t OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1fl, 1906. -J DIM tan a ' q I Lmhm I '"'ill MR. and MRS. WILOERT THOMPSON, 801 Main St., Peoria, III. MULL'S GRAPE TONIO CURED HIM. Wilbrt Thompwn never knew a well day until lait June- he had been constipated all hJ life many doclor treated him, but all failed to even help him-hia health failed rapidly and on January 21, JW3, Met, Thompton aked ot to wggeat a treatment for hef huiband-We thought the cat tooaertoua and recommended that a ipeclalut be conulted-but he aU failed to help the patient -NOW HE IS WELL. Mull's Grape Tonic Cured Him Mm. T'-mrinnoii (Hut wrote n wffollown "My hntmtn1, ai M. miffer from harr pain In hU itomach ana nmetline IhlnkH It li liln Iwart. 11 rnn know bjf mlnni tnitll what ou) tho pain, II you cau. Ml. luoiupaufi W im.mi.lly Bdvll that II rut-Hew M.;lllt tw eonwilUid. We iii.t: "Wo want to : Mull Crepe Tonl liw'aiiwi wii 'know It win cur cn.ititUi, Imt M. a lxttl U no olijn't to tin wlmn a '''' l" ' ' t'" km) ll your iniHhniia nam u an wtrioun i you iiai". "ki"" j kind. I'ruiiiiitly." At th iim tlmn, knowliiK Uinl Mull lifHpii I oiilc could do no harm, we ailrlM-4IU use until a MiynlrlMi ooufil Iwi onimtilli-4. Jumiiiry 'ft Mm. 'I liom.on wri.l that a pliynKMKfi had liwn i-otmultwl. Ha dlag liowid llm ntana IwliiK I'lironle mimtlpatloii and dyiiila. Ill IrealiiiHit w lollnwi-d (iiltlifully but thr wm lioporiiniilllilitliiiproveiimiitlnMr. Thoni.ii'i hi'iillh. Than be toKeu taking Mull l Orapn Ionic and on Bept. mil turn, mm rnuiivaii Lite follow iik KiLLitf iruiu mil. iiiiuuniwiii; "lfou will remember that I wrote lo you laat Januarv In regard to my hujband'e health. It le lour month alnoa ha quit taktrtg Kull'e Orape Tonlo lor oonatlpatlon, whloh ha euflered from alno birth. He took ut 24 bottle of It and I perteotly aured. He le muoh etronner and ha gained eonelderably In lloah. I oannot thank you anouah for Mull' Orape Tonlo. It la worth Ma weight In gold Just t12 oured him and he ha epent hundred of dollar with doctor who did him no good. Now I want to tat my oaaa to you and eapeot your early reply. I alao have onetU patlon, hv had lor three year. Kindly let me know Be l am eura It will euro me If you eay It will, a It did all you elaimad It would la my hueband". oe.o. I await as i earhf raphf. Very reapeotlully yours, R.W. H.THOMPSON, 801 main U, Peor'a.iiu LET US GIVE YOU A 50c. BOTTLE. Thli Coupon I good for a GOo. Dottlo of null' Grape Tonlo. fill oat till omipon ami a.ml to tin l.l(htnln Mvillrln o, 1ST Thlr.i:A.., llm k lalnnil, III., and you will riv.lt a full l, 60. botllx of Mull'i iri Tonlr, I h.va t.r tbn Mull' Clrap Tuuln, but If you will iipply m with a 0(M:. bnl tin fnta.IwlllUk.it a illrrclnl. Nmiir troot Vo,. ...HUU. City.. . iv run aooaeea ano ware rttimr. If you rc afflii tcd with constipation or any of its kiivlred tliwrahca wo will fmy a scxtnt lxUle for you of your tlrutfKiht wikI nivc ft to yn to try. If you are conntitmlal we know it will cure you. Surely if we have audi confidence in our rcnicly an to luy for a tmttle of it that you may lent for yourself iti won-dc-rful curative qunlitiea, you ehouM not refttw: U nccejit our offer. MulPs Grape Tonic U the only cure for coimtijiBtion known. We do not recom inrinl it fr anything Imt Constipation nnl ita nllitil iIisea-. It i our free pift to you. In iuxe.tinK tli free twttle you flo not oUipte yotiraclf further than to take ita contents. Mull'e Orape Tonic is pleiuiant to tike aixl one In.ttlc will U-nefit you. We want you to try It anil, then-fore, if you will fill out the tUu hel coupon awl mail it to tut to-iliy wo will iiihtrutt your druggist to give you a 50-cent buttle ami elmrgc auiue to ua. HOWELL & JONES, Reliable Druggists. who throtiRhlly n)oynfl thnmsfilvds. ProKreHHlve whlnt was the special fea ture of the evening. Mrs. Wm. McCIord captured tho firttt prl.o, a beautifully bound hook, "Tho Lady of the Lake." MIhh Ray Mc Cord received tho brxby prlzo, a copy of tho InHtructlona for whlt playlriR. Hoclablllty followed and the gunsta were Hfsrvnd with aandwlchen, Haladn, plrkleH delldoiiH caknfi and coffno. The Kuent were: MIhh Iloblnaon, I). H. Martin and wife, L. J. Hylton and wife, (leo. Lazellu and wife, II. O. Joehnko and wlfo, MlHKftH Laura Ifyl tin, Kmrna Wllehart, Itetta JoHonh. Ray Me.flord, MeBHre. Jarnea Hylton, DennlH yUm, Tom Kelland. ' J No ono would ever be bothered with conHtlpat.lon If everyone knew bow naturally and quickly Burdock Blood Hitters regulate tho stomach and bowelx. Oreicon has not any good flour aa(h bought a ack one time and found atraw and whole kernel of wheat in It. It miiftt have , been tho next thing to ahorta that he "boiiKht, Crego Klnr.y In maklni? rails for the county road up towarda Highland from Clarke'a. If any one known how had the road la It i Mr. Dave Moehkne our mall carrier who has It to travel every day In tho week. CAN BY, J MIhh Arllne Harding apent lat Frl-' day nlKht and Saturday In Oregon City visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kocher were I'ortland vlsltxrs the last of the week. C'anby has a curfew bell now. It rlnKs Its warning notes every evening at 7:45. Mrs. Evans of. Barlow, was visiting Mrs. Clemo on Tuesday. I'rofesor Drew, of Willamette Uni versity, will speak at. Central Point and Canby next Sunday. V. S. Clemo was In Salem on Mon day of this week. The Ladles' Aid Society of the M. E. Church gave a pie social In the City Hall last Tuesday evening. It was well attended. Alvln Phelps Is In Portland this week, at the home of his brother, combining business and pleasure. Mrs. A. L. Snell went to Portland the last of the week to visit with her daughter. See Nature's Wondrous Handiwork Through Utah and Colorado Castle Gate. Canon of the (Irand, Black Canon, Mar shall and Tennessee Pas ses, and the World-Pamous Royal Gorge For Descripitlve and Illustrated Phampk'ts, write to W. C. McBRIDE, Oen'l Ag't, 124 Third St., PORTLAND, Or. In the future the Enterprise will give the following eubecriptlon club bing ratea: Weekly Oregonian and Enterpriae, both one year, $2.25; Semi Weekly Journal and Enterprise, both one year, $2.00.. Either call at Enter priae office or mail your order. CLARKES. FRAUD EXPOSED. A few counti'rfeliers have lately been ruikliiK anil trying to sell Imita tions nf Dr. King's New Discovery for CoiiNuiiipllon. Cinu'liB and Colds, and oilier ineillclnea, thereby defrauding Hie iiilllc. This is to warn you to bewsre of such people, who seek to profit, Ihriiugh steHllng the reputation of remedies which have been auecesa fully curing disease, for over ',1't years. A sure protection, to you. Is our name on tbe wrapper. Jnik for It. on all Dr Kind's, or Hucklen'a remedies, as nil other ar mere Imitations. 11, K. IIICKI.KN ii CO., Chleagu, 111., and Windsor, Canmla. For sale at Howell 4 Junes drug More, GUN EXPLODES BUT GETS CROW. NOTED NEW 2EALANDER COMING Judge McBrlde Haa a Not Pleaaant 1 Experience. prof, (-,. Siieneer CiJuham, author, lecturer and Journalist, from New Zen land, who has been maklnir a tour of the Colleges and Universities on the 1'nclHc Coast, will be In Oregon Cltv ... .I..II,.... lonl.ir., . ... V.. 7dIih t blnatlon rllle and shotgun came near K,lV,.rnrm.llt 8n( nMtltutlons. It gis-s without snylng that It will be a lecture of more than absorbing St. ....I., .I....L, I.,. ,,!.. ......, .1., II. .1.1. his crow, but the rlll. expl,led and ,; wor(J pulntlnRl( of ,n na((lral won. A crow hunt with a brand new com- routing the life of Judge Thomas A Mcllrlde of the fifth Judicial dliflct of Oregon a few days' ago, reports the ;n,.,r( Portland Jmrnal. The Judge killed : Nl)t ( (nine near killing him. The breech- lock and firing pin blew out, grazed his right temple and went entirely through a two-Inch board bark of him. .ludgo Mcllrlde has a ranch on D"er Island, mid as he Is fond of hunting, stopped in Portland on his way to th" ranch a few days ago and purchase ! one of the latest Improved combina tion rllle and shotgun. He got a gxd supply of. ammunition for both the rllle and the shotgun barrels of the weapon and betook himself to his .ranch for a little outing. The Judge thought he would try his new gun be fore Htartlng out after big game and a crow being the only thing in sight, he loaded the rifle barrel and prepared In test his skill at slusitlng. Fortu iiutlely he had the" gun at such nn an jgle that the stock lay parallel with the side of his face, for when he pull ed the trigger the barrel exploded. 1 Judge Mcllrlde'a face was badly pow-' iii r burned but the Injuries are not CoU'ldered Serious, I after five years of continuous cough ing and bleeding from the Jungs; and I owe my giMid fortune to the world's greatest medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which I know from experience will cure con sumption If taken In time. My wife Improved with the first bottle and twelve bottles completed the cure." Cures the worst coughs and colds or money refunded. At Howell & Jones, druggists. GOc and $100. Trial bottle free. ders and scenery of New Zealand, but the experiments In self government, which they have been ma' Ing has drawn the eyes of the whole world on New Zealand. "We have no unemployed problem, no strikes and no poverty. No trusts and since the governmept has taken the business of lending money largely Into Its own hands and loans money at four and a half per cent, the prosper ity of the island has been trebled.." Professor Schafer, of the University of Oregon, lias characterized prof. Clapham as the "Macnulay of New Zealand." He will lecture In Willamette Hall J on Tuesday evening, February 20. He j will no doubt have a large hearing. OASTOniA, Eeanta lla lind 01) Haw Alwaw Bought A large crowd attended the public wpaking last Monday night, February 12. The speakers were Mr. G. B. Dim ick and Mr. C. Schuebel. If Mr. Dlm ick does what he promises he is the man we want In for County Judge. Mr. North is improving Mr. Buck ner's place right along. He has made a picket fence around the garden and fixed up bis old barn which is a great Improvement to that place. The man's name that bought Mr. Kayser'a place is W. II. Wettlaufer. He was seen taking out some new farming machines; a plow and harrow. Mr. Margnetd, the man that came from Illinois not long ago, says that If You Want a "Cracker Jack' Plumbing Job at a little cost, by all means confer with us before handing out your contract. A. MIHLSTIN, Main Street, near Eighth TWILIGHT. RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE. Hall of Harding Grange. Feb. 3.19. woo', ,na" '?e rV,un? t0, nave a Whereas. It has pleased our divine I ffl" foot. He has been un- Master of the Universe to remove I 7 l" ' " l"c J'""1 f'oin our midst our worthy brother FRED W. MULKEY 6 iSJk f v ; i Y Republican Nomination TED STATES SENATOR For the Short Term. John Roai, we the members of Harding Grange No. 122. do It"solve: That since the call to rest Is from the Divine Maxtor we how In humble submission to Ills will ever remember ing that "Thy will be done." Resolved. That this Grange has lost a gisid and faithful member whose name wes enroll d nn our charter and who was ,a Past-Master: That the family has lost a loving father and the community a faithful neighbor and citizen. l.e It rMolvcd. That a copy of these ro-Kilutlon he sent to the bereaved relatives, a copy to the county papers and a copy placed on a page of our minutes and our charter be draped In black for thirty days. C. F. M. BROWN. 11. S. ANDERSON. J. C, SPRAGUE. ' Committee. F. K. HARKENRIDER. Some Reaaon Why He Should Elected Commissioner. Be Bd'ore having the old-time gold fillings put in your teeth come and see the newer and better porcelain inlays. This work, while comparatively new, has been in general use ; about six years, and by every test is found to be far superior to any other filling known. It preserves the teeth, prevent ing decay Ground the margin as sometimes happens in me talic fillings; are more durable and look very much better. This wcrk is not gen erally used in on account of the skill and time re quired to co as it should be done We hive been doing . porcelain inlay work 'for over two years, be sides taking a special course n,cndidat for evi... t. ...lsI.. 1 unite i.na wuriv wiuie in vmcdgu under the best porcelain work-' ers m the United States. I 'T"" vv' MU,K7 ,waH 'T.n V1 l'"vr He has never asked for or held a iiinu, uregon, anu is a resiueiu 01 nis j colm(y office. Do llOt Confound this WOrk',mtlvo cltv' ,s a ym"lK, ma" 'V1 Commissioners should be located in . every accomplishment which should the various parts of the countv so that With Cement or artltlCiai en- iiunllfy him for this high onioe. Ho is ica n(H,(is 0( n partsl miiy t)e known . t 1 l ' 1 11 ,a graduate of tho State University of nf hv the Conntv ronrt am? . Tnhii h i used hv mjr.v. . ., x,.... ..... , ... 0,n7 lne county voun. ' 1 ' " vregon, uie now lorn i.aw dcihxii 01 The northeast nart of the conntv and Is a lawyer of has not hud a renresentatlve on flint ilirh wtniulhiu- a iimn who hnsi trnvelml 1....1., . ...... to Stay, and is acknowledged extensively In our own country as He i9 located within two hours' tu., well as abroad. He has studied our journey of the county seat. tu us ou uyciu.ii nidi u ins. institutions and compared them with; As proof that we are not antagonls- foreign countries. Ho . Is a logical tic to the other parts of the county, thinker, a forceful speaker and an we win mv ht wp nra nnlv neb Inn- their gold fillings replaced by aiU,Pt Pnrllamentarian. He has many fr wjiat we deserve; that we are rea . -friends, both rich and poor, for ho is sonahle alnce we onlv want one of tho 1 a cpurteous gentleman at all times, i various county and state offices and j He is a Republican always, Ho has that we were advised by some of the I supported all the nominees of the Re publican ticket at all times. He la as 1 loyal to his party as to his friends. He haa confidence In the people and Ms willing to abide by their decision at j the primary election.' 1 Oreiron needs mich men nn Kreil W , ,' 'Mulkevy The Renuhllcan nartv neorla . UK, KIC8T WAN IN ARKANSAS. Weinhard Building , Opposite Buch nu,n- Bn(1 the voters should see "I'm the luckiest man in Arkansas," ... , rr , , that such men are nominated and writes H. L. Stanley, of Bruno, "since Lourt MOUS elected. tae restoration of my wife's health 'Miss Hay McCord Is spending a few dnv In Holland wuh her sisters. Misses Ethel and Helen. Mrs. Chas. White, :io has been vpi-y ill for some time, :n slowly re covering. Mr. James Hylton called on Mr. Wu. Wllehart Sunday afternoon. Cella, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Boylan. has Just recovered j from a light attack or scarlatina. Mrs. M. Thompson called on Mrs. I Geo. V. Wilson last Friday. Mr, George Schrlener. while cutting Mrs. Secrest. of Oregon City, was visiting her former neighbor here one day last week. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. V. Wilson was te scene of a merry gathering Wednesday evening, when these Ideal hosts entertained their Mends In honor of Miss Robinson, of Michigan. The rooms were most ar tistically decorated with cedar and Oregon grape, were filled with guests His knowledge of county affairs Is broad and he has a mind of his own. He is an honest hard-working farm er and well liked by his neighbors. He has a good knowledge of road and bridge construction. He haa been a resident citizen and taxpayer of this county for 23 years . Electricity Porcelain fillings have come .N.' York city, " . ' .high Htnndfng, a i i stay, and is acknowledged i he so superior that in the East many people are having their j them. t All our work guaranteed. L. L. PICKENS .-; ,''Dentst- ' , leading representatives of the other parts of the county to pick out and settle upon some one man for this place. Signed; Taxpayers of Estacada and vicinity. GINSENG Information Relating to the Richest Product : : of the Soil : : Prof. Howard of the Missouri State Agricultural College ' says: "I advise American farmers to cultivate Gin seng. Pig profits are realized. It Is easily grown." A bulletin by the Penn sylvania State College says: "The supply of native Ginseng Root is rap Idly diminishing and the price per pound Is correspondingly Increasing, while the constant demand for the drug in China stands as a guarantee of a steady market for Ginseng In the future." American Consul General Wildman at Hong Kong writes: "There will be little difficulty in disposing on this coast of all the Ginseng that is grown in America. Ginseng is a staple on the market the same as corn, wheat, and cotton. The present market price varies from $G to $S per pound, while the cost of production la less than $1.50. There is room In one's garden to grow sev eral hundred dollars worth each year. The plant can be grown throughout the United States and Canada In any ijoil or climate that will grow ordi nary garden vegetables. There are two planting seasons, spring aud fall. We are buyers and exporters of the dried product, and grow roots and seeds for planting purposes. Let us show you how to make money growiug Ginseng. You can get a practical start in the business for a small outlay and soon have a nice Income. Send two cent stamp today for our Illustrated literature telling all about it. Write at once; you may not Bee this ad again. The St. Lcuh Ginseng Co., Grower and Exporter Saint Loui. Mmmouri The question of artificial light in your HOME is worthy of serious consideration, Do you realize, fully what electric service means in the household all that it bestows in the direc tion of health, comfort, convenience, conservation of eyesight, and the added "TONfc" to your home? Do you care to have your home as convenient and comfortable for you and yours as you can make it? Electric service is available to the smallest as well as the largest user. So cheap is the service at our REDUCED RATES that it can be afforded in the smallest homes. In the STORE the uses of Electric Light are four fold; As an illuminant, as an ADVERTISEMENT and as a proclamation of PROGRESSION, of EN TERPRISE, of ideas and methods that are UP-TO-DATE. An ELECTRIC SIGN IS A SIGN OF LIFE. Business life that is 'what attracts trade. TRADE follows most easily the path blazed by ELECTRICITY. ' Estimates on wiring, cost of current and informa tion regarding the use of electricity for LIGHT or Pi WKR, promptly furnished upon application to C. G. Miller at the Company's branch office, next door to the Bank of Oregon City. ' , PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY C. G. Miller Contract Manager for Oregon City.