Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 23, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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i Oist Correspondents' Comer j
Brief Hits of Gossip . From All Parts of the County. -
Often Tbs Kidneys Are
rheumatism. -We are sorry to see the
I Captain laid up.
Weakened by Oyer-WorkJ-:
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. ; f ering.
Friday to pay the dentist a visit. I
Mrs. A. P. Kitzmiller, who has been
very ill for the last two weeks, is con
valescing. ' !
Friends and neighbors extend their
deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. H.
L. Brown on the loss of their infant :
son last Friday.
Mrs. Guy Woodle has been staying !
wirh her inither, Mrs. A. F. Kitamiiier
ill for the past month is able to be
up and around.
Mrs. Martin Anderson and daughter
, Inga were visiting Mrs. John Thomas
last Monday.
Mr. B. J. Helvy and son Curtis went
!'to Canby Monday and purchased a
ew buggy.
Mrs. James Wilkinson's sister from
Seattle is visiting her at present.
James Adkins is going to start a
new logging camp in the near future
In the timber he has purchased here
Leonard Weiner has moved on his
arm that he purchased near Macks
burg. Lee Adkins has moved in the Parker
house near Adkins saw mill. The
place is now owned by Mr. D. R. Dim
ick. Bud Hilton and wife were visiting
Mr. Hilton's mother and brother last
Mr. H. S. C. Phelps made a business
frrin to Central Point a few davs aeo.
Curtis Helvey was calling on rela- We are afraid the frost has done a
tives and friends near Marquam a few great deal of injury to the early fruit,
days ago. As we examine the buds carefully we
The mail carrier has quit carrying find they are black in the middle,
the mail on horse back and is now which means they will fall off as soon
using his mail wagon again. as spring opens. The grain does not
Frank Hilton and T. J. Grimes made seem to be hurt any.
a business trip to Canby last, Satur- There was a great political meeting
flay. here Saturday, the 17th. Most all of
Mrs. Riggs has bought a cream sep- the voters in Barlow turned out. Some
arator from Mr. Anderson. , very interesting speeches were made
by Geo. C. Brownell and Geo. Randall,
MACKSBURG. ' and other candidates. Fine music was
. rendered by the Norwegian quartette.
We are having quite a change in the Most of the voters here have register
weather, little damage being done to ed, which means a full vote at the pri
the grain. This seems more like Or-, mary election.
egon weather when it rains. ' Some eastern men were here some
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Collins are time ago looking after land, which
the proud father and mother of a means we will have more settlers in
daughter. Both mother and daughter the near future. .
are doing well. i The Lewis and Clark Exposition was
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mitts of Macks- a great advertisement to - Oregon.
burg, attended Rebekah lodge at Needy These men came to attend the fair,
It used to be considered that only
urinary and bladder troubles were to be
traced to me Kidneys,
but . now , modem
science proves that
nearly- all diseases
have their beginning
in the disorder of
these most important
organs. .
The kidneys filter
and purify the blood
that is their wort
-rf -a
k- - and Mrs Exon and danu-r ! Therefore when your kidneys are weak
go; e returned to their ho.me in B.-e: fiSSA and
Friends and neighbors are pleased how every organ seems to fail to do !ts
to hear that Mr. Keith has been able UUTL . . - , vw -UtxA-n
to sit no for the last few days. . l you are sick or feel badly begin
.Mr. GurWoodle and George KitWRcan
miller left for the new logging camp kianeysre well they will help
bunaayv all the other organs to health. A trial
uioq h nirn siuimini wnn nna n n
Miss Effie Morris has given up her
school and come home to help take
care o'f her aunt, Mrs. Smith,- who is
so ill. '
Miss Guard has returned from her
three weeks' visit with her parents,
and is again at Mrs. Apperson's.
S. L. Apple, ex Probate Judge, Ot
tawa, Co., Kansas, writes: "This is to
say that I have used Ballard's Hore
hound Syrup for years, and that I do
not hesitate to recommend it as the
quickly your entire body is affected and best cough syrup I have ever used."
zoc, ouc ana ?.uu. ; soia Dy iiunuey
Bros. , Co. -
will convince anvone.
If you are sick you can make no mis-
The inilrl and-the extraordinary effect of
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Rootft the great
kidney remedy, is soon realize. It
stands the hisrhest for its wonderful cures
of the most distressing cases, and is sold
KJll 1L2 1J1C11L3 jy tin. ITtljL
druggists in hftj'-cent gfTSS
and one-dollar size yi
bottles. You may
have a sample bottle Home of swamp-Root.
by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you
how to find out if vou have kidney or
bladder trouble. "Mention this paper
when writineto Dr. Kilmer c Co., Bing-
hamton, N. Y. , Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name, bwamp-Koot,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad'
Uress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle,
Km March 17.
The Farmer's and Mutual's tele
phone meeting held at Needy Satur
day, March 17, accomplished very lit
tle toward "free exchange." Watch
the Mutual telephone grow.
but decided to settle in this part of
the country.
Clyde Dick went to Portland on a
DOVER. business trip Tuesday.
Calvin Rocher has returned home
Mrs. Ahnert went to Portland last from Portland, and he may be found
j; Save Yot Wloney l!
Garden or flower seeds, fresh
Eastern, or Oregon seeds
3 papers 10c
Seed Peas 31b 25c
Seed Corn '. 10c
Coarse Salt 100 lb 45c
Rex Lye : .06c
Seeded Raisins, 2pkgs 15c
Prunes 5c, dried Apples 10c
Elk Soap 2c, Tar Soap 2 for ...5c
Pride Soap or Lennox 8 for . . . .25c
Flour 95c
Fine Syrup, gallon 45c
Leaf Tobacco, half 2 for 5c
Teas which bring 40c to 60 c we
sell at 14c, 25c, 40c and . . . 45c
Coffees 15c, 18c, 20c, Our 20c
coffee is first-class Try it.
Bulk Soda 4c ; Arm & H .- 6c
Rice Slightly broken 5c
Wire Clothes line 12c ; cotton . . 5c
6 lb nice Beans 25c
Flour Sifter 9c
Baby Shoes 10c, 22c, 33c 47c
Child's fine $1 shoes 69c
Ladies $2.39 best heavy shoes
now $1.75
Ladies fine shoes cut to $1.19,
$1.33 $1.79
Ladies black, white or tan Ox
fords just in $1.65 down to $1.20
New lot wash goods from factory,
all economically priced.
3 Spools best Thread 10c
Ladies ' and Child's Underwear
at two thirds or 18c up
Darning Cotton lc to 11c
Towels cut prices 7c, 11c
Yarns 4c and 6c worth more
Ladies Neckwear 25c and 75c
goods on bargain table 5c
Hose Supporters cut to 8c
Men's and Boys' Hats one-half
to three-fourths price now 19c
39c :r 94c
Men's $1 Underwear cut to ...72c
Men's 75c Underwear cut to ...43c
Boys' warm Underwear cut to
18c, 24c,
Winter millinery less than .half
almost given away. Our trimmer,
Mrs. Bernier and helpers are work
ing on a fine lot of Spring hats.
These beautiful hats will be sold at
dry goods profits or a third less
than one-line millinery houses
We trade Butter, Eggs, Chickens,
Potatoes etc.
Men's heavy shoes $1.45 up.
Leather at two-thirds; 2 pkgs
Tacks 5c
at Schmidt's butcher shop, where he
is at work.
Prof. W. P. Drew, of Salem, will
speak in the M. E. Church on Sunday
morning, and ; at Central Point in the
Rev. Clemo spent Tuesday in Port
land. Mr. Amos Martin is improving slow
ly. We hope for his speedy recovery.
R. Boroughs and family are moving
in the Walgamot house this week.
Pete Olsen and Emma Huff were
"married last week by Rev. Allen of
Portland. They have gone to house
keeping on the home place east of
John Drake, of Marquam, was visit
ing in Canby a few days last week.
RED FRONT, Oregon City
Want a Daily Paper?
Here is your chance
Portland Daily Telegram
Oregon City Enterprise ,
This is certainly a rare offer. Take"
advantage of it by sending in your
order at once. & & s
All that is heard talked about now-a-days
is politics.
Mrs. Johnson and son, from Portland
were guests of Mrs. Johnson's mother,
Mrs. M. Rivers.
Miss Mabel Kennedy was unable to
fill her position the first of the week
on account of illness ; Miss Laura
Purcell taught in her room.
Ralph Johnson has been confined to
the house for two weeks with a fevr
which threatened to terminate 5a ty
phoid, but Dr. Strickland is in at
tendance, and the little fellow is now
gaining. Mrs. W. F. Brayton spent Monday,
in Portland.
Friday evening, March 30, the Park
place school will give an exhibition of
the work done in the various rooms.
The high school will give a debate, to
which all parents and friends of the
school are invited. No admission. The
entertainment will be given in the
Assembly Hall beginning at 7:30 p.
A pleasant little party was given by
Mrs. W. F. Brayton for her grand
daughter, Miss Stella Kellogg, of Ore
gon City on Saturday evening, March
17. It was Stella's 14th birthday and
her grandmother thought it a pleasant
way to celebrate the day. Several of
her young friends were invited, and
they all spent a pleasant evening. The
music of the Aeolian .was ' especially
Miss Ruth Peckover celebrated her
9th birthday with a party last Saturday
afternoon. Thirteen of her little girl
friends helped her to spend the after
noon pleasantly.
Captain Smith is suffering, with the
Another farm changed hands. Mr.
W. Bard sold to Gus Wilcox, of Cur
rinsville the A. Cary place containing
about 80 acres. Consideration, $3200.
The 12th inst was Mrs. Mager and
A. M. Shibley's birthday. The Y. P.
S. C. E. of -the Springwater Church
had a social at the manse and present
the above named with a Christian En
deavor pin for a birthday present,
which was thankfully received.
On the 12th inst. the mercury was
down to 20 and has been around the
freezing point ever since this, 19th. -
The regular meeting of the Grange
was held on the. 10th. More initiations.
The contest.- was a 'tie of the former
meeting and both contestants contrib
uted for a splendid yster supper.
MrVil i- i
I have been suffering for the past
few years with a feevere attack of
rheumatism and 'found that Ballard's
Snow Liniment was the only thing
that gave me satisfaction and tended
to alleviate my pains. March 24, 02:
John C. Degnan, Kinsman, Ills.
25c, 50c and $1.00.
. Sold by Huntley Bros. Co.
Brights Disease
Not Rare, but Common Kidney
Disease Developes into Bright's
Disease the 8th to lOth Month;
Then Incurable by AH Known
Means Except the new Fulton
Compounds, which Record 87
of Recoveries.
We have before us a little work on kidney
diseases by Joseph F. Kdwards, M. D., of Phila
delphia, that contains some things that every
one ought to know. Many people imagine
Bright 'a Disease is rare, when, ia fact it
covers nearly the whole gamut of kidney dis
eases. This book sets out that the kidneys have
but one function, viz., the elimination of the urea
and waste products, and that all interferences
with that function are called Bright 's Disease.
Dr. Edwards adds: "For the benefit of physi
cians who may read this book I will give a list
of the cases which I attribute to Bright'a
Disease, viz.:
Congestion of the Kidney.
Degeneration of the Kidney.
Fatty Degeneration of the Kidney.
inflammation of the Kidney.
Disease of the Kidney." .
Thus nearly all kidney disease beine Brieht
Disease, the serious question is, is it in the
primary or secondary stager After the eighth
to tenth month it becomes chronic and is then
Incurable by all known means except the Fulton
Compounds. There is often no fiotice of the
trouble till it has fastened. If you have kidney
disease in the first stage the Renal Compound
will cure it quickly. If it is of more than 8 to 10
months standing it is the only thing known that
will cure it. In proof that nothing else will we
cite all medical works in evidence. The stock
holders of the John J. Fulton Co., business and
professional men of San Francisco, are the first
in the world to announce the oure, presenting a
f efinite percentage of recoveries (87 per cent),
and giving out the lists of the cured, all among
purely ohronic, well-defined cases. If you have
any Aind of kidney trouble, there is onlv one
Jhing to take. The Renal Compound for Bright'a ; tho mnnpv
disease is 81; for Diabetes, CI. SO. John J. Fulton vT ,
The welcome rain is with us again
and we are glad to see it.
Bad colds and - lagrippe are very
much in evidence here on account-of
the cold wave.
L. L. Gribble went to Portland one
day the past week to sell some hay,
but reports a poor demand and low
prices for hay there.
The school entertainment at Needy
will take place on April 7th. It will
be a basket social. A fine program is
being arranged.
Henry Wolfer is putting up a barn.
Geo. Oglesby was doing business
and interviewing candidates at Oregon
City last Saturday.
Some of our leading Republicans
here are determined to have a new
deal and will make the fur fly from
now until after election Just watch
our smoke.
The Bell Wether spoke to a very
small crowd at Barlow Saturday last.
He had his rooter from Clackamas to
coach for him. Say Peck, just drop
that little performance as you do more
harm than good. (Cum tux?)
It seems" that Oregon City wants the
whole pie and especially those who
have had their hands in the taxpayer's
pockets (so to speak) for years. Just
wait and see if some , of them don't
get it in the neck. We want new men
and a new deal all around and we
propose to have it. The south part of
this county has been robbed about as
long as we propose to be and are going
to see that we get our share of road
funds hereafter. So we can get to
haul our produce to market. The
south part of the county has the poor
est roads in the county and our lands
are taxed at almost full. value and we
demand that our county court do the
fair thing by us hereafter.
There was a social party at Mr. D.
B. Yoder's last Saturday night and a
fine time was. had. -
We learn that Judge B. F. Smith
will soon grind out another grist of
justice to those Needy "toughs."
Mr. Geo. Oglesby and sons will put
in some tiling for Mr. Geo. Fry of Au
rora next week.
Mrs. John Goetz has been quite sick
the past week. Dr. B. F. Giesy is in
.AXfegefeble Prep arationfor As
similating UieToodandEegula
ting theStomachs andBowels of
ness and Rest.Con tains neither
Oprum.Morpbine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
lil CarianmSmJm
Sugar .
. iSiyrmmrriMrm:
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions Jeverish
osss and Loss of Sleep.
Tac Simile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bough!
Bears the
Bears the v.
jj Signature
For Over
Thirty Years
Tn c centaur company, hew touk cmr.
12th, which was quite an exciting are as yet unable to determine the
time. The present she received was extent of the damage to fruit from the
a beautiful ring. late freeze.
Mr. McGonegal and family called i It seems strange that there should
on Mr. and Mrs. Jack, of Butteville, ; have been 4 inches of snow Sunday in
Sunday. ' ; Portland while at Eagle Creek the
Mr. Carl Hylton has been sawing ' ground was barely covered,
wood for Henry Wolfer this week. f R. B. Gibson is hauling the balance
Mr. Frank Fish, who has been on the of the lumber for his new barn,
sick list, seems to be improving at : There is some fear among the farm-
this time.
j ers that the grain that was sown just
I long enough to be up is badly Injured
by the cold weather.
! There ik more Catarrh in this sec-
We are having pleasant weather, ex- ! tion of the country than all other di-
cept cool east wind a good portion of ; seases put together, and until the last.
the time.
Mr. Geo. Judd was loading potatoes
on a car at the depot last week to be
shipped to Portland.
Politics seem to be quiet in this sec
tion. As yet there have not been any
speakers at Kagle Creek to show up
the political issues of the day.
Geo. Kitzmiller and Guy Woodle
passed through Eagle Creek Sunday
on their way to the new logging camp
at Barton.
few years was supposed to be incur-.
able. For a great many years doctors
pronounced it a local disease and pre
scfibed local remedies, and by con
stantly; failing to cure with local treat-,
ment, pronounced it incurable. Science
has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the
only constitutional cure on the mar-
The Grange was well attended Sat- i ket. It is taken internally in doses
urday and three new names were pro- ' from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts
posed for membership. ' I directly on the blood and mucous sur-
We understand that the ladies of I faces of the system. They offer one
. f. , , . . . i .1 j j n i : l a ..
Eiagie ureen ana nistacaaa organized
a Maccabee Bee Hive last Saturday
with some 16 or 18 members.
Wm. M. Wood began a short term
of school in district No. 50 yesterday.
The fruit growers of this section
(Received too late for last week.)
As Mr. Keller, who lives on the old
Prindle place, and family sat at dinner
Sunday, they became aware that the
house over their heads was on fire.
and in spite of their efforts, and the
help of the few neighbors who arriv
ed on the scene, it burned to the
ground. They got a few of the light
er things from the lower story, but
the upper part of the house was a
total loss. His old father and mother
and a dumb brother occupied the up
per part of the house and lost every
thing including $15 in money in the
father's room and about $3 in the
brother's room. The family are be
ing sheltered at William and Henry
Schatz' and willing neighbors are help
ing to haul lumber to build a new
house. . ,
Mrs J. L. Gage and children, from
St. Hellens, are visiting the old place.
Mr. Beihle is very low. Bright s dis
ease now having set in. George and
his wife and baby are at home helping
to care for him.
The smallpox scare is over with and
all begin to believe it must have been
something else, possibly the medicine
in Mrs. Powell's system, taken at the
hospital when operated upon for ap
ffe lip' J "flLse
j j f 1 -
hundred dollars for any case it fails ta
cure. Send for circulars and testi
monials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tole
do, Ohio.
' Sold by Drugists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
pation. 1 .
HE above picture of the
man and fish is the trade
mark of Scott's Emulsion,
and ia the synonym for
strength and purity. It is sold
m almost all the civilized coun
tries of the globe.
If the cod fish became extinct
it would be a world-wide calam
ity, because the oil that comes
from its liver surpasses all other
fats in nourishing and life-giving
properties. Thirty years ago
the proprietors of Scott's Emul
sion found a way of preparing
cod liver oil so that everyone can
talce it and get the full value of
the oil without the objectionable
Scott s Emulsion is the
Born, March 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Stewe, a daughter. -,
Mr. and Mrs. John Gahler, Jr., werei' -f-qg-fce
days this week. I best thing m the world for weak,
There will be a basket social and backward children, thin, delicate
Tplol wndMonB .of
should all bring baskets and the boys j Wasting and lost Strength.
Co.. 409 Washington street. san'PranoWnie The butcher, .Mr. Kiel, of New Era,
compounders. Pamphlet free. We are the sola I was seen in our vicinity one day this
enta- , week.
. . : : - . One of the girls of Needy celebrat-
Charman & Co., City Drug Store, ed her 29th birthday , Monday, March
Send tor ttee sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists
50c. Mad 91.00. All druggists.
Spring has returned. ,
Everybody looks more cheerful.
Mrs. Spalding had the misfortune
to lose a brooder and a hundred or so
chickens by fire during the high wind.
Mr. Hansen has been removed from
his residence to P. M. Boyle's where
I he can be better cared for during his'
j illness.
Mrs. Elsie Sawtell is still quite low
.with fever.
Mrs. L. W. Robbins returned from
the treatment of the Good Samaritan
looking splendid, and very glad to
look at her friends once more.
O. W. Robbins is putting out an or
chard on his new farm overlooking
the Molalla.
Thos. .A McFaddin allowed his
"peepers" to range over one of the
county papers and they pickted at
some of the inky political items, for
food, and straightway went out f
Geo. C. Brownell is billed to speak
here next Saturday. Suppose the Lib
eral brother1 scribe will come up and
hear the Molalla voters soft-soaped
Molalla too, has "one man" who
owns up to voting for Brownell, many
years ago, when it was popular to be
fooled and "taffied" with such flat
tery that every body likes .and all the
fool suckers are looking for, but if
the Molalla people will forgive him
he will sin no iore in that line.
"Speaking of the torture to which
some of the savage tribes in the Phil
ippines subject their captives, reminds
me of the intense suffering I endured
the Kidneys," says W. M. Sherman, of
Cushing, Me."Nothing helped me until
I tried Electric Bitters, three bottles
of which completely cured me." Cures
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Blood
disorders and Malaria; and restores
the weak and nervous to robust health.
Guaranteed by Howell & Jones drug
gists. Price 50 c.
Impure blood runs you down makes
you an easy victim for organic disease.
Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the
blood cures the cause builds you
up. ,
At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday .
on Appointments.