Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 20, 1906, Image 1

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VOL. 39. NO. 19.
He Considers That Time Has Arrived
For Retirement of Corpor
ation Senator.
After hearing all that I have about
the Senatorial contest between L. L.
Porter and George C. Brownell, the
political spirit moves me to say just
a few words before the fatal blow falls
which will place .the name of L. L.
Porter or George C. Brawnell at the
head of our County ticket. I hope
that every Republican in Clackamas
County is just as anxious to see the
right name there as I am and I be
lieve they are, but from the various
reports that we hear, there seems to
be some difference in opinions as to
which is the right man for the place.
These aspirants have both spoken
at Molalla and I have attended both
meetings. Mr. Porter had with him
three copies of the Senate Journals
from which he reviewed Mr. Brownell's
record as a legislator, as it appears
in black and white, and in each in
stance it appears just as his record
has appeared to us in print through
the various news journals of the coun-
ty and state. Now, I would like to ask
the friends of Mr. Brownell, if he has
any, what he has done for us in the
twelve years that he has represented
this county at the legislature that we
should be so devoted to him as to be
plained how it happened to be so easy
for Brownell to vote for that bill.
They tried to smother it to death in
the committee room, but failed and its
friends forced it to a vote and Brown
ell was the last man called. It had
received a large majority so why
should he not .vote for it?
Mr. Brownell laid great stress on
amount of money Mr. Porter has been
getting for doing county printing. That
is a matter that is in the hands of the
County Court. If they paid Mr. Por
ter an exorbitant price they are surely
to blame, and why did not Mr.' Brown
ell get a bill passed to relieve the
county of this printing when printing
was high and not wait until it has got
down to just a few hundred a year
and tXen blow about the nonsense of
printing the delinquent tax list? Be
cause he is just about four years be
hind with This idea as the same as he
is about the separate appropriation
bill. Wait till the people hold it up
and then howl about the necessity of
a separate appropriation bill.
I was amused at Brownell's ' bragg
ing about the Referendum. It had
made it possible for the people to get
this direct primary law. He did not
make the primary law, but he made
Will ClacKamas County Voters Indorse Brownell
Salaried Agent of Corporations, In
Friday's Primary Election?
Voters Would Renovate Conditions in Ciackamas County and Are
n " Tired of Trust Rule. N
Corporations versus the people.
That Is precisely the situation in
Clackamas county. That is the main
issue in the campaign that ends with
Friday's election.. The corporations
are openly supporting Brownell whose
renomination and re-election tney are
demanding. . While these very Inter
ests have always supported Brownell,
the law that made it possible. So we. ithev nave in tne Pas done 8 quietlv
the nonnia rnnM t trr TTitoH I But this year they have made no at-
States Senator lust a thnneh wo ' tempt to disguise the fact.. They have
were caoable of votine for a TTnited i written letters indorsing
States Senator, some man that lives
off down to Portland, Salem or some
where else when we haven't got sense
enough to vote for a road supervisor
that lives in our own neighborhood.
Wouldn't that heat you? Bright idea,
George, bright idea, indeed.
In Brownell's speech at Molalla, he
heaped indignation on the little "pea
nut" lawyers of Oregon City, as well
as the business men. He said they
would not give the O.W.P. Co a fran
chise to get through their streets so
they could build out to the south end
of the county and make our farms
worth twice as much as . they are at
present. Then he produced a letter
from Mr. Morris, the -President and
owner of the O. W. P. Co., addressed
to the voters of Clackamas County,
asking them to support Mr. Brownell.
and pledging him their support and
hearty assistance in his candidacy.
These letters were written by the of
ficials of the Oregon Water Power &
Railway Company and the Southern
Pacific Company. In addition, both
of these corporations are representing
that Brownell is the only logical can
didate for the Senate at this time.
They recommend him to the favorable
consideration of the voters.
And why? Is it because he is an
tagonistic to their best interests? Is
it because he will introduce and sup
port legislative measures that .will
give the people reasonable and re
spectable treatment at the hands of
corporations? Is it because .he will
work for the enactment of laws com
pelling a reduction in the freight and
passenger tariffs of these corpora-
submit as a claim to the further suff
rages of the people? Nothing. The
every interest of the common people
has been sacrificed. His is a record
of unbroken pledges, unfilled promises,
all backed up by a Federal indictment
on which-he awaits trial. ,
This is the sort of man that asks
for a further indorsement at the hands
of an outraged constituency. Will the
people of Clackamas county longer
tolerate Brownell and his methods?
Has the past afforded reasonable
grounds for expecting anything in the
future? The voters, therefore, are
acquainted with the situation in every
detail. Brownell is known as the tool
and hired agent of corporations. He
is being openly supported by corpor
ations. He is being openly supported
by corporations whose interests he
has always served and in whose in
terests he may be expected to labor
further. ,
These facts are known to the voters
of Clackamas county. It can not be
said afterward that their action on the
20th inst was based on other than an
intelligent knowledge of the situation.
They know Brownell is the hired tool
of corporations, is faced with a Fed
eral indictment on which he must go
to trial. L. L. Porter, who is oppos
ing Mr. Brownell for this nomination,
Nearly two years ago, after consultation with many of the citizens of this
county, I made the announcement that at this time I would be a candidate for
the Republican nomination as State Treasurer and from all parts of the
county I received encouragement and proffers of support, as it seemed to be
nearly the unanimous opinion that Clackamas County, the oldest in the State,
should have recognition by the selection of one of its citizens for a state
officer, it having as yet never received that honorable distinction; since that
time I have also corresponded with many of the most prominent members of
the -.Republican Party in all parts of the State and have received much en
couragement together with the acknowledgment that in their opinion our
county is entitled to a place upon the state ticket; they have7 stated however.
" ,.-( ' 'V
Conceded now to be the people's choice for the office and as far in the lead of
his competitors.
Judge Ryan is neither officer, stockholder, agent or employee of any bank
ing concern and stands squarely on the platform that
"The funds of the State should not be used for the benefit of any" par
ticular bank or money loaning institution; that all moneys of the State, de
posited in banks by the State Treasurer should draw interest, which should
be paid into the State Treasury. That the State Treasurer be prohibited!
from speculating with the state funds in any manner, and that he receive no
other salary or remuneration for his services than the salary allowed him under
the law; that the State Treasurer be prohibited from having interest, directly
or indirectly, either as offieer, stockholder, agent or employee of. any banking;
institution in which any of the moneys of the State are deposited or loaned."
that the reason that we have not been recognized in this matter before Is
that we have never been united in our demand for recognition; that jealousy
and faction prevails among us to the extent that no good man can receive the
united support of old Clackamas. Wherever I have been I have denied this
statement as false and malicious, and that with a few exceptions, no men are
more loyal and true to the interests of their county and its inhabitants than yon
men of old Clackamas. I have been twice honored by you in being elected as
your county Judge and I can assure you that I have appreciated your kindness
and have always endeavored to perform every trust and duty in connection
with said office without prejudice or partiality-and to your satisfaction; when
I was first elected the county was deeply in debt and I promised you that
I, should labor unceasingfcr to relieve you of same, and proud am I to state
at this time, that after years of labor and discouragement, my word has
been made good and today, in the Treasury of our County is sufficient funds
to pay every outstanding obligation owing by Clackamas County, and I hope
that never again will our great county be compelled to pay the large inter
est charges which for the past 24 years have assisted in making out tax rate
so high; I am also proud to call your attention to the fact that your present
corps of county officers have systemized and performed the work and duties
of the county so well and economically that the cost has been reduced the test
few years more than one half, and today the business of our county is conduct
ed at less expense by a large percent than any other county in the state of its
size and inhabitants. While for the first time in over a quarter of a century
Clackamas County is practically out of debt, I am well aware that this very
satisfactory state of affairs has not been attained without some sacrifice and
denial and the refusal by your QJianty Court at times to enter into every laud
able project or undertaking, has-subjected us to criticism. Never, my friends,
have we refused to enter into any of these projects without regret on the
part of us all, but you as well as we knew, that we could not pay off our large
indebtedness, and at the same time spend our entire income on other undertak
ings, . however laudable they were laudable they were. As it is now, my
Brownell m his celebrated "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde" role.
asked to place his name at the head jl wonder why Mr. Morris wants Mr
of our county ticket and not only his ! BrowneH elected if he is as great ap
name, but a federal indictment along ! enemy of the railroads as he claims
with it? jto be?
Now I don't want to do Mr. Brownell j 1 guess when Brownell read that
any injustice. I want that he should letter to the audience he forgot he
be given credit for all the good he has nad spent about fifteen minutes in
done, if he has done any; all we want jtne first -of his speech to try to prove
is to find the good before he gets the jthat he was a great enemy of all the
credit. He did, its true, work for the ! corporations and they were all fight
referendum after Mr. U'Ren was de- j nS him. he surely caught himself that
feated, but it was introduced by Mr. time, but he did not think that any of
U'Ren and the Populist Party and af- j us green farmers would notice it.
terwards indorsed by the Republican j Now if Brownell is the great man
party, also by nearly every voter in jhe claims to be, why does he come
this County as well as the State, and I before the people asking for this nom
what could he do but work for it or jination while under indictment? He
get out and you bet he isn't going to j says he will have it cleared away in
get out if he can help it. j side of thirty days, but he has been
It was a good deal like the fellow- j saying that it would be dismissed
servant law that Brownell braes so I ever since the federal grand jury fav-
miirh nhnut nnrt enva if moo a i n'rert him with it- hilt it still sticks to I
friend of the railroads he could not ! him and I suppose will until he proves I
have voted for it. But Mr. Porter ex- i (Continued on page 8.)
Certainly not.
The Support of Brownell by these
corporations is a selfish proposition.
Brownell during his twelve years'
service in the State Senate has proven
an especially valuable man to corpor
ate interests in matters of legislation.
He has demonstrated his usefulness.
His services are desired further by
these corporations who applaud him
as just the man for the contingency,
the only logical candidate for nomina
tion and election as State Senator
from Clackamas county.
But has net Clackamas county been
manipulated long enough by Brown
ell?- Voters have reasonably expect
ed that in a twelve years' stewardship
something in thev way of definite re
sults and in the interest of the com
mon . people might ' be expected, but
we would ask, what has Brownell to
I stands for cleaner political conditions
in Clackamas county than that to
. which the people of the county have
been subjected during the last twelve
The situation, then, is right up to
the voters of the county. If a better
order of things is desired, it is with-
j in the power of the people themselves
i to effect the change. Every voter
has an individual responsibility in the
matter. He should discharge that re
sponsibility by taking part in Friday's
PLEXION. . Everyone who wants a good healthy
: color, a ruddy and clear skin free
from the effects of biliousness, sulg-
gish liver and chronic cinstipation,
(Continued on page 4.)
should get a 5 cent package of Laxa-
Tonic Tablets today. Huntley
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