Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 04, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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A - . .
JJ TI!NI!I.V.T()I.I) I AI.IIS 01' Till! WliliK'A IXtlNOH.
The Germain Entertain-
...Short Sklehead Stories...
LiiMt Hiitiinliiy evening tho (Ionium
Hinging Nocloty iivn nit eiileiinlnnieiit
ihuI dunce ul. Kiiiii'h Hull. Tho
'll"ll' f 22 VolCI'H Nllllg MI'VI'I'lll Hi'lctV
thlllM llllll. WIM'II Illll'I'MIHTMCll Willi Hill
dunce. iiiiiiiIioi'm nf ilin inif;niiiiiiui Hint
iinllnui'il uiilll n lulo hour. '' tier
i n ii ii n urn capital cut --it it I m-rrt innl tho
r-Kim City contingent nil this ocea
i lim -(iiipli't"ly Hiuiiiiliii'il l ln role of
Used Intuiting Language
In a divorce hii It llli-d, 1', w. Schil
ling In ehiirgd wild using Insolent
luiiKUitgo, lining hikmihiii'i nf u vio
lent iiml iiiu'iiiilruliililit .'iiii,r nii'l
llllg, Willi (Ihlul fill' II lllvill'I'K llllll lh'
iiMioily nf a minor t-1 lid. Tim, purlieu
were iiiiirrl.-il ut (.online, Oregon, In
i:mn. .IiiiIki. Mcllililii ha wanted V.
II. llnyiliMi u divorce fitiin A, It. Hay-den.
Woman. Club Assist.-
At. Ilm hiiuki'hI Ion of tho Oregon
City Woman's Cluli, Mayor Cnullold
Iiiim appointed mi auxiliary committor
tn net In 'conjunction with tho general
coininllli'ii tluit wuk named ut this
cltlnm' ' miiHH meeting to provide
menus of relief for Ilm Cullfonilii mif
ferel'rt. The tneiiiliei'M of tlm commit
ten lire: MIhh MoIIUi Unimex, Mrs. It,
C, (iutiiuig, Mm, W, I', llawley, Mrs,
C, (), T. WIIIIhiiim, Mrs, l H, June,
M IK, I), M. HInuikM, Mr. T, K. CiiuH,
M Ihm Anli In McCarvor, Mrs. David
Cimllelil, M im, J. V, Morfutt, Mrs.
Frank Forsberg and MrH, Jessie Hani
llloii. Tlm speelul inliiHlon of thl
additional committee In tlm gathoiiiiK
Committee Would Stimulate Interest
in "Made In Oregon."
7U)rt rtii'tv t rui jrvrlt for ymr In-
ilii'Hii(.it. iikiiI ttn, ( ,ii i-ii A iiijh I' lower,
I kll'iw el tfy ml utlirr Jjliynlrlllllii Willi pre-
m ill II r'iul. ;,!."
Indigestion j niiikiiu; awful record
miuiHc of nit't'li n iIciiIIh. It in beat
ing heart-failure in its eh,e,tly harvest.
You read in tlm ;iicrH daily of ajipar
ditly In-'iltliy uud even roluiHl men Ik-inj;
iieiilenlnK to lilll. Tlm I'liiiydulnt U ."t ''lotlilnn for tlm cnrth(imki) Kjif-, nw,,.uy uiu. ud with unite induction
rerred ,y t ho wlfo, Veiiiu Hfhll-1 F'Tfrti. Tli Im cointiilllco will act nil- Hft,.r t vi,II .:,rty nu-al . nnl oftln-ii
. ... .1. . I. . .11 .1 r .1 ..I.,.. . . ,J - , ,
Died at Attorla
Min. Clurii May, nijil Z' ycorn, wlff
if Klvln May utnl ilaiiKlitcr of Mr. mid
Mr. A. J. KelloKK, of thU city, died'
IiihI, lliurHiluy at AHtorlit. IIchIiIih
li-r iiirut mid liimliand, deceuxeil
leiivi-N a ymniK hoii. The remulna wen
hroiiKht to ihlH clly Krlday for Initial.
Funeral wtvIccm, under tlm nuilceH
of the Wotiiett of Woodcraft, were
held at Caitetnali, llev. II, H. ItollliiK'T.
olTlclatlnif. Interment followed at tlm
Caneniali cemetery,
tier Ilm direction of tlm executive coin
mil tee of I he Woniun'H Cluh, eotiHlHt
liiK of Mm. T. A, ri, Mm. .1, W.
NorrlH mid Mm. Win. (lardner. Mm h
Kood work wax iici oiii)1IhIiim! by thin
I coliltllltte.t dui ltiK the week In nather
, i UK ClolhlllK for the Cullfonilii Hllf-
I feri-r.
Sent to A.ylum
llerhert hit tie, iiKeij 21 yearn, of
Umdiirt Jiincilou, Oniarln, Caniidii, wait
'oiumlttei to the an linn ItiHt Friday,
l.ltile Ih tho man who created coiihIiI-
rnlde excltetnelit llllloliK tlm people
of Ohwiki WedlieHilay tuoriilliK hy
reaxon of hU NtrmiKi' nrtlotH and wim
iiilHtaken fur Hinllli, the fugitive mur
derer of I'ollceiuail llanlon, ItelllK
Many More
Like Thl.
dyiiiH tn iiiauv cast Urfore a phyititian
could he called in.
Thin filiould ! a wnrulii you whe
aulfcr with rir;;nl.ir or pi riodicul attack
of iiidij'rKU'iu, If tlu-Hc- tiiifiirtiinutc vie
titn n (o ut iiiilii-Ntion had taken a
aniall (low of Cii i.u' August l'lowcr Im?
fore or after their iiiciiIh they would not
have fallen a prey to mich muldeit wizurci,
Autiht l'lowcr irevcutH itidixcktiou hy
crralin K"" ' diy,-'tion. It am regulate,
the liver, purilie the blood and tone, up
Oregon I the entire hvmU-iii in a n iiural wuv. t,
" i t..... ' .... . i a 11 .1- :,..
I ffli BI.1.-N, dK MIIU v;, 111 il lIKinvn.
Tlm following cano Ih but onn of
iiiiuiy almllur occurring dully In Uro
Koti City. It la mi cuay matter to ver
ily1 It corriiclneKM, Burely you can
not hnU for beitor proof than Much
coneluttlvn i-vldelico,
John VlKelliiM, barber, ut 413 Main
Street, Mtid llvlim ut tho comer of
Fourth and WttHhltiKton HtrecU, Ore
Kou City, Ori'Kon, anya:
"Htatidlni? In a Htooped poHltlon for
houm tit h time, uh Ih iieceaHury In
my biiHineMH, beuun to uffi'Ct my kbl
neya, mid often my back would ul-
(Thar man & C.,City Drug Store
i inimt j-lvn out on account of tlio weak
called to Ohwcko tlm Into KherlfT rihnv-lll.MH u,1( pemlntetit dull uchlnR. A
r placed l.ltile under arri'Mt and lh
mau'M coiiittiltiiienl followed an ex
auiliiutlon. I.Hili'H demented condl
linn In claim, d in he due to Hplrllillil
Ihiii and telepathy.
In the Divorc. Court
.lililtie NlcliruiK Krntited two divorcer
Saturday uh followa: I mm M. Mc
Klmitry va. Klcharil MiKltiHtry; Iella
Arnohl Saum, vk. Ileori;.. Suum. Kr.
An order of default wmh entered In tlm
Ilvorcit Mull of Kallln AkliiH vh, It, W.
Akin Tlm original complaint In tho
ault for divorce of Sophia I'. Holman
lilllllMl Fred ti. Hol.lllllU wan dlH
mlMMcd and plalntllT died anoihcr com
plulnt In which lihe HHka to be IcKally
M pariited mid Kranied the prlvlli'Ke of
reHtiiiiliiK tier maiden name, Sophia :
friend recommended Doan'a Kidney
I'IIIm no I went to Huntley IlroH.' drug
Htorti and procured a mipply. I found
out In a abort tlmo that they wen; ilo
Iiik iiiii K'hhI. They relieved thu ach
liiK pallia and atrengthencd my kid
neya and buck wonderfully. That wbh
Home tlem uko and tho continued ro
ller bun been laiitlni;. A little over a
month, bko wo liean kIvIiik' Doan'a
Kidney 1'IIIh to our child who ban a
tendency to weak kldneyK, and tho r
aulu havo been KratlfyltiK In every
way. Doan'u Kldm-y I'IIIm aro a rem
edy deHorvlnn of tho hlKhoat pralae."
""For aalo by all dealer.. Prlco T.0
ccntn. FowterMllburn Co,, Uuffalo,
New York, olo agent, for tho I'nltcd
Uemember tho namo I)onn' and
Chicago 17 Hour. Nearer via Thl.
Popular Columbia River Route.
Franklin wn right whcn'lm .aid
"Ijml Hmn lu nnunr frninrl nirnln."
Tlm (). R. k N., In addition to Klv
Iuk you 200 miles along the roatchleHH
Columbia Itlver, mbvch you 17 hours
to ChlcnKo. It In tho
Short Lino to IOwlHton.
Short Mno to tho 1'alouao country.
Short l.lno to Spokane.
Short Mno to the Coour d' Alone
Short Mno to Bait Lako City.
Short Mno to Denver.
Short Mno to Kanaaii City.
Short Mno to Omaha.
Short Mno to ChlcaRO.
Short Mno to all point. Runt.
Three trains Kant dally, 3:15 a. m.,
8; 15 p. tn., and 6:15 p. ro. Tho "Chlca-Ko-Portlund
Special," la an fine a. tho
llneHi. Kvory comfort of homo.
For particulars aak any agent of the
Southern Pacific Company, or write
A. L. CRAIG, ,
General I'iwuenKor ARent,
Portland, Ore.
Their Hard Struggle Made Easier-Interesting State
ments by a Young Lady in Boston
and One in Nashville, Tenn.
tnko no other.
Doan'8 Ri'KulctH cure conHtlpatlon
without griping. natiHca, nor weaken
ing effect. Aak your druggist for
them. 25 conta per box.
in watches as in everything else. Some people prefer a Waltham
to an Elgin. Some people prefer an Elgin to a Waltham. Others
prefer a Hamilton to either, and so it goes.
There is only one thing to do in a case like that carry a
very complete assortment of the various makes in all standard
sizes and that we do. k
Consequently we can submit for your consideration a greater
variety of dependable timekeepers than all other dealers combined
in Clackamas County,
You have always known the SPLENDID QUALITIES of
our Watches,
We are now showing all the hew designs in Gold Filled
Watches and we want you to investigate our line.
Causes both Eyeache and Headache. Drugs relieve only tempor
arily. Properly adjusted glasses remove the cause and effect a
permanent cure.
Our Optician will make a complete examination of the Eye,
tell you just where the trouble is and then you may get glasses
or not, just as you wish.
Examination Free. 1
Burmeister & Andresen
Saspension Bridge Corner The OfCgOn Gty, JcwckfS
To the Teiichem and I'uplln of the
Hchooln of Oregon:
For the purpoHo of extending tho
educational Hcopo of the "Made in
Oregon" expoHltlon of tho manufac
t.uroH of tlm Htato to tako place In
Portland, tho week of May 19 to 20,
and, to ImproHH upon the tnlmln of tho
younger generation tho practical ben
fit to bo derived from patronage and
encouragement of home Indimtrlo.
and further, to Htlmulutn wldcHpread
Intercut In tho resourcon of each coun
ty of thin atato, tho executive com
mittee offera to the Kchool children of
all graleH of the Htato of Oregon thir
ty-four prloa for the bent cHnay up
on tho HiibJeetH Indicated to bo sub
mitted on or before May 22, 1900.
Teachers aro renuettted to make de
tailed announcement of this content
Immediately upon receipt of HiIh and
endeavor to havo each and every
hcIiooI In tho atate represented in
thin competition.
Flrat Prize Ten Dollar, in Cold.
Ten dollars will be paid for the best
exHuy Trom a hoy or girl attending
any hcIiooI In the utate, under tho title
"HoiiofllH Derived From Patronizing
Homo IndtiHtricM." Bnnay not to ex
ceed hIx hundred wordn, Should
dwell upon what Ik made In Oregon;
who derlveH the benefit from home
IriduKlrloH, uIho, how and why; and
the udvantagea to a community from
manufactories. Knay must be ori
ginal. Second Prize Five Dollar. Ca.h.
Five dollars will be paid for the
best eHHuy from a boy or girl attend
ing any school In tho state for the I
bent cHsay under the title: "Commodl-!
ties of Oregon." Should enumerate
tho variety of commodities that can
he made from any one thing now be- j
Ing- produced In Oregon and utilized
In manufacturing processes; should
relate any authoritatively-known new
process of manufacture In any local
ity of Oregon; tell briefly what com
modities are most profitable and best
known, and why, and also why this
Is a good country In which to start the
manufacturing of new products or
commodities. Mmit, five hundred
Third and Fourth Prize. $2.50
Fifth to Tenth Prize., Inclusive A
Handsome Silver Watch.
Tenth to Fiftieth Prize. One Dol
lar Each, Ca.h.
The list of prizes will be distributed
in the order indicated for the best es
say from each county entitled: "Man
ufacturing Facilities of our County."
The two essays in thin class which
are adjudged best from every stand
point will be awarded $2.50 cash. For
the five next best essays setting forth
the manufacturing, agricultural or
other Industrie, of that county there
will bo presented a good silver watch,
with the prize winner's name engrav
ed thereon. Tho thirty-one next best
essays from different, counties will
he awarded each one dollar cash.
This distribution Is made for the
puriHiso of inducing every county Jn
the state to enter Into a friendly rival
ry for the honors. School teachers
and parents alike should take a keen
Interest in this contest. Essays should
mention the facilities for manufactur-
Ing which the county possesses. Man- i
ufacturing need not necessarily be !
going on at the present, but prospects
may be enumerated, explaining rea
sons for expectations of later growth.
Should mention if there is water pow
er in the county; where located;
whether It is sufficient to use In man
ufacturing; probable amount, of horse
power (if known); whether easily ac
cessible from town or railroad and
any and all other features pertaining
that would be likely to interest a man
ufacturer desiring to find a location.
Describe what is produced In the
county of practical use; what the pro
ducts can he made into, etc. It may
be an agricultural product, or of the
range, the forest, the stream, mine,
or sea, hut it must be within yotir
own county, (live the most important
products; the quantity, the chances
for increase; what opportunities there
may be for producing other articles
and the most practical use to which
the products can be put to be of the
greatest benefit to tho State of Ore
gun. These subjects invite school child
ren to display what general know
ledge they possess concerning their
own section that is of practical val
ue. The prize-winning essays will be
published, together with the names
(and the pictures, if sent to the sec
retary's office) of the successful
There will be an absolutely impar
tial judgment of the merits of each es
say submitted to tho committee and,
while tho time Is short, it is hoped to
have a hearty response. The commit
tee's work will be expedited and tho
awards made more promptly
If these Rule, are Followed:
Write on but one side of the paper.
Write on your essay, very plainly,
the name of the county.
Contestant should write his name
or her name on a slin of naoer en
closing in blank, sealed envelope at
tached to the'essay. Don't write your
name on the essay paper. This in
jures impartiality in judging the ar
I tide.
I Address all articles to D. C. Free
man, secretary "Made in Oregon"
Committee" 215 Oregonian building,
, Portland, and mark in lower left-hand
1 corner, "Essay contest."
By order of the
All women work; some In their
homes, home, In church, and Home in
the whirl of Hociety. And in Htore.,
niilU and hbop tens of thousand, are
on the never-ceasing treadmill, earning
their daily bread.
All are Hubject to the tame physical
lawn; all suffer alike from the tame
phyical disturbance, and the nature of
their duties, in many cases, quickly
drifts them into the horror, of all
kinds of female complaints, tumors,
nlceration, falling and displace
ments or perhaps Irregularity or
uppression, causing backache, ner
vousness, irritability and lassitude.
They especially require an invigorat
ing, sustaining medicine which will
strengthen the female organism and
enable them to bear easily the fatigues
of the day, to sleep well at night, and
to rise refreshed and cheerful.
How distressing to see a woman
struggling to earn a livelihood or per
form her household duties when her
back tuid bead are aching, she i. so
tired Iftle can hardly drag about or
stand up, and every movement causes
pain, the origin of which is due to
some derangement of the female or
ganism. Miss F. Orser, of 1 4 Warrenton Street
Boston, tells women how to avoid such
Buffering; she writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
" I suffered misery for several years with
female irregularities. My back ached : I had
bearing-down pains, and frequent headaches;
I could not sl'wn and could hadly drai
around. I cmwultwi two phyiricians wlthou. ,
rIW, and m s 1mt rwirt, I tried Lydia E.
rinkiiam s V egetahle Compound, and to mv
surprise, every ache and pain left m. I
gained ten pounds and am in perfect health."
Miss Pearl Ackers, of 327 North Sum
mer Street, Nashville, Tenn., write. I
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
" I suffered with painful periods, sever
baoks'-he, bearing-down pains, pains .cms.
the abdomen; wan very nervou. and liritao
ble, and my trouble grew worse every month.
"My physician failed tn help me and 1
deciiled to try Lydia K. Plnkham's Vegetable
j t i i.
gooib All my pains and acbe. disappeared,
and I no longer fear my monthly periods. "
Lydia E, Pinkham'. Vegetable Com
pound is the unfailing cure for all these
troubles. It strengthens the proper
muscles, and displacement with all it.
horrors will no more crash yon.
Backache, dizziness, fainting, bearing-down
pains, disordered stomach,
moodiness, dislike of friends and society
all symptoms of the one'eause wiU
be quickly dispelled, and it will make
you strong and welL i
Yon can tell the .tory of your .of
ferings to a woman, and receive help
ful advice free of cost Address Mrs.
Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. The present
Mrs. Pinkham is the daughter-in-law
of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty
five years she has, under her direction
and since her decease, been advising
sick women free bf charge.
Lydia L Pinkhara't Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Other FaQ.
Norri. & Rowe Engage Famous Eu
ropean Performer..
U. S.
Department of Agriculture Is
sues Some Statistic.
Norris & Rowe made a promise last
season that If they had a successful i
tour, they would give us an all new
show and engage the highest salaried
artists obtainable. Well, they seem
to have kept their promise if famous
names count for anything. The bright
est lights of the circus arena are un
der engagement to them as witness
the following: The three Merkle Sis
ters on the flying trapeze; Frank and
Dolly Miller In a beautiful four-horse
carrying act; the Maretta troupe of
horsewomen and aerialists; Ed. Ho
cum. the clever principal rider; the
10 Sugimoto Japanese troupe of men
& women aerial acrobats, the first and
only troupe of Japanese to do an aer
ial number; the six flying Sterlings:
daring mid-air performers; Four Cast
ing Islys; in a sensational mid-air
act; Hugh Curays, Abbot Danks and
Miss Edith Howland in one of the
prettiest numbers ever seen under a
circus canopy, that of a giant revolv
ing ladder, lighted and operated by
eiectricity; the Misses Colgrove, Prin
gle, Keaton and LaLonde, four grace
ful young women on the aerial bars;
the seven wonderul St. Angmon fam
ily of acrobats, the act over which
England raved when it was first pre
sented at the London Hippodrome;
the five Sisters Rexos. daring gym
nasts; four Juggling Devinos; the
Aerial Magnani troupe whose double
trapese act made it the most sought
The following data, covering a pe
riod of 34 years, have been compiled
from the Weather Bureau records at
Portland, Oregon.' They are Issued
to show the conditions that have pre
vailed, during the month In question,
for the above period of years, but
must not be construed as a forecast
of the weather conditions for the com
ing month:
Month, May, for 34 years.
Mean or normal temperature, 57
The warmest fonth was that of
1S8S, with an average of 62 degrees.
The coldest month was that of 1899
with an average of 51 degrees.
The highest temperature was 99s
degrees on the 29th, In 1887.
The lowest temperature was 32 de
grees on the 9th, in 1884.
The earliest date on which first
killing frost occurred in autumn, Oc
tober 13.
Average date on which first killing
frost occurred In autumn, November
Average date on which last killing
frost occurred in spring, March 17.
The latest date on which last kill
ing frost lecurred in spring. May 9.
Average for the month 2.39 Inches.
Average number of days with .01
of an inch or more, 13.
The greatest monthly precipitation
for act among all circus owners. It Was 6. GO inches in 1879
took a lot of patient hard work to se- The least monthly precipitation wa3
cure these artists for , European acts I 0.59 Inches in 1904.
can secure all the engagements they J The greatest amount of preclplta-
can accept at home without travel
ing clear across the Continent, how
ever Norris & Rowe were assured and 20th in 1879.
tion recorded in any 24 consecutive
hours was 1.C0 inches on the 19th
Itching, "bleeding, protruding or
blind piles yield to Doan'g Ointment.
Chronic cases soon relieved, finally
cured. Druggists all sell It.
they were to have a highly profitable
tour last srason, they quietly dispatch
ed Chas. Casse, one of their New
York agents to Europe and gave him
cnrte-blanche as to expense. That
Mr. Sasse succeeded is shown by the
superb program which will be shown
here when the Norris & Rowe Circus
will exhibit at Oregon City Wednes
day, May 9th.
Daily Telegram and Enterprise,
both one year, for only $5.
Abstracts of Property Furnished.
Ofnce with Oregon City Enterprise.
The greatest amount of snowfall
recorded in any 24 consecutive hours
(record extending to winter of 1884
85 oivly) was 0 inches.
Average number ofshrdluetaohrdlu
Average 5 a. m., 85; averago 5 p. m.,
Average number of clear days, 7.
Partly cloudy days, 11.
Cloudy days, 13.
The prevailing winds have been
from the Northwest.
The average hourly velocity of the
wind is 6 miles.
The highest velocity of the wind
was 42 miles from the southwest on
the 25th, 1894, and from tho south on
the 23, 1900.
Date of Issue, April 23, 190G.
For any pain, from top to toe, from
any cause, apply Dr. Thomas Eclec
trlc Oil. Pain can't stay where it Is
Prices Reasonable
DO YOUr Work Work Guaranteed
We do a General Baggaga and Transfer Business.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
Office Opposite Masonic -Building
Te,epSrnlffiie833121 Williams Bros. Transfer Co.