,9 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1906. MAY VOTE ANY WAY BLANK "A" IS PROVIDED FOR USE AT THE PRIMARIES. Attorney-General Crawford Finds That Australian Ballot Law Is Partly Applicable. cal fraternity and a wide circle of friends. . He says of bis case: Owing to severe inflammation of tbe Throat and congestion of the Lungs, . three doctors gave me up to die, when as a last resort, I was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery and I am happy to say, it saved my life. Cures the worst Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Tonsilitls, Weak Lungs, Hoarseness and La Grippe. Guaranteed at Howell & Jones drug store. . SO c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS E. Seol to Portland Trust Company, 58 acres in section 20, 3 r-1, E; $2,500 L. B. Smith to J. A. Moehnke lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, and tract adjoining in block 2, Perker Hill Add. to Oregon City; $1. I. Gratton to M. J. Gratton quarter Interest in tract in cl 38, 11, E; $1, J. M. Taylor to A, L. Park, lots 1 and 2 block 146, Oregon City; : $500. O. L. Daniels to M. Manning NW quarter of SE section 22, 4 2, E;-$400 L. A. Cloniger to C. A. Thomas, 1.18 acres in Lee cl, 3 1, E; $250. Hibernia Savings Bnk to W. Penson, SALEM, Or.. March 12. Attorney- General Crawford settled a much- mooted question today when he ren dered an opinion holding that a voter who has not already registered may qualify for voting at the primaries on primary day by signing blank A. provided" for in the direct primary law. lot 16, block 18, Milwaukie Park; $35 i P. Kayser to W. H. Wettlaufer Sir Furntehad Every Weak By the Clackamas quarter of section 21, 4 3, E; $2,500 Abstract Company. - C. Anderson to H. C. Harris, part of NE of NW of section 25, 1 3, E; $450 Hibernia Savings Bnk. to F. For- S. Stlart to Northwester Financial Strom, lots 5, 6, 17, 18, block 24, Mil- Co., lot 3, section 4, 2 2, E; $889 waukie Park; $200 F. A. Knapp to L. ; E. Hamilton, 5 Hibernia Savings Bnk. to E. G. Rin- acrese in cl. No. 41, 2 2, E; $950. block 27, Milwaukie J. B. Cullck to J. Holm S half of SE section 15, 3 i, E; $2,500. J. H. Whitmore to A. B. Watson lots 38 and 39, block 7, and 7, 10. and 11 in 9, Marchbanks; $50. J. F. Jennings to W. A. Shaw, blocks 3, 12, 17 and 26 in Jlst "Addition to Jenning Lodge; . .925. J. F. Jenning3 to A. S. Shaw lots 4 dell, lots 1, 2, Park; $71. O. W. P. T. S. Co to S. F. Small, one- half lot 14, block 8, Estacada; $37.50 O. W. P. T. S. Co. to W. W. Delapp, Opinions have widely differed upon' N' naIf lot 14 Dlock 8- Estacada; $37.50 dtannsainn of it for tha r t1lntWade, part cl. 39, 3 4 E; $4,500 rhsr will ha mnnv Tntora whr. will HlDemia teaVmgS BI1K tO JH. X. fail to register and who will demand Briggs, lot 3, block C. Milwaukie Park; to 171 and 17 to 26 in 1st Addition to the right to vote on primary day The . . . je"uua.Jf'U6B' '?- . . .. Drevailtnfr oninion has been that an iiiDernia savings JtsnK 10 J. Jtuopei, ; uans oi uregon i;ity ro m. r. winaie Mnroe-Jstornrt nersnn nnnlri nnt rjrister lots 3 and 16, block 19, Milwaukie lots 5 and 6, blocfl 35, Central Add. mJ- tho nr.Ua nnrl vnta tor- ooftinn 15 ryt rarlt, 144. . Z60 tha Ai-rat- m-imnrv ig0 aaira that "nn I Hibernia Eavings Bnk to C. Bneson, - H. L. Stratton to L. W. Andrews, un person who is not a qualified elector Mte " and 18, block 19, Milwaukie sold lots and blocks in Falls View; $490 and a registered member of his party rarK- - . : wusioue ,iwjai asmie .Association makine its nominations under the oro-l Beraiane to t. Jtasner eta l, to w. scnwaDauer lots l, z, ana 3, visions, nf thin law shall hn nnaiifled part tract 47, Willamete Tracts; $250 block C, Gladstone; $100 to join In signing any petition for nom- J- Straumann, to O. F. Hoffman, 90 j Hibernia Savings Bnk. to F. A. Davis ination or to vote. at said Primary elec- acres in section 2S, 3 2, is; $4,000 lots 4, 5 and b, block 18, Milwaukie tinrv" ' W. J. Rauch to N. W. Torrence 42- Park; $105. 100 acres in section 5, 3 2, E. and lota I E. Fuchs to E. Schultz, lot 4, block wnra n tha law rntainari nnnn this 1 to 4, inclusive, block 1, Fairview Add 37, Oregon City; $500 BHhlAot the Intentinn wr.nl rl he nlain to Oregon 'City; $600. The Clackamas Abstract & Trust Oo that unless reistererl the nartv rnnld J- B. Atkinson to Dl Archibald, block are owners of the only complete Abstract not Vote. He looks further however, KODeriSon; $t3D. piani in uacnamaa couniy. rrompi ana and finds that In sections 1 and 8 of J- Cisloha to P. J. Packard, blocks reliable work on short notice, and all the primary law there are provisions 13, 29, 22 and lots to 11 and 12 to work guaranteed. - Abstracts made, monej which make the Australian ballot law to diock is, rtODertson; z,uuu. loanea, mortgages ioreciosea, irusia ae annlicable. and in section 2875 of the I E. Quist to F O. Elkstrom W half of puted, estates settled and titles perfect code is exnresslv made annlicahle to N W section J5, Z 1, Mi ; $SUU. ed. orimarr nominating elections A. B. Allen to G. H. Mighell, 6 acres J. F. Clark, Atty at Law, This last-mentioned section nrovides m swanora 6 Z, is; $d80. K-eaiaent ana Manager. for any elector who is not registered W. Knight to F. H. Fleming, 91-100 Over Bank of Oregon City. in the precinct in which he applies to acres in section 4, 4 1, E ; $50. w. irueger to H.. a lemmg, 4 acres in section 4, 4 0, E; $150. W. W. Norris to G. W. Norrls 34 vote to use blank-"A," and vote if otherwise qualified. Section 38 of the direct primary law says that "nothing contained in this law shall be constru- acres in cl. 50, 2 3, E; $700. ed to deprive any elector of the right to register and vote at any primary nominating election required by this law on his complying with the special provisions of this law in the same man ner that he is permitted by the general J. W. Roots to J. W. Strucken SW of tract 15, Borfing Junction; $75, There is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other di seases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be Incur able. For a great many years doctors C. Sanmann to H. W. Tanson, Ehalt pronounced it a local disease and pre- of SE section 18, and NE of NE sec- scribed local remedies, and by con i . i i,. a i i . m io o a -c. i inn sianxiy ianmg iu cure wiui lucai ireau L. J. Wiltfong to J. S. Albel, SW of mem, pronouncea it incurauie. ocieuce laws to register and vote at a general 3W of section 33, 14, E; $1,000. "aa V "r a Zi17 " "Y election." Breyman and Eomerville to F. Hor- tloM . disease and therefore -requires vvuot.x umg turj xa, rv txa a w uuio, Lilt? I 1 t wi t? u. Dvbxu. -x, i , . j tor may qualify by using blank "A" on J. H. Dodson to C. J. Rice, N half 0f Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the - election day, and hence that County NE of section 25, 2 2, E; $2,000. Clerks should send out such . blanks with the ballot-boxes and poll-books. J. W. McElhany to L. McElhany, 20 acres in section 25, 2 2, E; $600. G. Brookman to C. W. Gay, Brook- man Tract; . .700. 1 J. Heatley to G. Olds, lots 1 and 2, The remarkable recovery "of Ken- block 30, Gladstone; $1,250. aeth Mclver, of Vanceboro, Me., is the J- Murdock to O. E. F. Lee, part of subject of much interest to the medi- Allen cl.; $250. , DOCTORS ARE PUZZLED. ALWAYS TAKE MOTHER'S ADVICE. Mother's Medicine Chest. enly constitutional cure on the mar ket. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testi monials. Address: F. J. CHENET & CO.; Tole do, Ohio. Sold by Drugists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for const! pation. Daily Telegram and Enterprise, both one year, for only S5. When we look back to childhood and think of what mother advised, we feel pretty certain that she advised what was right -from her own experience. She : ' inherited later in her instinct of mother hood a knowledge of childish ailments and a certain class of remedies that she knew well and their effects. Experience after all is the best teacher. Most mothers know as well as doctors, and often better, . what ails a youn? girl on the threshold of young womanhood and what she needs. For nearly forty years many mothers have recommended to ailing firls a prescription made from well nown native, medicinal plants. Lady's Slipper root. Golden Seal root. Black Co hosh root. Unicorn root, Blue Cohosh root and chemically pure glycerine make one of the be-it prescriptions for the period ical troubles and afflictions which visit womankind at one time or another. Prof. F. Ellinsrwood. M. TV. of T Medical College, says of Lady's S'ir root: "It exercises special influence nervous, conditions, depending upon orders of the feminine organs relieves pain, restlessness and nervousness." Prof. Jno. M. Scudder, M. D., says of the same root, "It is valuable in all cases of nervous excitability or irritability." Of Golden Seal root, Edwin M. Hale. M. D., Professor of Materia Medica at Hahne mann Medical College, Chicago, says : "In its general effects on the system there is no medicine in use about which there is such general unanimity of opin ion. It is universally regarded as a tonic useful in all debilitated states." Prof. F. Ellingood, M. D., author of "A Treatise on Materia Medica and Thera peutics," says of Golden Seal root: "It is an, important remedy in disorders of the tcomb." Of Black Cohosh root. Prof. Jno. M.'King, M. D., author of Women and Her Diseases," says: "Upon the re- firoductive organs it exerts a specific nfluence, promoting regularity. In dys menorrhea (painful periods), it is sur passed by no other drug, being of the greatest utility in irritative and conges tive conditions, for dragging pains re sembling the pains of rheumatism and for side ache." Of Unicorn root the American Dispensatory says: "It is one of our most valuable agents, acting as a uterine tonic, and gradually remov ing abnormal conditions, while at the same time it imparts -tone and vigor to the reproductive organs, hence it is much used in leucorrhoea. amenorrhcea (sup- J pressed penoas. aysmenorrnaea (palniui periods), etc." Dr. John Fyfe, Editor of the "Eclectic Medical Review," says of Unicorn root gilelonias Dioica). one of the chief ingre ients of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription: " A remedy which invariably acts as a- uterine invigorator and always favors s condition which makes for normal activity of the entire reproductive sys tem, cannot fall to be of great useful ness and of the utmost importance to the general practitioner of -medicine. In Helonias we have a medicament which more fully answers the above purposes than any other drug with which I am acquainted. - In the treatment of diseases peculiar to women it is seldom that a. case is seen which does not present some indication for this remedial agent." - nodiiiHNiira: " tteionias ( u nicorn root) through its tonic and alterative influ ence acts equally well in amenorrhoea (suppressed menstruation) and in menor rhagia (flooding or profuse menstruation). It is especially called for in cases of amenorrhoea which are accompanied by general debility and an atonic (weak) condition of the digestive organs, as it Increases the 'appetite and -promotes di gestion and assimilation. When there is atony (weakness) of the generative j organs and a tendency. to miscarriage its I tonic utauonce upon the sexual system I bound copy. will aid much in bringing about k norm- l condition of the structures involved. In sterility and impotence its curat:---power is unmistakable, and within. reasonable time it will restore to health ful activity all cases not dependent upur organic wrongs, and in leucorrhcea defective menstruation it is a frequenu. needed remedy." :-' The following are among the leadinp indications for Ilelonias: "Pain or ach ing in the buck, with leucorrhoea ; atoni. (weak) .conditions of the renrcxiuctivt organs of women, mental depression uno COUNTY COURT. CLACKAMAS COUNTY COURT. Business Transacted at March Term. Regular ' Be it remembered. That at a regu lar term of the County Court of Clack amas County, held-In the Court House to Oregon City, for the purpose of transacting county business in March eases of the reproductive organs o( women ; constant sensation of ie-nt in the region of the kidneys; menorrba!:si (flooding), due to a weakened condi tion of the reproductive system; alienor rhoea (suppressed menstruation), t rising from or accompanying an abnormal con dition of the diuestive oreans and an ! ana-mic (thin blood) habit; dragging sen- irritability, associated "with chronic d:- t the same Ding the time fixed oy law ior noiaing a regular term oi said court, present Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, county judge, presiding; T. B. Killen and Wm. Brobst, Commission ers, when the following proceedings were had, to-wlt In the matter of supervisors reports examined and allowed: District No. 3. Rodlun Bros. $ 50.63 District No. 4. H. S. Gibson 2.50 District No. 6. John Straus 95.55 A. H. Zimbrick 9.75 C. Zimbrick 9.75 John Straus 40.00 District No. 8. D. W. Douglas . 10.00 S. D. Forsythe, 8.62 John E. Smith , 15 . 00 C. E. Smith - 5.25 M. Glass . 3.50 District No. 12. . Bonney & Miller 512.00 J. S. Gill . 28.75 C. Johnson 15.75 R. Johnson ; 5 . 65 C. Benson 3.40 H. Gray .75 O. Enneberg .9.75 C. Gill 6.40 Davis 2.00 District No. 13. Frank Busch 4.75 District No. 14. J. Everhart & Co. 12.05 Dix Bros. . 118.04 Cummins & Jones 284.20 G. F. Gibbs 55.00 Jas. Shelley Jr. 28.85 C. Muralt 21.85 Joe Fisher 28.85 H. Heniici, 1.75 District No. 15. ' sations in the extreme lower part of the I 1 . ) M If more or less of the above symptoms are present, no invalid ' woman can do better than take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, one of the leading and pre dominating ingredients of which is Uni corn root, or Helonias, associated with other equally efficient medicinal extracts of native roots. From the above extracts it will be understood why Doctor Pierce is so suc cessful in curing diseases peculiar to women with a carefully prepared glyc eric extract of the above mentioned roots In just the right proportions this compound being called Dr. Pierce's 'Fa vorite Prescription. As a solvent and -preservative, glycerine is superior to alco hol and is entirely unobjectionable. The "Favorite Prescription" is the only medi cine put up for sale through druggists for the cure of woman's peculiar ail ments that does not contain alcohol and that too in large quantities. It is also the only non-secret medicine for women sold by druggists. Its ingredients are printed in full on the bottle wrapper and in plain English. - Dr. Pierce feels that he can afford to take the afflicted into his full confidence and lay all the tagredients of his medi cines freely before them because these ingredients are such as are endorsed and most strongly praised by scores of the most eminent medical writers of all the several schools of practice as cures for the diseases for which these medicines are recommenuea. Your druggists sell the " Favomtk Prkscriptios " and also that famous alterative, blood purifier and stomach tonic, the "Goldes Mkdical Discov ert." Write to Dr. Pierce about vnnr case. He is an experienced physican i W. F. Harris and will treat vour case a.a rnnfiHon. :pnru jP. rv tial and without charge for correspond- ! j tr fnodv ence. Address him at t.hn Tt,i,h I V "4y Cummins & Jones Clarke's Saw Mill P. Stageman P. Massinger , C. Jones B. Grisenthwaite " , E. W. Hornshuh V. Bohlander C. Stiner F. Bohlander ' . ' District No. 20. A. Klebe 1 Fred Madison E. O. Baker A. , Klebe C. Kensy " ': J. Wallace - B. Sullivan . . , District No. 22. Mart Baty Albert Baty . " Albert Engle District No. 23. R. W. Zimmerman F. M. Lucke . . . H. Deitz H. G. Ziegler Wm. Fry , 1 " . District No. 24. Carlton & Rosenkrans,, . S. Kinser S. Kinser .- , Rile Garret, H. Kunke, SEVEN P. Kunke, - E. Werner, Bert Byers, R. I. Garrett . District No. 25. I. A. Boney A. Gribble G. R. Bailey W. Sutherland B. Mitts - District No. 27. John Furgeson James Gray Ben Thomas Orlan Thomas, James Nicholson, C. C. Quinn, ' A. Mazingo,. John Labour, ' District No. 31. H. Schatz, P. Schroeder, G., Volpp, J. 'Bushbaum, v A.. Delkar, Sager & Kekel, -M. Rauch, J. Sager, ' F. Kekel, August Delker, J. Wanker, , R. Schroeder, G. Setje, Z. Elligsen, District No. 34. Willamette Falls Co., Wilson & Cooke, Beall & Co., Wilson & Cooke, J. Turner, L. Sharlber, J. C. Reasoner, P. Berdine, J. Edmonds, Chas. Baker, i G. Shauber, Edward Gross, C. Turner, ' i - A. Koellermeier, E. Strickland, 5 . W. Kaiser, . ? ' H. Dunwald, ' E. Courand, James Downey, John Younker, E. Courand, H. Dunwald, F. 'E. Reasoner, L. C. Munson, F. C. Dunwald. M. S. Rouch, John Roach, F. E. Zook, M. B. Webster, F. T. Doty. W. Johnson, N. Greenman, A. H. Miley, Tom Smith, W. Ford, L. Erickson, J. Bullock, T. McGetchie, W. Graham, ' 1 W. Dickerson, A. Granquist, N.. Snyder, . Stricklin, Rawlins, G. Califf, ; J Howell, R. J. Miles, M. Davis, Ward, Camble. M. Sinnott, Boyles, - Green, 63.32 E. Glass, 32.00 29.93 F. Shannon, 34.00 1.10 R. Bernler, 16.50 1.10 A. Wilkinson ' ; 5. 50 3 . 00 J. W. MacKay, 14.00 1.50 !C. Shields, 8.00 10.00 W. Reams, " 3.00 4.50 I General Roads. 3.00 C. N. Greenman, 14.30 1.50 Thos. F. Ryan, - 3.25 Wm.' Brobst, ' . - ,38.00 S. A. Manning, " - 60.00 T. B. Killen, 30.10 1.70 5.25 - 3.00 12.50 15.00 6.25 .12.50 Allowances. Joy County Charges: C. E. Swan, Mrs. H. Woods, Mrs." Ryckman, R, G. Ogden, " . C. E. Burns, 6.12 B. F. Forrester. 6.12 W. J. Lewellen. 8.75 M. Kruger, . L. Matherson, 17.25 Mrs. Valentine, 6.50 John , Aven, 6.50 I ITorton & Jack, 6.50 iW. L. Molloy, 3. -00 Isaac Prindle, " W. T. Gardner, 43.70 Mrs. M. Pickens, , 6.00 A. G. Guynup, x ' , 3.00 Brunswick Restaurant, 1.50 F. W. Sprague, 1.50 E. Hitchman, cmfwyppp Mrs. Bradtl, 1.50 Mrs. C. J. Parker, A 1.50 A. Imel, 1.50 Mrs. Heinz, 5.00 J. A. Jones, . Indigent Soldier. 3.90 Mead Post No. 2, 2.4f Pauper Account. 3. If W. J. Lewellen, . 6.6f Horton & Jack, ' 10. 0 Circuit Court. J. F." May, 6. Of Justice of the Peace. 7.5f J. C. Haines, 12. 7f C. N. Haines, 4.5f Jacob Mills, 6. Of L. Stipp, 4.5 H. W. Trembath, 4.5( .'L. Stipp, 24. 0C jH. W. Trembath,, - J J. C. Haines, 1.7f W. E. Wanker, 20.SC H. W. Koehler, i i ence. Address him at the Invalids' notei ana surgical institute, Buffalo, N. Y., of which he is chief " consulting physician. - It is as easy' to be well as ill and much more comfortable. Constipation is the cause of many forms of illness. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation. Thev are tinv, sugar-coated granules. One Tittle "Pellet "is a gentle laxative, two a mild., cathartic, 'Ail uroicia tu uieuicilltts s?il Ml f 111. A good medical book, written in plain English, and free from technical terms is a valuable work for frequent consulta tion. Such a work is Dr. Pierce's Com mon Sense Medical Adviser. It's a book of 1008 pages, profusely illustrated. It is given away now, although formerly j W. Aj .' sold in cloth binding for $1.50. Send 31 j M Bar cents. In-one-cent-etamus - tor nav for of mailing only for paper-covered copy, it ,M addressing Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo !A- H- KnlSn N. Y.; or 31 cents for an elegantly cloth- ' D1 J. A. Confer S. 11. Thompson H. Hill J. Ward F. W. Hacker W. H. Matheny W. Rowland C, F. Fuge L. Fuge B. Blanchard, . ', R. Wilkeson H. Rowland W. F. Harris R. H. Taber District No. TIce . Bannore . Alex Tice 17. F. Busch District No. 18. 11.40 10.80 63.00 21.88 21.88 32.80 5.25 31.06 22.31 31.06 29.30 31.06 15.75 15.75 6.56 5.18 5.25 1.50 3.75 ' 6 .00 2.50; - 1 3.25 M. L. Rauch, E. Hughes, L. Finn, . M. MacKay, W. Snyder, District No. 35. D. Edwards, District No. 36. W. F. Stanton, Fry & Scholl, N. Blair, District No. 39. Bailey, v Splinter, ! Beard, Stevens, 7 Shelley, Bailey, Weise Bridge. J. C. Zinser, F. Busch, E. Story, W. P. & P. Co., Oregon City Foundry. O. C. Lumber Co., . O. C Lumber Co., Pope & Co., B. Shipley, . W. Martin, C -Shields, 3.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 ; 5.00 ' 5.00 t" 6.00 7.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10,00 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 ' $5.00 36.50 4.80 -4.20 It serves, both one year for only $1.50 the price of the Enterprise alone. This farm paper is highly recommend ed by the leading experts on .farming; stock raising and fruit growing. This offer Is a snap. Call at the office or mail us your subscription. "'"I suffered habitually from, consti pation. Doan's Regulets relieved and strengthened the bowels, so that they have been regular since." A. E. Davis grocer. Sulphur Springs, Texas. 7.87 19.69 16.19 32.00 12.25 11.00 17.75 31.00 21.00 21.00 13.00 27.50 239.50 9.30 76.48 .95 29.32 1.75 16.00 22.00 17.00 40.00 ' 42.00 15.95 22.00 21.00 8.31 7.88 2.62 18.00 25.50 20.00 24.00 20.00 10.00 8.32 9.19 4.82 4.82 3.00 55.00 66.00 3.50 .50 2.00 41.25 32.00 32.00 26.00 8.00 22.75 30.00 21.00 3.50 10.50 29.00 13.12 13.12 12.00 4.00 15.00 11.39 3.50 1.75 8.00 3.50 3.50 4.00 70.00 15.95 A. W. Shipley. C. B. Hall, ' Martin Blankln, John Fox,. G. E. Cline, M. McMinnls, J. W. Thomas, D. Howell, Ed. Campbell, Eli Blatt, John Armbuster, M. E. Kandle, F. T. Shute, 1 L. Rath, Jail. Peter Nehren, Court House. Fred Wieder, Wilson & Cooke, A. Mihlstin, Clerk. Glass & Prudhomme, Sheriff. J. R. Shaver, ' H. W. Trembath, School Supt. T. J. Gary, L. A. Read, W. A. Schmidt, Estella Salisbury, D. P. Mathews, J. C. Zinser, Treasurer. Glass & Prudhomme, -Ednetta Chase, Co. Commissioner. T. B. Killen, Wm. Brobst, Surveyor. J. W. Meldrum, E. P. Rands, Coroner. F. Saling, F. Millard, F. Williams, Otto Myrhe, D. George, Al. Drill, Dr. C. B. Smith, Albert Johnson, Chas. Scott, B. R. Kimmel, Llvy Stipp, J: F. Clark, 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.70 2.40 5:95 20.05 10.10 1.45 7.00 1.70 1.70 ,- 1.70 ' - 1.50 1.70 1.50 2.00 2.0o 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 15.00 2.00 2.25 2.05 45.00 1.90 18.70 18.00 18.00 , 3.00 2.00 3.00 51:60 12.00 17.00 13.20 11.60 19.50 16.50 1.20 j 1.20 1 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 10.40 1.70 1.70 1.70 19.25 10.70 Pure and Mellow Rich and Delicate For Sal by - E. MATTHIAS -Sole Aganey for Oregon City. V44L . 1 BO YEARS' Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac Anyone sending a sketch and description may qnlckly ascertain our opinion free whether am invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest asency for BecurlDgrpatenta. Patents taken through Mann A Co. recelT tpecioi notice, without charse, in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. - T.anrest clr. eulatiou of any scientific Journal. Terms. S3 m year; four months, 1- Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.38,BrMd-"' New York Branch Offloe. S2S F 8U WaablDgton. D. C. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. 8:00 A.M. Daily. 7.00 P.M. UNION DEPOT For Mavirer. Rainier, Clatskanie. Weatoort Clifton, Astoria, War ren ton, f lavel, Ham mond, Fort Stevens, Gearhart Park.- Sea side, Astoria and Seashore. Express Daily. Astoria juxpress. Arrives. Dally. 11:10A.M. 9:40 P.M C. A. STEWART. Comm'l Ast.. jn Alder street. Phone Main 906. J. C. MATO. O. F. & P. A. Astoria. Or. Courier, Enterprise, Printing. Election. 15.10 1.50 3.00 9.50 45.00 3.50 29.75 24.50 23.62 22.50 11.50 6.30 I 21.95 .30 21.38 I 49.32 Pope & Co., H. Epperson, J. W. McAnulty, ' Current Expense. Thos. F. Ryan Blake McFall Co., Telephone Compaay, Board Water Comm'r Tax Department. Nettle Kruse, Ella Shaver, D. C. Boyles, Huntley Bros, Stat'y.. Burroughs' Company, 23.03 $198.02 2.40 7.10 48.00 8.40 6.15 15.00 34.25 - 50.00 45.75 25.75 $375.00 CURED CONSUMPTION. 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific ' Station Telephone Com . pany, covering 2,250 towns Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard as Port land. - Oregon City office at Harding s Drus Store JOHN YOUNGER, Mrs. -W. B. Evans, Clearwater, Kan., writes. My husband lay sick for three months. The doctors said he had quick consumption. We procured a bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup, 1 and it cured him. That was six yeais ' ago and since- then we have always i kept a bottle In the house. We cannot I do without it. For coughs and colds it has no equal. 25c, 50c and $1.00. SoJd by Huntley Bros. Co. Near Huntley's Drug Store, FORTY I EARSEXPERIENCt IX Great Britain and America. c, N. Green ARE YOU A FARMER! PIONEER If you are, then you need a good -j . ApiCDO 353.07 farm paper. The Enterprise has : Frpiffht anH narrpl AftHvamA 51.18 splendid offer. We will furnish the i r relgnl ana parcels deli vered 32.00 , Enterprise and the Oregon Agricultur- to all parts of the citv REASONABLE 47.00 ricultural paper, in the large section A I cl S , The children's friend Jaynets Tbnic Ycrmif uge Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscles. v 4 YQ?5 oives tone, vitality ana snap. mrv -