Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 23, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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l no n QJ7
(a ..,..
COI Main St., Peoria, III.
Gilbert Thompion never knew a well dy until Iat Junt-fie had been eonitipatei all hli life many
doctort treated him, but all failed to even help bim-bU health failed rapidly and on January 21,
JW3, Mr. Thompion atktd ua to luggtit a treatment for her hubnd We thought the cat
tooierlout and recommended that a ipeclalut be conaulted but he alio failed to help the
patient-NOW I IK IS WELL.
Mull's Grape Tonic Cured Him
Mrt. TVnnipatin nmt wrote tut m follow: "Mr huntmnd. sirwi M, ii(!r from iliarn paln In hli tomah and
omtliui llilnkH II li li l m hum I. Im inn know by rMurii mail wliat uaut trio pain, If you cau. Mr. 'XliorupKia
h lwx.ii .rtinUMl lr tmniriU diKitom, Itiit lh)f hvKlii him iiii." .,
W. i.romi.lly advlied that Dmt-claM niHKilalUt lie eoiwimnd. We quotes "W want to aoll Mull Crape
Tonlfl, liw'aiiMi w know II will ur c-,fnil,llon, but M'.. a uuttla Ik no olijwst to u whn a human ltf l at itaka,
and II your liiiHliaud'i li rloii u ou lUte. uifKMt you cumuli a rullslilw ioclllil, riotthnal;rtllng
kind, iroiiiitly." At theiaiua limn, knowW Hint Mull'a orais. Tunic could do no harm, we aiivlwd Its until a
iiliynli lan outilil l xiii.iiII.mI. Juumiry 'ft Mr. 'IhociiMon wrot that a iiliyilelau had hw-n eomuluvl. Ha dl
liOMid the run a Miiu chronic mii(ImIoii and djmjmpiila. )! treatment wan followed fslthlulljr, hut thorn wa
no imrntlll liuirovnmnl In Mr. Tiwiniiwiii't hfiiltli. 'limn ho begau Uklnn Mull'a Grapij 'lonlu and on rnit.
I, lima, w rcx:ut'd the IoIIowIiik U'ttcr Iroiu Mr. ilwmil'iM'ir,
"You will renumber tnat I wrote te you laat Januarv In regard to my husband's health. It
la four montha alnea ha quit taking Mull'a Orapa Tonlo far eonatipetlon, whloh ha aullared from
alnea birth. Ha took uat 24 bottlea of It and la perfectly eurad. Ha la muoh atronoar and has
nalnad aonaldarablv In llaah. I aannot thank vou enough for Mull'a Orapa Tonlo. It la worth Ha
weight in gold dual 1 1 z eurad rum ana no nan apem nunaraua oomr. wi wn
him no good. Now I want to atata my eaaa to yon and aipoot your aarly reply. I alao have eenett
patlon, have bad for three yeara. Kindly let me know aa I am aura It will euro me tf you aay It will,
it aa u .uiaaii it ..i.i I. hu.hiiiil't tiu. I await an earl renlv."
Very reapaotfulty youra, MRI. W.H. THOMPSON, 801 Main t, Paors,IIL
This Coupon It good for a DOo. Dottle of
null's Grapo Tonlo.
Vlll oat tlila coupon and nil to the Lightning
MwtlelneCo., 1ST TMr,i;Aa., Kork Itlaml, III.. and von
will rlve a full tin, OOii. bo Ul of Mull' Orapa
1 olllr.
I have never taken Mull'a Orapa ToiiIp. but If you
will aiipply ma with AOo. bottla (ra, I will take It aa
Htrvat Kt......
City .
eive euti aooneea aao waiva etaiaiv.
If you ere nfllictrl with conittiputinw or any of iu kin'lred
liraNc we will buy a soeiit bottlo tx you of your druggist
aiul Rive Jt to you to try. If you arc conntipatal we know it
will cure you. Surely if we have inch confuliuce in our remedy
a to jwiy for a Tnittle of it that you tuny tet for youmlf iu won
derful curative qualities, you should not refuse to accept our offer.
Mull's Grape Tonic
ywui wn:u iui uiv i v uaa k w iwml.iii.
a i..l,a. ...4.1 t.t!.. ea.lH I.IK.A IT.tt Wm U'llflt I' flit f f i TV
lJll'luuiII. Hi uie,C Ull'i will: inn tit win iv . a, j m. . j "
it anil, then-forc, if you will fill out the attached couxm and mail
it V) us to-day wo will iuntmct your druj.;giit to give you a 50-cent
UjUIu ami chargo aninc to ua.
HOWELL & JONES, Reliable Druggists.
ai i.tiiWavii
he has no money to squander on hops,
Mr. Albert Pratt of Paradise City,
Ih putting up a new barn and will
move his houso up near the county
It Heerns that the wedding of one
of 1'aradlse City's belles Is declared
Mr. 0. IJ, Ulmfck will speak at.
Needy Friday evening.
Tho fruit agitation has helped some
as almost all our fanaers are trim
nirig and cleaning up their old or
chards. Mr. C. Kocher is putting up mn
new wlr fences along the road In
front of his farm.
(t seems tf) bad that we have no
j gospel preaching on our prairie and no
l church nearer than four miles. Mr.
I Mr. A. K. Mark deeded 2 acres of land
1 . . . .1.,. ...... .
i. an uciimniiiaiioil 01 tll; il oi.Kl.aill
I churches that, would erect a church
' edifice on this prairie, and still the
offer Is open.
Mr. John (ihola will soon leave, for
his old home in Germany to vlHlt his
aged mother. He expects to be gone
about six months.
Win. Leach will have a phone put In
his house in the near future.
We do not have any candidates for
office In this preclpct but there seems
to bo plenty everywhere else. ' ,
Those early gardens that were plant
ed here should be taken In out of the
cold anil rain.
Douglass saw mill and Intend to build
a new mill soon; also put In a planer,
so their patrons will he able to get all
kinds of lumber.
Miss Mlnnlo Htlneman, of Currtns
vllle, was visiting Miss Ulna Douglass
Several farmers of this section have
planted large patches of potatoes for
the early market.
Old Webfoot has come back at last
In this place, and the people seem to
t-njoy the showers. '
Most of the fall and winter grain
was put In during the good weather.
The political pot has begun to boil
here. Randall, of New Era, for Hep
resentative, and Dlmlck for County
Judge, and Schuebel. were here Friday
evening, ant made some good political
speeches which were much enjoyed
by the people.
See Nature's
Wondrous Handiwork
Jyi.M.in.i.i.r. ... 1
"- e YnaMw
Through Utah and Colorado
Castle Cat.e, Canon of the
Grand, filack Canon, Mar
shall and Tennessee Pas
ses, and the World-Famous
Royal Gorge
For Descrlpltive and illustrated
Phamplets, write to
W. C. McBRIDE, On'l Ag't,
124 Third St., PORTLAND, Or.
! No one would ever be bothered with
' constipation If everyone knew how
naturally and quickly Burdock Blood
Bitters regulates the stomach and
A few counterfeiters have Inlely
bei-n milking and trying to sell Imita
tions of Dr. Klnit's New Discovery fur
fonsumpilon, Coiik'hs and Colds, and
other medicine, thereby defrilildlUK
the public. This Is to warn yon to
beware of such people, who Seek to
profit, throiiKh straltrig the repututlon
if remedies which have been success
fully curltiK disease, fur over .13 years.
A sure protection, to you. Is our namo
m the wrapper. tik for It. on all
lr King's, or llucklen's remedies, as
all olhiTH are mere Imitations. II. I.
HCCKl.KN & CO, Chleawi. 111., and
Windsor, Canada. For sal at Howell
4i Jntin drug store. . 1
Before having the old-time
gold fillings put in your teeth
conie and see the newer and
better porcelain inlays. This
work, while comparatively
new, has been in general use
about ' six years, an J by every
test is found to be far superior
to any other filling known.
It preserves the teeth, prevent
ing decay around the margin
as sometimes happens in me -talic
fillings; are more durable
and look very much better.
This work is not gen
erally used in on -account
of the skill and tjme, re
quired to c"o as it
should be done. We have;
been 'doing porcelain inlay
work for over two years, be
sides taking a special course in
this work while in Chicago
under the best porcelain work
ers in the United States.
Do not confound this work
with cement or artificial en
amel, which is used by many.
Porcelain fillings have come
to stay," and is acknowledged
to be so superior that in , the
East many people are having
their gold fillings replaced by
them. ; "Y:' ' Y
All our work guaranteed.
''" '' vV'Dentht'''''-'''
Weinhard Building Opposite
Ccurt House
Fruit Inspector Lewie Wants Help
of all Fruit Growers.
OreKon City. Or.. Feb. 22. i;0fi.
l-Mlior F.nterprlMo:
Having been appointed Fruit In
apurtor of Clackamas ronnty. I want
to say to the public through your col
umns, that 111 y only reason fur accept
ing the appointment Is an honest d
slre to do what I can to help those
who really want help and are willing
to do as fur as possible what they
know to be their duly In the premises.
It Is very encouraging to see the
Interest that is being taken In the
work of reiiovutltiK old orchurds where
practicable a ml grubbing them out
where worthless. I do not anticipate
having very much troublu to u)ake
ri'aiioiiable pi-oplu sco the necessity
of dultiK their part In brlnKlng about
this much needed reform especially If
they will stop to think It Is to their
Individual Interest to do so. This
ugltatlon Is not In the interest of any
one class, hut - Is of vital lmKirtance
to all. It will certainly benefit the
producer and us certainly henetU the
consumer. . "
There is nothing In any business
for anyone that Is conducted as has
heeu apple growing In Clackamas
county as a whole, for . a number of
years. The Individual cost of tho
work In most Instances will be small
and the Investment - will pay large
dividends financially and In yther
ways our county appropriation for the
Inspector Is not very large, but If we
will cut.ieriiie In this matter as we
should. It will k a long way as a
starter. We shall prevent the market
ing of wormy and Infected fruit as
far as possible. Wo do not want to
work a hardship on anyone, but shall
expect each one to do what he must
know to ho right If he will stop and
think the matter over.
Hoping and believing we shall meet
with the hearty co-operatkm and sup
port of all, I am yours,
A. J. LKW1S.
appointed notary public.
Pete Lafferty has Just returned
from a week's visit with relatives In
Oremm City.
W. It. Wilson, the dog catcher, man
chaser and I'. S. game warden, of
IClwixid, was out walking In Colton
last Friday. lok out Willie, don't
Ko to close to the streams, the fish
might bite, this fine weather.
Frank Arquett has a slrk horse.
Quite a number of horses In this vi
cinity have had distemper this win
ter. I'M. Sisirlnch. of New Kra Is talk
ing of locating here In the near future.
Wild strawberries are In bloom.
Does that mean spring Is near?
Uev W. H. Davis' held services' in
the Colton Hall on the lath. Church
was well attended, considering the
disagreeable weather.
Miss Lulu Garrett, of Jacksonville,
arrived here on the 17th, to saly a
fortnight at the home of her grand
father, Mr. Robeson.
Our supervisor has put tin sign
boards at the various corners and
cross-roads In his road district, and
they are no cow track work either.
but good, first-class work, that Is a
credit to the place and the lad that
has been tearing down and disfiguring
I signboards for the last year had bet
I I t look a little out as some one has
their eyes open, and It Is a punishable
o(T-'nse: besides It Is a sneaking, cow
ardly act. .
Father Preston, of Troutdal", wns
visiting la Colton last week. He
walked irom Kstacaaa to toiton. a
distance of t2 miles. He Is "8 years
of age. .1
things they proceeded on their Jour
ney. All went well until about to turn
a corner, when on account of the dark
ness, which was as the proverbial
stack of black cats. Ward figured
out said corner to be somewhat near
er than it was. and directed his horse ,
accordingly. The animal obeyed his !
mnster's will Instead of his own In
stinct, the consequences being anoth
er turnover,' causing the occupant to
ocrform some fancy figures, hitherto
unknown to the athlete, at last land
ing on the soft, ralnsoaked. terra flr
ma, with a thud that brought to mind
all the forgotten swear words of his
vocabulary. A light was turned up
on the scene, and the buggy was lying
upon its side, while the shafts orna
mented the horse's back. No bones
were broken or other Injuries to elth-ej-
man or beast, but the vehicle suf
fered a broken shaft which was easily
epuired, proving that all Is well that
don't end worse.
In the future the Enterprise will
give the following subscription club
bing rates: Weekly Oregonian and
Enterprise, both one year, $2.25; Semi
Weekly Journal and Enterprise, both
one year, $2.00.. Either call at Enter
prise office or mail your order.
PLACE. Ono of the most pleasant events of
tlie season was the Valenttlne nartv.
given by Mrs. W. A. Holmes, Wednes-
lay evening, February 14. ,
Thirty-two guests were present and
all Join in saying It was one . of the
tileent nartles thev ever attended.
The double parlors were boatit (fully
.lucorated with ferns, and hearts
vhlch wore arranged so as to form a
'(Ntooti. under which the archers
itood to shoot the arrow at Uo hearts
u as to learn what their future would
lie, Little Glen Hnmllton was dressed
to represent Cupid and little Retta
Holmes represented the Queen of
Hearts. She wore a gilt crown nnd
thin white dross trimmed in red
hearts. Cupid nnd Queen of Hearts
acted as ushers for tho guests, nnd
tliey did their parts beautifully.
Music and games were played until
! 1:11(1 when dainty refreshments were
served. As the guests wero leaving
.or home they were presented with a
Love's telegram by Cupid and Queen
if Hi'Uits. All went away declaring
Airs. Holmes to bo an excellent host
ess und a kldd good 'teacher aa the
mrty was givon In honor of her Sun
day School class of young ladles.
Mrs. Robeson who has been very
ilck for some time, Is still very low
uul little or no hopes are entertained
or her recovery. ., .... . ,.. ,
J. II. and D, A. Jamos, who have
men on the sick list Tor some time
ire much Improved.
J. N. Lafferty had the misfortune
.0 cut his leg quite badly last M on
lay while working in the logging
iump near the Molalla, 1
C, E. Gorbett, of Colton, haa been
We, formerly known as the Doug
lass Settlement. Imve been, of late
years Identified as "Engle Creek,"
which Is erroneous and misleading,
for In reullty we are a separate and
Independent neighborhood some dis
tance from "beautiful Eagle Creek,"
so as to prevent any further misun
derstanding and for convenience we
will hereafter be known as Pleasant
All sorts of weather, and some not
sorted, or at least not ordered by the
weather man, .has been this week's
programme. Sunday the rain fell In
torrents, accompanied by a heavy
southwester, and by way of variation.
Old Jove hurled a tew thunder bolts
with some quite, vivid lightning flash
es. Here we have such a variety of
cllmntic conditions that will suit tho
most fastidious, even to thunder In
the winter time.'
Jas. Klrchem, one of the firm of the
Seliwood Lumber Company that pur
chased A. . J. Douglas' mill, was out
Sunday looking alter business Inter
ests. V. Lnr.urus and Fred l.elndl, with
their crew of men, took possession of
the mill property and will soon be In
running order, under the firm name of
Seliwood Lumber Co.
Wiley Douglass, of Eagle Creek,
was the guest of A. J. Douglass, Sun
day. Mr Wm. Douglass, hns been quite
til with an attack of lagrlppe.
Miss Minnie Stelnnian. of Currlns
vllle, spent, part of Saturday and Sun
day with Miss Blna Douglass.
Mr. Carter, of Seliwood, was In this
neighborhood the fore part of the
week with a gentleman who was out
here with the Intention of purchasing
timber. ,
Sunday night Ward Douglass -as
the hero of quite a thrilling experience
that might have resulted seriously,
but for the protection of his guardian
angel, that Invisible aomethlng that
mysteriously steps In between us and
danger. .As he was returning from
Eagle1 Creek, where he had been to
church, for some unaccountable rea
son, his horse walked upon a bank
near Mr. Hoffmelster'B place com
pletely overturning the buggy. Upon
a hasty examination, nothing was
found to be damaged and righting
Say, didn't it rain last Sunday?
Mr. Edd Harders has returned from
the hospital where he has been for
the last three weeks. We are glad
to see him back. '''
Mr. Chris Johmnson had an acci
dent last Saturday. He was split
ting wood and a piece of the wedge
.flew off and Struck him in the leg. Dr.
Smith dressed the wound and he la
now greatly Improved. -
Mr. Leo Rath Is laid up with a badly
bruised foot. While teaming over the
Sandy country last Tuesday the wheel
of a heavily loaded wagon passed over
his foot. He Immediately went to
Estacada where Dr. C. B. Smith at
tended to the Injured limb. He Is now
at his home here and is improving
quite rapidly.
Mr. Will Held Is visiting his sister.
Mrs. Wlsner, at Bethany.
Mr. Hans Paulsen and daughter
Martha, went to Portland yesterday.
Mr. Peter Rath has moved Into his
new residence.
Frank Ahnert gave a dance last
Wednesday evening and It was well
attended. Every body reports a good
Frank Ochs hauled a load of straw
from Carl Rath Saturday.
Chris Johnson and his mother were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sllnkes
Miss May Strange has returned
from Oregon City, where she has been
the past week taking the examination.
Henry Smith has quite a smile on
his face lately. Boys, get your, tin
cans and shot guns ready.
Theo. Harders and Peter Ruhl are
hewing sills for Carl Rath's new barn.
Peter Paulsen Is preparing to build
a new barn this Summer.
Hans Jepson has been helping Chris
Johnson take' trees out of the field.
It makes quite an Improvement in
the looks of- the place.
A valuable horse belonging to Peter
Rath died of an unknown cause last
Rain, rain, rain, nearly all the time,
seems the order of the day. '
J. W. Douglas returned a few days
ago from the coast, where he has been
hsiklng after a homestead.
A very pleasant wedding took place
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Gur
hardus on the 14th, their daughter
Lena being united In marriage to
Severn Kirchem, of Logan, Justice of
the Peace AJspaugh officiating. There
was a large crowa 01 reiaiives in at
tendance, and all reported a fine time.
We wish them a long and happy life.
The Grange Saturday was well at
tended at whlcu two were Initiated In
the 1st "and 2d degrees.
The new mill company bought the
If Yot Want
a "Cracker Jack" Plumbing
Tob at a little cost, by all
j means confer with us before
'handing out your contract.
Main Street, near Eighth
(Marks Prairie and Vicinity.)
R. W. Zimmerman is clearing up
Rome more land. He has one of the
finest farms on this prairie.
I Mr. Jim Grlbble was calling on the
Oglesby brothers one evening this
Farmer Goetz is improving his place
by clearing up some more land.
1 Considerable sickness In our midst
now, mostly bad colds and lagrlppe.
i The dancing school at Needy haa
about pegged out.
George Oglesby and sons are mak
ing shingles for their new hop house.
A 12-acres hop yard near Needy is
being grubbed up as the owner says
The question of artificial light in your HOME
is worthy of serious consideration,
Do you realize, fully what electric service means
in the household all that it bestows in the direc
tion of health, comfort, convenience, conservation of
eyesight, and the added "TONE" to your home? ;
Do you care to have your home as convenient
and comfortable for you and yours as you can make
Electric service is available to the smallest as
well as the largest user. So cheap is the service at
our REDUCED RATES that it can be afforded in
the smallest homes.
In the STORE the uses of Electric Light are four
fold; As an illuminant, as an ADVERTISEMENT
and as a proclamation of PROGRESSION, of EN
TERPRISE, of ideas and methods that'are UP-TO-DATE.
Business life that is what attracts trade.
TRADE follows most easih- the path blazed by
Estimates on wiring, cost of current and informa
tion regarding the. use of electricity for LIGHT or
POWER, promptly furnished upon application to C.
G. Miller at the Company's branch office, next door
to the Bank of Oregon City.
C. C. Miller Contract Manager for Oregon City.