Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 30, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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4f it The Cause of Many
Oti Corespondents' Cornet ?
f RrlM lilts of Gosslo From Al! Parts of the County.
TWW-WW" ""r'',r"
I Mr. and Mrs. rot It wore at Portland
I this week a tiny or two.
. Mrs. Matehett was at Portland last
Hon Geo. C. Brownell, political boss ! Tuesday. J. 1'. Koohl ami wife wont
of Clackamas Countv. for twelve years. ; to Sollwood last Sunday afternoon,
made one of his eloquent speeches hero j Mrs. Brownell was calling on mom
last Saturdav to a Rood house, bring-; hers of hor Sunday School class Inst
Sudden Deaths.
mere is a tuseiise prevailing lit mis
country most dangerous because so deccp-
Ui 'xm nvr. manvsuoiien
, hS li" deaths arc caused
bv it heart tlis-
Heart tnilute or
ajHiplcxv ate often
the result of kid
ney disease. If
kidney troulde is
allowed toadvtiuee
." M Vkl 1,1 I VIII
.,.,ik rtf nit.1i.tn.ta with htm MlTlirilllV. a 1 13 1 niH'lllllB, I'li'.-'Hiriu I x T U vi iu I ii
Every bodv seemed pleased to hear i of the W. It. C, wai calling on friends Sk tktl--jMiswi.
him talk, he did go at it so well; detn- J here Inst Saturday. Our next County c.l ldo.nl will at-
onstratlng and explaining every charge commissioner. John Lewellen was out ack the vital organs oau.s.n.v; catar. 1. of
av-indletment and all that he laying some rails on his political fence be bladder, or the kulncy. themselves
could get at In one hour and thirty last week, besides making fence at break down an, waste axvay cell by eel
nZLs Substantially his proof by! home. Mr. Lewellen is not much of ( Uou b W ln,ost v
k ..i vt twttm t nn v an orator, but we would wager a pound trotn a lir.iig uu tit tf uk kium s ami
1113 I'ttfL IVV'III. .,.----, .1.1, i .... I .
singing school nt Holing.
1 John Elliott Is going to run a beef
wagon soon In eonnocllon with his
storo, also a delivery wagon.
Wo have a large Behind bouse In
Mamnscus, but what is It for, pray,
do not ask us. The directors are not
fools. bIIII they will not have an even
ing snellluir school. Oh. mvl thev tnul.n
ease, pm-ninoum, ..., ,
ary; they also voted against a sing
ing school; they said It was against
the rule, and entertainments were loo
much, for they fear the school house
would burst. There are some people
In our town who hate to see tlie world
go around, and why It Is please don't
ask us,
his compliment to the "Sheeny" coun
ty papers and the Oregonian.
Throughout his speech he showed
forth the good side of Geo. C. Brownell
the side we all admire, rossibly a
few were prone to believe all he said
as real facts; this Boss politician is
fitly portrayd by Emerson: "What you
are stands over you the while, and
thunders so. that I can not hear what
you say to the contrary."
Speaking of promises, of promises
gone by. the Senator promised Mo
lalla an electric line within 14 years
whether he was elected or not. Won
der If John H. Mitchell did not appear
fair, Innocent and honest, when in the
V. S. Senate he denied having anything
to do with the land frauds. An don't
you suppose that Hermann wears the
6ame beautiful smile and practices the
6ame double-jointed hand shake, in
declaring his innocence on the charge
against him for defrauding the govern
ment? Then a bold frot. well main
tained, seems to be the intrinsic qual
ification of the successful politician:
it'a what people hang on to the coat
tail to the last, living in hopes that
he yet will secure a position for me
or some of the family. Such politic
ians keep up full sail to the last and
when their doomed storm strikes them,
they go down at once with everything
on board.
rolltlcs is indeed a very peculiar
business and should Clackamas coun
ty's political boss and dictator again
become our Czar and ruler, why con
tinue to Mld elections in the future
for the County? Why not turn the
whole matter over to this shrewd man
ager with power to appoint his aides;
surely it would not be quite so hypo
critical as to be holding election farc
es merely to ratify what has gone before.
Drama last Saturday night given Dy
the Molalla Band, was well apprec
iated by a full house. The band music
was very good, considering the short
time the boys have been practicing,
which speaks to the credit of rrof.
Dunton's drilling. The band orches
tra Is surely a pleasing auxiliary. In
clined to take as an interlude as any
entertainment. The oys had dressed
up in their new green uniforms, trim
med with black.
- School closed here last Friday, the
students gave their teacher a farewell
reception, getting up their own pro
gram outside of their school work,
concluding with a genuine "candy pull
ing." where all took a hand in 1906
different positions: and then we lost
count, by being thumped under the
nose with a fourth of a pound of sweet
ness. There were one hundred in the
of candv he would make a mighty . - r-i-y
good State Senator and give a few rea incut of the kulnevs. If ye.uue feel
M , . o ....... ...... li..., tug badlv vou can make no mistake hv
r State rls and h o est dV.U Mr taWm! Kilmer's w.n.Rool. the
Miles of St Johns visited h.ssister. ZS"
Mrs. Burly last Saturday and Sunday. Mi m . . . ,
If the weather continues pleasant the unpwJant necessity of being
next few days will be busy ones for 0n .w to 0 oflcn Ulm).h- le tlnvN
garden making, and cleaning up the uml u, U, umny tiltlvs (lmll,K Ule
yards. ' night. The mild and the extraordinary
" " effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized.
ECZEMA. TETER. SALT RHEUM, u stands the highest for it wonderful
ITCH. RING WORM. HERPES , cures of the most distressing cases.
BARBERS' ITCH. I Swamp-Root is pleasant to take mid is
. .. sold bv all druggists in lil'tV-cent and
All of these diseases aro attended one-dollar sue bottles. You may have a
by Intense Itching, which is almost 8!,"'Pe little of this won, lerf,, new .lis
Instantly relieved by applying Cham- y"r k - " " ""'f.1.
berlain's Salve and by its continued tth sent free by ma.l Address, I r Ml
useapernu.nentcin.tna, be effect
It has, n fact cured many case- that h hi .
had resisted all other treatment. Price ,.slakei,mtrem!lWrtll(. ,,., numl
25 cents per box. lor sale by. Howell Root r,r Kilmcr.H saum Koot, and the
Jone I address, Uinghamton, N. V., oi every
fr tj n Morris an, I Vila IjiIm l.nn.
The crops are coming on fine after h ' ' ' rilv ,. simdav with
the frost. It seems there was not Mn) Burkn8rt. Mr. now man acted as
much damage done on account of the beal man anJ ,he d,nnor Rotu,n up by
cold weather. Mr8 B wa9 k)H,ny relished by the
There was a great political rally here vMtan 0f which there was a house
Saturday, the 24th. eight or ten candl- fu A wtre lnvU(?J to ca a(?aln by
dates were here who took part. Among thp no8tt8S
them were Geo. C. Brownell. candl-, Work ,n Mr I)lckerson-g hop yariJ a
date for State Senator and Geo. Kan- we, aiong
dall. of New Era. candidate for Rep-j Mr R,,ynoj has lwon pruning his
resenUtlve on the Republican ticket. chcrr orchar(1 and grubbed out some
The fields are looking green and ther o th(, olll(st troog mproving the l.s.ks
will soon be plenty of grass for the of the orchard V(ry mch.
stock. There is every indication of , A ,nl,,re8toJ tn Sunday School mat
good crops for this season. Jtors are lnvlt,,,j t0 be at the seh(Ml
" , house on next Sabbath at the usual
A REWARD. hour, as the question of selecting a
7 . . , superintendent and the keeping up of
We offer a reward of 25 cents for a gch(K), s a vlta, V)lnt l0 cons,u.r.
every case or SKin iroume. rrwra., Mr p8rkeri the present efficient su-
ulcers, old running sores, founds, cuts, perintendent. resigns the ix.sltlon to
ulcers, old running sores, wounds, cuts move ,0 0rtK,m Clty, aI1(1 Mrs. a. A.
or any kind of scalp trouble that Der- Aen ha8 COI1!i,,ntej to sorvt. rather
makoia win not neai. jor u noi curea than gee our Sunday school dissolved
o.-a nnv th rpntu hark. . . . . t- i. . i-
S. L. Apple, ex Probate Judge, Ot
tawa. Co., Kansas, writes; "This is to
say that t have used llallard'a Ho re
bound Syrup for years, and thnt I do
not hesitate to recommend It as the
best cough syrup I have ever used."
I"ic, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Huntley
Itros. Co.
The ladies of the Bible class were
entertained at Mrs. Chas. Moran's last
Friday to an old-fashioned wool-picking.
A very pleasant time was had.
Mrs. Moran honored her guests by an
elaborate lunch at 5 o'clock.
Mr. O. S. Sherrad departed for his
old home in Michigan after a year
spent In this vicinity.
Miss Rea Grubbs visited friends in
"Vancouver and Portland last Sunday
and Monday.
Mr. Wm. Savage visited here a day
or two.
Mrs. Hulett Bradley is very low at
her home. A trained nurse has been
with her for the last two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Widener have enlarged
their residence.
Fred Currins Is having a new fence
' Mr. Rose Is painting his new house.
John Gillett. who lives on the main
street of our town.
Is painting his bouse neither a white
or a brown.
But we think the colors all right
If he'd trim all around in white.
The Mountain View Dramatic Club
will soon give another entertainment
in May s hall.
The Sunday School wil have a very
pretty entertainment Easter Sunday.
we pay the 25 cents back.
Mr. C. Yost visited his children at
Portland .last sunaay
or disbanded. Keep an Interest In
Sabbath School and church matters
for the benefit of our children.
IVm't forget to attend the school
exhibit Friday evening, March 30, It
Is free to parents and all who are In
terested In school work.
The P. II. S. baseball team will
play their first game of the season, at
Willamette Fulls, Friday afterniMtn,
March 30. The boys have fine new
suits and make a good appearance.
We hope they will play as good as
they look.
Paul Freytag and family from Port
land, spent Sunday at Captain Smith's,
also J. Rivers from Eagle Creek, who
Is a brother of Mrs. Smith.
Mrs. George Hamilton made a flying
trip to Portland, Tuesday.
Mrs. Blood, from Clackamas, Is at
Mr. llrayton's taking cure of her
mother. Mrs. W, F. Urayton, who Is
quite III. '
Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes drove over
to West Oregon City Sunday to see
Mr. Pressoe, who had the misfortune
to dislocate his shoulder.
Mrs. Ronck and son. of Oregon City,
spoilt Saturday las with Mrs. Holmes,
of this place.
Saturday. March 31. Is all day grange
and a good attendance Is desired as an
Interesting program has been prepared.
I have boon suffering for the past
few years with a severe attack of
rheumatism and found that llallard'a
Snow Liniment was the only thing
that gavf mo satisfaction and tended
to alleviate my pains. March 21. "02:
John C. Ifc-gnan. Kinsman, Ills.
2.r,c, DOc and $1.00.,
Sold by Huntley Bros. Co.
Tho Kind You Havo Always nought, mul which Iuih tu
in uho for over 510 yonrt lius homo tho nljriiutoro of
; and has been mado under IiIh iwr-
7f sZJJ-f-t- NmaliiupcrvlHlon hIiioo Hh Inutiicy.
fvtf-St OcAi4 Allow no ono to docolvo you In thin.
All Counterfeits Imitations and Just-iw-irood" nro hub
Experiments that irlflo with and endftiitfer tho heulth of
Infants and Chlldrcu-iSinortoneo ajralnst HiporluicuU
Castorla Is n harmless Hiibstltuto for Castor Oil, Pnre
gorle. Drop mud Hoothlnjr Hyriips. It Is rieamtnt. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nun-olio
mihHtunee. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroy Worms
and allays FeverUhncHH. It cures Ilarrhea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilate the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Uowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Faiuicctt Tho Mother's Friend,
Bears tho Signature of
The Kind You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tmc .iwt.w. mNm, t iu imn, mm.
isi-asi'S put together, and until the last
few yi-ars wiih supposed to be incur-
The remarkable recovery of Ken-
The signing of candidate's petitions th Mclver. of nceboro NIe 1, the
still eoes forward suujeci oi mum nupicm iu uiu mem
Sllll goes lurwuru. .. i. . , a r,t
Mrs. Burkhart is still Improving her -7 A
cozy home and well does this good rlens- e saya oi ... rase.
J tr ua.-ara Inna mrriftf Inn rf Inn Tnniflf
woman deserve that which brings us 1" ' " . .i.:!
own reward. Her home is a model of na. nw" VX' .
'Ir,A lTJPrTJ King's New Discovery and I am happy
card by pgand whUew.hfng --K B.S
That common sensed farmer and Tons'Iltis Neak Lungfl. Hoarseness
best of neighbors, Chris Simpkins. Is d LJ W- Guar anteed at Howell
busy plowing and cowing clover seed. iJS
School closes two weeks hence. It,lnal oouie tree.
has been a very successful term, bar- ' "
ring the late accident that befell the DAMASCUS,
teacher, Mr. Anderson.
That prince of good fellows. Pleasant ' cine no news in vou naner from
Allen, has been plowing and harrowing thl8 lutle burg of Damascus, I thought
the past week for a number of belated 1 wollld drop you a few itemg. Kvery-
Maple iane iarmers. 9 iUHy around here getting out
The Misses Clara and Ruby Plow- for teiephone unes. The O. W,
man, of Sellwood, Sundayed with their P lme aiso throueh Damascus.
father. C. N.. returning in the evening. The x,wer une wlll run"from Estaca-
we are pieasea 10 nonce reai estate da to portiand through this little burg,
agent Plowman at the helm again. Brownell speaks tonight at the HII-
since his late sickness. He reports ier nau in Damascus. There are a
Inquiries for real estate Improving as great many around here with the sore
the season advances. throat.
Judge Plowman, oi t ranee, sent nis yTnit l8 n good hape only a few of
son a nne pair 01 re wnue ian urn tne eariy cherries damaged
pigeons that beat anything we nave L, c. stark, of Damascus teaches a
seen in Oregon. Charley had the car-1
penter to make them a fine home and ,
when the birds get domesticated he j
will be strictly in it. '
Mr. Miles, the gentleman who lately1
purchased the six acres of ground op-1
posite the home of Mrs. S. A. Allen,!
has his house Inclosed and It adds j
much to the appearance of the lane. I
Several parties went out to Mr. '
Meyers last Sunday with dogs and
rounded up the coyotes. j
Spring work is well advanced and
Maple Lane is blossoming like a rose.
Mrs. Ilarns Ik now on the alck list.
A number from her are preparing
to go down the Columbia for the flh-
ng season.
The speaking at the hall Saturday
evening was largely attended.
C. Iloynton Is breaking a cott.
Mrs. O. Daniels and family have
moved Into tho Fisher house at Mull-no.
Mrs. Manning Is Intending to build
a new housp this summer.
Mrs. Husband and daughter were
visiting at the Pairan home Sunday
Drs. Strickland and Powell were
ailed to see little Keho Woodsldo a
few days ago. She is 111 of pneu
monia but Is better.
Do Your Ankles op Limbs Swell?
Are Your Eyes Putty? We nro
the 60I0 Agents for the Only
Thing Known That Cures tho
Kidney Diseases that Cause
Dropsy, vizi Fulton's Compound.
Want a Daily Paper?
Here is your chance
Portland Daily Telegram
Oregon City Enterprise
This is certainly a rare offer. Take
advantage of it by sending in your
order at once. j
It Is now well known tht draper li not to
Itself t dliw&M but is commonly ijrmptota of
BriKbt'i Dlaetee or DlSDCten. Hence, up to th
dltcorer; of the Fulton Compound, dropiiy wm
tncurtble. It li now, however, cursble In nesrly
Dine tenth of all cues. Here ii n lnterestinf
recovery, to which we refer by permlsirton,
Mrs. Peter Ooyhenelx of 958 Fillmore street,
Sn Francisco, becsme alarmingly droptlcal.
Her pbyilclan had finally to tap ber every few
days. She was tapped nearly forty time and
rrew worse from day to day. The pbylclan
finally told ber busband that the bad Bright'
Dlaeaae of the Kidneys, that it wai In an ad
vanced chronic itate and beyond medical aid.
Ber heart alao fare ber the usual trouble and
be wa In such a aerlou condition the relative
verc aent for. TheT Dut her on Fulton ' Corn-
It stayea on ner iwrnavn, ut nm
Harvey E. Cro Will Oppose J. U. able. For a great many years doctor)
Campbell for Nomination. I pronounced it a local disease and pr
Hon. Harvey K. Cross, of this city, j scribed local remedies, and by con
yesterday became a candidate fur stnnlly fulling to cure wilh local treat
Joint representative from Multnomah 1 inent. pronounced It Incurable. Hclenrn
and Clackamas counties and will con i has prnvwn catarrh to be a constitu
tes! this nomination with J. I'. Camp-' tlmial disease ami therefore requires,
bell, also of this county, who yehtw- constitutional treatment Unit's Os
day tiled w ith the Secretary of State, itnrrh Cure, manufactured by V. 1.
at Salem, his nominating petition. Mr. I Chenwy Co . Toledo. Ohio, Is th
Cross wlll also file his petition today, j only constitutional cure on thu mar
"A lireator Oregon." Is Mr. Cross' ; ket. It Is taken Internally In doses
motto, lie subscribe to Statement from 10 drops to a tcaHpootiful. It acts
No. 1 and stands on the followlnn ' directly on the blood and mucou stir
platform: 'faces of th system. They offer on
"If I B'ii nominated ami elected : hundred dollars for any ca It falls to
cure. HotKi rur circulars ana testi
monials, Address: K. J. CHKNKY CO., ToU
. do. Ohio.
Sold by DnmlHts. 75c.
Take Hull's Family fills for constl-
"Speaking of the torture to which
some of the savage tribes In tho Phil
ippines subject their captives, reminds
me of the intense sufferlnn I endured
the Kidneys," says W. M. Sherman, of
CushlnK. Me."Nothlnn helped me until
I tried Kloctrle Hitters, three bottles
of which completely cured mo." Cures
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Wood
disorders and Malaria; and restores
the weak and nervous to robust health.
Guaranteed by Howell & Jones drui?-
gists. Price 50 c.
will ilurlnK my term of office advocate,
especially the followlntt measures ami
principles: Good roads, better men.
an economic tiollry In the fiscal af
fairs of the Slnte, the election of the
V. S. Senator by direct vote of the
people, a forty fiHit channel to the patron
Sea, free transportation on thu Wil
lamette and Columbia lilvers and a
Kreater Oregon."
Mr. Cross represented Claclamas ,
and Multnomah counties as Joint-Sen- lbmutlful weather In Stafford, also
ator at the sessions of 1831 and IKJ3 ' ' Pro Pond
and secured the passage of the flrt-l I Some have colds, but nothlnR serl-
cash road la, also a law placing ,ous
sheriff, clerks anil recorders on nai
There Is more Catarrh In this sec
Hon of tho country than all other dl
For Thin
We are having quite a change In the
weather now, and the people are Im
proving their opportunities by making
hay while the sun shines.
Mr. T. Wiles Is making quite an Im
provement on his farm, clearing land.
Mr. Churchill's house seems to be
booming right up, Mulino will be a
city In tho near future yet, If we don't
be careful.
The Free Methodist pastor. Hev.
Cx)k, 8iske Sunday morning, also In
the evclnng to a large congregation.
Mrs. Jasper Trulllnger Is expecting
to be home In the near future.
Mr. Fred Woodslde's only child,
Echo, was quite III a few days ago,
but Is better now.
A few of tho young people of this
place, went for a stroll Sunday, about
four miles from here to see the wonder
ful Buckner Creek Falls, and If any
one would like tq know the way there,
Just follow your nose over these hills.
Mrs. August Ericsson and her son
and daughter, Albert and Elva, spent
Saturday with her grandmother.
Maud Manning Is now working for
Mrs. Barnes, of Liberal, who Is not
able to be around.
Mr. John Rhodes and Mr. Grant
Ashby were seen heading for Oregon
City Monday.
The people of this place held a tide
phone meeting In the Grango hall,
Wednesday evening.
All any body can talk about now
Is politics, politics. Tho Hon. Geo. C.
Mrs. Weddlo write that the last
rain In Pasadena. California, did not
affect her as the one before, and she
had gained six pound In flesh, It
will be remembered that she went
south In December for a throat troub
le. Mr. Ilellil still lives, at times racked
with pnln.
Mr. Welsenlsirn sold out to a man
by name of Barnes, from Shasta coun
ty. California. After visiting a couplo
of week with their daughters. Mr.
and Mrs. W. will go to San Jose, Thus
one goes and another comes. They
get 12350 for their 2o acre farm, and
I takn with I hern finlv rlnlhlnir hmlillnv
Fat is of great account etc
, , .... . I A young man from Missouri Is at
tO a baby J that IS Why work for Mr. Gage. Eleven came to-
K'-iiicr mini in sumo town i)out a
month ago.
Mrs. Powell went to Portland Mon
day, returnfhK Tuesday.
Some tramps have been along. Is
Is Just right, we country people In
quire, when we rend of municipal
Judges In near by towns who have po
lice protection to send vugrants out to
prey upon tho country? When all
the protection we have Is our trusty
shot gun? It is not right. Just keep
them where men are paid to watch
DOUnU. It Bl.TrU UU lie, vou.ai., .un ....
thing that had (lone o for a wf lc. The second
week the dropsy iVcllneii a little and the 1m-ni-n.oment
was then vradual until her recovery
was complete, mis co :: urowneii spose to quire a large crowd
5."ira"?& the Grange hall on Saturday even-
of the case and the recovery were fully attested ! lng, March 24, and his main subject
was about L. L. Porter his best friend
Brownell beware how you comb your
By the polish on Porter's floor,
In thf.tr Mthimna.
Mr. Thorn n Christol of i!H Twenty-seventh
ttreet. Ban Francisco, wa also iwollen with
dropsy, as a result of chronlo Hrlftht' Disease,
to more than aeventy-flr poundt beyond her
normal we'itht, and had to b mored In been
babies are fat. If your
baby is scrawny, Scott's
Emulsion is what he
wants. The healthy baby
stores as fat what it does
not need immediately for
bone and muscle. Fat
babies are happy ; they do
not cry ; they are rich ;
their fat is laid up for
time of need. They are
happy because they are
comfortable. The fat sur
rounds their little nerves
and cushions them, When
they are scrawny those
nerves are hurt at every
ungentle touch. They
delight in Scott's Emul
sion. It is as sweet as
wholesome to them.
Send for frit $ampl:
and wa close to death door although she hsd (For he s in the race, for the senate
four phvslclans. 811 wa put on the Fulton place,
Compounds. Thre week (bowed Improvement . . . mih. -hnw vmi the rlnnr
and in six month ah wa well, and permit ' An1 he might show you tne noor.
ibis referenoe. Brownell, adieu, we can no longer vote
There lsonlvon thin know, that will onr
the chronic kidney disease that 1 behind dropsy
and thtt Is Pulton's C'omoound. The Renal
Compound for Bright' and Kidney disease, II;
for Diabetes, II. W. John J. Fulton Co., )
for you,
Faith once betrayed, can not return
So now, Brownell, you must adjourn.
r 1 - .
pounder. Send for pamphlet, w ar the ui Bruce Curry was a business visitor
Meat for thi city. to Salem yesterday.
Web Burns left yesterday for east
Charman & Co., City Drug Store, em Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Woodruf are visiting
their son, Frank Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Welsmendlo, of Cams,
visited their parents Sunday.
George Klder Is working In Port
land. Mrs. BesMlii Clark spent Sunday with
her parents.
Lnurencn Gardener Is spending n
week's vncntlon with his parents.
Miss Norah Gregory Is back from
Eastern Oregon, visiting her parents.
Mrs. Lottie Penman and chlldrea
are hack from Eastern Oregon, stay
ing with her parent,
Miss Mary Snldow closed her school
last Friday' and wlll commence tench
lug our school April 2d. Wo all hope
that Miss Snldow wlll have as good
success with her school here as she
had In her former school.
Mr. Ellns Parry, of Beaver Crook,
culled on W H. Jones this week.
Wo ask you to try a 25 cent hottlo
'of PmrnMn1. "v.. ...V. -... .... j ...
Biurethatthlplcturln v.,uBu v.nio una we win
th.fofmof.l.beliiosth. W "nek your money If It fallu to
wrtpper of verr bottle of cnro' A BlnK0 dofl0 lwwona the hard
Emulsion you buy. , 0Ht coKh, allaya Inflammation and
biu-o lunuui muup. ituniicy liros.
Scott &r Bowne
4094IM Ptart Strft
At Molalla, every Monday:, Saturday
. on Appointments.
S0e. and $1.00 . . .
aii Dmf (isu JOHN VV. THOMAS, Dentist