Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 20, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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L.Short Sidehead Stories... 1
More Divorces
Judge McBride has granted divorces
as follows: Lessie Eary .vs. Frank
Eafy; Helena M. Binns vs. Wm. O.
Binns. An order of default and refer
ence was entered in the divorce suit
of Barbara "Kary vs. Karl Kary.
Meltons Would Be Divorced
James M. Melton, in. a divorce suit
filed a few days ago, charges Ola N.
Melton with desertion. They were
married in this county in November,
1904. The desertion complained of Is
alleged to have taken place last
Pioneer of 1845 '
Wm. G. Welch, a 'pioneer of 184o,
died last Thursday at his home near
Clackamas. The deceased was aged
75 years and was a native of one of
the Southern states. In 1848 with his
parents, now deceased, he located on
the Welch D. L. C. in this county
where he held continuous residence
iintil the time of his death. He leaves
no family but is survived by several
brothers and sisters. Funeral services
were held at the late home Saturday
and interment followed in a neighbor
ing cemetery.
Will Entertain the Pioneers '
Arrangements have been made by
the Women's club of this city to en
tertain the. old pioneers of the county
May 23 in this city. At the meeting
which was held last Wednesday at
the home of Mrs. Goodfellow, a com
mittee, consisting of Mrs. J. W. Nor
ris, Mrs. H. E. Straight, Mrs. Ingram,
Miss Pratt and Miss Buchanan, was
appointed to make arrangements for
this event. A program will be given
and principal speakers throughout the
state will in all probability be present.
A reception was given the pioneers a
year ago by this club, and it is the
intention to give one every year.
Tax Collections
The 1905 tax receiepts in this county
show a great increase over the previ
ous year. The total tax receipts for'.
1905 to the first of April was $174,
556.37, which has been turned over to
the treasurer. The tax receipts for
February were $140,334.40 and for
March, $34,221.97, which shows a de
crease. The back taxes that have
been paid are: 1903, $219.75; 1902,
$131.27; and for 1901, $87.39. The back
collections and costs that have been
collected to the first of the month are
as follows: 1905, November, $9,946.82;
December, $1,615.03; January, $558.30;
February, $1,643.13, and for March, ;
$263.15. ' I
Meeting of Pomona Grange j
At a meeting of Clackamas Pomona j
Grange at Tualatin last Wednesday,
50 members were initiated into the
Pomona degree. Pomona Grange by
resolution went on record as being
opposed to that part of the present tax
law that allows rebates and charges
penalty for deferred tax payments.
The Grange favors having the law
amended so as to permit taxpayers to
have until July 1 in which to make the
first half" payment of their taxes, al
lowing the usual time in which to pay
the balance with no penalty to be
charged. Resolutions were adopted
denouncing graft in the postal depart
ment, demanding that cancelling ma
chines etc., should be owned bjK the
government and not rented; favoring
I a change in the rates paid by rail
roads for . transporting the mails, it
being charged that the government
last year paid for its service a sum,
sufficient to build a transcontinental
railroad; t declaring for an extension
of the rural free delivery system and
for the establishment of a parcels
post,- '
Wm. G. Welch, the subject of this
brief sketch, was of Southern parent
age, and came to Oj-egon with his par
ents in the fall of 1845, and worked
for a time as a clerk and assistant in
Governor Abernethy's store. His father,-
Dr. Presley Welch, was a physician
of no mean ability, but who died not
many years after arriving in Oregon;
but not until he had established his
right to a donation claim of 640 acres
in what many of our old pioneers know
as Welch Prairie about two miles east
of Clackamas .station on the S. -P.
Here the family has lived since 1848
with the subject of our sketch as the
head of the family; having supplied
the place of his father since his death,
in the way of assisting his brothers,
sisters and mother along as best he
could. His was a generous heart as
need I say that most Southerners are
and always willing to lend a help
ing hand to those in need.- He was
born August, 1830; died April 12th,
1906. He was laid to" restApril 14th
in Damascus cemetery, by a host of
his old-time friends and neighbors.
Funeral was preached by Rev. P. K,
Hammond of Oregon City, R. L. Hol
man, having charge of the funeral.
This takes another pioneer friend
from our midst. -"Ah,
well for us all some fond hope
' lies.
Deeply buried from human eyes;
But, in the hereafter, angels may !
Roll the stone from its grave away."
We trust that his fondest hopes are
realized ; that he has entered upon that
higher and nobler work to which all
of us must be called in a few brief
present and after the .ceremony the
party partook of a wedding dinner.
The bride and groom took the S. F.
& N. north bound train for Gray, and
are now happily settled in their- coisy
little house at Glen wood Cottage. A
; large crowd of the groom s friends
gave them a welcoming surprise party
and after refreshments, nutsfl cigars
l etc., with music, vocal and instru
mental, the party - broke up in rain
storm : and returned to their various
homes, leaving behind all kinds of
good wishes for the. future happiness
of the newly wedded couple.
$Vomen in Our Hospitals
- - w-. -. r X T TIT T iC
fenormea tacn iear now women vus-y
Avoid Tlem.
" No, Sir 1 Yon cannot palm off anv substitutes
on me. J'vebeen using August Flower since
I was a boy, and I'll hare no other."
-Forty million bottles of August Flower
sold in the United States alone since its
introduction 1 , And the demand for it is
still growing. Isn't that a fine showing
of success? Don't it prove that August
Flower has had unfailing success in the
cure of indigestion and dyspepsia the
worst enemies of health and happiness?
Does it not afford the best evidence that
August Flower is a sure specific for all
stomach and intestinal disorders ? that it
is the best of all liverrcgulators ?
Aagust Flower has a matchless record
of over 35 years in curing the ailing mil
lions of these distressing complaints.
Two sizes, 25c and 75c - All druggists.
har man & Co., City Drug Store
years. He leaves a brother, P. L.
Welch, Jr., and three sisters, Mrs.
Mary Foster, of Portland; Mrs. Annie
De Shields, and Mrs. Emma R. Capps,
both of Clackamas, and a host of
friends to mourn his demise. If he
had an enemy I do not know it; and
no man knew him intimately but to
be his friend. He led the plain simple
life and was one of the "noblest works
of God" an honest man.
The world is better that- he lived In
It. Farewell, my friend, till we meet
Oregon City, April 17th, 1906.
Mr. R. U. Hesseltine, the popular
bachelor of "Gray, Washington,"
and ' an old time resident of
Oregon City and Clackamas County,
was married to Miss Lauretta L. Rob
erts of Necedah, Wisconsin, on Mon
day, 4:30 p. m., March 19th, 1906, at
the residence of the officiating clergy
man, Elder C. E. Ford, No. 914 Nora
Avenue, Spokane, Washington. It was
a very quiet though impressive and
solemn affair, only a few fsiends In
attendance. The groom's brother,
Judge E. A. Hesseltine, a prominent
lawyer of Wilbur, Washington, was
Colonist's tickets will be sold from
the East to points on the Oregon lines
of the Southern Pacific Co.- via Port
land, ; commencing February 15 and
continuing daily to and including April
7 and from September 15 until October
31. The rates from some of the princi
pal points are: Chicago, $25;' Bloom
ington. 111.. $31.80; St, Louis, $30;
Omaha, $25; Kansas City, $25; Coun
cil Bluffs, $25; St. Joseph, $25; Sioux
City, $25; Denver, $25; corresponding
rates will be made from other points
and will appear to all points on Ore
gon lines.
Persons desiring to pay for tick
ets to bring anyone from the East or
middle West to Oregon may deposit
the amount required with the local
agent of the S. P. The company will
do the rest. For further information
inquire at any Southern Pacific ticket
in watchesas in everything else. Some people prefer a Waltham
to an Elgin. Some people prefer an Elgin to a Waltham. Others
prefer a Hamilton to either, and so it goes. .
There is only one thing to do in a case like that carry a
very complete assortment of the various makes in all standard
sizes and that we do.
Consequently we can submit for your consideration a greater
variety of dependable timekeepers than all other dealers combined
in Clackamas County.
You have always known the SPLENDID QUALITIES of
our Watches. ,.
We are now showing all the new designs in Gold Filled
Watches and we want you to investigate our line.
Nearly 5000 Clackamas County Elect
ors are Registered.
The total registration of Clackamas
county closely approximates 5000,
while the estimated voting strength
of the county has been placed at not
to exceed 4600.
The official registration gives the
following figures: Republicans, 3684;
Democrats, 884 ; Socialists, Prohibi
tionists and Independents and those,
refusing to state affiliations, abou
400. The registration two years ago
was 4439.
These totals do not represent the
relative strength of the two principal
parties in this county, since a' great
.many Democrats originally register
ed as Republicans and others subse
quently altered their registration. The
normal Republican majority ' in the
county is 750 although candidates on
the legislative and congressional tick
ets have received majorities exceed
ing 1400.
The registration's per precincts is
as follows: - Repub. Demo.
Abernethy 198 44
Barlow 54 . 17
Beaver Creek : ...124 20
Bull Run 33 7
Boring ........ . . 80 7
Canyon Creek . . 31 3
Canby . ..; 148 - " 37
Clackamas 118 24
Cherry ville- v. ,..24 . 4
Canemah .......89 17
Cascades '.133 22
Damascus . .'. .. . 89 21
Eagle Creek ..........80 21
Estacada 158 35
George 32 7
Harding ........ ..85. 21
Harmony . . . '. 58 12
Highland .91 17
Killen 65 18
Macksburg 60 32
Molalla . ., -83 72
Milwaukie . ,..T27 7
Marquam 53 .18
Maple Lane 85 13
Milk Creek 47 11
Needy 84- 18
New Era . .91 24
Oak Grove . 92 19
Oregon City No. 1 239 49
Oregon City No. 2 266 .43
Oregon City No. 3 165 44
Oswego 139 30
Pleasant Hill .... 75 25
Soda Springs 33 12
Springwater . 58 17
Tualatin 73 43
Union 21 '" 14
Viola 56 7
West Oregon City.... 154 34
Total 3691, 886
Oregon City Women are Finding Re
lief at Last.
Goingi through the hospitals in our
large cities one is surprised to find such
a large proportion of the patients lying
on those snow-white beds women
and girls, who are either awaiting
or recovering from serions operations.
Why should this be the case ? Sim
ply because they have neglected them
selves. a Female troubles are certainly
on the increase among the women of
this country they creep upon them
unawares, but every one of those
patients in t " hospital beds had plenty
of warning i that bearing-down feel
ing, pain at left or right of the abdomen,
nervous exhaustion, pain in the small
of the back, dizziness, flatulency, dis
placements of the organs or. irregular
ities. All of these symptoms are indi
cations of an unhealthy condition of
the female organs, and if not heeded
the penalty has to be paid by a danger
ous operation. When these symptoms
manifest themselves, do not drag along
until you are obliged to go to the hos
pital and submit to an operation
but remember that Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has saved
thousands of women from surgical
operations. ' '
When women are troubled with ir
regular, suppressed or painful periods,
weakness, displacement or ulceration
of the organs, that bearing-down feel-,
ing, inflammation, backache, bloating
(or flatulency), general debility, indi
gestion, and nervous prostration, or are
beset with such symptoms as dizziness,
lassitude, excitability, irritability, ner
vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
"all-gone" and "want-to-be-left-alone
" feelings, they should remember
there is one tried and true remedy. -
Lydia E. Plakham's VeietabU Compound
The following letters cannot fail to
bring hope to despairing women.
Miss . Ruby Mushrush, of East
Chicago, Ind., writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
" I have been a great sufferer with irregular
periods and female trouble, and about three
months ago the doctor, after using the X-Ray
on me, said I had an abcess and would have
to have an operation. My mother wanted
me to try Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
Compound as a last resort, and it not only
saved me from an operation but made ma en
tirely well." -
Mrs. Alice Berryhill, of 813 BoyM
Street, Chattanooga, Tenn., writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
"Three years ago life looked dark to M
I had ulceration and inflammation or the
female organs and was in a serious condition.
' My health was completely broken down
and the doctor told me that if I was not op
erated upon I would die within six months.
I told him I would have no operation but
would try Lydia E. Pinkhanva Vegetable
Compound. He tried to influence me against
it but I sent for the medicine that same day
and began to use it faithfully. Within flva
days I felt relief but was not entirely cured
until I used it for some time.
" Your medicine is certainly fine. I hara
induced several friends and neighbors to take
it and I know more than a dozen who had
female troubles and who to-day are as wall
and strong as I im from using your Vege
table Compound." .
Lydia E. Pinkhan's Vegetable Com
pound at once removes such troubles.
Refuse to buy any other medicine, for
you need the best.
Mrs. Pinkham, daugh.ter-h.law of
Lydia E. Pinkham. invites all sick wo
men to write her for advice. Her advice
and medicine have restored thousands
to health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
Succeeds Where ethers FtQ.
remedy has shown it to be superior
to all others. It never fails, and when
reduced with water and sweetened, is
pleasant to take. Every family should
be supplied with it. Sold by Howell
& Jones. . . ,
Chicago . 17 Hours Nearer via This
Popular. Columbia River Route.
wis SiliiraSini
Causes both Eyeache and Headache. Drugs relieve only tempor
arily. Properly adjusted glasses remove the cause and eifect a
permanent cure. . - .
Our Optician will make a complete examination of the Eye,
tell you just where the trouble is and then you may get glasses
or not, just as ou wish.
Examination Free.
Suspension Bridge Corner TllC Oregon City Jewelers
It does seem that women have more
than a fair share of the aches and
pains that afflict humanity; they must
"keep up," must attend to duties in
spite of constantly aching backs, or
headache's, dizzy spells, bearing down
pains; they must stoop over, when to
stoop means torture. They must waik
and bend and work with racking pains
and many aches from kidney ills. Kid
neys cause more suffering than any
other organ of the body. Keep the
kidneys well and health is easily main
tained. Ready of a remedy for kid
neys only that helps and cures the
kidneys and is endorsed by people you
know. j
Mrs. E. Matchett, of Elyville, near
Oregon City, says:
"Doan's Kidney Pills relieved me of
so much misery and backache that I
take pleasure in recommending them
to others. I had backache so bad that
I could not stoop . or straighten up
without suffering severely. At times
depressing headaches and annoyances
from the kidney secretions bothered
me. I procured Doan's Kidney Pills
at Huntley Brois.' drug store, and ob
tained relief from the first few doses
' and in a short time not an ache or
'other symptom remained. Doan's Kid
iney Pills are the best remedy of the
kind I ever used, and I wish every suf
ferer; from kidney complaint or back-
: For sale by all dealers. Price 50c.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, !
sole agents for the United States. j
' Remember the name Doan's and :
tqVo rf iif Vi ay 1
Franklin was right when he said
"Lost time is never found again."
The O. R. & N., in addition to giv
ing you 200 miles along the matchless
Columbia River, saves you 17 hours
to Chicago. It is the
Short Line to Lewiston.
Short Line to the Palouse country.'
Short Line to Spokane. .
Short Line to the Coeur d
country. '
Short Line to Salt Lake City.
Short Line to Denver.
Short Line to Kansas City.
Short Line to Omaha
Short Line to Chicago.
Short Line to all points East.
Three trains East daily, 9:15 a. m.,
8:15 p. m., and 6:15 p. m. The "Chicago-Portland
Special," is an fine as the
finest. Every comfort of home.
For particulars ask any agent of the
Southern Pacific Company, or write
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Ore.
W, 8. O'Ben 0. Bohaebel
Attorneys at Law.
Will practice in all courts, make collec
tions and settlements of estates.
Furnish abstracts of title, lend you mon
ey, lend you money on first mortgage.
Office in Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
i :
Oregon- City, - - - - -Oregon
Will practice in all the eourta of the state
Office in Caufleld Building.
Torturing eczema spreads its burn
ing area every day. Doan's Ointment
quickly stops its spreading, instantly
relieves the itching, cures it perma
nently. At any drug store.
Office, Rooms 4-5-6 Barclay building.
All calls promptly attended to. .
Phone, office 41, residence 1044.
Practice, in all courts of the state.
Federal and United States Supreme
Room 306 Commercial Building
Portland, Oregon.
Collections, Mortgage Foreclosure, Ab
stracts of Title and General Law Bus
iness. Office over
Bank of Oregon City, Oregon City, Or.
Attorney at Law.
Justice of the Peace..
Office in Jagger Building, Oregon City.
Main Street, Oregoji City, Oregon.
Furnish Abstracts of Title, Loan Money,
Foreclose Mortgage, and transact
General Law Business.
Abstracts of Property Furnished.
Office with Oregon City Enterprise.
When you require an Abstract of Title
to lands in Clackamas County, have
it accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company incorpor
ated for the purpose. Our rates are
reasonable. We invite you to ex-
amine our complete set of Abstract
Books. '
606- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.,
Money to loan on Clackamas County
w If you had the wealth of Rockefeller
0 the Standard Oil magnate, you could
m not buy a better' medicine for bowel
Jf complaints than Chamberlain's Colic,
Q Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The
m most eminent physician can not pre-
Y scribe a better preparation for colic
and diarrhoea, both for children and
adults. .Titie uniform success -of this
Prices Reasonable
Work Guaranteed
Do Your Work
We do a General Baggage and "Transfer Business.
afes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
Office Opposite , Masonic Building ' "
ne,epRe7dcf cie833121 Williams Bros. Transfer Co.