8 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1909. BOIL YOUR WATER. Dr. Carrl Dlscuiset Best Methods of Preventing Typhoid Fever. The prevalence of innumerable casos of typhoid fevor In upper Willamette Valley towns naturally migKosts the taking of every reasonable precaution to prevent the Introduction of a simi lar epidemic in this city. In this con nection. Dr. V. E. Carrl has Bounded a warning note to the people of this city about the danger of drinking wa ter that has not been boiled. "The filtration system Is very good so far as it poes," he said in an inter view, "and takes out all of the vege table matter from the water, but will not eradicate fever germs, which will soon be coming down from the sewage of up river towns by the millions. The water here Is good, and an analysis may not show typhoid baccillus, but neither did an analysis of the water at Eugene, where there is no filter." 'Residents of this city cannot ex ercise too much care in looking after their sewage. One the best things to disinfect sewer pipes is common coal oil. and a cup of oil should be poured into the waste pipe of the sink Tery often. "Unslaked lime is an excellent dis infectant, and is better than chloride of lime and cheaper. People who use wells should throw down a lump as big ' as one's head at least twice during the : season. This will give rorth lime wat er for a few days, but it is not at all injurious, and after that the water will be pure and sweet "There Is only one way to make sure of preventing typhoid and that Is by boiling the water. Many people ob ject to boiled water because it tastes flat, as the air has been boiled out of If. and it Js no longer full ot oxygen. The same is true of melted snow. When snow freezes the air Is; frozen out of the ice crystals. But the ob jection can be easily removed by plac ing the boiled water in jugs or bottles, and when the water has cooled the jugs should be shaken for a few min utes and it will reabsorb air. The Jugs should not be more than half or two-thirds full. Quite a number of people here have adopted this method, and one would never know that the water they use had been boiled. "I want to emphasize the statement that the only safe way to avoid the typhoid germs is by drinking only water that ha3 been boiled. The fever-stricken people of the Valley are pouring their polluted water Into the river, and already there have been several cases In Oregon City that are kindred to typhoid." Heavy, Impure blood makes a mud dy, pimply complexion, headaches, nausea. Indigestion. Thin blood makes you weak, pale, sickly. Burdock Blood Bitters makes the blood rich, red and pure restores perfect health. ;. ITCHING PILES. If you are acquainted with anyone who is troubled with this distressing ailment you can do him no greater WHOSE SAY - With nearly all medicines put up for ale through druggists, one has to take the maker's say-so alone and exclusively as to their curative value. Of course, such testimony is not that of a disinter ested party, and accordingly is not to be given the same credit a if written from disinterested motive. Dr. Pierce's medi cines, however, form a single and there fore striking exception to this rule. Their claims to the confidence of Invalids dos not ret solely upon their owners' and makers' say-so or praise. Their in gredients are matters of public knowl edge, being printed on each separate bottle wrapper. Thus Invalid sufferers are taken into Dr. Pierce's full confi dence. Scores of leading medical men have written enomjh to fill volumes in praise of the curative value of the several ingredients entering into these well-known medicines. Amongst thesa writers we find such medicallighti as Prof. Finiey Ellin-wood, M. D., of Ben nett Meilcal Odlflife, Chieaio: Prof. Halo, of the same city : Prof. Jno. M. Scudder, M. D.. late of Cincinnati. Ohio; Prof. Jno. Kimr, M. D., late of Cincin nati, Ohio; Dr. Grover Coe, of New York; Dr. Bartholow and scores of others equally eminent. The writings of these have been for the various medical Journals and for publi cation in standard medical books for pro fessional reading and instruction, and hence are the more valuable as they re late to Dr. Pierce's medicines, since the writers did not know that they were en dorsing and recommending articles that enter into the composition of these medi cines and had no personal Interest what ever therein. Hence, their great value as endorsements. A brief synopsis, of a small part only, of these extensive writings, which apply to the several Ingredients entering into Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery the world-famed remedy for weak stom ach, or dyspepsia, torpid or congested liver, biliousness, ulceration of stomach and bowels and kindr-d ailments has bn cwnoiled for publication in book form. These extracts also treat of the several inwdients entering into the composition of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pro scription for we:ik, over-worked, "run down." debilitated, nervous women, who find I n It. u. Tirfpi.li.uu hi.n .Send voTir name and address by potan cara or w rier, witn request lor this little book, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Huffalo, N. Y., and it will be mailed free to your address. From It you will learn vhy . Golden Medical Discovery" cures ca tarrh of the nasal passages, even though of years' standing. It is a most potent constitutional renwdv for this terribly common and genially unsuccessfully treated m-ilady. Tiie cure will be facil itated If Dr. Saue's OtUrrh Remedy be employed to cleanse out the nasal pas sages at the same time that the "Iiis covery" Is employed for the constitu tional treatment. The "Discovery" Is equally efficient In the cure of catarrh of the stomach and bowels, and In cases of ulceration of these organs. Read what Doctors King, Scud der, Grover Coe, and others say of the curative properties of Golden Jseal root and of Stone root In cases of the above diseases. Both these roots are Important In2redients of "Golden Medical Discov ery." From the writings of t!ie-e same authors yon will learn, why the "Golden Medical Discovery" cures chronic, or lingering ailments of the throat and bron chia attended wdth hoarseness, cough, soreness and kindred symptoms. Several of the Ingredients In the "Golden Med ical Discovery " are highly recommended for their specific, curative effects In larvngitls, or "Speakers' sore throat," as well as in Incipient consumption and Obstinate, lingering coughs, which, if neglected or bndly treated, aro apt to end lu consumption. From the sumo little book you may learn why Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- favor than to toll him to try Chamber- j Georgia P. Meldrum and John W. Mel Iain's Salve. It gives Instant relief. ' drum for quit claim deed for land Price 25 cvnts per box. Sold by I deeded for bicycle path, since aban Howell & Jones. idoned. A GREAT SUNDAY MAGAZINE. Not only' Is the news of the whole world covered with unexampled full, ness In the Sunday issues of The Chicago Record-Herald, but every edition embrces also an assortment of Illustrated special articles ranking with the highest products of our best ...m.liui. Clink ..11V-,..u n mi. I iiioubiuva. k'uin . virnav" u mm fc'i'l I. n-llli n ,....!. ....1 'iidi ni in is. a i ii ijiiuui A.. I mil.) pnii Walter Wellman and Frank G. Carpen-, ter are regular contributors to The ! Chicago Sunday Record-Herald. There are many special articles In each issue of particular Interest to women. In cluding the latest fashions, household economy, art. music and the drama, etc. There is a beautiful illustrated special porting section, which not only covers all the news of the sporting world with a throughness that satis fies to the utmost, but includes also entertaining departments by such sporting exports as Tim Murnane. who writes of baseball matters; Malachy Hogan. noted for his "Talks on Pu gilism." and J. L. Harvey, who con ducts the department of "harness horses." The comic section and other entertaining departments round out this mammoth Sunday magazine to the entire satisfaction of its readers. OASTOnXA. - Bnti Ui m Haw Hmn Bct CLACKAMAS COUNTY COURT. Business Transacted at Regular Feb ruary Term. Be It remembered. That at a regu lar term of tho County Court of Clack amas County held in the Court House in Oregon City, for the purpose of , , . . , transacting county business in Febru- ary the same being tne time nxea by law for holding a regular term of said court, present Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, county judge, presiding; T.' B. Ullen and We Brobst, Commission Ira, when the following proceedings ere had, to-wlt: Claims aainst the county examined and ordered paid. In the matter of claim of R. W. Por ter for damages to land and self by reason of opening of Law ton road: Ordered that Court visit the premis es at noon Thursday, February 8, 1906. In the matter of the petition of Paul Dunn and others for opening up and Improvement of New Road in Sandy District; Ordered that court visit said road on the 10th day of February, in order to see what roads should be best to expend apportionment on. In the matter of the petition of SO IS BEST ? tion cures Uie wort case of female! weakness, prolapsus, anil -version and j i- mu-ii iniii aim inrrn-u irregu lanues. ; cures pu.ufull periods, dries up disagree- ahlft H Of i wenif I'ltinir ilratna i.mi.t i ....... known as p-h ic catarrh, and why in sm- mat Ion of Din ovaries and a multitiu.,. . other disea.ses peculiar to women, rndi. vield to its marvelous curative potency Bear in mind. It Is not a patent nr evi i a secret medicine, but the " Fnvor'.N Prescription" of a regularly etincAtui physician, of large ex ru'hce in cure of woman's peculiar a inn nts. I o frankly and cheerfully takes his patient into his full con: deuce by telling thi m just what his "Prescription" is com posed of. Of no other ni'diclne rut up for woman's r'cial mr ladies aid oid through druggists, enn it le si:id that the maker 1m not afraid to deal tla:s frankly, openly und honorably, by lett i& every patient u ing ihe same luow exactly vh:it she Is taking. That every Ingredient entering Into Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has the en dorsement of the leading medical writers of the age amply attests Its harmless character as well as its sterling curative value. Send yjiir address for the little book and read what some of the most eminent medical men of this century gay of the curative properties contained in the several Ingredients which go to make up Dr. Pierce's leading medicines. No other medicine are backed up by such marvelous, disinterested, professional en dorsements. This one fact Is worth more and should have more weight In deter mining whether these' non-secret medi cines, or some secret compounds without proiessionai endorsement and witn only the makers prale to recommend them. SJn"tear2? mort ,,ke,jr effecnm' j portant cures. In favor of Dr. Pierce's medicines to the frank, confiding, oien statement of their full composition, giving every Ingredient In plain Eiujlinh, without fear of success ful criticism and with confidence that the good sense of the afflicted will lead them to appreciate this honorable man ner of confiding to them what they are taking into their stomachs when making use of these medicines. Dr. Pierce's medicines are made from harmless but efficient medicinal roots found growing in our American forests. The Indians knew of- the marvelous j curative value of some of these roots have grown in favor bv reason of their I superior curative virtues and their safe fiTii , V .. ' .. " , rte i tLl ti 1 ii I u K",JWV JKB a 01 District No. 8, $150.00; District No. 9, the friendlier whites, and gradually some Tll',, M in -onoo- niu of the more progn-ssiw physicians came 1,75-bx0 D' L1??' V'. ?J t' n to test and use tlTem. and ever since, thev trict No. 11, $900.00; District No. 12, lou .ia.. . ... ami.-. i . inue jne ; $500.00; DlKtrlct No. 10, $400.00; DIs xxik mentioned In the preceding column M' 17 .,,,,. rurW Nn ih Wl tell you all about the properties and 0' J4.00;?0, , lr rl ' lses of these most valuable medicinal i $''00.00; District No. 19, $375.00; DIh- use roots. Send for it now. i Your druguists sells the Favoritr I pRKKcRnTio.v and also that famous : tm.l,. I.U (:,. iv M..,.,,... Tu..,.- 'iiimt aiiu swmiacn krv." Write to Dr. Pierce I about your I trlct No- 2C- 25.00; District No. 27, case. He Is an experienced physician I $080.00; District No. 28, $700.00; DIs and will treat your case as -confideri- j trict No. 29, $230.00; District No. 30, uai ana w inout cnarge lor correspond. ; Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, j Saili.il III III ill, Ulf i., oi wnicn no is cniei consulting physician. It Is as easy to bo well as 111 and much more comfortable. Constipation Is tho cause of many forms of illness, liocter Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipa tion. They are tlnv, sugar-coated gran ules. One little "Pellet" is a gentle Inxa tlve, two a mild cathartic All dealers In medicines sell them. Dr. Pierce's lOOO-naire Illustrated hnnXr The Common Sense Medical Advl;er." 2! nniilf.?, ln,?''rcv,'rsolrf;c',!'toI I mailing ml vSi M sTmpS ihe. "doth- of Need and George L. Barn bound volume will be sent. It was holtzer, for franchise for telephone 'ormerly sold fortl.no per copy. AddreM lines; Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Ordered that said petitions be grant- Ordered that clerk Issue quit claim deed for county's Interest In said land so conveyed. ' In the matter of aid for Mr. Walling for temporary relief; Ordered that he be given an order on the Hod Front Storo for $5.00 of groceries. In the matter of care of William Butcher, a county charge: I viurin. Ordered that H. Kelnhofer be al- I I ....,,,1 acrtil ww vii o.w per month for caro of said charge until further orders. In the matter of claim of Isaac Wil liams and others for appropriation of July, 1905: Ordered that this matter bo refer red to Commissioner Klllen to ascer tain whether work has been done In accordance with order made when money was appropriated. In the matter of the New Henderson IRoad; Ordered that subscription bo ac cepted, and tho petitioners and sub scriptions be allowed, the eight hun dred pounds of powder asked for, and the working out of subscriptions be placed In charge of D. Sullivan, road supervisor. In the matter of petition and sub scription work on Cedar Creek Hill by F. M. Samson and others: It is ordered that said petition be granted and the 3tH pounds of powder be used on said road under supervi sion of Supervisor Garrett. In the matter of the allowance to John McNamara. county charge: Ordered that allowance be reduced to $10 per month. In the matter of allowance for caro of Henry Lewis, county charge; Ordered that allowance for care of said charge be $10.00 per month until further orders. In the matter of drainage of road In Molalla District at Robblns Hill; Ordered that Clerk notify Super visor VIck to open ditch so as to pre- vent water from running down said clIt' "J. 16 w ' , . . In the matter of subscription list Lf Chr,8. Mochnke anrt othpr9 for ,m. provement of r&ad from Masslngers corner to Klingor on Elwood and High land road: Ordered that same be laid over un til court can visit said road. In the matter of the hill leading to Field's bridge on the Stafford road; Ordered that the grade on this hill be reduced at a cost not to exceed In the matter of petition of C. W. Swallow and others for bridge across Newell Creek; Ordered that the county expend $245 In construction of said bridge, provided that petitioners Interested will subscribe a sufficient sum to put the roads leading to said bridge In a passable condition and pay any fur ther expense above said $245 that may be found necessary In completion of said bridge. In the matter of Injury to R. W. Porter by reason of explosion of caps on South End Road; It Is hereby ordered. Mr. Porter agreeing to accept $100.00 In full pay ment of all claims for damages on account of said Injuries, that a war rant on the general fund be drawn In favor of R. W. Porter for $100. In the matter of construction of bridge across Milk Creek at Union j ni-. JTQ Ordered that bld-iof D. L. Trulllnger to construct said bridge in accordance with plans, specifications and agree ments, for $325.00 be accepted and Mr. Trulllnger proceed to construct said bridge at once. In the matter of road graders; Ordered that offers of S. D. Klger & Company for Road King Grader and that of S. A. Manny of Salem for Twentieth Century Grader be accept ed and one each be purchased. In the matter of corrugated culvert on Stafford road and Wllsonvllle and Buttevllle road In Pleasant Hill dis tricts; Ordered that two corrugated cul verts 28 feet long and 18 Inches di ameter, one for Stafford road and one for Wllsonvllle road be purchased. In the matter of petition of J. W. Roots for vacation of certain streets in Boring Junction; Ordered that this matter be contin ued. In the matter of the proposition of the Western Union Telegraph Com pany to Install clock In court house; Ordered that said proposition be re jected. In the matter of liquor license of A. Corrlgan ; Ordered that clerk Issue a license to sell liquors to Annie Corrlgan for a period of three months. In the matter of apportionment of road funds to the different road dis tricts and cities; Ordered that the road fund be ap portioned as follows: Estacada, estimated, $115.00; Mil waukle, estimated, $135.00; Oregon City, estimated, $2000.00; Canby. es timated, $200.00; Road District No. 1. $450.00; Road District No. 2, $800.00; District No. 3. $900; District No. 4, $300.00; District No. 5, $450; District n0. 0, $350.00; District No. 7, $30000; $000.00; District No. 13, $400.00; DIs trict No. 14, $000.00; District No. 15, $5"0 00; DlKtrlct No. 10, $400.00; DIs trict No. 20, $380.00; District No. 21 ?.i"lo 00 - niHfrlet No 22. 1475.00: DIs- trict No. 23, $525.00; District No. 24, I fiOA AO, Tl r.i -I KT itignnn - nitrlni Vn or. 4C.r,nn- nu. ''" I'BUIUI 111) $600.00; District No. 31, $500.00; DIs f J ' $550.00; District No. 33, $400.00; DlHtrlct No. 34, $5000; Dis trict No. 38, $700.00; District No. 39, $1000.00. In the matter of relief of Mrs. Chute widow of indigent soldier; Ordered that warrant issue Jn favor of Meade Post for $5.00 monthly until further orders of this court. In the matter of the application of Molalla Mutual Telephone Company tho Citizens Mutual Telephone C Com- A N IK THE HOUSE FURNISHER Vn you remember tho "sight unseen" trades or "swaps" of boyhood? Onu of tho par ties to the transaction usually got the worst of It, illdn't he? And It wasn't usually the one who proposed tho deal, whs It? , There's a lot of the same sort of "sight unseen" trailing going on todny, Only now a days It Is called Buying by Mall. The pictures In tho ailvertlHoiueiits of the mull order houses look nice; tho talk sounds nice and souu'tiiueit the den turns out all right. But even supposing It does wherein Is tho buyer any better oft than If hu bought of a homo mer chant? Take any article you chose from the long list of things sold by mall, and you can buy It just as cheaply and just as well here ut home. Tho expenso of selling It by mull Is Just as great, lf not greater, than the expense of Helling It over tho counter. Where we have rent, taxes and clerk hire to pay, the mall order dealer linn nil those and rents and taxes aro higher In the largo cities thnu hero and In addition ho has to pay a small army of bookkeepers, stenographers, shipping clerks and other employes, besides tho Immense cost of advertising, We can do business on a smaller margin of profit than the mall order dealer run; we know our people and their desires .and wo know Unit we have sold arid will soil better goods for the money than tho other fellow does. If you wish to buy a new extension table, bureau, stoves, chiffonier or a new carpet, or doors and windows, come and see us, we will figure with ymi and rati save, you money. Following we Itemize a few of our bargain and prices apeak for themselves: CUPBOARD CATCHES 3ti Inches lung. Berlin bronze finish case, strong steel spring J()o HANDY SIZE HOUSE HAM MER Polished and nickel plated, claw end, 12 In. hardwood handle, double varnished PARAGON FLAT NOSE PLIERS C'-s Inches long, American made, bright Sttfl tc. GIMLET, rosewood handle, best tempered steel.. ()c EXTENSION SASH CURTAIN RODS Heavy brassed rod, diameter 7 lti Inch. Cap and shoulder extends to 4X Inches. Screw brackets Ju BREAD RAISERS Best extra tin, extra strong, food ventilated cover, 2 strong side handles ;o NICKEL TABLE OR SEWING LAMP Full nickel plated. No. 2 nickel burner, stands 10 Inches high without chimney. Outside filling device, extension wlck rals er, broad safety base, all complete, gl-OO SPRING BALANCE SCALE 25 pound spring A bargain In half covered dust pans, made of heavy tin, strong, 7 Inch, round handle riveted and painted. Hole In handle for hanging l()c 14-Qt. Tin Flaring Pall, full POULTRY NETTING 2-Inch mesh, standard sUe, first quality, galvanized before weaving I'sed only for poultry yards, but as supporters for vluea, trellis, etc. 30 Inches wide, per yard..,"ic ed subject to the rules and conditions made by the county court. In the matter of the petition of Wil liam B. Thomson for a private gate way from his residence to a county road; Ordered that board of county road viewers meet at residence of petition er on the 22d day of February, 1900. In the matter of appointment of Health officer; Ordered that Dr. J. W. Morris be and Is appointed Health Officer for that part of Clackamas County lying outside of the limits of Incorporated cities, he to assume the office on the first day of March, 1906. In the matter of bridge across Pud ding river from Union to Harlow; Ordered that plans and bids for said bridge be asked for. In the matter of resignation of W. A. Hall as Constable for Justice Peace District No. 12; Ordered that said resignation be accepted as Constable, anil that V. H. Ilorlng be appointed to fill said po sition. In the matter of resignation of J. C. Snyder as supervisor of road dis trict No. 29; Ordered that said resignation be ac cepted and that Iewls Kell be appoint ed to fill vacancy. In the matter of the Gorbett road; Ordered that this matter be continu ed until March term of this court. In the matter of the resignation of J. H. Held as Fruit Inspector; Ordered that said resignation be ac cepted, and that Mr. Lewis be appointed to fill the vacancy. -jELLO I 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone" Com pany, covering 2,2'jU towns Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding, Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard ad Port land. Oregon City office at Hal-ding's Druir Ston JAYNE'S F""''' f"" l""" - l-'pl, I I One 2blndo loys' knife, 3 Inch long lacipiereil hull' die; Hi mil chain (c SPECIAL LOT OF FILES B Inches long There may be some very slight Imper fect Ion lu cut, but fur all practical uses theno are eipiul to the best. Temper guurnnteed ()c CHAIR SEATS Performed maple, first class goods, made of threo luyers of maple veneer with grains crosswise; Hindi In any shape ,V ...l.V slis )c vMM. 60 YEARS' A To Ms 'Mf1 Covkmts Ac Anrofl tMirltnr a aktrb and dtwenptloa mmf qnlriif Mcsjruitiotir oiHuion fr wbattiwr an infflhtlnn it pmbublf piiantfthl. Cfuamuitlrsv UonaitrirMrftiiiAiUfiilaJ. HANDBOOK on Ksuwb out trmm. OMmi mtmurf tor Mcurliif twlwita. I'aiwnu tmi (bruri atuun A Co. fcol? 9peuU (, without ohiriio, la M4 Scientific American. A fcutiUnmiilr llhiilnlMl WHklr. I JmMt fit tulaOoti of art? mention Jnurual. 1 arnit. I m 1mr; fmir nmnltia, L Suldbfall eawailMlara. MUNN&Co.,B-New York Uraucta OOoa, Ok W Bt, Waitaluluu, U. C. JOHN YOUNGER, Near Huntley's Drup; Store, FORTY YEARSlXPERIENCE 1 Ureat Britain aud Ameriea. LWl) I Famous at home (or 1 Gederations past; I Famnii nonJall rier il mm A .a.m " k - " . H H H Sol Agsnoy for Ortgon City. , - C; 1 ErsBiim. the standard cough and cold cure for over 75 years now comes also in a "V A rV TrTl Contenient Miff XI I be without it. ijofi ALMAXAC Ilk ,'-(v' WALL PAPER Double Itull .... 10c Five Pint lipped tin sauce' pan, Iron bundle, standard goods, (K SPECIAL VALUE OF BRACKET LAMPS limine bracket, swinging socket, complete with No. 2 filler fount. No. 2 sun burner. No. 2 chimney and flue 8 Inch silvered glass reflector 7,V 14 QUART DISH PAN Made of extra I t Tin. not to bo compared with tho light weight goods l,"Je 40 foot galvanlr.ed wire clothes Hue :o guage wire e Tin wath Basins ,"e 10-Qt. Galvanized Pall, full site, strong ball. firmly riveted ears, protecting flange bot tom (yc not ITCH RINGWORM. E. T. Lucas, Wtngo, Ky., writes, April 25. 1902: ' For 10 to 12 years I had been afflicted with a malady gen erally known as the 'Itch.' The Itching was tnont unbearable; I had tried for years to find relief, having tried all i reuietiiea i coill.l near or. besides- a number of doctors. I wish to state that one single application of Mal lard s hnow utilinent cured mo com pletely and permanently. Hlnce then I huve used the liniment on two sep arate occasions for ring worm and It cured completely." 2&c. &nc and ft. .Sold by Huntley Uros. Co. THK CLEANSING AMI) HIM I.I XO CLIIK OH CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm CATARRH T.uJ and JiUuant la Ionian.! HO In lurlona drug. It la qukklj ahanrtxHt. Ultra llallef at onra. ft OlMMia ami ClHiiua' Aiattte COLD 'N HEAD 1 1 rH ut! I'mtKta lha Mrmliralia. Kratorna tha Hri.MW of Taata tint Him., Ura Htr, o nta at Druwlau or I,, mall ; Trial Him,, 10 omta t niall. ELY bltortitlW, M Wanau timet, Maw lurk. fHOCURIO AND DiriNOf O. awnlmMlal, rtraauiy ,ir4i,iti. (ur,i..rt van h anil rnairrt. frrm ivl.i.-a, h,,w u uUain taMMita. Inula uiaraa, .pjrrwiiu,., ,N ALL C00NTIIIIi, """" WaiMng ton i.vtt timf, monrf am, nltn lit fattnl, Pitant ind lnfrlnfamant Practice Eicluilnly. WrlUnrmimatii uaat U auu Itnat, oap. OalM lutaa falaat 0o. WA8HINQTON, O. C. PIONEER Trausfer and Express Freight and parcels delivered to all paita of the city. RATE 3 REASONABLE 25c to carry with you. Don't size AHkyoutdrugglat FRKE. Writ, to D, D. Jayoa & Son, I'hiladtl.hl. IPS