Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 20, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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i- -,-.
A Candidate for Joint Representative for CiacRamas and Multnomah
v.'v - Counties. . 7, . . . -
"f Mr..H- Ef.,;c;ross, in announcing his candidacy for the position of Joint
Representative, for Multnomah and' Clackamas' counties, has subscribed, ' in
his petition tot the' nomination to a very brief platform, as follows:
"Good pads, Ijetter men, an economic policy in" the fiscal affairs of the
state, thelection"of; United States Senator by direct vote of the people,
a 40-foot channel to' the sea, free transportation in the Willamette and Colum
bia riversi and; a. Greater Oregon." ,''-
. I furtfier' state to the people of Oregon as well as to the people of my
legislative district, that during my term of office, I will always vote for that
candidate for United States .Senator in Congress, who has received the high
est number of the people's votes for that position at the general election next
preceding the election pf a Senator in Congress, without regard to my indi
vidual preference. .' .' ' ,
In conjunction with certain Senatorial and Representative candidates
In; Multnomah county, an additional platform has been agreed upon and sub
scribed to, as follows: '
' "First For the equitable taxation of state and municipal franchises. t
"Second For granting municipalities the right to control and regulate
all public utilities, such as gas, electric lighting and power, telegraph, tele
phone, street railways, railroads, etc. r '
"Third For the enactment of a state banking law that has for its end
the prdtection of depositors and the creation of the office of State Bank Exam
iner. - .
men already engaged . getting out the
.poles., ,t This telephone is out-o-whack
again, and one can hardly ever get
CentJ-al anyway until 6ne-has "called
'half 'A dozen times, and it is a wonder
to--some that a Hello-girl with such- a
pleasant voice does not use It more
promptly. '" '
-..' Eagle Creek. ' ' . i
, April 10 We are having very fine
weather now except some frost In
the mornings. - - ... . . ; ?
Mr. . Edward - Burnett is preparing
to load a car of - potatoes, they are
worth 65 cents per hundred for strict-'
ly flrst-class stock. 1 - J'k
: We had a fine shower-'Sunday even
ing which makes vegetation look fine
and makes the grass more plentiful.
. The fruit trees, are blooming now,
but it is a little hard to tell yet what
amount of damage the freeze did the
fruit in this section. . ..
The speaking at Wilburn's 'hall last
Friday night was well attended.
Mrs. Dr. Roberts is expecting her
daughter from San Francisco to make
her a visit in the near' future. -
Several of the farmers of George
are hauling potatoes to Eagle Creek
to help load a car. ;
Mr. Guy Woodle was up to his ranch -
Saturday planting potatoes and mak
ing garden. . , '
Elder H. S. Sturdevant of Cornelius
Washington county, held services at
j the school ' house in district No. 50
"Fourth For depositing all state funds with due regard for safety and j Sunday at 11 o'clock and Sunday ev-
security, so as to bring the largest revenue to the state, and providing that enlng. He was accompanied by his
all Income therefrom shall revert to the state, and making it a felony for the
State Treasurer personally to receive any compensation in the shape of in
terest or otherwise from such deposits. . - :
. "Fifth For enacting a law to. Teduce the number of State-'Normal
Schools to two or less. ..'.'. j , , -,'.
"Sixth For placing the State Printer on a flat salary. . ,.- '
wife, who visited- some of her friends,
They returned home Monday. - -
R. B. Gibson and wife were visiting
relatives near Estacada Sunday.- ....
The new mill on the Douglass place
will be completed and ready to begin
sawing and planing lumber for market
in the near future. - We hope the new
The Best Guaranty of Merit ,
; Is Open Publicity.
Every boUle 'of Dr. Pierce's world
filmed medicines leaving the great labo
ratory at Buffalo, N.. ., has printed
upon its wrapper all the ingredients
entering into its composition. This fact
alone places Dr. Pierce's Family Medi
cines in a clna all by Utemtclvt. They
cannot be classed with patent or secret
medicines because they are neither. This
is why so many unprejudiced physicians
prescribe them and recommend them to.
their patients. They know what they
are composed of, and that the inereOlents
are those endorsed by the most eminent
medical authorities.
'ine further fact that neither Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the
freat stomach tonic, liver invigorator,
eart regulator and blood purifier, nor his
"iavorite Prescription" for weak, over
worked, broken-down, norvous women,
contain any alcohol, also entitles them
to a place all by themselves.
Many years ago. Dr. Pierce discovered
that rhemlsally pure c'rccrlne, of proper
strength, is a bolter solvent and preserv-
. now existing between yourself and
the plaintiff., . "
This summons is published In pur
suance of an order of the Honorable
Thomas A. McBride, judge of the
above entitled court made and enter
ed on the 31st day of March, 1906.
W. S. U'REN.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
equitable. '
This summons -is published by order
of Hon. Thos. A. McBride, judge of
the above entitled court, made and
dated on the 26th day of March, 1906.
' Attorneys for Plaintiff.
First publication March 30.- 1906.
Last publication May- 11, 1906.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon,, for the County of Marion.
Charles Scott, as executor of the es
tate of Rohert H. Scott, deceased
, and Ann Scott, Plaintiffs,
The Oregon Land Company, et al,
, Defendants.
County of Clackamas. ss.
' By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
ativ.e of the ricJIclnal principles resid
ing in on i- in H-cnous or native, medi- cause, to me duly directed and. dated
cinal p ants than fs alcohol; and, further- tba ,7th nf 1QflR llrv, n
titled Court, in the above entitled,? .V!r
"Seventh For the employment of convicts in the betterment of the : company will have a prosperous busi-
public roads, instead of In competition with free labors
"We desire to state that-we want it distinctly understood ' that the
second article of our platform shall be construed to mean that we -consider
ourselves bound to vote for a law or laws revoking all perpet'uaf franchises,
and all other franchises not paying a revenue, and empowering municipalities
to place all franchises on an equal basis. .- y .
"And further," we and each of us, shall consider ourselves pledged- to
support and tVote for that particular measure, embracing these' subjects, and
designing to accomplish these ends, that Multnomah county delegation:; by a
majority vote shall decide upon." , '
The long residence of. Mr. Cross in Clackamas county, .his record Jn
the legislature In passing the present cash road law, and' the salary bill, put
ting Sheriffs, Clerks and Recorders on a flat salary; iiis, persistent and suc
cessful career' in this county in aiding the building of county roads will ho
doubt bring to his surport many voters who will desire to attest their approval
of his course when' in the legislature in passing good laws, and the public
spirit of the man as Shown in county affairs. -
Several farmers in this section sold'
their horses last week to abuyer that
visited this place.
-' ' Macksbiirg. , '' :
April 9- We: are having quite ' a
change in the ' weather. It ' looks like
we might have some rain.
Mr. J. F. Mitts and wife are visit
ing at his father's, Mr. El Mitts, as
he Is having a vacation. f
The entertainment , giveq by . the
Needy school was , just splendid and
well attended. Good -for. Needy. The
proceeds were about $1S7
Our road supervisor .Is working tb,e
roads in some places.
There was church at Macksburg in
Smith's Hall last Sunday. There wilj
be services there again four weeks
from -last Sunday. v
more, that.it p-v cesses valuable medicinal
properties t ' i; own, being demulcent,
nutritive, antiseptic, and a most efficient
anti ferment. ' -
Neither of the above medicines eon
tains alcohol, or any harmful, habit
forming drug, as will be seen from a
glance at the formula printed on each
Dottle wrapper. They are safe to use and
potent to cure. . .-...
Not only do physicians prescribe fie
above; non-se-ret medicines largely, out
the most intelligent people employ them
people wuo would not think of using
the ordinary patent, or secret medicines.
Lvery ingredient entering. into the com
position of 'Jr. Pierce's medicines has
the strongest kind of an endorsement
from leading m.lical writers of the
several schools of practice. No other
medicines put up for like purposes has
any siu-h professional endorsement.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con
stipation. Constipation is the cause of
many diseases. . Cure the cause and you
cure the disease. One "Pellet" is a gentle
laxative, and two a mild cathartic Drug
gists sell them, and. nothing is "Ju3t M
good." Easy to take as candy. ,
There is no dodging the issue. It is the corporations
versus the people Will yoti have Brownell?
Left Over From Last Week's Issue of
. v Enterprise. , .-
- Shubel.
April - 9. Richard Schoenborn and
wife of Cams, visited friends in our
burg last Sunday.
Henry Ginther is working for Wm.
Johanna Massinger is home on a
Fred Moehnke had one of his pleas
ant. birthday parties in his home last
Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ginther visited
with their daughter, Mrs. Neilsen, of
Portland, last Sunday. j
Phillip Massinger has purchased a
new team of horses.
Grain looks well around here.
Robert and John Moehnke have
moved on their place for the summer.
Mrs. Hettman. made a business trip
to the city one day last week.
i hospital last Saturday to undergo an
I operation.
. Chas. Moehnke of Clarkes, visited
relatives here last Sunday.
- Eagle Creek. '
As a result of the hot, moist days,
crops and orchards are. in a flourish
ing condition.
" Mr. and Mrs. Ahnert and family,
were . guests of Mr. and - Mrs. -t JCitz
miller last Sunday. -
Mr. Guy Woodle stopped, while on
his way to Barton last Sunday to see
his mother-in-law, Mrs. Kitzmiller.
' '- A LIVELY TUSSLE' ' ' ''
with that old -enemy of the race; Con
stipation, often ends in Appendicitis.
To avoid all serious trouble with the
stomach, liver and bowels," take- Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They perfectly
regulate these organs,: without pain or
discomfort. .25 cents at Howell &
Jones' drug store.
Deserves Your Patronage.
"Speaking of the torture to which
some of the savage tribes in the Phil
ippines subject their captives, reminds
me of the intense suffering I endured
for three months from-' inflammation
of the kidneys," . says W..M. Sherman,
of Cushing, Me. . "Nothing helped me
until I tried Electric Bitters, three
bottles of which opmpletely cured roe."
Cures liver complaint, dyspepsia, blood
disorders and malaria, and restores
the weak and nervous to robust health.
Guaranteed by Howell & Jones, drug
gists. Price 50 cents.
A "log-rolling" composed of several .
neighbors and friends assisted Mr. j : ... w .
the site for his new home. , Bea th Th8 Kind You Have Always Bought
Mr. Keith, though suffering from a j Signature
slight relapse, is recovering. t of
William T. Berghouse spent a few
days with his little daughter Alice,
before returning to Washington.
Farmers have been busy doing their
spring seeding, but at present they are
John Stricklin passed through our j getting about through. Some potatoes
burg one day last week.
Elenore Ginther, after a short vaca
tion, began a termof school at Cherry
ville, last Monday.
G. A. Shubel visited . her" daughter
Mrs. J. W. Liese'r, of Portland Sun
day, - : ) "
Mrs. Sager was taken to a Portland
Bright's Disease and
v Diabetes News.
The John J. Fulton Co. of San Fran
cisco, First in -the World to An
nounce the Cure and present a
Definite Percentage of Recoveries
(87 per cent) and Give Out Lists of
the Cured.
have been planted
Vetsch & SonSi W. H. Boring and
J. A. Richy have been loading a car
with potatoes for Boggis- & Co.
O. W. Boring, our school clerk, made
a trip to Oregon City and Portland on
official business last Saturday. .
A. C. Rich has purchased himself a
new wagon, and is hauling fies from
Moll & Davis' mill. . .
A. H. Richey made a trip to the
metropolis on business Saturday.
A large number of the voters of
Boring attended -the political speaking
last week, to hear Senator Brownell
and others speak.
Fins' logging camp, is running full
Joe Osburn.is going to move oh his
claim near Hood River.
Saloon License. .
Notice' is hereby given that I will
apply at the next meeting of the Ore
gon City Council for a renewal of my
liquor license' at my present place of
business. Main street, between Fifth
and Sixth streets:
. The , growth of a community . and the
success of its 'local institutions depends
entirely on the loyaRy of its people, tt
is well enough to preach "patronize hom
industry'" but except the service glvei
at a home institution equals that of out
of-town enterprises, this argument car
ries no weight, and is entirely disregard
ed, as It should be. but with Oregon Cltj
people it is different. A few months
ago E. L. ' Johnson established the Cas
cade - Laundry. It is equipped with the
latest Improved machinery and Is dally
turning out Work , that Is equal to any
and superior to much of .the laundry
work that is being done, in Portland.
Being a home institution and' furnishing
employment for- many Oregon City people
it Is enjoying an immense patronage.
The high standard of the work being
done commends it to the general public
Laundry left at the O. K. barber shop will
be-promptly called for and delivered to
any part of . the city. Telephone 1204.
E. L. Johnson, proprietor
Saloon License.'
Notice is hereby given that I , wifl
apply at the next regular meeting of
the Oregon City Couneil for a. renewal
of my liquor license ' at r my present
place of business. Eighth street, near
Main street.
: .- ' v ;. E.' MATTHIES.
Saloon License.
Notice is hereby given that I will
apply at the next regular meeting of
the Oregon City CcJuncil" for-a renewal
of my liquor license at my present
place of business, Main street between
Sixth and Seventh 'Streets. ;
the 17th day of March, 1906, upon a
judgment rendered and entered in said
court on the 20th day of January, 1903,
In favor of Charles Scott, as execu
tor of the estate of Robert H. Scott,
deceased and Ann Scott, Plaintiffs and
against The Oregon Land Company
et al. Defendants, for the sum of
$55,140.00, and the costs of and upon
this writ, commanding me out of the
personal property of ' said defendants,
and if sufficient could not' be found,
then out of the real property belong
ing ' to said defendants on and after
the date of said Judgment to satisfy
said sum Of $55,140.00 (less $26,500.00
heretofore made on execution sales),
and also the costs of and upon this
said writ. . . ;
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, " Judgment "order and de
cree, and in compliance with the com
mands of said writ, being unable to.
find any personal property of said de-
fendants, I did on the 20th day of
i March, 1906, duly levy upon the fol
lowing described real property of said
defendants, situate and : being in the
County : of Clackamas, and State pf
Oregon, to-wit;
' Beginning at a point 700 feet SV! 35
W. of the Southeast corner of Lot 98
of Friends ' Oregon Colony ; thence S.
42 E. to the middle of the channel of
Butte Creek ; thence following down
the middle cSannei of said creek to a
point S. 34 W. of a point 50 feet N.
50" W. of the angle on the South
boundary of lot 112;. thence N 34 E.
to the South boundary of lot 112
to a point 50 feet N. 50 W. of the
angle on the South boundary of said
lot; thence S. 50 E. 50 feet to the
angle on the. South boundary of lot
112: thence S. 30 40' E. to the South
west corner of lot 111; thence by me
anders following the South line of Lot
111 to the South-east corner of said
lot; thence S. 37 10' E on the South
side of Penny ' Street to the South
west corner of lot 102; thence follow
ing the South line of lot 102 to the
South-west corner of Lot 99 ; thence
following the South line of lot 99 to
the South-wst corner of Lot 98, i dis
tance of 953 feet by the plat of said
tract; thence following the South line
of lot 98 to the place of beginning, and
I will,, on Saturday, the 21st day of
April, 1906, at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m., at the front door of tfce- County
Court House, in the City Of Oregon
City, in said County and Srate, sell at
public auction, subject to redemption,
to' the highest .bidder, for U. S.' gold
coin, cash in hand, all the. right, title
and Interest which the within named
defendants, or either of them, had on
the date of said judgment, or since had
in or to the above described real prop
erty or any part thereof, to satisfy
said judgment, order, decree, interest,
costs and all accruing costs. ,
'.i. - J. R. SHAVER,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore.
By E. C. Hackett, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, March
23rd, 1906.
In the Circuit Cjurt of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Maude Clays.
Plaintiff. .
vs. v.
Henry Clays, " ,
Defendant, -To
Henry Clays, the defendant: '
In the name of the State of Oregon-,
you are hereby required to appear. In
the above named court and answer
the complaint filed against you therein
Old "J CI I" i KAfn. ; .. . . . T . n4.Aa. Va
publication Is on the 23d day of March,
1906. If you fail to appear and answer
the nlniflHfT will tnlro o rK nrrci ainlnct
you for the relief demanded in the com
plaint, which is for a decree dissolv--ing
the bonds of matrimony now exist
ing between yourself and plaintiff and
for the resumption of her maiden
name, to-wit, Maude Cook and for her
costs and disbursements. r
This summons is. published in pur
suance of an prder of the Hon, Thos,
A. 'McBride, Judge of the above named
court, made and entered on the 19th
day of March 1906.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply to the County
Court of Clackamas County.Oregon,
fora license to sell spirituous, malt
and vinuous liquors for the period .of .
six months from the. t .day of s
.. r...l906, at 10:00 a. m., and that -
he-will present the following petition
tovsaid court on said day for said li
cense. T. M, ALLISON,
i , , : Petitioner.
v Petition:
To the Honorable. County Court of
Clackamas County, Oregon::
. We the undersigned, residents and t
legal' voters of Boring precinct, in '
Clackamas County, Oregon, , hereby '
respectfully petition your -honorable- ;
body to grant to T. M. Alliscon, a li-'"'
cense for a neriod of six months from '
the day of...: ...1906.
to sell spirituous, malt and vinuous
liquors in less quantities than one gal- ;
lod in Boring precinct,' Clackamas .
County, Oregon. ,
T. O. Svendsen, Chas. Pfyffer, Geo.
Robinson, J. B. Jonsr.ud, B. Holtz, S.
E. Card, J. O. Cornett. W. Miller, John
..... i rr T l . r t- i r ti v.
er, Michael Boyle, J. E. Simons, D. 0
Hedermann, H. Anderson, E. S.'Hick
ey, W. E. Elkins, W. Bernegger, A.
Herz, Joseph Borde, Frank Irvin, C.
L. Rankin, C. . A. Rich, D. C- Moll,
W. C. Hallis, D. J. Hite, Chas. Gros
hong, M. L. Joyce, Chas. Tinneman. ,
: Notice is hereby ; given that there
are sufficient funds on hand in the
general fund of Oregon City to pay
all outstanding warrants endorsed
prior to " November -17, 190.3. Interest
will cease with date of this notice. ')
. Dated April 19, 1906. h
', J. R. CAUFIELD, i
J; Vr City Treasurer
' , Saloon License. -
. Notice is hereby given that I- will
apply at. Ihe 'next regular meeting of
tlf' 'r T "r merchant3' 13 jof my liquor .license at my present
piace or ousiness. Main street between
Fourth and Fifth streets.
Saloon License.'
Notice Is hereby given that I will
apply at the next regular meeting of
the Oregon City Council for a renewal
of my liquor license at my present
place of business, Main And Fifth
streets. . MAT JUSTIN.
Here are' some of the San Francisco recov
i Ties. All of them were declared by physicians
t. be incurably 111 with Bright's Disease or
; 'labetes: N. W. Spaulding, President Spaulding
Co.; Adolph Weske, founder Cal. Cracker
o.; Carl D. Zelle, pioneer druggist; Chas.
r ngelke, editor San Francisco Journal; K. M
tVood, editor Spirit Review; Edward Short, of
i. je Call; C A. Newton, y ardmaster S. -P. Co.
- Sacramento); John A. Phelps, Hotel Repelier;
:..rs. M. Empey, 130 Steiner St.; Mrs. S. E.
' line, 1737 Broadway; Mrs. P. Qoyheneix, 928
I illmore St. (tapped 38 times); R. C. Pell,
Manager Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.; F. J. Bach-
der, Paciflo Coast Agt. Seth Thomas Clock
i.; E. B. Cutler, Attorney, 330 Pine St.; Wm.
ale. Real Estate, 215 Sansome St.; Mrs. C. C.
' atthewson Proprietor Hotel Clifton; Thos. . .
iskins, Merchant (Petaluma); Col. Wm.
.iwkins, TJ. S. Quartermaster's Department;
ias, F. Wacker, Merchant, 131 8th St.; Mrs.
ios. Christol, 430 27th St., and. hundreds of
hers. Some were at death's door when put on
e compounds, but many such recovered. That
f any were in extremis may be learned from
lis: Some recovered whe had. been tapped
- jzens of times; others were already in the
wltchings of uraemia -poisoning; many had
om lour to six physicians oontirm the fatal
.:agnosis; several left standard hospitals in
xtremis; several had relatives called in for last
iterviews, and a lew recovered who were in a
-.late of absolute coma. .
in a wora sdoui BiTi or an cases or Hrtght's
ri.sease and Diabetes, heretofore positively in
- urable, are now curable under the new Fulton -
ompounds. The Renal Compound for Bright's
md Kidney Disease is 1; for Diabetes, (1.50,
1'ampblet free. We have Just established a
-depot In your oity where you will find toe Com- ;
liiounda and pamphlets. Tlx;
-' ' .' '-. - t
Charman & Co., City Drug Store.
on the sick list.
John Simmons has rented some land
of E. S. Hickey and intends planting
potatoes. .
A. Harburg had quite a serious ac
cident Monday, his team became un
manageable while going through a
gate and ran away. His little seven
year old boy. was in the wagon. It
threw the little fellow out and broke
both his legs. The little boy was
taken to the hospital at Portland.'
Linderman Bros, have sold their j cleanses, soothes and heals
sawmill to the Sellwood Lumber Co. the diseased membrane.
Stafford. It cares catarrh and drives
The rain which threatened on Sun- away a cold In the bead
day passed around after giving us a , quickly.
refreshing shower. ' Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils, spreada
Mr. Beihle, Who has been a great over the membrane ana is absorbed. Relief is Im
sufferer for the past nine years and mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying does
for more than two years blind and al- not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug
most helpless, passed away Friday af- gists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents.
v In all its stages.
Ely's Cream Balm
Notice is hereby given that Wash
ington Street of Oregon City, Oregon,
from the Northerly line of Seventh.
Street Northerly to the Southerly
end of the Abernethy Bridge on said
Washington Street will be improved
with crushed jock its full width,, and
by laying sidewalks, wooden curbs,
drains, gutters, corner blocks and
crossings,-and by grading spid Wash
ington Street according to the propos
ed grade thereof.
This notice is published pursuant
to an order made . by the council of
Oregon City, at a special meeting of
said Council held Tuesday, April 10,
1906. , W. A. DIMICK,
ternoon, and was buried in the Staf
ford cemetery on Sunday afternoon, j
He was a good man, honest and true I
and respected by his neighbors, and
large concourse , followed him to the
grave. 1 -
Mr. Barnes' wife arrived from Cali-
fornia on Monday. They are very
much pleased, we hear, with their
new home... '
It will be remembered they bought
Mr. Weisenborn's place.
The prunes, pears and some of the
cherry .trees are in bloom, -showing ,
that the freezing weather of the sec
ond week ,in March did not kill all -the
fruit as predicted.
The Farmer telephone men had an- -other
meeting at the store, ' and will
proceed to put up the line They have .
EI.Y BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street, New York
drawing or photo, for expert search and free report.
Free advice, how to obtain patents, trade mmtr
copyrights, eta, IN ALL COUNTRIES.
Business direct ri'UJk Washington saves time,
money and often the patent.
Patent ind Infringement Practice Exclusively. :
Write or come to us at
SX3 Minth BtrM. opp. United States Fatent Office,
Treasurer's Notice.
I now have money to pay county
warrants endorsed prior to April 1,
1905. Interest will cease on suah war
rants on the date of this notice.
Oregon City, Oregon, March 30, 1906.
Treasurer of Clackamas County, Ore.
In the : Circuit Court of fhe- State of
Oregon, for Clackamas county.
E. H. Pickard, Plaintiff, :
1 vs.
Mary E. Pickard, Defendant,
To Mary E. Pickard, defendant above
. . named : .- .
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled court and cause,
on or before six (6) weeks from the
20th day of April, .1906. the date of
the first publication of this summons,
and if you fail so to appear and an
swer, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for and de
manded in the complaint herein filed,
to-wit: For judgment and decree for
ever dissolving the bonds of matri
mony heretofore existing between
plaintiff and defendant, and for such
other and "further relief as to the
Court may seem, just" and equitable.
This summons is published tjy order
of Hon. Arthur L. Frazer, judge of the
County Court for the County of Mult
nomah, made and dated on the 12th
day of April, 1906.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First Publication April 20, 1906.
Last Publication June 1, 1906.
. '.
Liquor License.
Notice is herebv eiven that' we will' '
apply at the -next regular, meeting of'
the Oregon City Council for a renewal !
Of our saloon license at bur present '
place of business, Main and Sixth '
Streets. . ' ; '
Liquor' License. . ..
Notice is hereby given that we will :
apply at the next regular meeting of
the Oregon City Council for a renewal
of our saloon license at our present
place of business, Main and Eighth '
Liquor' License.
i Notice, is hereby given that I wilt v
apply at the next regular meeting of .
the Oregon City. Council for a renewal
of. my saloon license at my present
place of business, Main and Fifth Sts.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the : un
dersigned has been, by an order of '
the County Court of Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon, duly appointed adminis- 4
trator of the estate of John Kenedy,
deceased. All : persons, having claims . '
against said estate are hereby notifi
ed to present the same within six
months from date of this notice, with
the proper vouchers to the undersign
ed. .
Dated this 6th day of April, 1906.
Administrator. -Gresham
R. F. D. No. 2. v
Last publication. May 11. -
In , the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for County of Clackamas.
Joseph A. Plechaty, . Plaintiff,
vs. . .
Emma Plechaty, Defendant. 1 ,
To Emma Plechaty, Defendant:
'" In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear in
the above entitled Court and answer
the. complaint filed against you there-
in on or before the 19th day of May,
j 1906, said . date being six weeks after
: the first publication hereof, which
I first publication is on the 6th day of
: April; 1966. If you fail to appear and
answer the plaintiff will take a decree
! against you for the relief demanded
in the complaint, which is for a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County
Anna Boyd, Plaintiff,
vs. . ,
George Boyd. Defendant.
To George Boyd, defendant above
named :
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled court and cause,
on or before six (6) weeks from the
30th day of March, 1906, the date of
the first publication of this summons,
and if you fail' so to appear and an
swer, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for and de
manded in the complaint herein filed,
to-wit: For judgment and decree for
ever dissolving the bonds of matrimony
heretofore existing between plaintiff1
and defendant, and that plaintiff be
restored to her maiden name, Anna L.
Prahl, and to all the rights and privi
leges of an unmarried woman, and for
her costs and disbursements herein 1 25th 1906.
and lor such other and further relief
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
May H. Hopple, Plaintiff,
Edward Hopple, Defendant.
To Edward Hopple, defendant above
In the name of- the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear an
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled cause on or be
fore the 28th day of May, 1906, said
day being more than six weeks from
the 13th day of April, 1906, the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons, and if you fail to so answer for
want thereof the plaintiffff will applv
to the court for-the relief prayed for,
to-wit: . . . '
For a decree 'of said court forever
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and
defendant; that plaintiff May H. Hop
ple, have the care, custody and control
of their said iminor children, Frankie,
Earl and Fanny Hopple; and "for such
other and further relief as may be
equitable and just.
The order for publication of sum
mons in this cause was made by the
Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the
above entitled court on the 9th -day '
of April, 1906.
. The date of the first publication of
this summons is April 13th, 1906, and
the date of the last publication is May
as to the court may seem just and '
Attorneys for Plaintiff, ('