City En REGOM nrr VOL. 39. NO. 18. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1906. ESTABLISHED 1866. b ' to,c - - Ak UP OPPOSITION MEETM TO MEN ON THE TICKET CANDIDATES FOR STATE, DIS TRICT, COUNTY AND PRECINCT. With Practically a Full Registration, Good Vote Expected at Primary Election. The registration of voters in Clack' a mas county for the primary election ended Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Practically all of the voters of the county have registered and with the great interest that is being shown it is expected that a heavy vote will be polled in the primary election next Friday. The State, district, county and precinct tickets have been com pleted and are presented herewith. Republican State Ticket. Governor Harvey K. Brown, Baker City; T. T. Geer. Salem; Charles A. Johns, Baker City; Charles A. Sehl brede. Coos County; James Withy combe, Corvallis. United States Senator Long term, Jonathan Bourne. Jr., Portland; H. j M. Cake, Portland ; Stephen A. Low ell, Pendleton; E. L. Smith, Hood River; E. B. Watson, Portland. Short term, Fred W. Mulkey," Portland. Justice of the Supreme Court Rob ert, Eakin, Union County. Attorney-General A. M. Crawford, , Douglas county; George H. Durham, Josephine county. 'State Printer William J. Clarke, Marion county;. Willis S. Duniway, Portland; J. R. Whitney, Albany. Secretary of State Frank W. Ben son, Roseburg; Claud Gatch, Salem; Lot L. Pearce, Salem; Frank T. Wrightman, Salem. State Treasurer J. H. Aitkin, Baker county;' E. V. Carter, Jackson; Ralph W. Hoyt, Portland; A. C. Jennings, Bugene; Thomas F. Ryan, Oregon City; George A. Steel, Oregon City. Congressman First District, Willis C. Hawley, Salem; Samuel B. Huston, Hillsboro; Walter L. Tooze, Wood burn. Second District W. R. Ellis, Pendleton; William J. Lachner, Baker City; John L. Rand, Baker City;. Geo. S. Shepherd, Portland. Superintendent Public Instruction J. H. Ackermtn, Portland. - Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff, ! Portland. " ( Democratic State Ticket. Governor- George E. 4 Chamberlain, Portland. United States Senator- John M. Gearin, Portland. Justice of the Supreme Court T. G. Hailey, Pendleton. Attorney-General Robert A. Miller, Portland. State Printer J. Scott Taylor, Kla math Falls. Secretary of State! Paul H. Sroat, Salem. State Treasurer J. D. Matlock, Eu gene. Congressman, First District Chas. V. Galloway, McMinnville; P. A. Coch ran, Woodburn. Congressman. Second Dstrict Jas. Harvey Graham, 'Baker City. Insofar as the nominations for state offices are concerned there will be no contest in the Democratic primaries. The only office for which more than one candidate has appeared is con gressman for the first district, and Charles V. Galloway seems to be as sured of the nomination. The candidates on the Republican and Democratic county and legislative tickets are as follows: State Senator Senator George C. Brownell and L. L. Porter, republi can; J. E. Hedges, Democrat. ' Representative E. P.' Carter, C. H. Dye. John H. Gibson, Gordon E. Hayes C. G. Huntley. Frank Jaggar, L. E Jones, J. L. Kruse, George Ran Jail, W. W. Smith, Dr. C. B. Smith. Henry E. Stevens, J. A. Talbert, Republican; Henry A. Aden, O. D. Eby, C. N. Wait, Democrat. County Judge Grant B. Dimick, Richard Scott, Republican; Harvey G. Starkweather, Democrat. Commissioner W., H. Counsell, F. J. Harkenrider, John H. Lewellen, W H. Mattoon. W. S. Rider, Republican; J. T. Grace, Democrat. Sheriff D. R. Dimick. R. 1. Greaves, B. C. Maddock, John K. Morris, R. E Woodward, Republican; R. B. Beatie, Democrat. Clerk Fred W. Greenman. .George L. Story, I. D. Taylor, Republican; Howard F. Latourette. Democrat. Recorder- E. P. Dedman. Chauncey B. Rama by. Republican; Wm., Shan Bon, Democrat. Treasurer O. A. Cheney, j. C. Pad dock, J. A. Tufts, Republican; Robert Baker, Democrat. Surveyor S. A. D. Hungate, Repub lican. "- Coroner- R. L. Holman. W. M. Shank, Republican; Dr. C. H. Meiss ner. Democrat. Justice of the Peace Oregon City District P. D. Curran, A. M. Sinnott, Livy Stipp, Republican ;. J. C. Sawyer, Democrat; Constable S. Mosier, H. W. Trembath, Republican; Chas. Ely, Democrat. The candidates for precinct officers so far as there are aspirants are: . i Precinct Officers Republican. District- No. 2 John W. Van Horn, J. C. Haines, Justice. District No. 3 J. W. Grasle, John R. Kelso, Justice; E. Schubert, Con stable. District No. 4 Livy Stipp, P. D. Curran, A. M. Sinnott, Justice; S. District No. 6 William Knight Jus tice. District No. 7 J. J. Sandsness, Jus tice; Joe King, Constable. District No. 10 M. E. Kandle, Hen ry C. Kleinsmith, Justice. District No. 11 Thomas C. Jubb, Justice. District No. IS T. G. Jonsrud, Jus tice; Bert Jonsrud, Constable. District No. 15 B. F. Smith, Justice; Solon Kinzer, Constable. Committeemen Republican. Abernethy C. W. Parrlsh, W. H. Smith. ' , . Beaver Creek Fred Steiner. Canernah Sam. L. Stevens. j Estacada E. F. Surface. . . i George Henry W. Johnson. Macksburg George E. Oglesby. Milwaukie City Charles A. Lakin. j Marquam J. W. Hobart. J Milk Creek E. J. Maple. I Needy J. E. Mitts. j Oak Grove E. D. Olds, Thomas j Howell. Oregon Water Power and Railway Company Fur nishes Brownell with Special Car to Carry Audience From Eagle Creek , to Barton. NOT A SINGLE MAN ACCEPTED OFFER OF FREE TRANSPORTATION Clackamas County's Corporation Senator Introduces an Innovation in His Desperate Campaign CANDIDATE FOR REPUBLICAN NOMINATION AS STATE TREASURER Brownell, by means of a special car that was furnished him by the Oregon Osweeo C. N. Haines Precinct Officer. Democratic. Water Power &. Railway Company, District No. 4 J. C. Sawyer. Justice- ' sou3nt to break up a political meeting Charles F. Ely, Constable. that was held at Eagle Creek last Fri- District No. 8 F. H. Dunean. Jus- day evening by L. L. Porter and tice; J. T. Adams. Constable ! c- H- Dye, candidates for State Sena- District No. 14 A. E. AllsDaueh tor and Representative, respectively, Justice; A. Gerhardus, Constable. , on tn Republican ticket. Committeemen Democratic. I The car was sent to Boring and Beaver Creek Fred Kamrath. j placed at the disposal of Senator Oregon City No 1 J. E. Jack. . ; Brownell. U was theif sent to Eagle Oregon C ty No. 2 H. E. Draper. i Creek shortly before! the time for con Oregon City No. 3 W. B. Stafford, vening the Porter-Dye meeting. Ar Union Sidney Graham. j rived there, the announcement was " i made and the statement was given circulation to the effect that the car had been provided for such of the . . t i Eagle Creek people who wished to go "'"-"en mna rre-; to Barton and attend the Brownell cinct Assessors Bill. i meetina. In the letter printed below there is ! tne "me co""t,on, the mforma given the opinion of one Granger to . !,0n wa" ?Jv'n out that no charge, for another relative to Senator Brownell I tare ,wou'd a8ked of Egle Creek and the Precinct Assessors Bill. The ! PeP,e wno took Pa"8e m that ear letter was written by Jacob Voorhies, j . . A man was sent to the hall in which of Woodburn, in response to a request Porter and Dye were making ready to OPINION OF A GRANGER. TO THE VOTERS AND. CITIZENS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY: Nearly two years ago, after consultation with many of the citizens of this county, I made the announcement that at this time I would be a candidate Cor the Republican nomination as State Treasurer and from all parts of the county I received encouragement and proffers of support, as it seemed to be nearly the unanimous opinion that Clackamas County, the oldest in the State, should have recognition by the selection of one of its citizens for a state officer, it having as yet never received that honorable distinction; since that time I have also corresponded with many of the most prominent members of the Republican Party in all parts of the State and have received much en couragement together with the acknowledgment that in their opinion our county is entitled to a place upon the state ticket; they have Btated however. from Wm. Grisenthwalte, of this coun ty. State Master of the Grange. Mr. Voorhies is himself past master of the State Grange, and was' a member of the legislative committee that had hold their meeting and here the news of the special car to Barton with free transportation was given out.. But not a single man left the hall at Eagle Creek. Not a voter accepted the offer been appointed by the Grange to look' of a free trip to Barton, but the entire mier dius cieiore tne legislature In audience remained and with interest, which the Grange as an organization listened to the addresses of the two poration. To make these claims after having read, publicly, letters from the management of both the Oregon Water Power & Railway Company and the Southern Pacific Company, indorsing his candidacy and pledging the sup port of these corporations, would ac tually make one smile. Of course, these corporations are with Brownell. They have been with m m ju iuc past ana uiey are witn mm in his present fight. The only differ-) ence in the situation is that hereto fore the corporations have quietly sup- J ported Brownell. but this year they are making no pretense of hiding their j. hand. They are openly supporting j urownen ana doing ail they can to- , wards bringing about his renomina tion and re-election. They have as- support and they are giving him mate rial assistance. He is too useful a man for them not to be interested in. They wish to retain him in the posi tion in which he has been able to ren der such valuable services in their behalf. . But the voters have awakened to the situation and it remains to be seen, if corporations or the people them selves are going to nominate and elect the legislators from this county. The people are demanding cleaner and bet ter things, politically, in Clackamas county. 4f officials now representing BROWNELL' S NIGHTMARE. "In the silent watches of the night." might have an Interest The letter follows: "Friend Grissenthwaite: "In reply to your inquiry: '"If the work done by Geo. C. Brown ell in favor of the Precinct Assessors Bill was hard work, he is too easily I speakers. This - innovation, introduced ' by Brownell, is most 'decidedly a depart ure from the usual manner of conduct ing campaigns in Clackamas county. But in this instance it netted thn nrn-' urea out to mane a good itepresenta- motor notning but the deserved con tive of the people. Better leave him tempt of an insulted audience which at home so that he will not appear ( preferred rather to remain and hear to be working for the farmers' inter- j an exposition of the Senator's unenvi ests and keeping his pledges to them, able record than take a complimentary when in reality he was doing the op- i ride to Barton. posite i nave seen humbugs before, the people in legislative capacities are not going to take the Initiative and divorce themselves from their corpor ation alHancpa AnH Influ ers themselves will ncrfnrm thn rtin-! solution act. The vote in the primary electon next week promises to be a revelation in this direction. COM- HOW TO , IMPROVE YOUR PLEXION. Everyone who wants a good healthy coior, a ruddy and clear DTrl But still Brownell has the nnailul. ; fmn vm A, on thof Vlnrf 1.00 haan ' .! . . . . " U4 UlUUUBUeSS. SUlg- . . " ""m""" i lid re iu mana neiore an in- gish liver and chronic cinatinatinn in the Oregon ature R j telllgent anudience and deny that he , should get a& 5 c2Sk?2R!SZ Mosier. H. W. Trembath. Constable. Woodburn. Oregon. March 22. 1906." ! ested in or employed ba single cor- Bros. " MUnUejr JUDGE THOS. F, RYAN, OF OREGON CITY Conceded now to be the people's choice for the office and as far in the lea of his competitors. Judge Ryan is neither officer, stockholder, agent or employee of any bask ing concern and stands squarely on the platform that "The funds of the State should not be used forthe benefit of any pmr ticular bank or money loaning institution; that all moneys of the State e posited in banks by the State Treasurer should draw interest which should be paid into the State Treasury. That the State Treasurer be prohibited from speculating with the state funds in any manner, and that he reoive tm other salary or remuneration for his services than the salary, allowed him uade: the law; that the State Treasurer be prohibited from having: interest, dlreeUj ' or indirectly, either as officer, stockholder, agent or employee of any banUatc institution in which any of the moneys of the State are deposited or loan." that the reason that we have not been recognized in this matter before if that we have never been united in our demand for recognition; that Jeatoaaj and faction prevails among us to the extent that no good man can receive th united support of old Clackamas. Wherever I have been I have deniea this statement as false and malicious, and that with a few exceptions, no men urt more loyal and true to the interests of their county and its inhabitants than yon men of old Claakamas. I have been twice honored by you in being elected a? your county Judge and I can assure you that I have appreciated your kinaatesb (Continued on page 4.) mi IT -Absolutely Pure A GRAPE CREAM OF TARTAR BAKING POWDER It makes the most delicious and healthful hot breads, biscuit and cake FREE FROM ALUM, LIME OR PHOSPHATIC ACID Alum baking powders are tmhealthful. Bo not use them toe raising1 food tinder any circumstances. So detrimental are alum baking1 powders considered, that in most foreign countries their sale is prohibited. In many States in this country the law com pels alum powders to be branded fto show that they contain ' this dangerous acid, while in the District of Columbia, Congress has prohibited the sale of all food that contains alum Alum baking powders are old to consumers at from io cents a pound to 25 ounces for 35 cents, or 25 cents, a pound, and when not branded may generally be distipguished by their price.