OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY,1 MARCH' 16, 1906. Tfp:."'::r.T-"-"'v-r-:-:rf j Local Events 1111 J NEW TO DAY Rice 5c, raisins 7er-RED FRONT. ; MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 per cent Farm - security. U'Ren &. Schubel. . ' T. C. Sawyer has become Democratic candidate for Justice of the Peace J'or Oregon City district No.; 4. - OREGON CITY, OREGON .Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest and the . Enterprise, both one year for only $1.50, the price of one paper alone. Personal Mention O REG ON CI TY'S BIG CAS H STORE ADAMS BRQ l! i PBEMIUM 111 I PREMIUM I IS .5. E. Peck, of Clarkes, was in the city Tuesday. Fred Vol pert, of Canby, was in the city this week. . W. A. Shaver, of Molalla, was in the city this week. . - ,' J. W. Cole has returned from a busi ness trip to Tacoma. W. E. Marshall, of Russelville, spent Sunday with relatives in Canemah C. C. Miller, of Viola, was in the city Monday on business. H. Thiessen, of Milwaukie, was in the city Monday on business. J. P. Riding, a business man of Mar- quam, was in the city Saturday. B. Sullivan, of Highland, was in the city the latter part of last week. , G. H. Brown, the New Era potato dealer, was in the city Saturday. . Edgar Richey, of Barton, was in the city the latter part of last ;week. Attorney C. D. Latourette was a'busi ness visitor to Grant's Pass this week. L. W. Robbins, the Molalla merchant was in the- city the first of the week; R. M. Nims, of the Courier, has re turned from a visit at Kelso, Wash ington. , Roy Gray, ; of Heppner, has been a guest at. the home of Sheriff J. 'R. Shaver. ' .;"-;'' Mrs. Ed. Schwab has returned .from a month's .-visit with , relatives at San! Francisco. . " " ' - j Howard M. Brownell, of Marshfleld, is visiting this weekrwith relatives in this. city: , '." ' ' Daniel Tompkins has returned' from Sacramento, where he has been spend ing about"" three years. " Miss Helen Gleason, a teacher in the Salem public schools, spent Sunday with relatives in this city. Fred Tonar, of The Dalles, was. the guest of J.' F. Clark Wednesday, be ing on his way to California. Miss Marybelle Cheney, of' Klamath Falls, has returned to her home after visiting Miss . Louise Huntley.- , Mrs. Thoirias Trembath left Thurs day night for an extended visit with friends at San Jose, California. C. W. Kelly is home from a -trip to ' Aberdeen. Mr. Kelly . says Aberdeen is one of the best towns on the Sound. C. G. Huntley was at Salem this week attending a meeting of the State Board of Pharmacyi'of which-he is president. : Chas. Myers, who has been visiting his cousin, Will Myers," head clerk at Howell & Jones' pharmacy, has re turned to his home at Coos Bay. ; -Jack. Humphrys.-iiformerly of. this city but now successfully engaged . in business . in Aberdeen, Washington, visited old Oregon .City- friends - last Saturday. . , ,' C N. Wait,-of -Canby, was in the city Tuesday- long enough to file an announcement of his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Rep resentative. Mrs. T. W. Sullivan returned Wed nesday from Eugene, accompanied by her son, George, whom' she had -.been attending during -his recent severe illness of typhoid fever. Ed Fortune, formerly of this city but who has been living at Portland for several weeks where he was re cently married, expects to return to this city soon and reside. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Peacock, of England, will sail from Liverpool on the 20 inst. for the United States and will spend some time this Summer in this city as the guests of their uncle, Robert Kelland.' Bom, Sunday March 11, to Mr and' Mr? L. L: Porter at their home in. West Oregon City, a 10-pound son. For' Rent A fine ten room house near Eastham school; four lots, plen ty of fruit, cheap to party that will take care of place. M. Yoder. A good cow will be fresh March 25,' for sale. by Geo. A. Brown, Maple Lane. P. O. Oregon City R. F. D. No. 3 3-16tf 3 1G. . : - 3 pkgs fresh seed 10c RED FRONT Anos Runyon, aged 46 years, of Bor ing, was committed to the insane asy lum Tuesday after an examination by Dr. W..JE. Carll. Baby shoes 10c; ladies', $1.19. FRONT. , , .RED Dr. J. W. Norris, of this city, has been- appointed county health officer by the County :Court- He will begin his duties on April 1. Oregon- Agriculturist and .Rural Northwest and the Enterprise, , both one year for only $1.50, the price of one paper alone, -. - i Ella Barbour and Albert Hitchman, both of this city, ; were married Sun day at the home of the bride's parents, Rev, E. S. Bollinger officiating. C If you are not now a, subscriber to the Youth's Companion, subscribe for that excellent paper together with the Enterprise, bothspapers one. year for $2.50. ,. ... ':W. W. Bradley, who recently; went from Oregon City to Pendleton, and engaged in business, was burned out last week, sustaining a loss of $5000 with $3000 insurance . - Choice " cigar clippings, - complete stock cigars and tobaccos and all kinds of smokers' articles, at Turney's cigar store, opposite Barlow's grocerys Ore eon City, Oregon. ... .3-16 tf The only , objection., that has been urged against the candidacy of Coro ner Holman for a renomination and a re-election is the fact that he is. run ning for a third term. This is' not a salaried office .and the records show that the office, has beeneconomfieally conducted by the present .incumbent. ?', Frank Newton has disposed . of his undertaking -business, to, Coroner R. L. Holman. Mr.' Newton has not decided whether he will remain at Oregon City or engage in business elsewhere. ; George A. Brown, of Milwaukie, a carpenter of experience, . offers his services to ; farmers and any one con templating building. 3-16tf P. O.: Oregon City, R. F. D No. 3. :Read what the wise man said about the Canby Tribune in this issue. 3-9tf Mr'. 'arid M'rsS.;.D. Simons have ben spending several days at Tacoma on their honeymoon. Mrs. Simons for merly Mrs. Aldy Tycer, and Mr. Sim ons were married last Thursday even in. . Drs. Beatie & Beatie, Dentists, Rooms 16, 17, 18, Weinhard Building. A CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. L. E. Salisbury and family ex tend their thanks and sincere apprec iation to the friends who so kindly as sisted them in their late bereavement, and also for the many beautiful flow ers. THE FAMILY. Robert McAlpin on Monday received news by wire trom his mother, at Los Angeles, of the death of his brother, F. D. McAlpin, at Honolulu, H. I. He had. been ill with typhoid fever, which caused his death. The body has been shipped to San Francisco, and will be brought here for burial by Mrs Mc Alpin, and will probably reach, Ore gon City about March 23. Deceased was a member of the Masonic frater nity. The funeral will be held from Mr McAlpin's. home in this city and the interment will be in Mountain View Cemetery .-: The Portland General Electric Com pany had a force of men at work this week installing new arc lamps all over the city. The lamps are of a late t The Big Cash Store, adopts its own system of giving: Premium Trading Stamps, which are accepted in -exchange for many valuable presents. One free with each JO cents you spend. Collect 300 and you can fill one book. 1 It's the most generous permanent plan ever conceived of awarding those who concentrate their trading at ADAMS BROS. The public helps us by keeping all of .our shopping facilities active. We help the public by bestowing, without one cent of expense, these profit-saving stamps. They are rapidly collected. ' " '.' - . -.- In order to give our trade the sair. benefits of cash discounts that are offered us by the wholesalers, and to in ccease our cash sales, we have arranged to offer pur customers a line of premiums that embrace every desirable article, from silverware to furniture and rugs.' As the most attractive and easiest way to distribute these pre- miumswe have provided a special system as follows: ( '' : r"r V: To all customers trading at our store and paying cash will be given ONE PREMIUM TRADING STAMP for each 10 cents spent. As obtained,' stamps, are to be pasted in the blank squares on the pages of a book , "we will give you. When all are covered, bring the book to our store and select from our assortment of pre miums the article you like best. It becomes yours absolutely free of charge. In using this system "we feel that we have adopted a means of advertising that will pay us and accordingly are willing to offer splendid values. The prices on our goods are in no way affected . by the system ybu simply get additional value. in return for cash. ,,; i . ' ? - - . Call and See out Display lat ..Another successful dancing : party was given . at the . Armory Saturday evening by the, Milwaukie Band. The members of this organization hare established a very favorable reputatiou- as entertainers with the people -of Or- j egon wuy ana meir coming is always welcome. Tomorrow, Saturday, even' ing, ,this band will give a St. r Patrick's ball at Milwaukie. . , ; FOR SALE-CIarke Seedling and 'Ma- per 1000. Charley J. Roth, Canby, Oregon; home residence Canby House Hotel. ,. . 2-23-tf ' Wm.' 'Chynoweth,' aged 72 years, a farmer residing near Logan, this coun ty,1' was seriously injured in:a'runa-f way accident in this city Wednesday, afternoon. Becoming frightened, the hofse that he was driving dashed uowu Main street-colliding with a telegraph pole find throwing the aged occupant of- the buggy" to- the street, dislocating,, his shodlder and breakin? several ribs ' Hia feared' Internal Injuries will re he would try to have the close Spring season run from March 1 to April 1, Master Fish Warden H. G. Van ,Dusen was up from Astoria last week, and ap pointed his baliffs for the coming sea son. William Dutcher will patrol the Willamette, succeeding W. W. Smith, and Louis Ran and Floyd Jones will look after violations on the Clackamas, The baliffs will all work in harmony with Deputy Game' Warden Mack, f f.si!ftr to(Vhi4leyeiit-,tb6Idvaaced 's'gex Portland, - who '.will -also keep an.:ee goon strawberry plants, price.v$1.50;toi-her!ll,:JVre4 -inatt-lnake his ..recovery; uncertain. In the future the Enterprise will As predicted, the entertainment and'Hir !!?ff "2"1". urjf dance given under the auspices of i " JB "J"' " VVE Imi Myrtle Lodge, No. 24, Degree of Honor.-J . Vll 'J! ntbcuuauv.o rr cio vv,u auu lilt. cycii: ine's programme was throughly enjoy-! ed. For their efforts the ladies cleared i'- That: a voter a substantial sum. ' open for violators of the fishing .lawfc GOT A DESERVED SPANKING. THIRTY DAYS LONGER. Special" rates will run until April 1st at the Cheney Studio, in the Fair clough building, west side - of Main street, as follows: $5- cabinets, $2.45; $3.50 panels, $1.50 two positions; $2.50 panels, $1.25, three . positions. 3-16 design, and shed a brighter light than the old style. . . Dr. George, Hoeye, Dentist, Caufleld Building, Oregon City. St. Patrick's Day will be observed by the ladies of St. John's Altar Socie ty who will give at the Woodmen Hall, tomorrow, Saturday, evening an apron and necktie social. A. very in teresting programme has been prepar ed and the usual good time is in pros pect. - Every hat at reduced price' this week at Miss C. Goldsmith's. R. . L. Holman, leading undertaker. Next to Harris' grocery store,. Oregon pity, Oregon. Real estate and personal property in Lane county of the aggregate value of $12,000, is involved in the divorce suit of Carrie Erickso'n against Erick Erickson that was filed here yester day. The parties were married in 1 Clay County, Kansas, in October, lSKd and the defendant is accused of a per sistent course of cruel and inhuman The 50 acre farm of John C. Sprague at Logan, was sold Wednesday through the agency of H. E. Cross, of this city. to Wm. H. Miller, of CorVallis, for a cash consideration of $2500. Mr. Miller Is a practical dairyman and Intends to engage in this business on ap exten sive scale. " - . Mrs. Inez M. Ryan, worthy , grand matron of the Order of Eastern Star, is making an inspection trip this week of Eastern Star lodges in towns west of the Willamette, visiting McMinn ville. Independence, Dayton and other places. Mrs. Ryan will inspect the Troutdale Lodge Saturday evening, and will return home next Sunday. .; Charles A.. Andrews, of Oregon City, and Loren B. Trullinger and John Stubbs, of Molalla, have taken the ex amination for Carriers on the rural route, starting from Oregon City to Molalla There are ten applicants. Postmaster Randall has forwarded the papers to Washington. If you are looking for bargains In Millinery call on Miss C. Goldsmith. 3. P. Keating and family have moved into the residence at the corner of Eleventh and Jackson streets vacating the Roakes' cottage, which will be occupied by J. A. Roakes . and family who will return from California and resume., their residence in this city, having disposed of their interests in the Golden State. ' .-. ; . . Miss Edith Cheney has sold . her photo studio at Tenth and Main streets WANTED: by Chicago wholesale and mail order house, assistant manager (man or woman) for this county and adjoining territory. Salary $20 and expenses paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work pleasant; position permanent. No investment or experi Ience required. Spare time valuable. Write at once for full particulars and enclose self-addressed envelope. SUPERINTENDENT, 132 Lake St., Chicago,- 111. May 18. cannot party affiliation shown in his registra tion was declared by Attorney-General Crawford in a .formal opinion rendered today , in - answer to an Inquiry from County Clerk Fields, of . Multnomah county. . It is held that a man's regis tration is made under oath, and is pre sumed to be correct. -. There being no law authorizing a change, no change can be permitted. Telegraphic dis patch from Salem. This leaves "be tween the devil and the deep sea" the Clackamas county Socialists who have registered as Republicans. And quite a number have, so registered. At a, recent meeting of the Socialist organ? ization in this .county it was voted .to expel from membership in the party those members who, having registered as members of any of the other parties failed to modify that registration and enroll their names under the banner of Socialism. ........ change ;the: hums without a scar, cures' piles, eczema, salt rneum, any ncning.- iry Doan's Ointment. Your druggist sells it, ' ' INSURANCE. Plate Glass, burglar-proof, and all kinds of , casualty insurance written by O. A Cheney of Oregon City. Of fice with Justice. of the Peace. Blacksmith shop for sale at Steven son, Washington. Address A. L. Doug lass, Stevenson, Washington. 3-30 Daily Telegram - and Enterprise, both one year, for only $5. The making of mud pies and cakes -is a pastime that very thoroughly e ' gages the time and attention of youns ' sters, so much so in fact, that, at times they -become unmindful of their own safety. This was illustrated one day this week when two little ones were i seated in the middle of the'. Southern--1 Pacific Company's railroad jtrack. at . Eleventh street. They, had supplied themselves with a quantity -of . mud ' from which they were moulding cakes of curious designs. Seated -with their backs to the. north, they did not se9 . an engine approaching from that, di rection, neither did they hear its shrill . whistle. When the engine had coma within a few feet of the youngsters . the engineer alighted' from his engine, and siezing the little fellows, gave each of them a good sound spanking in a truly paternal way, and then lift.' ed them bodily over a bordering fenca and deposited -them in their. homB door yard, and - resumed his place ia 1 the engine cab.' It is well for the youngsters that the engine, happened to.be an empty one and was ascending a steep grade for . had there coma along at the time, a heavy, freight train, north bound, it would have been impossible to have brought the train to a standstill in time to have averted an accident. . At a meeting of the Cataract Hose Company Tuesday evening W. R. Logus, Henry Stratton and F. J. Nelson were appointed a committee to in vestigate and report on the matter of giving a dancing party at Canemah park as soon as the weather is favor able. The Cataracts have given a num ber of dancing parties in this city and the occasion of one of these affairs always proves most enjoyable to those participating. An alleged eight years' systematic course of name-calling, cruel and hu miliating , treatment is considered sufficient grounds for a divorce by,W. H. Hayden, who has instituted ' such- treatment. Plaintiff asks for the cus-j to Mr. Boyd, recently of Grant's Pass, j proceedings against A. B. Hayden Miss Cheney . leaves the first of next whom he ;married in Lane county ;in month for San Francisco and. after 1881. The nusDana waives ail ciaim a two week's visit with her brothers to certain real estate In Eugene and Grafton, in that city, will go: ttf Wis cLane county that is pwned by the consin for' an. extended visit with reU)jdefendant -but asks for .the custody of atlves. At the same time she will pur- , one minor child. . ,, .... sue her; studies in. art. tody of one minor child and; one-half interest in the estate oi ner nusDana. She also demands alimony in the sum of $150 per month and the sum' of $200 ; , for. attorney fees. . . S ' .... There is plenty of State School money to be had at 6 per cent inter est '-" Libans can be had-from one to ten years. Gordon E'. Hayes, agent. : -.u,-'n: . 1 va ia A .. The Enterprise "joD office is prepare snort notice. J. xiei caauiuam s puuuu- graph will be printed on the card, ed in this city -Wednesday evening. Trembath and Wm. Strange. The when desired, at a slight advance in Mr. Moss died several days ago at Salt guessing of charades and the playing price. -Cards are. not expensive, and Lake City Funeral services were con- of other parlor, games was followed are a genteel-means of introduction to 'ducted Thursday morning at the -home by delicious refreshments and the con- the voters. Candidates oi all parties of Mrs. Clark and interment followed genial company did not adjourn until are invited, to can and see samples, at Mountain view cemetery. a late hour. The small boy is happy.s The Ma- hara Bros. Minstrels for boys and girls from six to sixty is coming to town. 1 Tney will appear at Shively's this evening, Friday, March IS, and if all the good things the newspapers have to say of this company are true we are sure they are the very best, and not only, the greatest 'minstrel show ever seen in Orgon City, but it will be the amusement 'event of Manager Shively's career. . An all , new . and gorgeous first part, an Olio such as is seldom seen on the mimic, stage out side of the big cities, an up-to-date opereta, a big dancing spectacle. The Night of the Black Watch, , pictures of plantation life, song, successes, and mechanical effects. In a column re-: view the Topeka- Herald says that Mahara . Bros; . Minstrels- are in. Wil liams &" Walker's class. Seats now I on sale at Huntley - Bros. - . The corns 1 pany will give a big street display at 12 o'clock nooa through, the principal sweet,, ... - : - - . - : Fishermen of Clackamas county will hold- a meeting ia a few:days to discuss their interests, and win jjrobaqiy take . 7 - .. ,'; ; ; " ' " . 1 - 1 x J some action' regarding the : support of rv,, -Vj:-' JL. W Mr. and Mrs. unas spencer, oi van-1 candidate for the Legislature;, as" they For Sale--Aehoice lot ; of garnet 1 iw .-.mri- tniinr. imh.I,,jii. :t.iAs.Xi i, i waj chills sfeed . Dotatoea at5 tow-"' torlntea -, ; :Z?r?l Z"J'?i"rZZ?lrm'lJZ"Z v---ry i Ti v nil niiniir - in ri im im fi iiirri w auui vsx r mmnraonra Tr ma, ttdj-ij. iotxto oni wi i sary; about" --25 'friends' c -called: ndiunfluestlonabl'v. demand nromises from pM' the evening. Rapreeentatiye,ay$ tne-egramvTie fishetmen-vf 4h county for several years past have Geo. -H,. Brown, New Era, Or. - rS-94t !! "The" reratrhfs o Vae'i iMolsfison ' of was Dlaved. Mrs." SimOhs and ;Fred the. Jate .S. ,W. M.ossp4.tftrrither iof "; Sh'anhtm wilinihg the" honors;- :thfe con Mrs?" H.' Ll' Clark, of 'Tifs-eityf eu-riv-(!'solatio';Hze&-''otti'g'''toi:lkCrK Thomastefedlx1sear amflfeiaeRtsiitrto'j the" law in relation to the close season, as tfiey want the open season both in the Spring and Fall to commence 15 days earlier than it does under the present law. George Brown, who is a leader in p the nioyement this morning said that A Recording Savings Bank is one of the best friends a man or woman can have. It is always ready to receive and takes good care of all small coins committed to it. If prop-:' erfy supplied w ith such coins and then taken to f the bank once a month to be relieved of its con- ' tents its work Will Rejoice Yoti Heart We' furnish these banks free to all persons open ing a Savings Account of One Dollar or mote,; You will find one of these banks a wonderful help in beginning to save for the "rainy day" that;; is sure to come. ' - ; ' The Bank of Oregon City Attention Farmers ancT Fanciers f j "The hen that lays is the hen tihat pays." , ' fj 3 Hamburgs, Polish: and English Redcaps are the only breeds thaip t have been known to lay 300 eggs in a year per hen. - . ! ; Our Silver Spangled, Golden Spangled. Silver Penciled. Golden Pent f i clled and Black Hamburgs; White, Silver Laced, Golden Laced, anJj White Crested Black Polish, Mottled Anconas and English Redcaps;! are the. finest prize, winning stock in America and will breed prize fl' Our Stay White Wyandottes laid over 200 eggs per hen last year. ! Eggs $3 per 15. - i ROSE MAWR POULTRY .YARDS NINTH AND PIERCE STS., OREGON CITY, OREGON .