Oregon cTty enterprise. Friday', april 13, 1906. 1 Our Correspondents' Comer ? - ' 4 - Brief Hits of Gossip From All Parts of the County. STONE DAMASCUS. We have a large school house in Da mascus, s " ' But what it is for, pray don't ask us. The directors are surely not fools, ' Still they will not have spelling school. And oh, my! they make us weary! They will x not let have a Literary; They voted against , a singing school, They said it was against the rule. An entertainment was said to be too much, ' For they feared the school house would bust. But if it was for the use of George C. Brownell, They wouldn't care if it went to H Brownell is bound to be an alderman, Oh. believe what I say! Take off your coat, but don't vote For him on election day. Well we are having fine days. The farmers are on the round-up of their odds and ends, re-seeding their winter oats and planting spuds. Fall wheat is away up for April. Grant Mumpower's early planted corn is up and early planted spuds are up ready to get frost bitten. The school at Stone is in a flourish ing condition, taught by Miss Clara Holsstrom and her assistant Miss Evans. ' NOTICE TO DEMOCRATS. Friday, April 20, the date for the primary nominating elec tion, falls on Friday, the date of publication for the Enter prise. In order to reach our readers with the issue of the 20th, the Enterprise for that week will go to press on Wed nesday, April 18. The attention of our corres pondents is especially called to this announcement that they may forward their letters so that they will reach this office not later than Tuesday, the 17th. ' MOUNTAIN VIEW. Next Saturday evening, April 14, the Dramatic Club will give an entertain ment in May's Hall. Admission 10c; for all over 7 years of age. Cake and coffee will be served after the pro gram is rendered which, will also be 10 cents; proceeds to.be used for the church at this place. V' Miss Laverne Craig and Mrs. May Fessler, of Portland, visited .friends here last Sunday. " . Mrs. Smalley is quite poorly again. Mrs. Moran and Mrs. Matchett get ting better slowly. Little Miles Burly has been quite sick. Dr. Meissner at tended him. Mr. and Mrs. Niles of St. John, are moving to their new house in Maple Lane and are temporarily stopping at their daughter's, Mrs. Burley's. There's nothing new, tnd everybody busy. CARUS. Most everybody has taken advant age of the good weather by making garden. t Some of our young folks attended the dance at Simms' Mill Saturday night. . . Jesse Mitts, of Needy, was in our burg a few days last week. Norman Howard was home Satur day. He has been working at Logan and now he is spending a few days in Portland. ' Mrs. Spence spent last Thursday with, Mrs. Goucher. Jacob Kalbfleisch left Tuesday for a two months' stay in Idaho. Mrs. .M. E. . London called on Mrs. Eph Jones Tuesday. Mr. Casto made a call on Mr. E. Howard Wednesday. App Jones spent a few days in Port land the first of the week. Another telephone meeting was held at R. M. Cooper's Monday night., Richard Davis went a swimming last Sunday. It was rather cold, wasn't it Richard? i You are hereby notified that the Democratic County Central Committee elected at the primaries on April 20, will meet in Oregon City on Tuesday, April 24, 1906, for the purpose or elect ing a Chairman and Secretary, and to arrange for the coming campaign. It is earnestly desired that a full rep resentation be present, and especially from the- precincts where no commit teeman is elected, in order that proper appointments to fill those vacancies may be made. You are further notifi ed that a general meeting of the Dem ocrats of the county will be held at the same time and place. ' Governor Geo. Chamberlain and other members of the State ticket as well as all of the can didates on the County ticket will be present and address the meeting, and it is the wish of the Committee that every Democrat in Clackamas county be present. Yours for success, O. D. EBY, Chairman Democratic County Central Committee. DOCTORS ARE PUZZLED. , The remarkable recovery of Ken neth Mclver, of "Vanceboro. Me., is the subject of much interest to the medi cal fraternity and a wide circle of friends. He says of his case: "Owing to severe inflammation of the throat and lungs, three doctors gavei me up to die, when, as a last resort I was induced to -try Dr. King's New Dis covery and I am happy to say, it saved my life. y Cures the worst coughs and colds, Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, weak lungs, hoarseness and lagrippe. Guar anteed at Howell & Jones' drug store. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. . SCHOOL REPORT. Following is the report of Highland school for the month ending April 6, 1906: Number of pupils enrolled 23, number of days taught 20, average daily Attendance 31. Those who were present daily are Josephine Adams, Lawrence and Marion Mudgett, Mar vin Fisher, Dora and Dwight Fair fowl, Arthur and Sadie Fellows, Leo, Herbert, - Harold and Edna Vohs, Eva Schram. Visitors present: Mrs. Dun lay and .Miss Amanda Fellows. Visi tors always welcome. ROBERT GINTHER, Teacher. Ssr- Vv 1 , '4 Republican Candidate for United States - Senator. DON'T PUT OFF. for tomorrow what you can do today. If you put off buying a bottle of Bal lard's Snow Liniment, when that pain comes you won't have any, buy a bottle today. A positive cure for Rheuma tism. Burns, Cuts, Sprains Contract ed Muscles, etc. T. S. Graham, of Prairie Oak, Ark!, writes: "I wish to thank you for the good results I received from Snow Lini ment. It positively cured me of Rheu matism after others -had failed." Huntley Bros. Drug Company. C3 Bmratha Signature of T O X. X jBk. . The Kind You Have Always Bought A I GROCERIES 4 gal. keg pickles ....75c Cooking molasses, can 10o Fine syrup 10c, 25c, ...45c Flour 95c, fine 1.05 Codfish pound 10c Rice 5c, Beans 4c Soda 4c, Raisins 7c Figs 6c, prunes ............. 5c Alaska peas, pound 5c Telephone peas 3 lbs 25c Fresh seeds, 3 pkgs 10c Bushel basket 20c, pail .....15c Soap 2c, 2 l-2c 3c Coffee 15c, best ; : . .. 20c 40c to 60c teas sold by us at 25c to 45C Clothes pins, dozen ...1c MILLINERY "lew Spring hats, beauties and not 'highpriced. Sold with dry goods much less margin than millinery houses. See them be fore you buy. Trimmed hats $1.45 up. Coupons for free dishes Trade liberally for produce. DRY GOODS, ETC New waists 4itc up. I.aiiiee' 5c handkerchiefs 3c Odds ond en is 25c neckwear ... .5a Small corsets c.t to 23. Yarn 4c and 6c Thread 3 for 10c Childs hose supporters- ..8c $1.00 wrappers 82c 5c and 10c satin ribbons cut to . . 3c Child's handkerchiefs 1c MEN'S UNDERWEAR BIG CUT $1.00 goods cut to 70c, 90c goods 60 50c goods to 40c and 45c Odds and ends hats, 19c, 39c, . .94c Cotton socks, 3 pair ic SHOES Ladies' misses' and child's white oxfords $1.25 to 95c Those pretty chocolate, shoes, dressy, but low priced here. Ladies' easy low heel shoes, $2.25 grade for 1.75 Ladies $2.50 and $3 fine shoes for $2 and 2.50 Other fine shoes cut to $1.19.. $1.33 Baby shoes 10c up. Misses' fine shoes cut to ....1.33 Men's $1.75 shoes cut to . . . . 1.50 RED FRONT, Oregon City Champion of Statement One Jonathan Bourne, jr., candidate before the Republican primaries for the nomination of United States Senator in Congress, for the long term com mencing March 4, 1907, was born in New Bedford, Mass., February 23, 1855; was a member of the class of 1877 at Harvard University; came to Portland May 16, 1878; was a Republican member .of the Oregon Legislature in the session of 1885 and the extra session of 1886; was one of Oregon's delegates to the Republican National Convention of 1888 and Oregon's member of the Republican National Committee from 1888 to 1892, and a delegate to the Republican National Convention of 1892; and was elected as a Mitchell Re publican to the Oregon Legislature in 1896. Mr. Bourne has been i more prominently identified with the develop ment of the mineral resources of Oregon than any other" man in the state, having expended in the last 20 years over $1,000,000 of his own money in the acquisition and development of Oregon mines. - .. While Mr. Bourne has had his residence and main office at Portland since 1878, he has had another office at New Bedford, Mass., and has carried on the business of his father's estate since 1889, which makes him familiar with many of the large interests, and leading- men in the East. These quali fications, in conjunction with his tremendous energy, originality, executive ability and experience in business and political affairs -pre-eminently qualify him for making an able and influential Senator for the State of Oregon. Mr. Bourne has always favored extending the direct power of the people over their government as far as possible. He was one of. the leading spirit in the Initiative and Referendum movement from 1896 until It was approved by the voters at the June election in 1902. In 1904 he was a member of the executive committee of the Direct Primary Nominations League, and holds the same position with the People's Power League at this time. Jn all these movements he has been one of the few to guarantee the necessary expenses of preparing and proposing their measures to the people. ' He says that the choice of United States Senator should be by direct vote of the people, and that the Legislature should be compelled to elect the man the people select. To accomplish this result, is championing Statement No. 1 of the primary elections, las as the Only method by which public opinion may be crystalized and made effective upon the Legislature. s In his petition for nomination he says:; . t "If I am nominated and elected I will,, during my term of office, Favor: Republican Politics. Amending National Constitution for People's Election of United States Senators. .. . Publicity Political Campaign Expenses. ' National Control of Corporations in Interstate Commerce. Rigid Exclusion of Asiatic Coolie Labor; Good Wages Make Good Citizens. , Legal .Limitation Labor Hours for Safety on Railroads. : Parcels . Post, Including Rural Delivery. . . .. ... Pure Food Laws. ' ' Liberal Appropriations for Panama Canal, Coast Defenses, River and Harbor Improvements, Including Columbia, Willamette' Hi vers, .Coos, Yaquina and other Oregon Harbors, Celilo Canal, Govern ment Canal at Oregon City.' Fair Share of Irrigation Fund for Oregon. Loyal Support, of Successful Candidates. Rigid Enforcement Statement One. Roosevelt for Second Elective Term. I desire that the following statement be printed after my name on the nominating ballot: " I WILL SUPPORT PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S DETERMINATION I THAT JUSTICE BE DONE ALL MEN." 4 I The Young Percheron Stallion Will make the season of i 906 as follows: Monday at Chas. Rider1 s, New Era Tuesday at Fred Moehnke's, Beaver Creek "Wednesday at M. E Kandle's, Highland Thursday, Redland Friday and Saturday, Heinz' Feed Yard, Oregon Ctiy WM. KRUEGER, Owner and Proprietor. Williams Bros., teamsters of this city, this week sold a team of heavy draft horses for a consideration of $400. The demand for heavy work horses was never before as great in Clackamas county which is being thoroughly canvassed by horse dealers in search of desirable draft animals, the purchase price being paid ranging from $250 to $700 according to the breed of the animals. As A rule of recent years Clackamas County farm ers have been devoting considerable attention to the breeding of an im proved standard of horses and cattle and they find themselves the gainer NEW THINGS AT THE PARKPLACE CASH STORE. pre- Men's Felt, Wool and Stiff Hats. Boys' Felt Hats. Boys' and Men's Caps. Phoenix Pure Paints, ready pared. ' Pure Pioneer White Lead. Pure Raw and Boiled Oil. Men's $1.75 Pants. .-. Men's Fancy Shirts. W. A. HOLMES, Prop'r. . JUST BECAUSE now when the sale of these animals is J your cough is only in the throat Rnd being negotiated George A. Brown, of Maple Lane, a carpenter of experience, offers his services to farmers and any one con templating building. 3-16tf P. O.: Oregon City, R. F. D. No. 3. In the marriage in this city Tuesday afternoon of Mrs. Tillie Smith.of Col ton, this county, and Mr. Harry E. Smith, of Ranier, was terminated : an unusual romance that had its begin ing about six years ago. At that time the bride of Tuesday was married to Bud Smith, a young Clackamas county farmer, who died two years 'later, leav ing his wife and a young child. On his death bed, Smith summoned his broth er, Harry, from whom he extracted the willing promise to guard the interests of the widow and provide for the edu cation of his young offspring.. The brother remained true to his perform ance of his. pledge won the affections of the young widow as well.. The mar riage that followed this week was the result, the ceremony being performed does not trouble you now, don't think you aon't need attention. When it has not had much of a start is the time to check it. The slightest cough easily leads to Pneuoinnia, Bronchi tis and Consumption. A bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup will cure that cough. The price puts it within reach of all. Huntley Bros. Drug Co. Sumpter Craig, of Salem, was. in the city the latter part of last week, hav ing accompanied ihe remains of the late Miss Waterous, to the creama tory. Mr. Craig is one of the oldest printers in the state in respect to the number of years spent at the trade., having been in a print shop ever since he was old enough to officiate as office "devil." Mr. Craig now has general supervision of a half dozen publica tions issued bs the Statesman Pub lishing Company, ot Salem. , . PRESCRIPTION FOR HEADACHES. When you have headache or other nerve pain try Ake-in-the-head tablets by Rev.. B. S. Bollinger, of the First fand you can have your ten cent8 back Congregational church, of. this city. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have 'gone to Ra nier, where they will reside. - Bean the Sjgnataxe of - if you headache or neuralgia is not re lieved in 15 minutes. . No matter what the cause is one tablet will give re lief. - Huntley Bros. The Kind You Have Always Bought i yiiw Mini iuo nam mnap TORTURE BY SAVAGES. INSURANCE. Plate Glass, burglar-proof, and all kinds of casualty insurance written by O. A. Cheney of Oregon City. Of fice with Justice of the Peace. O. A. CHENEY. The Saturday Club is preparing an entertainment to be given at Shively's April 25. At this time 20 old maids of this city will sit in . convention, dis cussing ways and "means of attracting men object matrimony.- A new in vention is introduced by which some of these old maids are transformed into beautiful, accomplished young maids who delightfully entertain the audience with songs, recitations, in strumental solos, etc. The convention proceedings will be interspersed with humorous mention of the bachelors of the time. You will miss something good if you -fail to see. this. Further particulars later. . ' ' , The mask carnival conducted Tues day evening by Logus & Goodfellow at their skating rink was a great suc cess and proved exceedingly laugh able to the large number of specta tors. Several skaters masked. ' To night and tomorrow fevening the man agement of the rink has secured an other attraction in the person of Sig. Erni, the champion one-legged skater who will entertain Oregon City people by introducing fancy and burlesque skating. in her complaint that her husband last February induced her to enter a hos pital at . Portland for medical, treat ment. Upon returning to Canby a few weeks later she found' that in her ab sence Holzman had disposed of the home and personal effects, appropriatt injr the proceeds to himself, and left foil parts unknown, leaving her in destitute circumstances. WHY . . , T , , , - -111 " FVA II V V 1 1C1 UillKZ, LUC i lie yuyiis ul m. ,m8 scnoo! wm oajy liver regulator will help you? 6,.c c muo.B. moo. j ci.tda.u- ,Tnere jg n reasoI1 wjj ment at the Woodmen Hall on Monday evening, April 16th, at 8 p.'m. A good program has been', prepared and all who have ever attended entertain ments given by St. John's school pu pils know that there is again a rare treat in store for them. On this occa sion, will also be raffled the cushion which has been on display at Burmeis ter & Andresen's. Come and see who will be the fortunate winner. Admis sion only 25 cents for entertainment and refreshments included.. Choice s cigar clippings, complete stock cigars and tobaccos and all kinds of smokers' articles at Turney's cigar stire, opposite Barlow's grocery, Ore gon City, Oregon. 3-16 tf hy you should suffer with Dyspepsia, Constipation, Chills and Fever or any liver com plaints, when Herbine will cure you. F. C. Waite, Westville, Fla., writes: "I was sick for a month with chills and fever, and after taking two bot tles of Herbine am well and healthy. Huntley Bros. Drug Company. - GOOD JUDGMENT FIFTY CENTS ArAAArrrrrrVWWWrWWWArrrrrrrrrrrrrrW Mrs. Sophia C. Holzman, of Canby, has filed suit for divorce and an allow-' ance' of $40 per month alimony from Fred G. Holzman to whom she was married last June. Plaintiff alleges is the essential' characteristic of men and women. Invaluable to good busi ness men and necessary to house wives. A woman shows good judg ment when she buys White's Cream j Vermifuge for her baby. The best I worm medicine ever offered to moth- j eis. Many indeed are the : sensible mothers, who write expressing their gratitude for the good health of their children, which they owe to the use -of White's Cream Vermifuge. Hunt ley ' Bros. - Drug Co. : . - n IN some conditions the gain from the use of Scott's Emulsion is very rapid. For this reason we put up a fifty-cent size, which is enough for an ordinary cough or cold or useful as a trial for babies and children, in other conditions the gain is slower health cannot - be built up in a day. In such cases Scott's Emulsion must be taken 3 as nourishment; a food rather than a medicine. It's a food for tired and weak digestions. Send lor free pt ' Scott & Bowne, 409 4 rW St. Chasteta New York I Si. All drags "Speaking of the torture to which some of the savage tribes in the Phil ippines subject their captives, reminds me of the intense sufferingI endured for three months from - inflammation of the kidneys," says W. M. Sherman, of Cushing, Me. "Nothing helped me until I tried Electric Bitters,- three bottles of which completely cured me..' Cures liver complaint, dyspepsia, blootf disorders and malaria, and restores the weak and nervous to robust health. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones, drug gists. Price 50 cents. S m m ' ' $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stagey, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requir es a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken interally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous ; surfaces of the system, thereby des troying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength bv building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that 'they offer One Hundred Dollars, for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testi- ' monials. . Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists. 75 cents. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs 'rt,, Copyrights Ac. Anrone sending a sketch and deaerlotlon ttibv flulcklr ascertain oitr opinion free whether u invention is probably patentable. Commaniea tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent sent free. Oldest aveitcy for securing- patents. Patents taken tlirouftb Munn A Co. receive. wptciai netice. wit bout charge, in tbe Scientific American. A handsomely Ulnstrated weekly. Largest clr dilation of any ecientltic Journal. Terms, S3 a year: four months, fl. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.818'""'. New York Branch Office, 625 F BU Washington. D. C. DENTISTRY At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday on Appointments. JOHN W. THOMAS, Dentist