Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 06, 1906, Image 1

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VOL. 39. NO. 17.
Sixteen Men would Serve as Repre-
" sentatives The Candidates.
.and .a .Short
WitH scarcely an exception, all of
the candidates for nomination to leg
islative and county offices on both the
Republican and Democratic tickets
In Clackamas County, qualified by
filing with the County Clerk their pe
titions before 5 o'clock Wednesday
evening as is required under the di
rect primary law.
On the Republican ticket the con
'test for State Senator lies between
Senator George C. Brownell, who asks
for a re-nomination, and ex-Senator
L. L. Porter, both of this city. For
the nomination of three Representa
tives there are Sixteen candidates.
Five men would be sheriff, and
there will be contests for all of the
other nominations on' the ticket with
the exception of surveyor for which
only aspirant.
There is but one vacancy on the
Democratic ticket, that of surveyor,
but there are just enough candidates
for the nominations to be made.
The candidates on the two tickets
are as follows:
State Senator Senator George C.
Brownell and L. L. Porter, reubli
can; J. E. Hedges, Democrat.
Representative E. P. Carter, C. H.
Dye, John H. Gibson, Gordon E. Hayes,
C. fx. Huntley, Frank Jaggar, L. E.
Jones, J. L. Kruse, George Randall,
W. W. Smith, Dr. C. B. Smith, Henry
E. Stevens, J. A. Talbert, Republican;
Henry A. Aden, OD. Eby, C. N. Wait,
County Judge Grant B. Dimick,
Richard Scott, Republican; Harvey G.
Starkweather, Democrat.
Commissioner W. H. Counsell, F.
J. Harkenrider, John H. Lewellen, W.
4H. Mattoon, W. S. Rider, Republican;
J. T. Grace, Democrat.
Sheriff D. R. Dimick, R. L. Greaves,
E. C. Maddock, John K. Morris, R. E.
Woodward, Republican; R. B. Beatie,
Clerk Fred W. Greenman, George i
l,. story, i. u. uayior. Republican; r
Howard F. Latourette, Democrat. I
Recorder E. P. Dedman, Chauncey 1
E. Ramsby, Republican; Wm. Shan
non, Democrat.
Treasurer O. A. Cheney, J. C. Pad
dock, J. A. Tufts, Republican; Robert
, Baker, Democrat.
Surveyor S. Av D. Hungate, Repub
lican. Coroner R. L. Holman, W. M.
Shank, Republican; Dr. C. H. Meiss
ner, Democrat.
Justice of the Peace Oregon City
District P-. D. Curran, A. M. Sinnott,
Livy Stipp, Republican; J. C. Sawyer,
Democrat; Constable S. Mosier, H.
W. Trembath, Republican; Chas. Ely,
The Enterprise will next week pub
lish the names of the candidates for
the district and precinct offices.
Brief .Statement
Platform. . -the
Republican voters of Clack
amas County:
I have filed my petitions in the of
fice of the Secretary of State, as a
candidate for the position of Joint
Representative for Multnomah and
Clackamas Counties.
If I am nominated and . elected, I
will during my term of office advocate,
J especially the following measures and
principles :
"Goode roads, better men, an econ
omic policy in the fiscal affairs of the
State, the election of a U. S. Senator
by direct vote of the people, a forty-
foot channel to the Sea, free trans
portation on the Willamette and Col
umbia Rivers and a greater Oregon."
I believe in the taxation of public
franchises, and that in relation to tax
ation, corporations and individuals
should be treated exactly alike. Jus
tice to all and special favors to none.
At the same time capital should be
encouraged to come into Clackamas
County, and aid us in developing its
vast and varied industries. I was a
member of the Oregon Senate for the
sessions of 1891 and 1893 and my
record is fairly well known to the peo
ple of the county. I passed eleven
bills through the Legislature in 1893
which received the approval of the
Governor.- Among them was what is
generally known as.the cash road law
resulting in revolutionizing the road
I system of Clackamas county and other
counties of the State. We have al
ready over one hundred miles of mod
ern roads in our county as a direct
result of this law. I also introduced
and passed a bill putting the Sheriffs,
Clerks and Recorders throughout the
State on a flat salary. This last meas
ure was forced through the Legisla
ture only after a vast amount of hard
work. It has saved to the taxpayers
of the State hundreds of thousands of
dollars. I also passed the law creating
the office of Attorney-General. I have
signed Statement No. 1. I was born
in Clackamas County, and have Great
faith in its future, and whether nom
inated and elected or not, will continue
to work for the upbuilding of its In
dustries and for every right and prop
er measure that will benefit our peo-
Both The Oregon Water Power and Railway Com
pany and the Southern Pacific Company
Come to Support of Clackamas
County Senator
Write Letters Indorsing
Him as a Logical
Pledge Their Support of Brownell
for Renomination and
Fearful lest their servicable legis
lative tool, Senator Brownell, be not
renominated and returned. to the State
Senate to further serve his steward
ship, both the Oregon Water Power
& Railway Company and the Southern
Pacific Company, have rushed to the
support of the Clackamas County Sen
ator in his candidacy for renomination
and re-election.
They have written letters indors
ing Senator Brownell as the only logi
cal candidate to be returned to the
State Senate at this time. In addition
they pledge their loyal support to Mr.
Brownell in his fight. They advise and
are exerting their influence to per
suade the voters of Clackamas County
to once again rally to the support of
Mr. .Brownell on whose faithful ser
vices at Salem they have always
placed a high appraisement. And why
should they not? It is but natural
that Senator Brownell should receive
the support of interests he so loyally
serves. It is equally surprising in
Richard' Scott for County Judge, all
on the Republican ticket, conducted a
meeting at Yoder's school house where
they were greeted by a large and in
terested audience. The voters evinc
ed a keen interest in the addresses of
the speakers whose stand for cleaner
politics in Clackmas county was heart
ily applauded and endorsed. Music for
this meeting was furnished by the
Yoder brass band of a dozen pieces.
This organization was a surprise. The
twelve young men constitute a musical-
company that is a credit to them
selves and the neighborhood In which
they live. They play very creditably
some difficult music and their selec
tions constituted an entertaining fea
ture of the evening's programme.
Saturday evening these speakers
addressed the voters of Barlow and
vicinity The Norwegian choir of fif
teen voices was heard in several se
lections that received the liberal , ap
plause that was merited The attend
ance was large and here as well as
other places in the county where
these gentlemen have held meetings,
an unusual interest was displayed in
the political situation In this county.
D. R. Dimick, candidate for sheriff
also spoke at the Barlow meeting.
Many voters were unable to gain ad
mission to the Shubel school house
Monday night when Messrs. Porter,
Dye, Richard Scott, R. L. Greaves and
O. A, Cheney addressed the voters of
that section. The' addresses of the
speakers were rceived. with attention
and it was clearly evident that the
people of that section of the county
stand for better things politically in
Clackamas as advocated by the speak
ers. '
Nearly two years ago, after consultation with many of the citizens of this
county, I made the announcement that at this time I would be a candidate' for
the Republican nomination as State Treasurer and from all parts of the
county I received encouragement and proffers of support, as it seemed to be
nearly the unanimous opinion that Clackamas County, the oldest in the State,
should have recognition by the selection of one of its citizens for a state
officer, it having as yet never received that honorable distinction; since that
time I have also corresponded with many of the most prominent members of
the Republican Party in all parts of the State and have received much en
couragement together with the acknowledgment that in their opinion our
county is entitled to a place upon the state ticket;they have stated however,
that the reason that we have not been recognized in this matter before la
that we have never been united in our demand for recognition; that jealousy
and faction prevails among us to the extent that no good man can receive t&e
united support of old Clackamas. Wherever I have been I have denied this
statement as false and malicious, and that with a few exceptions, no men are
more loyal and true to the interests of their county and its inhabitants than you
men of old Clackamas. ' I have been twice honored by you in being elected as
your county Judge and I can assure you that I have appreciated your kindness
Owing to the fact that the duties
of the office of county clerk, making
it impossible for me to make a per
sonal canvas of the county, I take this
method of stating to the Republican
voters that I am decidedly .a candidate
for the office of County Clerk, and
respectfully ask the support of the
Republican voters of this county.
Position of Candidate for United States
Every combination of capital known
as a trust should be placed under the
ban of the law, not only should trust
corporations themselves be barred
from doing business, but the individu
als responsible for the combinations
should be punished as provided by
law, says H. M. Cake, candidate for
United States Senator.
There is probably no man in the
State of Oregon more pronounced in
his opinions upon this subject than
Mr. Cake, as evidenced by his actions
and past utterances.
He is not the attorney for, is not
interested in, nor does he represent,
directly or indirectly, any trust.
He believes in the absolute freedom
of competition in all lines of business
the preservation of the equal rights
of the entire citizenship of the country
free from interference by combina
tions of capital.
The greats common people of the
country can depend upon it that Mr.
Cake is friendly to their interests, for
he is one of the common people.
He is friendly to every section and
interest of the state, and if elected to
the Senate, will do everything he can
for the development and prosperity of
all Oregon.
mini jjjw I
. . ' . , - ------
) '
.-' Ls .,
Conceded now to be the people's choice for the office and as far in the lead of
bis competitors. "
Judge Ryan is neither officer, stockholder, agent or employee of any bank
ing concern and stands squarely on the platform that
"The funds of the State should n'ot be used for the benefit of any par
ticular bank or money loaning institution; .that all moneys of the State de
posited in banks by the State Treasurer should draw interest which should
be paid into the State Treasury. That the State .Treasurer be prohibitea
from speculating with the state funds in any manner, and that he receive no
other salary or remuneration for his services than the salary allowed him under
the law; that the State Treasurer be prohibited from having interest, directly
or indirectly, either as officer, stockholder, agent or employee of any banking
institution in which any of the moneys of the State are deposited or loaned. t
and have always endeavored to perform every trust and duty In connection
with said office without prejudice or partiality and to your satisfaction; when
I was first elected the county was deeply in debt and I promised you that
I should labor unceasingly to relieve you of jsame, and proud am I to state
at this time, that after years of labor and discouragement, my word has
been made good and today, in the Treasury of our County is sufficient funds
to pay every outstanding obligation owing by Clackamas County, and I hope
that never again will our great county be compelled to- pay the large inter
est charges which for the past 24 years have assisted in making out tax rate
so high; I am also proud to call your attention to the fact that your present
corps of county officers have systemized and performed the work and duties
(Continued on page 4.)
Its No Use, Brownell. The Skates Are Too Mtich fo He
pie or aid our material welfare. I
will cheerfully support my opponent
if he shall receive a majority of votes
at the primary. '
the same connection that the Senator
should receive any support from the
independent-thinking voter' who desir
es and hopes for better things in mat
ters of -legislation pertaining to good,
honest and clean government.
April 6Maple Lane, 7:30.
April 8 Canby, 11 a. m.; Molalla,
3 p. m; Cams, 7:30. - -
April 8 Revival meeting at Molal
la all week.
April 15-Oregon City, 10:45; Shu
bel, 3 p. m.; Highland, 7:30. .
L. L. Porter, Republican
candidate for State Senator,
and C. H. Dye, candidate for
the Republican nomination of
Representative, and other can-'
didates, will address the people
of Clackamas county during
the next several days as fol
lows: ,
..Harmony, Monday, April 9,
7:30 p. m.
Barton, Tuesday, .April 10, at
7:30 p. m. -Stafford,
Wednesday, April 11,
7:30 p. m.
Estacada, Thursday, April 12,
7:30 p. m.
The inconsistent feature of the
whole situation is that Brownell per
sists in .declaring before his intelli
gent audiences that he is not the tool
of corporations, that their interests
are not his interests, that his every
act in public and official life has been
in the interest of the "common peo
ple" to the exclusion of any and all
other considerations. This plea may
have obtained in the past, but it will
not go now. The people have been
fooled too many times. They have
done with Brownell's perfidy and his
Interest Continues Good.
L. L. Porter, candidate for State
Senator, and C. H. Dye, who asks for
the nomination of Representative and
Tuesday evening Porter, Dye and
other speakers were at Maple Lane,
Wednesday night at Brown's school
house, Thursday night at Oak Grove
and tonight, Friday, they speak at
Eagle Creek, concluding the week
with a meeting at Sandy tomorrow
Brownell et al Hold Meetings. -
Last Saturday night Senator Brown
ell and other candidates on the legis
lative and county tickets, addressed
the voters of Eagle Creek. On Mon
day evening the Senator and others
of the candidates held a meeting at
Oswego. .
PLEXION. .Everyone who wants a good healthy
color, a ruddy and clear skin free
from the effects of biliousness, sulg
gish liver and - chronic clnstipation,
should get a 5 cent package of Laxa-
kola Tonic Tablets today. Huntley
Made from 'Pure Grape Cream of Tartar :
In baking powder LRoyal is the standard, the
powder of highest reputation; found by the
United States Government . tests ; of greatest
strength, and purity. -:
It renders the food more healthful and palat-' -able
nd is most economical in practical use.
Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to '
buy" alum powders" because they are "cheap."
Yet some of the cheapest made powders are sold
to consumers at the highest price. - ' ' ' ,
Housekeepers should stop and thyik. Is it :
not better to buy the Royal and take no chances -.'
the powder whose goodness and honesty are never
Is it economy to spoil your digestion by an -.
alum-phosphate or other adultered powder to '
" save a few pennies ?