Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 06, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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An Ordinance providing for the
time and manner of improving John
Quincy Adams Street of Oregon City,
Oregon, from the North line of Sixth
Street to the South line of Seventh
Oregon City does Ordain as follows:
Section 1. . The proposed improve
ment of that part of John Quincy
Adams Street of Oregon City, Oregon,
lying between the North line of Sixth
Street and the South line of Seventh
Street shall be completed within sixty
days after the signing of the contract
by the parties thereto, due notice
thereof having been given by publi
cation of notice as will more fully ap
pear by proof thereof duly presented
and filed in the office of the City Re
corder. Section 2.
Grading. .
. The street shall be graded down or fill
ed up to the sub-grade as given by the
City Engineer.
Care must be taken to preserve the
' proper crown and all sort and spongy
places not affording a firm foundation
shall be dug out and the space refilled
with good earth, sand, gravel or crushed
rock, carefully rammed or rolled so as to
make such filling compact and solid.
The full width to be paved shall be
sprinkled and thoroughly rolled and com
pacted with a steam road roller, of not
less than 5 tons weight, and by ramm
ing in such places as the roller cannot
reach, and if during the process of
rolling, indentations or sunken places
appear, such shall be filled with prop
er material, and then again rolled, un
til even surface is secured.
Such rolling shall be completed in sec
tions of at least one block, and shall be
tested and accepted by the City Engineer
before any material for the pavement is
placed thereon.
On the roadbed thus formed and com
pleted will be spread a layer of clean,
broken stone, free from dirt, not less
than 8 Inches in depth at the center
line and taper uniformly to a depth
of 3 Inches at the curbs, after being
thoroughly sprinkled and rolled.
The stones shall . be square faced
quarried rock, uniform in quality and as
nearly approaching the cube in form as
practicable; of not less than one Inch In
diameter, nor of greater diameter than
(2) inch ring.
On the above layer of stone will be
spread a layer of screenings, sand or
fine gravel as may be designated by the
City Engineer, . in sufficient quantity to
fill up all interstices, and to bring the
street to the proper grade after being
thoroughly rolled and compacted. And
such sand, gravel or screenings shall be
sprinkled and rolled until a. firm unyield
ing and thoroughly even surface Is ob
tained, which surface shall be the finish
ed grade of the street. Macadam will be
paid for per cubic yard in place. . ,
The surface of the street will be clear
ed of all obstructions including timbers,
planks, side walks and cross walks. If
such obstructions are not removed by
the owners of the adjacent property
within three days after having been noti
fied by the Superintendent of Streets
they shall become the property of - the
contractor and shall be removed by ; him
without additional compensation there
for. , . "" :
Fills and Embankments.
No material of a perishable nature will
be placed in the embankment. The earth
taken from excavation will be used to
bring the street and side walks to grade
when necessary. All borrowed ma
terial for embankment will be taken
from 6th between Jackson and Van
Buren Streets. '. Such borrowed ma
terial will be paid for in embankment
only. Grading will be paid for per
cubic yard for excavation and em
bankment except borrowed material
which will be paid for in embankment
only. ;
A sidewalk will be constructed on either
side of the street as follows:
The planking will, be 2 inches" thick,
6 feet long and 8 "inches wide dressed
on the upper surface and laid upon
three stringers. -:
The stringers will be 4x6 inches and
not less than 12 feet long and will be
laid on edge with broken . joints. When
not imbedded in the earth, tbe stringers
will have a firm bearing 1n every 6 feet
in length of walk. gtie planking will be
securely nailed to the stringers using 2
4 inch nails fn each bearing. The walk
will have a grade or fall toward the "curb
of the street of inch to each foot in
width of the walk. At equal distances
of not more than eleven (11) feet nor
less than ten (10) feet one plank
eight (8) feet eight ; (8) inches long
shall be laid down and nailed to the
curb. ;
Curbing. There will be a line, of curbing plac
ed on either side of the roadway and
twenty (20) feet distant from the
center line of the street, except at
lley intersections. The curb will be
four (4) inches thick and sixteen (16)
inches deep and will be set vertically
on a line of the side-walk bed. At
alley intersections the curb will be
set on a true curve of a two foot rad
ius. The curb in all instances to be
set to such grades as to conform to
the cross section of the street.
Lumber and Timbers.
All lumber and timbers used in the
work must be of sound fir timber, square
edged and free from all large loose or un
sound knots, waney edges, splits, and
generally free from sap.
Where required by the Engineer,
box gutters four (4) inches deep and
twelve (12) inches wide will be con
structed Of fir planking two (2)
inches thick securely nailed together
ana to tne curb, and nrmly imbedded
in the earth.
Gutters will be paid for. per lineal
foot in place. . - "
Removal of Rubbish.
All rubbish that may accumulate during
the performance of the work or by rea
son of the work herein provided for shall
be removed by the contractor and the
street left in a clean and good condition.
All settlements that may appear - in
any portion of the macadam J or other
work before the final acceptance of the
work by the city shall be repaired and
made good by the contractor at his ex
pense. Obstructions to Travel.'- ;
The work must be done In such a man
ner as t obstruct public travel as little
as possible. ,
Colored Lights.
Colored lights and If necessary night
watchmen are to be maintained at all
obstructions or other places of danger.
Classification. .
This will include clay, sand, loam, or
other earthly material and loose stones
containing less than one cubic foot
This will include all loose stones con
taining one cubic foot to one cubic yard.
This will include all loose rock or bowl
ders containing one cubic yard and up
wards, also all rock ledges or other ma
terial requiring to be disintegrated by
All work herein provided for will be
done In strict -corformity with these spec
ifications and plans accompanying same
in a thorough and workmanlike manner
to the satisfaction of the City Engineer,
and his decision as to the meaning and
Intent of these specifications, measure
ments, computations of quantities per
taining thereto, whether freely specified
herein or not shall be final and conclu
sive between the parties.
All unfit or condemned material should
be immediately removed from the site of
the work. In the event of any workman
employed by the contractor refusing to
comply with the provisions of these spec
ifications or with the Instructions of the
City Engineer or his assistant or the in
spector in charge of the work, or- for
doing his work in an unworkmanlike
manner, shall be discharged by the con
tractor as soon as notified in writing by
the Engineer of such neglect or refusal.
, The contractor shall take entire charge
of the work during the, progress and shall
be responsible for any loss, damage or
injury to water and sewer pipes to ad
jacent property, or accidents resulting
from blasting or from any carelessness
or neglect hi doing the work set out In
these plans and specifications, and will
hold the city of Oregon City and any and
all of the officials thereof free and harm
less therefrom.
The contractor must protect his work
until It Is completed and duly accept
ed, and he must repair any damage done
to it by freshets, rains or other accidents
at his own cost. In case of any accident
to water or sewer pipes the contractor
shall immediately notify the proper au
Staking Out Work.
The work provided for under these
specifications will be staked out by the
City Engineer or his assistants and the
contractor wul be required to carefully
preserve all such stakes set.
The right is reserved by the city coun
cil to make such alterations as .may be
found expedient during the progress of
the work, and in such event there shall
be added to or deducted from the con
tract price such sum as shall represent
the cost of such additional or subtracted
work to be estimated by .the Engineer.
Extra Work.
The contractor shall not be entitled to
demand or receive payment for any work
as extra work, unless ordered in writ
ing by the Engineer to do the same and
at the price agreed upon and named in
the written order for such work previous
to its commencement.
AU disputes as tp the intent' and .mean
ing of these specifications shall be refer
red to the Engineer and Street Commit
tee whose decision shall be final and con
clusive. Proposals..
Parties bidding on the work provided
herein, must state in their bid the. time
required for the completion of the entire
improvement as herein specified after
the approval of the contract by the Mayor
and should the contractor fail to . com
plete the work within the time specifi
ed in the said contract the city shall
have the right to charge the contractor
the sum of five dollars per day as liqui
dated damages for each and every day
that the work shall Vemain uncompleted
after said specified, date and -such
sum shall be deducted from the
amount of the final payment. No pro
posal will be considered when
not accompanied by a-certified cheek
equal to five per cent of the total esti
mate, which check shall be forfeited to
the city upon the failure' of' the success
ful bidder to execute the agreement pro-,
vided for herein within ten days after
the award of contract. i
Blank forms Upon" which all proposals
are to be submitted will be. furnished up
on application to the City Engineer. . ,
.' Payments.
Monthly estimates of the,, amount of
work : completed will be made by the
Engineer and an advance payment of
seventy-five per cent . of such estimate ;
will be ordered at- the first regular
meeting of the city council thereafter.
The. remaining twenty-five per cent to
be paid in a lump sum. within thirty -.five
days after the final acceptance of. the
entire contract when completed.
The contractor will be required to fur
nish a bond with approved security in the
full amount of the contract price, condi
tioned on the faithful and complete per
formance of the work in accordance w 1th
all the stipulations of the contract and
within the time named therein.
Wherever the word "Engineer" is
used in these specifications it is un
derstood to refer to the City Engineer
or. to any engineer employed and au
thorized by the City Council to su
perintend such work.
Wherever the word committee oc
curs in . these specifications it shall
be understood to refer to the Commit
tee on "Streets and Public Property of
the City Council of Oregon City.
Wherever the ? word "contractor" oc
curs in these specifications it. is "under
stood to refer to the" contractor, or firm
of contractors (or any member thereof)
or any contractor undertaking the work
herein specified.
' All the above work and material to
be furnished, shall be done and fur
nished to the satisfaction of the City
Engineer. .
The City Council reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Section 3.- The Committee on Streets
and Public Property are hereby authoriz
ed to advertise for and receive . proposals
as aforesaid, an the Mayor and Record
er shall enter mto contract with each
person, firm ort corporation - to whom
the contracts ard let by the City Coun-'
Do Your Ankles or Limbs Swell?
Are Your Eyes Puffy? We are
the Solo Agents for the Only
Thing Known That Cures the
Kidney Diseases that Cause
- Dropsy, viz: Fulton's Compound.
It Is now well known that-dropsy Is not In
Itself a disease but is commonly a symptom of
Bright's Disease or Diabetes. Hence, up to the
discovery of the Fulton Compounds, dropsy was
incurable. It is now, however, curable In nearly
nine tenths of all cases. Here is an interesting
recovery, to which we refer by permission.
Mrs. Peter Goyheneix of 928 Fillmore street,
San Francisco, became alarmingly dropsical.
Her physician had finally to tap her every few
days. She was tapped nearty forty times and
grew worse from day to day. The physician
finally told her husband that she had Bright's
Disease of the Kidneys, that it was In an ad
vanced chronic state and beyond medical aid.
Her heart also gave her the usual trouble and
she was in such a serious condition the relatives
were sent for. They put her on Fulton's Com
pound. It stayed on her stomach, the first
thing that had done so for a week. The second
week the dropsy declined a little and the im
provement was then gradual until her recovery
was complete. This case was examined into
by representatives of the San Francisco Star
and the Overland Monthly, and the genuineness
ol the case and the recovery were fully attested
in their columns.
Mrs. Thomas Christol of 42 Twenty-seventh
street, San Francisco, was also swollen with
dropsy, as a result of chronio Bright's Disease,
to more than seventy-five pounds beyond her
normal we'ght, and had to be moved in sheets
and was close to death's door although she had
four physicians. She was put on the Fulton
Compounds. Three weeks showed improvement
and in six months she waa weU, and permits
this reference.
There is only ene thing known that will cure
the chronic kidney disease that is behind dropsy
and that is Fulton's Compound. The Renal
Compound for Bright's and Kidney diseases, $1;
Rr Diabetes, 11.50. John J. Fulton Co., 409
Washington street, San Francisco, sole com
pounders. Send for pamphlet. W are the sol
agents for this city.
Cbcurman & Co., City Drug Store.
cil for the improvement or parts there
of specified in this Ordinance.
Section 4. Each contract shall con
tain a stipulation to the effect that the
person, firm or corporation to whom
said contract is let shall look for pay
ment only to the sum to be assessed
upon the property liable to pay for
such improvemen, and collected' and
paid into the City Treasury for that
purpose and they will not require 'Or
egon City by any legal processor
otherwise to pay the sum out of an
other fund.
Read first time and -ordered publish
ed at a regular meeting of the Coun
cil of Oregon City, held April - 4th,
1906, and to come up for second read
ing and final passage at a special
meeting of the Couneil to be .held
Saturday, April 14, 1906, at 8 o'clock
p. m. ...
Can't look well, eat well or feel well
with impure blood feeding your body.
Keep the blood pure with "Burdock
Blood Bitters. Eat simply, take ex
ercise, keep clean .and "you will have
long life. , . . ..-',- "
WHEREAS The road -out of 'the
South end of the City is now about
ready for travel, and . r -
WHEREAS, Its successful comple
tion has been brought about through
the efforts and energy of the late
Elmer E. Charman; ,.
Therefore, be it ' resolved that as a
mark of respect to his memory and m
appreciation of his efforts and labor
for the benefit of the -city, the council
in. all its official acts in relation to
said road,- designate it as "The Char-
man Road," also that the road as
shown on any plats be marked and in
dicated by that name! ' '
Adopted by the Council of Oregon
City, at a regular , meeting held April
4th, 1906. " :'.'.
,W. A. DIMICK,-'
;Y . Recorder'.
An' ordinance authorizing the pur
chase of an American La France Hook
and Ladder Truck for the Oregon City'
Fire Department..:
Oregon City does ordain as follows: T
That the Mayor and. Recorder of
Oregon City, Oregon, are hereby au
thorized and empowered . to. enter in
to contract for and purchase from A.
G. Long & Co., one sixth size Ameri
can La France Hook and - Ladder;
Truck,, for the Oregon City Fire Department,-at
a cost of r not to exceed
$825.00 for said ttuck.
Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a regular meeting of the
Council of Oregon City, held April
4th, 1906, , and to : come up for sec
ond reading and final passage at a
special meeting of ; the Council to be
held Saturday, April 14th, 1906 at 8
o'clock, p. m.
By order of the Council of Oregon
i Recorder.
Treasurer's' Notice.
I now have money to pay county
warrants ' endorsed prior to April .1,
1905, Interest will cease on such war
rants on the date ofthis notice.
Oregon City, Oregon, March 30, 1906.
Treasurer or Clackamas County, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for County of Clackamas.
Joseph A. Plechaty, Plaintiff, ..
vs. ,
Emma Plechaty, Defendant. ;
To Emma Plechaty, Defendant: - ... .:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required -to appear in
the above entitled Court and answer
the complaint filed -against you there
in oft or before the 19th day of May,
1906, said date being six weeks after
the first publication hereof, which
first publication is on the. 6th day of
April, 1906. If you fail to appear and
Dr. Pierce's FaYorite Prescription
Is a powerful, invigorating tonic, impart
ing health and strength in particular
to the organs distinctly feminine. The
local, womanly health Is so Intimately
related to the general health that when
diseases of the delicate womanly organs
are cured the whole body gains in health
and strength. For weak and sickly
women who are "worn-out," "run-down"
or debilitated, especially for women who
work in store, office or schoolroom, who
sit at the typewriter or sewing machine,
or bear heavy household burdens, and for
nursing mothers, Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription has proven a priceless
benefit because of its health-restoring
and strength-giving powers.
As a soothing and strengthening nerv
ine. "Favorite Prescription" is un
equalcd and is invaluable in allaying and
subduing nervous excitability, irritabil
ity, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostra
tion, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea,
or bt. Vitus's dance, and other distressing
nervous symptoms commonly attendant
upon functional and organic disease of
tne womanly organs. It induces refresh
ing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and
Cures obstinate cases. "Favorite Pre
scription " is a positive cure for the most
complicated and obstinate cases of "fe
male weakness," painful periods, irregu
larities, prolapsus or falling of the pelvic
organs, weak back, bearing-down sensa
tions, chronic congestion, inflammation
and ulceration.
Dr. Pierce's medicines are made from
harmless . but eflicient medical roots
found growing in our American forests.
The Indians know of the marvelous cura
tive value of some of these roots and im-
F parted that knowledge to some of the
riendlier whites, and gradually some of
the more progressive physicians came to
test and use them, and ever since they
have grown in favor by reason of their
superior cuiative virtues and their safe
and harmlivs qualities.
Your druc-gists sell the "Favomh Pbj
bcription " and also that famous altera
tive, blood purifier and stomach tonic, the
"Golden Medical Discoveby." Write
to Dr. Pierce about your case. He is an
experienced physician and will treat your
case as confidential and without charge
for correspondence. Address kim at the
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,
Buffalo, N. Y., of which Ea is chief con
sulting physician.
answer the plaintiff will take a decree
against you for the relief demanded
in the complaint, which is for a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
now existing between yourself and
the plaintiff. .
This summons is nublished in mir-
suance of an order of . tfie Honorable
Thomas A. McBride, judge of the
above entitled court mad? and enter
ed on the 3l8t day of March, 1906.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
- Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned - will apply to the County
Court of Clackamas County.Oregon,
for a license to sell spirituous, malt
and vinuous liquors for the period of
six months from the day of
.......1906, at 10:00 a. m., and that
he' will present the following petition
to said court on said day for said li
cense. T. M. ALLISON,
To the Honorable County Court
Clackamas County, Oregon:: '..,
We the. undersigned, residents and
legal voters -of Boring precinct in
'CJackamas County, ; Oregon, hereby
respectfully petition your honorable
body to grant to T, M. Alliscon, a li
cense for a period of six months from
the day of:.... .1906,
to sell spirituous,' malt and vinuous
liquors in less quantities than one gal
lon in Boring precinct, Clackamas
County, Oregon.
T. O. Svendsen, Chas. Pfyffer, Geo.
Robinson, J. B. Jonsrud, B. Holtz, S.
E. Card, J. O. Cornett, W. Miller, John
Musa, C Z. Lake, C. Palmer, G. Fish
er, -Michael -Boyle,' J. E. Simons, D.
Hedermann; H. . Anderson, E. S." Hick
ey, W. E. Elkins, W. Bernegger, A.
Herz,' Joseph Borde, Frank Irvin, C.
L.' Rankin, C. A. Rich, ,D. C. ...Moll,
W. C.Hallis, D. J. flite, Chas Gros
hong, M.. L. Joyce,'- Chas. Tinneman.'
In the Circuit C jurt' of . the - State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Maude. Clays, . : '
Plaintiff. ' '' !- -.-
Henry Clays,
' ' Defendant;
To Henry Claya, the defendant:
.In the name-of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear in
the. .above named ; court and answer
the complaint filed against you therein
on or before the 5th day of May, J:)06,
said date being six weeks after the
first publication hereof, which first
publication Is on the 23d day of. March
1906. If you. fail to appear and answer
the plaintiff will, take a decree against I
you for the relief demanded in the com
plaint, which is for a decree dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony now exist
ing between yourself and plaintiff and
for the resumption. of her maiden
name, to-wit, Maude Cook and for her
costs and disbursements.
This summons is published in pur
suance of an order, of the Hon. Thos.
A. McBride, Judge of the above named
court, made and entered on the 19th
day of March 1906.
---.'. . PAUL R. DEADY,
. Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Marion.
Charles Scott, as executor of the es
tate of Robert H. Scott, deceased
And Ann Scott, Plaintiffs,"
. : ' vs. ' , - ' ' -' .' .-,
The Oregon Land Company, et al,
County of Clackamas. ss.
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
of -and under the seal of the above en
titled Court, in- the : above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 17th day of March, 1906, upon a
judgment rendered and entered in said
conrt on the 20th day of January, 1903,
ins f avor-jof Charlea: -Scott, as ; execu
to?.f ;the estate ot Robert H. Scott,
deceased and Ann Scott, Plaintiffs and
against The- Oregon Land Company
et al, Defendants, for the sum of
$55,140.00, and the costs of and upon,
this Writ, commanding me out of the
personal property or said defendants,
and if sufficient could not be found,
then out of the real property belong
ing to said defendants on and after
the date of said judgment to satisfy
said sum of $55,140.00 (less $26,500.00
heretofore made on execution sales)
and also the costs of and upon this
said writ.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and de
cree, and in compliance with the com
mands of said writ, being unable to
find any personal property of said de
fendant's, I did on the 20th day of
March, 1906, duly levy upon the fol
lowing described .real property of said
defendants, situate and being in the
County of Clackamas, and State of
Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at a point 700 feet S. 35"
W. of the Southeast corner of Lot 98
of Friends Oregon Colony; thence S.
42 E. to the middle of the channel of
Butte Creek; thence following down
the middle channel of said creek to" a
point S. 34 W. of a point 50 feet N.
50 W. of the angle on the South
boundary of lot 112; thence N. 34 E.
to the South boundary of lot 112
to a point 50 feet N. 50 W. of the
angle on the South boundary of said
lot; thence S. 50 E. 50 feet to the
angle on the South boundary of lot
112; thence S. 30 40' E. to the South
west corner of lot 111; thence by me
anders following the South line of Lot
111 to the South-east corner of said
lot; thence S. 37 10' E on the South
side of Penny Street to the South
west corner of lot 102; thence follow
ing the South line of lot 102 to the
South-west corner of Lot 99; thence
following the South line of lot 99 to
the South-west corner of Lot 98, a dis
tance of 959 feet by the plat of "said
tract; thence following the South line
of lot 98 to the place of beginning, and
I will, on Saturday, the 21st day of
April, 1906, at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m., at the front door of the County
Court House, in the City of Oregon
City, in said County and State, sell at
public auction, subject to redemption,
to the highest bidder, for TJ. S. gold
coin, cash in hand, all the right, title
and interest which the within named
defendants; or either of them, had on
the date of said judgment, or since had
in or. to the above described real prop
erty or any part thereof, to - satisfy
saia juagment oraer, decree, interest,
costs and all accruing costs.
: Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore.
By E. C. Hackett, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, March
23rd, 1906.'
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, and for the County of Clack
amas. Sallie Akins, Plaintiff, '
. vs.
R. W. Akins, Defendant.
To the defendant R. W. Akins:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint herein,. on or be
fore (Monday) the 16th day of April,
1906. Said date being more than .six
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication, of this summons, and.' said
date being after the time prescribed
by said court and by law, for the pub
lication' of . this summons. And if you
fail to so appear and answer, plaintiff
will apply for the relief demanded in
the complaint to-wit:
That the bonds of matrimony now
existing between plaintiff and defen
dant be forever i dissolved, and .that
the custody of Lester Akins be award
ed to this- plaintiff. That the plain
tiff may be decreed to be the owner of -an
undivided one-third interest in the
following described real estate, situ
ated 'in' Multnomah County,, Oregon,
to-wit: ''
Commencing at a point twenty . (20)
rods north of a stake forty-six rods
west of the; south-west corner of . the
Jas. Powell .D. L. C; thence east
twenty-two (22) rods; thence north
twenty-eight, (28) rods and eight (8)
links; . thence west twenty-two t( 22)
rods; thence south twenty-eight. 28
rods and eight, (8) links to the place
of beginning, containing four 4) acres
more or less. The. same being part of
the tract ' known as. the "Old Metho
dist Camp' Grounds," situated in sec
tion 10, township 1, south range 3y
east. I" "" ."".
That the defendant be restrained
from disposing of or in any manner in
cumbering the. . property described,
during the pendency of this suit, that
the defendant may be required to pay
the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars
($250.00) into : this court to defray
the expenses of .this Court, and for the
support of. the plaintiff''- during this
action, for permanent alimony and for j
her costs , and disbursements' herein, j
and for such further relief as shell
seem meet and equitable.
This summons is published once a
week for- six consecutive -, weeks . fey
order of Honorable Thomas ,' Ryan,
Judge of the County Court .of Clack
amas County, Oregon, dated the 28th
of February, 1906. The date of the
first publication of this summons is"
Friday, March 2d, and the last is Fri
day Aprit 13, 1906.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County ..
Anna Boyd, -Plaintiff,
. - vs. ' 1 '.. '" - :
George Boyd, Defendant. -
To George Boyd, .; defendant , above
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled court and cause,
on or before six (6) weeks from the
30th day of March, 1906, the date of
the- first publication of this summons,
and if you ' fail so to appear and an
swer, the plaintiff will apply to j the
court for the relief prayed for and de
manded in the complaint herein filed,
to-wit: - For judgment and decree for
ever dissolving the bonds of matrimony
heretofore existing . between plaintiff
and defendant; and that plaintiff be
restored to -her maiden name, Anna L.
Prahl, and to all the rights and privi-
leges of an unmarried woman, and for 1
her costs and disbursements herein
and for such other and further relief I
, as to the court may seem just and
equiuiDie. .
. This summons is published by order
of Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of
the above entitled court, made and
dated on the 26th day of March, 1906.'
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
First publication March 30, 1906. s
(Last publication May 11, 1906.
Seeing my little scrap of items from
Damascus in your last week's paper,
I thought I would come again.
The Right Honorable High Muck-a-Muck
Brownell spoke to a large audi
ence at the John Elliott Hall Wednes
day evening, March 28. For fear the
audience might get tired of his sweet
dulcet voice, he "brought along three
accomplished singers, to fill in the
interludes. Of course most of the
audience being Brownell men, sat like
a nest full of young birds with heir
mouths open, waiting to swallow any
thing the old mother bird was a mind
to drop in, grasshoppers, or shingle
nails, it didn't matter which, and of
course Brownell dropped in lots of
what I would call indigestible food,
but the swallowed it down and no
doubt wanted more. I really felt sor
ry for the other five candidates that
wanted to speak, but Brownell occu
pied the floor so long, telling how he
loved theh people, and what he would
do for them, if they would elect him
again, and referring so often to that
little Patent Medicine advertising
sheet, the Enterprise, that the other
candidates had no time to tell what
they would do if elected. Perhaps it
is a good thing. Wool is so plentiful
in Clackamas county, if we are so
amind, we can all have some, but as
long as the voters will be gulled by
such men as Brownell, they will never .
accomplish anything for their benefit
by their ballot. .
Well, every body is busy around
here putting in .crops.
Bill Dallis is seeding down to clover
the widow Hiser"s place. -
Edd Boring is busy on five acres of
new ground he has cleared this win
ter. -
The O. W. P. surveyors are still at
work ,in this neighborhood. '
There was a party at Mr. Molen
hoop's last night in honor of Mrs.
Molenhoop's mother, who leaves soon
for Hamburg, Germany. . ,
Mrs. McGeehan attended the con
vention at Portland last . Wednesday
and Thursday of the Woman Suffrage.
This is a question that is becoming
quite a topic, and we find many in
favor if it There-are a few who
think it will prove, demoralizing ' to
the home and that its influence will
promote a restless and Unhappy state
of affairs in the family relations. Such
may happen with the few who rebel
against it, but the wives and mothers
an daughters will take a greater in
terest in the paramount issues for
the betterment of existing conditions.
No one will doubt this in the least,
and where; is there a woman today
born and raised in . America but has
the mental ability to vote right in
preference to the foreigner who comes
here.; illiterate and crude, takes out
the naturalization papers and goes to .
the polls and -.votes, many times a
man will go to jthe ballot box and put '
in a vote - that, somebody has- given
him a: drink of whisky to vote as he
was asked to ; do. It -4s said woman
would allow herself to drop out the
effect of "her individuality. To say
woman would .take no interest in nolk.
tics is untrue. . All .-women " have an '
interest in that which effects for
good or evil the country in which she
lives. Woman has a power over her
home and the .Success, or?, failure of''
the business interest on which is
founded the material welfare of that
home. It is a question of broadened:
intelligence and influence of patriot-' '
ism.- it spartan -mothers and. Roman ''
matjpons are to be held as Models be
fore (its. Then the cultivation of an
intelligent patriotism is a logical re
suit. It is not claimed 1 that . woman" '
sha ll take up the intricacies of ward -politics,
but there' are, broad under- "
lying principles of party differences
which they can understand and should.
To announce herself as belonging to
either ' party without an idea of the -policy,
of that party is absurd.- : No
woman of intelligence will assert par
tisanship without defining her faith.
But ishe will stand forth for principles
and it is to be hoped a better class of -men
will seek the offices of state and 4
nation than some we know ihave 'won
their way by bribery and are a bane to. '-,
the better elements of our politics. '
; : Mrs. Moran,-, Mrs. Francis and Mrs.
Matchett . -are- on : the sick list this .
week., . ., . a
Mr. Gerber - has bought the home ..
residence of J, D.. Locke and moved
into the house on Duane Avenue. . ' . ,
Mrs. Wm. Hall had an operation
performed on the throat for a growth
that was troubling her very much, ,
and is. much better. ,
The Dramatic Club gives their en
tertainment, entitled, '-My Neighbor's
Wife," at May's Hall, Saturday even
ing, April 14. -
Rev. Bollinger Will 'preach at the -church
here next Sunday at three -p.
m. - - '
(Received too late for last week.)
. - Will and Henry Hettman are work
ing for Rev. . Wettlaufer of Timber
Grove. ' . :''--
There were two- pleasant gatherings
in our community last Saturday night.
One at' the home of Wm. Moeanke and
the other at the Dix Bros.' home.
Everyone report a happy time, ' , .
Miss Elnora Ginther, who has been
teaching school at Barlow the past six
months, is at home for a time. , ;
Miss Gertie Shubel intends going to ,
Sellwood to work next week...
Mesdames E. F. Gunther ,Rsie
Gunther, Maggie and Minnie Horn
schuk visited Mrs. Massinger Sunday
afternoon. ' ,.-.-,"
Mr. Stegeman intends building a
new barn this summer. -
Henry Hornschuk of Oregon' Citv.
visited his brother, E. W., at this
place last Sunday.-. :.
A number of people from here at
tended the funeral-of Mr. Miens at
Oswego last Sunday. .
Rev. Emil Hornshuh of Tigardville,
visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C.: Hornschuh, last week.