Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 23, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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th,e year being 24cts per pound. This
is quite a little money to be scattered
about among the farriers.
Mrs. Riebhoff is out from Portland
visiting her song Frank and Fred of
this place.
nnn IT n r?
801 Main St., Peoria, III.
Gilbert Thompson never knew a well day until last Jane he had been constipated all his life many
doctors treated him, but all failed to even help him his health faded rapidly and on January 21,
1903, Mrs. Thompson asked as to suggest a treatment for her husband We thought the case
too serious and recommended that specialist be consulted but he also failed to help the
patient NOW HE IS WELL.
Mull's Grape Tonic Cured Him
Mrs. T-ompson first wrote us as follows: "My husband, aged 23. suffers from sharp pains In his stomach and
sometimes thinks It Is his heart. Let me know by return mail what causes the pain, if you can. Mr. Thompson
has been ireated by several doctors, but they have given him up. . . .
We promptly advised that a first-class specialist be consulted. We quote: "We want to sell Mull s Grape
Tonic, rcause we know It will cure constipation, but 50c. a bottle Is no object to J when a human life Is at stake,
and if youi husband's case Is as serious as you state, we suggest you consult a reliable specialist, not the advertising
kind promptly " At the same time, knowing that Mull's Grape Tome could do no harm, we advised its use until a
Dhys'icanSuft be insulted? January 25 Mre. Thompson wrote that a physician had been consulted. He dlag
tiB helne chronic constipation and dyspepsia. His treatment was followed faithfully, but there was
8, 1903, we received the following letter from Mrs. Thompson:
"You will remember that I wrote to you last Januarw In regard to my husband's health. It
Is four months since he quit taking Mull's Grape Tonlo for constipation, which he suff ered f rom
since birth. He took Just 2 bottles of it and Isr perfectly cured. He Is much , stron ger and has
gained considerably in flesh. I cannot thank you enough for Mull's Grape Tonic. " Is worth Its
- a n. -a a. 1 . an&m niinnPHii!t ui uuiiasr-M wii.ii uui lura w iiu uiu
weiQnT III Quia uusi 9 curea 11 mi aiiu - -
him no good. Now I want to state my case to you and expect yourearly reply. I also have consti
pation, have had for three years. Kindly let me know as I am sure H .will cure me if you say it will,
as it did all vou claimed it would In my husband's case. await an early reply.
. 1 ' Very respectfully yours, MRS. W. H. 1 HUHU-sum.bui main ., raar-m, iiu
(S11E OU A 500- BOTTLE.
This Coupon is good for a 50c. Bottle of
Mull's Grape Tonic.
FiU out this coupon and send to the lightning
Medicine Co, 157 Tnird'Ave., Rock Island, 111., and you
will receive a full size, SOc. bottle of Mull's Grape
Tonic. '
I have never taken Mull's Grape Tonic, ent If you.
will supply me with a SOc. bottle free. I will take it as
Street No-
If you are afflicted with constipation or any of its kindred
diseases we will buy a 50-cent bottle for you of your druggist
and give it to you to try. If you are constipated we know it
will cure you. Surely if we have such confidence in our remedy
as to pay for a bottle of it that you may test for yourself its -wonderful
curative qualities, you should not refuse to accept our offer.
Mull's Grape Tonic
is the only " cure for constipation known. We do not recom
mend it for anything but Constipation and its allied diseases. It is
Tur free gift to you. In accepting this free bottle you do not obligate
yourself further than to take its contents. Mull's Grape Tonic is
pleasant to take and one bottle will benefit you. We want you to try
it and, therefore, if you will fill out the attached coupon and mail
it to us to-day we will instruct your druggist to give you a 50-cent
bottle and charge same to us.
HOWELL &2JONES, Reliable Druggists.
Btaylng with G. Ashby, has gone to
Albany, where she will make her fu
ture home with her grand-mother.
Mr. E. Li. Chase and his son Arthur
are building an addition to Mr. Church
ill's house, which is quite an improve
ment. The Grangers of this place are also
improving the looks of the grange
hall on the inside, which is a decided
success. .
Mrs. A. Woodside spent Monday
with her son, Mr. Fred Woodside.
Miss Jennie Akins, who has been
working for Mrs. Fisher at the logging
camp, returned home Sunday on the
account of her grandmother's sick
ness. Mr. Stanley Edwards of Portland,
is now visiting his parents for a short
Mrs. C. T. Howard has returned
home after visiting the Grange at
Viola and Milwaukie.
Mr. Joe Daniels has been seen in
Mulino once more, we are all glad to
see Joe's smiling face again.
Miss Glover is now visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Ed. Trullinger.
Mr. Jasper Trullinger came home
Monday after spending "a few days
with his relatives, his mother-in-law,
who was very sick is now improving.
It is said that Miss Maud Manning
has left this town for a few weeks.
Can this be true?
Miss Nada Lee was the guest of
Blanche Wiles Sunday.
A few of the young people were
seen heading for Oregon -City Sunday
in spite of the bad weather.
nr r. hi 1 i'i 111
The most snow of the season fell
last Saturday night.
Miss Ruth Braker was doing some
dressmaking for Miss Ella Lutz of
Falls View last week.
Misses Bertha and Lizzie Thomas,
who have been visiting at Redland for
the past few days returned home Fri
day and are now visiting at Beaver
Mr. Dennis Hilton and his brother
Jay have taken the contract for cut
ting fifteen cord of wood for- Mr.
MJss Ethel Holmes was visiting at
Camas, Washington, Saturday and
Mr. Holmes, who has been quite ill
for some time is getting better.
' Miss Mamie Kellogg has been the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kellog for the
past two weeks.
Mrs. Olive Warner entertained the
sewing circle last Saturday afternoon
school was a success. The baskets
sold well and everybody seemed hap
py. A principal feature of the enter
tainment was W. H. H. Samson, of
Oregon City.
You misunderstood the item con
cerning our mail carrier in last week's
news. We don't intend to criticize our
carrier as he no doubt does the best
he can.' We simply noticed that on
inspector's day he was two and one
half hours earlier. We simply won
dered why.
(For the simple reason that the
carrier drives one pony and cart,
while the inspector hired the best
team he could get in town and drove
like the wind, Ed)
Frant Dimick, Gordon E. Hayes and
Frank Jaggar, Republican aspirants
for office, spoke to a Marge audience
in Shubel school house Friday night,
March 16. While candidates have a
right to criticize each other, yet in
our judgment Chas. Dye, of Oregon
City, has no superior as a man of hon
esty and integrity, and if the Republi-
C7 .V. JS T O H. T A- . jeans desire to make a good record in
Bean the s?m I0U "a'B nmf& tSOUgni me legislature, ne is me Kina 01 men
mey require.
Wm. Moehnke, our enterprising
saw mill man is running his shingle
mill daily and has his sawmill nearly
Fred Heft, of Highland, has traded
farms with Chas. Shockley, of this
school marm, took dinner with F. C.
Chinn- and family last Sunday.
Prof. Drew, of Salem, will preach in
the Methodist church on Sunday ev
ening, March 25. Let everybody go
to church that evening.
That reminds me that Prof. Hawley
is in great favor with the people of
this vicinity. Let all : the voters re
member him at .the primaries.
Herbine is a boon for sufferers from
I aneamia. By its use the blood is
quickly regenerated and the color be
comes normal. The drooping strength
is revived. The languor is diminished.
Health, vigor and tone - predominate.
New life and happy, activity results.
Mrs. Belle H. Shriel, Middlesborough,
111., writes, I have been troubled with
liver complaint and poor blood, and
have found nothing to benefit me like
are almost sure to bring relief. They
put new life in the stomach, create
strength, steady the nerves, enrich
the blood, and invigorate every nerve,
muscle and organ of the body. Have
confidence, for if after using one 25
cent box of Pepsikola Tablets you are
not greatly benefitted Huntley Bros,
will pay back your money.
There will be an entertainment and
basket social at the Henrici school
house, March 31, 1906. Boys, bring
the girls; girls, bring the baskets.
Beaver Creek was surprised Sun
day morning by a white mantle of snow
about two and one-half inches deep.
The late frost has not done much
.damage to fruit and grain is thought
although all .the early clover seed has
been killed.
Norman Howard Was parading the
streets here last Sunday.
Mr. Wm. Phelps and family, who
has been visiting relatives here the
Miss Nellie Buckner visited at the
home of Chas. White over Sunday.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. H L.
Seheer-was made happy by the arrival
of a son on St. Patrick's Day.
The only sleigh seen at Twilight
during the snow was that of Chas.
Mr. C. E. Swick is on the sick list.
Mrs. Chas. White is still danger
ously ill.
.A new map has been placed in the
Twilight School as a result of the Bas
ket Social which was given some
Herbine. I hope never to be without , past week has returned home again.
it. I have wished that I had known of ' A. Thomas called , on Fisher Bros.
it in my husband's life time."
Sold by Huntley Bros. Co.
The remarkable recovery of Ken
neth Mclver, of Vanceboro, Me., is the
subject of much interest to the medi
cal fraternity and a wide circle of
friends. He says of his case: Owing
to severe inflammation of the Throat
and congestion of the Lungs, three
doctors gave me up to die, when as a
time nta-n last resua, 1 was iuuuceu lu try ur.
The janitor of our school was de- I Kings New Discovery and I am happy
lighted last week when a new broom I to saJ-lt saved my hf?- ures the
was received. They certainly needed, i worst Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis,
it for the handle of the old one was i Tonsihtis, Weak Lungs, Hoarseness
worn out. We are glad to see such j ndLa Grippe. Guaranteed at Howell
extensive improvements in our school ' .Joll? ?ru,s store- ' 50 c and ?10-
Mr. Geo. Lazelle shipped a couple
of Poland China pigs to Laurel this
We wonder if Walter L. Tooze is an
advocate of Woman Suffrage It is
hardly probable, for we fear he re
members too well the time he was a
I Trial bottle free.
Our mother earth was covered with
four inches ol snow Sunday.
I Mr. I. E. Jones has sold his farm.
! He and his family intend to move- to
candidate in his hnrrm tnwn for sfhnn! Oregon City SOOn.
director, against the late Mr. Tomlin- " Ed- Howard has a lame horse.
son. I Mr. and Mrs. D. G. White made a
Mr. James Hylton, assisted by the business trip to Portland Monday.
Misses Hylton and Wilehart, enter- Several of the men from our burg
tained a large party of friends at Twi- and from Beaver Creek cleared up
light Hall on Wednesday evening. Pro- tne Graham grave yard last week,
gressive whist was a feature of the i Harry Smith has the mumps. He
evening. Miss Rachel McCord won ls staying with his father, of this
the ladies' prize, a cup and saucer, Place.
and Mr. D. B. Margin, the gentleman's i .Mlss Nellie Anderson is quite ill
prize, which was also a beautiful cup j Wl-b tbe measles.
and saucer. Mrs. Hylton received the Charley White was in our vicinity
booby prize. Mr. Geo. Lazelle acted Saturday. .
as toast master at the banquet. Re- ! Mlss Jaggar spent Saturday and
sponses were made by several ladies Sunday with her parents:
and gentlemen. Mr. Hylton proved 1 Mr- and Mrs. John Mulvaney spent
himself a genial host. j Sunday with her folks.
1 ' . I A pleasant birthday party was given '
j at the home of D. G. White Saturday I
ECZEMA, TETER, SALT RHEUM, afternoon in honor of their little!
ITCH, RING WORM, HERPES . Mar j -s birthday. There were about i
BARBERS ITCH. , f vventy-flve little children present, and
jsll Lad an enjoyable time.
All of these diseases are attended j
by intense itching, which is almost !
instantly relieved by applying Cham
berlain's Salve and by its continued
Bears the
r O 31 X -A. .
The Kind You Have Always Bought
The damage done by the recent
"freeze-up" cannot yet be estimated.
Many farmers think their clover is
at least three-fourths per cent killed.
Early peaches and fruits that were
near the blooming stage are most all
killed. Haven't heard how the pea
raisers, who grow early market peas
are affected by the frost.
Mary S. Howard, secretary of the
State Grange, visited . Harding Grange
at the evening session Saturday night.
Mr. Frank Wilson and Geo.. Kohl
went to eastern Oregon on a short
trip to see the country. Mr. Wilson
contemplates going there to reside in
the near future.
Miss Lydia Steinman Is staying with
Mrs. Young for the present.
At the annual stockholders meeting
of the C. C. Creamery, the same board
of officers were re-elected for the en
suing year. There was not -a very
large attendance but every thing went
off pleasantly. From the secretary's
annual report, this creamery made
95,838 pounds of butter during the
year, or not far from fifty tons of
butter, which the receipts show
brought $24,177.51. The net average
received by patrons for butter fat for
See Nature's
Wondrous Handiwork
Through Utah and Colorado
' Castle Gate, Canon'of the
Grand, Blaek Canon, Mar
shall and Tennessee Pas
ses, and the World-Famous -Royal
Gorge ,
For Descripitive and Illustrated
Phamplets, write to
W. C. McBRIDE, Cen'l Ag't,
124 Third St., PORTLAND, Or.
If Yo Want
3.' "racKer jacK fiumbing:
Job at a little cost, by all
means confer with us before
handing out your contract.
Main Street, near Kighth .
The items of last week did not
reach the editor in time, or went far
ther, and found an early grave in the
waste-basket. However we will try
The unusual week of black frost
turned the fields and yards as though
hot water had been poured upon them
and probably killed the early fruit.
We never pull off buds to see, as we
might destroy one that would grow,
and there will be none to spare
But Sunday morning we found the
world dressed in white which remain
ed upon the ground till Tuesday. The
snow was very wet, and thereby sav
ed the fields of grain, and grass took
a new. start. About an inch of snow
water penetrated the soil taking out
the frost without heaving the ground,
and the farmers once more wear a
smiling -face. '
A few ladies tired of being shut in
by the cold weather, went out calling.
Mrs. J. L. Gage, who came home on
a visit, has been quite ill for the past
week, but is recovering. Some people
have colds.
Mr. Beihle is still about the same.
The road to Willamette by the
Field bridge which has been almost
one night last week.
Miss Lucy Guerr called on Miss
Maud Daniels last Sunday.
Mr. Charlie Steiner' and Fred Boh
lander leave this week for the West
Side rock crusher.
Mrs. E. Parry- called on Mrs. D. W.
Thomas last Sunday.
Maud Daniels is helping Mrs; R.
Beattie house cleaning this week. ' W
For the first time in 54 years has I H
the Graham grave yeard has been thor- I
oughly cleaned up and made to look as
if civilized people lived around it.
A large force of the relatives of those I
who have been buried there gathered
and grubbed and slashed for several 1
days last week and cleaned up all the j
trash which grew around the grounds.
The first person to claim a grave j
in this yard was Airs. Adams, wife of j
Charles Adams, who first gave space
for the grave yard. She was buried i
November 13, 1852, and this is the
first time that a reclearing has 'been
done. Everyone who has relatives
buried there is expected to help
level and clean or donate towards
helping - as there is a good deal of
work to be done yet. Those who are
interested, show yourselves.
Services at the First Welsh Con
gregational Church next Sunday will
be as follows: Sunday, 10:30 a. m.
.The Ordinance of Baptism will be
observed. Several little children will
be christened. Also the Holy Com
munion will be observed at 2 p. mi.
Rev. R. H. Owen, pastor, will preach
his farewell sermon, as he has receiv
ed a call from a Congregational church
at Arvonia, Kansas. Rev.. 'Owens in- 1
s to leave here early next weeK.
impassable, is reported as having-; A
f1? ?wtf he and one can get He intends to make his Eastern trip
through parts of California and JNew
Mexico. Everybody cordially invited
through comfortably.
Curly has been hauling brick from
Charley Thompson's to Willamette.
' Mrs. Mays went to Oregon City Fri
day with the mail carrier.
If Pepsikola Tablets Would Not Cure
Indigestion Huntley .Bros. Could Not
Afford to Recommend Them.
It is easy enough to claim a remedy
will cure stomach trouble, but when
we tell you that we have been selling
Pepsikola Tablets for nearly three
years now and that nothine we know
We wffer a reward of 25 cents for' of gives such universal satisfaction in
use a permanent cure may be effected. every case of skin trouble, eczema, the treatment of dyspepsia and indi-
It has, in fact, cured many cases that ' ulcers, old running sores, founds, cuts, gestion you can readily understand
had resisted all other treatment. Price ulcers, old running sores, wounds, cuts why we continue to sell it over our
25 cents per box. For sale by Howell or any kind of scalp trouble that Der- guarantee. And it may interest you
& Jones. i makola will not heal, for if not cured to know that we make sales almost
March. 18. Snow is four inches
deep and still falling.
Born to the wife of Philip Massin
ger, on the 16th, a baby girl. Mother
and child doing well.
The entertainment given by the
we pay the 25 cents back.
. every day to people who have been
BROS. sent here for this meritorious prescrip-
tion by those who themselves have
been greatly benefitted.
For wakened energy, loss of appe
tite, nervousness, heartburn, sour
somach, wind belching, fuddness after
eating, and other symptoms of indi
gestion after eating, and other symp-
Mrs. A. C. Scheer is on the sick list.
She has had a severe attack of chol
era morbus.
Miss Anna Pollard, our esteemed toms of indigestion, Pepsikola Tablets
to attend the above services.
Several of the members of said Con
gregational Church attended a prayer
meeting at Mrs. Charlotte London's
of Carus, last Tuesday and had a
splendid meeting.
Everybody seems to feel very sorry
that Rev. Owen is leaving his church.
He has served the church faithfully
for nearly two years. He leaves on,
his own accord entirely. We wish
him God's blessing in his new field
of labor.
The question of artificial light in your HOME
is worthy of serious consideration,
Do you realize, fully what electric service means
in the household all that it bestows in the direc
tion of health, comfort, convenience, conservation of
eyesight, and the added "TONE" to your home? -
Do you care to have your home as convenient
and comfortable for you and yours as you can make
Electric service is - available to the smallest as
well as the largest user. So cheap is the service at
our REDUCED RATES that, it.can be afforded in
the smallest homes.
In the STORE the uses of Electric Light are four
fold; As an illuminant, as an ADVERTISEMENT
and as a proclamation of PROGRESSION, of EN
TERPRISE, of ideas and methods that are UP-TO-DATE.
Business life that is what attracts trade.
TRADE follows most easilj- the path blazed by
Estimates on wiring, cost of current and informa
tion regarding the use of electricity for LIGHT or
P VR, promptly furnished upon application to C.
G. Miller at the Company's branch office, next door
to the Bank of Oregon City.
It seems that our cold weather has
quit for a while, but it always ends
up with a rain.
Mr. Walter and Lewis Wiles, from
Portland, spent a couple of days with
their parents, but returned home Sun
day. Miss Helen Bowman, who has been
C. G. Miller Contract Manager for Oregon City.
jfiiynels Tonic ie, rmtf itfe
- uives strengtn to men, women and children.