Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 23, 1906, Image 1

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VOL. 39. NO. 15.
Many Yoters Attend the Political
Brownell Has a Frost at Wilsonville
Socialists May Change
Registration. .
L. L. Porter, candidate for
the Republican nomination for
State Senator and C. H. Dye,
Republican candidate for the
legislature, have arranged a
number of other meetings to be
held throughout the county
during ,the next week. They
-will be accompanied by other
candidates for nomination on
the county and legislative tick-
ets. Ladies are invited to at-
tend the meetings, which, so
far as arranged, will be held as
Macksburg, Thursday, March
22, 7:30 p. m.
Canby, Saturday, March 24,
' 7:30 p. m.
Clackamas, Monday, March 26,
7:30 p. m. -
Oswego, Wednesday, March 28,
7:30 p. tn.
Yoder's School House, Thurs-
day, March 29, at 7:30 p. m.
Barlow, Saturday,, March 31,
7:30 o. m.
At the Barlow meeting,
music will be furnished by the,
Norwegian Quartette. -
Last Thursday night Mr. Porter and
Mr. Dye, of the Legislative ticket and
Richard' Scott, candidate for County
Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon.
Furnish Abstracts of Title, Loan Money,
Foreclose Mortgage, and transact
General Law Business.
W. B. U'Een 0 Boliuebel
Attorneys at Law.
Will practice in all courts, make collec
tions and settlements of estates.
Furnish abstracts of title, lend you mon
ey, lend you money on first mortgage.
Office in Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Attorney at Law.
Justice of the Peace.
Office in Jagger Building, Oregon City.
Oregon City, - - - -
Will practice in all the courts of the state
Office in Caufleld Building.
Practice in all courts of the state,
Federal and United States Supreme
Room 306 Commercial Building
Portland, Oregon.
Judge, held 4 meeting at Damascus.
The hall having been engaged for an
other meeting that nlvftt t.ie speaker;
accepted the invitation of Mr. Hilleary
the merchant, and hoi.d forth in the
grocery store. There was a good at
tendance of the voters of the precinct
and a splendid interest was manifest
Other than a meeting at Macksburg
last night and another meeting sched
uled for Canby tomorrow night, these
speakers held no meetings this week
Beginning with a meeting at Clacka
mas for next Monday evening, how
ever, these gentlemen win be very
busy in their canvass of the county
from now until the time of the primary
election next month.
Dimick ahd Hayes at Sandy.
Last Thursday evening.. Grant B.
Dimick, for Judge, and G. E. Haye3 for
Representative, addressed the people
of .Sandy, holding quite an enthusias
tic meeting. Mr. - Dimick received
much encouragement in his candidacy
for county judge, being assured that
he will receive a large majority of
the Republican votes of that precinct
at the primary electioi in April.
A Meeting at Damp.sc.is.
Saturday night, M. Dimick address
ed the people of Damascus, when liko
the speakers who preceded him the
night before, he was obJiged to hold
forth at Hilleary's store by reason of
the town hall beins? otherwise engaged
for the evening. Other candidates at
tending this meer'ng and making a.d
dresses were: D. It. Dimick, for Sher
iffr J- K. Morns, for Sheriff; John
Lewellen and W S. Rider, for Com-,
missioner;" Frank Jaggar and -G. E.'
Hayes, for Representative ; and I. D.
Taylor, for Clerk..
Brownell et al at Barlow.
SenatorfBrownell, accompanied by a
number of the other candidates, held
meeting at Barlow Saturday night
Besides Senator Brownell, George Ran
dall, W. W. Smith, Dr. C. B. Smith and
J. A. Talbert, of the Legislative tick
et; E. P. Dedman, for Recorder; W.
M. Shank, Tor Coroner, and J. A. Tufts,
for Treasurer, also spoke. The Nor
wegian quartette sang a- number of
Meeting Was a Frost.
Senator Brownell was not greeted
by a very large audience at Wilson-
iville last Thursday night when he ad
dressed the voters of that section of
the county. Not to exceed twenty
voters were in attendance. Other than
Mr. Brownell, the speakers were Geo.
Randall for Representative and J. A.
Tufts, for Treasurer.
Mr. Gibson's Announcement.
John H. Gibson, of Harmony Pre
cinct, this week formally announces
that he is a candidate for the Republi
can nomination for - Representative.
Mr. Gibson has for several years re
sided at Milwaukie ajid . is counted
among the substantial residents of the
north end oi the county. He is an
enthusiastic Republican and stands
for the people's choice for United
States Senator. He also declares in
favor of one ' normal school and for
needed reform along other lines of im
portant legislation. On page 8 in this
week's issue will be found a statement
from Mr. Gibson as to his position on
various Important measures and what
may be- expected of him in a legisla
tive capacity if the voters, of the coun
ty decide to nominate and elect him
to that office.
' Mr. Taylor, of Abernethy.
Last week's Enterprise uninten
tionally announced that I. D. Taylor,
candidate for the Republican nomina
tion for County Clerk is a resident of
this city. Such is not the case. Mr.
Taylor owns property and resides at
Abernethy precinct and this correction
is cheerfully made in justice to Mr.
Socialists May Correct Registration.
The making of corrections in regis
tration is being allowed by County
Clerk Greenman notwithstanding an
opinion recently rendered by Attorney
General Crawford, wherein that' gentle
man holds that there is no authority
in the law for the change of a voter's
registration after the same has been
made. In his opinion the Attorney
General on the question of changing
the registration of a voter from one
party affiliation to another held that'
the law expressly provides that a man
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Sheriff Shaver Sells a Record-Break-ing
Herd of Beef Steers.
Sheriff J. R. Shaver on Monday sold
ten head of three and four year old
beef steers to a local butcher. The ag
gregate weight of the herd was 15,
260 pounds. While the average weight
of the steers was 1526, one of the an
imals weighed 1960. This is the larg
est, steer that has been marketed at
Oregon City in years.
Sheriff Shaver owns one of the best
farms in Clackamas county, being lo- J
cated near Molalla, and he is one' of J
the most successful cattle raisers in
this section of the state. He has
prize winning herd of Herefords but
the herd that was marketed Monday
comprised beef cattle of mixed breeds
with the exception of two young Here
Brownell's Indictment Serious
Stumbling Block
There is perhaps not another State
in the Union nor a strip of land on
the American continent which offers
greater attractions than those offered
by California as a place to spend your
Its hundreds of miles of Coast line,
its giant mountains, fertile valleys val
leys, forests of trees and other num-
erous attractions make it an ideal
place to spend a vacation, superior to
any other on this continent.
So many teachers contemplate the
spending of their vacation as agree
ably as possible, to the best advantage
and at a small expense, it was deemed
prudent by the California Committee
of the National Educational Associa
tion to print booklets which give all
the information, and answer' the many
inquiries received from all -parts of
the" United States about the cost of
attending the San Francisco meeting
of the N. R. A. in Jnlv next, the cost
of living in San Francisco and in ouier
parts of California and points of inter
est of the Pacific Coast. The booklet
gives the railroad rates for the round
trip over all the direct routes to and
from San Francisco, from all the prin
cipal points in . the East and as far
I W MSI. M W rSMIl K I. IV Mllll lllllll
jonatnan .Bourne, jr., candidate before the Republican primaries for I Northwest. It tells of the privileges
the nomination of United States Senator in Congress, for the long term com- granted" on these special tickets, going
mencing March 4, 1907, was born in New Bedford, Mass!, February 23, 1855; ?Z T roaQ ana v , - '
T ii i - nn- . , . . LllC O IU IJJ V v i Ej O.LLVJ. I Jul ft I, LI JL lllllu
wan fl. mom hor t rha -! o c r -r 1 077 n Uakttk.j tt i ; a . a - t r .
v ,oo ot hoi .am umveisiiy , came 10 roruana for which these privileges hold good.
Republican Candidate for United States
v Senator. '
Champion of Statement One.
rannnt rpHstpr mnrp than nnnp fnr
"ROBERT A. MILLER the same election and he thinks that
would be practically a new registra
tion. -
This action by Clerk Greenman is of
particular interest since in this coun
ty many Socialists have registered as
members, of the Republican party.- The
Socialists, having cast less than 25
per cent of the vote for Congressman
at the last general election, are de
barred from nominating at the . pri
maries and for that reason many reg
istered as Republicans in order to par
ticipate in the nominating of the can
didates of that party. This fact be
coming known, the Socialist party of
this county at a meeting unanimously
adopted a resolution demanding that
the errant members of the party either
modify their registration or be expell
ed from membership in the organiza
tion. The embarassment of these back
sliding Socialists was the greater
for about this time was given the opin
ion by the Attorney-General that a
change in registration that had once
been made could not be changed.
But in view of the fact that the reg
istration of these Socialists was done
largely through a misunderstanding of
the law. Clerk Greenman has conclud-
When you require an Abstract of Title-1 ed .to Permit them to change their
to lands in Clackamas County, have ing their expression of party affilta-
Collections, Mortgage Foreclosures, Ab
stracts of 2itle and General Law Bus
iness. Office over
Bank of Oregon City, Oregon City, Or.
. 1 PORTER, .
Abstracts of Property Furnished.
Office with Oregon City Enterprise.
May 16, 1878; was a Republican member of the Oregon Legislature in the
session of 1885 and the extra session of 1886; was one of Oregon's delegates
to the Republican National Convention of 1888 and Oregon's member of the
Republican National Committee from 1888 to 1892, and a delegate to the
Republican National Convention of 1892; and was elected as a Mitchell Re
publican to the Oregon Legislature in 1896.
Mr. Bourne has been more prominently identified with the develop
ment of the mineral resources- of Oregon than any other man in the state.
having expended in the last 20 years over. $1,000,000 of his own money in the
acquisition and development of Oregon ifiqps.
While Mr. Bourne has haa his residence and main office at Portland
since 1878, he has had another office at. New Bedford, Mass., and has carried
on the business of his father's estate since 1889, which makes him familiar
with many of the large interests and leading men in the East. These quali
fications, in conjunction with his tremendous energy, originality, executive
ability and experience In business and political affairs pre-eminently .qualify
him for making an able and influential Senator for the State of Oregon.
Mr. Bourne has always favored extending the direct power of the people
over their government as far as possible. He was one of the leading spirits
in the. Initiative -and Referendum movement from 1896 until it was approved
by the voters at the June election in 1902. In 1904 he was a member of the
executive committee of the Direct Primary Nominations League, and holds
the same position with the People's Power League at this time. In all these
movements he has been one of the few to guarantee the necessary expenses
of preparing and proposing their measures to the people.
He says that the choice of United States Senator should be by direct
vote of the people, and that the Legislature should be compelled to elect the
man the people select. To accomplish this result, is championing Statement
No. 1 of the primary elections las as the only method by which public opinion
may be crystalized and made effective upon the Legislature.
In his petition for nomination he says:
"If I am nominated and elected I will, during my term of office,
s Favor: Republican Politics. y
Amending National Constitution for People's Election of United States
Publicity Political Campaign Expenses.
National Control of Corporations in Interstate Commerce.
Rigid Exclusion of Asiatic Coolie Labor; Good Wages Make Good
Citizens. ,
Legal Limitattion Labor Hours for Safety on Railroads.
Parcel? Post, Including Rural Delivery.
Pure Food Laws. ' , -
Liberal Appropriations for Panama Canal, Coast Defenses, River and
Harbor Improvements, Including. Columbia, Willamette Rivers,
Coos, Yaquina and other' Oregon Harbors, Celilo Canal, Govern
ment Canal at Oregon City.
Fair Share of Irrigation Fund for Oregog. - -
Loyal Support of Successful Candidates.
Rigid Enforcement Statement One.
Roosevelt for Second Elective Term. '
x I desire that the following statement be printed after my name on the
nominating ballot: . N
It also gives the rates of hotels.
boarding houses, accommodations in
residences, both the American and
European plan. The cost of single
meals in restaurants or at hotels, the
charge for taking luggage to and from
different points. It enumerates the
principal resorts in California and on
the Pacific Coast, how to reach them,
the mode of travel, the cost of the
round trip, and hotel rates. It also
shows how teachers can spend their
vacation profitably in California for
as many weeks as they desire at no
greater expense than it would cost al-
mostanywhefe else. They could learn
more during ttieir stay in California
than by traveling many months in.
other parts.
The knowledge the teachers will ac
quire on their trip across the conti
nent and during their stay in Califor
nia and on the Pacific Coast, and on
their side trips which are being plan
ned for their special benefit, will be of j
great value to them and to those whom
they teach, and" will furnish them
ample and interesting material . to .
dwell upon for many months and per
haps years to come.
These booklets may be had, free of
rcharge, by those who desire them on
Charge of Federal Government Is Con
tingency for Which Senato'r
Was Not Prepared. -
Interest in the political situation In
Clackamas County increases as the
date for holding the primary election
approaches. Practically all the meet
ings are largely attended which indi
cates ah interest among the voters sur
passing that of preceding campaigns.
This interest Is further manifested
since a great majority of the voters
have " already registered and it may
reasonably be predicted that there will
be a good vote out at the primaries,
a result that was at first feared.
Brownell on the Defensive.
Of absorbing" Interest is the contest
for State Senator for which Senator
Brownell asks a " re-nomination
and re-election, on his record which Is
being shown up in a convincing man
ner by Mr. Brownell s opponent lor
this nomination, Mr. L . L. Porter, of
West Oregon City. -
From the start Mr. Brownell has
been on the defensive and has been not
a little embarassed in an attempted
explanation of his legislative record,
to say nothing of the federal indict
ment that is pending against him. The
Senator has so easily excused his leg
islative course in' the past that suchi
a little thing as that never disturbs
him in the least, but he finds that to
explain . away, the indictment witn
which he is confronted is the most se
rious stumbling block he has encoun
tered in his political experience m
this county.
. Voters Have To Be "Shown."
What disturbs the .gentleman more
than anything else is that the voters
are getting on to him and do not ac
cept his very plausible explanation as
to the indictment. --In the past he has
repeatedly fooled the people until by
this time he finds they are decidedly
suspicious of him and require of him
Drool of the most convincing charac
ter that' he is not guilty of the crime
with which he is charged by the gov
ernment officials
This proof he is unable to supply
and, in the absence of any other de
fense, has resorted to the usual sub
terfuge, that of attempting to estab
lish an alibi but that sort of thing does
not buy much with the people" of
Clackamas county who have reached
that stage in their relations with the
gentleman from Clackamas that it
is necessary for them "to be shown,"
a contingency for which Mr Brownell
for once is not prepared.
Would End Brownell Rule.
While Clackamas county voters may
have been influenced wrongly and
duped in the past, they have awaken
ed to the situation and with the Dutch
man, are agreed that "too much is too
plenty." They demand a change and
application to the N. E. A., California they are going to have it-
Headquarters, 25 New Montgomery The sentiment is largely for a ter-
St., San Francisco. r mination of the Brownell reign as dic-
" ' tator of Clackamas county pdlitics and
STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. with the. situation now in their' own
; . hands "the people are going to see if
The regular annual meeting of the something cannot be done to divorce
stockholders of the Mt. Hood and Bar
low Road Company will be held at the
office of the company at the Bank of
Oregon City, in Oregon City, on Mon
day, April 2, 19Q6 at the hour of two
o'clock p. m., for the purpose of elects
ing a board of directors to serve dur
ing the ensuing year and the transac
tion or such other business as may
corporation influences from matters of
legislation, so far as this county is con
cerned, anyway, to the end at least
that these., corporations, with ,whom
Brownell now and always has had
close relations, are made to pay their
just portion of the burden, of taxation
to the reduction of the amount ; of
tribute that is being paid by the farm-
it accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company incorpor
ated for the purpose.. Our rates are
reasonable. We invite you to ex
amine our complete set of Abstract
606- 608 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.,
.Money to loam en Clackamas County
Queen truss, uncovered, $1194.68; one
64rfoot span, uncovered, $862.49.
C. F. Royal & Son, of Salem; 100
foot Howe truss, covered, $1249.00;
uncovered, $1047 ;v 120-foot How truss,
$1457 $1240; 72-foot Howe trass,
$1140-$996; 100-foot improved Howe
truss, $1500-$1319; 64-foot pony truss,
$975-$831. .
The proposals rfave been referred
to the ounty Engineer and will sub
sequently be presented for the consid
eration of the Marion county court
which will share the expense of the
new bridge. .
Bids Opened for Structure Across
Pudding River at Aurora.
At- a special meeting here Monday
the members of the Clackamas county
court opened bids for the building of a
joint county bridge across the Pudding
river near Aurora.
Two proposals were submitted as
Olds & Harris, of this city, one
On. Saturday, March 17, Milwaukie
Grange held one of the most interest
ing meetings ..of the present year. A
splendid dinner was served to a large
crowd and several visiting grangers,
after which the following program was
rendered : , v
Discussion of Current events.
Piano Solo ...7 ...Miss Ruegg
Song Grange Members
Address . . . ."Municipal Ownership"
By Miss Ruegg, principal of Mil
waukie School.
This was a most scholarly, instruc
tive talk, that held all attention.
Readings, resolutions, etc., closed
one of our best sessions.
The following resolution "was unani
mously carried:
"Resolved, That we protest against
the proposed distruction of Castle
Rock by any person or persons, what
soever it should be preserved as one
of Oregon's scenic beauties."
properly come before the meeting. This er and producer all this in order that
notice is -published in accordance with
the by-laws.
Oregon City, Oregon, March 23, 1906.
Secretary of the Mt. Hood and Barlow
Road Company. t2
Senator Brownell may be retained in
his dictatorial role as the political
boss and manipulator of Clackamas
county. .
The people are demanding a change
and propose to have it without any
further delay.
e Mac
The following is the report of
District No. 99, Clackamas county,
Oregon for the month ending March
2: -
No. of pupils in attendance 30
No. of days present .7.. ...565
No. of days absent . 30
No. of times tardy 23
Average daily attendance ...28.25
Those who were neither tardy nor
absent were: Hannah. David TSeniam-
in, Joseph and Andrew Becker, Royal,
Elmer and Lydia Zinser, Glen Rush
ford, Olive Strack and Gertrude Clrich.
Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis
cuit home-made. They will be fresher,
cleaner, more tasty and wholesome.
Royal Baking Powder helps the house
wife to produce at home, quickly and eco
nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised
hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer
cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and
muffins, with which the ready-made food
found at the bake-shop or grocery does
not compare. -
Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps.