OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 190. 3 Y 0 ' Personal Mention George Knight, of Canby, was in the citv Tuesday. " Z. Elligsen, of Stafford, was in the oitv Monday. Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Lang lefrSunday for California. Orin Cutting, of Molalla, was in the o.itv Saturday. R Raker, of Sherwood, was in the city Tuesday. ' c T Ainacher. of -Clackamas, was in the city Thursday. Abraham Fish, of Wilhoit, was in the city last Saturday. B. Robinson has returned from a "business trip to Eugene. Sam Stowe has returned from an ex tended visit in Calofirnia. C. S. Howard, the Mulino merchant, was in the city last Friday. J A. McGlashan and M. D. Latour- ctte snent Sunday at Silverton. w O and H. L. Vaughan, of Mo lalla, were in the city Saturday. Mrs. Kate Newton has returned from tended visit at Philadelphia. A. M. Kirchem, a prominent farmer from Logan was in the city Friday. F W. McLeran, of Wilhoit Springs, was an Oregon City visitor last Fri day. Thos. Trembath has gone to San Jose to join Mrs. Trembath and re side. Tom Brown, of Salmon, was in the city on business the latter part of last Mrs. Louis Levenger, of Baker City, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Linn E. Jones. James Fullam and Marsk Frakes, of Logan, were in the city on business Saturday. Miss Eunane Craig, of Salem, was this week a guest at the home of C. W. Kelly. D. C. Boyles, a deputy in the office of Sheriff Shaver, spent Sunday with friends at Salem. W. A. Shaver and Fred Schafer, of Molalla, were in the city the latter part of last week. W. E. Mumpower, of Stone, was transacting business in 'the city the latter part of last week. Mrs. E. C. Stewart has returned to Portland after a week's visit with Oregon City relatives. Mrs. A. G. Hamblin and children, of Grants Pass, are the guests of Mrs. Kathryn Ward Pope. Mrs. Ed Sheahan and children are visiting Wm. Sheahan and family at Camas, Washington. Miss Elizabeth Roos has accepted a position as choir director of the Frst Methodist Church of this city. Misses Anne English and Constance Holland, of Portland, were guests Sun day of Miss Ethelwyn Albright. H. G. Starkweather, of Milwaukie Precinct, Democratic caindidate for county judge was in the city Tuesday. Mrs. J. M. Lawrence, of Roseburg, is visiting in Oregon City, the guest of her mother, Mrs. C. O. T. Williams. Mrs. J. C. Zinser and daughter, Miss Grace, have been spending a few days on their farm near Lincoln, Polk coun ty. J. A. Roake and fairfily have re turned from Long Beach, California, and will again take up their residence in this city. . Hon. S. B. Huston, Republican can didate for Congressman in the First Congressional district, was in the city Wednesday. Miss Ada Davison, of Spokane, was recently the guest of her cousin. Miss Ella Shaver, being enroute for a visit in California. Dr. J. W. Thomas, of Molalla, was in the city Tuesday en route to Tua latin where he attended the meeting of Pomona Grange. Rev. R. C. Blackwell. pastor of the First M. E. Church of this city, occu pied the pulpit of the Woodburn Meth odist Church Sunday. J. K. Gribble, one of the leading Democrats of Clackamas county, was in the city Wednesday from his home in the south end of the county. Miss Jean McDonald has returned to LaGrande to spend the summer at her home. Miss McDonald has spent the winter at Oregon City in the pur suit of her musical studies. Miss Cora B. Lemon, who recently finished a post graduate course at Asheville, North Carolina, has return ed to Oregon and is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. P. Dedman at Clackmas. Mrs. C. D. Latourette and Miss Edna Daultori and Miss Bess Kelly were at Eugene Saturday evening and attend ed a university dancing party. Mrs. Latourette served as one of the host esses. A. A. Price has returned from The Dalles and will remain at Oregon City having formed a partnership with H. L. Price, also of The Dalles, prepara tory to succeeding to the clothing bus iness now conducted in this city by J. M. Price. Drs. Beatie & Beatie, Dentists, Rooms 16, 17. 18, Weinhard Building. C a Zifbmia Ery Ay who call at this ttra may have a packagaf 0lirni liwet Pes. Sis Fr. RIEGER THE CALIFORNIA PERFUMER bu mt m SG.0O0 4m to aUtrlbata fre to all. Con at cnoa be for thy ara goo -joa ! not bar to bay anything tha aaada ax frco, o ossaa todar. ' A, hand ma prize I oflarad A tha lady who plaau tba aood and grows too bad lomnt bouqoat ; td, to tho ouo who brings th bigait hovqoet: 54, to tho on whoa boa,mcl contains tba largest vartetv of eolora. I Wat tba acd bow m oar windows far pr-'t a and dt of oontaat. KoTaL Caaaav BumU tha latast parftuao. fggJTH E ASIy r- Local Events Wanted A few boys at the wooicn mills, in Oregon City. Must be ove 14 years of age. .r Mrs. J. C. Holcomb, aged 31 years, of this city, was committed to the state insane asylum Tuesday. Charging desertion, E. H. Pickard has filed suit for. divorce from .Mary E. Pickard, whom he married at Port land in July, 1894. A choice assortment of new goods arriving daily at The Fair. 3-23tf Dr. Geo. Hoeye, in the Caufield build ing, administers Somnoforme and Air oform in the painless extraction of teeth. Perfectly harmless and no sick ening after-effects. Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Republi can candidate for United States Sen ator, was in the city Wednesday after noon interviewing his friends. Lack of time prevented an intended visit to the mills and factories of the city. Born, Saturday, April 7, to Mr. and Mrs. J. G.Vrood, a daughter. Jack, the proud -father, is superintendent-of the shipping department at the Oregon Uity Manufacturing Company's plant in this city, and declares that his is the only girl in the land. IT. SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE THAT ANY RESIDENT OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY SHOULD BE IGNORANT OF THE FACT THAT GEORGE C. BROWNELL, CANDIDATE TO SUCCEED HIMSELF AS SENATOR FROM THIS COUNTY, IS UNDER INDICTMENT BY THE FEDERAL GRAND JURY ON THE CHARGE OF SUBORNATION OF PERJURY AND THAT HE IS OUT ON BONDS IN THE SUM OF $4,000 AWAITING HIS TRIAL. BUT THIS OFFICE IS IN RECEIPT OF A LETTER FROM A RESIDENT OF THIS COUNTY WHO INQUIRES IF IT IS TRUE THAT BROWNELL IS UNDER INDICTMENT. IN ORDER THAT THE VOTERS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY MAY BE MADE ACQUAINTED WITH THE FACTS IN THE MATTER WE PRESENT HEREWITH A STATEMENT OF THE FACTS IN THE CASE, TOGETHER WITH A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF THE BOND ON WHICH BROWNELL IS BEING HELD FOR TRIAL. v HENRY MELDRUM WAS INDICTED AND CONVICTED FOR FORG ING PAPERS IN CONNECTION WITH LAND SURVEYS. THE PROSE CUTING OFFICERS FOR THE GOVERNMENT THOUGHT BROWNELL WAS A PARTNER OF MELDRUM; HELPED HIM, MELDRUM, PUT UP THE SCHEME; BELIEVED THAT BROWNELL WAS A CO-CONSPIRATOR AND THAT HE WAS EQUALLY IN THE SCHEME WITH MELDRUM. TO AS CERTAIN THE FACTS," THE GRAND JURY SUBPOENAED FRED SIEVERS AND JOHN HOWLAND, WHOSE NAMES WERE BELIEVED TO BE FORG ED TO SOME OF THE PAPERS IN THESE LAND FRAUD CASES. BROWNELL LEARNEDJHAT THESE PtOPLE HAD BEEN SUBPOENAED AND HE AND HIS FRIENDS ASKED THESE MEN TO TESTIFY TO FALSE HOODS BEFORE' THE GRAND JURY TO PREVENT HIS BEING INDICTED ALONG THE SAME LINES ON WHICH MELDRUM HAD BEEN INDICTED. ONE' OF THESE MEN, AT LEAST, DID THIS AND FOR INDUCING THIS MAN TO GO INTO THE COURTS OF THE UNITED STATES AND COMMIT PERJURY, BROWNELL WAS INDICTED. THE INDICTMENT WAS RE TURNED AND FILED WITH THE COURT FEBRUARY 1, 1906. BROWNELL, WOULD PROBABLY HAVE BEEN INDICTED ALONG THE SAME LINES AS WAS MELDRUM INDICTED IF HE HAD NOT IN DUCED THESE MEN TO GO INTO COURT AND ONE OF THEM, AT LEAST COMMIT THIS PERJURY. THE GOVERNMENT BELIEVED THAT THE INDUCING OF ITS WITNESSES TO COMMIT PERJURY WAS THE GREAT ER CRIME OF THE TWO AND BROWNELL WAS PROMPTLY INDICTED FOR SUBORNATION OF PERJURY. AS CAN READILY BE SEEN THIS CRIME COMMITTED BV BROWN ELL, PREVENTS JUSTICE FROM BEING OBTAINED IN THE COURTS OR THE TRUTH BEING ASCERTAINED IN THESE LAND FRAUD MATTERS. MR. BROWNELL IS CHARGED WITH HAVING COMMITTED THIS CRIME, JANUARY 10, 1905.. THE DATE OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CRiME IS IMMATERIAL AND UNDER THE LAW ANY DATE FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS PREVIOUS TO THE 10TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1905, MAY BE SHOWN IN THE TRIAL AS THE DATE ON WHICH THE CRIME WAS ACTUALLY COMMITTED. THE LAW ALLOWS'THIS LATI TUDE. MR. BROWNELL, UNDER THIS INDICTMENT, WAS COMPELLED TO PUT UP A BOND, A SUBSTANTIAL COPY OF WHICH, IS APPENDED. HE WILL BE. TRIED AS SOON AS THE UNITED STATES COURT CAN GET TO HIS' CASE. MR. HENEY, WHO IS IN CHARGE OF THESE MATTERS BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT FROM THE PRESIDENT, IS AT PRESENT BUSY CONDUCTING THE CASE AGAINST BINGER HERMANN AT WASHINGTON, AND WITH OTHER CASES AT SAN FRANCISCO, AND AS SOON AS IT IS POSSIBLE FOR HIM TO DO SO. HE WILL RE TURN to OREGON, WHEN BROWNELL'S CASE WILL BE TAKEN UP . AND TRIED. . . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, District of Oregon. City of Portland. We GEORGE C. BROWNELL, as principal, and as sureties, jointly, and severally, acknowledge ourselves to be indebted unto the United States of America in the sum of FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States, to be levied on our goods, chattels, lands and tenements, upon this condition, to-wit: ' That if the said GEORGE C. BROWNELL, shall personally appear in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the District of Oregon and answer to such matters and things as shall be objected against HIM, on behalf of the United States, for unlawful SUB-ORNATION OF PERJURY committed within said District; in violation of Section 5393, R. S-, U. S., and shall at all times render himself amenable to the orders and process of said Circuit Court, and shall abide the order and judgment of said Court in that behalf, and' not depart said Court without leave thereof, then this recognizance to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. GEO. C. BROWNELL and Sureties. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, District of Oregon. ss. I, J. A. SLADEN, Clerk of the United States Circuit Court for the Dis trict of Oregon, do hereby certify that the fpregoing copy of recognizance in Cause No. 2909, THE UNITED STATES VS. GEORGE C. BROWNELL, has been by me compared with the. original thereof, and that it is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of such original, as same appears of record and on file at my office and in my custody. In testimony whereof I have hereunto sejf my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at Portland, in said. District, this March 15, 1906. (SEAL) J. A. SLADEN, Clerk. By G. H. MARSH, Deputy Clerk. - . ' . Ms-viage licenses were issued this week as follows:' -Deette Castle and Wnu E. Kelso; Tillie Smith and Harry E. Smith; E. A. Kamblin and J. H. Revenue; Ellen A Jen and W. Eilers; Mrs. Emma Wither and Wm. F. Maddy. -. . ' . Court Robin Hood No. V JV of A., held their -regular meeting jTuesday (night and elected J. A. Moots and Dr". M. C. Strickland, as delegates to at tend the Grand Court session which will fce held at Condon, Oregon, May 15, 1906. There is plenty of State School money to be had at 6 per cent inter est Loans can be had from one to ten years. Gordon E. Hayes, agent. At a meeting of . the city council Tuesday night, the proposed improve- ment of Twelfth street was indefinite ly postponed. The improvement of Washington street northerly between Seventh street and the Abernethy bridge was ordered. At the W. O. W. Hall at Milwaukie Saturdaysjevening, April 21, the Mil waukie Olympic Club will give an en- tertainment and dance. The Milwau - kie band will furnish the. music and the admission will be 50 cents for gentlemen, ladies free. "Made in Oregon" is going to be a great word in Oregon soon. Ralph W. Hoyt is a native son and has become the popular canddate for State Treas urer because he says: "State funds collected in a county must remain on deposit in that county." Brownell Is Under Indictment THE BOND. ' CHANCE IN MEETING. The Porter-Dye meeting, ad vertised to be, held at Park place, tomorrow, Saturday ev ening. April 14, has been post poned until Monday evening, April 16, because of the inabili ty of the speakers to secure the hall for that evening on account of the regular meeting of the Abernethy Grange. This meet ing will be held Monday even ing without fail and in addition to Messrs. Porter and Dye, there will be addresses by other candidates on the county and legislative tickets. Ladies especially invited. - Our patterns are the latest designs. Our styles are exclusive. Miss C. Goldsmith. - ! Mr. and Mrs. E.- P. Rands last Fri day evening entertained the members of the whist club. The prizes were ! won DV Mrs- Louis Levenger, of Baker I City, and C. W. Evans. Refreshments 1 were served. r The people throughout the State have come to th.e conclusion that state funds paid Into the Treasury from any one county should be held on deposit in that county and not hoarded in the great money centers. TMi is the policy adopted by Ralph W. Hoyt. . . J. N. Wianer, superintendent of the Clackamas river hatchery, says that 'ithin the nextsixty days 750,000 -out will be planted by the govern ment in Washington, Idaho-, and Ore gon, composing eastern brook trout, rainbow trout and lake trout. -Ten thousand land locked salmon will also be planted. W. F; Schooley, of Gladstone, has established an Office with Williams Bros., in this city, and will conduct a general real estate, fire, life and ac cident - insurance business. Mr. Schooley is an enterprising young man and with such a promising field as Oregon City, will no doubt be suc cessful in his business. The latest styles and patterns dress hats.MissC Goldsmith. in ' Mrs. Jane Gage Thomas, aged 81 years, died Sunday at Portland of old age. She was the wife of former Sheriff Thomas of this county. The funeral services were held Wednes day morning at 10 o'clock at the St. Paul Episcopal church of this city. Rev. P. K. Hammond conducted the ceremonies and the intermenjc was had in Mountain View cemetery. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 ner cent. Farm security. URen & SchubeL . One hundred labor leaders nronfl called on the President and Speaker cannon to present certain union griev ances, 'l he importance of the Inci dent presaging, as It may, a Congress made up of labor members, instead of lawyers, wth the inevitable arrayal of Class against Class, is commented nn 'in a lengthy and thouehtful editorial in the Argonaut for April 7. Dr. H. A. Dedman, LeRoy Walker andj E. H. Carlton, three of the incor porators of the Canby Bank that was recently incorporated, were in the city Tuesday in the interest of the new enterprise. They report that all -of the stock for 'the bank has been dis posed of and that a meeting will soon be held when an organization will be effected and further details looking to the starting of the bank attended to. The latest styles and patterns dress hats. .Miss C. Goldsmith. in WANTED: by Chicago wholesale and mail order house, assistant manager (maa or woman) for this county and adjoining territory. Salary J20 and expenses paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work pleasant; position permanent. No investment or experi ience required. Spare time valuable. Write at once for full particulars and enclose self-addressed envelope. SUPERINTENDENT, 132 Lake St., Chicago, 111. May 18. The Congregational church is mak ing extensive preparation for the Easter services. The Easter sermon will be given at 7 a. m. At 1:30 bap tism, reception of members, and com munion will be observed. It is also the time at which the annual offering for foreign missions is received, and a special effort is being made to make this a liberal offering. The choir has been preparing music for the day with fidelity. SCIATICA CURED AFTER TWENTY YEARS .OF TORTURE. For more than twenty years. Mr. J. i B. Massey. of 3322 Clinton St., Minne apolis, una, was tortured by scia tica. The pain and sufferine which I he endured durinsr this timo ie hovnnit i comprehension. Nothing gave him any permanent relief until he used Cham- berlain's Pain Balm. ' One application ' Of that liniment rolioVD1 tha noln n A . - - . .uu nuu auu made sleep and rest a possible cure. If troubled with sciatica or rheuma tism why not try a 25 cent bottle of Pain Balm and see for yourself how quickly it relieves the pain. For sale Dy oweii Sl Jones. MR. B. METZGER OF Me tge &, JEWELERS AND. 111 Sixth St., near Washington, Wilt be at the Electric hotel every April i a. He will test your eyea free, should you need glasses, he will fit you. .All work guaranteed and prices the same as in Portland. WE GUARANTEE A PERFECT FIT FOR ONE DOLLAR. Remember,' lenses are included at these prices. We change your lenses at often as required without extra charge. Let Your Money Work For You and you will have a willing and faithful s servant. You can never make a fortune by days' work, but if you let your money work with you, together you can accomplish results that you could never obtain by manual labor. Money when out to work keeps right at it day and night, never stops to rest, asks for no holi days and never takes a day off. It is very easy to start your money to work, all that is neces sary is to open a Savings Account with us and make small weekly or monthly additions and it ril work without complaining and with results vthat will be highly gratifying to you. Do it to-day, tomorrow never comes. The Bank of Oregon City CONGRESSMAN HON. WALTER L. TOOZE. Walter L. Tooze, candidate for con gress from the First district, is a man of sterling qualities. He has been a the hop growing business for years. He was once a merchant, a dealer in produce and comes from the ranks of ' man, not the tool or convenience of the political boss. He makes a square (and Pen fiSht UDOn a Platform built by HIMSELF. Mr. Tooze did not wait to see which way the wind was blow ing but wrote his platform and scat tered it broadcast throughout the dis trict, never fearing criticism nor the adverse opinions of others. His plat form was not made to fit the occasion, but represents a work upon which he' has spent over 20 years of his life. It simply embodies those things which he has always believed and labored for. The Tooze platform stands unique and alone. It came out first and has been most favorably received. It touch es upon all the important issues be fore the people today. It distinctly and openly advocates such relief as this First district is well entitled to and deserves. Mr. Tooze is a man whose silver toned voice has been heard in every' hamlet, town and city throughout the state of Oregon for the past 20 years, advocating the cardinal principles of the great Republican party. He Is "the friend of the laborer and produc er" and if elected to congress the la boring man and the producer will have a friend who will be fearless, active and aggressive in their inter ests. OREGON CITY MARKET REPORT. (Corrected Weekly.) . Wheat No. 1, 6773c per bu. Flour Valley. $4.25 per bbl. Hard wheat $4.90, Portland, $1.10 per sack. Howard's Best, $1.25 per sack. Oats In sacks, $1.15 per centaL , Hay Timothy, baled $11$12 per ton; clover $9; oat, $9; mixed hay $9 kjheat, $8.50. Millstuffs Bran $19.50 per -ton: shorts, $20.50 per ton; chop $18.00 per ton; barley rolled $25.50 per ton. Potatoes 15 50 per hundred. Eggs Oregon 1315c per doz. Butter Ranch 55 60; separator 60c; creamery, 65 70c . Rutabegas, Carrots, Turnips, Par snips and Beets 75c per. sack. Good Apples Choice $1.00. Honey ll12c per lb. Prunes (dried) Petite, Sc per B; Italian, large, 5c per lb; medium, 3ftc; jui Dried Apples Sun Dried, quartered. 4c lb; sliced, 6c; fancy bleached, 7ttc Dressed Chickens 12c lb. Live Stock and Dressed Meats Beef, live ' $3.25$3.75 per hundred Hogs, live, 5c; dressed, 7c; sheep, $3$4 per -head; dressed, 7c; veal, dressed 77c; lambs, live, $2.50 $3.50 per head. Company OPTICIANS Portland, Oregon .Wednesday, .commencing' FOR t Come la and aantpla la. If. CITY DRUG STORE CHARMAN & CO.