OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1906. 7 Any skin itching is a temper-tester. The more you scratch the - worse 'it itches. " Doan's Ointment cures piles, eczema any skin itching. At all drug stores. . "-n n n '..v"-'-:' MR. and MRS. WILBERT THOMPSON. 80I Main St., Peoria, 111. MULL'S GRAPE TONIC CURED HIM.. Wilbert Thompson never knew a well day "tmtil last Jane he had been constipated all . his life many doctors treated him, but all failed to even help him his health failed rapidly and on January 21, 1903, Mrs. Thompson asked us to suggest a treatment for her husband We thought the case too serious and recommended that a specialist be consulted ut he also faded to help the patient NOW HE IS WELL. ' " Mull's Grape Tonic Cured Him Mrs. T!-ompson first wrote us as f ollowsr "My husband, aged 23, suffers from sharp pains in his stomach and sometimes thinks It Is his heart. Let me kuow by return mail what causes the pain. If you can. Mr. Thompson has been ireated by several doctors, but they have given him up." . . - ,, We promptly advised that a first-class specialist be consulted. We quote j "Wd want to sell Mull 8 Grape Tonic, because we know It will eure constipation, but 50c. a bottle Is no object to us when human life Is at stake, and if your husbands case Is as serious as you state, we suggest you consult a reliable specialist; "J? 'feadvertlsinK kind, promptly." At the same time, knowing that Mull's Grape Tonic could do no harm, we advised Its use until a physician could be consulted. January as Mrs. Thompson wrote that a physician had been consulted. He diag nosed the case as being chronic constipation and dyspepsia. His treatment was 'followed faithfully but there was. no perceptible Improvement In Mr. Thompson's health. Then he began taking Mull's Grape Tonic and on Sept. 8, 1903, we received the following letter from Mrs. Thompson: . - r "You will remember that I wrote to you last January In regard to my husband la! hwiitli. It Is four months since he quit taking Mull's Grape Tonlo for constipation, which the suffered sinoe birth. He took Just 24 bottles of it and is perfectly cured. He Is Imich stronger and has gained considerably in flesh. I cannot thank you enough for Mull's Grape Tonic. " Is worth Its weight in gold.' Just SI 2 cured him and he has spent hundreds of dollars with doctors who did him no good. Now I want to state my case to you and expect your early reply. I eoJ" pation. have had for three years. Kindly let me know as I am sure It will cure me If you say it will, as ft did all you claimed H would In my husband's case. I "J '2!JPly-i,i P m Very respectfully yours, MRS. W. H. THOMPSON, 801 Main SL, Peor'a, Hu. LET US (S3IWE A SOc. r BOTTLE. This Coupon is good for a 50c Bottle of Mull's Grape Tonic. Fill out this coupon and send to the Lightning Medicine Co., 157 Third'Ave., Kock Island, III., and you will receive a full size, SOc. bottle of Mull' Grape Tonic. I have never taken Hull's Grape Tonic, but if yon will sap ply me with a SOc bottle free. I will take it as directed. Name Street No.. City .State. CIVS PUU aODRESS no writs ptaiii.v. If you are afflicted with constipation or any of its kindred diseases we will buy a 50-cent bottle for you of your druggist and give it to you to try. ; If you are constipated we know it will cure you. Surely if we have such confidence in our remedy as to pay for a bottle of it that you may test for yourself its won derful curative qualities, you should not refuse to accept our offer. Mull's Grape Tonic is , the only cure for constipation known. We do not recom mend it for anything but Constipation and its allied diseases. It is our free gift to you. In accepting this free bottle you do not obligate yourself further than to take its contents.- Mull's Grape Tonic is pleasant to take and one bottle will benefit you. We want you to try it and, therefore, if you will fill out the attached coupon and mail . it to us to-day we will instruct your druggist to give you a 50-cent bottle and charge same to us. , HOWELL & JONES, Reliable Druggists. 3 1 o- Political Column Announcement cards for candidates will be published In this column until the date of the Primary election, April 20, at a nominal charge. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. ' - To the Republican Voters of Clackamas County : : I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the nomina tion for County Treasurer ..on the Republican ticket at the primary election to be held on April 20. If nominated and elected I pledge a careful, effi cient and economical adminis tration of the affairs of that of fice. I am an old soldier and have always, voted the Republi can ticket. This Is the first time I have ever asked for any office at the hands of my party. "Very respectfully, J. C. PADDOCK, of Clackamas. FOR COUNTY CLERK. To the Republican voters of Clackamas county. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Republican nomination for County Clerk at the Primary election, April 20, 1906. My motto is: "Honesty Efficiency, Courtesy." V6ry respectfully, I. D. TAYLOR. of Abernethy Precinct. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. W. W. Smith, of Parkplace, Announc es His Platform, Mr. Smith's platform is as follows: Tax on public Titillty franchises as advocated by State Grange. Repeal of the law governing the burning of slashing. Election of Road Supervisors by the people. Same fishing rights to Clackamas County fishermen as ' Is enjoyed by the lower Columbia fishermen and a j uniform license of gill nets according 10 me lengtn 01 tne net. FOR COUNTY RECORDER. corporations and' his -defense of his jfasal Catarrh quickly yields to treaU, position on the rate bill by saying he ment by Ejy-g cream Balm, which is agree-! must first see a bill before pledging M 10. . It is received through the himself to it, his advocacy of govern-1 notnls, cleanses and heals the whole sux ment aid for main highways and suf-' face over wnich it diffuses itself. Druggists ficient appropriations for all river and j the 500. size ; Trial size by mail, 10 harbor improvements were well re- ! cents. Test it and you are sure to continue ceived and merited the close attention j the treatment. . - and generous applause which follow- Announcement, ed. He will receive a very large per To tocommuU&te those who are partial centage of the republican votes as a to the use of atomizers in applying liquids result of his visit and the untiring ef-1 into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou forts of his friends. j bles, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in G. B. Dimick was present and in a liquid form, which will be known as Ely's few well chosen words presented his j liquid Cream Balm. Price including the interests as a candidate for County : sprayincr tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of the solid preparation. Judge CORRESPONDENT. A" LIVELY TUSSLE with that old enemy of the. race, Con stipation, often, ends in Appendicitis. To avoid all serious trouble with the stomach, liver and bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfectly regulate these organs, without pain or discomfort. 25 Jones.' drug store. CLACKAMAS. Haverlach. ahdM Capps . have moved their store building over to Flaherty's corner facing the county road.. So the town , has three trading places equally convenient. Mrs. Henry Smith, who has been cents at Howell & seriously ill for about three months, was mKea lust ouauay to ur. hick- CENTRAL POINT. To the Republican voters of Clackamas county: I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the nomination of County Recorder at the Re publican primary election to be held April 20, 1906. If nominat ed and elected, I pledge a care ful and economical administra tion of the affairs of the office. I respectfully solicit the sup port of the Republican voters of the county. Very respectfully yours, E. P. DEDMAN, of Clackamas. FOR COUNTY CORONER. To the Republicans of Clack amas County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination of County Coroner on the Repub lican ticket at the primary elec tion, April 20, 1906. If nomi nated and elected I promise a careful and economical admin istration of the affairs of the office, and shall adopt in my platform the principles of econ-, omy, justice and honesty. W. M. SHANK, Leading Undertaker and Em balmer, Oregon City. If nominated and elected will vote for the people's choice for United States Senator. Separate appropriation bill for each item of expenditure of the public funds. Law regulating state and private banks ; and the appointment of a State Bank Examiner The warm sunshine and showers are making the crops grow beautiful ly in this neighborhood and the fruit trees are coming out in full bloom with every indication of a full crop for this harvest. The . Central Point telephone com pany met in Brown s school house the 27th of March with President Geo. Randall in the chair.' After the read ing of the minutes of last meeting we found the company in a progressive condition. All debts having been paid. The effects of the late frost have nearly all disappeared with very little damage done. The people are busy preparing the ground for potato planting. MOLALLA. About two weeks . and then the pri mary. . Register and then do your duty as an elector. Remember the most important elec- That public funds should be loaned tion comes off on the 20th of April, only for the benefit of the public. j this year. Repeal of the law imposing license Geographical selection, other things on hunters. : beinjr eaual. if not better, this South I Primary election, April '20th, 1906, Half of the County is entitled to a por 1 between the hours of 12 noon and 7 tion of the county offices; seeing there is a rising dissatisfaction with so many city office seekers. A confer ence should be , held so Oregon City would nqt get . more than It should. There is no urgent need of electing so much legal talent to transact the p. m. A SCIENTIFIC WONDER. i The " cures that stand to its credit ! TTialro "Ruction 'c Arng Calva a .nlon. lecturer for the Patrons of Husband ry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case of Piles. It heals the worst l burns, sores, boils, ulcers, cuts, and ; wounds, Chilblains, and salt rheum. Only 25 cents at Howell & Jones' drug store. . - FOR COUNTY CLERKr Bean the . is t o n t ..a. . jTtie Kind You Hare Always Bought To the Republicans of Clack amas county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination of County Clerk on the Republi can ticket at the Primary elec tion, April 20, 1906. If nominat ed I promise an economical administration of the affairs of ; the office and fair, courteous and considerate treatment of all persons having business at the office. . GEORGE LINCOLN STORY. Bears the s?xm lv"lu luu na md1s HAWLEY SPEAKS AT MU LI NO. It is seldom Mulino is given so rare a treat as that of last Friday night when Prof. W. C. Hawley, of Salem, candidate for the Republican nomina tion for congressman,- spoke to a crowded house in the Interest of his candidacy. . Prof. Hawley is a pleasant gentle man, a ready speaker and the way he presented his subject showed marked ability and a thorough knowledge of our needs as a state. He is intensely patriotic and paid a glowing tribute to our nation and its defenders. simple business of the county Ben Harless' new daughter is get ting along" all right. Ralph Sawtell is putting in a half mile of pipe line from a spring to his dwelling. - Much clover was frozen out and has been resown. John N. Stewart has just finished putting in 100 acres of grain. Geo.. Daugherty is building a fence on Knob Hill. . Chas. H. Leavitt graduated in vet erinary, surgery on the 29th of March at Chicago. 'f All seemed pleased with the way the weather man has been managing the climatic affairs recently. man s Sanitarium for treatment. Mrs. Mather and daughters enter tained a party of friends from Port land last Sunday. , George Marley, with his wife and little daughter, drove up from Oregon City Sunday'for a short visit with the Hayward family. Several of our young men went fish ing Sunday with poor success. E. E. Chapman is putting up a small building, it is said, for a wood shed, but which will be occupied as bache lor quarters for the present. James Wells has a crew of men at work, getting out and hauling piling from the Bennet place. . ' We are informed that the M. E. Church building is soon to have the addition of a bell tower and vestibule. Rev. Wm. Meyers conducts a class in bible study which meets weekly on Tuesday evening at 7 p. m. A cordial invitation to attend is extended to all. . ! Both churches here are preparing special services for Easter Sabbath. BOOKS CLOSE NEXT TUESDAY. If You Have Not Registered, Do Now. It MADE PROMPT PAYMENT. - Barton, March 30, 1906. Editor Enterprise: I wish to thank the members of Boring Camp No. 7713 M. W. of A., and the Head Camp M. W. of .A., for their kindness to me in the sickness and death of my husband, Ulrich Aemisegger and also for the' prompt payment of the $1000 due me Hla on account of his death. I henrtilv une OI lne most promising things nlatiorm is so familiar to all readers recommend the M. W. of I am about tha British Army just now is it is not necessary to go into details, ' Yours truly, young Waldorf Astor. . but suffice to say his talk on trusts,' . MRS. JULIA AEMISEGGER. The registration of Clackamas coun ty voters on Tuesday evening was 4160. The estimated voting strength of the county is 4500. Of those regis tered to date, approximately 3600 are Republicans. The total voting strength of the county will have registered be fore the 10th when the books - are closed for the primary ..election. More intense interest in the political situa tion in this county was never before ! manifested. The books will be closed "promptly at 5 o'clock, Tuesday afternoon, April j xv, ana tnose wno wouia vote at tne primary election on the 20th instant must make registration - before that time. PARKPLACE. The bright sunshine is bringing out the blossoms on the orchard trees, and bedecking everything in green. i Mr. Oglesby and daughter Zoe have moved from Clackamas . Heights to ; Mt. Pleasant, Oregon. A i Mrs. W. A. Holmes has been surfer- j ing for the ' last week with rheuma- ' tism. ; A little son took up his abode with Mr .and Mrs. Frank Lucas last Fri day morning. For a time the little fellow's life was despaired of, but un der the care of Dr. Strickland, is; now doing nicely. Charlie Straight's baby died Monday and was buried Tuesday afternoon in the Straight burial ground in Park place. - The school exhibit which was held last Friday evening in the Assembly Hall, reflects much credit on the teach ers and pupils for their neat and pains taking work: The hall was divided into booths which were prettily decor ated with flowers and the school col ors, purple and white. The teachers had their work exhibited in the booths which were arranged according to the grades. The debate, "Resolved, that Sena tors should be elected by popular vote," given by the boys, of the high school was won by the affirmative side, but some good speeches were made by the lads on the negative side. Good practice for young men. Frankie Zinzerling cut his knee very badly Monday, which will lay him up for some time. v' . We are very sorry to learn that Mr Harvey Cross' mother, Mrs. Boals is rapidly failing in health.; W. E. Johnson had his arm badly bruised while working at the paper mill, which has layed him up for a week.- Mrs. Anderson, and daughter, from the Upper Peninsula, of Michigan, are guests of Mrs. F. Sievers of Gladstone. See Nature's, Wondrous Handiwork Through Utah and Colorado Castle Gate, Canon of the j Grand, Black Canon, Mar shall and Tennessee Pas ses, and the World-Famous . Royal Gorge For Descripitive and Illustrated Phamplets, write to W. C. McBRIDE, Cen'l Ag't, -124 Third St., PORTLAND, Or. TO THE PUBLIC. The residents of Colton, and Upper Milk and Canyon Creek,. Clackamas county, have combined together to protect the trout that have been plac ed in said streams and there will be kept 'close watch on said streams. W. E." BONNE Y. LOGAN, The family of J. Sprague are recov ering from the tonsilitis. 1 The sick ones at Stone are improv ing slowly the last .we heard. ; Mrs. J. C. Sprague, of Corvallis, is visiting her old home at Logan this week. . , Thos. McCubbin, who died of can cer the 28th, inst., was laid to rest in Pleasant View cemetery Friday last. The funeral rites were conducted by Harding., Grange of which he was a member. A large concourse of friends and relatives were present to pay their final tribute to the dead. He had been a sufferer from cancer for several years. Daily Telegram and Enterprise, both one year, for only $5. If Yo Want a "tracker jack Jrlumbinjr Job at ; a little cost, by all means confer with us before handing out your contract. A. MIHLSTIN, Main Street, near Eighth El The question of artificial light in your HOME is worthy of serious consideration, Do you realize, fully what electric service means in the household all that it bestows in the direc tion of health, comfort, convenience, conservation of eyesight, and the added "TONE" to your home? Do you care to have your home as convenient and comfortable for you and yours as you can make it? Electric service is available to the smallest as well as the largest user. So cheap is the service at our REDUCED RATES that it can be afforded in the smallest homes. - In the STORE the uses of Electric Light are four fold; A3 an illuminant, as an ADVERTISEMENT and as a proclamation of PROGRESSION, of EN TERPRISE, of ideas and methods that are UP-TO-DATE. An ELECTRIC SIGN IS A SIGN OF LIFE. Business life that is what attracts trade. TRADE follows most easily the path blazed by ELECTRICITY. Estimates on wiring, cost of current and informa tion regarding the use of electricity forv LIGHT or POWER, promptly furnished upon application to C. G. Miller at the Company's branch office, next door ' to the Bank of Oregon City. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY C. G. Miller Contract Manager for Oregon City. glvT? rosy cheeks and active health to pale, sickly children :s ' AnQ 11 is good tor their elders, too. Ask your druggist for it. (OS