Oregon C inn ERPRI J. 1 VOL. 9- N0, 1e- OREGON CITY, OREQON, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1900. ESTABLISHED 1864. 111 ' JONATHAN BOURNE, JR. 1 ; , ' 1, V . I H. M, C'nfc::, candidate for thn United Htate Ht-nuto. "It Id tho duty of tho Party to kH together, and work for tlm common good of thn Htte, and with IIiIh end In vlt-w, people should bo fre to express their principle at tlm poll, without tint domination of machluo rule, "Tlm klm of convention and the star chamber method of tlm political elrt linvct resulted In the people In sisting upon the. right to nominate tlilr own candidate for public office, ri! thl tin brought ntxMit tlx- direct primary law. lly thl mean tho peo ple of Oregon are now In a position to Indicate to tho I-if Iwlnttirn the man they want U rtri-HMit them In the t'liltinl Mate Hent," WORK BUNCO GAME FISHERMAN IS ACQUITTED. Practically Impossible to Scur a Conviction In Thl County U. ('. WorthtriKton, of Oswego, charged with Halting with a Kill tu t without a llccn, wa acquitted by a jury In iba Justice court her Mon day afternoon. A a rlnfensn Worth Ington maintained that having pro cured a act net license, he wa entitled to flxh with a Kill net and thn Jury evi dently concurred with that view. lien Hoaintreter and John Krlck on, of Oswego, are also under arrest on the Confidence Men Catch Oregon City Man for $250 RESTORE MONEY TO VICTIM WHO REFUSED TO PR08ECUTE. Immense Return Were Assured From the Small Investment Th End Not Yet. swindler 1 one of the most original and at the name time; mysterious that ha been practiced in thl locality In year. It I considered a conundrum a to whether the two men arc actu ally engaged In the. making of counter feit money or if they adopt thl get-rlch-flck scheme atory a a guide to Interest their victim and then after getting the man Involved a deeply a themselves Jn their illegal profession secure Immunity from prosecution by daring him to complain and notify the authorltle. Hegulat" the bowels, promote easy , and natural movement, cures conatl-, pat ion loan a Keguieu. ak your drugglttt for them. 25 cent a bo. FOR A HIGH SCHOOL Important Question Before Clack amas County Yoters OREGON CITY 13 ASKED TO NATE SUITABLE SITE. DO- CALL FOR SOCIALIST CONVENTION. COUNTY 13. II. Cane, an Oregon City horse man, wa cleverly buncoed out of $250 few day at(0 by two counterfeiting aharper, who gave the name of Tho. Zooaman and Frank Jennlnga, but upon the money being reatored to him afterward refuaed to appear as itinn charge and their trial proccutlng wltneaa n eaimlng the ar- ' riiMf .r fli A liTa'A r,T trruf t.rm It. nn no I tald V) be an eiconvlct. Several day ago, Zooaman, with whom Cane wa alltchtly acquainted, will b held later. Itarely I an offender convicted In thl county for Illegal flahlng, a condi tion that encourage a general viola tion of th 'aw. Deputy I'ronecutlng came to him and to'd him of a plan Republican Candidate for United States Senator. Champion of Statement One Jonathan Iwmrne, Jr , candidal befortt the Republican prlmarln for the nomination of I'hlteJ Htale Hcntr In Congre, for the Jong terra com irnrlag March . 1907, wa born In New Itedford. Ma., Kebruary 23, 18I1S; wan a tueir.Ur t I ho cla of 1U77 at Harvard I'nlverally ; eamo to Portland Vlav K, U7t. wa a Itepubllran numtber of lha OreRon Icgllaluro In the ni!iti t t and Ihe citr aelon of 1S86; wa one of Oregon' delegate In the HrpuMiran National Convention of 1H8S and Oregon' memher of the ItejniMi. n National Committee from to W2, and a delegate to tho KrpuMii-an National Convention of U2; and wa elected a a Mitchell He pul llran to the (Ueptn leglii!Bture In 196. Mr. llournn ha been more prominently Identified with the develop ment of tho mineral reaource of Oregon than any other man In the atate, fcatlng npi-nded In tho lal JO year over 11,000,000 of hi own money In tho anjut.iMon and development of Oregon mine. t Willi Mr ltourno ha bad hi renldenre and main office at Portland lure 1ST, b ha had another office at New liedford. Ma., and ha carried en the bult)CR of hi father' ratato alnro ISN9, which makea him familiar !tb niany of the largo Intereat and lending men In the KaaL Theae quail-8-atlon, In ronjumilon with III lremnlou energy, originality, executive atlllly and ci-rlenr. In bimlnen and tmlltlcal affalra preeminently qualify kim fur making an able and Influential tfenator fur the State of Oregon. Mr Bourn ha alway favored eatending the direct power of the people evrr their government a far a poaaible. He vae one of the leading cplrlt In the Initiative and Referendum movement from 1898 until It wae approved by the voter at the June election In 1902. In 1904 ho wu a member of the titiullve committee of the Direct Primary Nomination League, and hold 1 tame poaition with the People' Power League at thl time. In all thee movrmrnt he ha been one of th few to guarantee the neceiiary expenae of prrparlng and propoaleg their meaaure to the people. He eaye that the choice of United State Senator should be by direct vote of the people, and that the Legislature hould be compelled to elect the man thr people aelect. To accomplith thl reult, I championing Statement No. 1 ol Vie primary election la a the only method by which public opinion may t cryatallied and made effective upon the Leglalature. In h. petition for nomination he aay: "If I am nominated and elected I will, during my term of office, Favor: Republican Politic. Amending National Constitution for People' Election of United State Senator. Publicity Political Campaign Expenee. National Control of Corporation In Interstate Commerce. Rigid Eaclualon of Asiatic Cooll Labor; Good Wage Make Good Citizen. Legal Limitation Labor Hour for Safety on Railroad. Parcel Post, Including Rural Delivery. Pur Food Lawa. Liberal Appropriations for Panama Canal, Coast Defense, River and Harbor Improvements, Including Columbia. Willamette Rivers, Coo. Yaqulna and other Oregon Harbor. Celllo Canal, Govern ment Canal at Oregon City. Fair Shar of Irrigation Fund for Oregon. Loyal Support of Succeiaful Candidate. Rigid Enforcement Statement One. Rooaevelt for Second Elective Term. I dealre that th following ttement be prlnUd aftr my nme on th nominating ballot: I WILL SUPPORT PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S DETERMINATION THAT JUSTICE BE DONE ALL MEN." Attorney Bcbuebel, however, declare that he will prosecute every rase that I preferred until conviction are e cured and tho guilty one punched. SMITH WINS WRESTLING MATCH. Oiarlea "Btranglcr" Hmlth, of Port land, defeated Hobert Jackaon, of thl city. In a wreatllng bout at the Arm ory Monday night. Tho content wa the beat two In three fall for a lde bet of 1100 and gate receipt. Jack aon aecured the flmt fall In 18 minute. Smith taking the next two fall In 6 he had In rnlnd by which the two might become Immensely rich In a short time. Ho then divulged tho de tail of hi scheme, explaining .that friend of hi, named Jennings, wa a clever counterfeiter who had no trouble In paanlng the product of hi ef managed mint. ISut, unfortunate ly, asserted Zoomnan, hi acquaintance bad recently lout all of hi money at the gambling table and before he could resume tho making of Illegal money, It wa neeeaaary that he raise $50 In genuine legal tender. Case declare that he hesitated about be coming a party to the scheme, but bis I am hereby authorized to call a con vention of the Hoclallnt Party of Clack amas county to meet In Knapp' Hall, Oregon City, Saturday, April 7. at the hour of 10 a. m., for the purpose of nominating a complete county and legislative ticket of candidate for the regular election In June, for transact ing the regular monthly bulne of Ixica) Clackamas County, of the Social- lat Party, and for the transaction of such other business a may properly come before the convention. All per sons who are members of Ical Clack amas County, alrto any other who may apply for membership In the county Local and pay one month' due In ad vance, will be sated as voting dele gate. CLAUDS S. HOWARD, County Secretary. Note: There will be no meeting of Local Clackamas County, April 1, as the regular meeting ha been post poned to the day of the convention. The ballot for candidate will be tak en about 2:30 In the afternoon. Petition, Asking for 8uch an Inst I tui tion, Are Filed. Provision of th Law. "Doan Ointment cured me of ec-1 rema that bad annoyed me a long time. The cure wa permanent. Hon. a. W. Matthews, Commissioner of Labor I Statistics, Auguista, Me. I... I I ihi II II Jill m-mmmm mmmmm 1 a ' cm- m x yV4 iav THEY RACED BY MOONLIGHT. Oregon City Vocalists Startle the Peo ple of Canby. It wa tho night of the meeting Sen ator Hrownell and other candidate held nt Canity recently. The speech making and Hinging had ended ami ho member (if the pnrty had retired for the night, at ono of the hotels. Tho wall of the building not being PliiHlcrcd. tnlklng In any of tho rooms ituld bo plainly herml In tho adjoin ing apartments. It hcciiih that the luiullmly bail the room adjoining Hint occupied by two of tho young gentle iiinii Hlngor who have been neeoni punyhiK Honator Ilrownoll on hi tour of tho county. Tlume two young men hud not HiHtner extlngulHliod tlte light for the night and ItiHcrted thomaelvoH betwt-en the Inviting blanket, until 'hey beennin engaged In a dlHputo ns lo which whh the bettor foot racer. The argument becamo the more I'eiUi'd until one of tho fellows, who hotiHtod of being bh clover on hi feet n he wan at entertaining largo audi enccH as a vocuIIhI, olTorod to bet hi Farmer George, they say that the railroads and corporations own Hrownell I a corporation man? I stand with the railroads? Never! We'll tlx these corporations! I'm your friend. Your daughter shall have a clerkship In the next legislature. Petition asklnu that the subject bf establishing a county high chool he fubmltted to a popular vote at tfc9 general election In June, have be"0 filed with the County Clerk. While only 100 signatures were necessary to have this maatter submitted tn ft vote, there were la the aggreate 25 signature to the petition filed. The Initiative In the movement thAt 1 now well developed for providing for a county high school for Clackamas county, was taken by the Alumni As sociation of the Oregon City public schools and a sentiment favoring XJaa project ha been generally arouaed In all section of the county. Ask City to Give Cite. Professor J. C. Zlnser, auperlntea ent of schools for Clackamaa county, and C. Schuebel, deputy district at torney, appeared before the Oregon City Council at Its laat meeting, and requested that body to donate a block of land In thl city as a site for a pro posed county high school. The subject wa taken under advisement Sentiment throughout the county is largely for a high school, the coun ty at the present time having no such educational Institution although ad vanced grades are maintained in th9 Oregon City and Parkplace schools. In the proposed donating of a site for such a school it advocates be lieve that a big step will have been taken towards securing the proposed Institution. Something about the Law. The law relating to the establishing and maintaining of county high schools, provide as follows: Section 92. Number of High Schools In County There may be established In any county In this state one or more coun ty high schools: Provided, that at Any general or special election held In said county, after the passage of this act, a majority of all the rotes cast at such election upon the proposition to es tablish a county high school shall bo in favor of establishing and maintala Ine such county high school or schools at the expense of said county. (Code 3432.) Section 94. County Court Must Es tablish If the majority of all votes cast on the proposition to establish a county high school are in the affirmative, it I shall be the duty of the county court. within thirty days alter canvassing said vote to locate said school in some suitable and convenient place In said county. The county court shall also estimate the cost of purchasing a suitable lot, erecting a building and furnishing the same for the accommo dation of such school, with the cost Of conducting such school for the next twelve months: Provided, that the county court, or the high school board, as herein constituted, may rent suit able rooms for the accommodation of the school. If rooms can be obtained in the public school buildings in the place in which said school shall be located, they shall be given the pref erence: Provided further, that said board may contract with the board of ! directors of any district in the county that now maintains, or may hereafter maintain, a high school grade to teach all county high school pupils at such (Continued on page 8.) rotuiinnlon that he could heat him in n race down tho middle or mo street, from the hotel to the saloon, this re sort being loculod In the other end of the town, tho wnger-.belng stipulated a drink. Tho wager was no sooner made than It wa taken up and, without making further preparation, the two alleged foot racers tip toed out of their rooms to the starting point In the middle of tho ntreet thnt had been agreed to. Without tho services of a starter or other off trinl. tho pair, whose cos tumes were doeldely abbreviated and of light quality, finally got ofT to tho satisfaction of both contestants and completed tho course. It Is not known which of tho two "bought" but It In snld that, tho belat ed Canity residents who witnessed, the nice, huvo not yet ceased blushing. and two minutes, respectively. Two hundred persona witnessed the contest, the main event being preced ed by a wrestling bout, also a two round boxing contest by two local lads, j contemplated. Smith accepted the challenges of ! Case produced W, A. Gordon, of North Yakima, and Conductor Simmons, of Mllwaukle, Oregon, and Issued a challenge to Jackson, agreeing to sign articles for any amount to throw him five times within ono hour or forfeit the purse. Smith weighed 154 pounds while Jackson weighed 170. Ed. Hechner, of this city, was referee. OPPOSED TO MACHINE RULE. H. M. Cake Strong Advocate of Pop ular Election of Senator. "Tho people aro tired of factional fights In tho Hopubllcan porty," soys MORE MEETINGS. L. L. Potter, Republican candidate for State Senator, and C. If. Dye, candidate for tho Republican nomination of Representative, aud other can didates, will address the people of Clackamas county during tho next seven days ns follows: Saturday, March 31, at 7:30. p, m., Barlow Monday, April 2, at 7:30 p. m., Schuebel' achool house. Tuesday, April 3, at 7:30 p. m. Grange Hall at Maple Lane. Wednesday, April 4, at 7:30 p. m., Brown' achool house. Thurday, April 5, at 7:30 p. m., Oak Grove. Friday, April 6, at 7:30 p. m., Eagle Creek. Saturday, April 7, at 7::30 p. m., Sandy. doubts wero dispelled by the confi dence he had In his friend Zoosman who assured him that there was noth ing Irregular In the game that was With this assurance the desired amount, $250, and when he made Inquiries sub sequently as to when ho was to real ize returns on his Investment, he hav ing been .told that for tho use of the loan he would surely receive betweeu $1000 and $1200, the confidence opera tors gave him the laugh, told their victim that they had divided the $250 between them and dared htm to invoke the law- In his behalf. The suspicions of Case that he had been buncoed found confirmation within the next day or two when Zoos man came to him again and suggested that they join forces and Induce Jen nings to put up $."00 to further finance the scheme and then they would di vide that sum between themselves and at least bo even with tho game. Hut Case refused to play his hand any farther and made complaint at the office of Justice Llvy Stlpp. Both Zoosmnn and Jennings were promptly located and arrested by Constable Trembath. When confronted by Case they returned to him his $250 and then Case refused to appear as pros ecuting witness against tho two men who had victimized him. Before further proceedings could be taken against Zoosman and Jen nings, they had left tho city. But the end of tho case is not yet, as the of fice of the District Attorney Is In pos session of the facts In connection with the case that may result in an Inves tigation nt the term of the circuit court. The plan of operation of the two DISTINCTIVELY A CREAM OF TARTAR BAKING POWDER It does not contain an atom of phos phatic acid (which is the product of bones digested in sulphuric acid) or of alum (which is one-third sulphuric acid) sub stances adopted for other baking powders because of their cheapness.