OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1906. 3. J Personal Mention 1 l The latest styles and patterns in dress hats. Miss C. Goldsmith. Rhea Cole has gone to Tacoma for a visit with relatives. C. H. Guttridge, of Springwater, was in the city on Friday last. Frank Astman, of Canby, was in the city Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stevens are vis- iting with San Francisco relatives. J. A. McGlashan has returned from a business trip to Southern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Albright are vis iting Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Church, at Lind, Washington. ' , ' Mrs. . Leone Waddle and daughter, of Eugene, are in the city, the guests of Mrs. Harry M. Shaw. Miss Gertrude Bashor has resigned her position with the Oregon City Manufacturing Company to accept a more lucrative position in Portland. Wm. Haley, of Ottawa County, Kan sas, is visiting his old friend, T. B. Hankin, in this city. Mr. Haley is looking over the Pacific Coast with a view of locating permanently. Drs. Beatie & Beatie, Dentists, Rooms 16, 17, 18, Weinhard Building. The farmers in the northeastern part of the county met at Logan Sat urday night and a temporary organiz ation was perfected for a farmers' in dependent telephone line. This line will take in Redland, Highland, Logan, Springwater and other precincts in the eastern part of the county. Louis Funk was elected chairman of the meeting and the citizens present made short addresses in favor of the pro ject. A committee of five was ap pointed to look into this matter and draw up articles of incorporation. Mr. Campbell, of this city, was present in the interest of the farmers' independ ent lines of this city and made a short talk in favor of this line. This line will connect with the line in this city, -i MONEY TO LOAN AT 6v AND.,7 per cent. Farm, security. URen - & SchubeL - Tickets, for the Old Maids' Conven tion at Huntley's next Saturday. Pro gram will be given in the Telegram and Journal, next week. Mrs. Kate Ward Pope, Miss Maysie I Foster; Miss Ruth Brightbill, Miss Vera Phillips, Miss Edna Daulton, or Oregon City, and Miss Annie English, one of Portland's popular violinists, will assist in making the Old Maid's Convention a success. ' - Local Events No candidate for County Treasurer is more suitable than O. A. Cheney. Vote for him. ' Wanted A few boys at the woolen mills, in Oregon City. Must be eve 14 years of age. One ' three-year-old full blood regis tered Durham bull. Will sell at a reasonable price. C. H. Guttridge, Springwater, Oregon. A choice assortment of new goods arriving daily at The Fair. 3-23tf Strayed from Mrs. Mary Eggiman's farm on Highland road, four cows and one-two-year-old heifer. - Reward for any information. Notify Mrs. Mary Eggiman, Oregon City, R. F. D. 3, Oregon. ' Our patterns are the "latest designs. Our styles are exclusive. Miss C. Goldsmith. Come one, come all to the army hall. The children will give an. en tertainment 'consistiag of S. R. D. T. Ensign Story will also be here; he will sing and play. Admission free. Capt. A. L. Harper and wife. There is plenty of State School money to be had at 6 per cent inter est Loans can be had - from one to ten years. Gordon E. Hayes, agent. Deputy Fish Warden Wtebster is superintending the installing of racks in a number of the canyons in the bed of the Willamette river near the falls in this city, just below the fish lad der. By these contrivances it is pro posed to keep the salmon from enter ing the many small pools in the vici nity of the fish ladder, where when the river recedes they are shut oft from the main river and die. On this ac count several hundred - fine salmon died last year. The latest styles and patterns in dress hats. Miss C. Goldsmith. Pleading guilty in justice court Tuesday afternoon to a charge of il legal salmon fishing. Nick Story, Humphrey Trembath, J. Douthit and Harry Clark. Oregon City fishermen, were fined $50 each by Justice Stipp. This is the minimum fine prescribed by law. These are the four men who were located and captured on the Willamette River in this city early Sunday morning by means of a search light that was directed by Water Bailiff Dutcher and Deputy Game Wardens Mack and Beals, of Portland. Dr. Geo. Hoeye, in the Caufield build ing, administers Somnoforme and Air oform in the painless extraction of teeth. Perfectly harmless and no sick ening after-effects. The Argonaut for April 14th. has, among other features, an inside ac count of the reason for the resigna tion of Sir Francis Burnand from the editorship of London Punch, by "Cockaigne"; a very interesting short story of the love of an American and a Spaniard, called "The Oath of An tonio Arezzo." by Marguerite Stabler; and full editorial discussion of the topics of the day, with reviews of the notable books, music and dramatic criticism, and all the departments which make the Argonaut as it is known. FOR THEASKN3 fl3& SzveeljReei cSeed Fitt lartr who ealh at this afar may m,v m 4.'kiic of ('aiiiorDi Sweet Pe Scla Frc. RBEGER THE CALIFORNIA PERFUMER bu Mill ob So. i00 Mfd to diatribnt frve to ail. Come i ouoe befor th are gone von d . no have u buT an r thing fh seeds ar (m, m ct-ne Urttar. K hand uid priiw fa iflrH to tha lady whi plant tha a?-d and gmvt tha hand tuM hwqu i ; S), to th on wha brings th b'gc' Huqo-t: M, to tb ooa vho b-uq-trt contain th Isrjfat TarietT f color. ft . ib- dow-im our wlntlsws for pr t aud d-t- ( coiiTt. Kuy it vMiJiai ucvmm lataat perron At the annual meeting of St. Paul's Episcipal church in this city Monday night the following officers were elect ed for the ensuing year: Vestrymen; H. L. Kelly, John Humphreys, George A.Harding, William. Wright, E. E. Brodie, Richard Prior, and H. F. Busey; wardens, H. L. Kelly and John Humphreys; treasurer, Geo. A. Hard ing; secretary John B. Lewthwaite. During the meeting Treasurer Hard ing read his report for the year just closed, which ' was accepted. The meeting was preceded by a meeting of the St. Paul Guild, at which the following officers were elected: Pres ident, Mrs. H. L. Kelly; vice-president, Mrs. W. B. Stafford; treasurer, Mrs. Rosena Fouts; secretary, Mrs. Fannie Cochran. .... Look out for surprises on the night of April 25, at Shively's. Topics to be discussed at the meet ing of the Clackamas County Horti cultural Society to be held at the Court House, April 28th,. at 1 o'clock p. m.; Cherries, Pres. C. W. Swallow; Cherries, for the Home, A. J. Lewis; Nut-growing for Clackamas County, J. C. Zinser; Timely Hints on Spray ing, Fruiit Inspector A. J. Lewis. Charter membership list will be kept open until after this meeting, giving free membership to all who pay one, year's dues in advance. THOMSON'S BARGAIN STORE for reliable Dry Goods and Shoes, ac knowledged to be the lowest priced store in town. WHY F. W. GREENMAN SHOULD ' RECEIVE THE REPUBLICAN - NOMINATION FOR COLIN- TY CLERK. FOR CONGRESSMAN WANTED: by Chicago wholesale and mail order house, assistant manager (man or woman) for this county and adjoining territory. Salary $20 and expenses paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work pleasant; position permanent. " No investment or exped ience required. Spare time valuable. Write at once for full particulars and enclose self-addressed envelope. SUPERINTENDENT, 132 Lake SL, Chicago, 111. May 18. - Four five-men bowling teams have been formed and a tournament of ten pin games will be bo"wled at Frissell's. The teams are as follows: W. C. Chap man captain P. Nehreh, A. Bolton, M. Price, S. Frye; T. Osmund, cap tain L. Ruconich, H. Draper, M. Cockrell, J. Dochertyi G. Hedges, cap tain H. S. Moody,' George Simmons, L. May, P. Frye; Dr. L. A. Morris, captain H. F. Latourette, T. Parker, H. Junken, W. Howell. Tuesday night at Shively's opera . house, Gordon E. Hayes addressed the ' voters of Oregon City in the interest of his candidacy 'for Representative. A quartette of young men sang sev eral selections. This was the first political meeting held in Oregon City during the campaign and there was in attendance a fair representation of the viters of. the city. ' Miss Nellie Bughert,- of Albany, ar rived Wednesday for a visit at the home of G. J. Howell, WANTED Gentleman or lady with ' . good reference, to travel by rail ! , or with a rig, for a firm, of $250, ' 000 capital. Salary $1,072 per. year ; and expenses ; salary paid weekly i and expenses advanced. Address ; with stamp, Jos: A. Alexander, Ore ' . gon City, Oregon. Because he Is now serving his first term. Because he pledges a faithful per formance of the duties of the office. BECAUSE HE KNOWS HOW. ANTHONY HOPE'S NEW STORY. Brownell Is Under Indictment IT SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE THAT ANY RESIDENT OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY SHOULD BE IGNORANT OF THE FACT THAT GEORGE . C. BROWNELL, CANDIDATE TO SUCCEED HIMSELF AS SENATOR FROM THIS COUNTY, IS UNDER INDICTMENT BY THE FEDERAL GRAND JURY ON THE CHARGE OF SUBORNATION OF PERJURY AND THAT HE IS OUT ON BONDS IN THE, SUM OF.$4,000 AWAITING HIS TRIAL. BUT THIS OFFICE IS IN RECEIPT OF A LETTER FROM A RESIDENT OF THIS COUNTY WHO INQUIRES IF IT IS TRUE THAT BROWNELL IS UNDER INDICTMENT. IN ORDER THAT THE VOTERS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY MAY BE MADE ACQUAINTED WITH THE FACTS IN THE MATTER WE PRESENT HEREWITH A STATEMENT OF THE FACTS IN THE CASE, TOGETHER WITH A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF THE BOND ON WHICH BROWNELL IS BEING HELD FOR TRIAL. i HENRY MELDRUM WAS INDICTED AND CONVICTED FOR FORG ING PAPERS IN CONNECTION WITH LAND SURVEYS. THE PROSE CUTING OFFICERS FOR THE GOVERNMENT THOUGHT BROWNELL WAS A PARTNER OF MELDRUM; HELPED HIM, MELDRUM, PUT UP THE SCHEME; BELIEVED THAT BROWNELL WAS A CO-CONSPIRATOR AND THAT HE WAS EQUALLY IN THE SCHEME WITH MELDRUM.,, TO AS CERTAIN THE FACTS, THE GRAND JURY SUBPOENAED FRED STEVERS AND JOHN HOWLAND, WHOSE NAMES WERE BELIEVED TO BE FORG ED TO SOME OF THE PAPERS IN THESE LAND FRAUD CASES. ' BROWNTELL LEARNED THAT THESE PEOPLE HAD BEEN SUBPOENAED AD HE AND HIS FRIENDS ASKED THESE MEN TO TESTIFY TO FALSE HOODS BEFORE THE GRAND JURY TO PREVENT HIS BEING' INDICTED ALONG THE SAME LINES ON WHICH MELDRUM HAD BEEN INDICTED. ONE OF THESE MEN, AT LEAST, DID THIS AND FOR INDUCING THIS MAN TO GO INTO THE COURTS OF THE UNITED STATES AND COMMIT PERJURY, BROWNELL WAS INDICTED. THE INDICTMENT WAS RE TURNED AND Ff LED WITH THE COURT FEBRUARY 1, 1906. BROWNELL, WOULD PROBABLY HAVE BEEN INDICTED ALONG THE SAME LINES AS WAS MELDRUM INDICTED IF HE HAD NOT IN DUCED THESE MEN TO GO INTO CO.URT AND ONE OF THEM, AT LEAST COMMIT THIS PERJURY. THE GOVERNMENT BELIEVED THAT THE INDUCING OF ITS WITNESSES TO COMMIT PERJURY WAS THE GREAT ER CRIME OF THE TWO AND BROWNELL WAS PROMPTLY INDICTED FOR SUB-ORNATION OF PERJURY, . AS CAN READILY BE SEEN THIS CRIME COMMITTED BY BROWN ELL, PREVENTS JUSTICE FROM BEING OBTAINED IN'THE COURTS OR THE TRUTH BEING ASCERTAINED IN THESE LAND FRAUD MATTERS. MR. BROWNELL IS CHARGED WITH HAVING COMMITTED THIS CRIME, JANUARY 10, 1905.. THE DATE OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CRIME IS IMMATERIAL AND UNDER THE LAW ANY DATE FOR A . PERIOD OF TWO YEARS PREVIOUS TO THE 10TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1905, MAY BE SHOWN IN THE TRIAL AS THE DATE ON WHICH THE CRIME WAS ACTUALLY COMMITTED. THE LAWALLOWS THIS LATI TUDE. MR. BROWNELL, UNDER THIS INDICTMENT, WAS COMPELLED TO PUT UP A BOND, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH,: 'S APPENDED. HE WILL BE TRIED AS SOON AS THE UNITED STATES COURT CAN GET TO HIS CASE. MR. HENEY, WHO IS IN CHARGE OF THESE MATTERS BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT FROM THE PRESIDENT, IS AT PRESENT BUSY CONDUCTING THE CASE AGAINST BINGER HERMANN AT WASHINGTON, AND WITH OTHER CASES AT SAN FRANCISCO, AND AS SOON AS IT IS POSSIBLE FOR HIM TO DO SO, HE WILL RE TURN to OREGON, WHEN BROWNELL'S CASE WILL BE TAKEN UP AND TRIED. THE BOND. UNITED STATEL 'F AMERICA, District of Oregon. . . , City of Portland. We GEORGE'c. BROWNELL, as principal, and as sureties, j6intly, and severally, acknowledge ourselves to be indebted unto the United States of America in the sum of FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States, to .be levied on our goods, chattels, lands and tenements, u'pon this condition, to-wit: . That if the said GEORGE C. BROWNELL, shall personally appear in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the District of Oregon and answer to such matters and things as shall be objected against HIM, on behalf of the United States, for unlawful SUB-ORNATION OF PERJURY committed within said District; in violation of Section 5393, R. S., U. S., and shall at all times render himself amenable to the orders and process of said Circuit Court, and shall abide the order and judgment of said Court in that behalf, and not depart said Court without leave thereof, then this recognizance to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and ijirtue. . ' GEO. C. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, District of Oregon. ss L J. A. SLADEN, Clerk of the United States Circuit Court for the Dis trict of Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing copy of recognizance in Cause No. 2909, THE UNITED STATES VS. GEORGE C. BROWNELL, has been by me ' compared with the original thereof, and that it is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of such original, as same appears of record and on file at my office and in my custody. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the . , . seal of said Court at Portland, in said District, this March 15, 1906. (SEAL) f J. A. SLADEN, Clerk. By G. H. MARSH, Deputy Clerk. " , BROWNELL and Sureties. Good news for lovers of stirring ro mance! Anthony Hope has written a new story in the style of "The Prison er of Zenda," and even surpasses it in interest. It is called "Sophy of Kravonia" and is to appear exclusive ly in The Sunday Magazine of the Chicago Record Herald, beginning April 22. The mysterious country of Kravon ia lies in the same romantic region of southern Europe as Zenda, but the new story has no connection with that of the famous Rudolph Rassendyll. Its central figure is a still more inter esting person a courageous and beau tiful heroine, who rises from lowly life to the throne. Sophy de Grouche is her name, and she loves the brave but unfortunate Prince Sergius, as she proves in a series of the most ex citing events in modern fiction. Her trials and triupmhs are due to. the existence of two factions in the court. One is loyal to the true heir apparent, Prince Serigus, and the others seek to place upon the throne the little son of Countess Ellenburg, the king's mor gantic wife. The conspiracy leads to many dramatic scenes, one of themost I thrilling being that In which the tjld king discovers the guilt of the Count ess and drops dead at a moment when things are in a perilous condition for Sergius and his bride. ' How Sophy comes out of this turmoil of intrigue, battle, tears, and joy. Anthony Hope reveals in his own inimitable style. -The first installment of "Sophy of Kravonia," will appear April 22. On account of the great demand for this fascinating story it will be wise to order your copy of the Sunday Record Herald well In advance. The next local "teachers' meeting will -be held at Canemah, next Satur day, April 21, at 10:30. Programme will be as follows: Civil Government, F.' J. Mitts, Carus; School Hygiene, Member of State Board of eHalth ; Spelling, Prin. W. W. Dixon, West Oregon City; How to Keep up Inter est, Prin. T. J. Gary,' Willamette. All are cordially invited-to attend. . ' HON. WALTER L. TOOZE. Walter L. Tooze, candidate for con gress from the First districts is a man of sterling qualities. He has been ia the hop growing business for years. He was once a merchant, a dealer . In produce and comes from the ranks of man, not the tool or convenience of the political boss. He makes a square and open fight "upon a platform built by HIMSELF. Mr. Tooze did not wait to see which way the wind was blow ing but wrote his platform and scat-, tered,it broadcast throughout the dis trict, never fearing criticism nor the adverse opinions of others. His plat-' form .was not made to fit the occasion,: but represents a work upon which he has spent over 20 years of his life. It simply embodies those things whicb he has always believed and labored for. The Tooze platform stands unique and alone. It came out first and hS3 been most favorably received. It touch- -es upon all the important issues be fore the people today. It distinctly and openly advocates such relief as this First district is well entitled to" and deserves.-' Mr. Tooze is a man' whose silver. toned voice has been heard in every hamlet, town and city throughout the state of Oregon for the past 20 years, advocating the cardinal principles of the great Republican party. He Is'" "the friend of the laborer and produc er" and If elected to congress the la-: boring man and the producer will have a friend who will be fearless, active and aggressive in their interests. CANDIDATE FOR JOINT REPRESENTATIVE J. U. Campbell Announces Platform on Which He Asks Nomination J. U. Campbell, candidate for Joint Representative for Clackamas and Multnomah Counties, has announced in his petition a very short platform., He advocates a state banking law; tax on all public utility franchises; econ omical appropriation bills; repeal of all perpetual franchises ; repeal of S per cent rebate on taxes; and a ropeal of the fire slashing Jaw. Mr. camp- bell is and always has been a consistent Republican, and has always snp ported the Republican ticket, and is entitled to consideration from the Re publican party for his past work. He is also entitled to support on his rec ord as a citizen and a soldier. He was one of the first to enlist in the fam-T ous Second Oregon Regiment, that did such gallant service in the Philip pines. He is thoroughly qualified for this position. His name will appear on the ballot as follows: 17th REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT. For Representative, Clackamas and Multnomah Counties Vote For One 47 X JAMES U. CAMPBELL of Clackamas County. "Will Support the people's choice for Senator and give legislation careful consideration." 48 HARVEY E. CROSS of Clackamas County. "A greater Oregon.' Note, the mark between the name and the number, this is the way the ballot should be marked. . . MR. B. METZGER OF Metge.& Company JEWELERS AND. OPTICIANS 111 Sixth St., near Washington, Portland, Oregon Will be at the Electric hotel every .Wednesday,, .commencing April 18. He will test your eyes free, should you need glasses, he will fit you. .All work guaranteed and prices the same as in Portland. WE GUARANTEE A PERFECT FIT FOR ONE DOLLAR. Remember, lenses are included at these prices. We change your lenses at often as required without extra charge. t t t 4 Let Your Money Work For Yoti and you will have a willing and faithful servant. You can never make a fortune by days' work, but if you let your money work with you, together you' can accomplish results that you could never obtain by manual labor. Money when out to work keeps right at it day and night, never stops to rest, asks for no holi days arid never takes a day off. It is very easy j to start your money to work, all that is neces sary is to open a Savings Account with us and make small weekly or monthly additions and it will work without complaining and with results that will be highly gratifying to you. Do it to-day, tomorrow never comes. The Bank of Oregon City Is- Caiue f b and aampl M. ' CITY DRUG STORE CHARMAN & CO. 7