Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 04, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise
Published Every Friday.
Subscription Rate:
One year BJM
Six months 78
Trial subscription, two months.. 28
Advertising rates on application
Subscribers will And the date of ex
plratlon stamped on their papers fol
lowing their name. If this Is not
payment, kindly notify us. and the
matter will receive our attention.
Ing lot
' John K
bis life
if Frank
MMi hav
etlng the
arouse to
H 111
Smith, tin
r. The
of this news served h
Jut pitch the indignation of the
lc of this community, because of
COWaTdly and deliberate murder
Entered at the postofflee at Oregon
City, Oregon, as second-class matter.
FRIDAY. MAY 4. 1906.
It was known the Sheriff Shaver was
mortally wounded and while his tv
cover? was largely a natter of hop-
ing against hope, still the possibility
of such n result was fondly entertain
ed by the officer's numerous friends.
The officer, fatally wounded, was de
termined to live, but the reaction that
was feared appeared Sunday after
noon and shortly after one o'clock
Monday morning he died
Sheriff Shaver was long n highly
respected resident of Clackamas
COUBtV, owning one of the tinest farms
In the Rat. A an officer, he was
faithful and efficient: as a friend he
was loyal and true. m
Does Your
Heart Beat
Yes. 100,000 times ench daw
Does it send out good Mood
or bad Mood? You know, for
gOQd Mood is Rood health ;
bad Mood, bad health. And
you Know precisely what to
take for bad blood Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. Doctors have
endorsed it for W) years.
On (MMMUl SSNM f bad hto4 I IuurIiIi
llr rtlH pttMlMCVt Nniumtli,. KtUftUtHM
ntbttaaMi aw ouu i,t,ui uttn llis Msaa,
Kl.,,. lllt IHIWVU .''tt Willi A MM I'M
I'nited States Senator Short
Term- Fred W. Mulkey. of
Multnomah County.
United States Senator) Term
beginning March 4. 1007
Jonathan Itotirne. Jr.. of Mult-
nomah County.
Congressman. First District
W. C. Hawley. of Marion Co.
Congressman. Second District
V. R. Kills, of Multnomah
Goernor Dr. James Withy-
combe, of Henton County.
Secretary of State-Frank W.
Benson, of Douglas County.
State Treasurer George A.
Steel, of Clackamas County.
Supreme .bulge Robert Eakln.
Of I'nlon County
Superintendent of Public In-
struction J. H. Ackerman.
of Multnomah County.
State Printer Willis S. Duni-
way. of Multnomah County.
Attorney General A. M. Craw-
ford, of Douglas County.
Joint Senator Clackamas and
Multnomah Counties A. A.
Bailey, of Multnomah Coun-
Joint Representative Clacka- :
mas and Multnomah Coun-
ties Jas 1'. Campbell, of
Clackamas County.
County Ticket.
State Senator Geo C. Brown-
Representatives C H. Dye.
C. G. Huntley, Linn E. Jones.
Judge Grant B. Dimick.
Commissioner John Lewellen.
Sheriff Eli C. Maddock.
Clerk Fred V. Greenman.
Recorder Chauncev E. Rams-
Treasurer J. C. Paddock.
Surveyor S. A. D. Hungate.
Coroner R. L Holnian.
Justice of the Peace l-ivy
Constable H. W. Trembath.
It is difficult to conceive of any hu
man being developing Into the brute
monster that Murderer Frank Smith
has become but the developments of
the last ten days' stamp him ns a
criminal of the most pronounced type
whose regard for human life and Its
appraisement are entirely lacking
Smith is unquestionably a more des
perate man than Tracey proved The
latter at no time in his sensational
M1bT J. C AyorCv, t owrll. !.
Alto iumilfcoluivt or
th formulti of lt our lnanlna.
trouble ; h
was ever
d no one
in order
probable !
restricted '
,ve for a
career inv
on the defensive and
the offensive Tracey
except he was compel
to facilitate his escap
capture and to proton
freedom he managed
period of two months.
Smith, on the contrary, seems pos
sessed of an insatiable appetite for
human blood. When closely pur-u. d
and when his capture appeared pos
sible. Smith, instead of runuing away,
has retraced his steps, and. coming
up to his pursuers, has resorted to his
revolver with deadly results. After
thus confusing and terrorizing the
officers by his unexampled audacity,
the deliberate murderer has escaped
It Is only right that members of
the ixisso that is seeking to capture
DMtos tin- Democratic interests, helps
along powerfully the Democratic
cause We have no great fault to llnd
with the Governor for his administra
tion of state affairs, though we think
It i not better, nor worse, than the
average. The OrOgOBlM unbesltat-I
Ingly gives the Governor credit for !
honesty of purpose and faithful. Intel
ligent and efficient discharge of bis
duties in all matters not partisan- Hut
whenever there has been a call upon
him from the P OWttk party he
has not been found wanting The grave
consequence of electing a Democratic
Senator and a Democratic Governor at
' a time when Issues of profound mo- J
ment are to lie decided by the Nation
; Nation has already been made strik
ingly and significantly obvious to v
cry voter. A Democratic Coventor
has appointed a Democratic I'nited
States Senator, and the Democratic
Senator may at any time have It with
in his power to decide absolutely the
; fate of any given Republican policy,
and thus himself defeat the whole pur
pose for which the Republican uarty
j is maintained Herein there is no
PrltOtt, over which he has exclusive
control miiv be worth) of comtneuda
lion, and then again it may not
totll us thai he has instituted the i
lUttnlt) dining room system, has
carded prison stripes, has Impn
sanitary conditions, abolished
whippingpost and accomplished
reforms which will prove elevating
lather than degrading to the convicts.
I'nlesH wo miss our guess, wo shall
hear more about the management of
the prison before (be campaign Is
In the meantime, (he Governor's
tlrst campaign address Is before the
people; they can read It and pajs
judgment In due time the. Kcpuhll- '
c in candidate will open Ills eanipalc.ii
and we shall have the pleasure of read
lug his viewsupon questions pf mo
nient in affairs of state. Orcgontaiv
Waiin weather Is upon us, clothing
stores have already begun to display
(wo piece suits In their windows and
the Depart ment of Agriculture has Is
sued a bulletin on the coming of the
I." year locusts ltui Congress shows
no signs of adjourning This Is not
as It should be Thrifty members a
both houses want to be at home look
lug after fences and such Jobs of po
lillcal farm work The lowing of Min
is wafted across the meadow laud and
the call of the blackbird resoututa
from the thicket, but the rate bilt-luis
the Senate tied up in a hard knot and
instead of looking forward to an ad
I n . i . innTfflTrTTBtffllWrTBI
e at
d In
lie th
a hi
II Ollt
or by
er side
II Into
weeks of
this desperate man. have determined remote
to give no quarter. They will shoot I minent
on sight the man as the brute, that he
is. should be treated. It is only to be i
hoped that the murdered will te tak
en without the sacrifice nf other prec- :
tom lives. It is a matter of the most
sincere regret that three good citi
zens have been sacrificed in an ef
fort to capture so worthless a cur ! slon
whose ultimate taking is a result and
earnstly hoped and prayed for. It Ib
to be further regretted -that some pun
ishment, commensurate with the aw
ful work of this desperado, cannot be
meted out to him when he is finally
brought under subjection, if. the cow
ard that
he Is. doe:
not en,!
The Republicans of Clackamas
County are now ready for business.
At a meeting of the County Central
Committee in this city Monday, or
ganization was completed by the elec
tion of C. Sehuebel as county chair
man. Vacancies were filled by ap
pointment of new committeemen and
the organization is now ready to do
effective work.
For reasons stated last week, the
Enterprise will support and work for
the entire state, district, county and
precinct tickets, wit!) the exception
of stwe Senator.
With this one exception the Enter
prise tW'ls that tiood. clean and compe
tent men have been nominated for
'the different offices: men who are
qualified Tor the places they siek and ,
who are deserving of the votes of the
electors of the county. v
But there remains work to be done.
The Democrats have planned a stren
uous campaign that is to be carried
into every precinct in the county. An
extra effort will be made to re-elect
Governor Chamberlain as well as the
Congressman for this district and a
number of the county officers.
in this, the minority party should
be disappointed. With Dr. James
Withycombe, a candidate for Govern
or, there is no longer any demand for
continuing Governor Chamberlain as
the State's chief executive, In a
county that, gives a normal Republican
majority of 7CMi and with good men
generally on the Republican ticket,
there is no excuse fir the success of
the minority party. If Republicans
stand by their nominees there will
be elected no Democrats. Inst what
claim on Republican votes a Demo
cratic candidate has. who never him
self has votied for any other candidate
4han a Democrat is not plain to see.
But in order to be elected, the candi
dates of the minority party must re
ceive a great many Republican votes.
Are they going to do it?
written. !
tallv sho
near New Era. N
of this desperate n
formation, but it i
that the sacrifice c
zens had to le ma
porado was taken,
is to be had from
h was surpri
lile hiding in
and fa
the woods
ws of the killing
in is welcome In
i to be regretted
f three good cltl
le before the des
Some satisfaction
the fact that fur-
i ther loss of life cannot be inflicted !
by Smith. It is a pity that his worth
I less career could not have been ter-
, minated before his advent into these ;
parts. It is well for the desperado
' that he was mortally wounded when
i captured, otherwise he would have
been hastily disposed of by the en
raged members of the posse.
Up in Clackamas and Polk and other
eountles and all over Yamhill there
are weekly paKrs whose main filling
if made up by the country correspond
ent. Every crossroads and every little
postofflee settlement has its batch of
items mostly personal or of a "per
sonal'' nature, some one of which gix-s
t.i the heart of the hoy or girl exiled
down here in the cl
about his or
it and furit
his thought
most likely
as be reads
way a tear,
the days of
vas no plac
reary world
the Enterprise is
the county, ftiat
resolution passed
could have been
Dr. James Withycombe, of Benton
County, has received iio nomination
for Governor on the Republican tick
et. That his election will follow in
June is assured if Republicans do their
duty. And they will do it. There is
not a single objection that can be urg
ed against the candidacy of Dr. Withy
combe. He is a perfectly clean man
and the Democrats will be without ef
fective ammunition to wage their cam
paign. With such a representative
man as Dr. Withvcombe a candidate
for Governor, there can exist no long
er an excuse for retaining a Democrat,
at the head of the government of a
Republican state.
Dr. lWthycombe is possessed of
every requisite qualification and the
sentiment In Clackamas county is
unanimous among Republican voters
that he is by all means the right ma
for the place. Dr. Withycombe may
be assured that he will receive in
this county tho full Republican vote
and that means a substantial majority
of the votes cast.
Udlced strikers on
pas a resolution
laterprlse, because
; said that it could
ti under Indictment
I state senate. As
the only paper in
is Republican, the
by the committee
aimed at no other
paper The Enterprise wishes to say
right here that no strikers of George
C. Brownell can for one minute dic
tate as to what shall go into the col
umns of this paper. The Enterprise
Mid last week that it would support
the ticket with the exception of
Brownell and gave its reasons, which
it considered valid ones, for not sup
porting him. It has not changed its
mind on this subject nor Is it likely
!'!iat it will change its mind Decease
Brownell'a machine strikers would
like to have it take a stand for him.
It Mema to b impossible for them to
get it through their heads that the
fight made against Brownell and the
' reason the Enterprise does not sttp-
port him are that as long as he is
under the shadow of an Indictment.
be should not be the candidate of the
i Republican party for State Senator.
for rt
rnor Chamberlain is a Demo
He is the Democratic candidate
election, He is not in accord
the Republican partly In the
great principles and policies for which
it stands, and in any patisan matter
he takes the Democratic view, pro-
posslbllity; It is always im
We know too much about
the critical history of the United
States not to understand how many
times a single Senator on one side or
the other has determined the fate of
measures of immense National Import
a nee.
The Republican party has a mis
Its mission Is to devise. supMrt
enforce measures of legislation
and schemes of administration design
Sd to advance the welfare of our whole
: citizenship. And it cannot do these
! things by knocking out from whole
structures the very cornerstone, which
: is the election or apisilntment of Unit
ed States Senators. The Oregonlan
'opposes Governor Chamberlain be
I cause hq is a Democrat and supports
: Mr. lWthycombe because he Is a RS
j publican. That is sufficient reason
good reason It thinks Mr. Withy
' combe will stake a satisfactory ex
; eeutlve and " knows he will not. be
cause he cannot, appoint Democrats
to vital political offices
This much by way of introduction
to consideration of an address deliv
ered last night by Governor Chamber
; lain In opening bis campaign for re
election in it Mr Chamberlain sets
forth policies he has advocated and
will advocate and the results he claims
to have accomplished during :'. years
of his Incumbency. Having served a
' chief executive of the state for the
greater portion of one term, he has
a record that is OPM for discussion
; and he is entitled to all the advant
age he can get out of it. If the peo
: pie of Oregon want him for Govern- j
or another four years It Is their privi
' lege to elect him.
It is very evident to any observer
that Governor Chamberlain has his'
ear to the ground and has beard the
distant mnttertngs of public senti- i
ment. He is In accord with the demand
of the times In the matter of fran
chise legislation and regulation ofi
banks, and makes himself perfectly
clear upon these subjects. There Is
no reason to believe however, that he .
has advantage over the Republican
candidate in this respect, and there
can be do doubt that when Dr. Withy
combs opens his campaign he will
take a position as advanced and spec
ific as that announced by Governor!
Chamberlain, j
Upon the subject of the Initiative
and referendum and the direct pri
mary. Governor chamberlain is very
pronounced. A' great many people
have lost their good opinion of these 1
new features of state government, but I
Chamberlain has not. He believes In
then and says so. without reservation.
lie goes, further and boasts that, it was
through his Instrumentality that the
i pe iple were enabled to hold up the i
I $1,000,000 appropriation bill by refer
endum petition. He makes this a I
; prominent part, of bis speech and evl
Idently deems It an importunl Issue in I
this campaign. Very well; let Cham
i berlain take, all the credit he can get '
and bear all the (ensure for lack of
funds for state institutions and the I
accumulation of interest upon unpaid
. claims.
The claim made by the leader of
Oregon Democracy that, during his ad
ministration order has been brought
out pf chaos in the State Land Office
may be conceded, but It. is difficult to I
I see wherein this is particularly to ins
j credit, since be is but one member of
' the board which has charge of state
j land affairs, while the other two mem
bers are Republicans, Are not. the
two Republican members of the board
entitled to share commendation for
reforms in the Stats Land office? And
more, is it not. a fact that state land
frauds were perpetrated during Gov
ernor Chamberlain's administration as
they were In previous years? It. Is true
prosecutions have been commenced,
but. has anyone been put behind prison
bars for landgrubhlng?
Governor Chamberlain's adminis
tration of the affairs of the State
Journmeut by May la, tin
talk of a session to June !
baps the middle of July
several tilings to be coin
fore an adjournment can
of. The rale bill must be
of the way This can be i
l staying and fighting it
lining up for a vole before i
is ready and throwing tht
conference, it looks now
there might still be weary
talk ahead and that the session might
he prolonged well into the summer
The House is practically ready for
adjournment now, but the Senate is
the stumbling block It Is said that
the conferees on the Statehood Hill
are ready to roiort and that there will
be an agreement to leave New Mexico
nnd Arloua out of the tight and agree
on a bill admitting Oklahoma and In
dian Territory There Is also In the 1
background the spectre of the Philip
pine Tariff bill, w hich Is not as dead .
as some of its enemies w ish and which
by devious methods may be forced to
a vote on the (loor of the Senate
These three things are enough to In
sure the presence of Congress beneath .
the great white dome till well Into the
hot weather. And If both bouses do
not look allv there may be some awk
ward sequel to the threat of the labor
unions to get into politics and elect
a few members who will do business,
do it wrong perhaps, but still get ac
tion and not spend weeks and months
to talk to the Interruption of real pro
gr. s-, in legislative work Politicians
in Congress ought to realize the dan
' ger better than most laymen and there
Is certainly every POSSofl for the ac-
I the men in Isilh houses to get to
geiher and expedite business rather
than to run the risk of seeing It pass
into the hands of those who might
I not run it so well, but would assuredly
do It more expeditiously.
AYi'vM.it'ic Preparation for Ab
ling lite Sluuuuk uiul lkmm tif
ncssjitulllrsl loiil.ilnsnt'illrr
Opium. Moi'iilunc KOI Muicral.
No r Nam o otic.
U Sinnm
- ' Ui.
(...' I,
lii '"'
M IMt Ui '
Atirrferl Ht incdv forConslipn
lion. Sour Sloniarh.IlMirWee.!
Worms,! oiivulsums.h'vmsp.
iicss nu.l loss OK SUIR
Tai 'SinuW Siyimturr of
For Infanta and Children,
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars the
ixact copy or whaphch.
For Over
Thirty Years
Mllwaukle. Clackamas County. Ori
gin. April M, I0OC
Kdltor Oregon City Knterprlse, Ore
gon City, Oregon
Dear Sir
If you will allow no- the tqinee In
your paper, I should like through lis
Columns to express my thanks to
those of bi) friends who supported
me In the primary election Just passed
I desire also to say that I im entire
ly satlslled with the llrkel as nORll
Dated by the vote of the people and I
do herein pledge my support of same
Very truly.
Oregon City. Or . April '.'7. 1 mm;
o lion Oeo C Itrowuell, Republican
candidate for Stale Senator for
Clsokamai County You are p
oectfullv Invited to it t no- and dls
cuss the b-ndlng Issues of the day at
nny time or place that wu may desig
nate Time nnd time about, or any
way that Is fair.
Respect fully.
N f. NKJOlt
Abernethy Orange No ..Hi V of II .
met in ih. lr bull at PlffepUU i Sal
unlay. L'Mih lust , at 10 o clock. In reg
ular duy session, and was promptly
called to order by Worthy Master
Clyde, under le ad of conferring de
grees Three were Initiated In the
llrst ami Herom! and two In the third
and fourth decrees, after which a
splendid dinner was served ami every
body enjoyed themselves The con
I test progrnm was a feature long to be
remembered There Is but one more
program In this contest Then, oh
thell. the -.upper Is due I hope to bu
(here, don't you"
It begins to
divorce would
for marriage
, tin-tax
OV the question Is Wll
most opponents, the
or the Income tax b
Importance of the Teeth
den. Funafuti's worst enemies will
hardly accuse him of having had a
press agent waiting In San Francisco
Thu hulk of the talk about limit
ing private fortunes seems to come
from those who would not be affect
Sd by any sort of reduction.
Senator LsfollsttS has the India
Rubber man backed off the board lb
stretched his rate bill speech over
three days and the last section In
sight was marked "more."
Tills Southern man for president
proposition might be worthy -of a good
deal more notice If the southern peo
pie did not so notoriously put their
dispelled, and
it be to her to
money on the wrong
f o
There was some q
authorities whether
would be
there will
bis being
il to sal!
at all about
tit b
(irons dlssentlni
Humphrey's ruling Fine c
his enemies to claim that
ing lo usurp the judicial fun
d a vli
of worrying about
is going to da af
file White House,
is going to do af
dO before he gets
There is no need
what the ('resident
ter he gets out of
what, the President
guess what he will
out of It.
Secretary Root's coming southern
trip Is to include the pacification of
Venezuela, the consummation ofll"'
entente with 'Brazil, the steering of!
the Pan American Conference and u
few other things. And yet some peo
pie are unkind enough to allude to it
as a vacation Junket.
When a pretty ir I parts rosy lips and reveals tit--cayed
teeth, intlamed uins and a disagreeable
breath, how quickly the charm is
how painful and mortifying must
be he victim of such a condition.
Many adies whose faces are unattractive in re
pose, become positively charming when their
smiles reveal clean, white teeth, well cared for.
Though ladies may be dressed in the richest ap
parel, with eyes enchanting and features perfect,
if they have decayed and broken teeth, diseased
gums and foul breath, their friends cannot ap
proach them without a feeling of repugnance.
In twenty-four hours we breath twenty-live thous
and times. What must be the effect on the deli
cate structure of the lungs when for days, months
and years the air we breathe is drawn through a
a depository of filth and poisoned by being mixed
with effluvia rising from decayed and ulcerated
teeth ?
Why endanger your health and life when a few
hours' work will make your mouth clean ami
We do painless work and guarantee it.
An expert Eastern graduate dentist with us all the
Seventeen years' practice in Oregon City,
Both Phones.
Weinhard Buildinjj, Opposite Court House
The' regular monthly meeting of the
Socialists will be held in Knapp's ball
Sunday, Mny (j, at 1:30 p. in. The;
executive committee of the party will I
meet at 11 a. m. to discuss plans for
the campaign and other official busl ;
tiess and dinner will be served at. noon, j
The first half of the assessment for
campaign expenses will be collected
at this meet ing and a musical and lit
erary program will be rendered In the
afternoon. Joseph Wanhope, one of
the best Socialists speakers In the
United States and 0. VV. Ilaree, So
cialist, candidate for Governor of Or
egon, will speak in Oregon City in the
near future and the date will be an
nounced at Sunday's meeting If ar
rangements have been completed by
that time. "
The Imported German Coach Stallion
PFIEL 1671
A beautiful bay, 10 bands
weighs 1848 pounds, splendid
Tuesday forenoon at. J, N. WcKu.v'h;
nesday and Thursday, Oregon City, lit
unlay ut. Hubbard. Terms $20 to
J. N.
George VV. Speight, Keeper.
action. Hint was admired so much at
the Lewis anil Clark Show, where ho
stood third In a class of Coach stal
lions that could not be beaten on
either continent. Pflel won first prlzo
and championship at the Oregon State
Fair in 190S I. and Is Oonsldeed by
good Judges lo be the highest class
Coach stallion III the slate. His colts
art! uniformly good, and out of trot
ting bred inures I bey look like pun
bred coaohers, Will make the season
of llini; as follows; Monday at, St. Paul;
Tuesday nlicmoon nl ButtSVllle; Wotl
Helnz' feed stable: Friday ami Hnt-
liHiire with foal.
McK AY, Owner,
U. V. I). No. 1 --Woodbiirn, Oregon.