Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 09, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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4 &!
i ' - Brief lifts of Gossip From All Parts of the County.
John Ream t has been ill the
Our Corespondents' Cone
We are having beautifpl weather
again, and some begin as usual to
worry about the fruit buds.
I say, "what's the use," although
you may in these days turn one hair
black or white, you can t influence the
weather by worrying. Therefore tiake
the goods the Gods provide and be
The smallpox scare at Mr. Powell's
has about blown over, and people be
gin to go there again without fear.
' - Mr. Beible, who was so very ill is
somewhat better. The son and wife
are with them at present.
- Len Schrader, who some time ago
went to Arizona for his health, is re
ported as feeling better. The climate
agrees with him.
George Aden writes he is pleased
with eastern Washington where he is
visiting an uncle.
The Dlekar boys are making quite
a change in the looks of the old place
by clearing and fencing. Girls there
i3 one of the brothers left yet.
past week.
Mrs. Harry Miller and little daugh
ters have gone to; Alaska.
". Miss Ruth Shipley was up from
( Portland Saturday.
.. Mrs. Ladd, of Portland, visited at the
Sanders home last week.
. Mrs. Foster and little daughter have
been visiting in Portland.
Mr. Tibbets left for California Sat
urday evening; his family is to leave
Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt are situated in
Portland, where Mr. H. has a .good po
sition. We are sorry to lose them.
Everett Downey has been absent
from school several days on account
of severe cold. . .
, About 25 of her friends tendered a
. surprise to Mrs. Ida Berdine at her
home Thursday evening the occasion
being her birthday anniversary.
Games were played; later splendid
refreshments were served. .. A most
delightful evening was passed.
Willie Davis of .St. Louis, Mo., was
a guest over Sunday at . the Shipley
Jack Fisher has bought some land
of Pete Berdine and will build a house
at once.
Mr. App D. Jones is having his farm
cleared op.
Will Smith made a business trip to
town today.,
Emerson Spatz, who got hurt quite
badly last week, is improving, He has
gone to his home in Beaver Creek.
Mr. Maule and family from Mt.
Pleasant spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Spence.
Bertha Spangler returned home
from Portland Saturday.
Mr. Eph Jones and family went to
Beaver Creek Saturday.
The dance at Anderson's Saturday
night was well attended.
Miss Dora Burges spent Saturday
and Sunday at home.
Mr. Davis and family had several of
their friends to spend the evening at
their . home Saturday.
Winifred Howard is spending a few
days with her parents of this city
Several from here went a fox hunt
ing Sunday, but their duck was poor.
Our present good weather is having
an exhilarating effect on the farmers
of this section. All Spring work has
begun; everyone is busy making gar
den some varieties will soon be in
bloom and it seems as though Spring
had arrived in earnest.
Lieutenant Fred Burn was in Oregon
City last Thursday transacting business.
T. S. Stipp was busy taking the
school census a part of last week.
N. Bellmore, of Oregon City, spent
the latter part of last week visiting
in this vicinity.
Miss Maud Husband of Mulino, "pas
sed through Liberal Sunday.
March came in like a lamb so we
will expect it to go out like a lion.
Crops of all kinds look fine in this
j part of the county. The winter so far
5ave Y ot IVii
Garden or flower seeds, fresh
Eastern, or Oregon seeds
3 papers 10c
Seed Peas 31b 25c
Seed Corn , 10c
Coarse Salt 1001b 45c
Rex Lye ... 06c
Seeded Raisins, 2pkgs 15c
Prunes 5c, dried Apples 10c
Elk Soap 2c, Tar Soap 2 for ... 5c
Pride Soap or Lennox 8 for . . . .25c
Flour 95c
Fine Syrup, gallon 45c
Leaf Tobacco, half 2 for 5c
Teas which bring 40c to 60 c we
sell at 14c, 25c, 40c and . . . 45c
Coffees 15c, 18c, 20c, Our 20c
coffee is first-class Try it.
Bulk Soda 4c; Arm'& H ..... 6c
Rice Slightly broken ........... 5c
Wire Clothes line 12c ; cotton . . 5c
61b nice Beans .. 25c J
Flour Sifter ...... 9c
Baby Shoes 10c, 22c, 33c 47c
Child's fine $1 shoes 69c
Ladies $2.39 best heavy shoes
now $1.75
Ladies fine shoes cut to $1.19, .
$1.33 ....,$1.79
'Ladies black, white or tan Ox
fords just in $1.65 down to $1.20
New lot wash goods from factory,
all economically priced.
3 Spools best Thread . , 10c
Ladies and Child's Underwear "'"
at two thirds or 18c upv
Darning Cotton lc to 11c
Towels cut prices 7c, .11c
Yarns 4c and 6c worth more
Ladies Neckwear 25c and 75c
goodsxon bargain table 5c
Hose Supporters cut to 8c
Men's and Boys' Hats one-half
to three-fourths price now 19c
39c f 94c
Men's $1 Underwear cut to ...72c
Men's 75c Underwear cut to ...43c
Boys'-warm Underwear cut to
18c Z4C,
Winter millinery less than half
almost given away. Our trimmer,
Mrs. Bernier and helpers are work
ing on a fine lot of Spring hats.
These beautiful hats will be sold at
dry goods profits or a third less
than one-line millinery' houses
We trade Butter, Eggs, Chickens,
Potatoes etc. 1
Men's heavy shoes $1.45 up.
Leather at two-thirds; 2 pkgs
Tacks 5c
31 H
iv ALLTHt if
was quite mild, with no snow to speak
or. . : ; .
Christ Johnson, Wilhelm Held and
Otto Paulson were the guests; of ,Mr.
and Mrs. A. H. Miller and Miss Mae
Strange last Sunday afternoon.
Theo. and Ed. Harden were seen on
our streets last Sunday.
Peter Ruhl and Peter Rath made a
business trip to Portland and Oregon
City last Tuesday.
Christ Johnson and Otto Paulsen
made a trip to Portland alfe Oregon
City this week. - - . ''
Carl Rath made a trip to Oregon
City last Monday.
There will be a Basket social and
entertainment at the school house
next Friday evening.'
Peter Held intends to build a large
new house the coming summer.
A very enjoyable surprise party
was tendered Mrs. Henry Johnson last
Wednesday evening at their home; it
being Mrs. Johnson's birthday. Danc
ing was the pastime' of the evening '
and every body went home wishing
them many more' such pleasant birth
day- anniversaries. - -
A. large crowd was present at church
last Sunday.
Nick Rath made a-business trip to
Portland last Tuesday.
Leo Rath was a business visitor to
Kelso last Tuesday, .
tng , her sister, in, Portland the past
few'-days:"'' -l"--
D. Hederman. J. A. Richey, and O.
W. Boring, some "of Boring's prosper
ous -farmerst. made trpsirtd" the me-
tropolis on business last week.
H. Bright (has sold his 20-acre tract
or land nere to Mr. Ene.'.or Kelso.
' Mrs. G. Elsworth of Boring, died on
March 1st, at Portland, .while visiting
her sister. -? Mrs. Elsworth fell dead
on the sidewalk being taken with
stroKe. oi paralysis." The remain
were :- removed to Eagle Creek-- - tos
burial Sunday. Rev. Maxwell preach
ed ' the funeral sermon. '
Nj CV. Newman,., of Albany, has pur
chased ten acres of land and moved
his. family here.- - "-. . .. .y.
Orville Alch had the misfortune to
have. his leg broken a short time ago.
The voters at Boring do not seem to
be in a very big hurry about regis
tering. Only a very small per cent
have registered as yet. '
Chicken thieves are making their
appearance in bur neighborhood. One
night last week they visited the roosts
of E. Richey and took some valuable
birds. Thieves had better keep scarce
or they will get the. contents of the:
old shot gun. -
I have been suffering for the past
few. years with a severe attack of
rheumatism and found that Ballard's
Snow Liniment was the only thing
that gave me satisfaction and tended
to alleviate my pains. March 24, '02 :
John C.i Degnan, Kinsman, Ills.
25c, 50c and $1.00. .
Sold by Huntley Bros. Co.
Rain seems to be' the order of the
day since the first of March. " :
Miss Hylton was calling on Mrs.
Chas. White, who has been quite ill
for some time. ...
Mrs. Clark spent Sunday with Mrs;
Geo. Harding.
Miss Imogene Myers has been quite
ill for the last four or five days. -..
Miss Sellers 'and Miss - Warnock
spent Saturday and Sunday at Port
land. ' '
Mrs. Maule was the guest of Mrs.
Thomas last Sunday.
Mrs. Parrish, of Elyville, was vis
Ring in Mt. Pleasant one day last
week. '
' Miss Bertha '. Fredricks of Oregon
City, was out walking last Sunday, .k
Mr. R. O. Thomas will have a sale
at his home at Mt. Pleasant, March
7th. They expect to visit friend3 and
relatives for" a short time and then
start on their way to Spokane, where
they expect to reside in the future-
We are all sorry to have them leave.
Tiess and Kestcontains namer
OpmmMorphine nor MiQEral.
tanfud Sugar- .
A Dcxfect Remedy for Co nsfi na
tion. Sour Stoinach.Diarrhoea,
Wonns .Convulsions .Feverish-ness-and
facsimile Signature of.
T- 1
. mu, i,, '.' . . m. if For Infants and Children.
" I I 1 1 l -. I I HH. )) r , . . I II. I.. 1. 1 II1U. .1, :
AVcgetablcPreparationlor As
similating tbeToodartdReg ula-
fing tht S tnmnrns anil RowpIs, nf ;
H s :
Ijl ness and Kest.contains neitner hi i?
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
- -
Bears th
exact copy or wrarpcb.
& UP' ..
For Over
Thirty Years
Mr. Dan Erdman returned to Dover
Monday, preparatory to moving. , his
family to Barton.
Mr. Keith, who has-been seriously
in for the last three weeks, is conva
lescent. .
- The neighbors, last Wednesday , vol-;
unteered a day to Mr. Keith for the
purpose of building a fence.
Mr. P. W. Exon has purchased the
Bowman . ranch and now has it well
under cultivation. . .. -.
The new . post master'; Mr, Keithj
has now. taken ftijl .charge "of the pot
omce. ...
The Grippe has certainly obtained
a good hold on it's victims in Dover, as
nearly all are suffering from colds.
RED FRONT, Oregon City
The Pacific States Telegraph and
Telephone Co., represented by Mr,
Hall, and Mr, Gregory, have been out
here for several days seeing about
establishing a rural line into Boring
where they will maintain a central and
switch board. - They give' all subscribe
ers a fifteen cent rate for telephoning
to fortiana.
Mr. James Smith has moved his
family to Estacada, where he is working.
Mr. Arthur Rich has moved from
Mull & Daves' Saw mill into - Boring.
O. W. Boring, our school clerk, has
just completed taking the annual cen
sus of the school.
P. W. Haley has sold the lumber on
his land here for twelve hundred dol
lars. It is to be logged and sent to
the sawmill at Lents.
. Mrs. Geo. Tacheren has been visit-
Brighfs Disease and
Diabetes News.
Vant a Daily Paper?
Here is yourchance
Portland Daily Telegram
Oregon City Enterprise
This is certainly a rare offer. Take
advantage of it by sending in your
order at once. v . ;.
Pacts That Caused us to Take the
Agency for the 'Fulton Compounds,'
the First Known Cure for Brlght's
Disease and Diabetes.
First, let It be distinctly understood that
every one of the eases below had been diagnosed
by one or more physiolans as Brlght's Disease
; or Diabetes and chronic and incurable; second,
note the certainty of the results as shown by the
! reeovery also of the friends they told who were
' similarly afflicted. .
. N. W. Spauldinf , President Spaulding Saw
' Co., San Francisco, had a recovery in his own
family and told several others who recovered.
Adolph Wesko, capitalist, San Francisco,
recovered himself and told .two friends who
Dr. Carl D. Zelle, pioneer druggist, fiSS Paoiflo
street, San Franoisoo, recovered himself and
gave It to more than dozen patients who
Chas. Engelke editor of the German paper,
San Franoisoo, reoovered himself and told It to
a number, who recovered, one of them being
. Charles F. Wacker, the Sixth street merchant.
' R. M. Wood, editor Wine and Snlrit Review.
reoovered himself and told it to several who
recovered, among them being an old-school
Edward Short of the San Francisco Call re
covered, also three of his friendSjViz.: William
Martin, Captain Hubbard of the Honolulu route
and, William Hawkins of the TJ. S. Quarter
master's Department, San Francisco.
' John . Phelps of the Hotel Bepelier, San
Franoisoo, and two of his friends.
Mrs. M. Empey, 180 Steiner St. (also recom
mended it to several who recovered, one of them
leaving the German Hospital to go on the
; And hundreds of others. i
! Bright' Disease and Diabetes, heretofore Is.
' curable, are now positively oorable and in nearly
nine-tenths of all oases.
If you still have any doubt give yourself the
benefit of the doubt. Fulton's Renal Compound
for Bright's and Kidney Disease, (1; for Diabetes,
l.so. 'Send for ymphlefc Ws are thssole
- looal agsatsV
Charmsn & City Drug Store.
Most of the DeoDle in this Dart of
rthe county in such rainy weather, are
sitting in the house by the fire place
and watching their crops which are
growing very nicely. ' v
Geo. Schiewe is working for Mr.
J. Cummings in the saw mill.
T. Grace is busy hauliag lumber
from A. Durst to build " him "a.; new
house. ,
: .Grosmiller's boys, Jacob, and Char
ley, were visiting some of the boys in
Timber., Grove last Sunday.
Rev-' Davis was preaching in the
school house last Sunday forenoon.
He will have preaching every two
W. H. Wettlaufer is busy plowing
on his new place which he lately pmv
, F. Kayser is going to move away
this ntweek is going to Port
land..,," ' '' ' ; '
S. Li. Apple, ex Probate Judge, Ot
tawa, Co., Kansas, writes: "This is to
say that I have used Ballard's Hore1
hound Syrup for years, -and that I do
not hesitate to recommend it as the
best cough syrup I hve ever used."
25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Huntley
Bros. Co.
trying to get a farmers' mutual tele
phone company started. A committee
of three will investigate, the- mutual
system and ascertain cost, etc. The
rates of the-present line being consid
ered too high. If Springwater will
the route in the fastest possible time
that the team could make, not even
"toprjing for lunch at noon or to feed
his -team. It is therefore plainly seen
vrw it was possible for the patrons of
this -route to be splved with their mail
only agitate the question and join in so much earlier on the day in question,
too. the country would have communi- I The Editor.)
canon over quice a scope or territory Quite a number of our citizens at-
as mey couia connect witn weaver
Creek, Molalla, Stone and Harding.
An emblem of peace weighing 11
pounds arrived at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Hatton, of Stone re
cently. No wonder John steps so high.
The church is making new converts.
Solomon "Wheeler being baptised last"
Sunday. -
Mrs. F. Polehn and daughter gave
a party the evening of the 3d. A good
time was enjoyed by all. Games were
indulged in to a late hour. Among
the out of neighborhood visitors were
the Misses Lossumer, from Portland:
Misses KJebe, from Shubel; and, Mr".
Moehnke, also of Shubel. ,
Mr. Laurence Bonney has sold his
shingle" mill to Portland parties.
A. O. Hollingsworth has bought a
new horse.
Harry Hubert is working at Deer-
ing"s saw mill. :
The political pot is boiling over. . If
the influence that Redland and Vio
la will have oil the trend of the elec
tion, be taken as a fair criterion of
the sentiment prevailing in other dis
tricts, Clackamas county will go al
most' solidly for Hawley, candidate
for congressman in the first district.
Mr. Ripley is building a large barn.
Julius Speee is working in Port
land. - ,
Joseph Hughes, of Portland, was vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox last Sun
day. '
Wm. Holstein, of Allentown, Pa., i6
visiting his' brother-in-law, Win. Guen-
thr: for a short time. ...
Born to the wife of Chris Bluhm on
the 16th ult,, a little girl. Mother
doing well and Chris is now learning
the flloor-walker's tune.
The -Rural Route Inspector took a
ride with our mail carrier one day
last week. We all received our mail
about two and one-half hours earlier
on that day than before or since. (In
justice to the carrier it should be
stated in this connection that in mak
ing the rounds of this route the Gov
ernment inspestor hired a double liv
ery team and light rig with which to
make the trip. . The Inspector covered
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Alfred B. Swales, who died at As
toria March 1st, of appendicitis, was
laid to rest in the Pleasant-View cem
etery on Saturday, March 3d. A large !
concourse of friends and relatives
gathered to pay their last tribute to
the dead. His death came as a shock
to the family and friends, as he had
only been gone from home a week,
previous to his death, .to work in a-;
shingle mill at ' Skamokowa, where i
after doing a day's work he was taken j
suddenly ill and suffered unold agony i
until death tame to his relief. An op- ;
eration was performed, but too late. ;
Alfred was born here October 8th,
1883. He was a young man of exem
plary habits, respected by all. Funer-.
al rites were conducted by Harding
Grange, of which order - he was a
member. The pal! bearers being his
old school mates. His death will be
sad . news tp his father, who is' absent
pn a visit in England.
' F. W. Riebhoft has set up a black-"
smith; shop, having purchased a com
plete outfit. -
The people in this end of town are
Tw o Minutes
Physicians tell us that all
the blood in a healthy
human body passes through
the heart once in every two
minutes. If this action'be
comes irregular the whole
body suffers. Poor health,
follows poor blood ; Scott's
Emulsion makes the blood
pure. One reason why
is such a great aid is because
it passes so quickly into
the blood. It is partly di
gested before it enters the
stomach ; a double advan
tage in this. Less work
for the stomach ; quicker
and more direct benefits.
To get the greatest amount
of good, with the least pos
sible effort is the desire of
everyone in poor health.
Scott's Emulsion does just
-that. . A change for the
better take's place even be
fore you expect it.
We will tend you a
sample free.
Be- lore that this
picture in the form of -s
label is on the wrap
per of every bottle of
EmuUion yon buy.
Scott & Bowms
ChemScs ' ' '
409 Petri St, N. Y.
tended the Republican meeting at
Beaver Creek last Thursday night.'
E. F. Gunther and Mrs. R. Gunther
attended Grange at Clarkes last Sat
urday and report a good time.. ,
Philip Massipger went to Portland
yesterday on hiisiness.- .
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hornschuh and Mr.
pnd Mrs. F. E. Gunther visited with
Wm. Gunther today.
Miss Carrie Shubel who has been
visiting her parents here for a few
days. rturned to Portland today. -
Ab. Thomas. Lake. Duffy and Albert
Steudeman visited with G. A. Schuebel
last , Saturday evening. .
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Shubel and
daughter. Carrie, Henry Hettman,
Henry Gunther and Chris Moehnke,
Jr. visited with Robert Gunther and
family last Saturday evening.
Henry Steiner, of Oregon City visit
ed with his parents here sday.
Chris Muralt and family of Beaver
!rok visited with his father-in-law,
E. W. Hornschuh today.
Robert Gunther attended the Social
istjmeeting at Oregon City Sunday.
E. W. Hornschuh killed two or three
co votes last week by poisoning them.
Porter vs. Brownell: Scott vs. Dim
ick: Which?
There is more Catarrh in this sec
tion of the country than all other di
seases put together, and -until the last
few years was supposed to be incur
able. For a great many. years doctors
pronounced it a local disease and pre
scribed local remedies,' and by con
stantly failing to cure with local treat
ment, pronounced it incurable. Scienee
has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall-'s Ca
tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. .
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on the mar
ket. It is taken internally in doses
from 10 drops ta a teaspoonful. It aets
directly on the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. They offer one
hundred dollars for any case it fails to
cure,. Send for - circulars and testi- v
Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tola
do, Ohio. - ,
Sold by Drugists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family; Pills for consti
pation. . -.
. - NEEDY.
Services are being held at the Rock
Creek church, beginning the 1st of
March and lasting until Match the 15.
Come one and all and take part in the
meeting. ' . .
The Yoder Military ; Band Is . pro
gressing nicely under the manage
ment of J. Wesley Yoder. There are
several new members and on Thurs
day evenings one would think he was
at the Lewis and Clark Fair.
Miss Estella Criswell closed a very
successful term of school March 1st,
in district No. 91, .After a two weeks'
vacation school will begin under the
management of Miss Criswell.
There will be a dance given in
Thompson's Hall next Saturday night,
March 10th. Come and have a good
time. .
Quite : a sad accident occurred in
our neighborhood last week when
Ruddy Ritter was kicked by a horse.
He is in a somewhat serious condi-
tion, but his many friends hope for an
early recovery. .
Work is being done on the "Scott
road" and F. M. Samson's voice can
be heard most any time.
The Mumps are having a big time
around Needy withs the young folks.
Lets try and get over them by the
4th. r
At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday
on Appointments..