Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 23, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Transacted at
March Term.
Be it remembered. That at a regu
lar term of the County Court of Clack
. amas County, held in the Court .House
in Oregon City, for the purpose of
transacting county business in March
the same bing the time fixed
by law for holding a regular term of
said court, present Hon. Thos. F.
Ryan, county judge, presiding; T. B.
Killen and Wm. Brobst, Commission
ere, when the following proceedings
were had, to-wit:
In the matter of supervisors reports
examined and allowed:
In the matter of the Hoist Road ;
Ordered that the supervisor be di
rected to grade said road as soon as
be can do it advantageously.
In the matter of the petition of M
Stauber and others to grade road at
New Era Camp Ground;
Ordered that this matter be taken
under advisement.
In. the matter of the petition and
su"t&cription for improvement of Ore
gon City and Boring Road;
Ordered that same be taken under
In the matter of the petition of J.
E. Edmonds and others for removal
of Charles Baker as Supervisor of
road district 34, and James Downey
superintendent of construction;
Ordered -that said matter be laid
over for consideration.
In the matter of the subscription list
of Paul Dunn and others for improve
ment of County Road ;
Ordered that subscription be accept- :
In the matter of petition to grade
and plank Buckner Hill road;
Ordered that petition be granted
and said petition to be worked out,
and plank or crushed rock to cover
same be furnished In the fall.
In the matter of the petition of H.
Guinther for grading road through
Beeson Canyon ;
Ordered that said matter be contin
ued to allow petitioner opportunity to
procure deeds for change of roadway,
In the matter of petition of Paul
Schneider and others for county road;
Ordered that "board of viewers, meet
at place of beginning on March 19
In the matter of petition of E. J.
Casto and others for county road;
Ordered that viewers meet at the
place of beginning on the 20th day of
In the matter of the petition of A.
Nf. Fellows and others for a county
Ordered that viewers meet at place
of beeinning on the 26th of March
In the matter ol plank lor iscner s
mill road.:
Ordered that the bid of Storm &
Storm to furnish plank to be deliv
ered on the road be accepted and that
they be allowed to furnish 100,000
feet, to be 3 inches thick and from
10 to 14 inches wide and cut in eight
foot lengths, came to be delivered for
$6.00 per thousand.
In the matter of the petition or uas-
per Junker and others for telephone
from Boring to Sandy;
Ordered that same be granted sub
ject to conditions made by the County
In the matter of the petition of Wm.
Booth and others for a county road;
Ordered that viewers meet at the
pil and that rramtT furnish the nowder
necessary, provided that shall not place of beginning on the 27th day of
exceed one ton of powder. : March.
In the matter of the plat of First ' In the matter of appointment of road
Addition to Jennings ' Lodge ; I supervisors ;
Ordered that said plat be and is J Ordered that Wm. R. Dallas be ap
hereby approved. I pointed road supervisor of road dis-
In the matter of petition of M. D. j trict No. 3, and that W. L. White be
Leabo and others for improvement of appointed supervisor of road district
road from Glad Tidings to M. D. Lea-; No. 29, both to fill vacancies.
Ordered that said petition be grant
ed and agreement of petitioners be
accepted and supervisor ordered to
work same and to use not to exceed
one hundred pounds of powder.
In the matter of the petition of J.
W. Roots for vacation second street
in Boring Junction;
Ordered that same be granted and
street ordered vacated as- prayed for.
In the matter of the petition of J.
E. Siefer and others for, improvement
of road leading from Union School east
toward Boring;
Ordered that petition be granted
and that $200 be appropriated and said
work be done under supervision of J.
JP. Siefer.
In the matter of petition of Christ
Moehnke and others for improvement
of road in road districts 18 and 20 ;
Ordered that the county clerk be di
rected to advertise for bids for furnish
ing plank to be delivered upon points
on road from Masingers corner to
In the matter of clearing the Turner
road ;
Ordered that matter be referred to
Commissioner T. B. Killen to make ar
rangements to have stumps removed.
In the matter of petition of G. A.
Mautz and others to plank three-quarters
of a mile of road from east end
of Latourette bridge to Swafford's
place ;
Ordered that consideration of pe
tition be laid over until the next term
of this court.
In the matter of complaint of V. A.
Humphreys for damages to property;
Ordered that Supervisor of road dis
trict No. 2, fill up the holes made and
restore the ground to its former con
dition. In the matter of communication of
J. W. Hobart relative to certain road
leading into Marquam;
Ordered that said matter be refer
red to the road supervisor to investi
gate and report on same.
In the matter of communication of
E. C. Giltner, Secretary of Portland
Chamber of Commerce; - 1
Ordered that It be. laid over so that I - -
it may be investigated. I Furnished Every Week By the Clackamas
In the matter of change of voting i Abstract Company.
nlaoe in Ahernethv nrecinct: '
Ordered that the polling place in
Abernethy precinct be at the Grange
Hall. -
In the matteF-pf Judges and Clerks:
of election.
Abernethy Precinct J. E. Witzig
having declined as judge. Captain W.
H. Smith is changed from night judge
to chairman of day board ; Floyd Jones
changed from day clerk to night Judge
and Fred Smith appointed as day clerk.
Canby Precinct Resignations of
James Adkins as judge and that of
Roscoe Mack as clerk accepted and
Charles A. Bates appointed as judge,
and Howard Eccles appointed as
clerk. " '
Eagle Creek Precinct Resignation
of Egbart Foster as judge and August
Harger as clerk, also that of Dr. C. B.
Smith, is judge, accepted and A. D.
Burnett as day judge and John Mc
Connell as night clerk and Robert De-
vfne as day clerk. I
Clackamas W. M. Moore resigning
as clerk, W. W. Smith is appointed
in his place, E. P. Dedman resigning,
J. S. Stephenson is appointed in his
place, and F. M. Dekin resigning,
Lewis Johnson is appointed in his
Oregon City. No. 1 R. L. Holman
resierniner as iudee and W. M. Shank
as "clerk, Bruce Zum wait is appointed
Judge and E. L. Johnson as clerk to
fill vacancies, and John Bittner re
signing as Judge E. F. Story is ap
pointed in "his place.
Oregon City No. 2 C. H. Dye judge
resigning, .C- E. Cross is appointed as
judge in his place..
Oregon City No. 3 T. G. Pierce and
Geo. L. Story resigning, H. A. Wal
dron and E. O. Seely is appointed to
fill vacancies. -
A. J. Monk resigning as judge, O.
C. Whittens is appointed to fill vacan
cy in Oswego precinct.
Tualatin Geo. Aden resigning as
clerk O. P. Sharp is appointed to fill
vacancy. .
West Oregon City Millard Hyatt
resigning as clerk. Otto F. Olson is
Beaver Creek R. B. Beatie resign
ing as judge, Chas. Spangler is ap
pointed to. fill vacancy.
In the matter of road Roller;
Ordered that road roller be purchas
ed of James Roake at a price of $110.
Mrs. W.- B. Evans, Clearwater, Kan.,
writes, My husband lay sick for three
months. The doctors said he had
quick consumption. We procured a
bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup,
and it' cured hira. That was six years
ago and since then we have always
kept a bottle in the house. We cannot
do without it. For coughs and colds
it has no equal.
25c, 50c and $1.00.
Sold by Huntley Bros. Co.
J. H. Henkle to C. A. Burgardt, lots
2 and 3, block 2, Barton; $150.
J. B. Vaughn to C. O. Lind, 8 acres
in section 14, 2 3, E; $250.
C. O. Lind to E. H. BurghaFdt, 8
acres in section 14, 2 3; E; $250.
C. Shuebel to A. Robertson, Jot 7,
block 129, Oregon; $300.
S. M. Cary to W. A. Wilcox, 40 acres
in cl. 41, 4 I, E; $3,200.
C. R. Will et al to B. F. Glover tract
in section 30, 1 2, E; $100.
M. C-Redmond to C. Fisher lots 19,
12 and s half of 8 in block 19, Robert-
son; $400. i
. C. B. Powell to H. A. Jansen, W half
of NW of SW section 32, 5 1, E; $1600
H. W. Fries to C. A. Cogswell, block
57 and lot 1, block 58, Milwaukie; $400.
E. F. Riley to E. Moncrief, lots 1 to
7 and 25 to 48, block 48, and lots 1, 2
and 3, block 41, M in thorn; $400
W. I. Harris to J. Kennedy SE of
SE section 27, 1 t, E; $1,000.
L. M. Simmons to J. C. Elliott, 85
acres in section 8, 23, E; $1,300.
M. C. Redmond to G. Wissinger, lot
8, block 9, Robertson; J135.
G. Kerns to N. F. Nelson, E half of"
lots 3 and 4, block. 83, Oregon City;
H. Bottemiller to J. W. Beckley 3.30
acres in Crow C, 1 2, E ; $600.
G. Wadsworth to L. Wadsworth, 5
acres in section 4, 2 2, E; $1.
H. Ballou to H. B. Ballou, 50 acres
in section 29, 2 4, E; $1.
H. F. Nelson to G. H. Kerns, lots 3,
4 and 5 in section 31, 2 3, E; $1,400.
H. Bright to J. L. Eri, E half of NE
of SW of section 6, 2 t, E; $900.
J. H. Kitchings to G. P. Looney, 1.16
acres Cl. 41, 3 4, E; $1.
O. I. & S. Co. to C. E. Morey: 1.11
acres in Collard Cl.; $1.
T. Clark to C. H. Dye, 1-5 interest in
10.75 acres in section 2, 2 2, E; $40.
O. W. P. T. S. Co. to L. IX Johnson,
lot 8, block 15, Estacada;.$75.
C. F. Kope to M. Heller, 52 acres
Fisher Cl., 23, E; $3,900.
P. H. Peters to J. W. Armstrong, 5
acres in section 24, 4 1, W; $200 .
C. White to D. L. Boylan, tract 4,
Buetel tracts; $775.
W. M. Gregory to C. Swansen, E
half of SE of section 36, 2 5, E; $1.
J.' W. Morrel to A. M. Campbell SE
of SE of section 27, 13, E; $1,400.
F. Sechtem to J. Berreth SE of SE
section 9, SW of SW section 10, 4 3,
E; $1. - -
C. Rieman to J. W. Rieman lots 2
and 3, Fairview, block 1 ; $50.
C. E. Morey to O. I. & S. Co., 31
acres in Collard CI.; $1.
K. Olover to H. W. Brown, E half of
NW; W half of NE section 6, 4 2, E;
- E. O. Henderlie to E. M. Haines,
27.75 acres Cl. 58, 3 1. E; $150.
The Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co.
are owners of the only complete Abstract
plant In Clackamas county. Prompt and
reliable work on short notice, and al
work guaranteed. Abstracts made, money
loaned, mortgages foreclosed, trusts exe
cuted, estates settled and titles perfected.
J. F. Clark, Atty at Law,
President and Manager.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Pore and Mellow
Rich and Delicate
For Sale by
Agency Tor Oregon City.
offer is a snap. Call at the office' or
mail us your subscription.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
WV44 ' 60 YEARS'
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest usency for securlnffpatents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co, receive
tpecial netics, without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly.
largest ctr-
Terms, $3 a
eulation of anv scientific Journal.
Bu-; four months, f X. eota by all newsdealers.
UNN &Co.36'8"''' New York
. Brucb Offloe. 625 F St Washington, I, c.
If you are, then you need a good
farm paper. The Enterprise has a
splendid offer. - We will furnish the
Enterprise and the Oregon Agricul
turist and Rural Northwest, the best
agricultural paper in the large section
it serves, both one year for only $1.50
the price of the Enterprise alone.
This farm paper is highly recommend
ed by the leading experts on farming,
stock raising and fruit; growing. This
8:00 A.M. (For Mavgers. Rainier.
.Dally. iciatsKanie, westport
curton, Astoria., war
r en ton, Flavel. Ham
mond. Fort Stevens,
Gearhart Park. Sea
side, Astoria and
Express Daily-
I Astoria Exoreas.
t:oo f.m.
11 :10A.M.
9:40 P.M.
C. A. STEWART, Co mm' I Act.,
Alder street. Phone Main 906.
J. -C. MATO. G. F. A P. Astoria. Or.
2,000 miles of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon, Washington , Cali
fornia and Idaho now in
operation hy the Pacific
Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,250
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the satisfaction of a
personal communication.
Distance no effect to a
clear understanding. Spo-
kane and San Francisco
as easily heard as Port
land. Oregon City office at
Hardingfs Drug- Store
Mear Huntley's Drug Store,
-Ureat Britain and America!
; N
C. N. Green
Transfer and Express.
Freight and parcels delivered
to all partfe of the city.
of Harmony Precinct
5 ' ; U -'- ': ' . - '
Candidate for Republican Nomination for
Asks for Republican Nomination for Representative
John H. Gibson, of Harmony Precinct, will support the People's choice for U. S. Senator, Would
Have Only One Normal School, Advocates State Banking; Law, Election of Road Super
visors by. the People, Fair taxing: of Corporations, Separate Appropriation Bill for Each
Item of Expenditure, Abolishing; office of State Printer, Repeal of Law for Earning Slash
ing and Lastly will work for Enactment of such Laws as are Demanded by the People and
for the Repeal of all Unnecessary Laws now on the Statute Books. '
, Harmony Precinct, Clackamas County, Oregon, March 19th, 1906.
To the Editor Oregon City Enterprise,
Oregon City, Oregon. .
Dear Sir :
If you will allow me the space in your paper, I should like through its columns, to announce to
the voters of this county my candidacy before them for the Republican nmoination on the Legislative
The first question to which I wish to call attention is the duty a public official owes to the peo
ple. I do not suppose there ever was a man selected to office who discharged the duties thereof to the
entire satisfaction of everyone, no" matter how careful and honest of purpose he may have been, and
should you honor me by electing me, I do not suppose that I would prove an exception. However, I
desire at this time to say, that if I am elected to the next Legislature, I will to the best oi my ability
faithfully and honestly discharge the duties incumbent upon me.
My views in regard to the duties of a Representative of the people are, briefly stated, as follows:
First, to work earnestly and honestly for the enactment of such laws as the country and the peo
ple demand and for the repeal of those laws now on the Statute books that the counTry does not need
and the people do not want.
I am in favor of a law that will abolish all of the State Normal schools but one; fhe enactment of
a S.tate Banking Law, carrying with same the appointment of an examiner,, whose duties shall be to
examine all of the State and Private banks; the election "of road supervisor by the people; a Tax Law
so constructed, that corporations and public franchises shall be compelled to pay their just portion of the
, taxes; a separate appropriation for each item of expenditure. '
I believe that' it would be for the best interest of the tax payers to abolish the office of State
Printer, and let the printing by contract to the lowest bidder, and require the successful bidder to give a
good and sufficient bond for the faithful performance of such contract. I also advocate the repeal of the
, law governing the burning of slashings, and I pledge myself, if elected, to support the people's choice at
the June election for United States Senator.
I wish to say that I believe the d'rect Primary law will be of great benefit in purifying the poli
tics of our State, and I am in hearty accord with; same, for the reason that it takes the selection of
candidates out of the hands of the politicians and places it in the hands of the voters.
In conclusion, I wish to state that if my views as briefly outlined above, coincide with those of
my readers and they favor me with their support ai the coming election, I hereby promise to devote my
very best efforts in their behalf and to do all in my power to merit the honor conferred upon me.
" Very respectfully, .