OPtlOOM CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1906. 5 ..Short Sidehead Stories... I TltttHM.VTOI.I I A I I s OI TMI! WMHK'.t IMHNOS. 1 ! lffHttttftttfffftltttfi Hrlyereon Wrlch Tim marriage of MImh Lottie M. Wi'lch In Henry l(tlRirMnii wan hiiIhiii- Miiii lundty- Bldar I, ic Moffttl officiated ftl Uit ocramoay Local Boy. Loat Th.lr Scalps- riio Oregon Olty Junior returntd Saturday morning from Cbantwa wlwyn tln uvonliiK before twy wore defeated liy Mic I ml hum at bimlit ball 1 1 y a Mora r 28 to H. Tha Flndley'e Fall Out Ontil nint inhuman treatment, fail urn in irovlii ami tbrMtMlM to lil'iw nut her lirahiH arc M)BM of the ehnrg preferred in a divorce milt filed hen liy Rlvu M Klndley nKnliiMt IiiiIm .1 Klndley. The partlcH worn married hi Detroit, micIiIkiui. in IfM Caught Trout for Sick Wife I'li'ailliiK K'Hlty U) n liini- fur trout out of "'I John II HIkkIih, nf MMQOWbrOoki wtm wiih arnwti'il Mon lay mi OOtnnlSlnl "f Deputy Game Warden Dick, i if I'antiy, wan MM 11.1 ami conta in til" Oregon City JiiHtlre court In lii . deferinc HlioiM m plained that tin- trout, only two In number, with caught aa a delicacy for hlN wife who waa III He wan let of? iiimiii paying the cohU In tho cane, the KM Dtlni rouiittad. The Riga Collided On their Molalla Mullno trip i. Haturday, aoveral of the (, 'publican eundl'lati'H had quite an exciting trip liy the colliding nf Hoiue of the i.e.. the pun' were thrown out anl mure or enn hurt AtnonK them, C r Haiunliy. Republican candidate for Unroriler. wan (jultn eovorely Injured In one of tU i. k On thla trip aev- ral of thn vehicles broke down and (he Journey wan anything but a plea unt one for the member of (he putty Section Hand. Strike CotiMlderlnK that their ttervlrea at the Maine ..m,i of employment are if the name worth a that of Italian. Hie member of the MiM'tluli gang from Oregon City, Milvtaukle unit I im by. In the employ of the Southern Pa cific Company went on a Htrlke lant week A for re of Italian hae for dome lime been employed by the com pauy at Hm gravel pit at Canby, load Irk car, the men rereWIng J per ila The number of men being Inade quale to perform the service, the nor I ion handH were transferred to the gravel pit In anHiHi at that work, be ing allowed their regular per illem of tl 50, which Is received for labor on the eri ion gang Learning that their dusky ro-lalxirern were receiving $ per day for the Hanie labor, the section hand demanded the Hiime iiunpenaa tlon I'ii being refused, they (jult work. Appointed on Horticultural Board .1. II. Heed of Mil wuultlo, wiih yes lerdiiy appointed by Hie Mlale board iih it rnelnlier of the Mtitle board of hor ticulture tO succeed W. K Newell, who wan recently aptHdnted ineinher ni hurgt sn4 prtsldnl of the botrd 1,1 succeed K. L. Smith, resigned. Krl day'H Balein Htntnsfiian "Scotty" At Oregon City Kn route to Han Francisco, Scotty, "King of the Desert Mine,'' satisfied the curiosity of a crowd of Oregon City people at the railway station lat Friday morning by leaving thi train for a few minutes and parading up and down the depot platform. Ill coming waa not genernlly Known or the alteudance of ciirloiiM onea would have been lai'K'T. Held No Inqueat Coroner it L Holiuan d'''''''1"' It untieceaHary to hold an liiiiieHl over the remaliiH of Itbelnliold Mellm, a youiiK man igpd M yara, who drop ped dead l,i I ThurHday afternoon at i IiIn home at Oswego From an exam luatlon It wiih apparent that the young ! man died of henrt failure. He bad i worked during the forenoon and ex- l plred while Mealed at the dinner table. Baptist Young People's Social The young people of the Klrat Hap iht Church gave a looUU In the church I ,arlora Friday evening To the boya n given a tank of making aproiiH out 1 ol piece of cloth, and the young women were required U) compose four i linen of poetry deacrlptlve of the alt luatlon Rohm Katoti made the best ayroti Hoax Katon made the beat i and the whole evening waa delight- r 1 1 1 1 spent. Fishermen Adopt Resolutions At a tnaHH meeting of Clackamaa C oity flHhermen held In thla city ! Saturday afternoon, remilutlona were ; ado,ite, denouncing Hun. J. L Krusc, . (im of the Republican leglMlatlve can 'd, lotei uud calling for aeveral ametii uietitM to thi ri 1 1 lawa, the moHt Im 1 pOftSSl of which wbh thai changing ' the dateM for the closed aeaaon More than fifty flabermen attended the meet j lug and It waa decided to present, the i resolutions to thn various legUlatlve ! candidates for their consideration and ! when the MiHltlon of these candidates Im learned, another meeting will be bel.i when It Is probable that the li -.b ermen as an organization will indorse certain Icgltdntlvc candldaleM and lend their xupxrt In the approaching pri mary elect Ion The denouncing of i Mr KriiHe was the reault of his ac tlon on certain fish legislation that i was up for consideration during the session of the Legislature when Mr i Kruse was a member of the House a i lew years ago DO IT TO-DAY! "And In tlilnk Hint Irn mnnllin ki I l.ked Ilk thn I 1 owe ll a Qaflttsa byrup." The time worn injunction, "Never pat off 'til lo-morrow what you can do to day," is now generally presented in this form : " Ho it to day !" Tbat is the terse adviic we want to give you aUxit that hacking cough or ieiii,i.iliiiig t old with I wbii li you have Ih-oji dtruggling for sev- end days, pattuipa weeks. Take some reliable remedy for it To-Iav and let I tli.it reined) be Or. Iloschee'a C.erman .Syrup, wbii h lias bvCfl in line for over I thirty five years. A few doses of it will undoiibiedlv rtUcvt your cough or cobl, snd its continued mtc fur a few days will ' cure you completely. No matter bow I derp-seated your cough, even if dread roiiNiimjition has attacked your lungs, German Syrup will surely effect a cure as it has done before in tiloUMinds of ap parently hopeless cases of lung trouble. New trial iMittles, 25c; regular 75c. At sii dngftaaa, Char nun k Cf., City Drug Store Killed by Dynamite Explosion While hlaatlng stumps near fJresh am Saturday morning. K Omiira. a Japanese laborer, waa Instantly killed by the premature explosion of a stick of dynamite Another Japanese, who was working with Ormura. was seri ously Injured hut will recover. Or mura'a remalna were Interred at the expense of the county, after Coroner llolman concluded that the clrcum atances surrounding the fatality were entirely accidental and did not warrant the expenae of conducting an official Investigation. Burns Withdraws Resignation Chief of I'ollce ('ban Hums, who on Saturday tendered his resignation to ; take effect on April 1st, on Monday ! reconsidered hta sctlnn and withdrew I his resignation. Chief Bums' unex pected resignation was the result of ' a mlsutuJerNtandlag with Mayor Cau fleld and thla having been adjusted, the former will continue to wear the tat and routine at the head of the clty'a (Killce department, an office he has satisfactorily discharged with an Interval of only two years for the laat seventeen consecutive years. Fight Was Not Pulled Off No attempt was made Sunday by I the promoters of the Hoblaon-Schlldt Might to pull off the contest at Metro politan Park, near Oanby, aa waa pro posed The contest was advertised to be a ten round bout between Joe Scblldt, an Indian, of Canby, and Joe Hoblson, colored, of this city, for the heavy weight championship of the Hlale and for a side bet of It la "" -idle this fight will be pulled of! at ii subsequent dale f a unliable place can be found for the contest where they will not be disturbed by the au lliorltles The fight would have taken place Sunday but for tin? fact that, Hherlff Shaver, on complaint of the people of Canby, had notified the men that both of the principals and all spectators would be arrested and pros edited If the contest was held. Marriage Was No Dream Less than three years of promised wedded bliss sufficed for Wlna M. Zlv ney, of this county, who, In a divorce suit filed, chargea W. II Zlvney, to whom she was married In November, 1902. with compelling her to perform manual labor In the fteWM In addition to attending to her household duties. In addition the wife complains that the husband was Insolent and abus ive Plaintiff asks to resume her maiden name, Nina M. Wanker, a third Interest In '& acres and 11000 alimony. WILL WORK FOR LOCAL OPTION. HOSPITAL CROWDED WUMITT OF NTKITt WOMEI Mrs. Plnkh&m'a Advice Saves Many From thla Bad and Costly Experience. Oregon City Ministers Will Educate Voters Aid for Japanese. At the bcal Ministerial Association Monday, the fact the no one refers to the proposed amendment to the Ivk-bI Option law was considered. It was decided to call a meeting of all the ministers, with a representative layman from as many churches as pos sible In the county, next Monday after noon. The place of this meeting will he announced later. The object of the meeting will he to get the real na ture of the proposed amendment before the voters of the county. The famine conditions In Japan were also considered and the Associa tion deems It advisable to gtve the charitably Inclined people of Oregon City an opportunity to assist In stay ing the ravages of hunger In the dis tricts of Japan where the crops were a failure last year. It was suggested that the matter be mentioned In the various churches next Sunday, and I that the hanks of Oregon City be ask ed to take any funds subscribed for this purpose and hold them until the best way of sending this assistance can be learned. It Is probable that the people of this city might assist in securing the cargoes of wheat and flour that are to he sent. It is a sad bat urtain fact that every year! brings an in crease in the numberofopc. ra tions performed upon women in our hospitals. More than three- fourths of the patients lying 'on those snow- white beds are women and girls who are awaiting or recovering- from opera tions made necesaary by neglect. Every one of these patients had plenty of warning in that bearing down feeling, pain at the left or right of the abdomen, nervous exhaustion, pain in the small of the back, pelvic catarrh, dizziness, flatulency, displacements or irregularities. All of these symptoms are indications of an unhealthy con dition of the female organs, and if not heeded the tremble may make headway until the penalty has to be paid by a dangerous operation, and a lifetime of Impaired usefulness at beat, while la many cases the results are fatal. Miss Luella Adams, of Seattle, Wash , writes: Dear Mrs. Plnkham : "About two years ago I was a great suf ferer from a severe female trouble, pains and headaches. The doctor prescribed for me and finally told me that I bad a tumor snd must undergo sn operation if I wanted to get well I fait that this was my death warrant, but I spent hundred of dollars for medical help, but the tumor kept growing. Fortunately I corresponded with an aunt in the New England But-, and she advised me to take Lydia K. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound, as it waa said to cure tumors. I did so and immediately began to Improve in health, and I was entirely cored, the tumor disappearing entirely, with out an fperation. I wish every suffering woman would try this great preparation." Just aa surely aa Miss Adams waa cured of the tronblea enumerated in her letter, juat so aurely will Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound cure other women who suffer from fe male troubles, inflammation, kidney troubles, nervous excitability or ner vous prostration. Mrs. Pinkham invites all young women who are ill to write her for free advice. She , is daughter-in-law of Lydia B. Pinkham and for twenty-five years has been advising sick women free of charge. Address, Lynn, Mas. apex. The base would be on the Po tomac, while the White House would be on the line of the hypothenuse. Thla figure would embrace all of tho existing Federal buildings, save that of the Interior Departments. Ornamental features recommended by the commission are elaborate, and take full advantage of the topography of Washington. Parks, fountains, memorial edifices and sightly build ings are placed in tho report to best advantage, and the historic pride of the country Is given full opportunity for wonderful groups of works that would prove world-famous, If executed. At the time of making the report to the Senate, tbe commission did not contemplate immediate fulfillment of the Idea, but calculated upon a per manent plan, with the thought of giv ing a harmonious order to all succeed ing work. The report was never adopted by the House of Representa tives, but Is generally accepted as tho line of development for the city In the futurue. Before all of the build ings Indicated and all of the parks, promenades, fountains and memorials have been erected, the expenditure will be enormous, and It was the Im possibility of the Government under taking Immediate execution because of the gigantic outlay, that has caused many to believe the plan rejected. But It is found that new work con forms to the outline made by that commission, and It Is believed that Washington will some day be as plan ned by the Burnham commission, with possible additions and amplifications In keeping with the spirit of national growth. Baby won't sufer five minutes with croup If you apply Dr. Thomas' Ecleo trie Oil at once. It acta like magic. DR. C. H. MEI3SNER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office, Rooms 4-5-6 Barclay building. All calls promptly attended to. I Phone, office 41, residence 1044. C. D. and D. C. LATOURETTB, ATTORNEYS AND COUN8ELOR8 AT UW. Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. ACT QUICKLY. Delay Has Been Dangerous in Oregon City. Tastes Differ in watches as in everything else. Some people prefer a Waltham to an Elgin. Some people prefer an Elgin to a Waltham. Others prefer a Hamilton to either, and so it goes. There is only one thing to do in a case like that carry a very complete assortment of the various makes in all standard sizes and that we do. Consequently we can submit for your consideration a greater variety of dependable timekeepers than all other dealers combined in Clackamas County. You have always known the SPLENDID QUALITIES of our Watches. We are now showing all the new designs in Gold Filled Watches and we want you to investigate our line. Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in times of danger. Backache is kidney danger. Doan's Kidney Pills act quickly. Cure all distressing, dangerous kid ney Ills. Plenty of evidence to prove this. H. R. McCarver. inspector for the Transcontinental Co., and living at 284 East First St., North Portland. Oregon, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills did me so much good about three years ago that I pub licly testified to my experience. I had been suffering with kidney com plaint and backache and it was very painful and distressing. I think It started from a cold which settled In my back. I had always been more or less skeptical about proprietary medi cines, but somehow the recommenda tions of Doan's Kidney Pills Influenced me to begin using them. The results were more than satisfactory as stated above. I gave the remedy my recom mendation. I am pleased to state that tho time that has elapsed since has only served to Increase my confi dence In Doan's Kidney Plils." Plenty more proof like this from Or egon City people. Call at Huntley Bros.' drug store and ask what their customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doans' and take no other. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. tlon these articles must appear in a regular edition of some newspaper or other publication printed outside of the States of Oregon and Washington, said publication (complete) to be In the hands oMhe Judges not later than October I. 1906. These articles must be sealed and addressed to TEACHERS' CONTEST, Care Portland Commercial Club, Portland, Oregon. They will be opened by the Judges. Prizes will be awarded strictly on the merits of the articles. Contestants can treat any phase of the subject that appeals to them Natural Resources, Scenery, irrigation, Agriculture and Horticulture. History, Education and Religious Advantages, Climatic or So cial Conditions, etc, or in a more comprehensive vein. The Judges will be absolutely untrammeled In mak ing their decisions. This offer Is made, not so much with a view of having the country "boomed" in the common acceptation of that term, as to have the teachers of the country become more familiar with this portion of the United States and give expression to their views In such article as will be acceptable to papers throughout the entire Union. TOM RICHARDSON, Manager, Portland Commercial Club, Portland, Oregon, Furnish Abstracts of Title, Loan Money, Foreclose Mortgage, and transact General Law Business. W. B- O'Ben 0. 8csebl U'REN & SCHUEBEL Attorneys at Law. gcutfrijrr buohat, Will practice In all courts, make collec tions and settlements of estate. Furnish abstracts of title, lend you mon ey, lend you money on first mortgage, Office in Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. LIVY STIPP Attorney at Law. Justice of the Peace. Office in Jagger Building, Oregon City. J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY AT LAW Oregon City, .... - -Oregon Will practice In all the courts of the state Office in Caufleld Building. SPECIAL RATES FROM THE EAST. Eye Strain The regular annual meeting of the , stockholders of the Mt. Hood and Bar low Road Company will be held at the office of the company at the Bank of ' Oregon City, In Oregon City, on Mon I day, April 2. 1906 at the hour of two o'clock p. m., for the purpose of elect ing a board of directors to serve dur ing the ensuing year and the transac 1 tion of such other business as may ! properly come before the meeting. This I notice is published in accordance with I the by-laws. Oregon Cltv, Oregon. March 23, 1906. CHARLES H. CAUFIELD, Secretary of the Mt. Hood and Barlow Bond Company. t2 $5000.00 IN CASH PRIZES. Colonist's tickets will be sold from j the East to points on the Oregon lines j of the Southern Pacific Co. via Pert j land, commencing February 15 and ' continuing daily to and including April I 7 and from September 16 until October j 31. The rates from some of the princi pal points are: Chicago, $25; Bloom- ington. 111.. $31.80; St. Louis, $30; Omaha, $25; Kansas City, $25; Coun- oil Bluffs, $25; St. Joseph, $25; Sioux City. $25: Denver, $25; corresponding : rates will be made from other points I and will appear to all .points on Ore j gon lines. Persons desiring to pay for tick i ets to bring anyone from the East or ; middle West to Oregon may deposit i the amount required with the local ; agent of the S. P. The company will j do the rest. For further information j inquire at any Southern Pacific ticket ! office. Causes both Eyeache and Headache. Drugs rdieve only tempor arily. Properly adjusted glasses remove the cause and effect a permanent cure. Our Optician will mike a compUtc examination of th: Eye, tell you just where the trouble is and then you may get glasses or not, just as ou wish. Examination Free. Btumeiste & And esea Suspension Bridge Comer The Oregon City Jewelers To the Teachers of America: I To evidence its appreciation of the National Educational Association's se lection of the Pacific Coast as the scene of its nnnual convention at San Francisco, California. July 9th to 13th inclusive, and to encourage delegates to Include Portland and Oregon In their itinerary, the Portland Commer cial Club offers FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS In prizes for articles on Portland. Oregon, and this section of the United States, as follows: First prize $1,000.00 Second prize 500.00 Third prize 250.00 Fourth prlae 200.00 Fifth prize 175.00 Sixth prize 150.00 Seventh prize 125.00 Eighth prize 110.00 Ninth prize 100.00 Tenth prize 90.00 Ten prizes of $75,00 each 750.00 Ten prizes of $50.00 each 500.00 Ten prizes of $25.00 each 250.00 Twenty prizes of $15.00 each 300.00 Twenty prizes of $10.00 each 200.00 Judges (to be acceptable to the officers the National Educa tional Association 300.00 Grand Total $5,000.00 In order to be eligible for competi- IMPROVEMENTS AT WASHINGTON When what is generally accepted as the permanent plan of improvement of the National Capital, is fully execut ed, Washington will be perhaps the most beautiful national capital of the world. Construction of a new build ing for the Geological Survey, which : is being agitated just now, has called 1 public attention to the Burnham com I mission report, which was formulated under the direction of the late Sena tor McMillan. Taking the original Federal area chosen by the first President as the basis for Its development, the Burn ham commission proposes to arrange all Federal buildings In a triangular ; figure, of which the Capitol and im mediate circle of buildings, forms the JjOBERT A. MILLER ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Practice in all courts of the state, Federal and United States Supreme Courts. Room 306 Commercial Building Portland, Oregon. Q W. EASTHAM ATTORNEY AT LAW Collections, Mortgage Foredoaarea, Ab stracts of Title and General Law Bus iness Office over Bank of Oregon City, Oregon City, Or. U. L. PORTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Abstracts of Property Furnished. Office with Oregon City Enterprise. When you require an Abstract of Title to lands In Clackamas County, have It accurately and reliably prepared by a responsible company incorpor ated for the purpose. Our rates are reasonable. We invite you to ex amine our complete set of Abstract Books. CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 60S- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., PORTLAND, OREGON. Money to loan on Clackamas County Property. Prices Reasonable LET US DO YOlir Work Work Guaranteed We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Office Opposite Masonic Building Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Telephones Office 1121 Residence 1833