OREGON CITY ENTERPWSE, FRIDAY,"APRIL 20," 1906. a A 4 V .' - ' Brief Itfts of Gossip From All Partsof the County. Out "C6ttkspondetitsf Corner UNION HALL. Mr. Anderson and family start for their old home in North Dakota today. Mr. Sam Wilkerson takes charge of the Anderson farm at.pnce. Charley Nash and family of Oregon City, and '.Mr. Jack Kaotts and wife were visiting at Mr. Perry Burns last Sunday. Ellick Casady has been visiting Mr. James Wilkerson and family for the last few days Mr. George Kelland, formerly of Mt. Pleasant, who now resides on the Pembroke farm passed through these parts last Sunday. Adam Knight, our road supervisor, is doing some work on the roads be tween this place and Canby. SPRINGWATER. The Presbyterian church had a fine Easter program. All of the children rendered their pieces in splendid shape, thanks to MissErma Shibley for their training. Sunday was Con- grational day, and $214.40 was raised on the pastor's salary. Rev. Blair and W. G.- Lewelling will go to Presbytery. The Grange 'had a very interesting meeting Saturday; more new members Joined. Henry Comer is getting along to ward a finish with his new house, Earl Shibley, builder. Quite an exciting time on the Clack amas river at Tracy's one day last week. Rolf Tracy and his nephew William Smith of Prune Hill is now went fishing and were separated and engaged in the real estate business. Rolf called the boy, but could get no Bud Hilton and wife of Canby, were answer; made a search for him, and visiting his mother and brother last Sunday. B. J. Helvy and wife made a busi ness trip to Canby one day last week. We are having some gentle showers this morning. Alvin Phelps is cutting some cord wood this spring. Mr. Strejc was hauling off potatoes to Canby last week. James Adkins has commenced on his new logging road to his timber that he purchased a short time ago. He Intends to use trucks to haul .on in stead of a skid road. while doing so he found the boy's track and. also a fresh cougar s track after the boy. He went home to get help and still failed to find the boy. Went home again td alarm the neigh borhood. By this time the boy had ar rived home safely. When the cougar got after him, he ran home in a round about way and eluded the varmint.- Sick headache results from a de rangement of the stomach- and is cur ed by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv er Tablets. Sold by Howell & Jones. MOUNTAIN VIEW. The entertainment given at May's Hall last Saturday evening was a 'very enjoyable affair. The. receipts were 18.60. The play "My Neighbor's Wife was rendered in splendid shape by the different ones. We have seen plays in the theatres that were not as well done. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Willis have returned from California and expect to make their home in Oregon. Mrs. Matchett went to Barton to visit friends a few days. Now that the political pot has boil ed dry and the defeated candidates will wonder at the inconsistencies of man, and why it happened so, we hope there will be less clubbing and better pledges and more true principles. Oregon surely can redeem herself at the June election. Mrs. Duvall, formerly a resident of this place, but now a resident at Sell wood, visited among her old friends here this week. Mrs. Shelton, of Nappavine, Wash ington, an son, are visiting Mrs. Fran cis. Mrs. Shelton and Mrs. Francis ' are sisters. Miss Hazel Francis went to Portland last Friday where she visited friends until Monday. Mr. Jas. Murrow is out in Eastern j Oregon on his ranch. Mr. McGeehan has been quite poorly for several days. Mrs. Smalley is yet kept in her room and does not gain as would be desired. George Ely has sold his residence at this place to a Mr. Chrisholm a new arrival from Chicago. We hope they will like us for we're all good people up on the hill. Mrs. Howard, of Portland, visited her brother Jas. Kays last Sunday. , DOCTORS ARE PUZZLED. The remarkable recovery of Ken neth Mclver, of Vanceboro, Me., Is the subject of much interest to the medi cal fraternity and a wide circle of friends. He says of his case: "Owing to severe inflammation of the throat and lungs, three doctors gave me . up to die, when, as a last resort I was induced to try Dr. King's New Dis covery and I am happy to say, it saved my life." Cures the worst coughs and colds. Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, weak lungs, hoarseness and lagrippe. Guar anteed at Howell & Jones' drug store. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. MARK'S PRAIRIE. We offer a reward of 25 cents for every case of skin trouble, eczema, ul cers, old running sores, wounds, cuts, or any kind of scalp trouble that Der makola Ointment will not heal, for if not cured we pay the 25 cents back,. Huntley Bros. All our- farmers have been very busy the past few days putting in their spring garden. Wm. Leach has been on the sick list for a few days. Eph James of Liberal, was seen on our Prairie Sunday. , G. W. Scambler, our telephone man, was putting in a phone for J. S. Jesse Sunday. Arbor Day was duly observed by, the Marks' Prairie school. The grounds about the school house now look fine as silk. Our teacher, Miss Anna Bu chanan has the good will of the pupils and parents. Ben Wolfer's house is nearing com pletion and looks fine. Our hop raisers are plowing and training their hop yards and some of our hop kings want to hire more help. Our early fruit is badly damaged and there will be a very short crop of fruit here. The birthday of Clarence Miller was duly celebrated last Sunday with a good dinner and plenty of music. That Canby business man should get a phone on the Scambler line as he is sending lots of business to Au rora by not having one. As the political event will come to a focus Friday there will be an awful lot of disgusted candidates. We hope the voters will put a quietus on the "Boss' of this county and put in good men who are not owned by the corpor ations and will stand by our Presi dent in giving us a square deal. The good Republican voters here will do all they can to defeat ring rule, although we still have a few Brownell suckers, who have been promised a job. ' The dance at Needy Saturday last, was almost a failure owing to there being so much drunkenness and hood lumism in the past at that place. MOLALLA. Voter, has Brownell got any strings on you?. .. ... y : .- '-- v Have you cleared. the soft-soap -out of your eyes yet?-. . Do you really like to be flattered and blarnied? . - Can you - see-" through Brownell's motives, when he steps beside himself to do a favor to a "poor cuss?" Do you feel honored to be permitted: to trot along under : Brownell's coat tail in order to have the power of his influence? -:; . Have vou anv individuality of vour own aside and alone from Brownell's command? A vote for Brownell is a vote to further the interests of the corporations, by whom he is employed, at the expense of the people. Wallace- a v hauling potatoes to -town. Mrs. Lottie Cummins was the guest of Mrs. Moldenheimer Thursday. Fine weather of late. Mr. Irish purchased a horse of Mr. Can you exercise a little grain of j Miller last week. will power to pry open your sight, in order that you may see the hypnotic influence that is holding your hands. feet and tongue with its tendrel stick fas? I Do you not know that Uncle Sam set a trap for wily, foxy Brownell that has been posing in sheep s clothing and like the coyote caught, he smiles, innocently while the jaws of the trap bite Indictment to the bone Do you want Clackamas County fur ther stygmatized and disgraced? Voter, will you help subordinate and Demetuate one of those that has been caught in assisting in defrauuing the government? Do you realize how difficult it is lor you to cut loose from the web that has been spun about you? Will you? can you? if you can, yet, act for yourself against the Brownell hypnotic, hypocritical power, that stands over you?. Vote for Porter April 20 and , should he prove un worthy it will not take 12 years for the voters to drop, an icicle. It seem: that it is the warm bad thing wi should drop now. Republican Voter! Spell the word I-N-D-I-C-T-M-E-N-T with capital let ters when you revolve it in your mind at the primary. Don t give the Dem ocrats another chance to elect Brown ell to your credit. Would simply ask you as one hav ing nothing to "grind" no interests to serve, save the honor and welfare of Clackamas County: Do your duty, as it were, the last act of your life to deliver your fellow citizens from the' bondage of this Brownell Czar Reign, DONT PUT OFF. for tomorrow what you can do today. If you put off buying a bottle of Bal lard's Snow Liniment, when that pain comes you won't have any, buy a bottle today. A positive cure for Rheuma tism, Burns, ' Cuts, Sprains Contract ed Muscles, etc. T. S. Graham, of Prairie Oak, Ark., writes: I wish to thank you for the good results I received from Snow Lini ment. It positively cured me of Rheu matism after others had .failed." Huntley Bros. Drug Company. Bean tin h8 Yon HaW i"a,f8 TWILIGHT. Mr. Shears and family visited at theS home of his sister, Mrs.- Miller, in Canemah, last Sunday. Mr. Wm. McCord is the unfortunate one this time, having had a horse drop dead in the field while at work. Mrs. D. L. Boylan's niece. Myrtle Henderson, from Oregon City, spent a few days with her last week. Mr. Secrest, our old neighbor, was seen passing through this burg Sun day. Mrs. Wm. McCord visited with reK atives in Portland last week. Miss Alice Boylan was tendered a surprise party on Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. Swick, by her young friends. The occasion being her 14th birthday. Good many suffering with bad colds in this burg. Mrs. Stark is on the sick list. . Everybody busy planting potatoes at present. Mr.' and Mrs. Wallace spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mullard. the county will furnish no more plank until this provision is met with. -,.Mr.'E. N. Brock has suspended tel ephone work for the time being, and is now working for Bonney & Miller. Mr. Walter Gaskell is visiting his sister; Mrs. Funk, of this-place. EARTHQUAKE AT 'FRISCO. AN IMPORTANT OFFICE. Voters Should Carefully Consiirev- Se lection of Commissioner. Oregon City, April 16, 1906. To the Voters of Clackamas County: On the 20th you will for the first time in this State, be called upon to , ! nominate by your votes the men who u snan De your nominees in the general San Francisco was visited by earthquake about 5:15 o'clock Wednes- 'election in June. Among those to be" ujr uiuiumg. iuc P'muai uauiaec cnosen is tne office or County Commia- uyuy . u y uci c sioner, aitnough an office or very lit-- I iiom aevciaj uuuuieu iu aeveiai luouB-i tie nominal value, yet one of the most haye a torpid liver when Herbine, the sand persons were killed. The wreck- important in the County; for it is the only liver regulator will help you? age along the water front took fire and members of the County Board who There is no reason why you should increased damage resulted., levy your taxes, pay and audit all r W ysPeDsia' Constipation, , . your bnlg and have" 4 f h Chills and Fever or any liver com- MEN WANTED Saw Mill and Lum- fairs of the County in general, and in nlfllnro whan T larhinii will nnrn vmi I i i 1 1 - n I . " ' plaints, when Herbine will cure you. F. C. Waite, Westville. Fla.. writes: "I was sick for a month with chills and fever, and after taking two bot tles of Herbine am well and healthy. Huntley Bros. Drug Company. ; MT. PLEASANT. Mr. Herman Frommyer, of Glad stone, was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harding last Thursday. , Mrs. Winesette spent Easter with her sister, of Eagle Creek. Miss Mamie Kellogg, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg, has returned home. Russell Way was calling on Carl Shauk last Sunday. Mr. W. C. Buckner made a business trip to Highland last Thursday. ber Yard laborers, $2.00 per day, yoUr selection- you should make no mis- woousmen .io to j.uu. oteaay , take. I am before you for that post work. Apply to Booth-Kelly Lumber l tion Co., Eugene, Oregon. NEW THINGS AT THE PARKPLACE CASH STORE. Men's Felt, Wool and Stiff Hats.' Boys' Felt Hats. Boys' and Men's Caps. Phoenix Pure , Paints, ready, ' pared. ' " Pure Pioneer White Lead. v Pure Raw and Boiled Oil. Men's $1.75 Pants. Men's Fancy Shirts. W. A: HOLMES, Prop'r. JUST BECAUSE My record to most of the people Is r well known, having been elected to that office in 1900 for a 4-year term, but by an act of the Legislature was retired from the bench when my term iwas but half expired, giving away to jthe law which placed the County I Judge as Chairman of the Board of Pre- County Commissioners. Of this act I have but little comment to make. I only believe it to be an act of In justice and political chancery that is without . parallel in the . history of Clackamas . county politics. We were i then in the midst of the most progres isive road building era the people have ever experienced in all parts of the County there were more miles of MTS-.T.h?in?8TTT.8 th? 6,1681 f Mrs- .your cough is only in the throat and road built in those two years and the Qmith loot WortnaoHov 1 .... . M. Smith last Wednesday. Mr. Wm. Packquiet was ' a" Pleasant visitor Wednesday. A SCIENTIFIC WONDER. Mt, The cures that stand to its credit make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a scien tific wonder. It cured. E. R. Mulford, lecturer for the Patrons of Husband ry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case of Piles. It heals the worst burgs, sores, boils, ulcers, cuts, and wounds. Chilblains, tand salt rheum. Only 25 cents at Howell & Jones' drug store. BARTON. Politics getting interesting. . Business .booming on all farms.. does not trouble you now, don't think ! roads and bridges were in better state you don't need attention. When it ! of repairs than have been before or -has not had much of a start is the ! since: the countv debt was beine time to check it. The slightest cough gradually reduced with then an as easily leads to Pneuomnia, Bronchi- j sessment of four and a half millions,' tis and Consumption. A bottle of but now running up in round numbers Ballard's Horehound Syrup will curt !to nine millions with all this gain in that cough. The price puts it within I taxable wealth has the improvements reach of all. Huntley Bros. Drug Co. of the County kept pace with the m " - amoupt of money paid in? This is - : $100 REWARD, $100. something for the voters to think of The readers. of this paper will be! before he casts his ballot. Now if pleased to learn that there is at least j by your votes I should be your choice. one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requir es a constitutional treatment. Hall's there are some things I will stand for first, last and all the time: First Honesty and justice In all things to all men regardless of loca tion or political affiliation. Second I believe in up-to-date roads in all. parts of the county as The Oregon Water Power Company and the South ern Pacific Company Want Brownell. Do the People Want Him? The party at C. Bartlemay's was well attended. . . Come to our box social; date notice later. The play alone will be worth all it will cost you. C. R. Livesay and family were seen on our streets Sunday. - Many of our people took pleasure trips Sunday. The morning car from Portland also brought three trailers, all well loaded. IS DANGEROUS TO NEGLECT A COLD. A mm 0 GROCERIES 4 gal. keg pickles 75c Cooking molasses, can 10o Fine syrup 10c, 25c, 45c Flour 95c, fine -. 1.05 Codfish pound 10c Rice 5c, Beans 4c Soda 4c, Raisins 7c Figs 6c, prunes 5c Alaska peas, pound 5c Telephone peas 3 lbs 25c Fresh seeds, 3 pkgs ...10c Bushel basket 20c, pail V. .15c Soap 2c, 2 l-2c : . . . , 3c Coffee 15c, best 20c 40c to 60c teas sold by us at 25c to 45c Clothes pins, dozen 1c MILLINERY lew Spring hats, beauties and not high priced. Sold with"""dry goods much less margin than millinery Rouses. See them be fore you buy. Trimmed hats $1.45 up. Coupcns'for free dishes Trade liberally for produce. DRY GOODS, ETC N'ew waists 49c up. 1 .auies' 5c handkerchiefs 3c Odds and en :s 25c neckwear ... .5c S'uail corses-i. t to .....23., Yarn 4c and 6c Thread 3 for 10c Childs hose supporters 8c J1.00 wranners 82c 5c and 10c satin ribbons cut to . .3c Child's handkerchiefs 1c - MEN'S UNDERWEAR BIG CUT $1.00 goods cut to 70c, 90c goods 60 50c goods to 40c and 45c Odds and ends hats, 19c, 39c, . .94c Cotton socks, 3 pair Ic SHOES Ladies' misses' and child's white oxfords $1.25 to Soc Those pretty chocolate, shoes. dressy, but low priced here. Ladies' easy low heel shoes, $2.25 grade for 1.75 Ladies $2.50 and $3 fine shoes for $2 and 2.50 Other fine shoes cut to $1.19. .$1.33 Baby shoes 10c up. Misses' fine shoes cut to ....1.33 Men's $1.75 shoes cut to . 1.50 How often do we hear the remark: "It's only a cold," and a few days later learn that the man is on his back with pneumonia. This is of such common occurrence that a cold, "however slight should not be disregarded. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in .pneumo nia, and has gained its great popular ity and extensive sale by its prompt cures of this most common ailment. It always cures and is pleasant to take. Howell & Jones. CARUS. RED FRONT, Oregon City ' Mr. Hough and Wm. Davis have both been making a plank fence along the road. Mr. A. E. Jones has improved the looks of his place by clearing his or chard. Dr. and Mrs. Goucher called on Mr. and Mrs. Sturges. Ed. Howard made a business trip to Logan Friday. C. Casiday and family spent Sunday at Needy. Our school has begun again. Mrs. Burgess and her two daughters spent the day at Anderson's Monday. Mrs. London spent Sunday with Mrs. Burgess. Several from here took in the Thea tre In Portland Sunday night. We thought the small-pox were all gone, but our rumor says Mrs. Spence is ill- with them now. The Eldorado school " house looks much better since the porch has been built. Edwin Howard and family weqf to Macksburg Sunday. C. Smith, of Mulino, was looking for his colt in our burg Sunday. Mr. Knox Cooper is spending a few days with his father. Lizzie Lewis was the guest of Belle Gregory. Most all the boys go fishing on Sundays. FOR SALE One yearling Hereford bull for sale. C. W. Haskett, Mount Pleasant, R. F. D. No. 1, Oregon City, Oregon. t4 Catarrh Cure is taken interally, acting , fast as it is possible to make them directly upon the blood and mucous j with as low rate of taxation as possi- surfaces of the system, thereby des troying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up. the constitution and as- NOTICE! Owing to the fact that the duties of the office of county clerk, making it impossible for me to make a per sonal canvas of the county, I take this method of stating to the Republican voters that I am decidedly a candidate for - the office of County Clerk, and respectfully ask the support of the Republican voters of this county. F. W. GREENMAN. NEW ERA. ble. Third I will promise not to affiliate with any cliques or rings for politi cal advancement to the detriment of sisting nature in doing its work. The the common people, but will to the proprietors have so much faith in its I best of my ability devote as much curative powers that they offer' One I time as is necessary for the good of Hundred Dollajs for any case that it 1 the whole people. fails to cure. Send for , list of testi- Being located near the County seat monials. v j i can be found or reached by tele- Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., inhone at anv time without additional Toledo, Ohio. cost of milpaee. I have a nersonal knowledge of every road district and every road and bridge in the county, and am acquainted with and have been on every inhabitable section of land. It will not be necessary to educate me a couple of years before I am on to my job as it would be with a new man, and in- conclusion would say: I have confidence in the people of Clackamas County and their future, having lived in the county 54 years and been a taxapyer since I was 18 years old. Now having passed the meridian of life I have nothing but the best wish es for the future happiness and ad vancement of her people. I have no ajj political debts to pay nor enemies to Sold by druggists, 75 cents. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. George A. Brown, of Maple Lane, a carpenter of experience, -offers his services to farmers and any one con templating building. 3-16tf P. O.: Oregon City, R. F. D. No. 3. Beariti (Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought Tho xrnng arc WiUino- flno In this 01 flbQrWt vicinity; but the ground is getting dry M nil IX guuu miruiiumg suuwt?r wuuiu oe a great Denent. Most 01 tne pota-, - casualty insurance written fear- nor do 1 ever expect to again ask toes are already planted and the or casualty insurance written nAnnl for thp1r S11ffrae-fi. and if in eood condition for a fine ? a. uneney 01 uregon ijity. ui- - - T -, ; ue 1, k INSURANCE. Plate Glass, burglar-proof. and ground is in good condition for a fine crop. We have also in this neighbor hood a good crop of politicians that come from Oregon - City, looking , for votes, but they can not all get the -nomination. We are going to have an abundant fruit crop this summer. . j Sheep and lambs are doing well, not J two per cent loss of lambs, with indi- j cations of fine heavy fleece , of wool, j fice with Justice of the Peace. O. A. CHENEY. elected will give you the best business administration that is possible for me to give. JOHN LEWELLEN. GOOD JUDGMENT CHAMBERLAIN'S SALVE. This salve is intended especially for sore nipples, burns, frost bites, chap ped hands, itching piles, chronic sore i eyes, granulated lids, old chronic sores I and for diesases of the skin such as tetter, salt rheum, ring worm, scald head, herpes, barber's itch scabbies, . , . . , . .or itch and eczema. It has met with mankind WOUla nave tO unparralleled success In the treat- If a Cow gave Butter is the essential characteristic of men ! invent milk, i Milk Is Na- ment of these diseases. Price 25 cts emulsion butter i Tn2 7 -1 T . 3 v. : i a II u nuuicu. in v aiuauit. to guuu uuai- ; , ness men and necessary to house-1 tUT S wives. A woman shows good judg- put In Shape for digeS ment when she buys White's Cream ; y- i ;i I Vermifuge for her baby. The best "vf ' A worm medicine ever offered to moth -i tremely nourishing", but eis. Many indeed are the sensible ' jt nas t Je emulsified mill UHrN. Willi WIIl.K cta III r!H nlllc L II till gratitude for the good health of their , children, which they owe to the use : of White's Cream Vermifuge. Huut- j ley Bros. Drug Co. REDLAND wW444rf 60 YEARS' Jtgl- EXPERIENCE before we can digest it;' -5 Scott's Emulsion CLARKES. r combines the best oil The Redland Literary and Debat- j With the Valuable hypO- ing Society, after a very prosperous I phosphites SO that it IS career, adjourned sine die, last Bat- i oV - H ?PSt and QOPS' urday evening. v I , , , , , Last Wednesday the viewers ap-: far more gOOd than the. pointed by the chair, presiding at the , oil alone . COUld. That recent leiepnone meeting in uigau, : c . tr.-. .. Inspected the line and will present makes SCOtt S Emulsion , j iu I 4. 4- 4-l : meir repoi i m lue iicoi iuiuic. tilt; IIIU31 OU Cllglllclllllgi .Mr. H. A. Allen is entertaining a j nourishinJZ' food - medi- I land here is is busily engaged in ren- I Cine in the world J ovating his place of residence. ' ' I ' - j Mr. Gill is laying plank on the road . . Send for free sample. fot-orl In mllAPtin? nil snhscrintinns , OB-16 Pearl Street Mew York D lYnaTnpol Mr. and Mrs. Irish were the guests Considerable delay is being encoun of Mrs. Stark Sunday. tered in collectins all subscrintions. . Mr. Robt. Bullard and Mr, William !ahd "It is generally understood 'that'-? j Trade Marks .-O Designs Copyrights Slc Anvone nenrtlnir a Rketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is prohnbly patentable. Communica tions Btrictlyoontideiuiiil. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Ohtest jurency for securing patents. Patents taken throutrh Mnnn A Co. receive tptrUUnetice, without charge, lutne Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nnrest cir culation of any eoleitt ldc journal. Terms. $3 a year; four months, 91- Sum by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36,Bro-d- New York Branch Office. 825 F St, Washington. D. c DENTISTRY At Molalla, every iMonday: Saturday on Appointments. 50c. and $ I .OO. All drugartsts 'JOHN W.THOMAS, Dentist 1: