7 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 190. 4 Constipated Life. MH. and MRS. WILBEHT THOMPSON, 801 Main 8t., Peoria, III. MULL'S GRAPE TONIC CURED HIM. Gilbert Thompwn never knw a well day until Uit June - ht had been conttipated all hto lUe-irunv doctori treated him, but all failed to even help him hit health (ailed rapidly and on January 21, IW3, Mri. Thompion aaked ui to suggest a treatrneot (or her huAand-We thought the case too selou and recommended that a specialist be consulted - but he aUo failed to help the patient NOW HE IS WELL Null's Grape Tonic Cured Him tixl , mifTiirii from sharp pains In 111 tUmMU awl p. i i,;, it i. i,u hunt.. l,nt inn Mimw .v return mail wnai MM inn l-aiii, u " "v-' Mm. T''imiiii flrnt wrote an lOUOWtl "Mjf Inntmwl. ii,, in .f. atiiil dr mural iIixiPim, Iml limy liavn tliiii nun up. w.. Mrninntlv m1vIm.iI that a firhti lMi ipflnlalut Iw cnwiltn' Timln. linrailMi WD know It Will 0Ur nmilllialloll, lilllM made n the edibles would be express ing It. mildly for Mrs. Casaady 1h noted j for her culinary skill and young people ilt always hungry In the "wee nma'" hour of the mornlnK the crowd din- j peraed each wishing their boat many 1 happy returns t the day and wishing each succeeding birthday to he a like celebration. Those present were: Mr. and Mr. W. K Douglass, Mr and Mrs. I W Douglass. Kdward. Floy. Carl, HaMff, Ward and (Jrover Dotlfl I, Homer Halue, George Hawtell, Clar ence and ilughle Oaasedy, Misses Oleo, Hit and Hlna POBglMI and ftertha and Mary Cassedy. Mr John Oassedy, has been hauling lumber for his chicken ranch at. Do ver. Klmer Douglass went to Estaeada Haturday where he visited the tonsorial w porlu rn at that place. Daily Telegram and Enterprise, both one year, for only $5. ImeoiiiHiUiia. Weiiuot- "W waul lo aen ni ji, . I. i,. i,Imi t iih wtiiiii a human Hie In at itakn. k li.il l'r mi t iv " At th. m tli.i-. knnwW that ifaU'l Wat Toata omU tfono harm, we artvlted lu "' I, all ooul-1 I." ooimulU-d. .January M Mr.. I bOfflpMfl wrote that a phtleiM hart bM , roiimilled. JBj llw oJd Ihi nwea ImiIiuv .hioole coi,.ll'atlo.i and drMpHa. III. tratmtil wa. follow, lalth ully hut thr we ;,r!.,r. Wl ;rap fenk and on 8t. Lu - ..kwA I tin ffillnWlfifS Inlh'l f 1 1 .111 Mtl 'I . 11)111 IMtt II 1 rt, I KV'I , W B I1IWV """M-a - r "Yu will rnmbr that I wrote to you Utt Janusrv In rtgard to my nuvnand health. It H H i..-rmSn"h.Sr.:h, A AT A DDU alno. birth. He tooU u.t 24 boltfe. of It and I. perl.otly eured He Is k tf ' n" I JL f aalnedoonaldarablyinlleah. I oannot thank you enough for Mull'a Orapo Tonlo. I It wort" Ita H weight In Beld-' dual SI2 cured him and he haa apent hunoraaa o. -"""T'""" Tih.v. .. hlmno qmd. Now I want to at.to my MM te you and .apeot your ' oh WjT ..tlon,Tie had lor three years. Kindly let me know as I am sure It will oure me If you say It will, a. did ... you XffiftjqflXqm, Itf&tt'Stt&m itaj r UU See Nature's Wondrous Handiwork Through Utah and Colorado Castle Gate. Canon of the Grand, Black Canon, Mar shall and Tennessee Pan Ben, aad the World-Kamoua Royal Gorge For Descrlpitlve and Illustrated Phamplets, write to W. C McBRIDE, Gen'l Ag't, 124 Third St., PORTLAND, Or. LET GIVE YOU A 50c. BOTTLE. Thla Coupon la good for a 50o. Bottle of Mull' Orapo Tonlo. rill mil IliU aaOpaai end sanil to the I.lahtalna Midl ine Co., IBT TlilrdA... Ilirk lalanil. III., and you Mill rrcrnUr lull U, BO., hntllx ul Mull's Ur i aals, I liavw ner Ukwii Mull's flrape Tonic, but If you llt supply u wllb a ur. l.otll fri. 1 will Uh. Ita llrrilfd. N llif Ntm.t No. OMf iva rua aaoaaaa ao waira tit.T. If you an- afflii-ttnl with ronstipOalal Of any of Its UadlM diseaaea we will buy a JO -: ni Ixjltle for yott of your lru;Kiit Ud glw It to you io try. If you arc constipated we know it will cure you. Surely if we have suc h confidence in our remedy lt to . IV for a Ix.ltlr of it Hint you may test for yourself its won derful curative qualities, you should not refuse to accept our oflcr. Mull's Grape Tonic Is the only curr for conMijmtioii known. We do not reewn mend it lor anything, but C'ontiation and its allied diaeaacs. It is our free K'''- yo"- I" accrj)tin this free bottle you do not obligate yourself further than t uke its contents. Mull's Grape Tonic ia pleasant to take and one Untie will -ncfit you. We want you to try it and, therefore, if you will fill out the attached coupon and inaU It to us IimLi) wo will instruct your drugxist to jive you a 50-cent bottle and charge same to us. 0. . . ri nui.ni s2 If Yo Want HOWELL &:JONES, Reliable Druggists. ZViD Ely's Cream Balm Thla Remedy la a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. CIVIS RELIEF AT ONOI. I It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protecta the diaeaaed membrane. It cures oatarrh and drirea away a Odd in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Kasyto nse. Contains no injurious dr.. Jndingr (Hit VOUr COTltraCt. 1 At)t)lil into the nostril and atmorbed. e. 1 ; Irge Size, 60 cent at Druggiata or by I mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Wsrren St., New York. a "Cracker Jack" Plumbine Job at a little cost, by all means confer with us before A. M I H LSTIN, Main Street, near Kightu VIOLA. Spring gardening has commenced Jainea Sevier Is preparing to put up tmin" new hoard fence lUccoons lut been making raids on the hen roosta of late Tin. Millili-lans have not given us an tVMUM as yet However we Iibm BO neml fur mift Moa Maybe the would be randidateH are loo occupied with faabtftt! corners Some substances will not magnetize John Hamilton made a business trip to Ori-Kon 'lty Tuemlsy Some who have held their potfttoej for advanced prices have began feed Ing tbetu to the stock. I I (ialeetier. our merchant. Is now InilldltiK an addition to bis WINkOUII ItTOfSl wskoiis hne been broken dnn of late on our old corduroy and aid plunk ratal GIVES HEALTH. VIQOR AND TONE have found nothinK to beiieflt me like Uerblne I bop., never lo be without It. I have wished that I had Known of it In triy husband's life time" :r Sold by Huntley tiros Co Uerblne Is a Uin for sufferers from anenmla Hy Its use the bbsid Is quickly regenerated and the color be comes normal The drooping strength Is revived. The languor Is diminished Health, vigor and tone predominate. New life and happy activity results Mrs Helle II Sbrlel. MlddleHlmrough 111 , writes, I have been troubled liver complaint and pmir hhsid C ARU8. I.cw Huekner has quit work In Or egon City. He Intends to go to eiiht em Oregon soon I K loOM tad fumlly have moved to town Mlaaea Kmma Inakatp and Kdua Irish spi'iit Sunday at their home. Robert Maule was In our burg one lay last week. Ilertha and l.l.le Thomas spent a few days at Wm llavls' last week Mr and Mrs. Urwll had several of their frlendH and relatives from Port , land visit with them Sunday. Mlssen Thena Howard and I'earl Tnilllnger called on Mrs Henry May , yesterday There Isn't much news this week ! f mm our little burg , BORING. (Julie an accident happened two utiles north of IWirlng Saturday morn Iiik about 7 o'clock. Two Japanese were clearing aome land fin Wm with I lllllard. and while one was KcttitiK and I breakfast the other one w as thawing powder He hHd placed It In the oven of the cook-stove, to thaw which he been doing all winter, hut this time It exploded, and killed him Instantly, and inaiiKleii the foot of the other one bo badly that It had to be amputated Mr. 0 M take heard the explosion and was the first on the scene of the ac cident The house was a two story one and It was entirely blown to piec es. The wreck Usik fire and would have cremated the Japs If It had not been for the timely arrival of Mr take Mr take telephoned to dresh am for Dr Short, who attended the crlpided one. and sent him to a hospl ; tal In Portland. I' W Haley while hauling posts one day last week fell from his load strlk i Ing n his head, severely Injuring him I about the head and also breaking a ! tinner and dislocating another. Dr. Short attended the Injuries. The Farmers' Telephone line be- I ween Itorlng and Kelso has bi-en staked out. and holes are being dug. and kUch are being got out Soon It will be hello, central! There will be Ave circuits coming Into Itorlng In the near future The old B. J. L. Co. saw mill will Hisin start up again. Our new road boss has been grading roads these line days. Mr. James Hlchey. from near Trout dale. Is visiting his parents here. Rev Campbell and Rev Moore, of Portland, will preach In Root's Hall, i Friday evening, March 30. C Y take and wife were the guestH of Mr and Mrs. Bright Sunday. It Hederman and wife celebrated their silver wedding Sunday. Parch brothers have purchased a wikmI saw and are sawing wisid for H. Anderson. Jonsrud Bros have their platform alMiiit complete at Boring and will go to loading ties soon. A. Hery Is building some new fence. Vetch Bros are making some Im provements. They are fixing up a bunk house for their hired men. Pet er Rays he needs more room. Chas Richey has been doing some I plowing for hla father School will close here March 30. OASTOHIA. Beanti Ktatl Yon Han thnw Baflt Electricity EAGLE CREEK. ) y j ' 1 ' t, fatty .'fUJ j& tic J i aafu Jfzuvi 'tM'' .ml y.JJ u0 D' hilsS ikmtn ro'0 mves moi X I Us As 7 t A t H o A C .- e- Rlch signs of Spring begin to tip the flr tree and the ash. And the young man's fancy lightly turns To starting a nice mustache. The dtlsles too. and Violet, Are shyly peeping out. And the young girls thoughts are seriously turned. To making the freckles rout. Spring work again on the boom af ter the rest. All the seeding is mostly done and farmers are now busy plant ing potatoes, repairing fences, making garden, etc Q. R. Woodle, accompanied by his wife, baby and necessary household furniture, passed through Sunday, en route to Barton where they will re side for a time. Mr. Woodle works in the mill and Mrs. Woodle will be as sistant cook at the mess house. Mr. Samuel Wilson, nephew of the (libson hoys, was visiting his rela tives here last week. He returned to his home In Curry County the last of the week. Mr Magnolia of Dover, was hauling straw from W. J. Howlett's the fore part of last week. Our school tas re-opened arter a month's vacation with Mr. Wood as pedagogue. Work on the Sellwood Lumber Co.'s mill is being energetically pushed. The new race is completed and the mill itself will soon be finished. They ex- nect to be ready for the public trade in about a fortnight. J. W. Douglas made a business trip to the metropolis .Monday. W. 11. Karr, of Cresham. our form er teacher, was here on business last Thursday. Quite a crowd of our young people surprised Charles Cassidy Saturday night. March 24, It being his 51th birth- dnv. A genuine good time was had as is generally the case when one Is fortunate enough to be a participant at a like affair at their house. The evening was spent In games and danc ing, interspersed by music and vari ous other selections on the grapha- phone. At midnight the crowd was Invited to the dinning room where a table was fairly groaning under Its nul of goodies. To say a raid was The question of artificial light in your HOME is worthy of serious consideration, Do you realize, fully what electric service means in the household all that it bestows in the direc tion of health, comfort, convenience, conservation of eyesight, and the added "TONE" to your home? Do" you care to have your home as convenient and comfortable for you and yours as vou can make it? Electric service is available to the smallest as well aslhe largest user. So cheap is the service at our REDUCED RATES that it can be afforded in the smallest homes. In the STORE the uses of Electric Light are four fold; As an illuminant, as an ADVERTISEMENT and as a proclamation of PROGRESSION, of EN TERPRISE, of ideas and methods that are UP-TO-DATE. An ELECTRIC SIGN IS A SIGN OF LIFE. Business life that is what attracts trade. TRADE follows most easily the path blazed by ELECTRICITY. Estimates on wiring, cost of current and informa tion regarding the use of electricity for LIGHT or POWER, promptly furnished upon application to C. G. Miller at the Company's branch office, next door to the Bank of Oregon City. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY C. G. Miller Contract Manager for Oregon City. ANOTHER BROWNELL PLEDGE Mr. Urownell did not keep this pledge because he had received all of the Inducements that caused him to mako the pledt before the leglala ture met, so he voted for Mitchell. The children's friend Jayne's Tonic Vcrmifug c Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscles. Gives tone, vitality and snap Get it from your druggist V