Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 23, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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j Oti Correspondents' Cot net S
2 Brief 1MU of Gosstp From All Parts of the County.
Frank Everett Eastman, the young
man who wan killed last Friday while
pulling stumps cm his father's farm
at Central Foint, was laid to rest on
Sunday last, the funeral taking: place
from the Central Foint M. K. church.
The day was stormy anil very disa
greeable, nut notwithstanding the
wind and rain a large number of peo
ple were present and all available
space in the church was filled. The
Rev. F. S. Clemo. of Canhy. and pas
tor of the church here preached the
sermon. Interment was at the Oregon
City cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. F.ast
man have the sympathy of the entire
Revival services will be held in the
M. E. church next week, beginning
with Monday evening. Rev. B. F.
Rowland will assist the pastor. All
are invited to these services.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Randall were out
from Oregon City, attending the fun
eral of Frank Eastman last Sunday.
Miss Annie Pollard, the efficient
school teacher of this place, spent
Sunday last in Portland.
Mrs. Norton has rented a house in
Oregon City and will move there in
a few days.
Miss Essie- Guard has gone to her
home in the country for a visit with
her parents.
Captain Apperson Is still under the
doctor's care.
Prof. L. A. Read, member of the
Clackamas county board of examiners,
attended teachers' examination in Or
egon City three days last week.
Mrs. W. F. Brayton had an old fash
ioned quilting bee last Friday and a
genuine good time was enjoyed by
all. Among those who were invited
were Mrs. F. F. Brown. Mrs. C- L.
Morris. Mrs. J. Straight. Mrs. F. Ware,
Mrs. M. S. Glass. Mrs. M. Rivers. Mrs.
F. Hayford. Mrs. G. M. Flemming.
The ladies worked diligently until
dinner time, but after partaking of
Want a Daily Paper?
Here is your Chance
Portland Daily Telegram
Oregon City Enterprise
PIPERS j)5.00v
This is certainly a rare offer. Take
advantage of it by sending in your
order at once & ' j ' j
such a bountiful dinner as was served
to them, all concluded they would
rather listen to Mrs. Brayton play the
Aeolian than quilt; however they, re
sumed their work after listening to
several choice selections of music,
and before the afternoon had gone, a
nice lot of quilting was done. Miss
Wilson was invited over from the
school house to take dinner with them,
and says, not to tell Mrs. Brayton.
hut she thinks it was one of the best
dinners she ever ate.
Mr. Putnam has returned to his
Parkplace home, after a four weeks'
stay near Vancouver, Washington.
Mr. Schwaubeauer's new building
is rapidly assuming the looks of a
store, which adds materially to that
vacant corner by the bridge.
Mr. G. Purcell came down last week
from Camas, Washington for a few
days at home.
Mrs. Kennedy is In Portland this
week, called there by the severe ill
ness of a near relative.
MissIabel Kennedy has been suf
fering with an abcess in the roof of
her mouth, which she was obliged to
have lanced the other day.
Miss Purcell filled her place in the
school during her absence.
Begins with the symptoms of a com-'
mon cold; there is a chilliness, sneez
ing, sore throat, hot skin, quick pulse,
hoarseness and impeded respiration.
Give frequent small doses of Ballard's
Horehound Syrup, (the child will cry
lor it) and at the first sign of a croupy
eough apply frequently Ballard's Snow
Liniment to the throat
Mrs. A. Vliet, New Castle, Colorado,
writes, March 19, 1902: "I think Bal
lard's Horehound Syrup a wonderful
remedy, and so pleasant to take" Sold
by Huntley Bros. Co.
The frosty nights and sunshiny days
are over at tho present and we are
having more rain.
The candidates for office are begin
ning to show up again.
Frank Hilton went to Canby a few
days ago.
Joseph Perringer was visiting T. J.
Grimes last Saturday night.
Calvin Parker is helping to load cars
at Canhy.
Martin Richter was hauling lumber
Otto Vorpahl Is hauling out cedar
posts. He Is preparing to build it new
line feuce between his place and ('has.
Wolpert. ,
John Thomas Is doing some car
penter work for James Adklus.
James Wllkorson drove out to Can
by today in his prairie schooner.
There were two strange men In
these parts a few days ago looking for
Out mail carrier Is not hitting the
high places in the road, but he Is en
gaged in. hitting the muddy places.
j Means the ability to do a good day's
I work, without undue fatigue and to
; fltul life worth living. You cannot have
j indigestion or constipation without
, its upsetting the liver and poluttlng
;the blood. Such a condition mar be
, best and quickest relieved by llerbino
I the best liver regulator that the world
ihas ever known. Mrs. D. W. Smith,
i writes. April 3, 02: "I use Herblne,
and find It the best medicine for con
stipation and regulating the liver 1
ever used." 50 cents. Sold by Hunti
ley Bros. Co.
Once more the clouds have covered
the heavens and the contents thereof
has descended and covered the earth
with a liquid.
Boring school Is progressing quite
nicely under the rule of Mrs. Mary
Calvin as principal and Mrs. . M. A.
Lake as primary teacher. We are
sorry to say that due respect has not
(been given to the stars and stripes.
The flag was hoisted at the beginning
of school last September and has been
floating over the school house every
day since that time, until it is tattered
and torn into strings. It Is a fact
that it was an old flag, but we ought
to have respect enough for old glory
have it flying all the time. But to
to take better care of it than has been
done. Some think it is patriotic to
tell the truth about it, it is to make
people think they are patriotic.
Mr. Wm. A. Hedermann, one of
Boring's prosperous young farmers,
went to Portland today with a load
of fat hogs. ' He also took a load down
last week. '
The Damascus Creamery, located
here, Is putting in some new machin
ery. Miss Esther Vullermire, of Portland,
was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. 0.
W. Boring, one day last week.
E. S. Hickey has moved back to the
Hickey farm. Mr. Hickey has been
in the butcher business with J. E.
Simons, but they have dissolved part
nership. Mr. Schuebel, Mr. Dimick and Mr.
George Randall of Oregon City, spoke
at Root's Hall Friday evening, on the
direct primary law.
The M. E. Church at Boring has
purchased half a block from O. A.
Palmer and intend to build a church
Mr. Bigford and family Intend to
move to near Pleasant Home soon.
Mrs. O. W. Boring was a guest of
her mother, Mrs. Geo. Lacheron. Sun
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness
and that Is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an Inflamed
condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is
Inflamed you have a rumbling sound
or imperfect hearing, and when It Is
entirely closed, Deafness is the result,
and unless the inflamation can be
taken out and this tube restored to
Its normal condition, hearing will be
destroyed forever; nine cases out of
ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is
nothing but an Inflamed condition of
the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundered Dollars
for any case of Deafness . (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Core. Send for circu
lars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
: Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
"I kav uttd your FISH BRAND
Sllcktr (or f ivt yean and can truth,
hilly lay that I ntvvr have had
anything give me to much com
fort and satisfaction. tnoloied
find my erflor tor anothtr one." ''
You can defy the Molest storm with Tower's
Waterproof Oiltd Clothing and Hats.
llighrxt Uartl Grid's Fair. 1901.
OlMllWf, Vt
rOrt'f CANAOWI cot i
O-j not .
A hcalthly man Is a King in his own
right; an unhealthly man Is an unhap
py slave. Hurdock lUood Hitters
builds up sound healthkeeps von
Our neighborhood Is a scene of
gUMuu and, sadness since the awful
news of Frank Kastman's death was
spread from house to house. On Fri
day morning: February tc. Frank ami
his two older brothers went out to
work a stump puller, used In clearing
a piece of land. They were only out
about one hour when the sweep on
the power broke, causing the short
piece of wood that was left In the
drum to fly back and strike him on
the back of the head, killing hliu In
stantly. Frank was the youngest son
of Mr. and Mrs. II. 1 Kastman. lie
was 19 years and the days old. He
leaves a father, mother, two brothers
and a sister to mourn his early demise.
The funeral service was held at 11
o'clock Sunday morning at Central
Point Church, and the Interment was
In Mountain View cemetery. We axe
all in sympathy with the bereaved fam
The mother who has acquired the
habit of keeping on hand a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, saves
herself a great amount of uneasiness
and anxiety. Coughs, colds and croup,
to which children are susceptiblo are
quickly cured by Its use. It counter
acts any tendency of a cold to result
in pneumonia, and If given as soon as
the first symptoms of croup appear,
it will prevent the attack. This rem
edy contains nothing Injurious and
mothers give it to their little ones
with a feeling of perfect security.
The nice weather is over with now.
and it Is rainy weather at present. It
Is not a light rain, but Is almost pour
ing down. Some times I think it Is
trying to make up for lost time.
Some of the boys gathered at
Grace's place and had a line time
playing tag and other games. "
The Timber Grove school will trtart
February 2fi. The. teacher will, be
Miss Surface, of El wood.
The telephone line Is almost finish
ed. It Is running two and one-half
miles east of Clark's store to Mr. Sul
livan's place. It belongs to Mr. Bot
timiller and Sullivan.
Mr. T. Grace has rented Mr. J.
Olsen's place anil has sowed the most
of it in oats. Mr. J. Olsen thinks he
will move to Portland this Spring.
Oscar Hoe I has gone to Portland to
stay for two months for medical treat
ment. The Dixies crowd was down to see
Durst's saw mill last Saturday.
Mr. Jene and Henry Kleinsmith are
busy plowing on Mr. Kern's place, pre
liminary to sowing oats.
Oat and cattle buyers are plentiful
In this part of the county, but It don't
seem to be very much cattle in the
"I'm the luckiest man in Arkansas,"
writes H. L. Stanley, of Bruno, "since
the restoration of my wife's health
after five years of continuous cough
ing and bleeding from the lungs; and
I owe my good fortune to the world's
greatest medicine, Dr. King's New
Bright's Disease and
Diabetes News.
Facts That Caused us to Take the
Agency for the Fulton Compounds,
the First Known Cure for Bright'
Disease end Diabetes.
Pint, lei It be dlstlnntly undnnitood that
very one of the casea b:low had boon diagnosed I
by one or more physicians ax Bright' Dlncaso
or Diabetes and chronic and incurable; second,
note the certalntyof the renulu an ahown by the
recovery also of the friends the; told who were
similarly afflicted.
N. W. Spauldlng, President Spauldlng Saw
Co., San Francisco, bad a recovery In bis own
family and told several others who recovered.
Adolph WcsUe, capitalist, Sun Francisco,
recovered himself and told two friends woo
Dr. Carl D. Zolle, pioneer druggist, 622 PaclHo
street, San Francisco, recovered himself and
gave It to more than a dozen patients who
Chaa. Engelke editor of the German paper,
San Francisco, recovered himself and told It to
a number who recovered, one of tbem being
Charles F. Wacker, the Sixth street merchant.
R. M. Wood, editor Wlno and Spirit Review,
recovered himself and told It to several who
recovered, among tuem being an old-tobool
Edward fihortof the San Francisco Call re
covered, also turneof hit. friends, viz.: William
Martin, Captain Hubbard of tUe Honolulu run to
and William Hawkins of the V. 8. Quarter
master's Uenartmeut, Kan Krauolseo.
John A. Phelps of the Ho'.cl ltepeller, Sua
Francis, and twoof hlsfilenils. :
Mrs. M. B-rnpey, 13ft Hteiuer Ht. (also rwm
monded it to several who recovered, one of tuem
leaving the German Hospital to go oa tuo
And hundred of others.
Bright a Disease and Diabetes, heretofrre la
eorabla, ar now posi lively curable and la iwarly
lint-tenths of all oaf s.
If you allll have any doubt give yourself tbo
benefit of the doubt. Fulton 'a Renal Compound
for Hrlghl't and Kidney Disease, 1 1; for D! 'v betes,
11.90 gaud for pamphlet. Wo are lue auto
local wm,
Chaman & Co., City Drug Store.
IMscovery for Consumption, which I
know from experience will cure con
sumption if taken In tltno. My wife
Improved with the (lrst bottle and
twelve bottles completed the euro."
Cures the worst coughs and colds or
money refunded. At Howell & Jones,
druggists. 60c and $100, Trial bottlu
Mrs. ticorge V, Wilson and her
guest. Miss Itobinson. visited places
of Interest In Portland.
Miss Helen McCord Is spending n
few days with her parents.
Mr. ivnnls Ilylton nas rented a part
of Mr. Soerlst' farm. We are glad
we're not going to lose all of our
young men.
School was dismissed the last three
days of last week, the teacher attend
ing the examinations in Oregon City.
Miss Ketta Joseph spent Saturday
and Sunday nt her home In Woodhurtt,
Mr. Adolph Joehnke has ' been tin-
able to attend Husiness Cotlttg the
past few weeks on account of Illness.
Mr. P L. Hoylan and family spent
Sunday with C. K. Swlck and famllv.
Mr. tieo. Lazelle Is selling some of
his choice tint straw.
Mr. Chas. White Is engaged In cut-
ling wood for Mr. lleo. V. Wilson.
Mr. C. K. Swlck purchased a horse
last week.
Miss Carrie Shnbel of Portland Is
visiting her parents for a Hhort time.
Mr. and Mrs. Hettman visited their
son Edward of Clarkes. lust Sunday.
Hazel Cilnther. attending the Ore
gon City High School, visited her par
ents a few days last week.
What's the matter with Scott? He's
all right!
Another new road Is being propos-
ed to run through the old Ileeson can
yon. Petitions for work ore already
out. There Is a better route with
much less cost of labor and cash. The
old Heeson canyon has been the cause
of several lives lost, numerous acci
dents, and always will be a dangerous
route at best. There Is a better and
shorter route, one that would cost
little and would be safe to human life.
Hut to mention It will make an enemy.
The county court should use Its Judg
ment when the time conies, In this
Rev, Emll Hornshuh. after spend
ing a few weeks In Seattle. Is visiting
his parents here for a few days.
"Suffered day and night the torment
of Itching piles. Nothing helped me
until I used Doan's Ointment. It
cured me permanently." Hon. John
R. Garrett, Mayor, Glrard, Ala.
The natives of Mullno might Just
as well keep on wearing their rain
coats, and slicker hats, for when Or
egon starts to rain It don't seem to
know when to stop. So much rain,
that some of the people around here
not being used to It. make them feel
sleepy and they almoul get ahead of
the chickens going to roost.
Prof. Keller, of Willamette Univer
sity, represented the Willamette
school Sunday evening at the M. K.
.Mrs. T. Wiles has returned home
after spending a couple of weeks with
her sons In Portland.
Mr. Comer Edwards and his sister.
Miss Ethel Edwards, Arthur Chase,
Miss Edith Wiles. Charley Daniels.
Elva Erlckson, Uayno Howard and
Lillian Guns, spent a pleasant evening
at the home of Grant Ashby a few
nights ago.
A crowd of young people also spent
the evening of February 19, at the
residence of Mr. Edwards.
Mr. Jasper Trulllngur, and his two
daughters were seen near Liberal last
Dr. J. It. Watklns' agent, Mr. G.
Haars, was seen In Mullno a few days
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Chase and fam
ily were the guests of Mr. J. Udell
and family Sunday.
Mrs. August Erlckson has returned
home, after spending a few days with
her parents.
Drying preparations aimply devel
op dry catarrh j they dry lip tho accretions,
which adhere to the membrane and decom
pose, causing a fur more serious trouble than
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalant, fumes, smokes and snuffe
and use that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Halm is such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will he
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists aell tho
j 50o. lize. Ely Urothers, fill Warren St. , N. Y.
The Balm cures without pain, does Dot
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surface, reliov
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Jlulm you are armed
against Naaul Catarrh and Hay Fever,
The weather still continues stormy.
It. seems like winter now.
Several of yur farmers have clear
ed up their orchards.
Alberdt Schoenborn Is still clearing
up his farm.
Richard Davis went to Portland Sat
urday. Misses Rachaol and Lizzie Lewis
spent Sunday with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John ft. Lewis.
Several from here attended tho pie
social at rieaver Creek Saturday night.
Ll..le liurgegs spent Saturday and
Sunday with Sarah Thomas.
Jacob Kalbflelsoh Intends to go to
Idaho sometime In the near future.
Dewey Thomas Is working In Port
land. '
Mr. Johnson hauled lumber for his
new house last week.
App Jones was in our burg Sat
urday and Sunday.
In the future the Enterprise will
give the following subscription club
bing rates: Weekly Oregonlan and
Enterprise, both one year, $2.25; Semi
Weekly Journal and Enterprise, both
one year, $2.00.. Either call at Enter
prise office or mail your order.
I Mrs. Margaret Batdorf fell and dis
located her wrist Monday.
AYeflclatile Preparation for As
similating trtfrlwlntuU
tliig He 3lomacki nml Uowcb of
ItowpIcs Pitfesllon.CIrt tful -ncss
ami Rest.Contalns ncltlrr
Onium.Morphlne nor Mitral.
Not N ah cot i c.
Apafrct Remedy forCorwIip
lion. Sour Stonwich.DiaiThwa
Worms onniLsioas,KeTrish
dcss and Loss or Sleep.
facsimile Signature ot
Archie ltosn spent Saturday lit Port
Johnny Hickman and family spent
Sunday with Cranduia Ilk'kumn
Miss IJ.,le Shipley returned from
Everett. Washington. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hodges, from
Italnler. visited over Sunday at the
Fuller home,
Mrs. ,I(Mihn Itoddy Is In Portland
having h'T eyes treated.
Frank Shipley was home Saturday
ami Sunday.
Mrs. Millard Hyatt and son Wul
dnm, were Portland visitors Katur
Tom O'Hrlen. of Portland, visited
with WlHiinii'tti' friends Sunday.
Little Frank Haker was HI tho early
part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs Uobt. linker are hap
py over a little daughter.- which ar
rived Saturday.
The Misses Ruby and Helen I. add
from Portland, visited with grandma
Saunders out Sunday.
Harry Shipley was at Portland last
Mrs. Wm. Pollock, of Portland, vis
ited at the Shipley homo Tuesday.
Mrs. Ceo. Delink entertained nt din
ner Thursday In honor of Mr. he
llok's birthday.
Mr) Mefjcehan hns built a veranda
arross the front of his resilience and
added much to Its attractiveness as
Thete is no specific for
consumption. Fresh air, ex-1
crcisc, nourishing food and
Scott's Emulsion will come
pretty near curing it, if there
is anything to build on. Mil
lions of people throughout the
world are living and in good
health on one lung.
From time immemorial the
doctors prescribed cod liver
oil for consumption. Of
course the patient could not
take it in its old form, hence
it did very little good. " They
cm take
and tolerate it for a long
time. There is no oil, not
excepting butter, so easily
digested and absorbed by the
system as cod liver oil in the
form of Scott's Emulsion,
and that is the reason it is so
helpful in consumption where
its use must be continuous.
J We will send you a
sample free.
q He mre that tliii
picture In the form of
a label ii on the wrap
per of evrry bottle of
Kmuhion you buy.
Scott & Bowne
409 Pearl Street
New York
' joc. nidf i( all diugfliu
For Infanta find Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tlio
For Over
Thirty Years
Tmi Mmava . mtm a.tT
-fll, as coin fori
Mrs I,. in-fiili-i', of Indi-pt-ndt'ticn,
ban bi--n visiting h-r "iMi'r. Mrs Mur
riw and hi-r nnitlir, Mrs Kays
lilllle lli-nlr In once inori wth lh
(mini. folk. Mr IM-ke's family
I. Illl,. Mnrv.l Klv and Mal.. Al
bright i-r- ipilt.- sick last wi'i-k
(irnmlpa Kuys it In it vi-ry fn l.lo
ArnifiK'iii-nt ar bring made for
nnoflur fiitirlnliiini-iit In n ahnrf time.
Mrs, Mllb'r ho has b'-.-u ki-'-ping
1 " for V I). Curruii, vlsllivl !h
fi-b'iids In Mllwauklo and I'orltniid,
ri'itu iilug Iioiih' last Hun. lay.
Mr and Mr MIU-s, of St Johns.
!' sin'iidliiK a f"W days at Mr Hur
!'' Mr West bus rented tl J trunk
place and moved lust Thursday.
When you hear Homebody aweuting
J 'limit the sneaking, lying, press,
And roHHtltiK the IMitors
Suylng. something's wrong. I guess,
' Now I'll bet n year's subscription
To the Weekly F.nterprlse
That the fidlo s been a doing
Something Unit would ope' your eyes
You remember all those fellows
Hicnt a lot of hank's good tin,
They hiild "Tlii' lying papers,
They're always mUln' In.
j "Snooping 'round and asking questions
i 'llout what people do mid xny,
I Printing all the blooming glsslp
! In the village every day."
: I Hi t those confounded editors
(let on to everything you know;
' Seem to smell a defalcation,
I Write 'er up and let her go
So you take the mean old cur
! That licks his wife and raises culn
i A ml the curb stone Hlltcluu
Knows Just whore, tu, jijt tye blame.
Kvery (2xl forsaken scape grace,
That's an eyesore to the town:
Will put the blame all on the ttiiin
Who runs the paper that calls him
BearitU 7 ir Bougjlt
Mr. Iionney Is busy at work In Or
egon City putting In telephones In
some of the business houses 'and of
fices. Mr. K. M. Ilrock hns considerable
business In Oregon Cllv for the mm!
several weeks.
Mr. Claude Stone, of Portland, re
cently spent several days of n recent
vacation visiting his parents here.
Mr. Arthur Mnrrett nnd sister Ida,
of Portland, were visiting their broth
er Kdward last Sunday.
Mr. A. M. Klrchem has been doing
some surveying for the O. W, P. Co.
near Ilarton.
Iionney &. Miller huve had consider
able trouble with their engine lately,
being obliged to send It to the Oregon
City Machine Shops to get It repaired.
Mr. Prod Wilcox was In Oregon City
taking the February teachers' examin
ations. Mr. Sevier, who has been sick for
some time, recmtly (tied of dropsy
nnd was burled In the Hi-dland ceme
tery. Tho Itedland Literary Society is
enjoying a prosperous career, unusual
Interest being evinced In Ihu debate.
Hi" questtlon for discussion next
meeting Is: Resolved that the theory
of Socialism Is safe and practlcnl.
.!,. yo" aro ,ooklnR for bargains In
Millinery call on Mls C. Goldsmith.
At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday
on Appointments.