-6- o o , aim A Strictly' IBonat IFIdc Sale i We arc positively retiring from business, and in order to do so we must sacrifice otir$X 5,000 stock of strictly new tip-to-date Clothing, Hats, Furnishings, etc., at less than manufacturer's cost. An opportunity of your lifetime. The greatest money-saving values ever offered in Clackamas county. Nothing held m reserved Everything must go. Note a few of our many matchless bargains. Clothing Clothing from the best manu facturers in the country we offer at astonishingly low prices. $20 and $22 Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits at , $1.50 $1fi and $13 SuiU of the latest fash ion at : $10.:0 $10 and $12 Suits, well tailored ..$5.50 Men's Hats Of the latest Vogtfe. $3 and $3.50 Hats at $2.35 $2.50 and $2.75 Hats at $1.90 $2.25 and $2.00 Hats at $1.55 Odds and ends in $2 and $1.50 at . 95 All Straw Hats at Cost. Men's Furnishings $1. 75 and $2.00 Cluett shirts at .$1.00 $1.25 Monarch Shirts at 85c $1.00 and 75c Shirts of every des cription - 55c .Everything in furnishings reduced at remarkably low prices. We purchased the stock of the Crescent Shoe Co. at The Dalles, at 26 cents on the dollar, and are in a position to offer values in shoes that are positively the greatest money-saving bargains ever offered. Note a few of them. ( Men's .$5.00 Douglas & Crescent Shoes at .$3.75 Men's $4.00 Douglas .and Crescent Shoes at '. $2.95 Men's $3.50 Douglas and Crescent Shoes at $2.65 Men's $3.00 Douglas and Crescent - Shoes at $2.30 Men's $2.50 Shoes in all leathers. $1.85 ' Men's $2 Shoes in all leathers. . $1.55 Women's $3.50 Crescent Shoes at $2.65 Women's $3.00 Crescent Shoes at $2.30 Women's $2.50 Crescent Shoes at $1.85 Women's $2.00 Crescent Shoes at $1.55 Women's $1.75 and $1.50 shoes all Leathers at $1.30 Boys' , and Children's shoes, $3.00.. Values at $2.30 Boys' and Children's Shoes, $2.50.. values at $1.85 Boys' and Children's' Shoes, $2.00.. values at $1.35 Boys' and Children's Shoes, $1.50.. and $1.75 values at . $1.30 Boys' and Children's Shoes, $1.00. . and $1.25 values at $..80 COME EARLY WHILE STOCK IS COMPLETE A RARE OPPORTUNITY DON'T MISS IT JJ0 KIo IPI&fl OREGON CITY, OREGON Next door to Bank of Oregon City HEARD OVER THE WIRE. Discussion As To Merits of Porter , and Brownell. "Hello, Central, give me Canby." "Hold the line minute." ' "While waiting; heard the following: "What makes Geo. C. so popular?" "Oh, he is a great fellow." "Well, what has he done?" "Oh, he voted for the referendum." "What else?" "Oh, lots of things. Let's .see cuts Tom's head off and gave the people the right to elect road supervisors." "Is that all?" "No, he found out that the people were not capable of electing super visors, so he put that power back in the hands of the county court where he could look after it himself. You bet , the railroads, this country would not he knows more than all the people amount to anything. Then he voted about those things." for the referendum." "Is that all?" I "Geewhiz! don't tell me that any "No! He stuck Tom's head back, more. " Is that all you can say for cut John's off andx voted for the ref- him?" erendum." "Well, he told me what a bad fellow "Is that all?" J'Porter-was." . " "No, he made the page boy eat that I "What's the matter with Porter?" infernal gambling bill, at least I sup- I "He said when Porter put in a bill pose he ate it, as it was never heard to the county for printing and there of after the page boy handed it to was two cents over, Porter took the him. So you see we get all of Port- two cents." land's gamblers down in our county. 1 "Did he say Porter ver did any Just look at the business it makes for thing bad?" us! Then he voted for the referen- "No, only took the two cents." dum." I " "If that is all he can say against "Don't tell me that any more. Is that Porter, I will vote for him."' all?" "But hold on, you see Brownell has "No! He looks after the interests a Federal Indictment against him. of the railroads. If it were not for You see all the big fellows like Her- MR. E. V. GARTER, Candidate for State Treasurer, Dear " Sir: As you have established the precedent in this campaign of writing open letters to the other candidates for the office which you seek, I take this oppor tunity of RETURNING THE COMPLIMENT BY PRESENTING SOME QUERIES TO YOU. Do you carry in your pocket two letters, both addressed "To Whom It May Concern," signed by A. L. Mills and T. C. Atnsworth, respectively, sup porting your candidacy? Did not you come to Portland last week for the express purposes of seek ing the support of the brewing and liquor interests? Did you'not, personally, visit them and ask for their support on the ground that you had succeeded finally in getting your home town, Ashland, 4wet"? Did not these gentlemen tell you that the State Treasurer's office had no connection with their business, and that they did not propose to get into a fight which was none of their affair? Did you not say that if you could not get the organized support of these interests, that you would seek the organized suppoort of the Anti-Saloon League? and certain political preachers? Is it not a fact that Mr. A. L. Mills has written many letters to the correspondents of the First National Bank throughout the state asking . that they support your candidacy? , I regret that you have seen fit to. introduce personalities into this campaign, but I do not propose to sit idly by and let you mislead the pub lic. Yours respectfully, RALPH W. HOYT, Candidate for State Treasurer. mann, Williamson, and Mitchell had them. That is more than Porter has got, and, then I am going to get a job at five a day and I will get you one if you will vote for Brownell." "Hello! here is Canby." So I lost the cream of the conver sation. ' RUBBER NECK. FOR CORONER. To the Republican Voters of Clackamas County, Oregon: I am a candidate for the nom-. ination of Coroner of the Coun ty, subject to the will of the people to be expressed at the primaries April 20th, I have lived in the county many years, making my home for most of the time at Canby and Oregon City, in which latter place I am now engaged in the undertak ing business. - My opponent, R. L. Holmn, has been elect ed for two consecutive terms, to this office, and is now striv ing for a third term in opposi tion to my candidacy. The time honored rule in Clacka mas County has been one of open revolt against what is known as the third term. Not only has Mr. Holman had the office for two consecutive terms, but hi has had the busi ness of the office directly or in directly for twelve years or more. ; Fair play in politics demands that there should be a .limit somewhere to a man's ambi tionsxfor the same County of fice. I believe I am fairly en titled tp the nomination. I am asking "for the office for the first-time, my opponent for the third time. I am a tax payer and my opponent is not. The only promise I have to make is, that if elected, I will conduct the office according to law and in the interestsvof the taxpayers of Clackamas Coun ty and will not ask for a third term. W. M. SHANK, Leading Undertaker and Em-balmer. Is there a true Republican in this County free from fraud, who is not in accord with President Roosevelt in his effort to convict and punish those en gaged in fraud? If, you are, how in the name of God, can you vote for Brownell? Republicans who wish for a higher standard of politics and the success of the party will not, I hope. .'L. L. Porter may not be the best man in Clackamas County, buf I have heard several prominent business men in Oregon City say that Mr. Porter was honest. Did you ever hear any one say such a thing of Brownell? I hope that every Republican who stands for reform in politics will go to the polls as soon as they are open and work for Willis C. Hawley for Cong ress, and L. L. Porter for State Sena tor. Then we will have started to clean up a little. J. R. COLE. There's nothing so good for a sore throat as Dr. Thomas Eclectrio Oil. Cures.it in a few hours. Relieves any pain in any part. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. UNION DEPOT Arrive. 8:00 A.M. For Maygers, Rainier. Daily. Daily. Clatskanie, Westport Clifton, Astoria, War ren ton, Flavel, Ham- 11:10A.M. mond, Fort Stevens, Gearhart Park, Sea side, Astoria and Seashore, express Daily. Astoria Express. 7:00 P.M. 9:40 P.M. n THERE 15 NO SLICKER LIKEW Forty years &o and after many years of use on the eastern coast Tower's Woterproof Oiled Coats were introduced in the West and were called .Slickers by the pioneers and cowboys. i his Graphic name has come into such general use that it is frequently though wrongfully applied to man substitutes. You want the genuine Jim LooK tor the Oign of the nan. and we name lower on me buuons. MADE IN BLACK AN YUIOW AMD SOLD BY REPRESENTATIVE TRADE THE WORLD OVER. m "A. J. TOWER C0.60STOM. MASS.U.S.A. TOWER tANAWAM CO.lhrKtHT0l0NTO.CAN. ! C. A. STEWART, Comm'l Agt.. i Alder street, fhone Main oe. i J. C. MAYO. a. F. & P. A.. Astoria. Or. L ELLO Hfr v fmmim. '... i CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought WHISKY Bears the Signature of PORTER OR BROWNELL. (Continued from Page 1) his innocence before a grand jury. Do you suppose President Roosevelt sent Heney out her to indict a lot of peanut politicians? He'surely did not. If in II . For Sale oy I tajlll!ti iIJi)l!.iLli.l,J!ti!.ai mMJMIMMew A DELIGHTFUL BEVERAGE A SAFE STIMULANT A GOOD MEDICINE - E. MATTHIAS -Sola Agency for Oregon City. 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone Com . pany, covering 2,250 towns ) Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication. . Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard as Port land. Oregon-City office at Hardmgfs Druff Store JOHN YOUNGER, Is ear Huntley's Drug Store, FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. C. I Greeiiman, PIONEER Transfer and Express Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATE 3 REASONABLE