Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 02, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Of That Number 1783 are Republicans
504 Democrats, 213
Good progress is being made in the
registration of Clackamas County, vot-
ers. The first of the week an even
2500 had registered, this number con
sisting of 1738 Republicans, 504 Dem
ocrats and 213 scattering. The regis
tration up to Monday morning by pre
cincts follows:
Beaver Creek
Barlow. N
Bull Run,
Canyon Creek,
Eagle Creek,
Highland, s
Harmony, "
Milk Creek,
Maple Lane,
New Bra
Oregon City No. 1,
Oregon City No. 2,
Oregon City No. 3,
Oak Grove,
Pleasant Hill,
Soda Springs,
West Oregon City,
Rep. Dem.
129 24
68 18
27 11
13 3
22 5
23 3
56 12
. 59 21
75 18
46 , 10
13 2
38 7
5 0
64 12
25 6
48 15
42 8
13. 5
.25 5
17 : 6
79 .6
2 3
53 5
34 30
53 14
57 18
137 37
151 32
89 33
22 5
17 8
44 . 20
2 2
4 1
52 37
12 14
48 6
84 24
35 18
1783 504
Don't let the baby suffer from ec
zema, sores or any itching of the
skin. Doan's Ointment gives instant
relief, cures quickly. Perfectly safe
for children. All druggists sell it.
. J3TOH.X.V..
Bean the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Peculiar Method of Flsbinar ITMd. by
Nntl-ven of Oceania. t
A peculiar method, of fishing Is In
dulged in by the natives of Tetuila,
one of the islands of Oceania. ' At a
given signal the inhabitants of the vil
lage assemble on the seashore to the
number of about 200 persons, each
of whom carries a branch of cocoa
palm. With these in their hands they
plunge Into the water, and at a cer
tain distance - from the shore turn to
ward it,' forming a compact half circle,
each one holding his palm branch perpendicularly-
in the water, .. and thus
forming a sieve.
The leader of the party then gives a
signal, and this living net approaches
the shore gradually iu perfect order,
driving before it a multitude of fishes.
Surrounded by this living wall and en
tangled in the cocoa palm branches
many of the Eshes are cast on the sand
by the waves, "while others are killed
with sticks. After being cooked over
hot coals the fish are served with ba
nanas and cocoanut milk.
The scene as described by a French
man who visited the island was inter
esting and picturesque in the extreme,
the effect being immensely heightened
by the appearance of the natives,
whose costume consists of a short
tunic of seaweed or leaves. Their hair
is powdered with chalk, while the war
riors are distinguished by the hair be
ing powdered red. Wreaths of garde
nias or red hibiscus are worn on their
heads, also round their necks.
Be Was Allowed to Testify In Conrt
and Won the Case.
A Kansas City lawyer tells of the
use of expert testimony on lying. He
says: v- , ;
"I was prosecuting attorney for Fin
ney county in 1881, and had a fellow
op before . Squire N. C. Jones on the
charge of horse stealing. He hired
Mike Sutton to defend him. and when
the case was called I proved beyond
question by a witness who witnessed
the theft that we had the right man.
After the prosecution had rested Sut
ton introduced . "Buffalo Jones " as a
witness and gravely informed the court
that he intended to' prove by Liin that
my witness had lied. 'Buffalo' took
the stapd and swore that, while he had
never seen or heard of the witness be
fore and knew nothing at all about. the
crime committed, he had had a great
deal of experience with men and could
tell pretty certain when they were
lying. Then he proceeded to tell how
men acted when they were lying, and
gave the expert opinion that my wit
ness had sworn to lies from the word
go. I protested against such perform
ances, but Sutton made the judge be
lieve he had as much right to intro-
duce an expert on liars as he would
have to introduce an expert on. medi
cine or any other science, and the re
sult was the thief was dismissed from
What's In a Name?
Names are nothing, my dear, my dear.
Oh, names are nothing the birds
The rose if known as a snidge would
Its fragrance far on the ambient air,
And money would still our wants ful
fil If we called it a griffle or named it a
And the swan if known as the doodle-
"Would always gladden us with her
grace. -
Names are nothing, my dear, my dear,
Would the day be dark if we named
it night?
The loves that lies in maiden's eyes
"Would still be love, though we cal
led it spite. - '
There's naught' in the names that men
Call the rose a snidge and t'will
still be fair,
But think of electing a President
who bore the name of Robin Adair.
The Enterprise job office is prepar
ed to print cards for candidates on
short notice. The candidate's photo
graph will be printed . on the card,
when desired, at a slight advance in
price. Cards are not expensive, ana
are a genjeel means of introduction to
the voters., Candidates of all parties
are invited to call and see samples.
Daily Telegram and Enterprise,
both one year, for only $5.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, and for the County of Clack
amas. Sallie Akins, Plaintiff,
vs. '
R. W. Akins, Defendant.
To the defendant R. W. Akins:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint herein, on or be
fore (Monday) the 16th day of April
1906. Said date being more than six
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, and said
date being after the time prescribed
by said court and by law, for the pub
lication of this summons. And if you
fail to so appear and answer, plaintiff
will apply for the relief demanded in
the complaint to-wit:
That the bonds of matrimony now
existing between plaintiff and defen
dant be forever dissolved, and that
the custody of Lester Akins be award
ed to this plaintiff. That the plain
tiff may be decreed to be the owner of
an undivided one-third interest in the
following described real estate, situ
ated in Multnomah County, Oregon,
Commencing at a point twenty (20)
rods north of a stake forty-six rods
west of the south-west corner of the
Jas. Powell D. L. C; thence east
twenty-two (22) rods; thence north
twenty-eight (28) rods and eight (8)
links; thence west twenty-two (22)
rods; thence south twenty-eight (28)
rods and eight (8) links to the place
of beginning, containing four (4) acres
more or less. The same being part of
the tract known as the "Old Metho
dist Camp Grounds," situated in sec
tion 10, township 1, south range 3,
That the defendant be restrained
from disposing of or in any manner in-.
cumbering the property described,
during the pendency of this suit, that
the defendant may be required to pay
the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars
($250.00) into this court to defray
the expenses of this Court, and for the
support of the plaintiff during this
action, for permanent alimony and for
her costs and disbursements herein,
and for such further relief as shell
seem meet and equitable.
This summons is published once a
week for six consecutive weeks by
order of Honorable Thomas Ryan,
Judge of the County Court of Clack
amas County, Oregon, dated the 28th
of February, 1906. The date of the'
first publication of this summons is
Friday, March 2d, and the last is Fri
day April 13, 1906.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Treasurer's Notice.
I now have money to pay county
warrants endorsed prior to July 1, 1904
also road warrants endorsed prior to
October 16, 1905. Interest will cease
on such warrants on the date of this
notice. .
Oregon City, Oregon, March 2, 1906.
Treasurer of Clackamas County, Ore.
Liquor License. .
Notice is hereby given that I will
apply at the next regular meeting of
the Oregon City Council for a renew
al of my saloon license at my present
place of business. Main street between
Fourth and Fifth streets.
The regular annual County Conven
tion of the Patrons of Husbandry, for
the county of Clackamas, will be held
in Oregon City on Tuesday, the 6th
day of March, at 1 o'clock p. m., in
the County Court House.
" This convention is called for the
purpose of electing Representatives
to attend the annual session of the
Oregon State Grange to be held at
Albany, Oregon, on the 4th Tuesday
in May, 1906.
Called by MARY S. HOWARD,
Mulino, Oregon, Feb- 19, 1906.
Notice of Final Settlement. "
In the county court of the state of
Oregon, for the county of Clacka
mas. In the matter of the estate of Chris
tian Zanders,. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, executrix of the estate of
Christian Zanders, deceased, has filed
in the above entitled court, her final
account as executrix of the said es-
Monday. the 26th day of March, 1906,
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of
said date at the court room of said
courts in Oregon .City as the time and
place . for hearing objections to the f
Is the feeling and plaint of women who
are "run-down " so low that work drags,
head aches, back ackes, hands tremble.
ggrf a things annoy and
Look , the other
way fust a minute
ana see what Dr.
Pierce's Favorite
Prescription has
done for more than
a h a 1 f-m i 1 1 i o n
women in the last
thirty years.
win it tin 7m)
ly investigating mind
upon uie prouiem
of producing a remedy for the use of
weaK ana sunering women tuatsnouia oe
free from alcohol and at the same time
Nature has provided, abundantly for
such needs and Dr. Pierce found in
native medicinal plants such as the roots
the needed- medicinal properties which
by peculiar processes strictly his own,
without the use of alcohol, he has ex
tracted, preserved and combined in exact
proportions to secure from each its best
effect. Thus compounded his "favorite
prescription" is a remedy for the pains
and drains, weaknesses and inflammation
of the uterine system that has won world
wide fame by curing more than ninety
nine out of every hundred who have used
it properly.
In taking this you will know what you
take and ttike wliat you know to be good. .
If in any doubt as to what is best for
you, write arid ask advice of Dr. R. "V.
Pierce. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.,
andreliable medical advice will be sent
you' by return mail in securely sealed
envelope. All correspondence free and
strictly confidential.
Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the
favorite family laxative. One "Pellet" a
laxative, two "Pellets" a cathartic dose.
said final account. ... '
Executrix of the Estate of Christian
Zanders, deceased. '
Hedges & Griffith, Attorneys for Exe
First Publication February 23, 1906.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
John W. Meldrum, Plaintiff,
vs. .
James Edward McNamara, Mary
Smith, Thomas Smith, her husband,
Jane Smith, Mary Smith, Helen
Smith, John Smith, George Smith
and Richard Smith, Defendants.
To Mary Smith, Thomas Smith, her
husband; Jane Smith, Mary Smith,
Helen Smith, John . Smith, George
Smith, and Richard Smith.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled court and
cause on or before - the 2d day . of
April, 1906, the said day being six
weeks from the date of the first publi
cation of this summons on February
16, 1906, and if you fail to so. appear
or answer, for want thereof, the plain
tiff will apply to the court. for the re
lief demanded in the complaint here
in, to-wit: :
Settling and determining the trust
of said plaintiff as trustee under the
will of James McNamara, deceased,
whereunder plaintiff now has in his
possession as such trustee, the sum of
$1750.51; allowing plaintiff the sum of
$250.00 as compensation for services
as such trustee, together with a rea
sonable attorney's fee in said suit, to
gether with the costs and disburse
ments of said suit, and distributing
the remainder of said trust funds to
the person or persons entitled thereto
under the provisions of the last will
and testament of James McNamara de
ceased; and excluding from partici
pation m saia trust. iuna sucn oi ine(ln the clrcuit Court Gf the State of
ucuauLo in wio bu ..uii me uuurt
may decree riot entitled thereto, and
for such -other , and further relief as
shall be just and. equitable in the
premises. ' '
This summons is published by order
of the Hon. T. A. McBride, Judge of
the above entitled court made and en
tered in said court on the 9th day of
February, 1906, wherein the said court
ordered that the defendants to whom
this summons is directed be required
to appear and answer the complaint
herein on or before the 2d day of April
1906, and directing the publication of
this summons at least once a week for
six successive weeks prior to said 2d
day of April, 1906, in the Oregon City
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
First publication, February 16, 1906.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Amy B. Oakes. Plaintiff,
F. P. Oakes, Defendant. .1
To F. P. Oakes, above named defend
ant. In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or before
the expiration of six (6) weeks from
the date of the first publication of this
summons which date of the first pub
lication is January 26, 1906, and date
of the last publication is March 9,
1906. and if you fail to so -appear and
answer plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded in said com
plaint, to-wit: . '
That the bonds of matrimony here
tofore and now existing between the
Plaintiff and the defendant be annuled
and forever dissolved and set at
naught and for such and other further
relief as equity and the nature of the
suit may require.
. This summons is published by the
order of the Honorable Thomas A.
McBride, Circuit Judge of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for Clack
amas County, which order was duly
made and entered on the 24th day of
January, A. D. 1906 in the above entitl
ed Court. Date of last publication
March 9, 1906.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
, In the circuit Court of the" State of
Oregon, for . Clackamas County.
Chas. H. Willerling, Plaintiff,
. - - vs. ' ; v
Jennie Willerling, Defendant
To Jennie Willerling, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby . required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
; h-fnro t.h 7th dav of March. 1 90fi.
before the 7th day of March, 1906,
j said date being after the expiration of
' six weeks from the first publication of
for others it can, this summons, and if you fail so to
do for you. . (appear and answer said complaint for
Believing' that i want thereof the plaintiff will apply
alcoholic, stlmu-'to the court for the relief heretofore
wiJLnm, , prayed for and for a decree of the
harm Doctor saId court dissolving the marriage
Pirp.e turned his contract now existing between plain
j tiff and defendant and holding the.
same ior naugnt, ana ior sucn otner
and further relief as to the court may
seem just, ' -
This summons is published by order
of Hon.- Thos. A. McBride, Judge of
the above entitled k court, which order
was made and entered on the 12th day
of December, 1905, and the time pre
scribed for publication thereof is six
weeks. . "
Date of first publication, January
19, 1906; date of last publication,
March 2, 1906.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
25, 26, 27,. Washington Building, Port
land, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Jacob Miller, Plaintiff,
Thomas McMillan, Defendant.
.To Thomas McMillan, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You ' are hereby notified and requir
ed to appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above entitl
ed Court and cause on or before the
expiration of six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this summons
to-wit: the 19th day of January, 1906,
which is the time specified in the ord
der directing this publication, and if
you fail to so appear' or answer, the
plaintiff for want thereof, will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed for
in said complaint on file herein, to-
The foreclosure of that certain mort
gage for $115.00, dated at Oswego, Or
egon, March 13, 1894, and which mort
gage is recorded in Mortgage Records
of Clackamas County, Oregon, Volume
28, at page 381, and for such other
and further relief as to this Court may
seem just and equitable.
This summons is published by order
of Thomas A. McBride, Circuit Judge
of the Fifth Judicial District of Ore
gon, and said order was made, dated
and entered in said Court on January
16, 1906. The date of the first publi
cation of this summons is January 19,
1906, and the date of the last publica
tion of this summons is March 2, 1906.
! Attorneys , for Plaintiff.
' Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Executor of the estate of
Sarah A. Hammett, deceased, has
filed the account of his doings herein,
with the County Clerk of Clackamas
County, Oregon, and the County idge
has set Monday, the 5th day of March.
1906, at the hour of 10 o clock a. m.,
at the county court room of said coun
ty as the time and place for hearing
objections to said final account and
the final settlement of said estate.
Dated February 2, 1906.
O. D. EBY, Executor.
Attorney for Executor. .
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
William Etters, Plaintiff,
A.' W. Bowman and Blanche E. Little,
' Defendants.
To A. W. Bowman and Blanche E.
Little, said defendants:-
. In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled action on or
before March 15, 1906, and if you fail
to answer, for want thereof the plain
tiff will take judgment against you
and each of you for $200 and costs
and apply for an order of sale of the
following described attached real es
tate to satisfy said judgment, to-wit:
Commencing at a stake in the above
named county which is 25.60 chains
east and 29.40 chains north of the N.
W. corner of the D. L. C. of James
Winston, No. 59; running thence N.
40 degrees thirty minutes E. 11.87
chains; thence N 26 degrees 15' E.
5.84 chains thence N. 87 W. 18
chains; to left bank of Clackamas
river; thence down stream with the
meanders of said river S. 30" W. 9.02
chains; thence S 13" iW. 5.38 chains;
thence S. 87 E. 8.03 " chains to the
place of beginning except 2.50 acres
therefrom conveyed; to Win. Etters.
This Summons fs published by
order of Judge Thomas F. Ryan,
Judge of the County Court of said
Dated January 29, 1906.
The date of the first publication of
this summons being February 2, 1906.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
; Executor's Final Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Executor of the last will
of Ferdinand Rath, deceased, late of
Clackamas County, Oregon, has filed
his final report, with the Clerk of the
County Court of said county and state
and the. county Judge thereof has ap
pointed Monday, March 5th,- A. D.,
1906, for the hearing of objections,' if
any there be, to said report, and for
the final settlement of said estate.
Any person having objections to such
report, if any there be, are hereby no
tified to file such objections in said
Court on or before said date of final
hearing. The first notice of hearing
is published , in the issue of February
2r 1906. . CARL A. RATH,
Executor of the aforesaid estate.
Kidney , Trouble Hakes You Miserable
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
cures made by Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the creat kid-
JL ney, liver and blad
der remedy.
It is the great med
ical triumph of th
nineteenth century .
discovered after yean
of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
eminent kidney and
bladder specialist, and is wonderfully
successful in promptly curing lame back.
uric acid, catarrn or ue Diaouer ana
Bright's Disease, which is the . worst
torm or kidney trouDie.
Dr. Kilmer's Swam p-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have
kidnev. liver or bladder trouble it will be
found just the remedy you need. It has
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work and in private practice, and has
Droved so successtul in every case tnat a
special arrangement has been made by
which all readers of this paper, who have
not already tried it, may have a sample
bottle sent free by mail, also a book till
ing more about bwanip-Koot, and now to
find out if you have kidney or bladder trou
ble. When writing mention reading this
generous offer in this paper and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Binghamton,
N. Y. The regular
fiftv-cent and one-
dollar size bottles are Homo at Swamps Root-
sold by all good druggists. Don't make
any mistake, but remember the name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's bwamp-Koot
and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., o
" very bottle. ' '
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Lessie Eary, Plaintiff,
Frank Eary, Defendant.
To the above named Frank Eary,
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are required , to appear and ans
wer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit,, in the Cir
cuit Court of Clackamas County, State
of Oregon, on or before March i2th,
A. D. 1906, or the plaintiff will apply
to said court for the relief demanded
in her.i complaint, to-wit: . '
For a decree forever dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween you and. the Plaintiff, on the
grounds of willful desertion of her by
you for more than one year prior to
the date of filing this suit, and for
the care and custody of her minor
daughter "Valla and for such .other and
further relief as in equity, she may be
entitled, and unless you so appear, 0
or before said March 12th, 1906, and
answer said complaint, a decree will
be taken against you for want thereof
This summons is published-by or
der of the Hon. Thos. A. McBride,
Judge of the aforesaid court, made
and entered of record on January 19,
A. D., 1906, and the first publication
thereof is in the issue of the Oregon
City Enterprise of January 26th, 1906,
and the last publication will be in
the .issue of March9th, 1906. "
r ' .C. H. DYE,
'',." . ' Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas. . '
Pearl T. Hinman. Plaintiff,
. vs. .. - i -
Thomas Forester, Defendant.
To . the above named Thomas For
ester, Defendant : .
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed in the above
entitled suit in the Circuit Court of
the State o"f Oregon, for Clackamas
county, on or before the 12th day, of
March, 1906, said' day being more than
six weeks from the 2d day of February,
1906, the date of the first publication
of this summons, and if you fail so
to answer, for want thereof plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief
demanded in the complaint filed in
said suit to-wit: For a -decree against
you forever quieting plaintiff's title to
the following described real estate,
Lot No. 3 in block No; 30, of Oregon
City, Oregon, and that by said decree
all adverse claims of defendant be
determined, and decreed that defend
ant has. no right, title or interest in
said land or any part thereof, and that
plaintiff's title is valid and good.
That defendant and all persons
claiming under by or through him be
lorever narrea irom asserting or
claiming any interest in. said land ad
verse to this plaintiff.
. This summons is published by order
of the Honorable Thos. F. Ryan, Judge
of the County court of Clackamas
County, Oregon, made, dated and filed
January 29th, 1906. The date of the
first publication of this summons is
February 2, 1906 and the date of the
last is March 9th, 1906.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
J. S. Wilson, Plaintiff,
, vs.
Ruth Wilson, Defendant.
To the above named Ruth Wilson,
Defendant :
In the name of the' State of Oregon,
you are required to appear and answer
the complaint filed in the above en
titled suit in the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Clackamas County
on or before, the 12th day of March.
1906, said day being more than six
weeks from the 2d day of February,
1906, the date of the first publication
of this summons, and if you fail so
to answer, for want thereof the plain
tiff will- apply to the court for .the re
lief demanded in complaint herein to
wit: For a decree of said court dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between plaintiff and defend
ant and for such other and further re-
lief as to the court may seem mete and
just. .-...' . . ' ; j
This summons is published by order
of Hon. Thos.F. Ryan, Judge of the
County Court of Clackamas County,
Oregon, made, dated and filed on the-
date of the first publication is Febru
ary 2, 1906, and the date of the last.
lis March 9th, 1906.
Attorney for Plaintiff-
Representthesnrvlvaloftheflttest. We
ba ve become the largest need house in the
worm oecauae our seeds are better than
others. Do you wish to prow the most
oeautirui nowere and tne uoest vege
tables? FLauttbebestseeda Ferry's.
1906 Seed Annual free to all
Detroit, Mich.
Portland and The Dalles
Str. "Bailey Gatxert" leaves Portland
7 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days; leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Tues
days, Thusrsdays and Saturdays.
Str. "Regulator" leaves Portland 7 A.
M. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays;
leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Mondays,
Steamers leaving Portland make daily
connection at Lyle with C. K. & N. tram.
for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley
points. . -
C. R. & N. tram leaves Goldendale on.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at
6:30 A. M., noahing; connection with
steamer "Regulator" for Portland and.
way points.
C. R. & N. train leaves Goldendale on
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at
8:30 A." M., connecting; at Tyle with
steamer "Sadie B." for The Dalles, con
necting there with O. R. & N. trains-
Bast and West.
Str. "Sadie B." leaves Cascade Locks-
daily (except Sunday) at 7 A. M, for Ths
Dalles and way points; arrives at 11 A.
M. ; leaves The Dalles ' t P. M., arrives
Cascade Locks 6 P. it.
Meals served on. all steamers
Fine accommodations ior teams and
-wagons. - - -- - -
Landing at Portland at Alder Street
Dock. ,
V. P. & G. Mi
Gen. Office, Portland, Oregon.
Leave Portland Q:45 a. m. daily (exoept
Sunday) for Salem and way points.
Leave Portland 6:45 Tuesday, Thursday
and 'Saturday, for Independence. Al
bany and Corvallls.
Regular service, courteous treat
ment and prompt dispatch are our
Office and Dock: -Foot
Taylor Street
Phone Main 40.
ahd union Pacific
DAILY ' ' -
Through Pullman standard and Tour
ist sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago.
Spokane; tourist sleeping cars dally to
Kansas City; through Pullman tourist
sleeping cars (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, reclin
ing chairs (seats free to the east daily.)
Portland to Chicago
No Change of Cars.
Depart. . . Time Schedules. Aei ve
; 1
Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver,
Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha, s-25 n m
Special Kansas City. St. p -
8:16 a. m Louis, Chicago and
, East.
Exnress Salt Lake. Denver.
8 16 c m Ft. Worth, Omaha. 8:00 a m.
via! fi'unt- Kansas " City. St
togton. Louis, Chicago and
St. Paul
Fast Mai) Walla Walla, Lew-
6:16 p m tston. Spokane. Min- 7-15 m
via Sdo- neapolis. St. Paul, .
via upo Duluth, Milwaukee,
fcane- Chicago and East.
Ocean and River Schedule
For San Francisco Every Ave day at
S p. m. For Astoria, way points and
Portland, Oregon.
8 p. m. ; Saturday at 10 p. m. Daily
service (water permitting) on Willam
ette and Yamhill rivers.
For detailed Information of ratesv
The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co.,
your nearest ticket agent, or
Oesjeral Passenger Agent. '