OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1906. 1 Pefsonal Mention Mrs, It. T, Purslfull In spending a fow weeks with her daughter, at Mt, Angel, Mr. ami Mm. 0, T, Too.e, of Wilson vlllo, wore In tho city the liiitiir part of last week. , i Adam KnlKht, of Onnby, wan In the city Wednesday, to attend tho funeral of tho Into Midriff Hhaver, Mm. It. It. McVlpln Ik vIhII Infc f rlMiilM ami relative nt upper Wll. Ininolto Valley points this wiol(, J. (!. HpruKtio, of Ixinaii, who recent ly Hold hi farm, turn koiui to Oorvnllls whorg with hi family lie will reside temporarily. CltMirKii N. Maddock, of Spokane, wan In tho city renewing old acipmlntancoH thin week. Mr. Mmldock formerly re sided In this city. Or. J. .1. invltt, of Molalla, was among tho old nelghbora who camo to Oregon City to attend the funeral of tin. late Sheriff Shaver, Mr. and Mm. Ilobert Henley, of Oak land, California, will arrive today for a vlst at tho homo of Mm. Jloaley'a mother, Mm. C. T. Hickman In thin city. A. M. Shlbley of Hprlngwater, won In tint city Monday In attendance on a meeting of tho Clnckiima County Ho putdlcan Central Committee, of which he In a member. Mm. Clara Adam Norfey ami MIhh I. ii In Adams' who were In tho Han FranelHco disaster, aro safe, but Mm. Nofrcy loHt everything. They for merly resided hero and aro Dr. Waldo and Dr. Claudo A damn' sinter. Will Koerner, won of Mr. und Mr. Itudolph Koerner, bus returned to this rlty from I'alo Alto where ho. was at tending Stanford University, Ho re late an Interesting account tif tho ro cent Callfnrnlii earthquake, Mr. and Mm. II. L. Msre, of Wood burn ; Dr. I?. P, Dedman and Adam Knight of Candy, and George W. Gros ser, of Oswego, were anionic tho out-of-town people attending Um funeral of the lato Sheriff John It. Shaver In ttilM city Wednesday. J. It. Cole, H N. F.verhart and Ma jor HuiiKHto wero Among tho Molallft people who came to OreKon City Wed ncaday to pay a last tribute of respect to tho memory of Sheriff Shaver. These three gentlemen officiated an arttvo pall hearom at tho funeral. Dr. Chan. It. Ieavltt. Hon of Dr. J. J. lionvltt. of Molnlla, who recently grad uated from tho Chicago Veterinary college, haw been apixilnted Vcterln 9 Local Events Horn to Mr. and Mm, duilgllUir. Cloanor White, Horn Friday, April 27, to Mr, and Mm. Jack Hlount, at Gladstone, a daughter. H. T. Human, printer, lildg., Oregon City. 0 Welnhard WantedCompetent woman or girl for general lioiiHO-work. K. L. Hoi man, Oregon City, It Tho latest style and pattern dres lintH. Miss C. Goldsmith. In MARK'S PRAIRIE AND VICINITY. to DAMA8CU8. , NEEDY, Most of tho f tinner wero glad to - Him It rain onco more. . Mr. A. 0. Newell started for Mon-1 Tho rain wa a welcome visitor tana tho 25th. Ilo Intend seeing the tho farmer of this vicinity. Yellowstone Park while on hm trip. Mr. George Dalian ha gone to Kan hum to look after business affair. Those attending the dance at Cluck a in us report having a nice time. MIhh Huby Cooke la working for her sister, Mr. P. A. Hunter. 8pring fever la prevented by tho mho of our Red Line Sartaparlila. None Just a good. Our price CO cents. CHAftM AN & CO., City Drug Btore, Mr. Hen Wolfcr lost a very valuable yearling colt last week, he had been On Monday evening, May 7th, 1900, offered oho hundred foliar for It a, Meade Pout No. 2, O. A. It., will eel fow day before. ebrate tho 25th anniversary of It or- John Jesse baa been on tho Hick list jganlzatlon, In Willamette Hall at 8 for several day. o'clock. An Interesting program will Our hop raiser aro rushing their; be furnished. All comrade and their Cet Mr. and Mr. A. Newell and Hon; hop work a hop are making a very i wive, and all members of the W. It. Jack Latourctto returned to I5ugen Sunday after spending tho Kuster va cation at hi homo In thl city. The latoHt style dress hat. Ml C. and pattern Goldsmith. In R. L. Holman, leading undertaker, next to Harrlt' grocery etore, Oregon City, Oregon. Millinery In price. that pleaae, nave a third KICI) FRONT. Tho regular meeting of Maple Lane Orange will bo held tomorrow, Saturday. Carden Mceda cut to Seed PenM, half 5c. half. 2 pkg Kc. ItKD FRONT. Wo aro Btubborn on price. Stub Immly hammering them down to tho lowcMt notch on reliable dry good and alloc. Thomaon'a Hargalr) Btoro. Our pattern aro the latoat deHlgn. Our Hlyle aro oicIukIvd. MIh C. noldNiulth. Heglnnlng tomorrow, Saturday, h. IRuconlch. of Tho Planet, will handlo Welnhard' celoljrated Kaler beer. To try thl now brew onco 1 to drink nono other. MONEY TO per cnt. & Rchubol. IX)AN AT Farm aocurlty. AND 7 URen LeHter, vlalted their daughter, 'Mr. C. R. Hunter, of Kogle Creek Sunday and Monday. MIhh Dora Ilel.nr called on Ml Wolfliagen Sunday, Mr. und Mm. Itankln, of Unlvemlty Park, vlnlted Mr. Rankin' mother, Mr. Acock, Sunday, The Free Mothodlut are Htlll hold ing th(dr revival meeting. They are getting but few convert. growth and mot all the hop hero ar better than for year rapid yard pftHt, Mr. Jacob Hitter I a little behind with hi yard but will employ more men thl week and K' t caught up with hi work. The telephone line here have been C. aro cordially Invited. DEAFNE8S CANNOT BE CURED by local application, a they cannot reach tho dleaned portion of tho ear. There 1 only one way to cure deaf no, and that is by conmltutlonal bad about the murderer that did uch work at Wood burn lat week. Mr, Arnold Smith, who I attending j Sowing grain 1 about done here, Mchool In Portland, vlHlted hi parentajA large acreage of oat ha been put Saturday and Sunday. ; In. MIh Mao Newell apent Sunday j The hay crop of thl vicinity prom with MIhh Florence Dalle. j (no to be the largoHt In year. Sever- Mr. Acock Ih working for Mr. 0. :al hundred acre wa uown laHt fall In W. Derry. (cheat for .hay. MIh Anna Hachmon vlnlted her par-, n()W that the prlmarle are over, kept hot with all kind of report ; remedlo. Deafnea I caued by an She 1 we the MlHKe Clara and Kdna CaiillelJ, Nelta Harding and Angellno William, latter apending th Kanter vacation In jthl city, havo returned to tho State I Cnlvemlty at F,ugeno. FOR SAMC- arlan In Uie 1'nlled State army ondi'"'1' f,,r Knl miereii to report to Heame ror bh Hlgnnient to tranHjuirt aervleo In tho PhlllpplneH. Rev. H. 8. Holllnger returned Sat urday from Allmnv, where ho had been attending tho Congregational Conference, Mr. Holllnger and daughter Alice have gone to Corval )Ih. with Mr. Holllnger mother, Mm. Delnliiger, and will upend about two wek vlHltlng Mrn. Hlllnger'a HlHter, Mm. H. K. Lure. H. HennlngHen left Wednenday for hi (dd borne at Apph-tun, Wlnconnln, for a month' denervod vacation that will 1) apent vIhIHiik old friend. Mr. .HennlngHen ha for eight year been Imih inaclilnlht In tho Crown Mill In PleitHant. Oregon. It. F -Ono yearling HorefonI C. W. Hankett, Mount D. No. 1, Oregon City. t4 Norman Marra, of Aatorla. aged alMiut 35 yearn, died of tuberculoHl of the atomach at tho homo of rela tive hero Wednenday. DoceaBod leave a wlfo and two children. out Saturday and Sunday, teaching chool near Aurora. We are all very thankful that were not In California during great earthquake. Mr. Stark I reported to bo about tho Maine. MIhh Hazel Siejer 1 working for Mm. Grant Mumpower. MeHHr. Mlrrell Newell and Harry Feather went to Portland laat Tuoh day. Mr. Marlon Ixmg ha mvn on the Hick lint. Mr. Carl Wolfhagen I working for Mr. Hammond Paulnon. Mr. M. V. Newell ban broke hi broncho to ride. Somo ono better look out how they throw Htone at Uie church house. The pamon offered f 5 to any one who would find out who threw the Htono Sunday night at tho tho church. MIhh Pearl Johnnon wa Been In our vicinity Bundoy. Tho Dunkard Sunday School ha a largo attendance each Sunday. It will bo tho bride' mald'a turn to marry next. The Rock Creek School Ih progreR Ing nicely under tho management of MIhh K. Klelnnmlth. Mi. Fletcher Img la making plan to build a new Ikjuhc It lxks sus picion Fletcher. What' the matter with Damacu? From tho sound of things Sunday night It muni be waking up. The boy aro practicing up to play baneball thl Hummer. ' Thero will be Home place to go then on Sunday. . Mr. A. Newell trannaeted buHlness In Portland lant Thumday. let uh ee what I the reult. Oregon City win out agaltiHt the country and the floating vote and thone who pay no taxes have nominated the Dell Wether for Senator, but we think Inflamed condition of the mucous lln Ing of the BuHtachian Tube. When thl tube I Inflamed you have a rum bling Bound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Ih entirely cloned, deafness 1 the reHiilt, and unle the inflamma tion ean be b takn outhmrdlutadlu tion can i taken out and this tube restored to it normal condition, hear ing will be destroyed forever; nine case out of ten are caused by Catarrh which 1 nothing but an Inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by .that the honest voter and property ! catarrh) that cannot be cured by owners will not stand for hi election j Hall' Catarrh Cure. Send for circu : In June and It I to be hoped that be j Jars free. F. H. CHENEY Sc. CO., will get et down on in such a way . Toledo, O. that we will be rid of thl clas of j Sold by Druggists, 75c. i politician. j Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- J. D. Rltter will build him a bop ; patlon. I house In the near future, i We learn that a Mr. Cooper has purchased the Ben Homesly farm on Mark's Prairie. TT'S mulsion When you go to a drug store and ask for Scott's Emulsion you know what you want; the man knows you ought to have it. Don't be surprised, though, if you are offered something else. Wines, cordials, extracts, etc., of cod liver oil are plenti ful but don't Imagine you are getting cod liver oil when you take them. Every year for thirty years we've been increasing the sales of Scott's Emulsion. Why? Because It has always been better than any substitute for It. Send for free tampl SCOTT A BOWNE, Chemlite 409-419 Pearl Street, New York COo. and $1.00. AlldruqoleU The Oglesby Bros orchestra will I fplay for the dance at New Kra next i Friday evening, May the Gtn. Planting gardens and all kinds of work keep our people the rush will soon be some of ti will go to on our annual fiHliing very busy, but over and then the mountains trip. Dr. Geo, Hoeye, In tho Cauflold build ing, administer Somnoforme and Air oform In the painless extraction of teeth. Perfectly harmless and no sick ening aftereffect. At St. Paul' ICpIseopat church, rec tor tho Rev. P. K. Hammond, tho ev ening servlco beginning with next tr.. V: "ul, " " ...Li" . Sunday will bo held at 8 Instead of nun nj diiviii III hit. IlltlUI1 IlllllU'IWIiri ... , . , friend who wihm ror mm tno pieaHnnt trip and visit he has coming to hlin. ! G o'clock. uhubI. The morning services as Dm. Heatlo & Room 1C, 17, 18, Heatlo, Welnhard Dentists, Hulldlnif. MEN WANTEU-Saw Mill and l.uni ber Yard laborers, 2.00 por day, woodsmen $2. 2.1 to $100. Steady work. Apply to lUKith Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene, Oregon. SORE NIPPLES. A cure may bo effected by apply ing Chamberlain' Salvo a soon as the child Is done hunting. Wipe It off with a Hoft cloth before allowing tho hlld to nurno. Many trained nume lino thl salve with tho best results. Price 25 cent per box. Sold by How ell & olieH. FOR HORSE STEALING. Nlel RhoadoH, charged with homo Mteallng, was taken to Portland Wed nenday for trial. Rhoades' arrest Is the result of a misunderstanding with M. (iolHha. the complaining wltnoss, of whom two horses were purchased on the Installment plan. Tho arrest was made by Tho. Miller, a Hpoelal deputy sheriff appointed by Coroner Holman who was acting as Sheriff un til a successor to the lato Sheriff hav er was appointed. There I plenty of State School money to bo had at 6 per cent Inter est Iians can bo had from one to ten years. Gordon E. Hayes, agont. Jacob Miller, the electrician, whllo engaged at bin work at Willamette ycHtcrday morning, fell from a tele graph polo and sustained very pain ful though not considered serious or permanent Injuries. The time for filing independent nom inations for Stato offices closes thirty day before the election, which will be held on June 4. They must he filed In tho office of tho Secretary of State. Independent nominations for county office can bo lllod with County clerks until within fifteen days of the election. W. 8. Eddy, T. S M. D. V., recently from Iowa, has located at Oregon City, having established an office ot tho Fashion Stables. Veterinarian Eddy Is a graduate of the Ontario Veterin ary College, of Toronto, Canada, and tho McKUlin School of Surgery, of Chicago. Ho comes to Oregon City highly recommended. He may be reached by both phones Farmers, 132 (and Main 1311. Do you know what the Allen Business College, of Oregon City, Ore., is doing for its students? Mr. Dave Zimmerman hag been quite sick for several days, and does not seem to get any better. Dr. Weaver, of Jlubbard 1 in attendance. MT. PLEASANT. MR. B. METZGER OF Metge & Company JEWELERS AND. OPTICIANS i visiting f been Agent wanted: -San Francisco Earth quake Disaster; Thousands killed and Injured. $500,000,000 worth of property destroyed. Full and authentic story told by survivor and eyo witnesses. Largest and best book, best Illustrated 80 per cent profit to agents. Freight paid. Credit given. Outfit free. Send 4 2 cent stamps for postage. Address COOPER & CO., 134 lke St. Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Sellers are theln (laughter Cora who has quite 111 for some time. Little Orace Millard Is oulte sick Mr. and Mrs. Raydate were visiting at the horn of Mr. Yexley'a last Sun- day. I Mr. M. Freeman was visiting her j mother last Sunday. Mrs. Myers and daughter were call-. Ing on Mrs. Smith Sunday. Miss Lucile Kellogg wo visiting her aiuit, Mrs. Warner, last Saturday. Willie Rowland, who has been 111, I much better. i 111 Sixth St., near Washington, . Portland, Oregon Will be at the Electric hotel every .Wednesday, He will test your eyes free, should you need glasses, he will fit you. .All work guaranteed and prices the same as in Portland. , WE GUARANTEE A PERFECT FIT FOR ONE DOLLAR. Remember, lenses are included at these prices. We change your lenses at often as required without extra charge. t !, Among thoso doing good service in assisting the afflicted at San Francis co. Is Joe Meldrum. son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meldrum, of this city. A dispatch from tho stricken city says: "At this hospital (the Oregon Hospi tal), working like a hero, is Joe Mel drum. of Oregon City. He Is a son of Henry Meldrum and his parents were anxious for his safety for several day. Captain Dr. Carll, also of Oregon City. Is, high In hi praise of young Mel drum and the services which he- has rendered." For some time previous to the earthquake and destruction of San Francisco, Joo Meldrum was en gaged In tho restaurant business In that city. N. F. NELSON. Independent (Hayseed) Candidate For . State Senator. Ijist Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moffatt entertained about thirty at cards. After the guests had as sembled at the hospitable Moffat home they were apprised of the fact that the date marked tho wooden anniversary of the host and hostess. Further evi dence of such an anniversary was re vealed In the decorations which con sisted of wood shavings and dog-wood cleverly arranged about the rooms in an attractive manner. Hearts were played, the prizes being captured by Miss Mamie I,ewthwalte and Mr. Sam Stowe. Refreshments were served and an Informal program of music tended to most delightfully conclude a pleasant evening. Tho host and hostess were the recipients of the very best wishes of their guests for the re turn of many more such happy anniversaries. My platform Is "DO RIGHT." "In other words, we shoidd be as honeKt and "economical in politics as ! In private life. I favor education and good roads. While the primary elec tion law does not glvejgood satisfac tion yet, I favor the elecllon of United States Senators by a direct vote of the people. We need fewer laws and better ones. Will serve my constitu ents to the best of my ability. "I love my fellow-men, which In cludes women as well as men. Red, white and blue are my colors; and the Star SnanEled Banner shall yet wave i over a free, happy and Intelligent people. In short "I live for those who love me. For those who know me true For the God who reigns above us And thij good that I can do." April 273t. ' OA8TOZIXA. ,l!Hind ton Haw ftiwars Wip Let Yotir Money Work For Yoo and you will have a willing and faithful servant. You can never make a fortune by days' work, but if you let your money work with you, together you can accomplish results that you could never obtain by manual labor. Money when out to work keeps right at it day and night, never stops to rest, asks for no holi days and never takes a day off. It is very easy to start your money to work, all that is neces sary is to open a Savings Account with us and make small weekly or monthly additions and it will work without complaining and with results that wilt be highly gratifying to you. Do it to-day, tomorrow never comes. The Bank of Oregon City j Better Shoes. Red FRONT. OASTOIIIA. Beanth lhe Kind You Have Always Bought WANTED: by Chicago wholesale and mall order house, assistant manager (man or woman) for this county and adjoining territory. Salary $20 and expenses paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work pleasant; position permanent. No Investment or exped ience required. Spare time valuable. Write at once for full particulars and enclose self-nddressod envelope. SUP15RINTRNDENT, 132 Lake St., Chicago, 111. May IS. The announcement of an advance in the market quotation for hops has served as a stimulus in encouraging the fnrther cultivation of this crop by Clackamas county growers who are now busily engaged training their vines. Hops never looked better and more promising at this season of the year than they do In Clackamas coun ty today. Few yards are being plow ed up and the acreage this year will be fully as large as that of last year. STOMACH TROUBLES. Mrs. Sue Martin an old and highly respected resident of Faisonia, Miss.,; was sick with stomach trouble lor more than six months. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cirred her. She says: "l ean now eat anything I want and am the proudest woman In tho world to find such a good medi cine." For sale by Howell &. Jones. OASTOIIIA. Sun tht ltl8 Kinl YM HawAlwavs Bought S aw GROCERIES. DRY GOODS, ETC. Nnsftl Catarrh quickly yields to treat ment by Ely's Cream Hfthu, which is agree ably aromatic It is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists soil the 60o. siw ; Trial size by mail, 10 cents. Test it aud you are sure to continue the treatment. Announcement. To acoonmmdiUo tluwe who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into the nasal pssssges for tatarrhal trou I bit s, the proprietors prepare Cream lialm in liquid form, which will be known as Liy's ! Liquid Cream liivlm. Tnee including the , nriivinc tube is 7.') cents. Prucgists or by mail. The liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of the solid preparation. Fresh seeds at half 2 pkg ...... 5c New Waists 49c up Seed Peas, half pound 5c, Ladies' 5c handkerchiefs ...... 3c Seed Potatoes, sack 35cOdds and ends in 25c neckwear. .5c 1 lbs best gloss starch 10c Small corsets cut to 37c Equal to 2 packages starch. Pure ground pepper, allspice, gin ger, mustard, in bulk 30c pound. Yarn 4c and . Cc Thread 3 for 10c Child's hose supporters ........8c In small cans you pay 80c per lb.$1.00 wrappers 82c Good bulk lemon or vanilla, 5c oz.l5c and 10c satin ribbons cut to.. 3c T! , ,,,,, . Child's handkerchiefs lc Bring bottle, save half. , UNDERWEAR-BIG CUT 10c bottle bluing for .5c$i.no goods cut to 70c, 90c goods 60 10c clothes line , 5c;50c goods to 40c and 45c Clothespins doaen ic uads and ends hats 19c, 39c ... .94c ouon. socks, a pair iuc wM4. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE H. M. Hartman, formerly of Mur quam, but now of Shanlko, eastern Oregon, was In the city last Saturday, having been called to the Willamette Valley by tho death of his son who was nttendlnK1 the Portland business , college, Tho remains of tho young man, who died of typhoid fover, wore I fnterreit Marquam. V ". Trade Marks Designs Copvriohts Ac innia ,.n,lliiu iv nkeloh und description mM nulolilr RiHWIum our opinion free whether ati IhYPiitlnii lit prolmlilT pnientahle. t'oniniunlr. nuiiimtrlollTooiill.lotitliil. HANDBOOK on Patent i'iiI ric. Mi.t niiency (or nwnrlnii putenn. Patent taken throuiih Munn X Co. reeelY lin nuttct, nil limit ctinriia, III the Scientific flittericati A handsmnolTilliiKtrated weekly. Largest elr eulntloii r nin MentlUo Journal. Terina, (,) voar; four moiitlia, II. Soiabyall newsdealer. ltlUNN&Co.381Brc'd' New York lirauoh Office, l F BU Washlugtwi, I). C Flour 95c, finer flour $1.05. Coffee 15c; best coffee, . 20c Try a free sample of fine 20c cof fee. Compare with 30c or 35c goods. 40c to 60c teas here at 25c to 45c 4-gal. keg pickles 75c MILLINERY. New Spring hats, beauties and not SHOES. Ladies' misses' and child's white oxfords $1.25 to 95c Those pretty chocolate shoes, dressy, but low priced here. Ladies' easy low heel shoes $2.25 grade for $1.75 Ladies' $2.50 and $3 fine shoes for $2.00 and $2.50 Other fine shoes cut to St.19 J1.33 high priced. Sold with drygoods rty sn(M3 i0c uo. much less margin than millinery houses. See them before you buy. ' , Trimmed hats $1.45 up. Coupons for free dishes. Trade liberally for produce. Misses' fine shoes cut to .... 1.33 Men's $1.75 shoes cut to 1.50 Misses' coarse button shoes 63c and 95c Ladles' heavy shoes mostly large 95c and 1.25 RED FRONT, Oregon City