Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 27, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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1 Our Correspondents' Corner
fiBchool under the management of Misa I - WHY
- ik'Snidow. have a torpid liver when Herbine. the
4 Mrs. Erlckson called on Mrs. W, H. I only liver regulator will help you?
Jones on Wednesday. (There is no reason why you should
l Oscar Erickson has left for Tacoma I suffer with Dyspepsia, Constipation.
Brief liits of Gossip From AC Parts of the County. k I where he intends to go to work. ! Chills and Fever or any liver com-
99999 v1 Tommy Thomas came from Portland plaints, when Herbine will cure you.
, .... , ... . , . , , .'and spent Easter with his parents. F. C. Wane. Westville, Fla., writes
I f 1 A 1 J Jit i I - "UCO auvi "'""J V"
uiaugcia wuuiu uave uuuc uicuii lu
Election No. 1 has passed and the royalty. Such quantities of dainty
Boss has manipulated the chessmen
as usual, if not more so, but we are
getting onto him and his methods.
"Milking the goats," "Consistency,
thou ate a jewel," building houses is
not doing religion.
Mr. Raugh has sold his stock of
goods to Robbins Bros. Co., and bought
P. M. Boyles' blacksmith shop. Mr.
Boyles is going to Portland to launch
out into a new business.
The ground has been staked off for
the M. E. North Church building
across the road from the school house
on the N. E. corner of G. W. Greg
ory's farm. " What has become of the
"union" idea, and what is the sense of
keeping up so many sms, North,
South, East and West, pointing to the
same object? Save to give employment
to more 'people and divide up cross
road villages into parts and call them
"branches" instead of offshoots of the
"true vine." Would it not be well
some clear day to take our bearings
in religion as well as in politics?
Carry Herman had the misfortune to
get cut to the bone by the tusk of a
viscious hog last week, just below the
knee, which was very painful for sev
eral days.
Politics crowded out our account of
the Easter services here, which were
the occasion of several Sunday schools
assembling. Miss Cornelia Boyles
had charge of the long program; the
Herman sisters, Ruth, and Nora, were
not the least in song; the little girls
carrying the two parts, soprano and
W. A. Shaver Lumbering Co., have
part of their flume constructed and
expect to be shooting ties into the
Molalla river soon.
The Fred Schafer Lumbering Co.
will send 25000 railroad ties through
the Shaver flume.
This community has about recover
ed from the smallpox, measles, which
has been entertaining many homes
without any fatalities.
Last Friday was the hottest day of
the season.
Molalla United Artisans sent aid
to 'Frisco sufferers.
viands and substantials too, is seldom
our ood luck to partake of. Success
to Tualatin Grange and may it be our
good fortune to visit them again.
Stafford is a fine country, growing
grain looks fine. One farmer told me
he has six hundred sacks of potatoes
on hand yet. Farmers all seem to be
prosperous. '
Fishermen are happy now, they can
fish all they wish. However fish are
not plentiful yet.
Mr. E. Newkirk, a Logan farmer,
while riding on a load of hay, attempt
ed to go under the elevated railway
on 14th and Main street, Oregon City
and. was quite seriously bruised up.
Not long since A. H. Partch was hurt
in the same place in same manner.
Mr. J. Busch s family have the
measles. -
Miss Lillie McCubbin is staying at
T. W. Riebhoff's at present.
We offer a reward of 25 cents for
every case of skin trouble, eczema, ul
cers, old running sores, wounds, cuts,
or any kind of scalp trouble that Der-
makola Ointment will not heal, for if
not cured we pay the 25 cents back.
Huntley Bros.
ed news from their son Gordon, who
was in the San Francisco disaster.
His friends will be pleased to learn
that he came out very fortunate with
only a broken arm, when one hundred
were killed where he was. He is safe
and cared for with his friends in Ash
"I was sick for a month with chills
and fever, and after taking two bot
tles of Herbine am well and healthy.
Huntley Bros,. Drug Company.
Robert Miller, who has been ' in
Curry brothers have bought a nice - " " I" t"apman'
The remarkable recovery of Ken
neth Mclver, of Vanceboro, Me., is the
subject of much interest to the medi
cal fraternity and a wide circle of
friends. He says of his case: "Owing
to severe inflammation of the throat
and lungs, three doctors gave me up
to die. when, as a last resort I was
induced to try Dr. King's New Dis
covery and I am happy to say, it saved
my life." Cures the worst coughs
and colds, Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, weak
lungs, hoarseness and lagrippe. Guar
anteed at Howell & Jones' drug store.
50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
The prospect for fruit looks very
discouraging with so much frost.
One consolation" it did not rain on
The primary elections passed off
very quietly here. The fearful catas
trophe at San Francisco diverting in
terest from the polls.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith have
heard from their two daughters and
son, who were in San Francisco dur
ing the time of the earthquake and
fire. They were among the fortunate
ones who escaped.
Mrs. C. R. Boroughs spent Tuesday
in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. August C. Sheers of
New Era, called at the Methodist par
sonage last Friday.
Rev. F. S. Clemo, Mrs. C. R. Bor
oughs and Miss Mae Clemo are at
tending the Epworth League conven
tion in Silverton this week.
Prof. Yoder and others gave a de
lightful concert in the City Hall last
Monday evening.
Miss Alice Birchett of Marquam who
has been sick with la grippe, and quin
sy, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wm.
Knight, is convalescing.
Mrs. Cox has gone to Portland to
visit her daughter for a few days.
Mr. Manley went to Portland on
Wednesday of this week.
Andrew Kocher made a business trip
to Portland Wednesday.
Rev. Thomas Maxwell, of Fairview,
delivered an interesting and instruc
tive lecture on
Tuesday evening at the M. E. church.
Owing perhaps to the rain, there was
not a large attendance.
little farm'in our neighborhood, a por
tion of Mr. W. S. Rider's place.
for tomorrow what you can do today.
If you put off buying a bottle of Bal
lard's Snow Liniment, when that pain
comes you-won't have any, buy a bottle
today. A positive cure for Rheuma
tism, Burns, Cuts, Sprains Contract
ed Muscles, etc. T. S. Graham, of
Prairie Oak, Ark., writes:
"I wish to thank you for the good
results I received from Snow Lini
ment. It positively cured me of Rheu
matism after others had failed."
Huntley Bros. Drug Company.
Bears tha y?9 Kind You HaveWways Bought
Irvin Wheeler returned from East
ern Oregon a few days ago.
Mike Stover and wife, of New Era,
were visiting Joseph Peringer and
family last Sunday.
Max Bowman and Elmer Levens
made a business trip to Dickey Prai
rie a few days ago.
James Wilkerson took' his prairie
schooner and went up the Molalla on
a fishing trip lately.
Gene Faulkner is at home for a few
Barney Helvy and his sons are en
gaged at present blasting stumps on
their ranch.
Mr. Pooverletz is putting up . some
new fence. 1
Mrs. Weed, of Canby, was visiting
Mrs. John Burns one day last week.
Geo. Shears of Macksburg, passed
through these parts last Sunday.
Several of the young men folks
from here attended the dance at Au
rora last Saturday night.
Mr. Dunton, who is teaching school
at this place, attended the teachers'
meeting at Canemah last Saturday.
The cures that stand to its credit
make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a scien
tific wonder. It cured E. R. Mulford,
'bursted bubbles" on lecturer ior tne matrons oi wusoana-
ry, waynesDoro, .fa., or a distressing
case of Piles. It heals the worst
burns, sores, boils, ulcers, cuts, and
wounds, Chilblains, and salt rheum.
Only 25 cents at Howell & Jones' drug
store. "
How often do we hear the remark:
"It's only a cold," and a few days later
learn that the man is on his back with
pneumonia, t his is or sucn common
Now that the political porridge has
boiled down sufficiently and we know
about where we are at, and a majority
of us know we are relegated to "innoc
uous desuetude" (which is a quotation
from ex-President Cleveland) perhaps
James Sevier is suffering from
bruises received by being thrown from
his wagon. We hope to see him out
in a few days.
Two logging camps are putting in
timber for Mr. Deering. . .
A pleasant party was given at W.
H. Mattoon's Tuesday evening in hon
or of our school mistress. Miss Nannie
Andrews. Our school, which closed
April 19th, was a great success. Miss
Andrews has returned to her home at
Dayton? vWe sincerely hope her servic
es may be secured another year.
Miss Mary Hamilton is visiting rel
atives in Portland.
Several fine draft teams have been
bought by parties living at Viola.
Several men were at "Viola during
the week looking for a suitable place
to build a saw mill.
your cough is only in the throat and
does not trouble you now, don't think
you don't need attention. When it
has not had much of a start is the
time to check it. The slightest cough
easily leads to Pneuomnia, Bronchi
tis and Consumption. A bottle of
Ballard's Horehound Syrup will cure
that cough. The price puts it within
reach of all. Huntley Bros. Drug Co.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been,
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per-
Mr. Cogswell, of Chehalis, Washing
ton, was a visitor last Saturday at
Mountain Ash' Stock Farm.
' Mr. Scheer has purchased a new
horse. "'
The donations that were made by
Mrs. 'Joeanke, Mrs. McCOrd and Mrs.
LaZelle, for those ' suffering in San
Francisco, were taken to Oregon City
by Geo. Lazelle last Tuesday.
Miss Ethel and Helen McCord spent
last Sunday at the home of their parents.
The many friends of Mrs. Charles
White, will be pleased to hear she was
able to be taken to the home of her
mother at Redland, where she expects
to stay until she has fully recovered.
fty-A Z7', sonal supervision since its infancy.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
What is CASTOR1A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. 'It is Pleasant. Ifc
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee, it destroys "Worms
and allays Feverishness. It eUres Diarrhoea and Wind .
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food,, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
' The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Easter, so perhaps we will not have occurrence that a cold, however slight
the traditional "seven days' rain." should not be disregarded. Chamber
Farmers are planting spuds again, iain-s Cough Remedy counteracts any
even if they are too cheap for hog ; tenrlpnrv of a cold to result in pneumo-
feed. aT,A has rainert its frreat- nonnlar- i there will be room for some country
There was a meeting at the Grange I jty and extensive sale by its prompt , correspondence,
hall Saturday night to transact busi- ! cures of this most common ailment, j The great disaster in California has
ness in regard to the telephone com- it alwavs cures and is pleasant to occupied the minds of the community
pany that is to be organized. A com- ! take. Howell & Jones. ! for the past week, as some Stafford
mittee was appointed to go over the
present route (Bonney's line) and ap
praise the value of the line and as
certain the number of miles of line
in use, so the company can negotiate
with Mr. Eonney.
Quite a number of Logan people at
tended the Pomona Grange at Tuala
tin' last Wednesday. On account of
the good weather and farmers being
so very busy, this session was not
as largely attended as might have
been. Tualatin Grange distinguished
itself as an ideal host. The way they
Mr. Frank Baker and family have
people had relatives or friends in the
doomed cities. Mr. and Mrs. Weisen
born had but just reached San Jose
the Friday before, and friends have
heard nothing from them yet. After
Mew Clubbin
& Rates
Hereafter the Enterprise offers
the following Subscription
Clubbing Rates :: :: :: ::
Enterprise and (
Weekly Oregonian (
Enterprise and
Semi-WeeKIy Journal
moved to Ellwood where tney intend j days of suspense, Mr. and Mrs. Gage
to make their home. j and their many friends were relieved
Mr. David Jones, Jr., of Beaver j on Monday by the receipt of a letter
Creek, has bought Stoker's old place. I fr0m their daughter, Mrs. OUie Hoi
Mamie Snidow and Ruth Braker ton saying they were safe; had -mov-
spent an evening with W. H. Jones , eci bedding, clothes and what provi-
and tamiiy. . sions they had on hand, which was a
Mr. Valentine Stoker visited the ! sufficient supply, to the Park, and the
school ana gives gooa reports oi our furniture to a protected cut. Two fam
' i ilies of them were camping together
land the two men took turn about
watching the stuff, and guarding the
families. She also said Mr. Workman
of Alto Park was to see them a few
minutes before and said they were al
so safe, and while we thank God for
the safety of our own, we feel deeply
for those who are bereft and will never
know how their dear ones died, or
where they are buried, or burned. It
is a nightmare of horror, almost equal
to the Civil War.
On the 18th Miss Ellen Aden was
united in marriage to W. Eilers, at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Aden, in ie presence of about
GO invited guests, the Rev. Weahlte
officiating, after which a bountiful din
ner was served. Many and beautiful
were the presents the bride received.
She looked lovely, her wedding dress
trimmed with lace and wearing a long
white veil and orange blossoms. A
charivari crowd arrived in the even
ing composed of Neighbors and friends
who were right royally received. The
happy pair went to their home across
the river on Saturday, where they will
be pleased to- receive their friends..
On Tuesday, the 24th, Mrs. Fred
Oldenstadt had a rag-bee and the busy
workers sewed about 25 pounds of
rags, and talked of having many such
gatherings during the summer. "
A noted Evangelist held a series of
meetings at the Baptist church last
Mrs. White, of Washougal whose hus
band is a nephew of Mr. Gage, is vis
iting with them this .week.
Mr. Barnes' two sons and a nephew
secured work at Jones' mill.
The ball boys lack a coach to teach
thtm'how and naake their game in
$100 REWARD, $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that- is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure now known
to the medical fraternity., Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requir
es a constitutional treatment. Hall s
Catarrh Cure is taken interally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby des
troying the foundation of the disease,
and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and as-
is what wins. Remember how it was
done not long ago. The people like
excitement; and there are lota of re
cruits with a boundless field, so push
The p-imary election passed off
quietly,, with some surprises in the
It is plain the people have not got
goods, and now feels as if the laugh
was coming the other way. A boy
that has grit and ambition will al
ways win at whatever he undertakes.
So here's for success on your work in
Montana, although we understand it is
of a more ' remunerative kind and
much more pleasant, as salesman for
the large Oregon Nursery Company.
enough of machine politics, that is Improvements go on with so even
the majority in Clackamas County. I a pace a little here and there that
or it is that, they are easily invigled ! many do not notice unless .remaining
as one well balanced staunch citizen ; away for awhile.
of our part says: "Why he just comes j H. Chitwood and Mr. Hugo Leigh
up and slaps you on the back and talks ! a-e progressing nicely with clearing a
so kind and sympathetic that you j pice of land for Mr. Campbell,
can't help but vote for him," he ranit Tong brothers are making a fine
have slapped a lot on the back and showing cutting 40 acres of brush for
said .n his mind, "a lot of fools." Mr. Campbell. -
Another man was m line for Mr. The boys are talking: of a base-ball
Brownell & Co., , but had not regis
tered, and left his naturalization pa
pers home, so home he goes, for he
must have been slapped on the back
several time's as by popping the pon
ies through he arrived in time to do
his calling as he had been taught.
j A little excitement was had last
sisting nature m doing its worn, i ne ; Wednesday morning when A. C. Ne,v-
proprietors nave so mucn iaitn in its eii rode a bunch grass broncho tiat
curative powers that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testi-'
monials. . -
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Both for $2.25
Call at the Enterprise Office
or mail you order at once
There's nothing so good for a sore
throat as Dr. Thomas Eclectric OIL
Cures it in a few hours. Relieves any
pain in any part.
Mrs. Warner was the guest of Mrs.
Smith last Sunday evening.
Miss Alta Millard was visiting
friends in Oregon City Sunday after
Mrs. Geo. Harding was visiting Mrs.
Young last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clark were vis
iting relatives at Clarks Saturday and
Sunday. - .
Miss Cora Sellers was suddenly tak
en ill last Saturday evening, but is
some better now.
Quite a number of young people
were present at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harding last Sunday afternoon.
Miss Olive Conway was calling on
her grandfather. Mr. Olds, Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Buckner was visiting Mrs.
Parish of Elyville, last Monday.
Mr. Reddaway was a caller at the
Grey Gable farm last Sunday.
Miss Katherine Warnock attended
the party given at Gladstone last Fri
day evening.
is the essential characteristic of men
and women. Invaluable to good busi
ness men and necessary to house
wives. A woman shows good judg
ment when she buys . White's Cream
Vermifuge for her baby. The best
worm medicine ever offered to moth
;is. Many Indeed are the sensible
mothers, who write expressing their
gratitude for the good health of their
children, which they owe to the use
it White's Crearn Vermifuge. Hunt
ley Bros. Drug Co.
put up a good fight much more than
some thought. He is going to Mon
tana a full fledged rider, as people
around here think it the first one he
has rode, it is in thisi part. Several
years ago a colt his father raised was
to be rode. All the boys were back
ward so one Sunday a crowd gathered
to see the fun, for if you wish a large
crowd announce a riding contest. In
the attempt he landed behind the sad
dle and some said went 20 feet into
the air to land on his head. It did not
exactly take all the grit out of him,
but being young and parents object
ing, a man that was said could ride,
was called in by the name of Dear
dorf. By using a saddle of the heavi
est type and blind-folding the colt he
got securely in the saddle and the
colt made a few jumps, that made
young Newell mad for $250 went glim
mering that was not earned for no
good horseman will have a horse
blindfolded to break them in anyway.
A boy with ambition remembers these
things; when traveling in the bunch
grass country he took notice, but it
takes practise so at it he went and
has subdued a few, but being some- j
what handicapped does not rensn rid
ing. When the opportunity came his
way again he was there with the
club, they have the material for
good one, and deserve the sutiport of
our good citizens in making it a suc
cess, for what better recreation can
boys have, than a wholesome, skillful,
and clean game? ,
Mrs. Stark has been dangerously
ill, but is reported better now.
Harry .Feathers and mother were
visiting relatives in Portland Sunday.
Miss Rhoda Smith and friend were
visiting her parents Sunday from
This salve is intended especially for
ore nipples, burns, frost bites, chap
ned hands, itching piles, chronic sore
eyes, granulated lids, old chronic sores
and for diesases of the skin such as
tetter, salt rheum, ring worm, scald
head, herpes, barber's itch scabbies,
or itch and eczema. It has met with
unparralleled success in the treat
ment of these diseases. Price 25 cts
per box. Try itv For sale by Howell
& Jones.
George A. Brown, of Maple Lane, a
carpenter of experience, offers his
services to farmers and any one con
templating building. 3-lGtf
P. O.: Oregon City, R. F. D. No. 3.
Plate Glass, burglar-proof, and a?!
kinds of casualty insurance written
by O. A. Cheney of Oregon City. Of
fice with Justice of the Peace.
Bean the
- of
The Kind You Haw Always Bought
The people of Damascus were hon-'
ared by- a visit and speech by Govern
or Chamberlain last Saturday even
ing. A large an enthusiastic audience,
were there to greet him. He is one
of the boys and soon made himself
solid with the crowd. v
Hugo Leigh and Miss Rosie Feach-
ers, Dotn or Damascus, two oi our
popular young people, were united in
marriage Sunday by Rev. J. C. Royer.
A large and enthusiastic crowd gather
ed the same evening and proceeded to
serenade them with a box of dyna-.,
mite, after which refreshments were
served to the gratification of all, when
at a late hour they retired wishing
Mr. and Mrs. Leigh a long and pros
perous life.
The -.Free Methodists are holding a
series of meetings and much excite-
ment is had by their stick-co-it ive-'
ness to save souls; stay with it if that
Throat Coughs
A tickling in the, throat;
hoarseness at times; adeep
breath irritates it; these
are features of a throat
cough. They're very de
ceptive and a cough mix
ture won't cure th'em.
You want something that
will heal the inflamed
membranes, enrich the
blood and tone up the
system .'.
Scott's Emulsion
is just such a remedy.
It has wonderful healing
and nourishing power.
Removes the cause of
the cough and ,the whole
system is given new
strength and vigor .. ..
Send for free tample
409-415 Pearl Street, New Ytrk
joe. and fr.oo. All druggim
For more-than twenty years, Mr. J.
B. Massey. of 3322 Clinton St., Minne
apolis, Minn., was tortured by scia
tica. The pain and suffering which
he endured during this time is beyond
comprehension. Nothing gave him any
permanent relief until he used Cham
berlain's Pain Balm. One application
of that liniment reliever the pain and
made sleep and rest a possible cure.
If troubled with sciatica or rheuma
tism why not try a 25 cent bottle of
Pain Balm and see for yourself how
quickly it relieves the pain. For sale
by Howell & Jones.
J! .
iO Designs
Copyrights Ac-
Anyone sending a nkelnh and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Com muni ca-tiori8Rtrie(yroit!U1entiai-
HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free, oldest nirency for securlnKpatents.
Patents taken th ranch Munn 4 Co. recetTe
trpecUil notice, without chnrffe. In the
Scientific Jlmericam
A handsomely lltnstrnted weekly. T.anrest cir
culation of any scient ific journal. Terms, $3 a
ypar ; four months, f 1. Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co.3618""""' New York
Branch Office, 635 7 St Washington. D. C
At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday
on Appointments.