OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1906. Oregon City Enterprise CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Published Every Friday. T m n - AO At 1 A . A. .mm v . m. j -, w.uu mis Druie win gei pusnea on, ana alter February 418 70 that b11 toon - th nur tii o-io E 'Subscription Rates: One year ,...$1.50 Six months 75 Trial subscription, two months.. 25 Advertising rates on application. Subscribers will find the date of ex plration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If this is not payment, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. March April May June July ...... August . . . September October . . November December Entered at the postofflce at Oregon City. Oregon, as second-class matter. FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1906. THE COUNTY PRINTING. Senator Brownell would have the people of Clackamas county believe fhey are being robbed in the matter Of county printing. Other than per sonal abuse, which at no time consti tutes argument, this is the only charge Of any kind that Mr. Brownell has tven attempted to prefer against his Opponent for State Senator. L. L. Por ter, the editor and publisher of the Enterprise, who does the county print ing. Now what are the facts? In the first place Clackamas county jks paying for its printing less in pro portion than is any other county in the state. For instance, Washington fcnd Columbia counties have been pay- s. tng 25 cents per line for . publishing Celinquent tax lists. This same adver tising this year cost Clackamas county 7 cents per line. The Enterprise received $156.75 for printing the list. While the cost of printing the delin quent tax list in the past has been con- . aiderably greater, during the adminis tration of the late ex-Sheriff Ganong . fcaving cost nearly $3000, the cost un der the present tax law, by which . property owners are compelled to liqui date their taxes, is very materially reduced. The editor of the Enterprise was a member of the committee that framed the present tax law bill and ssisted in getting the bill through the legislature. Every order for even the smallest Job of county printing is made direct ly through the members of the County Court, each county officer being oblig ed to make application of the couTt for all supplies that are needed. Upon proper request being made, the Court orders the necessary stationery and the only part the printer plays in the matter is to supply the order as it is given him by the Court. As to the Charges that are made for this work, only current prices are received, and, as has been stated, the charge for all this sort of work is proportionately cheaper in this county than is paid by the other counties of the state. . Mr. Brownell is representing to his audiences throughout the county that the county printing constitutes a gi gantic graft. Reference to the re cords proves that such is not the case. Ehiring the year 1905 the Enterprise received for county printing, includ ing the publishing of the delinquent tax list for that year the sum of $1188.27. The proceedings of the County Court show that the cost of printing for Clackamas county has teen gradually reduced each year since the Enterprise has been perform ing this service, until now the county is having Its printing done at a mini mum of expense. "When it comes to misrepresenting -facts, Senator Brownell is most in dustrious. For instance at his meeting at Beaver Creek in speaking of the county printing, he said that the bulk Wf-the money paid by the county on Uiis account was for publishing notices Jp the Enterprise. This is an absolute falsehood. 1 Excepting only the publishing of the tax lists, not one dollar in fifty that has Total $1188.27 The bills of the Enterprise for coun ty printing for each and every month are on file in the office of the County Clerk and may be inspected at any time by any one desiring to do so. Each bill is itemized, showing the various items, of work done and the charge for the same. As we have al ready stated, the charges for all coun ty printing have been right and rea sonable. In fact it is not a matter of sending in any old charge for printing and having the account promptly aud ited by the members, of the County Court and a warrant immediately is- 262.05 busy men a chance. 108. 50 Finally there's the brute who walks 71.55 past another pedestrian, sidles directly . 34.10 in front of him and elows -up. The way 21.45 to treat this variety is to walk past 22.87 them in turn and slow up in his path. 35. 45 , He's apt to fight, but, anyway, he de 36 . 75 serves his licking. 78.65 1 The street brute may have lived in 50.20 the city half his life, but nevertheless j he holds front rank among the truly rural elements or tne population. The process may be slow, but if he doesn't reform he is bound to be ruth lessly eliminated. Chicago Record- Herald. lAsk Xour Own Doctor It the 10,800,444 free seed franks are abolished it ought to help out the postoffice deficit some. ' It is a funny thing about those ar rests in Idaho. Every murderer is al leged to have influential men to back him. But they never get the backers. o A contemporary heads a "modus sued in payment, un tne contrary, vivendi" storv with the line "What every bill against the county, is thor- Germany Gets." It looks as though she oughly scrutinized by the members of the County Court, before the account is finally audited and a warrant or dered drawn in payment thereof. If any one for a minute thinks a gold brick can be sold Clackamas county or a padded bill or an unrea sonable charge pass the critical in spection of Judge Ryan and Commis sioners Brobst and Killm, let hiiTi experiment. O NEED SPRAYING BADLY. got the bag and was still holding it. o Seventy railway mail . clerks were killed in the past year. And yet Some people say that the Civil Service Com mission does: nothing to earn its money. , o Edison's prediction that "the auto mobile will yet put the horse in the barn" is scarcely verified by the facts. Itr generally puts both the horse and driver in the ditch. ! -o If he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry Pectora-1 for your severe cough or bronchial trouble, then take it. If he has anything better, then take that. We have great confidence in this medicine. So will you, when you once know it. .-. The best kind of a testimonial " Sold, lor over sixty years." A- ifiyerh by t. O. Ayer Co., towell, Mui. mnqfkotnrer of SARSAPABILLA. PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. We hv no secret I We publish thm formulae of all our medicines. Keep the bowels open with one of Ayer's Pills at bedtime, Just one. The people of Clackamas county are I It is safe to say that those London uniting their efforts to defeat George I Analysts who elected Dr. Wiley an C. , Brownell, who is a candidate for honorary member-have not heard all the nomination of. state Senator from the things the opponents of th Pure that county. As has been the habit Food Bill are saying about him. of Brownell, he has promised every- '. o thing, and if elected, will do as he It is reported that the Senate has usually does, deliver nothing. There decided to kill the Dominican treaty. never has been a man in state politics I We have overlooked old Santo in the who has promised as much and done as little as Brownell. He gets on the popular side of everything,- "stands in with everything, and has an excuse press of other business and really thought it had been killed already. -o The Irrigation Survey promises to for everything that he did contrary to I add 50,000 acres to the domain- of the his promises. There is an indictment I "United States. The Survey evidently Wonder if Mr. Vanderbilt now has any more sympathy for those Italians who got mobbed in Louisiana. o President Castro threatens to nullify the Munroe Doctric.d. Looks as though there was still some hope for Venezu la's creditor. hanging over his head as a party de frauding the government, He plays the game of politics with "mark ed cards and is a corruptionist of the deepest dye. Oregon has been too long wants to get in enough new congress men to make sure of holding its Job THE JEROME OF SAN FRANCISCO. America's unpardonable neglect of some private claims is illustrated in cursed by such law-makers as Brown-j the sealer's bill, which Senator Fulton ell. In these days of accounting it is has put through the Senate. This bill best to kill the worm that has injected I is to recoup sealers flying the Ameri- his poison into the tree of state. If I can flag, who lost their vessels before Clackamas county does her -duty she the Behrlng Sea arbitration, and at a will spray her political trees, which I time when America held to the privi- will be the undoing of George C. lege of capturing sealers on the open Brownell. Portland Labor Press. I sea near the breeding islands. After the arbitration, and it was decided that Americans did not have the right to patrol the high seas near the islands all T-3 Tf -fati Odo Iaa nrhnaa irnaoal a ka1 jjistncL Auoruey wnuam n. xang- hoOTi flnri1PD w iA kv uuu ve.jr guou miiuitiou oi ernment promptly. Ru9ala had Deen m- political cornet. Hays tne exercising the same patrol power, pur- Argonaui. A lortnigllt ago DC WSS .,, wl,lr.h oho Aiit.irod A rr,r-t- 1. : .1 .1 . - r a.. n - man ui ouc .uuccuucuc iCan sealers, and this government vi... . .t . j promptly demanded of her full pay- uumijr w liic iciuaiuuBf ui LUC nil" mortYif tha lrtaaaa Rut fho imoHxnn ucKei. io-aay ne is tne most conspic- dealers captured by Americans them uuub buu iiincu uuum luau m oau selves have not been paid as yet. ed" as the Democratic candidate for governor of California. And all be-1 More than usual interest attaches cause he organized a raid on the incip-1 to the report of Consul Kellogg from A captious critic declares that Sec retary Wilson simply got up the Ger man tariff scare to increase his force of meat inspectors. o And now a bill has been' introduced in Congress to render lynching legal. As if communities that lynch did not take care of that themselves. . o The physicians have now decided that it is not absolutely necesary to amputate Senator Clark's ear. Neither did the legislature quite amputate his leg the last time he was sent to Con gress. But they came near It. o ' Dr. Wiley declares that there is only. one brand of whiskey in this country j tnat is nt to annit. inere is only a difference of one between Dr. Wiley and the W. C. T. U. which insists that there is no brand fit to drink. "A Stitch la Time Saves Nine" can nowhere be more truthfully applied than to your teeth. You cannot afford to neglect them. Each month of neglect increases the amount of repair work twenty-five per cent, besides, poor teeth mean poor health. You cannot afford to neglect your health. By the latest methods used by us we can fill your teeth without pain, and do it well. Tf An expert eastern graduate dentist employed all the time - . . j L. L. PICKENS Dentist Weinhard Building, Opposite Court House j New Clubbing Rates j lent Monte Carlo of Harvey & Daroux that was so sudden and complete that men in evening clothes, who had left their wives or sweethearts at the Columbia Theatre next door while they made a bet or two, were unable to escape, but went along with the rest to jail ; all because he has stopped the use .of slot machines in San Fran--Cisco, and has expressed an unalter able determination to put an end to all other form of gambling openly carried on in this city. The mayor has expres sed himself as in entire accord with the district attorney; Chief of Police Dinan appears to be giving him effic ient aid. With such suport Mr. Lang don may achieve his declared purpose, and the names of Jerome, of New York, Folk, of St. Louis, and Langdon, of San Francisco, will be linked ina Colon showing the great increase in the past year of traffic over the Panama-Colon Railway. Of course a large bulk of this traffc was due to the con struction of the Panarrfa Canal, but much of it was traffic that would have crossed the Isthmus ' in any event owing to the expanding trade of this coast of South America. This increase is interesting for two reasons, because it shows the constantly increasing traffic that the completed Panama Canal will foster, and because it shows also that this country while it is ad vancing its South American trade, is not keeping pace with Europe in this matter. The report shows a gross in crease in the traffic across the rail road in the year 1904-5 of 13 per cent. But while of this increase about 30 per cent belonged to the United States pleasing trinity. At any rate, it is three was a 70 per cent gain for Europe said that the spectre of Langdon is seriously disturbing the dreams of Thomas J. Geary, who wants the gov ernorship for himself, and that Theo dore A. Bell, of Napa, also casts ap prehensive eyes toward the district It appears that our trade was best with Ecquador where this country really sold the bulk of all the imported goods. But the large general increase on the continent went not. to Americans but to French and German dealers. This 1H rocfiverl by tn Enterprise is for 1 attorney, though Mr. Bell, it is report-1 indicates that the United States has dublishing notices The principal items ed, may decide to make the race for not yet caught the trick of foreign ft the county printing consist ot tne ; Congress rather than for the gover- commerce ana points more than ever fteessment' blanks, tax receipts, Dal-1 nor's chair. The Iroquois Club of this to the necessity or regular consulate t and other election suotlie?, to say i citv. of which Lansrdon is a member. I training and to the education of Amer- 4othing of the letter heads, envelopes are said to look' upon his candidacy ican firms and American -commercial and other stationery that are requirea . with favor, and Mr. Hearst's news- travellers if we are to take our right- fcr each department at the court j paper speaks of the district attorney i ful share of the immense Pacific corn- Mouse. ' in such terms of high eulogy that one In stating that the bulk of the money may infer a possibility of some help aid by Clackamas county is for pub- , from Hearst. - ah or wnicn snows tnat it is some times a good thing to be a reformer. , The announcement that Queen Mar arita. of Italy has abandoned her pro posed automobile tour of America aruoses the suspicion that she has heard of some of the things that Good Roads Association has not accomplish ed in this country. 0 One of the states to use convict la bor in road construction for a long time is North Carolina, and this com monwealth is credited with haviner about the best system of highways to be found in any state of the Union similarly situated with, regard to pop ulation and industries. North Caro lina has set an example that is being closely studied by many other East ern and Southern states. It has been so successful in getting good work and at a very low cost, that the demon stration is regarded the best yet made in the country of the handling of con victs. The open ir work is said to be beneficial to the health of the pri soners and is taken up more eagerly than the drudgery of some callings which involve all inside employment. It is also stated on good authority that North Carolina is comparatively humane in treatment of prisoners, as none of the abuses apprehended in work distant from the penitentiary have been recorded. Hereafter the Enterprise offers the following Subscription Clubbing Rates :: :: :: :: Both for $2.25 9 ! Enterprise and Weekly Oregonian Semi-Weekly Journal Bothfor$2.00 Call at the Enterprise Office , or mail you order at once ashing notices in this paper, the Sen- itor states what he knows is false, 'o further prove the falsity of his al jgations in this regard we would re 3T the taxpayer to the bills covering his service that are on file in the sffice of the County Clerk. In his desperation, a little exaggera merce that the completion of the canal will open to the world -O- STREET BRUTES A frequent comment heard is dep recatory of the Pacific . Northwest's attitude toward the salmon fishing in dustry. Officials of the bureau of fish eries do not veil their disgust at what they regard unpardonable indifference toward salmon. - This same spirit is will Street brutes need to be prodded nnw and f h n Thpv nf ton urn mpn lion from the Senator is expected and i Wh nr anvthinc hut hmtpa in nther I findiner broader reflection, and -L. : . K tAloi-QtuH Vint xxrc mnnt tnllfi . . , . . . .. 1 j j 1 ... uifeui. relations 01 lire, DUt on tne strets tney I some uay ueveiop into a positive oppo- xception to ine gross, wniui auu itia- let their manners degenerate. If their sition to Government aid for work in icious misrepresentation tnat is Deing i 0ffenseg were a little worse they would which the states do not show more in esorted to. Not only ao inese raise v. UnrMrori dawn fnr thom Sinrs I terest. This criticism is Tint haspfl Statements do the Enterprise and its ( tney usually escape that, the next best so much upon failure to appropriate aitor au mjuautc uui e. tnmg 1B to lecture them. - tunas ior protection, as upon laws serious indictment of the conserva iive executive ability of the present lembers of the County Court, a more pareful and economical board than rhich never met for the transaction or County business of the day, and you will always find him on the streets that lead tn the sn- I In discrediting Mr. Brownell's charge burban stations when the throngs are of graft on account of county print- hurrying to and from work. He ought ing, it appears only necessary to sub- to be more or less gently shoved to ' mit a statement showing the cost to . the right, the county per month for all its print- j Another street brute is the one ing done at the Enterprise office dur- often, alas ! a woman with the sharp lng last year. It should be remembered pointed umbrella carried so that it is that this total of 1188.27 includes the a menace to the neighbors' ribs and cost of publishing the delinquent tax : faces. A jab for a Jab should be the list for that year and when it is re-' rule with these. called that this one item at one time j Another variety uses a $5 bill to pay cost the county nearly $3000, it is not ' a nickel fare at the elevated station exactly clear that the taxpayers are window, and so holds up a long line being grafted very heavily on account of would-be passengers and makes Of printing. ' ! them miss their trains. Give him a The following table shows the nickel and a lecture, amount of the monthly bills that Clack- ( Another kind steps down from the Unas county . paid the Enterprise for street car platform to the step before printing during the year 1905, ana tne. tne car comes to a stop uau wmt Jjrowneii or, any- . till lie rea.uiic ma wiumc psrius One type of the "brute is the man I which the Federal officials believe very who walks on the left hand side of the poor protection to fish. The decreas sidewalk in a crowd. You find him on ing number of salmon caught at the State street during the shopping hours, hatcheries, where artificial propaga tion is conducted is accepted as proof that the industry will wane to an un important business, which is not worthy maintenance of hatcheries. Those officials of a more optimistic turn, hope that the people of Oregon and Washington will improve 'on their old customs before it is too late.. ,If each state would put in force measures patently affording greater assurances of the permanency of the salmon in dustry, the effect would be immediate here, and no doubt is felt that -the Government would be ready for all time to co-operate every way possible in tntinuin the salmon Industry as one of the most priceless gifts of na ture. Men of the East who read of what their rivers afforded in pioneer days, and deplore some of the ravages of civilization, offer many ardent pray ers that the Pacific Northwest will be ariltnr' dofloa Mr : Mmwnell or anv- feody else to show where any other stone before getting off, regardless of (aroused before the noble salmon ceas mnntv in eettine "its Drinting any whether a half-dozen people are I es to be a general commercial com mod- Cheaper, proportionately: blocked behind him or not. Some time ity. x Judge John H. Scott, of the Oregon Good Roads Association and Judge of Marion County, has invited Senator Fulton to attend the great gathering which will mark the Governmental work in good road building near Salem some time in May. Judge Scott says that he and his fellow workers are ar ranging to run excursion trains to Salem during the period of the demon stration, and intends to make of it a gala day, when as many of the people of the state as can, will be instructed in road building. Senator Fulton has expressed his purpose of attending the meeting if Congress adjourns in time, but,Js unable to say definitely now in this respect. Many Senators and lead ers of the House believe an adjourn ment will be had even earlier than forecasted a few weeks earlier, and hope that the session will close about May 1. There is a growing spirit to shorten the session, if the pending matters can be disposed of early, and the House has rushed business so as to be able to terminate this session any time it appeared that the Senate could finish. O In arguing before the Commerce committee of the Senate for the Ore gon rivers and harbors work this year, . Senator Fulton produced figures prov ing that the Government has spent $70,000,000 in such work in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachu setts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware, with a total area of about 175,000 square miles. He also showed the committee that every large im provement project under way was pro vided for on the continuing contract basis, save that on the Columbia river. Assurance is given that the Senate will be favorably disposed toward the Oregon work, and appreciates the urg ency of continuing it. But the real fight is in the House, where the West ern membership is very small. Chair man Burton, of the Rivers and Har bors Committee, in the House, has de-1 clared that he will oppose any otner improvement project being put on the continuing contract basis, ana wnne ( he expresses appreciation of the need j ' of work in Oregon, he is giving little j assurance that he will countenance an appropriati6n for continuing the work this year. The Wise Man Said : " Says I to myself, says I, The Can by Tribune Is the paper to buy, says I." --Better keep posted on what's going-on in this patt of of the county. One dollar a year. THE CANBY TRIBUNE, Canby, Ore. me of the intense suffering I endured the Kidneys," says W. M. Sherman, of Gushing, Me."Nothing helped me until I tried Electric Bitters, three bottles of which completely cured me." Cures Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Blood disorders, and Malaria; and restores the weak and nervous to robust health. A SCIENTIFIC WONDER. The cures that stand to its credit make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a scien tific wonder. It cured E. R. Mulford, lecturer for the Patrons of Husbandry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case of Piles. It heals the worst Burns, Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds, Guaranteed by Howell & Jones drug-, Chilblains and Salt Rheum. Only 25e gists, irice 50 c. , at Howell & Jones drug store. We Carry Fine Bath Tubs TORTURE BY 3AVAGES. : "Speaking of the torture to which some of the savage tribes in the Phil ippines subject their captives, reminds Ely's Cream Balk. This Remedy is a Specific, j Sure to Give Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. ! It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased membrane. It cores Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs, f Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. 1 Large Size, 60 cents at Druggists or by : mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ' ELY BROTHERS, 68 Warr.n St., Daw Yerk. ! and everything else in the line ot-first class Plumbing Equipment. The val ue of modern, absolutely sanitary Plumbing is inestimable; it saves much work and worry and may save your life. Don't endanger health and happiness by living in the house that is equipped with old fashioned fix tures. Get our prices on refitting your entire honse with good Plumb ing. F. C. GADKE The Plumber.