Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 16, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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80 me Information on the Vacation of
t; Eleventh and Moss Streets 0 v '
The bringing of a suit in the circuit
court by interested property owners
against Frank Busch to have set aside
an ordinance recently enacted by the
City Council by which a portion of
Moss and Eleventh streets between
Main and Water streets was vacated,
suggests that in justice to the parties
to the litigation and for the informa
tion of the general public, a statement
of -the facts connected with the con
troversy might, prove readable at this
time. : v-
About a year ago, Mr.'Busch, 'who is
the defendant in the pending suit,
and other property ' owners petitioned
the City Council for the Improvement
of the two streets Moss and Eleventh.
The matter was referred to the Coun
cil committee on streets and public
property, ' which, on investigation, re
ported adversely for the reason that
to make the improvement petitioned
for would involve a greater expendi
ture than the benefits therefrom would
' warrant.' ... , ''. -,,
Subsequently Mr Busch circulated a,
petition . asking the Council to pass an
-ordinance vacating that portion : of
Eleventh' St. that borders along the
southerly side of his lot. Upon a sur
vey being made at the time of the
action of the council, it was found that
the part of the street asked to be va
cated Consisted of a strip with a. front
age at 68 feet on Main street extending
westerly, diagonally across the. street
for the depth of the lot, with-apwidth
of 32 'feet. at the lower end. Every
abutting "property owner signed the.
petition asking the Council to take
this action. By this vacation of Elev
enth street, the boundaries of Moss
street, extending from Main street to
the river, remain ."! .undisturbed, the
Street remaining full 60 feet wide to
the river. i, -"" " .
Notice of the purpose of the petition
. was regularly published in the city
official paper and a number of these
notices vwere posted - in prominent,
places. No . one remonstrating or in
anyway objecting, the Council passed
an ordinance as petitioned for by Mr.
Busch and other interested'; property
owners -. as'Jpetitloners.
It wasfor-"the purpose of acquiring
the right to use the premises that Mr.
Busch asked to have the street vacated
and now -that he is about to make use
of the vacated premises, some of the
owners of adjoining property come, in
to court and seek to enjoin him from
enjoying ;the privileges that are grant
ed, under the ordinance that has been
passed. - Those who are - now oppos
ing Mr. , Busch are the same persons
who : signed - the petition on! .-' the
strength of which the Council ordered
the street vacated, although two other
property owners appear as . the plain
tiffs in the pending suit.
..,The location .of -the strip' of . land
that is affected by the ordinance is in
the ravine or gully north of the Y. M.
' C. A. Building and consists of that
.part of . the extension of Eleventh
street bordering on the lots owned by
Mr. Busch and Mr. Graham, between
Main street and Water street It is-i
most unlikely that the city will ever
improve that part of Eleventh street
extending from. Main St. to the riverl
Such an improvement would be a most
expensive- undertaking, and for which
there will never exist any great- de
mand". In its present state, this, ex
tension of Eleventh street Is valueless
to the city and. worthless to adjacent,
property. But under the rights con
ferred in the ordinance that has been
passed, Mr. Busch proposed establish
ing oh his own lots a business enter
prise for the accomodation of which it
would be necessary to have the build
ings extend over that -part of Eleventh
street that, was vacated.
Mr. Busch is one of Oregon City's
most enterprising and progerssive busi
ness men. His integrity has never been
questioned, and it would be unfair to
him to for an instant assume that he
would take the slightest advantage of
persons . owning adjoining . property
neither in his many transactions with
the city has he ever manifested a de
sire or disposition to deal in other than
a fair manner If; by vacating a portion
, of a street that can probably never be
Satisfactorily graded , and improved
and used as such and which in its pres
, ent condition Is worthless to adjoin
ing property, the premises are utilized
to encourage the investment of capital
in establishing new manufacturing in
dustries to the material prosperity of
the community, is it. not apparent
where either the city or private indi
viduals can be seriously damaged, If
' at all. .
I Political Column 1
Announcement cards for candidates
will be published in this column until
the date of the Primary election, April
20, at a nominal charge.
To the Republicans of Clack
amas County:
I hereby announce myself a'
candidate for the nomination of
County Coroner on the Repub
lican ticket at the primary elec
tion, April 20, 1906. If nomi
nated and elected I promise a
careful and economical admin
istration of the affairs of the
office, and shall adopt in my
platform the principles of econ-"
omy, justice and honesty.
Leading "Undertaker and Em
balmer, Oregon City.
XTTT. j, "' line of Jackson Street, Oregon City.
W IXOi j X UXUCI cUuo aoe oraam as rouows:'
.Saloon License...
To the Republican voters of
-Clackamas county.
I hereby announce myself as
a candidate for the Republican
nomination for County Clerk at
the Primary election, April 20,
1906. My motto is: "Honesty.
Efficiency, Courtesy."
"" Very respectfully,
of Abernethy Precinct.
To the Republicans of Clack
amas county:
I hereby announce myself a '
-candidate for the nomination of
County Clerk on the Republi- '
can ticket at the Primary elec
tion, April 20, 1906. If nominat
ed I promise an economical '
administration of the affairs of
.'the. office and fair, courteous
and considerate treatment of :
all persons having business at
the office.
en-fFck-i-in r - i natine grade or Tweirth Street of
fc LLLLtJl lllg . al OregoifCity, Oregon, from the Easter-
nhimhi'rtri llne of Maln Street, to the Westerly
OUUUiU til lino nf Tsiolriuin Qf-aot c,Il .. ..- .
follows: ' : , : -. . -1 - ' -'.-k
Beginning on the East line of " Main
Street at an elevation of 92 til?, thence
Easterly to the West lme tot Center
Street at an elevation-f ,, 84.00 ft.;
thence to the Easterly line' -of Center
Street at an elevation' .of "-88.00 ft.:
for some weeks, thence to the Westerly,-line Of "Wash-
after bis birth I ineton Street at an elevation of MR ft-
jpain. LasT fan? thence to the Easterly line of Wash
following the ad- ineton Street at an elevation of. 114 ft:
I- U)r?my husband thence to the Westerly line of Adams
I housrht me Dr. ' Street- at an elevation of '135 ft.;
Pierre's Favor-, thence to the Easterly line of Adams
w1iirrhiCr'fo,o'fc Street at an elevation of 138.00 ft.; i
-. during the win- thence to the westerly line of Jefferson
ier. ana id - Street at an TevnMrn nf Ififl ft
in the
time of
when Dr. E. V. Pierce's medicines are used."
writes Mrs. Edmon Jacobs, of BarKersville,
Johnson Co.. Ind. " I bad not beard of Dr.
Pierce's medicines three years ago when I
was confined, so had to suffer almost death.
Before baby was born I could not be on
my feet without two persons holding me..
loo oaoy was. a
boy. weighing
Ssg pounus. ana
Thonsands . Ha?e Kidney - f -
,.- in- o i Notice is hereby given that we -will
if onol6 and nover Suspect it ann,y at the next regular meeting of
' Howlo Ftodom. . , the Oregon City Council fop a renewal
Fill a bottle or common glass withyour f oiwt ajtopn "cense at our present
water and let it stand twenty-four hctrs ; Pjace f Jl"81"688'; Detwee,,J-
a sediment or set-
tlingindicatesan 1906- - . - - '
unhealthy con-; .
dition of the kid-
. ne'ys ; if it stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid-'
ney trouble ; too
frequent desirr
to pass it or pain
in the back is
also convincing proof that the kidneys
and bladder are out of order.
What To Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
birth to a baby thence to the Easterly line of Jeffer- Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, I
boy. weighing son Street at an elevation of 164 ft.; fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism,
onfy hflabo 7" thence to the Westerly line of Madison : pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
street at an pipvnnnn rr 1X4. ft auu. cvciy wan. .i uimaiy uiumvc.
" The advice of a hetgtihttr.'
hours and was
on my feet with
out help until
thirty minutes
before hahv was
born. He is now three months old and weighs
19 lbs. I know it was Dr. Pierce's medicine
that saved me from suffering. I ad rise all
women to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion, also bis ' Pleasant Pellets.' if necessary "
"Following the advice of a neighbor"
What a weight of confirmatory evidence
there is in those six words. The neighbor
had tried the" Favorite Prescription "and
recommended it. Mrs. Jacobs has also
tried it and proved its wonderful proper-
f.toa n.nri nnw shft rpinminpnfiii it. RacMa
such testl.5w.ny as Uiis . its maker's words 'ilshed at
ence is a &ct. Her neighbor's experience . Council of Oregon City, held Wednes
is a fact. The written experiences of 500.- day, March 7th, 1906, at 8 o'clock p. m.
(WO other women are facts. There is no' By order of the Council of Oregon
theory about it.- There can be no- ques- . City. -
VSh"1! i . W. A. DIMICK. Recorder,
. LSI UUU If IJVA Uit V 1 Vi V Ul 1.S TV UU
have been cured by the "Favorite Pre
scription." It has cured more cases of
female complaint than all other medicines
filY- wnman iwmhinaH '. Tt. la tha nnlv mul-
i.!.: ; ;.ri vj t: . ii.1? Washington street from the
... iii r7 i j WARTUFRI V, I IMC OC -9CUPNTUV
dcuioiiisii in im.vi K.iiir a rzp, u i tbi i v grauu .. ... .. .. . - - . .
ated physician of more than forty years' STREET NORTHERLY TO THE
thence to the Easterly line of Madison
Street at an elevation of 190.80 ft;
thence to the Westerly line of Monroe
Street at an elevation of 215 ft.; i
thence to the Easterly line of Monroe
Street at an elevation of 221 ft.;
thence to the Westerly line of J. Q
Adams Street at an elevation of 246 ft;
thence to the Easterly line of J. Q.
Adams Street at an elevation of 253 ft;
thence to the. Westerly line, of Jack
son Street at an elevation of. 274 ft.
Read . first time and ordered pub-
a regular meeting of the
It corrects inability to hold water-,
and scalding pKin in passing it, or bad
effects following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne- ,
cessity of being compelled to go often
' during the day, and to get up many j
times during the mglit. 1 he mild and i
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
is soon realized. It stands the highest
for its wonderful cures of the most di
tressing cases. If you need a medicine
you should have the best. Sold by drug
gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes.
You may have a "(sample bottle and a
book that tells all
about it, both sent free
by mail. Address Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Bing-
hamton, N. Y. When Horn of 8wmp-Root.
writinsr mention this paper and don'
make any mistake, but remember tne
name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and
the address, Binghamton, M. Y,
I 7
Make sure a Yield of onantltv and
Qualify. -When vour faLbr olamed
Ferry's, they were tbe bst oo the
market, bat they have been improv
ing ever since. We are exnezta in
flower and vecetah'e Feeds.
190 Sed Annaal. rautlfully tllus
trated, free to allappacants.
D. M. FERRY ft CO., Detroft, Mich.
Portland and The Dalles
actual experience.
Oregon City, Ore, Mar;) 14, ; 1906.
Editor Enterprise: The School Board
and the teachers, of the High. School
wish to state that there is no basket
ball team connected with - the Oregon
City High School. Any one' making
use of the school's name in connection
with such team does sb without any
authority from the school.
City Superintendent.
By order of the Board. ' t '
The Qregon City & Farmer' Inde
pendent Telephone Company is this
week installing its local exchange at
Huntley Bros. Company's drug store in
this city and instruments are being
very generally subscribed for by the
merchants and business men. of the
city. This system will' be in complete
operation within a few days and will
place Oregon City people in communi
cation with more than 500 rural sub
scribers throughout the south and
eastern parts of the county. Other
rural lines in other parts of the county
are being perfected and when these
have been connected with the system,
a practically complete network of tel
ephones will.be in -operation through
out the county with a subscription list
approximating 1000. W. H. Bonney
and E. N. Brock are in charge of the
work of installing the system in this
The Enterprise has installed one of
these instruments and we, will be glad
at any time to hear from our country
friends. We have not yett been as
signed our number, but will" announce
the same when the directory is completed.
Committee to Get Plans for Two-Story
Mayor William Shindler, Council-
men P. Streib, George Hively and M.
Matthews, of.Milwaukie, were author
ized at the last meeting of the council
to have plans prepared for a two-atory
City Hall, to be erected on the grounds
purchased, for the purpose last year.
This committee will submit plans at
the meeting in Aprih The building
will cost about $2500. Work will be
started - about July 1, at which time
there will be money in the hands of
the City -Treasurer to put up the build
ing without incurring debt. f Milwau
kie has an income of $400 a quarter ia
licenses from the . Milwaukie Club,
which is still in operation, and from
another saloon, outside of taxes collect
ed. - ..- - - - .. - .' -7
The City Hall will be so arranged
that the volunteer fire department will
have quarters on. the first floor, where
there will be space for athletics and
a reading-room. : In Milwaukie there i
no. place where young men may gather .
in the evening, and hence it- is desired '
to arrange for this department in th
City Hall. The volunteer fire" company
contains nearly all the young men in
town and others will come in when
these quarters are completed. . """. ,
Mayor Shindler refused tq allow any
steps to be taken to get the hall until
it could be put up without . incurring
a debt. Oregonian.
' Notice is hereby given that ' the
grade of Washington Street of Oregon
City, from the Northerly' line of Sev
enth Street Northerly to the Southerly
line of Thirteenth Street is ordered
changed and re-established ; also the
grade' of said Washington Street from
the Southerly line of Thirteenth Street
Northerly to the Southerly end of the
When you - have headache, ' ' we ask
you to try Ake-in-the-Head Tablets
and you can have your ten cents back
if your headache or neuralgia ia not
relieved in 15 minutes. ; Safe, sure, and
never fail. Huntley Bros. .
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
William Etters. Plaintiff, -
. .vs. ' . . ' .
A. W. Bowman and Blanche E. Little,
To A. W. Bowman and Blanche E.
Little," said defendants
In the name of the State of Oregon
Abernethy bridge on said Washington you are ier6by Squired to appear and
Seord as-8
By order of the Council of Oregon ".i, FFZ
City, Oregon, made March 7th, 1906."
W. A. DIMICK, Recorder.
before March 15, 1906, and if you fail
to answer, for want thereof the plain
tiff will take judgment against you
and earch of you for $200 and costs
and apply for an order of bale of the
L, L. Porter and C. H. Dye Will
Speak at Damascus This
Friday Night.
t L. L. Porter,: candidate for
State Senator, and C. H. Dye,
of the Representative ticket,
and other candidates on the
county and legislative tickets '
- will hold a meeting at Damas
cus this, Friday evening, March
A meeting had been advertis
ed to be held by these speakers
at Oswego toworrow, Saturday, -night,
but it is impossible to se
cure the hall for the evening
and the meeting has been post-.
poned until Wednesday even
ing, March 28. . . . . . . .
In the meantime a number of .
other meetings wil(- be ' held
. throughout the county and the
dates will be - announced by .
posters.- Jt'is'-the vintention of -the
speakers - to conduct meet-
ings in every 'preciheti in the'
county before the1 date ' of the
primary nominating election, '
April 20.1,. : .. ,.
Big Minstrel Show To-Night.
It was in the evening when the day's
work in the cotton field was done and
"Massa" had gone to bed in the dark
est days of slavery that the darkey
toilers of the plantation were wont to
gather around their humble huts, there
hold high carnival under the pale light
of the moon. Though all or nearly
all this has passed into history and
tradition, there isstill a good strong
semblance of those never to be for
gotten days left in "plantation life."
A vivid Spectacle introduced in Ma
hara Bros. Big Minstrel Carnival this
season which makes its appearance
at Shively's on March 16th,. To make
the pictures more realistic they intro
duce 10 of the handsomest Creole lad
ies from the Boyou Teche, La., pas
times of the Rice and Tobacco fields,
giving an entertaining exhibition of.
tobacco stripping and manipulation.
Grand choruses of supereminence
song with the rich true plaintive voices
of the southern negro. The ladles of
the company are also seen in the sec
ond edition of the programme, known
as Minstrelsy of Today, showing the
evolution of the blacks since emanci
pation. This amusement, Dusky Beaux
and Belles, Is spectacular, up-to-date.
singing and. dancing, dressed in cos
tumes of the club, reception and ball
room. - - - : - " A . ,
' (Corrected Weekly.) -" 'A
Wheat No. 1, 6773c per " bu.
Flour Valley, $4.25 per bbl.. Hard
wheat $4.90, Portland, $1.10 per sack.
Howard's Best, $1.25 per sack.
Oats In sacks, $1.15 per cental.
Hay Timothy, baled $11 $12 , per
ton; clover $9; oat, $9; mixed hay $9.
cheat, $8.50. -
MillstuSs Bran . $19.50 per ton;r
shorts, $20.50 per ton; chop $18.00 per
ton; barley rolled $25.50 per ton.
Potatoes 4550 per hundred.
Egg Oregon 15 17 per doz.
Butter Ranch-- 5560; separator
60c; creamery, 6570c. .
Rutabegas, Carrots, Turnips, Par
snips and Beets 60c per-sack.
Good Apples Choice $1.00.
Honey ll12c per lb.
Prunes (dried) Petite, 3c per lb;
Italian, large, 5c per lb; medium, 3c;
Sliver, 4c.
Dried Apples Sun Dried, quartered,
4c lb; sliced, 6c; fancy bleached,
7c. -
Dressed Chickens 12c lb.
Live Stock and Dressed Meats
Beef, live $3.25$3.75 per. hundred.
Hogs, live, 5c; dressed, 7c; sheep,
$3 $4 per head ; dressed, 7c; veaL
dressed 77c; Iambs, live, $2.50
per neaa.
In the Circuit Court of the State of following described attached real es-
: Oregon, and for the County of Clack- tate to satisfy said Judgment, to-wit
, amas. I Commencing at a stake in the above
Sallie Akins, Plaintiff, ": named county' which is 25.60 chains
,r .-. vs. . .. . east and 29.40 chains north of the N.
R. W..: Akins,, Defendant. ,. , . W. corner pj. the D. fL. C. of James
To the defendant R. W. Akins:' ""'". v Winston,. JNo, -59; J running, .thence N.
In the name of the "State of Oregon 140 degrees thirty-, minutesE..J.1.87
you are hereby required to appear and chains ; thence N 26 degrees 15' E.
answer the complaint herein, oh or be-' 5:84 chains ' thence N. 87 1 W. -'18
fore (Monday) the 16th day of April, chains; - to left bank of Clackamas
1906. Said date being more than six river; thence down stream with the
weeks from the date of the first pub- meanders of said river S. 30 W. 9.02
lication of this summons, and said chains; thence S 13 W. 5.38 chains;
date being after the time prescribed thence S. 87 E. 8.03 chains to the
by said court and by Jaw, for the pub- place of beginning except 2.50 acres
lication of this summons. And if you therefrom conveyed to- Wm. Etters.
fail to so appear and answer, plaintiff Thia . Summons- is published by
will apply for the relief demanded, .in order pf , Judge ; Thomas F. Ryan,
the complaint to-wit: f Judge of .-the County ' Court "of .said
That the bonds of matrimony now county. -, - v ' . , . .
existing between plaintiff and defen- Dated January 29, 1906.
dant be forever dissolved, and that The date of the first publication of
the custody of Lester Akins be award- this summons being February '2. 1906.
We ask you to try a 25 cent bottle
of Crombie's Cough Cure and we will
pay back your money if it fails to
cure. A single dose loosens the hard
est cough, allays inflammation and
gives restful sleep. Huntley. Bros.
Aiarcn is, Oregon City, 10:45 a. m;
Highland, 3 p. m; Shuebel, 7.30 p. m,
March 23, Maple Lane, 7:30 p. m.
March 25, Can by, 11 a. m; Molalla, 3
p. m; Carus, 7.30 p. m.
My farm,- situated on the Molalla
Prairie one' mile south of -Molalla, Or.,
containing 162 acres, nearly 100 acres
under cultivation;; 30 acres more near
ly 'ready tor the plow; balance pas
ture: All fenced; plenty of timber for
farm use; living water in pasture;
good building, orchard, etc. . ,r -;
Must be seen to be appreciated!
per acre. -
TI Kind You Haw Alwars Boognt
- Treasurer's Notice.'
' I now . have money to pay , county
warrants endorsed prior to January 1,
1905, also outstanding road warrants,
Interest will cease on such warrants
on the date of this notice. -
Oregon City, Oregon, March 16, 19061
Treasurer of Clackamas County, Ore.
Bids will be received at the office of
the County Clerk of Clackamas county,'!
up to noon or tne I3tn day. or Marchj
;1906," for furnishing said eounty with
sufBcient road "plank to plank the roa4
beginning at' Massinger's ' corner and
running eastward for a . distance of
about seyen-eights " of ' a.' mile, said
plank, to ;be ' delivered" on said road atM
points named by the Super visor of that
district. ' a?M:'i aJ"
. -'-F.'W..GREENMAN,-i' ;
-; ; countr citei:
An ordinance establishing the grade
of Twelfth Street from the Easterly
line, of Main Street to the Westerly
ed to this plaintiff. That the plain
tiff may be decreed to be the owner of
an undivided one-third interest In the
following described real : estate, situ
ated in Multnomah County, Oregon,
Commencing at a point twenty (20)
rpds north of a stake forty-six rods
west of the south-west-corner of the
Jas. Powell D. L. C; ithence east
twenty-two (22) rods; thence, north
twenty-eight (28) rods and eight (8)
links; thence west twenty-two (22)
rods; thence south twenty-eight (28)
rods and eight (8) links to the place
of beginning, containing four (4) acres
more or less. The same being part of
the tract known as the "Old Metho
dist Camp Grounds," situated in sec
tion 10, township 1, south range 3,
That the defendant be restrained
from disposing of or in any manner In
cumbering the property described,
during the pendency of this suit, that
the defendant may be required to pay
Attorneys for Plaintiff.,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County iof Clacka
John W. Meldrum, Plaintiff,
' . -. VS. '.-!-,;-
James Edward McNamara, Mary
Smith, Thomas Smith, her husband,
Jane Smith, Mary Smith, Helen
. Smith, . John Smith, George Smith
and Richard Smith, Defendants
To Mary Smith, Thomas Smith, her
husband; Jane Smltn, Mary Smith.
Helen Smith, John Smith, George
Smith, and Richard Smith
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are nereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled court and
cause on or before the 2d day of
April, 1906, the said day being six
Reu ul
Str. "Bailey Gataert" leaves Portland
7 A. M. Mondays. Wednesday, and Fri
days; leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Tues
days, Thusrsdays and Saturdays.
Str. "Regulator" leaves Portland 7 A. .
M. Tuesdays,- Thursdays and Saturdays;,
ieaver Tne Dalles - 7 - A. M- Mondays.
Wednesdays' and Ft Jays.
Steamers leaving Portland make dally
connection at Lyle with C. R. St N. trattv
for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley
points. : - ..-
C. R. & K.- train leaves Goldendale on.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at
C:S0 A. M-, making connection with-'
steamer "Regulator" - for Portland and '
way points. .'! ;i- ' :
C. R. N. train leaves Goldendale on
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at
8:30 A. M., connecting at Trie with
steamer "Sadie B." for The Dalles, con- -necting
there with O. R. Jc N. traJn
Est and West. - " '
Str. "Sadie B." leaves Cascade Locks-
dally (except Sunday) at 7 A. M. tor" Th-
Dalles and way points; arrives at 11 .
M.; leaves "The Dalles S P. M., anivsa-
Cascade Locks p.- M. ' ' ...
Meals served on all steamers. '
Fine . accommodauons tor ' teams and"
wagons. -
Landing at Portland at "Alder Street
Dock. - ' ,"' ' -' ' -
, Marcus Talbot .
'-" " 'V; P. atG. Mi
Gen. Office. Portland. Oregon.
weeks from the date of the flrfet publi-
th alirr. nf Twr. TinniirAii wftT, rv,i!o I cation of this summons on February
($250.00) into this court to defray 16' 1906' an.d lf you fal1 to so aPPear
the expenses of this Court, and for the ,r.an!wer ?r Wa?f tnereof' the Plam'
snnnnrt nf tho. nlafntifT ii-no fhia W"l apuijr UJ wjc cum I 1UI me re
action, for permanent alimony and for ief demanded in the complaint here
her costs and disbursements herein,
in, to-wit
Settling and determining the trust
of said plaintiff as trustee under the
will of James McNamara, deceased,
whereunder plaintiff now ' has in his
possession as such trustee, the sum of
$1750.51; allowing plaintiff the sum of
$250.00 as compensation for services
as such, trustee, together with a rea
sonable attorney's fee in said suit, to
gether with the costs and disburse
ments of said suit, and distributing
the remainder of said trust funds to
the person or persons entitled. thereto
under the provisions of the last will
and testament of James McNamara de-
Notice of Final Settlement. (ceased; and excluding from partici-
In the county court of the state of pation in said trust fund such of the
and for- such further relief as shell
seem meet and equitable.
This summons is published once a
week for six consecutive weeks by
order of Honorable Thomas Ryan,
Judge of the County Court of Clack
amas County, Oregon, dated the 28th
of February, 1906. The date of the
first publication of this summons is
Friday, March 2d, and the last is-Friday
April 13, 1906.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Oregon, for the county of Clacka
mas. -
In the matter of the estate of Chris
tian Zanders, Deceased. -' - '
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, executrix of the estate of
Christian" Zanders, deceased, has filed
in the above entitled court, her final
account as executrix of the said es
tate and that the said court has fixed
Monday, the 26th day of March, 1906,
at . th hour of 10 "o'clock a. . m., of
gafrl ' date at :the court "room of" said
,r..- -.i-' v . - r.. .. , ..... ..
court "in Oregon city as . tne time ana
place " for "hearing objection 1 to-' the
said naf account. " "' "" "?
Executrix of the Estate of Christian
Zanders, deceased.- ' . "
Hedges & Grinlth, Attorneys for Exe
First Publication February 23, -1906.
defendants in the said suit as. the court
may decree not entitled thereto, and
for such other and further relief as
shall be just and equitable in the
This summons is published by order
of the Hon. T. A. MoBride, Judge -of
the above entitled court made and en
tered in said court on the 9th day of
February, 1906, wherein the said court
ordered' that the, defendants to whom
this summons is 'directed be required
to appear, and answer the complaint
herein on, dr. before th'e,j?a day 'of April
1906, nd'' orectin the" publication of
thl'summons" at least 'otice a week "for
six successive weeks prior to said 2d
day of April, 1906. in the Oregon City
Enterprise. ' " -'
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
First publication, February 16, 1906.
Leave Portland 6:45ra. m. dally, (except :
Sunday) for Salem and way' points.'
Leave Portland 6:45 Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday for Independence. Al
bany and Corvallis.
Regular ' service, courteous treat
ment and prompt dispatch are our--;
specialties. ....
Office and Dock:
Foot Taylor Street
. Phone Main 40.
Shot line
and Union Pacific
' UAILY .;
Through Pullman standard and Tour -1st
sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago, .
Spokane; tourist sleeping cars dally to
Kansas City ; through Pullman tourist
sleeping cars (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, reclin
ing chairs (seats free to the east dally.)
Portland to Chicago
No Change of Cars.
Depart. Time Schedules. A.-i
Chicago- Salt Lake. Denver,
Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha, c -s n n
Special Kansas City, St. " nx
9:16 a. m Louis, Chicago and
" East, " -
Fxnrei's Salt Lake. Denver.
Express Ft. Worth. Omaha. 8:00 m.
via!5'tfnt- Kansas City, St.
tngtoS. Louis. Chicago and
St. Paii! '..'.,"-.' "'"i '
Fast Mai Walla Walla. Lew-
6:16 p m iston. Spokane. Mln- 7:16 a m.
via Spo- neapolis, - St. Paul. ' -. "'
via opo Dulutlu UiiwauKe-,.
kawe-. - (--hicano - s.nd Emt. - : ;
Ocean and River Schedule
For San"- Francisco- Kvry five days at
d. m. - For Astoria, .way oolnta and)
Portland. Oregon. - - - s ' '-'
S d. m.: Saturday at 10 D. m. Dally '
service (water permitting) oo Willam- .
ette and Yamhill rivers. f
For detailed Information of rates -The
Oregon Railroad A Navigation Cow '
your nearest ticket agent, or
ueneraj passenger Agent.
A. Ik. CAIO, f