OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 19b6. ...Short Sidehead Stories... TERSELY-TOLD TALES OP THE WEEK'S DOINGS. On Account of Small Pox The Beaver Creek and Cams schools east of this city have been closed on account of a small pox scare in those neighborhoods. Emerson Spatz and Miss Bertha Spangler are the victims. By closing the schools and establish ing a strict quarantine the people ex pect to prevent a further spread of the disease. Fay Got One Year Pleading guilty in the circuit court Saturday afternoon 'to a charge of ob taining money under, false pretenses, A. Fay, a young man of this city, was sentenced by Judge MeBride , to one year in the state penitentiary. In the Divorce Court Circuit Judge MeBride at an ad journed term of the circuit court Sat urday granted four divorces as fol lows: Ada Burowg vs. Jos. Burrows; John Yost vs. Laura Yost; Nina D. Windom vs. Jas. L. Windom; Henry Hornshuh vs. Aneita Hornshuh. Or ders of default and reference were en tered in the following cases: W. T. Patton vs. Bertha B. Patton; Helen M. Binns, vs. Wm. O. Binns. ' A FOOLISH PLAN the fellow who recently issued several checks on an Oregon City bank, the face value of each of the worthless checks being--$2.50. He succeeded in getting one of the checks cashed. Fay was taken to Salem Monday. Will Save Their Money Canby is to have a banking insti tution, articles of incorporation of the Canby Bank & Trust Company having Fay is j been filed with the County Clerk. The New Hose Cart The members of the council ordered the mayor and recorder to enter into a contract with the La France Fire & Engine Company and draw up an or dinance for the purchasing of the sixth size, latest improved village hook and ladder truck. This truck will cost the city $825, it being one of the most modern up-to-date trucks west of Chicago, having a steel frame and a complete equipment. This truck will be a great improvement to the fire department of this city, as the old truck has been in use for 50 years or more, and was considered dangerous, the ladders having become weak and worn. corporation will engage in a general banking and real estate business with a capital stock of $10,000. The in corporators consist of several of Can by's leading busines men as follows: Fred A ..Rosenkrans, Elmer H. Carl ton, Geo. H. Scramlin, Henry A. Ded man, Oramel R. Mack, Louis H. Wang and Leroy D "Walker. 1 May Have Suicided No trace whatever has been found of John Heinrich, the demented farm er, who disappeared two weeks ago from his farm near Clackamas. Mr. Heinrich was last seen near Logan and near the Clackamas, river within a few hours after leaving his home. His complete disappearance since that time leads to the belief that he drown ed himself in the Clackamas river. Heinrich imagined he was being pur sued ry persons who threatened his life and when so afflicted he frequent ly intimated that he might end his He leaves a wife and three child- llile. Would Elect by People - j ren. Resolutions declaring for the elec- Vi r nfnfn -fioli Tiro Tri fn on1 Yi l Q deputy by the people were adopted at The str,ke At 9,e Creek a meeting of Clackamas county fish ermen held here last Thursday. The resolutions urged the Clackamas county legislative delegation, that is yet to be nominated and elected, to ad vocate such an amendment to the present statutes. The fishermen also demand that the law be so changed as to provide a schedule of licenses to be charged for at the rate of so much per fathom. Under the present law a uniform charge is asked for all li censes. A permanent organization of the fishermen was held for the ad vancement of their interests and the following officer's were elected: M. A. Magone, president; Harry Aune, secretary; H. W. Trembath, treasurer. No formal indorsement was made of any of the legislative candidates but it will be the purpose of the organiza tion to support only such candidates as are favorable to the amendments to the fishing laws that are desired in this county. Henry Russell, of Molalla, foreman ofthe Ogle Mountain mines, .and J. B. and Thos. B. Fairclough, of this city, arrived last Friday night from the promisiing Clackamas county mines. They confirm the report of the rich strike that was recently made at the mines, a ledge of free-milling ore being encountered that assays from $1000 to $3000 per ton, and brought with them more samples of the rich quartz. These men report that the ledge has been worked for a distance of 20 feet, the quartz produc ed being of uniform quality, equalling that first discovered. The extent of the ledge has not yet been determin ed but the property is being worked diligently by a large force of men who have the ore bins filled with promis ing ore that awaits the starting of the stamp mill. This -mill will be placed in operation as soon as the ' five feet of snow, with which the property is covered, has melted. Tis a lov to eat I welcome mv dinner hour j Because I rout indigestion with August Flower I Constipation is the result of indigestion, biliousness, flatulency, loss of appetite, self -"poisoning, anemia, emaciation, uric acid, neuralgia in various parts of n the system, catarrhal inflammation of the in testinal canal and numerous other ail ments that rob life of its pleasures if they oo not nnauy roo you ot lite itseli. "I'm bound in the bowels." is a com mon expression of people who look mis erable and are miserable yet who persist in letting nature take its course. What a foolish plan.'whe'n nature could be aided by the use of Green's August x-lower, wuicn is nature sown remedy lor constipation and all stomach ills. August Flower gives new life to the liver and insures healthy stools. a Two sizes, 35c and 75c All druggists. Charman & Co., City Drug Store Death of Mrs. Bradley Mrs. Mary Heulat Bradley, aged 67 years, died of dropsy at her home in this city last Friday. She is survived by several children. Funeral services were held at the home of the deceased Sunday morning and the remains were given interment at Canby. Killed in Logging Camp S. H. Blackburn, aged 23 years, son of Mrs. Sarah Blackburn, of West Oregon City, was accidentally killed in a logging camp near Scappoose, Friday, being struck and crushed by a log. The remains were brought to this city for burial. The father of the young man was killed in a railroad crossing accident in this city several years ago, being struck by a Southern Pacific train as he was driving across the railroad track. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon and burial took place at Mountain View cemetery. taken a position at Estacada and Iva M. Dale succeeds him at Garfield, Ren- nie Busch, Bull Run; Emma Fleming, Union Mills; Chloe E. Clark, district No. 94; Edith Karr, Meadow Brook; Ruth F. Arndt, Springwater. Up To Clackamas County Last week E. R. Case, a well-known horseman of Oregon City, is said to have been buncoed out of $250 by two men giving the names of Thomas Zoosman and Frank Jennings. Zoos man told Case that Jennings had a scheme for making counterfeit money that could not be distinguished from the genuine, but unfortunately he had "gone broke" and needed $250 to get the scheme in . operation. Case ad vanced the money, but later grew sus picious. The matter was referred to the United States Grand Jury, now in session, but after investigation it was found that it was a case for the Clack amas County authorities to deal with. There was nothing to show that the men had been engaged in counterfeit ing. It was a bunco game, pure and simple. Thursday's Telegram. Rural Telephone Company- At a meeting of the farmers at the Gresham Grange Hall to complete the organization of the Multnomah & Clackamas County Mutual Telephone Company, ,it was decided to proceed with the organization as soon as pos sible. The by-laws of the corporation were not completed. President H. W. Snashall and Timothy Brownhill were appointed to perfect the organization of the company. The capital stock was placed at $5000, divided into 200 shares at $25 a share. At this meeting it was decided to accept the proposi tion, of the Pacific States Telephone Company to purchase its phones for $8.50 and pay $1 a year rental for the receiver and transmitter, or pay $5 year for rent of 'phones. It was re ported that nearly all the telephone poles had been delivered in that sec tion and that the lines would soon be in operation. Oregonian. SPECIAL RATES FROM THE EAST. LE LB F E A Time When Women Are Susceptible to Many Dread Diseases Intelligent Women Prepare for it. Two Relate their Experiences. Cackamas Teachers County School Superintendent J. C. Zinser has given out the following list of teachers for the different districts in the county: Mary L. Snidow, dis trict No. 90; Victoria M. Alt, Firwood No. 52; Leila Boyles, Russell ville ; Clarence Phillips, Wilhoit. J. E. Stubbs has resigned at Garfield and IT in watches as in everything else. Some people prefer a Waltham to an Elgin. Some people prefer an Elgin to a Waltham. Others prefer a Hamilton to either, and so it goes. There is only one thing to do in a case like that carry a very complete assortment of the various makes in all standard sizes and that we do. Consequently we can submit for your consideration a greater variety of dependable timekeepers than all other dealers combined in Clackamas County. You have always known the SPLENDID QUALITIES of our Watches. We are now showing all the new designs in Gold Filled Watches and we want you to investigate our line. Colonist's tickets will be sold from the East to points on the Oregon lines of the Southern Pacific Co. via Port land, commencing February 15 and continuing daily to and including April 7 and from September 15 until October 31. The rates from some of the princi pal points are: Chicago, $25; Bloom ington. 111.. $31.80; St. Louis $30 Omaha, $25; Kansas City, $25; Coun cil Bluffs, $25; St. Joseph, $25; Sioux City, $25; Denver, $25; corresponding rates will be made from other points and will appear to all points on Ore gon lines. . Persons desiring to pay for tick ets to bring anyone from the East or middle West to Oregon may deposit the amount required with the local agent of the S. P. The company will do the rest. For further information inquire at any Southern Pacific ticket office. KILLED BY FREIGHT TRAIN. T. J. Andre, of Estacada, Loses Life on O. W. P. Co. Track. T. J. Andre, of Estacada, was run over and killed by an Oregon Water Power & Railway freight train near Barton at 11:35 o'clock Monday night. Coroner R. L. Holman, of this city held an inquest, the jury finding that the deceased eame to his death accident ally. The railway company was ab solved of all responsibility and blame for the accident was attached to no one. Andre, who was 55 years of age. had been in Portland during the day and departed on the last passenger car for his home, leaving the car at Barton." He failed to board his car which pro ceeded on to Estacada, and after 11 o clock started to walk to Estacada. Testimony was offered at the inquest to the effect that just before the freight train reached Barton, en route from Estacada to Portland, Andre was seen to fall across the track immed iately in front of the approaching train which the motorman was unable to stop in -time to prevent the acci dent. Andre's body was frightfully mangled, death resulting instantane ously. Coroner Holman and John W. Loder, reporter, conducted an inquest. . Andre was a well-to-do resident and property owner of Estacada. He is survived by a wife and a son and one step-daughter. He was a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge of Fayette, Ohio. Andre's remains were brought to this city for interment Wednesday. Burial services were held under the auspices of the I. O. O. F. lodge, in terment being had at Mountain View cemetery. A LIBERAL OFFER TO CURE INDIGESTION. Causes both Eyeache and Headache. Drugs rdieve only tempor arily. Properly adjusted glasses remove the cause and effect a permanent cure. Our Optician will make a complete examination of the Eye, tell you just where the trouble is and then you may get glasses or not, just as ou wish. ' Examination Free. - - B No Reason Why Any Oregon City Res ident Should Suffer Any Longer. Many observant Oregon City people who have been reading from time co time of the remarkable cures made by Pepsikola tablets have wondered if it really is true that this remedy will cure stomach trouble and indigestion. However, the truth of this'' state ment can easily be verified. Drop into the store any time you are passing and we will be pleased to give yon the names of a number of prominent peo ple in town who can truthfully tell of the benefics derived from the use of these tablets. If you are troubled with sour stom ach, heart-burn, palpitation, wind belching, fullness or distress after eat- i ing, or any other of the symptoms of ! dyspepsia, you owe it to yourself to give this prescription for indigestion and stomach trouble a ten days' trial, . and if after using one 25 cent box you ! can honestly say you have not re ceived the benefits hoped for, Huntley Bros, will pay you back your money without the least hesitation. - The "change of life" is the most critical period of a woman's existence, and the anxiety felt by women as it draws near is not without reason. Every woman who neglects the care of her health at this time in vites disease and pain. When her system is in a deranged condition, or she is predisposed to apoplexy, or congestion of any organ, the ten dency is at this period likely to become active .and with a host of ner vous irritations make life a burden. At this time, also, cancers and tumors are more liable to form and begin their destructive work. Such warning symp toms as sense of suffo cation, hot flashes, head aches, backaches, dread of impending evil, timid ity, sounds in the ears," palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, constipa tion, variable appetite, weakness, inquietude. and dizziness, are promptly heeded by in telligent women who are approachmc the period in life when woman's great change may be expected. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound was prepared to meet the needs of woman's system at this trying period of her life. It invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weakened nervous system. For special advice regarding this im portant period women are invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., and it will be furnished absolutely free of charge. The present Mrs. Pinkham is the daughter-in-law of L-ydia E. Pink ham, her assistant before her decease, and for twenty-five years since her advice has been freely given to sick women. Read what Lydia E. Pinkham's Com pound did for Mrs. Hyland and Mrs. Hinkle : Dear Mrs. Pinkham : - f " I had been suffering with displacement of the organs for years and was passing through the change of life. My abdomen was badly swollen; my stomach was sore; I had dizzy spells, sick neadacnes, ana was very nervous. 11 WaumaeuooMmabmomamammaamaJ . oiaaauaiiammoinoaiuaQOioQtv " x wrote you for advice and commenced treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound as yon directed, and I am happy to say that all those distressing symp toms left me and I have passed safely through the change of life, a well woman. 1 am recommending your medicine to all my friends." Mr a. Annie E. G. Hyland, Chester town, Md. Another Woman's Case. During change of life words cannot ex press what I suffered. My physician said I had a cancerous . condition of the female organs. One day I read some of the testi monials of women who had been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I decided to try it and to write you for advice. Your medicine made me a well woman, and all my bad symptoms soon disappeared. V - " I advise- every woman at this period of life to take your medicine and write you for ad vice." Mrs. Lizzie Hinkle, Salem, Ind. What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Hyland and Mrs. Hinkle it will do for other women at this time of life. It has conquered pain, restored health, and prolonged life in cases that utterly bamed physicians. lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others F&B WORK WEAKENS THE KIDNEYS. Doan's Kidney Pills Have Done Great Service for People Who Work in Oregon City. Most Oregon City people work every day in some strained, unnatural posi tion bending constantly over a desk riding on jolting wagons or cars doing laborious housework; lifting, reaching or pulling, or trying in a hundred and one other ways. All these strains tend to wear, weaken and injure the kidneys until they fall behind in their work of filtering the poisons from the blood. Doan's Kid ney Pills cure sick kidneys, put new strength in bad backs. Oregon City cures prove it. Theodore Huerth, carpenter, living at Parkplace, about two miles from Oregon City, Oregon, says: "I found Doan's Kidney Pills do just what is claimed for them. For a long time I" suffered a good deal with lame ness and achhig over the kidneys and irregularity of the action of the kid neys. The trouble was not severe enough to- lay me up but was very an noying and made it difficult for me to stoop or lift anything without my back paining me. " I was induced to try ! Doan s Kidney Pills from the recom mendation of a friend, and went to Huntley Bros. drug store for them. Their use absolutely removed the trouble with the kidneys, strengthened my back and In every way proved your remedy to be worthy of all confi dence. For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doans' and take no other. W. 8- r'Bea 0. 8oaaebel U'REN & SCHUEBEL Attorneys at Law. QetttTdjev gUrn itat. Win practice In all courts, make collec tions and settlements of estates. Furnish abstracts of title, lend you mon ey, lend you money on first mortgage. Office in Enterprise Building, Oregon Cily, Oregon. J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY AT LAW Oregon City, - - -Oregon Win practice m all the courts of the state Office In Caufield Building. LIVY STIPP Attorney at Law. Justice of the Peace. Office In Jagger Building, Oregon City. C. D. and D. C. LATOURETTE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. ROBERT A. MILLER - ATTOR N EY-AT-LA W. Practice in all courts of the state. Federal and United States Supreme Courts. Room 306 Commercial Building Portland, Oregon. ; ; 0 W. EASTHAM ATTORNEY AT LAW Collections, Mortgage Foreclosures, Ab stracts of Title and General Law Bus iness. Office over Bank of Oregon City, Oregon City, Or. I 1 PORTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Abstracts of Property Furnished. Office with Oregon City Enterprise. Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. j Furnish Abstracts of Title, Loan Money. Foreclose Mortgage, and transact General Law Business. DR. C. H. MEISSNER PHYSICIAN AttD SURGEON Office, Rooms 4-5-6 Barclay building. All calls promptly attended to. Phone, office 41, residence 1044. When you require an Abstract of Title to lands in Clackamas County, have it accurately and reliably prepared by a responsible company incorpor- ated for the purpose. Our rates are reasonable. We invite you 'to ex amine our complete set of Abstract Books. CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 606- 608 Chamber ef Commerce Bldg., PORTLAND, OREGON. : Money to loan on Clackamas County Property. 'I A REWARD. Suspension Bridge Corner The OCg0n Qity JcwclctS 11 we oner a reward or 225 cents lor every case of skin trouble, eczema, ul I cers, old running sores, wounds, cuts. or any kind of scalp trouble that Der makola Ointment will not heal, for if not cured we pay the 25 cents back. Huntley Bros. Friday,. April 20, will prove Black Friday to more than one candidate. Prices Reasonable LET US Do Your Work Work Quaranteed We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business. l; Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved - - Office Opposite Masonic Building MepXSSaT Williams Bros. Transfer Co. i