OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1908. 0 NEW TO-DAY MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 per cunt. Farm security, Bcbubel. U'Ren Personal Mention Mrs. Iiln. II. Millard In on tho sick list Hi In week. W. II. Boring, of Boring, wits In llu city ViihiiiMliiy. Hon. George Ogle, (if Molalla, was In I Ik- city Wednesday, George II, Webster, of Clackamas, wa In tlin city Huttirdny. Mrs. M. K. Ioudon, of Cuius, vis ited kI Oregon C ' 1 1 y liiHt Saturday. II. I.. Vaiighan mill W. (). Vauglian, nf MiiIiiIIh, were In tlii- city Monday, .1. A. Ridings and George Jackson, of Miti'(iiiuii, were In the elly Tuesday. Deputy FImIi Warden. II. A. Webster waa in lln city the first of I ho week, I'uiil It. Di-mly, a Portland attorney, hiul IiiinIiiosm Ml till' court house Mini ilny. Mm. Jinnes MrFurliuid bus return ed friiiii mi eitendod visit In Minne sota. Mr. timl Mrs. (S. II. IHinlck spent Kninlity at Ihn Ulinlck homo at Hub hard. JainnH 1'hogley, of Ciinliy, wus among those visiting In IIiIh illy bmt Hill unlay. J. M. Price, thu clothier, whn a busi ness vlHltor to Kioitcrn Oregon this week, Mm. CluiM. Burroughs iiml duughter, of Ciitiliy, were visiting III Oregon City Monday. Emory 1 yt IIiIh week atti'iuh'il the state Christian Endeavor convention at Corvalll. Jus. M. Hint, of Mllwaukle, was ,. transacting business at tho court house Monday. James Hansen ami I. M Boyle, of MolallH, had business In this city Dim first of the week. leltliton Kelly, of I he KoKUit Hlver Hatchery, U vInIiIiik thla week with relative In thin city. Miss Horlrnso (iri ffo.. of Portlniul, waa an over Hunduy guest of Mr. and Mra. John (.ewthwalte. Mis Kthel Graven, clerk In the I'. H lnt Office at 1'ortland. ha been visiting Mlsa Dolly Pratt. K. A. Shaver, of Molalla. waa In the city the flrat of thu week, having bus iness at the court In nine MIhh Robin Shaw loaves tomorrow night for Han Francisco where aho will remain for some time. Misses Kdna and Clara Caufleld have returned to Eugene Im resume their atudlea at the Slate t'nlvenilty. C. F. M. Hrown, the Ingan black amlth, and II. II. Klrchem. also of lgan. were In the city Tueaday. George w. I wry, a prominent farm er of the Grenham dlatrlct, waa In the city the latter part of lam week I'. II. Kroat. of Salem, waa In the city Tuesday enroute to North Yam hill, Washington, on hualneaa trip. A. Ooettlng, who la employed by the government at Fort Flagler. Washing ton. Im visiting with hla family In thla city. Mra. Delbert Hart and children have gone to Maryavllle, California, to Join Mr. Hart and make their permanent homo. neiiry ncnau. a running young farmer from Stafford, had business In Oregon City the latter part of lam week. W. 8. Dunlway, of Portland, candi date for State Printer, waa In the city Tueaday looking after hla Interesta politically. Jacob GroHamlller. on of Clackainaa county's IndiiHtrloiia farmera rcald Ing on the darken road, waa In the city Wednesday. V I. Cr-'in:"l. of Clackamas, was 0- In t ' clt Hit: rituy, going to Mnlom t'.mt evening for a visit. Mrs, Ellen Jones, of Portland, who h been visiting Mr, and Mra.- L. K. Jones, went to Hulem Monday for a vlalt with her daughter, Mra, Chaa, Biers. T, W. Sullivan returned Monday from ICugono where he apent a fuw daya with hla hoii George who la re covering from a mdvoto attack of ty phoid fever. !. N. Walt of Cunby, wuh among tho members of the "faithful" who at tended tho Democratic county central commllteo meeting In thin city Wed iiimduy. MImm Nelia Harding, who recently returned from ICugcne where, aho wIim btteiidlng the state Unlvernlty, la rup Idly recovering from a threatened III iieMa thiit mii'le her return homo necea mi ry at Hi In I lino. J. W. Grannie, JiimIIcb of tho pcifce for Mllwaukle, wiim In the city yen tenluy. Mr. tlranlii Im a candldnto for re-iioinliiailiiii and reelection to the name oltlce he now lioliln. .lullu Myern leaven Sunday for a trip through Southern California and aome of the Southern Mlutea In thu In terenlM of the Oregon City Manufac turing Company of thla city. Stale Superintendent J. II. Acker man, of Salem, wan In tho r It y Tuen day evening. Mr. Ackermau, who la a citiiiltilule for re nomination for a third term, luin no opponlllon. Mln Myrtle Vrunn. of Molalla, who linn been at a Portland hoHpltut for mime time, la reMrtei much Improv ed and on the road to recovery. Muyor J, W. Heed and K. J. Harken rider, candldule for tho Itepubllcan nominal Ion of County CommlHaloner, were among thone iiilnidliiK with thu pollilclann In thU city lant Saturday Mm. M H. Ilradley returned home from Portland on Saturday lant when' ahe iiuderweiit an operation. She re turned home much Improved In health and her rrlendn are glad to co her back. Mra. C. O. T. Wllllamn han return ed from a visit w ith her daughter. Mm. J, M. Ijiwrence, at Hend, eontern Or egon, and will make her home In thin city with another daughter, Mra. C. G. Miller. C. It. Noblett, of Needy, who Im In the race for thu Democratic nomina tion for Sheriff, wan In the city thla week to attend the meeting of the Democratic County Central Commit tee held here WodnoHday. Minn Mildred Kirn, who haa been vlnltlng her nlnter, Mra. J. It. lax herty In tliln city, haa returned to her homo at Salem, accompanied by Mra. Doch erty. who will vlalt for aomu time with relatives In the Capital City. D. It. Dlmlck. of Canby, candidate for Sheriff; J, C. Paddock, of Clack- amaa, candidate for County Treasurer and W. C. Hawley. of Salem, candi date for Congressman, all on the Re publican ticket, were In tho city Sat urday. ' G. It Miller, of Highland, waa In the city lant Saturday collecting notes with which to present the negative side of tho Woman Suffragn question which will be a subject for debate before the Highland literary society noon. I W. Robblua. the Molalla mer chant, waa In the city Sunday on bla way to Portland, to vlnlt Mra. Hob- bins, who waa recently operated upon for appendicitis. Mr. Rohblna reports that hla wife la much Improved and will soon be able to return to her home. Robert Flnley. an old resident of Oregon City, who haa recently been located at Ocean Park, Tillamook county, visited with Oregon City friends thla week, lie haa disposed of hla property Interests In Tillamook county and leavea tomorrow for Kan saa on a vlalt to friends. , Local Events 2 pkg Ralalna 15c Red Front. Lant Saturday evening MImm Mar- Jorle Caulleld entertained the Gypsies at her home. Mac Howell has purchased of Capt. J. T. Appcrsoti the Johnson properly at tho comer of Kleventh and Wanh- lngtoti streets. R," L. Holman, Uadlng undartakar. Naxt to Harrli' grocary tUra, Oregon City, Oragon. Corrots may bo had for 35 cents per sack, three sacks for $1 by call ing on Captain Graham, ut tho O, C. T. Company's dock In tliln city. Mra. G. C. Hacon hu purchased a homo at Porlnmouth, near Portland, where she will reside. She removed to her new home lust Friday. The Portland Dally Telegram and Enterprise, both on year for only $5. Thla la an exceptional opportunity to get a dally paper together with your official county paper. Kd. Fortune, well known In thla city, and Madge, Kerry, recently from Ken tucky, were married at Portland Tues day, Rev, Montgomery officiating. Dr. George, Hoeyo, Dontlst, Caufleld Building, Oregon City. On tho 14th Inst.. B. 0. Klrchem, a native son of Ian, thla county, and MImm I!tia Gurhardua, were married at tho home of the brldo at Kaglo Creek, Upon returning to Igan Mon day of thla week they wore the guesta ut honor at a reception and ball that was given at tho Logan Hall. Dancing was pleasantly engaged In until a late hour Tueaday morning and a very en joyable tlmo Im reported. Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northweat and the Enterprlae, both one year for only $1.50, the price of one paper alone. Mrs. Alblna Olds has Just received word of the death of her mother, Mrs. Win. Russell, at Mrytlo Point, Coo county, on Monday of this week. Mrs. RuskcII formerly resided at Oregon City and Im survived by a husband, four sons and five daughters as fol lows: Mathtlas, of California; Wm. H., of KanKtts; Arthur and Clarence of Myrtle point. Coos county; Mrs. Al blna Olds, of this city; Mra. Smith and Mrs. Thomas, of Washington; Mrs, A, K. Reese, of Pueblo, Colorado; RECEIPTS ARE BIG choice for United Btates Senator. Candidates for places on the Rep resentative ticket were suggested a follows: C, N. Walt, of Canby; W. H. Stafford, O. D. Eby. of Oregon City: .Henry Oans, Oswego; Lewis Funk, BUSINESS AT OREGON CITY POST ' pniafia, and U W. Robbins, Molalla. OFFICE INCREASES. Aggregate of Postal Receipts for Year Will Give City Free Delivery. The receipts of the Oregon City postoriee have nearly doubled In the last five years according to a report Issued thl week by Postmaster T. P. Randall. In 1900 the postal receipts of the local office were f C493.0r, while for the year ending December 31, last, the aggregate of the postal receipts was $10,788.65. In the same report there Is shown a similar Increase In the amount of post office money order business that Ib transacted at the Oregon City office. The number of money orders Issued and Mtm. C. A. Reeae, of Arego, Or-; from the Oregon City office has in cgon. ! creased from 51G7 In 1900 to 8385 in 1904 and 9102 In 1905. These money Men's Heavy Shoes $1.27- Red Front. If you are not now a subscriber to orders represented, respectively, the the Youth'a Companion, subscribe for following amounts: $36,789.97; $53,- that excellent paper together with the . 882.45; $56,42C28. Enterprise, both papers one year for $2.50. Prospective candidates for nomina tion to county offices were mentioned and the ticket will be selected from the following names: Sheriff, R. H. Heatle, of Heaver Creek, and C. R. Noblett. Needy; clerk. H. F. Latonr- ette, of this city; L. L. Grlbble, Macks- burg; and W, I. rtauer. Barlow; com missioner, O. D. Robblns, Macksbure: L. Funk, Viola; and Chas. Thomnson. Tualatin; treasurer, W. W. Jesse, Bar low; recorder, Wm. Shannon, Beaver Creek, and L. L. Grlbble, Macksburg; Judge, H. O. Starkweather, Mllwau kle, and J. J. Cooke, of this city; cor oner, A. F. Parker, of this city, sur veyor, Harding, of Molalla. The candidates will Immediately prepare their petitions and the same will be forwarded to the several pre cinct committeemen for the securing of the necessary signatures after which all of the nominating petitions will be Hied with the County Clerk simultaneously. ARE YOU A FARMER? "Hooligan In New York," the new comedy drama which Frazee and Browne uresent at Hhlvely'a onera At Zlon Hvung. Lutheran Church, J house Saturday, February 24th, Ib one Pastor, Rev. W, R. Kraxberger: Bun day Sch il at 9:30 . m. Service at 10:30 a. m. German school every Saturday from 9 to 12 m. Are you a candidate for any office at this tlrnef You will need blank peti tions. You can get them In any quan tity at the Enterprise office. If yon are, then you need a good farm paper. The Enterprise bas a splendid offer. We will furnish the Enterprise and the Oregon Agricnltur- There was a corresponding increase 1st and Rural Northwest, the best ag- of the greatest laugh producers of the day. Besides telling a consistent story, There are thirty people In the I refun d to grant to the people of Or- company and all the characters in the famous cartoons will be depicted In the production. Even Hooligan's dog, Flip, will be there and furnish I his share of the fun. Flip has been In the mands of one of the greatest ani mal trainer in the world for the past In the number of money orders that were cashed at the Oregon City office, the number and aggregate amount per year being: 1900, 4455 orders, $.")G, 381,57; 1904, C2C8 orders, $03,084.48; 1905, 0548 orders, $05,715.58. On this showing the postofllce au thorities at Washington last Summer FOR BALE Clarke Seedling and Ma- Hlx months preparatory to his season goon strawberry plants, price Jl.&o per 1000, Charley J. Roth, Canby, Oregon: home residence Canby House Hotel. 2-23-tf Hon. T. G. Jonsrud and Bert Jons- rud, JiiHilce of the peace and constable respectively, for Kelso precinct, have filed with the County Clerk, notice that they will be candidates to suc ceed themselves to those offices. There Is plenty of State School money to be had at 6 per cent Inter est Ix)ans ran be had from one to ten years. Gordon E. llayen, agent on the road with "Hooligan In New York." Daily Telegram and Enterprise, both one year, for only $5. I will sell at public auction at Mt. Pleasant two miles south of Oregon City, Wednesday, March 7th, my household goods and farming machin ery and one fresh cow, R. O. Thomas. W. H. H. Samson, auctioneer. Americans wonder why the British election continues for such an un conscionably long time. "Cockaigne," In the Argonaut for February 17th, gives an insight into the English sys tem of voting. He also dwells Inter estingly on the notable features of the recent campaign. A lady high in the social circles of the capital con tributes a letter on Alice Roosevelt's coming marriage. The excitement among the bourgeolHe, the complac ency of old Washington, and the burn ing question of the officials of slender purse, In the matter of presents to send or not to Bend are described entertainingly. egon City a free mall delivery service for the reason that the receipts which aggregated more than $10,000 which is a condition necessary before a free mall delivery service can be estab lished here. Included the receipts from the box rent account. Postmaster Randall states that the receipts of the office for the year ending June 30, next, and this Ib the period by which the claims of the people of this city to a free mall delivery service will be measured, will exceed the required total of $10,000, exclusive of the box rental. Yesterday morning there passed through Oregon City a special train carrying a large body of soldiers en route to San Francisco, although one one of the officers stated that the ulti mate destination of the troops was either Manila or China. Drs. Beatle ' k Heatle, Dentists, Rooms ie, 17, 18. Welnhard Building. Guitar lessons given by Miss Mabel Graves. Box 317. February Economy , GROCERIES. Rice went up nice rice allghtly broken So 3 pkgs. garden seeds fresh.... 10c 3 pkgs. fresh flower seeds 10c Seed potatoes sack 40c Bulk corn, peas, etc. Onion seta 5c and 10o Figs, Oc, raisins 7o 2 pkgs. seeded raisins 15c Good coffee 15c, best coffee . ...20o Tea dust 2 lbs , 25c Other teas at saving. 25c 45c KoiiHt peanuts 10o Laundry soup 2c 3o Flour sifter 9c, gran, washpan. . 8c Heavy shovel 48c DRY GOODS. New piece goods Including many protty things for Spring are now In at eastern prices. Winter goods must go. Men's $1 wool Underwear 69c, 72c Other Underwear cut to 29c, to. 49c Men's Wool Sox cut to 14c... 10c Cotton Sox cut to 8c 3!2c Ladles' Black Hose cut to 8c Ladles' Wrappers cut to 82c Yarn below cost, 4c, 6c, .... ..9c Pearl buttons, dozen 3c Pins lo Package, hooks and eyes 1c Ink, 3c; Thread 3 for 10o SHOES Fcsitwear for baby, 10c, 23c 33c Child's $1 fine Shoes 59c Child's Heavy Shoes 49c up Ladles' Fine Shoes, largo 91c Udlos' $2.50 Shoes $1.87 lkiy's full Stock cut to $1.19 Men's Best High-top, $3.G9..$4.25 Men's Bradley & Metcalf Calf Shoes, famous for wear, cut to $2.10 Men's Heavy Shoes cut to ....$1.27 Leather at Jwo thlrsd price. Insoles 3c; 'Shoe Tacks, 2 pkgs 5e Ladles IkBt Heavy Shoes now wholesale price ...$1.85 Ladles and Child's Rubbers cut 29c Ladles Rolled Edge cut to ....55c MILLINERY Millinery at Half some at one fourth must clean up ahd get ready for Spring Hats Take' thorn 9c, 29c, 49c, 98c $1.97 5c Ribbons for 2o and 3c. PRODUCE TAKEN LIBERALLY With $5 paid purchase In place of coupons, tako lOlbs gran. Sugar for 25c, with $1 purchane 6tts for 25c. Sugar by the sack, flour and feed excepted. Millinery leas than half Red Front. In a divorce suit filed here this week. Nina Flynn charges Thos. M. Flynn with cruel treatment and de sertion. They were married at Port land In September. 1903, and the de sertion complained of ttxik place at Cornwall, Canada, In November, 1904. Plaintiff aska for the care and custody of a minor child. F. Nevvton, the undertaker, hat the only modern establishment In the city. Phone 1243.. Residence phone 1593. First Church of Christ. Scientist holds advices In the Garde building on Sunday morning at eleven and Wednesday evening at eight. Sub ject for Sunday, February 25. "Man." Sunday Schtxil at 10 a. m. The read Ing room Is open from 2 to 4 on the afternoons of Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week. rlcultural paper In the large section it serves, both one year for only $1.50 the price of the Enterprise alone. T. bis farm paper Is highly recommend ed by the leading experts on farming; stock raising and fruit growing. Thla offer Is a snap. Call at the office or mall us your subscription. METEORITE HAS BEEN SOLD. Goes to Smithsonian 120.0C0. Institute for SOME REPUBLICAN MEETINGS. L. L. Porter and Other Candidates Will Addreas the Voters. Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northweat and the Enterprlae, both on year for only $1.50, tha price of on paper alone. At a meeting of the business men of Canby Monday night a temporary organization was effected of the Canby Commercial Club. W. H. Balr waa chosen chairman and George W. DIx on. secretary of the meeting, which was enthusiastically in favor of push Ing the growth and Interests of Can- by and the rich agricultural section surrounding that town.- Addresses were delivered by Thos. Richardson, secretary of the Portland Commercial Club and the Oregon Development League;; Paul Shoup, assistant gen eral freight agent for the O. R. & N. and Southern Pacific lines In Oregon; and H. E. Lounsbury, traveling freight agent for the Southern Pacific Com pany. The Portland Dally Telegram and the Enterprise, both one vear for only $5. This is an exceptional opportunl ' Unanimous indorsement of Govern ty to get a dally paper together with or Chamberlain's administration and L. L. Porter, candidate for the Re publican nomination for State Sena tor and other candidates for the Leg islature and for county offices, will conduct meetings at a number of points throughout the county during the next few weeks. Their first meeting will be held at Highland at 2 p. m., Thursday, March 1. Thursday evening, March 1, at 7:30 p. m., these speakers will address the voters at Beaver Creek. Monday March 5 at 2 o'clock p. m. the same speak ers will conduct a meeting at Wllson- vtlle and In the evening of the same day they will hold a meeting at Kruse's school house. Dates for other meetings will be announced in next week's Enterprise. The speakers will be accompanied by members of the Maccabee quar tette which will furnish good music. The dates so far arranged are as follows: : Thursday, March 1, 2 p. m, Highland Thursday, March 1, 7:30 p. m. Bea ver Creek. Monday, March 5, 2 p. m. Wilson ville. Monday, March 5, 7:30 p m., Kruse's school house. What is believed to be the highest price ever paid for iron ore was re ceived yesterday by the Oregon Iron Sc Steel works when It sold the Wil lamette meteorite, found near Oregon City a number of years ago, to the Smithsonian institution for $20,000, re ports the Portland Journal. Its esti mated weight Is 15 tons, equivalent to 30.000 pounds. ' So the price paid ia 66 2-3 cents a pound. The Willamette meteorite has prov ed a mystery to scientists .ever since its discovery. It was removed at great expense and placed on exhibition at the Lewis Clark fair. That It came from beyond the clouds there is no doubt But there is a difference of opinion as to how the great meteorite happened to be along the Willamette river. Some believe that it fell from the skies to the point where It waa found, while others are confident that It was carried there from the north during the glacial period. In support of the latter theory It Is pointed out that glacial marks are visible at the point where the big meteorite was un covered. CHAMBERLAIN IS ENDORSED. Clackamas County Democrats Meet and Discuss Candidates. The second of a series of socials at the First Congregational Church was given Wednesday evening and con sisted of a "George Washington ev ening." Among the very interesting numbers of the evening's programme was the appearance of Mrs. Sniggles, faithfully impersonated by Mrs. Ely. ' who was assisted in the entertaining of the audience by her eight accom plished daughters, these characters beine takpn hv n a man vniina. IsHIm a J J J 'from Elyville. The members of the church quoir, uniquely costumed, sang two selections and Mr. H. M. Shaw " played several violin solos. Refresh ments were served, the table decora tions embodying the national colors. It was one of the most pleasant social gatherings in the history of the church. your official county paper. Every hat at reduced price week at Miss C. Goldsmith's. this D. K. Bill, who la In charge of the large hop yard of Dr. Nichols, north of this city, is overlooking the Install ing of patent hop drying rolling floors In the kilns on the Nichols' ranch. The patent drying apparatus Is being In stalled by V. Welding, of Mt. Angel. These patent fWxirs are considered a great Improvement for the drying of hops. , 3 pkgs. best seeds 10c Red Front. Wal'dsteln, a professional skater from Portland, entertained a large number of spectators at Logus & Good fellow s skating rink In this city Wed nesday evening. Skating has become immensely popular with Oregon City people who frequent the rink in large numbers nightly. Cooke's orchestra furnished satisfactory music at the rink Wednesday evening. Daily Telegram and Enterprise, both one year, for only $5. California Is now enjoying the great est influx of tourists In Us history. These tourists will commence to move northward early In March and in or der to accommodate heavy travel from Southern California, the South ern Pacific Company will place in service on March 1, an elegantly ap pointed new train, to .be known as the Shore Line Limited. The equip ments, which will be entirely new, will consist of a baggage car, dining car, three parlor cars and one recessed ob servation car. The train will be in service dining the months March. April and May and may be continued his candidacy for re-nomination and re-election was had here Wednesday at a meeting of the Clackamas County Democratic Central Committee when a resolution to that effect was adopted. The meeting was largely attended by the members of the committee which declared in favor of nominating a complete legislative and county ticket to be placed in the field in the approaching election. Sentiment at the meeting favored J. E. Hedges as the party's choice for the nomination of State Senator al though N. F. Nelson, also a Democrat of Harding precinct, has announced that he will be an Independent candi date for this nomination. Mr. Hedges is the only aspirant for legislative For Rent A fine ten room house near Eastham school; four lots, plen ty of fruit, cheap to party that will take care of place. M. Yoder. EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION. longer, if the business warrants doing so. The run from Del Monte to San . honors from this county to date who Francisco will be made in 13 hours ! has declined to subscribe to statement RED FRONT, Oregon City frwwwwwwwwrwyrvwwwN? R,Ul b('g'n bUBlnefm 0H'rationa The subject of establishing in this city a commission house of adequate capacity and conveniences ia being I agitated for Oregon City. There is I great need for such an enterprise that the produce of Clackamas farmers may find a ready market at remunera tive prices. The matter of supplying this want may he taken up at an early meeting of the Board of Trade of this city. Prepare for tho Direct Primary. Plenty of blank petitlona for candi dates at the Enterprise office. ' Captain B. L. Snow, recently from Hutchinson, Kansas, arrived In the city thla week and will engage In the commission business. Captain Snow Is an experienced commission mer chant and proposes to provide a ready market for the farmers for all kinds of produce. The Board of Trade of this city Is co-operating. with Captain Snow who will soon select a location and 30 minutes. The Enterprise Job office is prepar ed to print cards for candidates on short notice. The candidate's photo graph will be printed on the card, when desired, at a slight advance in price. Cards are not expensive, and are a genteel means of Introduction to the voters. Candidates of all parties are invited to call and see samples. Sold by Howell & Jones. Angered because he had been dis missed from his position in the paper mills, a young man named Lochmlller laid In wait Tuesday night for F. P. Drlscoll, foreman of , the department In which Ijochmlller had been work ing, and assaulted him with a pocket knife. Drlscoll received several cuts about the face and neck besides being stabbed through the hand before he succeeded In overpowering his assail ant whom he beat almost into a state of "Insensibility. Lochmlller suspect ed Drlscoll i. of being responsible for his being discharged from the mill and sought to settle accounts. He came out badly worsted. Driscoll's wounds required the services of a phy sician, but are not considered danger ous. ; No arrests have yet been made. No. 1 of the Direct Primary Law, re quiring that he vote for the popular February 25 Canby, 11 a. m.; Mo lalla. 3 p. m.; Cams, 7:30 p. m. March 4 Oregon City, 10:45 a. m.; Shubel, 3 p. m.; Highland, 7:30 p. m. March 8 Maple Lane. 7:30 p. m. REY.W. H. WETTLAUFER, Pastor. INSURANCE. Plate Glass, burglar-proof, and all kinds of casualty insurance written, by O. A. Cheney of Oregon City. Of fice with Justice of the Peace. . , OABTOniA. ' ARE YOU RESTLESS AT NIGHT And harrased by a bad cough! Use Ballard's Horehound Syrup, R will secure you sound sleep and effect a prompt and radical cure. , Sold by Huntley Bros.' Co.- ' ' How Do Yotf Spend Your Money? Arc you doing it in a way to receive substantial benefit? Are you laying aside something for a 44ra'iny day?" If not, you will never have a better time to begin than now. To get quickly started, begin the easy way; come to The Bank'of Oregon City and'open a Savings Account. Do not wait for a large sum, for it may never come; just deposit whatever you have to spare, no matter how small the amount. We will gladly assist you in getting started. A Dollar Will Start Yoti.