OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1006. c REPORT DENIED. The falne report Is being circulated by some person that 1 am about to withdraw my declaration as a candl Htn f,r Treasurer of Clackamas County. I wish to have tho legal vot- ers of Clackamas County understand that I am In It to stay, working and hoping for the best. 18 O. A. CHENEY. FOR STATE PRINTER. W. S. Dunlway. of Portland. In ask ing for the Republican nomination for State Printer, says: "It Is my purpose to be a candidate for nomination as State Printer in the Republican primaries next Spring (April, 1900). I solicit the support of Republicans generally, and especially do I ask the help of all who want re form In the State Printing Office. At present it Is the means of extracting large sums of money from the treas ury for which the people of Oregon got no equivalent benefit. "i( elected. I hereby pledge myself to a great reduction in tho enormous cost of the office, and declare upon my honor that I shall seek neitner to per petuate tre old abuses of the office nor engage in new schemes to loot the treasury. (AM the public may rest assured, if I am elected State Printer, that those who will oppose me will take pleasure In helping me to Veep this pledge ) "The following questions. It seems to me, are proper to ask about a can didate who seeks a Republican nomi nation: "1. Is he an honest man? "2. Has lie the necessary qualifi cations? "3. Is he a Republican in fact as well as in name? "4. Has he given such service to his party's principles and standard bearers as to deserve his party's rec ognition? 'Unless the candidates record will command affirmative answers to these questions, he ought not reasonably to expect favors of the party. "Knowing that I am qualified by years of experience to fill the office of State Printer, and trusting that my personal record will be found satis factory, I respectfully ask your aid in the coming contest." OABTOIIIA. fcontk 1t Kind Yen Haw Hm Biitfl NOTICE OF ANNUAL FIRE ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that the an nual lire election of Oregon City. Ore., will be held on Monday the 5th day of March, 1906. at the City Hall, In the Fountain Hose Company's room, on the east side of Main Street, between 7th and 8th Streets., Oregon City. Ore., at which time and place there will be elected one Chief Engtieer of the Or egon City Fire Department. One As sistant Engineer, and three members of the Board of Fire Commissioners. The polls will be kept open between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. of said day. The Judges and Clerk of said election are as fol lows: William Wickham and Agust Asmus, Judges; J. E. Rhoades, Clerk. E. G. CAUFIELD, President Board of Fire Com missioners. Attest: W. A. Dlmick, Secretary. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. For improving alley In Block 22, Oregon City. Oregon, from the east line of Main Street easterly a dis tance of 160 feet. Notice is hereby given that the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, at a regular meeting held Wednesday, Feb. 7. 1906, declared an assessment by or dinance No. 341. for the improvement of Alley in Block 22 of Oregon City. Oregon, from the east line of Main Street easterly a distance of 160 feet, in the manner provided by Ordin ance No. 333, upon each lot, part of lot and tract of land benefitted, to be as follows: Lot 5, block 22, the norther ly 34 feet thereof, estate of E. E. Charman, deceased.. $ 9.79 Lot 4, block 22, the westerly 55 feet of the northerly 34 feet thereof, estate of E. E. Charman, deceased 4.29 Lot 6, block 22, the southerly 14 feet thereof, estate of E. E. Charman, deceased 4.03 Lot 6, block 22, the northerly 52 feet thereof, Helen L. Milln 34.21 Lot 3, block22, the westerly 55 feet of the southerly 14 feet thereof, estate of E. E. Char man, deceased 1.76 Ut 3, block 22, the westerly 55 feet of the northerly 52 feet thereof, Helen L. Milln 14.96 Lot 7, block 22, the southerly one half thereof, Fred C. Oadke and Tracy Gadke 23.82 Lot 7, block 22, the northerly one-half thereof, Emilie Knapp 14.40 Lot 2, block 22, .he westerly 53 feet of the southerly one- half thereof, Fred C. Gadke and Tracy Gadke 10.43 Lot 2. block '22, the westerly 26.5 feet of the northerly one-half thereof, Emilie Knapp 3.04 Lot 2, block 22, the westerly 55 feet of the northerly one half thereof, except therefrom the most westerly 26.5 feet of said northerly one-half thereof, Fred C. Gadke anil Theresa Gadke, 3.28 Lot 8, block 22, the westerly 85 feet of the southerly 34 feet thereof, A. Knapp 7.92 Lot 8, block 22, the easterly 20 feet of the southerly 31 feet thereof, A. W. Cheney, 1.86 Lot 1, block 22, the westerly 55 feet of the southerly 34 feet thereof, A. W. Cheney, 4.29 A statement of the aforesaid as sessement has been entered in the docket or City Liens and Is now due and payable at the office of the Treas urer of Oregon City, Oregon, in law ful money of the United States, and il not paid within twenty (20) days from the first publication of this not Ice, such procodings will be taken for the collodion of tho same us are pro vided by the Charter of Oregon City. The above assessment will bear In terest twenty (20) days after the first publication of this notice. By order of the Council of Oregon City. Oregon, made this 7th day of City. Oregon made February, A D.. 190b .. 1900. A. DIM1CK, W. I Recorder. Date of the first publication of this notice, Friday, February 16, 1906. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon, for tho County of Clacka mas. John W. Meldrum, Plaintiff, vs. James Edward McXamara. Mary Smith. Thomas Smith, her husband. Jane Smith, Mary Smith. Helen Smith. John Smith. George Smith and Richard Smith, Defendants. To Mary Smith, Thomas Smith, her husband; Jane Smith. Mary Smith. Helen Smith, John Smith, George Smith, and Richard Smith. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and "cause on or before the 2d day of April. 1906, the said day being six weeks from the date of the first publi cation of this summons on February 16, 1906, and If you fail to so appear or answer, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in the complaint here in, to-wit: : Settling and determining the trust of said plaintiff as trustee under the will of James McXamara. deceased, whereunder plaintiff now has In his possession as such trustee, the sum of $1750.51 : allowing plaintiff the sum of $250.00 as compensation for services as such trustee, together with a rea sonable attorney's fee In said suit, to gether with the costs and disburse ments of said suit, and distributing the remainder of said trust funds to the person or persons entitled thereto under the provisions of the last will and testament of James McNamara de ceased; and excluding from partici pation in said trust fund such of the defendants in the said suit as the court may decree not entitled thereto, and for such other and further relief as shall be Just and equitable in the premises. This summons Is published by order of the Hon. T. A. McBride. Judge of j tne aoove entuiea court mane ana en- tered In said court on the 9th day of February, 1906, wherein the said court ordered that the defendants to whom this summons Is directed be required to anpear and answer the complaint herein on or before the 2d day of April 1906, and directing the publication of this summons at least once a week for six successive weeks prior to said 2d day of April, 1906. in the Oregon City Enterprise. HEDGES & GRIFFITH. Attorneys for Plaintiff. First publication, February 16, 1906. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Clear Creek Creamery Co. will be held on the third Monday of March, 1906. The purpose of this meeting Is the election of a board of directors, a secretary and treasurer. Meeting call ed to order at 10 a. m. THOS. E. ANDERSON, Secretary. February 23. Saloon License. Notice is hereby given that we will apply at the next regular meeting of the Oregon City Council for a renew al of our saloon license at our pres ent place of business. Main and Sev enth streets. GRIESSEN & CASSENS. Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing between C. W. Kelly and L. Ruconlch under the firm name of Kelly & Ru conlch. has been this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Kelly retiring from the business which will be con ducted by Mr. Ruconlch who assumes jail or the firm's obligations. C. W. KELLY. L. RUCONICH. Oregon City, Oregon, February 13, 1906. NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE MENT. Notice Is hereby given that John Qulncy Adams Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the South Line or Sev enth Street to the North Line or Sixth Street will be Improved with crushed rock and by laying sidewalks, wooden curbs, corner blocks and drains, and by grading said street according to the established grade thereof. This notice is published pursuant to an order, made by the Council or Ore gon City, Oregon, at a regular meting held February 7th, 1906. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder. Febuary 16. TREASURER'S NOTICE. I now have money to pay County Warrants endorsed prior to January 1st, 1904. Interest will cease on such warrants on the date or this . notice. Oregon City, Oregon, February 9th, 1906. ENOS CAHILL. Treasurer of Clackamas County, Ore. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Amy B. Oakes. Plaintiff, vs. F. P. Oakes, Defendant. ' To F. P. Oakes, above named defend ant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the expiration of six (0) weeks from the date or the first publication of this summons which date of the first pub lication Is January 26. 1906. and date 'of the last publication Is March 9 1906. and if you fail to so appear and answer plaintiff will apply to the Court kW'l ?'Vn l' VV'AII W"'W il i' I ''' l)f THO DANGPR TO THR CHILD May N real or the snake nuiy W a harm- tnm. but there IsdungeKhat ini-iiiics everv chilli's life If the mother Is dell- cient In womanly heultli and functional V 1 1 1 1 1 y . . . , I luiusaiuls of women have borne their ; glyceric extracts or liiilileu Jv'SI root, liliie l ohosh rvt, I'lileorn root, ltltu-k Cohosh root and l.ad' Slipper rout, combined In Just the right proiH.rtlons, gave such ura'isiiig resiilts that this cases. In u little time the demand for it 1 became s) great that he determined Ui put It up and pro hie for Its jreneral sale SO thai the lim'llttldes tireding It tfould . .... - . nl'lJ rJ'V.! V:,.:,.r1v..e .v... sufferings and kept their troubles to ''' ,r " " ,,u-klv your entire body is alkvlol ami themselves from motives of delicacy aud plaintiff for want thereor. will apply ),mv CvCJ-y or,mn aecnis to fail to do il fet-hle childhood has paid tor it. - to tho Court for tho relief prayed for llutv lr. Pierce, forty years ago, comwiiJj.iJ )n snltl complaint on fllo herein, to-j if Uni are stek or " feelbadlv," bruin .Vfitiiv, and fount thai she tad provided wit. . i " .i . i L :.l....v in.'i.dv Fir ...ww., it., f,i 1 n.m.ni.-olmlii. Rage for $115.00. dated at Oswego, Or- . ,, ..,,. k ,lucvs are well tliev will help Iml world us It,: i.-rtv's nirorif. Ye- 1 . Tho date of the first pul.ll wiixioM, a. id Its impurallel.M record of cation of this summons Is January 19. hundreds of thousands of cures, In the l'.0fl, and the dtttfl of tho last puhllea last foi tv years, ju tisies all that can be tlon of this summons Is March 2, 1906. i,,,.m..rt.h.,l,.. , -(,.fl, ft U i WMICK ft niMICK soc im. irfioWe for any woman, of any ; Attorneys for Plaintiff. age and In any condition, to ust. Iir Pierce's Pleasant Pellets -only one I ci'sisi optti cmcmt or two a dav will regulate and cleanse NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. and invigorate s foul, had Stomach, tor- ' . pid Liver, or sluggish llowels. I Notice Is hereby given that the un- Dr. Pierce's Common Sense K'edlcal ' derslgned Executor of tho estate of Adviser will be sent free, paper-bound, for Sarah A. Hamtnett, decensed, has 31 one-cent stamp, or cloth-bourn! for .11 ni,,,j tlf, account of his doings herein, lamp, ."'"rf"' ,,wr,A,,d- with the County Clerk of Clackamas Address Dr. R. V . P.erce. Uuflalu, .V . ! County 0n,Rrtni'Ml, th ClHlnty JU(,K i has set Monday, the 5th day of March. for the relief demanded In said com- plaint, to-wlt: j ty as the time and place for hearing That the bonds of matrimony here- object Ions to said final account and tofore and now existing between the the final settlement of said estate. Plaintiff and the defendant be annuled .Dated February 2, 1906. nit tnravnr itlaonlved And pt nth IflttV I.BWRI.I.EV. jnftUKht ftnd for 8Ucn anj other further relief as equity and the nature of the suit may require. This summons Is published by the order of the Honorable Thomas A. frnri,i0 rtrpnt .TnnV nf th circuit ic0(lrt of the State of Oregon for Clack-1 ama8 Countyi whlch order was duly made and entered on the 24th day of January, A. D. 1906 In the above entitl ed Court. Date of last publication March 9. 1906. J. B. RYAN. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court or the State or i Oregon, for Clackamas County. Chaa. H. Willerlinjr, Plaintiff. Jennie Wlllerllnjc, Defendant To Jennie Wlllerllng, the above named Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you !n the above entitled suit on or before the 7th day of March. 1906. said date being after the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fall so to appear and answer said complaint for want thereor the plaintiff will apply to the court ror the relief heretofore prayed for and for a decree of the said court dissolving the marriage contract now existing between plain - tiff and defendant and holding the same for naught, and for such other and rurther relief as to the court may seem just. This summons is published by order of Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the above entitled court, which order was made and entered on the 12th day of December, 1905, and the time pre scribed for publication thereof la six weeks. Date or first publication, January 19, 1906; date or last publication, March 2, 1906. JOHN F. LOGAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. 25, 26. 27, Washington Building, Port land, Oregon. CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, ror the County or Clack amas. In the Matter or the Estate or James Anderson. Deceased. To James Anderson, Sr.. and all other persons interested in the above en- titled estate' Vr. onrt orh nf vmi nro hfrhv nrv HfloH that r. n nimlnlr tho dnlv n. pointed, acting and qualified admin istrator of the above entitled estate, has filed his petition In the above Court praying for an order or sale or the rollowlng described real property VAlnn(nn in ctalrl fiof o f o f v. vis I f The south East 14 of the Northwest ther relief an to the Court seems Just Vi or Section 28, T. 1 S., R. 3 E. or ' and equitable. the W. M., and that said petition sets lhe,or,r for Publicatlon, of. 8,Jm forth that It Is necessary to sell the I mons thls ,w,a tmdfl b? he real property to satisfy the claims filed and allowed by said admlnlstra - tor against the said estate and to pay the costs of administration there of. You and each of you are hereby cited to appear In the above entitled Court, on Monday, the 19th day of February, A. D., 1906, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., In the County Court Room In the County Court House, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, and then and there show cause, If any you have, why an order should not be granted to the said administrator authorizing directing and permitting him as such administrator to sell the above des - crlbed real property at public auction County Court of said county and state or private sale, and It Is further or-1 and the county Judge thoreor has ap dered that a copy of this citation be j pointed Monday, March 5th, A. D., published for at least four consecutive , 1900, ror the hearing of objections, If and successive weeks In the Oregon any there be, to said report, and for City Enterprise, a newspaper publish- the final settlement of said estate, ed, printed and in general circulation j Any person having objoctions to such In said Clackamas County, Oregon. report, If any there be, are hereby no Dated this 16th day of January, A. , tilled to file suoh objections In said D., 1906. 1 Court on or before said date of final (Seal.) ,.,!. THOS. F. RYAN, hearing. The first notice of hearing Attest:' ! . . County Judge, U published in the issue of February F. W. .GREENMAN, ., 2, 1906. . , CARL A. RATH, County Clerk, Clackamas County, Ore. " Executor of the, aforesaid eHtate. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon,; for tho County of Clacka mas. Jacob Miller. Plaintiff, va, TluVmas McMillan, Defendant. To Thoma McMillan, the above 'named defendant: 'You are hereby notified and jed to appear and answer the co filed against you In tho abovi Oregon: roqulr- complaint filed against you In tho above ontltl- d Court and causa on or before the expiration or six weess rrom, tne unto ,(f the first publication of this summons to-wlt: the 19th dy of January, 1906, wneh the time specified In tho ord- ,nP .Hrivtlner this nuhllratlon. and If . , ' " ' ....,.. egim, .minii i., io;'i. nun wumi hum i- gage Is recorded In Mortgage Records of Clackamas County, Oregon. Volume t Rt ,,ftK0 jsj, and for such other , furthtr r),tf R tl) th8 Collrt my This summons Is published by order of Thomas A. Mcllrldo. Circuit Judge J 0f the Fifth Judicial District of Ore- .. nn.l unl.l nr,l.r mmliv ilntod I Il,i.lk 11 1UI1I 1.1 I11. I.ill in said Court on January 1906, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the county court room of said coun- O. D. EI1Y, Executor. Attorney for Executor. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of th State or Oregon, ror Clackamas fount y. William Etters, Plaintiff, vs. A. W. Bowman and Blanche E. Little, Defendants. To A. W. Bowman and Blanche E. Little, said defendants: In the name of the State or Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint ft I ml against you In the above entitled actUn on or before March 15, 1906, and If you fall to answer, ror want thereof tho plain- tiff will take Judgment against you and each of you for $200 and costs and apply for an order of sale or the following described attached real es tate to satisfy said Judgment, to-wlt: Commencing at a stake In the above named county which Is 25.60 chains east and 29.40 chains north or the N. W. corner of the D. L. C. of James Winston. No. 59; running thence N. 40 degrees thirty minutes E. 11.87 chains; thence N 26 degrees 15' B. 5 84 chains thence N. 87 W. 18 chains; to left bank of Clackamas river; thence down stream with the i meanders of said river S. 30 W. 9.02 j chains; thence 8 13" W. 5.38 chains; ; thence S. 87 E. 8.03 chains to the place of beginning except 2.50 acres . therefrom conveyed to W'm. Etters. This Summons is published by 'order or Judge Thomas F. Ryan, judge of the County Court of said i county. I Dated January 29. 1906. The date of the first publication or thg aumnions being February 2, 1906. c D & D C LATOIIRETTE Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In tha Circuit Court of the Btate of Or- gon, for Clackamas County. Ada Burrows, Plaintiff, vs. James M. Burrows, Defendant. To James M. Burrows, defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before 24th day of February, 1906, Isaid day being more than six weeks ln uin aay oi January iw ue umo ui lu mnw v " .!... ytt. buix I summons anu II you Ittll W BO answer, w warn uiereoi, uie pmiuiiu win u ply to the Court tor the reller prayed ror, to-wlt: For a decreo or said Court forever dissolving the bonds or . matrimony now existing between plaintiff and de fendant and Tor such other and rur- Hon. Thomas McBride, Judge of the 1 above ent't'?l1 court on the 9th of "a""n'V . , The date of tho first publication of this summons is January 12, 1906, and . date fif J?" ,aBt Publication is February 23, 1906. ED. MENDENHALL and A. R. MENDENHALL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Executor's Final Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, Executor of the last will of Ferdinand Rath, deceased, late of Clackamas County, Oregon, has fllod .hls final rooort. with the Clerk of the Often Tift -Kidneys Aro Weakened by Ow-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to ln consldereil that only urinary and bladder troubles were to lw traced to the kidneys, but now modern science jirovcH that nearly all discuses have their lcgiuuiuu in the disorder of these most important organs, Tho kidneys filler and purif y the blood thul is their work. Therefore, when your kidney are weak or out of order, vou can understand how . . ( 111. 1 i .. 1 uu lUt, tiler orailH lo liriiiiu, A nun wju convince snvoiie. if Vou ire rick' vou can make no nils take' bv first doi-loring vour kidneys, T, ( j ,.Nlrtl,,ilul(rv ellecl oj kidnev reutedv, is smut icalii-d. U nt.mds the hinliet for its wonderful cures (1f tbe unt iliHtn sMtig cases, and is mdd .... 1.- H t V drKistsin r.ftyentrtfSrya ntnl oite-doliur si ,! hnlllcN. Vou IllJlV have a sample bottle i,.mcf wmj-tln. by tn.iil tree, iiW u pamphlet ti lling you I I how l find out il vou have knlliey or bladder trouble. '.Mention' thi paper I I when wntint; lo Dr. Kilmer & C.. Iliiig- ! I hiimlon, N. V. Don't make nay mistake, ; but returiiibcr the name, S. Vim-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Knot, and the ud Urcstii, lltiighuiutou, N. Y., n every ImjIUc. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of voters In the county Is made to spia-nr Oregon, ror the County ot Clacks-' considerably ngnou'titcd. The rents mas. Ilnitlon to date amounts to about lKUO Lcsslo Eury. Plaintiff, (voters, of whom I. ' have registered vs. ' I as Republicans. The normal Hepubll- Frank Eury. Defendant. jean majority in the county ranges To the above named Frank Enry, ; from about f.iui on the county ticket Defendant. 1 to liin on the legislative ticket. In the name of the State of Oregon I - - you are required to appear and ans-1 THE YELLOW FEVER GERM, wer the complaint filed against you j - ' In tho above entitled suit. In the Clr jhas recently been discovered. It twar cult Court or Clackamas County, Slate ; a close resemblance to the malaria or Oregon, on or before March 12th, I germ. To free the system from dls A. I). 1906, or the plaintiff will apply ,ease germs, the most effective remedy to said court for tho relief demanded ' Is Dr. King's New Life Pills, (luaran In her complaint, b-wlt: 1 teed to cure all diseases due to mals- For a decree forever dissolving the j rla poison and constipation. 25 cents bonds of matrimony now existing be - tween you and the Plaintiff, on tho grounds of willful desertion of her by you for more than one year prior to the date or filing this suit, and for the care and custody or her minor daughter Valla and ror such other and rurther reller as In equity, she may be entitled, and unless you so appear, on or before said March 12th. 1906, and answer said complaint, a decree will be taken against you for want thereof. This summons is published by or- der of the Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the aforesaid court, made and entered of record on January 19, A. D , 1906, and the first publication thereor Is In the Issue of the Oregon City Enterprise of January 26th, 1900, and the last publication will bo la the Issue of March 9th, 1906. C. H DYE. Attorney ror Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court or the State or Oregon, ror the County of Clack amas. Pearl T. Hlnman. Plaintiff, vs. Thomas Forester, Defendant. To the above named Thomas For ester, Defendant: In the name of the State or Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed In the above entitled suit In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county, on or before the 12th day of March, 1906, said day being more than six weeks rrom the 2d day or February, 1906. the date or the first publication of this summons, and If you rail so to Answer, ror want thereor plaintiff will apply to the court for the reller demanded In the complaint filed In said suit to-wlt: For a decree against you forever quieting plaintiff's title to the following described real estate, to-wlt: Lot No. 3 in block No. 30, of Oregon City, Oregon, and that by said decree all adverse claims or defendant be determined, and decreed that defend - ant has no right, title or Interest In said land or any part thereof, and that plaintiff's title Is valid and good. That defendant and all persons LiQUlltUK umjtTi ujr or liiruuK mill Ul? rorever barred rrom asserting or claiming any interest in said land, ad verse to this plaintiff. This summons Is published by order of the Honorable Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of the County court of Clackamas County, Oregon, made, dated and filed January 29th, 1906. The date of the first publication of this summons Is February 2, 1906 and the date of the last Is March 9th, 1906. J. F. CLARK, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State or Oregon, for the County or Clack amas. .1. S. Wilson. Plaintiff, vs. Ruth Wilson, Defendant. To the above named Ruth Wilson, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are required to appear and answer tho complaint filed In the above en titled Htilt In the Circuit Court or the State or Oregon ror Clackamas County 1 on or before the 12th day of March.' 1906, said day being more than six weeks from the 2d day of February, j 1900, tho date of the first publication ; of this Biimgions.i and If you fall ho ; to answer, for want thereof the plain- tiff will apply to the court for the re- J lief demanded In complaint herein to wlt: For a decree of Hald court dis solving the bonds or matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defend ant and for such other and further re lief as to the court may seem rnete and ,., Just. .. . ' j.,r 'j- . i This summons Is piilillHhod by order of lion. Titos. F. Ryan, Judge of tUo County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, miido, dated and filed on the 29th day or January, 1906, And tho duto of the first publication Is Febru ary U, ItlOtl, am! the date or the lust Is March !Uh, 1906. i J. V. CLARK. Attorney for Plaintiff.. WILL HELP ONLY THEMSELVES. Socialists Ars Not, to Register Under Any Other Party Name. For ClaeliHtuHs County HocIiiIIhIs U register as n Republicans or as tuoiu lieiM of any other political organiza tion In order lo pitrtlelpato at primary election In April will be considered sutllcleut grounds to illsiuallfy them from a further participation In th councils of their party according to an edict that hits been Issued by Claud S. Howard, secretary of the Social 1st party In this county. In his let tor Mr. Howard says: "The Direct Primary election Is only for those parties which have Hi!lod 5 per cent of the vole or the last oloc llou ConseiuuiIy only the Republi can and Democratic parlies will nom inate their cuudlilates In this election and It Is not honorable for the Hoclul Ists to register us a Itepubllcau or a Democrat and take part In nomination their cnlndldales. Any Socialist who 'does so will be debarred from taking part In the county convention that will be held by the HoelallHts early in April. If you are regisiereu nnenujr the law provides that you tuny chungo your declaration before tho reglstrs tlon boMs close for the Primary elec- tlon.1 A great ninny Democrats and a Tew Socialists In this county have already registered as Itepuhllcntis In order to be permitted to participate In the It" publican Primary election. Hy reusoit of this the majority of Itepubllcau ; at Howell & Jones drug store. OREGON CITY MARKET REPORT. (Corrected Weskly.) Wheat No. 1. C7f73c per bu. FlourValley. $1.25 per bid. Hard wheat $4.90. Portland, $1.10 per sack. t Howard's Best, $1.25 per sack, j OatsIn sacks, $1.15 per cental, Hay Timothy, baled $lltt$12 per tun; clover $9; oat, $9; mixed bay $1. cheat, $8 50. Mlllstuffs Bran $19 50 per ton; shorts, $20.50 per ton; chop $18.00 per ton; barley rolled $25.50 per ton. Potatoes 43f 60 tier hundred. Eggs Oregon 22 i t to 25c per dozen. Butter Ranch 55QGO; separator 60c: creamery, C570c. Rutabegas, Carrots, Turnips, Par snips and Beets 60c per sack. Good Apples Choice $1.00. Honey lKfl2He per lb. Prunes (dried) Petite, Sc per Tb; Italian, large, 5c per lb; medium, IVic; Bllver. 4V4C Dried Apples Sun Dried, quartered, 44c lb; sliced, 6c; fancy bleached, 7Hc Dressed Chickens 1C ft). Live Stock and Dressed Meats Beer, live $3.00tf3.25 per hundred. Hogs, live, 5c; dressed, 7c; sheep, $3 i $4 per head; dressed, 7c; veal dress ed 77ttc; lambs, live 2.5003.00 per head. A HEALING GOSPEL. The Rer. J. C. Warren, pastor of Sharon Baptist Church, Belalr, Ga.. says of Electric Bitters: "It's a God send to mankind. It cured tne of lame back, stiff Joints, and complete physical collapse. I was so weak It took toe half an hour to walk a mile. Two bottles of Electric Bitters have made me so strong I have Just walk ed three miles In 5 minutes and I foot .like walklug three more. It's made a new man or me." Greatest remedy 1 for wetikneas and all Htomach, Liver ' and Kidney complaints. Sold under . guarantee at Howell & Jones' drug store. Price 50 cents. Ocean and River Schedule For Ban FrsncUco Evry flv days at I p. m. For Astoria, way point and Portland, Oregon. I p. m.; flaluiday at 10 p. m. Dally service (water Mrmlttlnf) on Willam ette and Yamhill rtvura. For dstallrd Information of rates, The Oregon Railroad Navigation Co your nearest tlrket asent, or OeMral raaannser A sunt. A, L. CftAlO, CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Jf f t 'rrr HwiU hnt biwiuiM K) C..-W Htn fflwful ynua hun Iwn lip. nl In l Ljivj tmr ili'Viluinriit-luiir n t-nninry I irt i'rn III limiting tlmiu lfh miiwrmr lo nil oilx-ra I X, r A V(i urn i.h.ii'.iIhii In prnwlnif -T V llwr ami vtiiiialilit U t'ft'X luua '"' ft, V 0. M, FERRY 4 CO., jf