Oreek 01 TRVt TY nrv L7 D DO VOL. 39. IJ(0. 21. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1906. ESTABLISHED 1866. )N TvjI? Atom. SHAVER IS KILLED Clackamas 'County Sheriff Is Murdered by Smith. 0. D. HENDERSON OF WOODOURN, ALSO MORTALLY WOUNDED. Funeral 8ervlce Over Dead Officer Were Largely At tended. Sheriff .John K. Shaver, of OlurKn amiis county, died Monday morning at h Salem hospital, having ! fa tally shot lit NViioilliurn early Sntur day morning 1'y Frank Kinllti, whom) capture lui whh attempting lo make, assisted liy other member of tt poHe. At the name time (). D Henderson, of Woodburn, wus mortiilly wounded by Smith ami died f hi InJiirlnH ft few bourn Inter at a Hult-m hospital where ho wan taken. The new of Hhcrlff Hhaver'n death ha added fresh fin to the ImllKiialli.n that already existed among the people of C'lurkamiiH coun ty. An soon ii h a definite trace wan fouhd of Km 1 1 Ii, wlio whh wanted for tint niunlor of Officer George J. Hon Ion, Sheriff Shaver left hurrli-illy fur Woodburn where Smith lnt'1 li'''" seen. It was' there thai tlin sheriff met hid death. Dll. C. II. MKISSNKIl PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office, ItiH.mn 4 5 0 Barclay bulldlnB. All run promptly ut tended to. Phono, office 41, residence 1044. JJXY STI I I Attohnky at Law, Justice n( tlm Peace. Offlcln Jaggy Building. Oregon City. C. D. end D. C. LATOURITT. ATTOUNETB AND COCNBELOWI AT LAW. Main HlriM-l. Orgn City. Oregon. rurnlnh Ab.trect of Tltln. I.oan Monry. Forec-lnae MorUuiie. and traniact (Jclirral Ijiw Jlunlni-M. V. 8- U'R 0- Bohib.l U'KKN it SOIUJEHEL Attorneys ot I.nw. Jlcutr1jcr Si t volt at. Will prarllce In all courla, make colleo tlona ami arttlrmrnla of eatalea. Furnlah abatraota of title. lend you mon ey, lend you money on flmi mortgaxo. Offlco In Enterprise Building, Oregon Cilv, Oretfull, J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY AT LAW Oron City. -Orrson Will practice In all tlie courta of the atate Omre In Caufleld liullillng. JJOHEUT A. MILLER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practlco In all courts of tho state, Federal and United States Supreme Courts. Koora 300 Commercial Building Portland, Oregon. () W. EASTHAM AFTORNKY AT LAW Collectlone, Mortgage Foreoloaurea, Ab atraota of Title and General Law Bua tnaaa. Offlce over Dank of Oregon Cty, Oregon City, Or. When you require an Abstract of Title to lands In Clackamas County, have ' it accurately and reliably preparod by a responsible company incorpor ated for the purpose. Our rates are reasonablo. Wo Invito you to ex Bmlno our complete set of Abstract BixikH. CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 606- C08 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., TORTLAND, OREGON. Money to loan on Clackamas County I Property, W. S. EDDY, V, S., M. D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Vtteii tmry College oi Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, has located at Oregon City and established an office at The Fashion Stables, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephones, Farmers' 13a Main 13U Smith Shoota Shaver, Wiul t tj whm known to bo In tho vicin ity of Woodlmrti but It wuh not until arii-r midnight Friday Unit ho wu lo cated ami at that time tin whh m-cii entering llii fliy from the direction of MiKi-n, whore ho htt) spent tint ilnv. Sheriff Shaver wiih standing Willi O. I), Henderson, of Wood'mni. on Iho innlii street, of Wood burn and saw Hiiilih outer the city. They Im mediately summoned Sheriff Culver mid two other members of t ho posse mid started In pur-milt of Hlmt.li who hud started down the railroad truck Kniul) from VVooilliiirn, 'I ho members of tho mimsc hud fob lowed Iho murderer but it nliort ins tance when to iho surprise, of tho member of Iho party, ho turiied about ami wullied directly back towardn IiIh plllKiieiH, When about clKht feet illH Hint, HeiiderHon commanded Bmltli U throw up IiIh Ii it ii (I h at tho Hiiimt time coverliiK him with a rifle, but In un liiHluot, Kmllh Hhot, lleiiilermiii full I n K to the Kiound mortally wounded, a bullet from KiiiHIi'h 41-callbro re volver eiiierliiK tli" Kroln producing a ditiiKeroiiH wound. Hherlff Hhnver llred at Hut It H who roKpouiled with an other Volley, the bullet pllMHlnK throiiKh both vwiIIh of Hhaver'H iibdoinen and IoiIImk In hU back. Hliiiver, lifter bcliiK wounded, re turned die lire, but Kmlth leuped from the rallroiul track and dlHiippenreil In the durkneHH and evidently eacaped uninjured. iiotwIthHtHiidltiK Hoveral nhotH were llreel at IiIh retreutliiK tin lire by other liiemberM of tho poMHe, Although mortally wounded, Sheriff Shaver kknIhIoiI ilemierHon aeveral feet from the railroad track and allow ed reinarhuhli pluck. Operation la Performed. Tin' Injured nnm were taken to Hiilem by a secliil eiiKln'. Henderson j dylnic about K o'clock as lie was plac- ( ed on the opemtiiiK tabb-. .Sluiver was! taken to the Knlem Hospital where Dr. II. W Mount, of this city, and Dr. W. II. Byrd, of Sab-tu, performed an op eration. The wounded mun stood the op. -nil Ion reuiurkably well and the aiteiidluK physicians had hopes for His recovery until humlay ariernoori , when' his condition became serious, j Mr, Shaver remailieil cnnsclolls until , within half an hour of his death, wnien .s curre.i ai,ui i:u.j sionoay lUOMlllIK about Oregon City Sends Pone. j,.r plant will, I understand, be taken have for these extensive terminals ana Immediately followinK the shoot Ing ' over by the Portland General Elec- waterfrontaKe?" was asked, of Sheriff Shaver, the news was tele. trie. I supiu the railway lines will ''It is quite probable that a company phone,! to this city. Mayor Caufleldlbe operated by the Portland Hallway deslKnliiB to develop a large system mid Chief of Police Burns con.niuiii- j company when they Ket around to If.of interurban railroads wodd have use cated w ith .linlKe Jtyan. who telepbon- It Is Mr. Morris' Intention to retire for these properties, he ;eplied. Ask ed to Portland for a ho.-.-IuI train to as s.mmi as sKslble from his present ed what further extenslom, were plan- enrry a posse from UiIh city to Wood- i official connection with the company, burn without delay. The lire bell j President Hurlhurt said he could add was then rum? and hundred (f the nothliiK to what he already had said citizens of the city nalbfred when a j In the Journal. He has received no posse of more thau 4 ft heavily armed j advices from the purchaser, and does men was hastily formed. not know their Identity further thau C. ('. Miller. :rtjirlel r of 'he cnlyfwhHt has been reported. He will c t Kill! store In the city, opened his place of biitdneH and nave the member MURDERED BY Sfferift John R. Shaver, of the posse the privilege of helping themselves to his stock of rifles and revolvers, as well as more than 1000 rounds of ammunition. The putty reached Woodburn short ly after (i o'clock and Immediately Joined the pursuit. Mrs. Shaver and other members of tho injured officer's family, went to Wood buttj 011 the same train and later went to Sulcm where they remained with the Sheriff until tho end. The Last Sad Rites, The body of Sheriff Shaver, accom panied by Judge Ryan and the mem bers of the dead officer's family, reach ed this city Monday morning from Salem. Tho greater part of the city's population was at the depot" to re ceive the remains which were taken to the undertaking parlors of H. L. Holman and prepared for burial. Tues day the body was placed In the circuit court room at the court house where it lay In stute throughout tho lny. Funeral services were conducted at tho court house, In tho circuit, court room nt 10:'!() o'clock Wednesday morning. The services were under the auspices of the I. O. O. K assist ed by. tho Artisans, Knights of Pyth ias, Woodmen of the World and tho Knights of tho Maccaboes, the decoas- (Continued on page 8.) - ) iU-'V- I I r 0. W. P. CO. SELLS! EA8TERN CAPITAL HAS PUR CHASED THI8 PROPERTY. ' Big Plant at Cawdero Will Be Under i " " fall t) Kt a fral.nHe on ternm It con- the Control of the P. G. I H,j,,rH reaHonable to come Into Port Electric Company. land with u new line on the wont Hide, lit can croHH the river at the point I where lt.a present Hiirvey tmcheH the , Willamette at Woodbuni, build the few nillcH intervening between Wood Temporarily, until a npeclal meet-. jurn a( orison City, and come In to tn k of the HtockholdcrH Ih held and j Portland over the O. W, P. line, new director and officer are elected, I The Portland Railway company, tho proprietor of the Oregon Water j u,,-,,,,, the Hale to the new ownera. Power . Hallway company are lnlK,.tH r(j (f 8n aKKresBlve and danger charRe of the preneiit off leer, actlnKjoua competitor In Kant Portland and under direction of W. II. (Joode, pre-1 acqiilren a Htreetcar and Interurhan Ident of the Portland General Klectrlc j Hne that can be readily ah abnorhed com puny and O. K. Paxton, couiiHel for ,y it. While It Ib practicable for the the Portland Hallway company, HaynKame company to operate two Ht.and the TeleKrain. Mchhth. (iooilo and ardn of railway, it In not believed that I'axton repreHent Hellgman t Co., of the Mount Bcott and Mount Tabor New York and Clarke Hro. of Phlla-1 jn,,H will bnt continue on their pre delphla, throiiKh whom tho control-, ,.nt ttiandard kbiikc, but that rail will IIiik Htock Iiuh been purchaH'-d. be cham?-d and the regular earn of Fred H, MorrlH, treasurer of the O. the Portland Hallway oCmpany will W. P. & Rv. Co,, returned last nlRht j be operated on Uicko linen. fr,.r.. v vrU ahero th t-nlo waH O. K. Paxton, rcpreHentlnir the In- (.onuinmated April 10, followinK a li.rtn nf nluillt :m dllVH OUtlon. MT. MorrU wbh asked to name the naw ownern of the proiH-rty. He aald: ' SellKimin f New York and Clarke Ionian. There Ih nome c-ihc inter ! Brother of Philadelphia are the men'eHted. The ownerH of the Portland to whom the sale wbh made. What they will do with the properties or to whom they will Hell I am not able to Hfty f(ir i n,)t now. They have 0Hk;.(J ln' t0 rt.lan all the present or-1 ftn, ,, (n(, rmtmny and to ad-1 vise 11. W. CihmIo and O. V. Paxton." Tho present officers of the company are: President. W. II. Hurlhurt; vice- president, J. Frank Watson; ecre-i lary W. T. Mulr; treasurer, F. 8. Mor-iOOU riu Ti,..ue with A. It. CroaHinan. are , ,ilrt.(.lorH. They will serve until ,hl.lr ml(.r,.HH(,rK are elected. .., M1111,lM ,i, m.wrnmera will wish ,,,, al) tic 1 d at once and assume ac- j llVH niulmK,.tlu,nt f the aroperty,' lunl.l Mr- M,,rrlu "Tho CllllillTr I now tinuo to act in his present capacity its executive bend of the road until OUTLAW SMITH t of Clackamas County. different arrangements are made. It Is practically admitted that The Journal's statement regarding the sale and ultimate dismemberment of the properties of the Oregon Water Power z& Hallway company is correct. The system has been built up along lines that gave It possession of certain strategic points of great value to both steam and electric street-car compan ies, and the approaching completion of the large power plant with 20,000 horsepower capacity at Cazadero made the Company a formidable competitor of i.he Portland General Electric com pany. It is believed the sale will ul timately lead to admission into Port land of the Chicago, Milwaukie & St. Paul railway over the main line now being completed to Troutdale, oppo site which point the Wallula Pacific's n,.ll,.l,. ,,,, .. .,,..), l,nlr nn.lo TV, lu cv.ii.tij ,,,1 i.in- 111,1111 i,niii IT,,,,?,, 11 0 point is said by all engineers to be the most desirable for a bridge, and will, it Is said, be the slto ot the steel structure that will carry the Mllwau kie's trains into Portland and give the Mllwnukle, the Southern Pacific and Cnlon Pacific systems a continuous line to Puget Bound. The extensive terminals of the O. W. P, In East Portland embracing docks and three miles qj water frontage, will provide t.hen are but two wayn for tho Mil waukee to ?ot Into Portland from Wal- jlula, lt.n point of contact with the o- Iilliibhi river. One of thews would be ( build a line down the north bank; the other would be to run tralnH from Wallula to Portland over the prcHent main line of the O. It. & N. o. In either event, the termlmilM of the 0. W. P. Co, would be acceKHlbUs to It. Tho xiilu bIho Holvea a knotty prob lem for the Willamette Vallely Trac- ,1 .1 i.l 1 -.1 . I ...I.. Jterests acquired by Clarke Brothers, Iheu. W. r. HyHiem wan purcriaseu entirely, by Clarke Bros, and the.-Se- Hallway company regarded tne u. w. P. lines as a pood Investment, and a uesiraoie auuiuuu vo mo inesum bj item. It is entirely practicable for the same company to operate different standards of gaui?e, and the same thins? Is beiut? done at Uis Angelea and other .place. The Portland General will j take over the power plant at Cazadero, which will Kive it a total of nearly 50 horsepower capacity, and ample ! power for all rfew factories that may desire to locate In Portland. The ter minal properties and docks in East Portland are simply an incident In the deal. They are a small part of the total transaction." What use would a street car line ned by the new owners, he said none was contemplated. Transfer of the Oregon Water Pow er & Railway Co., properties was made today lo the purchasers, tlie Portland General Electric and the oPrtland Railway companies. The old officers and directors resigned and the new; were elected. If W. Goode is the new president. W. H. Hurlhurt is general manager of the railway department. I At a meeting held at 11 o'clock the old officers tendered their resigna tions which were accepted. The fo!- lowinc new officers were elected: . 11 ... If W vlce-presl- . renin' lit 11. . v.n.wu.-, , v ,',v... . dent, F. I. Fuller; secretary ana ireas jurer. C. N. Muggins; these three and JO. F. Paxton and S. J. Reed form the new directory. W. H. Hurlburt. pres ! ident and general manager of the Ore icr,. Wnii.r Power comnanv since Its organization, who has been the prac tical man in the building up of its extensive properties, and as execu tive head of the corporation has di rected Its operation, has consented to remain with the new owners, and to day was elected general manager. G. I. Brown, superintendent and chief engineer of the O. W. P. system, will only remain long enough to place the work of his department in the hands i of the engineers of the Portland Gen eral, lie will go eact with F. S. Mor ris, to take charge of construction work in an electric power project that Is being developed by the Morris Bros. Otherwise the present organization of tho working forces of the O. W. P. lines will remain intact, and the rail road will continue to be operated as a separate institution indefinitely. Monday's Journal. OREGON CITY MARKET REPORT. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat No. 1, 6773c per bu. Flour Valley, $4.25 per bbl. Hard wheat $4.90, Portland, $1.10 per sack. Howard's Best, $1.25 per sack. Oats In sacks, $1.15 per cental. Hav Timothy, baled $11 $12 per ton; clover $9; oat, $9; mixed hay $9., cheat. $8.50. Mlllstuffs Bran $19.50 per ton; shorts, $20.50 per ton; chop $18.00 per ton; barley rolled $25.50 per ton. Potatoes 50C5 per hundred. Eggs Oregon 1516 per doz. Butter Ranch 35 40 ; separator, 45050; creamery 504f 55. Rutabegas, Carrots, Turnips, Par snips and Beets 75c per sack. Good Apples Choice $2.25 (CT2.30. Honey ll12MsC per lb. Prunes (dried) Petite, 3c per ; Italian, large, 5c per lh; medium, 3Vic; Silver, 4MiC. Dried Apples Sun Dried, quartered, 4c tt; Bliced, Cc; fancy bleached, 7c. Dressed Chickens 12V&C fb. Live Stock and Dressed Meats Beef, live $3.50$4.75 per hundred. Hogs, live, GV4; dressed $; sheep, $4(i.f$t per head; dressed !)c; veal, dressed liJj'c; lambs, live $2.50 I CA 3P L ,fl I v THE LIFE INSURANCE muddle has started the public to think ing. ' The wonderful success that has met Ballard's Horehound Syrup in its crusade on Coughs, Influenza, Bron chitis and all pulmonary troubles has started the public to thinking of this wonderful preparation. They are all using H. Join the procession and down with sickness. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Huntley Bros. SMITH IS TAKEN Murderer of Sheriff J. R. Shaver Meets His Death. SURROUNDED AT NEW ERA, HE IS LOCATED BY BLOODHOUNDS. Draper, of 8pokane, Enter Smith's Hiding Place and 8hoot To Death Desperado. Frank Smith, desperado, and triple murderer, vras shot and almost In stantly killed about one-half mile south of New Era Tuesday forenoon, by Mr. Draper, of Spokane. The first actual appearance of the desperado following the fatal shoot ing of Henderson and Sheriff Shaver at Woodburn early last Saturday morning, was made early Tuesday morning when ho entered a bakery at Canby and got a loaf of bread. The news of his visit at Canby was Immed iately reported to the members of the poHse at Woodburn and the party came to New JSra on the local train reaching the hiding place of the mur derer about 10 o'clock. Smith was een by Judge Ryan to enter a canyon bordering the South ern Pacific Company's track Just south of New Era. This canyon, ex tending a few hundred yards to the river, was Immediately surrounded by the armed men. Several attempts were made to dislodge Smith by the throwing of dynamite sticks into the canyon at different pointa, but this failed, and as a last resort. Draper, with his hounds, and accompanied by Detectives Morden and Vaughan, of Portland, and Sheriff Culver, of Mar Ion county, entered the canyon, while the other members of the posse sur rounded the murderer s hiding place. Draper and his companions, follow ing closely the trail taken by the hounds, soon came upon Smith who was lying behind a large log. Fortu nately for Draper, he saw the des perado at the same time the murderer saw his pursuers. In the same breath Draper Inquired If the man behind the log, who thrust his head over the side of the fallen log. If he was Smith and demanded that he '"throw up hi3 hands." Muttering incoherently, Smith reacueu ior nis revolver, wnicn ne carried in hts shirt front, and at the same instant, uraper nrea irom nis revolver, the bullet striking Smith in the temple producing a mortal wound. Smith lived for a few minutes, "but died before Coroner Holman, who had been telephoned for, reached the scene. The remains of the murderer were immediately brought to this city anl placed at the undertaking parlors 01 coroner ttoiman where they were viewed by several hundred citizens. On Smith's person were found the three gold watches that he had stolen lat he I in'this from Wassom's store in'this city last Monday night, also several razors, which unquestionably places to Smith the chredit of the Canby burglary as was suspected. He also carried a 41- calibre Colts revolver, fully loaded. and in all there were found 16 cart- ridges in his possession. It is known that Officer Hanlon, Sheriff Shaver and Henderson, whom Smith shot, were killed by bullets of a 4 4-calibre and just how the murderer came into possession of the firearm of smaller calibre is a mystery Tuesday afternoon Coroner Holmaaf held an inquest over the remains of the dead desperado, the maiiS purpose of the investigation being to positive ly establish the identity of the mur derer. This was done by Detectives Snow and Vaughan, who positively identified the man as the fellow who 1 escaped from the Portland Jail. Frank Tremhath, of this city, who was with Officer Hanlon when the latter was murdered in this city, also identified the dead man as the person who did the shooting. The jury returned a P in Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis cuit home-made. They will be fresher, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder helps the house wife to produce at home, quickly and eco nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised hot-biscuit, pucjdings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, with which the ready-made food found at the bake-shop or grocery does not compare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK. verdict finding that the man so-called Smith, was shot and killed by Harry Draper, or Spokane, while, the latter was on duty as an officer. The remains of the desperado were viewed by several hundred neonle Tuesday and Wednesday, a apeclal train from Woodburn Tuesday even ing bringing 200 persons to this city. Coroner Holman on Thursday in terred In the potters' field the re mains of Frank Smith, the desperado. Identification of the dead man had not been made, members of the Smith family residing In Linn county fall ing to come to Oregon City to view the body and determine if the dead man is that of their supposed relative. L. O. Smith, of this city, 8tat.es that while living in Chicago a few years ago he knew a young man named Frank Smith, whose features dlosely tally with those of the dead despera do. He believes that t'ie dead man is none other than his Chicago acquaint ance and to satisfy himself, he has written to relatives of his former ac quaintance Smith, in the East in hopes of fortifying his suspicions which he thinks can be done when he learns the present whereabouts of the Chi cago man. Because of the constant reappear ance of 'curious women and children at the morgue, Coroner Holman Wed nesday afternoon terminated the fur ther exhibition of the body of Smith except on personal application of those who had not already seen the body. CENTRAL COMMITTEE MEETS. Elect G Schuebel Secretary and Plans an Active Campaign. At a largely attended meeting of the members of the Clackamas Coun ty Central Committee hero Monday, permanent organization of the Com mittee was affected by electing Chris Schuebel chairman. On motion the election of a secretary to succeed Mr. Schuebel was left to the pewiy elected chairman. The selection of an executive com mittee of five members was placed in the hands of the Republican nominees, their action in this regard being rati fied in advance by the Committee. J. H. Reid was successful in a mo tion that all unfinished business be left in the hands of the executive com mittee to be selected. A resolution was adopted declar ing that it was the sense of the com mittee that all true Republicans sup port every candidate on the ticket. The members of the Committee, as reorganized, are as follows: Abernethy, C. W. Parrish Barlow, Beaver Creek, Boring, Bull Run, Canyon Creek, Clackamas, Cherry ville, Canemah, Cascade, Canby, Damascus, Eagle Creek, George, Harding Highland, Killen. Maple Lane, H. T. Melvin Fred Steiner U. Aemlssegger Adolph Aschoff Dee Wright , J. C. Paddock W. E. Welch Sam. L. Stevens , J. H. Wewer G.' W. Dixon J. C. Elliott J. E. Burnett H. Johnson P. Gerber Will Kleinsmith A. Todd J. Darling George Oglesby H. N. Everhart Chas. A. Lakin L. Nightengale J. A. Davis J. E. Mitts Wm. Jones Thos.- Howell J. C. Bradley C. Schuebel J. N. Harrington G. W. Prosser E. L. Baker Albert rossen A. M. Shibley J. L. Kruse T. M. Snider W. M. Stone C. A. Miller Wm. Davis John H. Gibson Macksburg, I Molalla. Milwaukie, Marquam, Milk Creek, Needy, New Era, Oak Grove, j Oregon City No. 1, i Oregon City No. 2, Oregon City No. 3, j Oswego, j Pleasant Hill, Soad Springs, Sprlngwater, Tualatin, Union, Viola, West Oregon City, Estacada, Harmony, The following executive committee has been named by the nominees on the Republican ticket to have charge of the campaign: Chairman C. Schue bel, Walter Dimick, Chas. 'A. Miller, John C. Bradley and J. H. Reid. Chairman Schuebel has not yet an nounced his secretary. ade