
County. Oregon
T o Svendsen, Chns Pfyffer. Oeo.
Roblneon, i n Jospmid, B Rotta, is
I Card, .1 O. Corsett, W. Miller, Johs
Mima. C Lake c Palmer. 0, Fish
er. Mlelinel Doyle, J K. Simons. D
Heilermann, II Anderson. K. S Hick
ey, W. E. Flklns, W. Ilerneggor, A
Hi rz, .Inseph Horde, Frank Irvln. C
L Itnnkln, 0 A lllrh, I) C. Molt
V C Hallls. D .1 lilts-. Chns. (Iron
bong, M. L Joyce, Chns. Tlnnemas
Adminiitrator'i Notice.
Notice Ih hereby given that the ua
derslgned has been, by an order 'of
the County Court of Clackamas Coiia
ty, Oregon, duly appointed admlnls
irator of the estate of John Kenedy.
i deceased. All persons having claim
against said estate are hereby notlfl
id to present Ihe same within six
months from dale of this notice, with
the proper vouchers to Ihe underslga
Dated this 0th dav of April, 1900
tlroHham It F. D. No, 2.
Last publication. Mny 1 1
I III tho Circuit Court of the State ef
Oregon, for Clackamas County
M..v H. Hopple, Plaintiff.
" vs.
8dwftrd iioppie, Defendant
To Fdward Hopple, defendant nliovsj
In the name of the' State of Oregon .
I you are hereby required to appear and
dimwi t' the complaint, llled against you
In the above entitled cause on or be
fore the 28th day of May, 1906, said
day being more than hIx weeks from
thO 18th day of April. 1900, the date
' of tho first publication of this sum-
mons, and If you fall to so answer for
want thereof Ihe plaint ui ii will apply
to the court for tho relief prayed for,
For a decree of said court forever
dissolving the bonds of mat ilmony
now existing be ween plaintiff and
defendant; that plaintiff May H. Hop
pie, have the care, custody and control
of their said minor children, Frankle,
Karl iiinl Fanny Hopple: and lor such
oilier and further relief as mny bs
equitable and Just.
The order for publication' of .stun
moni In this cause was made by the
Hon, Thos. A, MoBride, Judse of the
above entitled court on tho 9th dny
Of April, Pmii;.
The ilitle of the flt8t publication of
this summons Is April nth, 1900, and
tbe dale of the laid publication is May
25th, 1900.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.