4 0NE60N CITY INTKRPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1908. Oregon City Enterprise TELL THE TRUTH, SENATOR. CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. OFFICIAL Published Every Friday. Subscription Rates: One year Six months ................... Trial subscription, two months. .11.60 At his meeting st Molalla Saturday, Senator Brow noli told his audience that he advised the people of Oregon City to grant to the Oregon Water l'ower & Railway Company the freight franchise that was asked for by that company several weeks ago. because the city refused to grant the franchise, ho said, was the reason the people of 75 ' that section of the county do not now have an electric railway line. Put the Senator did not tell the truth and he knows it. The people of Oregon City offered to give the Oregon Water Power & ttallimv Cnmnnnv the freight fran- Subscribers will find the date of ex Li,iSl, ikt u ksked for IF THAT firatlon stamped on their papers fol- COMPANY WOULD AOUER TO IN Imrlnr thlr nam. If this Is not CORPORATE INTO TIIK KUAN- fayment, kindly notify us, and the matUr will recede our attention. 25 Advertising rates on application. CH1SE A PROVISION RKQl IRINU THAT IT BUILD ITS LINE TO MO LALLA AND THE SOUTH END OK THE COUNTY, WITHIN A REASON- Entered at the postofflce at Oregonf ARI-E TIME. ...... The Senato City, Oregon, as second-class matter. i !""" T7 r: ; iai?Mi mp, viit" ihwi f iih-aiviiv, Had the Oregon Water Power & FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1906, WILL CLACKAMAS DO IT? Railway Company, for which Senator Drownell la the salaried repre sentative at Oregon City, subscribed to the provision that was asked by Xlon Timmlnent In rmhlli Ufo )n the people Ot Urogon Uty lO QO in- other states, when confronted by a i corporated In the franchise, the long Federal indictment, have ceased to term franchise would have been grant- oontinne the active part in public af fairs they had been maintaining un til the cloud over their political borl ton was removed. But in Clack amas county it seems to be considered One species of indorsement to be c&arged by a Federal grand jury with si crime against the government. At any rate Senator Brownell evinc es no desire or Intention of seeking the place, that unquestionably be longs to a man accused, as he is, of ed and the Molalla people and the other residents of the south end of the county would ultimately have had an electric railway line, an extension of the O. W. P. Company's system, that would have connected them with this city. Try and keep somewhere In sight of the truth. Senator. Blame for the refusal of the Oregon Water Power & Railway Company to agree to this desired condition In the a violation of the Federal statutes in irancmse. i irac-uu. ' s"j w lYinsnlrnrv tn lefrn,1 tho mnrn. ator Brownell, himself. 83 the xnent. Instead, he brazenly parades .representative and advisor of the street himself before the people whom he has I railway company in this city. It is outraged as a legislator and seeks j entirely too thin a proposition for the their suffrages for still another term K...I. ... 1,1. oeuaior vj carry nii-r on uv,iu nuuuiu- and in explanation of the charge against him, resorts to an alleged alibi to further deceive a constituency that has already tolerated too much. As was stated In these columns last ers in this instance. Before the Sena tor is through with the present cam paign he will learn that at no time Is misrepresentation a substitute for ar gument, even when the latter Is a week, there must be something In j commodity entirely lacking, as it is the indictment aealnst Senator Rrnw. i in ms (.ase. nell, otherwise it would have been dis missed before this time. And it Is the common report that the govern ment authorities are in possession of strong evidence against the Clacka mas county senator, evidence, in fact, that is equally if not more Incrimi- UL1U6 lua" ua wnicn convic- j . . t. ia .tut tions have already been secured in -ITZ hli. thk 11 VOLl. V w v. ivuoj ..,..- - - ... i a i t a., -1. I,,. i urowneii ever imeiiueu vu uiiv for the highest office within their i ers JUS,1 ul Bamr' "uu al 1 an arnst. When Brownell was HOW THE GAME IS WORKED. The memory of how Senator Brow nell worked the laboring men and se cured their votes four years ago on I the strength of the eight-hour law he the United States Circuit Court at ! Portland. ers should bo advanced as a most di rect mean of attaining such a result. With under paid teachers, It cannot be expected that the best of Instruc tors can be secured. Then Increase the stipend of the teacher and employ the very best that are available. But we are drifting away from our subject. The voters are to pass on tho question of establishing in this county a county high school. That such an Institution Is needed goes v.ithout saying or question. Hut with the starting and In the maintaining ot such an institution there must come slightly Increased taxes. But the ad vantages of higher education that will bo offered the young people of tho county must be given an appraisement In considering this matter. It Is up to the voters of the county and if they want a high school, It will bo so decided at the election In June. That voters may have an under standing of the subject, the Enter prise this week publishes an artielo on the high school question, the man ner In which the same may be secur ed and a general Idea of the cost of establishing and maintaining such an Institution. , o SIMPLIFIED SPELLING The Taking Cold Habit The old cold goes; a new one quickly comes. It's the story of a weak throat, weak lungs, a tendency to consumption. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral breaks up the taking-cold habit. It strengthens, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about it. The bait kind ol a testimonial "fVM lor OTr slaty yrs." 14' Kad r - Co.. t.owU, Sim. All M mnuAMtujrr f f SARXAPARIUA. PIUS. HAIR YIUOB. iers Wt kT bo mnli I W pnbiua th fbraiulM of U our uwtlslnM. Kn iha hownla reuular with Avor'a The new thing that has happened In jm9 jut one pill each night. tho orthographic field of the English gel willing to pay the , c at J , m,,. went through a transformation, atlc efforts to bring about logical an 1 ..Metrical results pro- long-desired improvement Cam-; d d , wS' "the 'jss "ed'fS ;5ncoaltrhrE legitimate purges. Offices and halls ma tor public meetings must be od d d;,,, accidentalbut the foundation clerks land other assistants . had been laid, and the conditions Bills for printing, advertising and gen- rCognUed when happen era! publicity must be paid. Mt t;,.dal dlfr,cuU,;,htd lights must be sot where they will be . ' .., ,,,, K(l. visible Mr. Carnegle s characterlsUc- ,nvontlwn w K,v,m ,(1 thfl aUy liberal offer to provide for the war chest of he simplified spelling board Just organized In New York places orthographic progress on a new basis. Phonetic reformers, working public, and long after that were en countered balks not easily surmount ed. The messages at length became so sure that In the following summer the Invention was exhibited at tho rir - I LaV ' JJ n A Stitch In Time SavesNine" can nowhere be more truthfully applied than to your teeth. You cannot afford to neglect them. Each month ol neglect Increases the amount of repair work twenty-five per cent, besides, poor teeth mean poor health. You cannot afford to neglect your health. By the latest methods used by us we can fill your teeth without pain, and do It well. H An expert eastern graduate dentist employed all the time L. L. PICKENS Dentist Weinhard Building, Opposite Court House "ift The Republicans county hav of Clackamas forced Into ave Talways been loyal in their a8reein? t0 8llPport and work for RUCh singly or In gnmps, have bet-n nurner- ,,,,,,, hu Pl.ntnnliI. Amon? those ous. but never before had the backing who Mamu() t ,nr w , of superabundant wealth n many rltHh Hr,ntl!,t u,n Klvn cases they offered individualized pro- wh() ,lU dP,Rht Rnd rxirt. Jects. and would consent to nothing thn( Thu prh81) th KratHl except their own particular doxy. mnrw ,lltn,,rtl, rhiVed by the .dec Many of them proposed changes b . trc t(ll,,Kr(1I)h, has ,,wn 0h,and by alphabetic characters as well as spell- ippUnP, of qulf a homespun and Ing. aud their printed pages had an . rtl(,lmntllry character." In the fall aspect of almost heathenish novelty. )f th amo y.ar .,,,; WPM lUn. But a people move deliberately in lan- Bl,nt ovpr two nll,p(, ,)f wlr,r )P. guage modifications. The best the tween ItosUm and Camhrldgeport. spelling ooaru can nop or is iu ihuhb , A oonipany to ntroduc tho tele- 1 nasie siowiy. anu u wise.y runs up ( phnp POImprcllliy urnn operations the flag of simplification. in th Bprlni of ls77 and hortly af. English orthography has changed trr ,. ,,.,,, tl, .,,.,, much from time to time without or- tw,,(,n i!imtt,n and NVw Vork. but long gani7.ed or other known direction. A , ,H,IU,P1 nnP8 wor a .itsapjMilntment comparison of the tKK)k8 of to-day with ,,, an lnvntr introduced hard those of a hundred years ago shows drBwn Pp,r wlr Xn0 r,.,,iite con the extent of the spontaneous or ac-i(UonH are an ,)ld Htory noWi whn cidental alterations. The sp.-lllng of , 1!usto ,.asy oarr,.s on a conversa Edmund Spenser, though he wrote but ton wUh 0maha. but many were the 300 years ago. Is now something ot a Prltlclll t,m,H wh,. experiments seem puzzle. His faerie is our fairy, and fM, to n,Pat failure In certain of the there are other variants. Fairy serves ' utilU.a nw Krw eommnnplaco. In trie purpose anu is not nueiy to oe 1(s t,nry y,,arit th( telephone was I.H.k- New Clubbing Rates Eiinnrirt JTprtSe, oiRep ithe8ctht shortly before the rRr8f !at work or than that covered in j J!f ! ed on a, only a curiosUy. but today .U tions is nothing other than a slap in the, bl"' Cf?,l tZ T the face of Roosevelt whose adminis- and.after,be.,ng eTrted ,n tration Is haek nf th 1 ator's private office a conversation. r ' . . . . pj iuag- cution of these offenders, And besides, in what an embaras- sing predicament wiuld the voters of ' this county be found if they nominate and elect Brownell, should he after wards be convicted of the charge with which he is confronted? This re sult, Mr. Heney, the government's substantially as follows, took place: "In this pledge yon have signed to support and work for an eight hour iaw. Senator, I find that the line of work at which I am employed is not included In the list of corporations named in your pledge." stated the interested visitor, "and if we are go ing to have an eight hour law, let's X "r;fci?"na.D'r!have one that covers all these lines 7 ,. lr.,"""5 0f similar employment." m possession oi me prosecu-1 ..,vhv mv A(t fP,,ow." retorted the ,v . , I Senator, "you do not for a minute the government author!- .u.. - .., i a that to lUiun uiav i' j settled trial tngnsn win oe tne uni- wlr,, r,.ttph pv,.rvhi.re. and Us sub- versai language, it is spoisen wuaj jsrriU,ri 8re nun,b,fred by millions. It by a tenth of the world's population. gw,8 tl thp farlull ttH Wlll aH clti,,H nnd It is taught In the public schools of villages, and Is an Intimate part of Japan, Mexico, and some other foreign ( buHn,,MH Rnd gttca Hfo. Great 1 the countries. Its spelling should be (nd(.)t,n,,H ,,f the world to American freed from absurdities and brain- im.ntors whose activity is a sort of twisting, time-consuming suvrflultieH. inHplraton. They do not always rea Tho, thru. tuf. and kof Unjk strango.at llj!e tn,.lr l(1ail lt thpy arH B,.(m first sight, but have at least the merit ,,PPon(i )n reaching the truth that lies of self-explanatory directness. Atner- at lh), K)Uom f)f the well.-Exchange. leans somehow managed to drop a Hereafter the Enterprise offers the following Subscription Clubbing Rates :: :: :: :: Enterprise and ( n aaL pA( or Weekly Oregonian DUUlIOr fZ.ZD tlon When , k, .s u 1 , arowneii s ai- hlch , am lefiged wiH ever be enact Itied.Ka".!t t,he..triaI 'thP casf- en. do you That pladge is calculat- V": oni' ed do you? That pledge is calculat- defensewi be so thoroughly exposed th; voe3 of tne laboring men. aLl1n:i Lbv.8rifi1lmle'f Thought you understood politics a lit- . .0.-o " uwuo CAV.U3C iu uia ht t a .. n't know anvtninK about the game and how it is played. When the untutored constituent came too, he staggered out of the of fice of the Senator wondering what in the world he had called for. . o CO-OPERATION. behalf. HIS CHARACTERISTIC ATTITUDE. There is printed in this .week's is sue a cartoon in which is correctly portrayed Senator Brownell and his true position with respect to his con stituency. He is an expert at work ing both fellows at the same time. There is no more familiar sight to ;the people of Clackamas county than .to see the Senator with one arm en twined about the neck of some voter, -.a further abuse and sacrifice of whose confidence is even then contemplat- needless vowel from such words as labour and honour, and they Intro duced a "z" in civilization, organlza It would be interesting If (ien. (Jros venor would outline a plan for retlr- Enterprise and Semi-Weekly Journal Bothfor$2. 00 When the ground hog comes out again next month ho will at least be able to say, "I told you so." instances where this plan of opera tion noo roaiiHofl n nrivantae-pouslv eu, anu pounug iiilu u.o , s for aI1 concenied. We have from time to time had much to say of the advantages that. "'r'.."" ;; strides from the ' : 'l. Z 1 "prr 7f "P'Tuke" of the French and the "per fact is not required but we like to cite tion and kindred words, because itlnK superanuated congressmen. gave the true sound. The English still stick to the old form and conser vatively growl at the Innovation. The simplified spelling board can not speak with the authority of the French academy. It must proceed per suasively and should develop a calm capacity to be laughed at now and then. It means well, and is entitled to a hearing. It should avoid pushing things too fast. A study of how or thography has changed without de sign would facilitate its labors. The Italian "perruquier" was not many years In passing through a fortuitous transformation Into the English "wig." On Inspection the successive steps are seen to be easy. It Is but two short Italian word to the Col. Ityran Is now wondering wheth er Judge Parker forgot that Nebraska was not exactly In the South. o If Russia only had a free press Just now, what a lot of Interesting reading matter it could furnlHh for the govern ment. o From a congressional standpoint, the chief trouble with tho Consular Reform Bill Is that It contains too much reform. Call at the Enterprise Office or mail you order at once -o- nledges of his intense earnestness and 'devotion to the every interest of the CQmmon people in all matters of im portant legislation. In his pockets at .the same time are to be found in hid ing bills undertaking to regulate and control the various railroad and other There is operated on a co-operative basis, within a few miles of this city, a creamery known as the Clear Creek Creamery Company. The product of the dairies residing -in that part of the country contiguous to this butter ni.jn rtinrtf la ('jtliurp,! strifl trnns. corporations, the same having been j ; - - considerable referred to the committee of which he was either chairman or a member; and in his possession do these bills remain until he is satisfied that the time has arrived when the proper "ar rangements" have been made by 'which all danger of the bills being 5passed is gone, or if that condition of things is not reached these measures .are carried home without even being sVeported by the committee, as me Imentos of another legislative session ,in which he successfully duped the people to bis own advantage in the service of the corporations by which .he is so liberally compensated. There is certainly ample room for amount of money being in turn dis tributed each month when the settle ments are made. A short time ago, at a business meeting, the old board of directors was re elected for the ensuing year. At this same meeting there was submit ted a report showing that during the vear Just ended, this creamery manu facturd 93,828 pounds of butter. For this product $24,177.51 was received. This netted the farmer an average for the year of 24V4 cents per pound for his butter fat. It Is rennrtei! Hint Vice President iwlg" of the English. Then came the Farbanks strongly recommended Sec colloquial shortening of the word to j rt.tary Uoot for the Supreme bench. wig," which looks like an every day stayer. By the way, there is a letter written by Andrew Jackson In which he spelled "Whig," in three different ways. A hundred years from now spellers of English, moving along the line of least resistance, ought to stand on firmer ground. Spelling in Ger man, Italian and Spanish is now phon etic, but It was not always thus. Re forms are practicable even Inevitable, in English orthography also, St. Iouls Globe-Democrat. o RISE OF MODERN INVENTION. Wonder why? March 10 was the thirtieth anniver sary of the day on which the first tel ephone message was heard by the in ventor and his assistant. The place was the upper floor of a boarding house in Boston, where experiments had been going on for nearly a year. It was In 1874 that Alexander Graham Such Enterprises as these are im-1 Beu a professor of vocal physiology nortant factors in maintaining pros-1 jn the Boston university, became con- 11,1 I ..,i:tl..M 1U In ant! prim- ..I J u 1 ...,,. ,l,.,.l 8nify .tlr tZ lesson I, a hv imunlty. Every month, as has been dasn messages could be transmlttgd 'X ZnoLhtmJ To serve he r 1 stated, there is distributed a consld- at the Hame time over a single wire. 4dcal 'raP' lerable sum of money among the farm- In doalIng with this subject his next f?te .t tH sC time " TKlntwesfshrB for their cream. The farmer real- 1(1,.a wa3 to utllIze the sympathetic 'f Lfh are mvaS 'd returnB from hili dalry m vibration of strings attuned to each of both are invariably directly op , Dro8DeroU8 and contented, while the otner. twinning with harmonic tele- posed tne one lO mo utuei. l.nnB.lmpP ,s s,lm)l0d with a product ' !, Bvnr.rirnr.ntH In 1X74 rmuliicted lave come to realize inw conoiuon . .'' m(irv ,,,,,,. that 77: J" -1 .,. i, ,h demand on the part of their leg- 4" ' i"1 '" ""- 7-7" " l1.tn.a a onvaranr-o nf thPSA rliia re- .v"'""" " ... !"''" Va"- " if--" Malawi a 'J ' " - " - pie have come and lations. They have had enougn 01 this double dealing by which the cor porations always hold the- winning band. The situation resolves itself into the question the people or the cor porations. Brownell is tne saiarieu Let's have more such enterprises in j auy WOrked over into electro-magnet Clackamas county. appliances. It was then that Bell 0 . reached the conclusion that tho tele- A COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL. graphing of speech was possible, and Senator Tillman announces that to his great regret he Is compelled to agree with the President on the rail way rate question. 0 It is about time for China to con tribute a little Information on the subject of that constitution that ev eryone else Is outlining for her. o- The graduating class at Annapolis has not combined to keep down schol arship averages. It has merely been too busy with other things to keep It up, 0 The lift! Insurance trustees must think by this time thut It would have been cheaper for them to have kept on paying "Andy" Hamilton's board bill in Paris. o The House Committee on Post-Offices and Post Roads has Just complet ed the appropriation bill that will feed the mall service of the United States for the coming year. The bill Is one of tho biggest and most Important ap propriation bills of the session, car rying, as it does an appropriation of more than 1191,000.000. This Is great er even than the Pension Rill and Is one out of which the general public will get vastly more service If not satisfaction. The appropriation as outlined cuts under the estimates of the Departmopt, but it is figured by the committee mat 11 is so iruiueu an prlatlon for the coming year. Con sidering the fact that the extension of the rural free delivery service has done more than almost anything else except the telephone to make life In tho country not-only endurable but pleasant and has helped to stem the rush of the country population to the cUIoh, this Item may be considered a Judicious expenditure. There has not been a very large, but still reasonable Increase In the pay of tho lower grade clerks. An ap propriation has been made to arbi trarily raise the salaries of 6,000 of them In tho grades ranging from $fi()0 to $1000. This may not be consider ed as pure philanthropy either as It was found that some addition to this low range of salaries was necessary to keep desirable men In the service. The franking privilege has not been entirely cut off as was recommended In Postmaster General Cortelyou's last report, but the sort of articles franked has been much restricted and there Is no longer any likelihood of a new member coming to Washington and franking all his furniture and kitchen untenslls from his homo town. Provision has been nyde for more rigidly Inspecting the malls to see that the railroads do not get more than Is coming to them on the trans portation of second class matter, and all provisions seem to have been made to Insure smooth working of tho great system without undue extravagance. The general features of the bill seem to bo good, and tho department Is one that is so closely In touch with the public that any reasonable expenditure for Its maintenance can hardly be grudged. A SCIENTIFIC WONDER. The cures that stand to Its credit make Hucklen s Arnica Salve a scien tific wonder. It cured E. ft. Mulford, lecturer for tho Patrons of Husbandry, Waynesboro. Pa., of a distressing caso of Piles. It heals tho worst Hums, Sores. Rolls. Ulcers. Cuts, Wounds, Chilblains and Halt Rheum. Only 25c at Howell & Jones drug store. AN ECONOMICAL ADMINISTRATION. the true principle he announced to 1 to largely reduce the rapidly growing Among the important questions on his associate was that such transmis- deficit In tho department. If the in which the voters of Clackamas county I slon would depend on an Instrument . creases of mall keeps up in the ratio .' i.l .JLroHnna 0nd th neo-! will vote in June is that of a county . securing analogous vibrations. It was that has held good for past years, the rtU ol Clackamas county know it. Do high school. Ion June 2, 1875, that Bell succeeded 5mi want a further service of mlsrep-1 The standard of public schools can- ' in sending by electricity the quality reaentatlon from this man? It is up not be too high. Clackamas county of a sound, and in the following March to thV voters of Clackamas county to , cannot have too good schools. The the first spoken message was recelv- T?:er!u evmiv 1 Pffirlonrv nf the nubile schools ed by him in his humble apartments. aHl M at the nrimary nominating throughout the county should be In-, In the genesis of the telephone the ting 28,200,000 for this work an in Section? is 1 the time j creased. The compensation of teach- evolution of an idea can be followed crease of $3,080,000 over the appro- deficit of the service will be reduced from over $14,500,000 to less than $10, 000,000. The committee has been de cently generous in the provision for the rural free delivery service, aiiot- If I am nominated as Republican candidate for State Printer, April 20, It will be by a direct voice of the poo pie and no political boss, I know how to print, and everyone knows it. I will manage the office as economically and give It my porsonal supervision and attention, WM. J. CLARKIC, Candidate from Marlon County, EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION. March 30 Maple Lane, 7:30. April 1 Oregon City, 10:45; High land, 3. p. m.; Shubel, 7:30, April C Maple Lane, 7:30 p. m, April 8 Canby, 11 j Molalla, 3 p. m, REV. W. H, W15TTLAUFER, Pastor, PWOCUAIO NO DtFCNOCO. ixwdiwxw, rimwnitf trt,l,t,.rr p,irt Mr,.r uul rrm, rt"irt. irrna bivlrw, tuiw to ubMMa NOnU, trail BiAriUt eoprrliiM Mb, ,N AD. COUNTAIia. Hutlxtti tllre, I M ilk H'tuklm'ton imti (im, monry ami nfltn Ikt potent, fitint ind InfrlfninwM Pnollct Eicluilly. WrIUi ,ir coma lu ua U It matt llrart, apt. Ualw IUU rtnt 0m, WASHINGTON, D C. We Carry Fine Bath Tubs Cg" and everything else In tho lino of flrnt class Plumbing Equipment. The val ue of modern, absolutely sanitary Plumbing is Inestimable; It saves much work and worry and may save your life, Don't endanger health and happiness by living In the house that Is equlppod with old fashioned fix tures. Got our prices on refitting your entire house with good Plumb ing. F. C. GADKE The Plumber.