OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE,' FRIDAY, APRIL. 20, 1906. .. .7 Political Column Announcement cards- for candidates will be published In this column until the date of the Primary election, April :20, at a nominal charge. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. To the Republican Voters of Clackamas County:: I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the nomina- tion for County Treasurer on the Republican tickejt at the primary! election to be held on ' April 20. If nominated - and elected I pledge a careful, effi- cient and economical adminis- ' tration of the affairs of that of- flee.- I am an old soldier and have always voted the Republi- can ticket. This is the first time I have ever asked for any office at the hands of my party. ' , Very respectfully, J. C. PADDOCK, of Clackamas. .CAMPAIGN LIES S. U'Ren Denounces as Fafse . Circulars. Coming From Portland 'Managing Committee it - . FOR COUNTY RECORDER. , To the Republican voters of Clackamas county: I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the nomination of County Recorder at the Re publican primary election to be held April 20, 1906. If nominat ed and elected, I pledge a care ful and economical administra tion of the affairs pf the office. I respectfully solicit the sup port of the Republican voters of the county. Very respectfully yours, E. P- DEDMAN, of Clackamas. FOR COUNTY CORONER. To the Republicans of Clack ,. amas County: . I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination of County Coroner on the Repub-4 lican ticket at the primary elec- . tion, April 20, 1906. If nomi nated and elected I promise a careful and economical admin istration of the affairs of the office, and shall adopt in my platform the principles of econ omy, justice and honesty. W. M. SHANK, Leading Undertaker and Em balmer, Oregon City. FOR COUNTY CLERK. To the Republicans of Clack- amas county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination of County Clerk on the Republi can ticket at the Primary elec tion, April 20, 1906. If nominat ed I promise an economical administration of the affairs of the office and fair, courteous and considerate treatment of all persons having business at the office. GEORGE LINCOLN STORY. TO THE SO-CALLED INDEPENDENT CANDIDATES FOR .THE .'LEGISLA TURE IN MULTNOMAH COUNTY, Messrs. S- C. Beach, E..B. Colwell, A. A. Bailey, J. W. Be veridge, Frank F. Freeman, D. Buetgen; C..N. Mc Arthur, J. G. Littlepage, R. E. L.. Simmons, Dave B. Mackie, T.-J. Monahan, Robert W. Wilson, W. H. Chapin, H. E: Northup,; Chas. Cleve land, S. H. Gruber Albert Ferrera, Bert Farrell, H. M Bush, H. Claus- senius, Jr., P, A. MacPherson, L. M. Davis. " r . : . . '.... SIRS?: -, --.f -- - . '.. --V.'.- "t '.: -" ' The "Independent Candidates for legislature by"manag"ing committee" of Multnomah County are circulating through, the United States , mails a most villianous, cowardly, false and criminally libelous attack on 'my charac ter and that of the following named gentlemen, as r well as many others whose names I do not recall, who were at various times guests of Mr.. Jonathan' Bourne, Jr., in the Eldredge Block at Salem, during the holdup legislative session of 1897: ; H. L. Barkley, now of . Portland ; C. S. Dustin, r Long Creek; J., H. Kruse", Oswego; . G. F. Schmidtlein, Jackson County; O. C. Emery, ' New berg; A. L. Maxwell, Portland; 'Johnson S. Smith, mow of Salem; J. C. Bayer, Portland; John Gill, Yamhill County; J- V. McArthur, LaGrande; J. N. Svind seth, Astoria; Thomas Buckman, Coos County; II. G. Guild, Polk County; T. M. Munkers, Scio; W. S. U'Ren, Oregon City;. David Craig, George H. Hill, Portland; Geo. Ogle, Molalla; John Whiteaker, Benton County; E. J. Davis, Milton; J. J. Howser, now of Blain; D. L. Povey, Portland; D. W. Yocum, Baker County, James N. Davis, Portland;.. F, N. Jones, Wasco County;-Geo. W. Riddle: C. Schubel, Oregon City: T. B. Hankins, Oregon City; Senator S. H. Holt, Ashland; Senator Dufur, The Dalles; Edgar B:' Piper, Portland; Lute Pease, Portland ; Senator A. W. Gowan, Senator J. H. Smith, Astoria ' Senator Reed, Douglas County; Senator Geo. Bates, Portland; Senator Will R. King, Ontario; Senator Ben Selling, Portland; -Senator S. A.r Dawson, Albany; Senator Justus Wade, Union; Dr. J. J. Hill, Albany; Senator Donald McKay, Portland; Senator . Joseph Simon, Portland; Chas. A. Fitch, Oregon City; Geo. Weeks, Salem; A. J. Beatty, Chemawa; Frank Williams, Ashland, now of Portland; Geo. Stout, Portland; J. H. Raley, Pendleton; W. E. Burke, Portland; Mr. John Povey, Portland; Mr. Wood, MoMinnville; L. A. Robinson, Baker City; Col. E. Hofer, Salem; John. C. Young, Baker City; H. R. Klncaid", Eugene; Harvey Scott,- Portland. . . Among other lies you charge us with being "blackguards, pimps, gamb lers, grafters, and thugs" and say: "Dissolute women were also employed for the free use of the gang." . ..' These charges are not signed, but they are printed on a separate sheet and included in the same envelope with a reprint of an advertisement from the Morning Oregonian of April 10th, ,1906 entitled "Bourne's Double Deal ing," and signed, "Independent Candidates for Legislature by Managing Committee." -.' , . : . ,. I say to you that y5ur charges are absolutely and maliciously false. I further say to you, speaking from personal knowledge, that Mr. Bourne's entertainment was the same that a gentleman offers' to his guests in his own home in the presence of his wife and daughters. No words have been coined which will express the loathing men feel for creatures who circulate such libels and have- not the courage to sign their names. There are among you,7 men of reputed 'good character, but I respectfully submit to the voters of Multnomah County and Oregon, that candidates who employ a "Managing Committee' so lost to all sense of de cency, courage, honor and self respect, are themselves unworthy to receive the vote or confidence of honorable men. 4 "The slanderer and the assassin differ only in the weapon they use: HENRY E. STEVENS.! Candidate for Republican Nomination ' ? for. Representative. $ ! Henry E. Stevens,-, of Milwaukee, who is now serving his second term as County Recorder, is among the prominent candidates for the Republi can nomination as one of the three Representatives from this countyi'Mr.; Stevens entered the race for this nom ination only on the petition and argent request of more than 90 per cent of the voters of his home precinct. Ow ing to his official duties which kept him. in .his .office at the court house. Mr. Stevens has been unable to make thecanvasa of the-county that-he de sired te-.and is- submitting his candi dacy for this nomination to his many friends throughout" the' county, he has addressed the following letter to the Republican voters of Clackamas coun ty: - -- V-; - - ' "A large number of voters of Mil waukie precinct, my- home precinct have urged me, by petition and in per son to become a. candidate . for- the lower branch of the State- Legislature at thecoming primary election. -They profess confidence in my -integrity and ability to perform the, duties of that office with honor to myself and credit to Clackamas County. . . . ' . "After much thought and delibera tion, I have yielded to . their wishes MR. COUNSELL ENDORSED., i Taxpayer Tells Why Man From Har mony Should be Mominated. . I being a taxpayer in the large county of Clackamas where all pub lic roads are expensive and exceeding: ly difficult to build, am in favor of a County Commissioner on the Board who is familiar; with the building of County-roads and keeping the same in good repti, -A large percentage of our improved County roads have been built under the supervision of W. H. Counsell who is a candidate for the nomination for - County Commission er. on the Republican ticket to.be vot ed for on April 20th, 906, and I be lieve that it is for the best interests of every taxpayer in Clackamas Coun ty, : regardlessuof politics,, to exerciser their best endeavors to sceure the nomination and also the election of Mr. Counsell for County Commission er, and then Clackamas County will have a thorough and competent road builder on the Board of County Com missioners, and. one who will be of great value in every part of Clackamas County where improved roads are to be built. The work that Mr. Counsell performed on, the Logan and Viola roads, does credit to himself and also to the County Court who secured his services, and I as a taxpayer, who lives and have announced my candidacy for ' on the Viola . road and became ac quainted witn tne successful methods employed by , Mr. Counsell can safely say that he saved the County large See Nature's ; Wondrous Handiwork that office.- "I have signed 'Statement No. 1," and have further declared that I shall see, if elected, that the people's- money is expended only for legitimate and nec essary purposes. I shall also favor legislation which will compel all pub lic utility Corporations to pay their just share of taxation. And in addi tion, my dear sir, I shall at all times endeavor to perform the duties of the office fairly, thoroughly and impar tially, without dictation from 'boss or machine. "Should you deem me. worthy of the place, your support at the coming pri mary election will be greatly apprec iated." , ; - : -. " . '. y :. - AN IMPORTANT OFFICE. Canby,, April 17, T906. To the Editor: . ' The office of Commissioner is -one that is of vital interest to the taxpay ers of the County. A thorough know ledge of roads and their construction Through Utah and Colorado Castle Gate, Canon of the Grand, Black Canon, Mar shall and Tennessee Pas ses, and the World-Famous ; Royal Gorge For Descripitive and Illustrated Phamplets, write to W. C. McBRIDE, Cen'l Ag't, 124 Third St., PORTLAND, Or. A LIBERAL OFFER TO CURE INDI GESTION. No Reason Why Any Oregon City Res ident Should Suffer Any Longer. Many observant Oregon City people who have been reading from time to sums of money by thoroughly under- time of the remarkable cures made by standing the employment in which he waa engaged. I firmly . believe that the taxpayers of Clackamas County will agree with me, that at least one of the County Commissioners on the Board should be thoroughly acquaint ed with the methods of building and maintaining our public highways. Respectfully submitted, A TAX PAYER. PRESCRIPTION FOR HEADACHES. When you have headache or other nerve pain try- Ake-in-the-head tablets and. you can have your ten cents back if you headache or neuralgia is not re lieved in 15 minutes. No matter what the cause is one tablet will give re lief. Huntley Bros. . . -.. Daily Telegram and Enterprise, both one year, for only $5. Pepsikola tablets have wondered if it really is true that this . remedy will cure stomach trouble and indigestion. However, the truth of this state ment can easily be verified. Drop into the store any time you are passing and we will be pleased to give you the names of a number of. prominent peo ple in town who can truthfully tell of the benefits derived from 'the use of" these tablets, t - .; i -, . . If you are troubled with sour stom-. ach, heart-trarn, palpitation, wind belching, fullness or distress after eat ing, or any other of the symptoms of dyspepsia, you owe it to yourself to give this prescription for indigestion and stomach trouble a ten days' trial, and if after using one 25 cent box you can honestly say you have not re ceived the benefits hoped for, Huntley Bros, will pay you back your money without the least hesitation. Can Browne!! serve the CX W. Co. and tie S. P. Co. and the people at the same time? We think not. will save annually a . large sum of money to the ones who foot the bills. Among the candidates for nomina tion April 20, is W. H. Counsell, who has had a wide experience in public roads, as well as. Other county affairs. We, the voters of Canby, want to elect Mr. Counsell as we believe him to be eminently fitted for the position. There "will be a number of new with tne one it is tne aagger, witn tne otner toe tongue. &uu ne wuu slbuh ithe next two years and a man experi- with the one would use the other, but he fears the hangman's rope." W. S. U'REN. W. C. HAWLEY ASKS FOR FAIR PLAY FOR COUNTY CLERK. To the Republican voters of Clackamas county. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Republican nomination for County Clerk at the Primary election, April 20, 1906. My motto is: "Honesty Efficiency, Courtesy." Very respectfully, I. D. TAYLOll, of.Abernethy Precinct. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. W. W. Smith, of Parkplace, Announc es His Platform. Mr. Smith's platform is as follows: Tax on public utility franchises as advocated by State Grange. Repeal of the law governing the burning of slashing. Election of Road Supervisors by the people. ' Same fishing - rights to Clackamas County fishermen as is enjoyed by the lower Columbia fishermen and a uniform license of gill nets according to the length of the net. If nominated and elected will vote for the people's choice , for United States Senator. Separate appropriation bill for each item of expenditure of the public i funds. Law regulating state "and private banks; and the appointment of a State Bank Examiner That public funds should be loaned only for the benefit of the public. Repeal of the law imposing license on hunters. Primary election, April 20th, 1906, ! between the hours of 12 noon and 7 p. m. i Salem, Oregon, April, 17, 1906. TO REPUBLICAN VOTERS: In the interest of my opponents there is being distributed anonymously a printed circular attributing to me statements and opinions concerning John Brown which Were read by me chiefly from the Republican platform of 1860, Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address, and from Burgess' "The Middle Period." This circular, would make it appear that these were my own personal opinions, which is not true, but were quotations referring to the subject under discussion, "The Rise and Fall of the Slave Power." v In a lecture of seventy-five minutes duration the reference to John Brown was brief and incidental. I compared him to no other person what ever. Thfs lecture has been delivered many times, before and since, entirely as at Eugene, twice at Gladstone Chautauqua. Many veterans have heard it, and never occasioned adverse comment at any other time. The lecture was not on John Brown, so I expressed no personal opinion and made no at tempt to take from him any fame justly due him as a factoj in shaping the history of that period.. As a descendent of Northern anti-slavery a.ncestry, all the opponents of that institution are interesting characters to me. John Brown's place in history must be determined by his services, his purposes, his wisdom and his deeds. ' " The following statement has been made by the veterans and members of the G. A. R. of my home town: . Salem, Oregon, April 14, As a circular signed by a well known populist is beirfg circulated in the First Congressional District by the competitors of Prof. Hawley, the evident object of which is to discredit Mr. Hawley with the members of the G. A. R. and other patriotic citizens we, as veterans of the Civil War and members of the G. A. R., desire to publicly protest against it as an utterly unjust at tack upon a worthy man. It is a garbled anJ distorted statement cunningly worded to give an utterly false impression. . . Mr. Hawley has been a resident of this community for nearly twenty years, and has frequently shown himself, in his addresses and otherwise, to be a. friend and champion of the old soldier. It is our judgment that he will receive almost the solid vote of the veterans of this community. ' . . (Signed) H. H. Spaulding, Geo. Gans, T. Remington, G. M. S. Hulsten Thos. Holt, Daniel Webster, Ben j. F. Wright, Gideon Stolz, Commander; Wm. Manning, C. C. Kuney, W. W. Martin,te. S. Lamport, J. H. Campbell, A. N. . -a Gilbert, E. L. Briggs, C. Marsh, Wm. Lansing, J. F. Goode, D. W. Matthews, P. N. Lathrop, W. H. Brown, E. R. Southwick, L. K. Page, Wm. M. Robinson, J. T. Cox, Henry Campbell, Wm. Armstrong, H. Widdersheim, J. 'Q, Barnes, Alex Cornoyer, W. D. Pettingill,- John Schaupp, Z. M. Parvin. .-. y " Thanking you for any consideration you may give this letter in the ! interest of a: square deal against an anonymous political attack, I am 1 1 - - ' . - i ; Truly yours, ..' ... ' ' v. . W. C. HAWLEY. enced in things of that nature could easily save Clackamas County many thousands of dollars. CANBY VOTER. SOME REASONS WHY CHAUNCEY E. RAMSBY SHOULD RECEIVE THE REPUBLICAN NOMINATION FOR COUNTY RECORDER. BECAUSE: He is competent and deserving. He is the right man for the right place. - ' . He is first, last, and always a Re publican. . He is courteous, efficient and, thoroughly qualified. He has always supported the party's nominees in every election. He is more than 28 years of age, while the only charge" his op ponents have been able to prefer against him is that he is but 22 years old. Elects 0 0 A 190 Fprry's Seeds are best becanse SO BiTci-essfuI years have been apnt in tner development half a century oi experi care in limning tuein Minenor u ail orners nower ana Tegetame seeua. ikvq beea Aniugi iree. D. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit, .Mich.. If Yo Want a "Cracker Jack" Plumbing Job at a little cost, by all means confer with us before Handing out your contract. ' A- MIHLSTIN, 4 , .Main Street, near Bightb. ' REDUCED RATES FOR CURRENT ON METER BASIS. ELECTRICITY in your home will just about cut out the fire danger. Curtains and draperies are not endangered by the ELECTRIC LIGHT. Yet the lamps willglow wherever, whenever you want them, bringing light in closets, cupboards any dark placeSj entirely without risk. . ELECTRICITY in the sickroom aids the doctor and the nurse in their ministrations. The electric light enables the physician to make examinations at any hour- whole ingenious devices permit the heating of water, the cooking of special dishes, quickly, safe- ' ly. An electric heating pad never too hot to burn or blister retains just the proper heat. ELECTRICITY furnishes the; best and most ECONOMICAL of all artifical illuminants. The ELECTRIC LIGHT is there when you want off when you don't. It is not burning up money when not wanted. It is not consuming air. " ELECTRICITY FOR YOUR EVERY DAY NEEDS. , ' Think it over. If there are difficulties in the way, they can be removed. ESTIMATES On cost of wiring, cost of current and informa tion regarding the use of electricity for LIGHT or POWER in the HOME, the OFFICE, the STORE "and the FACTORY promptly furnished upon appl calion' to C G. Miller at the Company's branch of ffice, next door to the Bank of Oregon City. PORTLAND ELECTRIC GENERAL COMPAN C. G. Miller Contract Manager for Oregon City. avuo i oilic Veiiiiifiicfe Gives strength to men. women and chilrfren.fc? a At ; your druggists.