1 1 o CREQON CITY ENTERPRISE, TRIDAY, MAY 4, 1906. ESI pchandise Carnival 9 Gpanc Me PAYS FMF Mill JUi r W' J FR EIGHT! MM THE PEOPLE GET THE BENEFIT We quote only a few of the many Bargains you can get during this grand Merchandise Carnival MEN'S SUITS f hey are made of pure worsted and serge, also the new tweeds, single or double breasted coats, perfect fitting. They come In greys, browns, also plain black and blues. The $25. 127 50 and $30 valuesd yr Carnival price yll. fO The $16. IS. and $20 values O n r" Carnival price Q 3 The $10 and $12.50 values A QCZ Carnival price Tt3 Boys' Knee Pants Suits For half their real value Knee Pant Suits $3 and $4 4 1Q values Carnival price J S Knee pants suits regular $2.50.-alues go at J y Odd pants 50c, and 75c values "JO go at O C SHOES SHOES lien's Shoes and Oxfords vicl kid velours in boxcalf, black and tan, All our $3. $4 and $4.50 Shoes f The $2.50 and $3 kinds Carnival price O Ladies' $2.50 shoes go in this ja sale at 1.1 MEN'S HATS Conqueror brand, fashion's latest con ceit.Jn soft models, $3 and $3.50 I i A valuesCarnival price I.IU All Your needs for the Year can be supplied at half what you pay elsewhere. OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN Our Eastern buyer having purchased the entire stock of The Brown Mercantile Co. of Utica, N. Y at about 35c on the dollar, enables us to give to the people of Oregon City and vicinity the greatest chance of their lives to buy up-to-date merchandise at a price never before realized in this section of Oregon. $35,000 worth of Clothing, Boots; Shoes, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods will b put on sale Saturday, May 5, J 906 It is Cash we Want and Cash We Must Have. The most Phenomenal and Ruthless Price Cutting Carnival ever held in this section of Oregon begins Sat urday, May 5th. At 9 o'clock Saturday Morning our doors will be opened on an avalanche of Bargains. This is a money saving opportunity that will bring every man, woman and child to this store and it ought to, for no such marvelous bargains were ever before offered in this commonwealth. Next Saturday morning when our doors open upon this Carnival, you will see the biggest crowd in Oregon City that has been here for many a day. It will look like some gala occasion; like the Fourth of July, or the welcoming of President Roosevelt, and every eye will be turned toward this store. Every heart throb will be caused by the anticipation of the wonderful, magnificent and unparalleled bargains that we will most surely hand out to the people of this community. It is MONEY MONEY MONEY That we Want. It is MONEY MONEY MONEY That we Must Have CLOTHING The cheap, shoddy, clothing cuts no Ice now, as pi-ople can buy olothlng here that is new and up to-date at about the price the other fellow would charge you for what ho has been carrying fur the past two to 25 years. We have thousands of dollars worth of It, and It Is going out to the people, at the most ruinous prices ever placed upon fine goods In this city. If you want a single Item In the clothing line, remember you must be here at this big sale to get It, as such an upportunlty was never offered you beforo In your life. The same thing applies to every item In this big store. You get Just what you want at a saving at from 50 to 75 per cent. While visiting this GREATEST OF ALL MERCHANDISE CARNIVAL8 don't fall to overlook the wonderful bargains we are offering In Ladies' Coats, Shirtwaists, Skirts and wrappers. These goods are cheaper than you will ever be able to buy them again. When you come, look for them with the red ticket and marked in plain figures. . , SHOES We are piling out shoes; we are putting them In bins on tlie counter and convenient places for you to look them over, where you can examine every pair. You will see the stamp here on them, made by honest hands; and we believe we are telling the truth when we say that you can come very near fitting the whole family out in shoes for what you pay for one pair elsewhere. It Is the most golden opportunity that has ever visited all Oregon City since the first time that she cameon earth. OVERALLS 39 cents IT IS UP TO YOU . BABY SHOES 19 cents We bid yoti one and all a hearty welcome Remember the Date, Saturday, May 5, 9.00 a. m. Just What You Have Been Waiting for The Date you know The Hour is set Extra Specials For Women Fine ready to wear skirts made of Puuama, uiohulr and New, In black, grey, navy nnd brown, pluids and fancy mixtures, .i nnd fS values rr Carnival Price yl.U Nobby new Spring Jackets, light und muni fitting, notch collar and collurU'HM stylos. Homo llni'd other unllued f:i to fi; values Carnival prlro 95c Ladies' Wrappers $1.00 valuea go at 1 1. So and $2 values Carnival price 44c 83o Men's Furnishings I'nderwear, Shirts ami drawers, all Hisses, correct Summer wclKht, fine values Carnival price i)C Men's Dress shirts In fancy styles dots and figure, $1 values o Carnival price sJsjC (iood regulnr nc socks go at 3c Men's handkerchiefs 3c MIhhcb' and children's flue black rib bed hose regular 15c values q Carnival price OC NECKWEAR Men's Ties In all the new" shades, regular G0c and 75c values, q go In this sale at JLtjQ All 25c values at 9c Never will your dollar go to far again. THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW. Let Nothing Keep You Away , Mark the date and Mark it well Sat. May 5, 9 a.m. Sale Opens Saturday, May 5, at 9 m. Mepcant Co. Knapp's Hall, Co. Tenth and Main Sts., Opp. Catholic Church Oregon City, Of. J