Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 16, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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d-iti- Qisl lino si r i
Wanti a Divorce.
Frank MnmilriK has filed divorce
proceedings iignliiHt MarenMit A, Man
ning whom tut married nt ('iitliluiiiot,
Washington, In August, 1H03. iwitr
t Ion Ih alleged, -
Death of Charles Ford
CIium. Fun I (I led IiihI Thursday lit
IiIm homo lit Willamette, Consumption
WUM tlllt CltllMll of (ll'lltll. Ford wiih a
native of ('liiekninii county, He wiih
aged 4H yours nml Ih survived liy a
wife and four children, Funeral ser
vices wero ludil Friday afternoon tind
Interment took place In the Oswego
Settled for 1100
It. V. Potior tint accepted from
Chic knitiiiH county $100 In full set
tlement of all claims UKulniit tint enmi
ty for dauiHKt'H received a few nionthM
ago while In tint (anility's employ In
the eoiiKtnictlnii of the South Knd
Houd. Hy tint exploHlon of tt box of
nynumlto HiipH Porter sustained severe
Injuries nml narrowly escaped with
lilH life.
Roota Wins Suit
Circuit JiidKe Mcllrldi) Iiiih relumed
a decree In (tut celebrated and compli
cated milt of J. W, ItootH UKAlllHt Hie
HorliiK Junction Lumber Company, In
volving valuable timber rlKhtN, Plain
tlft Ih awurdeil iIuiiiiikoh In tho mi in
of IIIOil and (lie defendant are per
petually rcHtrulnod from further re
iiiovIiik limber from tint Ki"uter part
of the premises Involveil In the con
troversy. Had No Funds In Bank
A warrant Issued from the Oregon
City Jiiiitlie Court Friday afternoon
for the arrest of A. Fay on a ctianso
of obtaining money under false pro-
teliHeH. Fy succeeded In having a
check clothed for $2 50 on tho Com
mercial Hunk In which he hud no fundn
depoHlted. Fay left the city for Port
luinl. but Iiiih Hllice boon located at
Mc.Mlnnvllle. He will probably be
returned to this city,
Tooxe Canvassing Clackamas
Walter L. Too.e, of Woodburu, can
didate for CongreHM from tint FlrHt
Congressional District, wum In the
city linti Friday night ami attended a
meeting of the Woodmen, Saturday
Mr. Tihi.o went to Ixgun whent he
addre-HHed another iiHetliig In the In
terent of IiIh candidacy, Mr. Tim.o
Ih itiaklng a vlgoroiiH ciiiivuhh of thU
county, While neither llnwley nor
lliiHton. the two other canillduteH for
thin iionilnullou, have addreNHeil a
meeting In ClnckamaH county, both
have Htiong and Inllueiitlal frleudH here
who are doing ctlectlve work.
Is no longer a mere novelty like the old style
talking machine. It is seriously recognised by
music lovers as a musical instrument of great
merit, reproducing all the beautiful quality
of the original.
Prices of Machines, $1 7.50, $20,
$25, $35, $45 and $65.
Reduced prices on Records, 7 -in.
35c, 10 in. 60c, 12-in. $1.00.
twmeisf ei & Andescn
, SaspensJon Bridge Corner The Oregon City Jewelers
Died at Redland
Charles Hi'iin, lined 42 years, died
Sunday of dropHy at hid home at Hud
land, Deceased Ih survived hy a wife,
He came to thin state onfl year BK'
from Clark county, WlHConidn. Fun
eral services were hold lit thn late
homo at 2: '10 p. m, Tuesday and In
terment followed at tbo Kodliind cem
etery, Tim deceased wan a member of
tliu Modern Woodmen of America.
Carter Files Petition
15. I', Carter, of Gladstone, on Mon
day (lied li Ih putltlon for nomlnntloii
an one of tint threo aiidldnt for
UeprenoiitallVH on the Republican tick
et la this county. Besides agreeing to
vote for the people'H choice for Unit
ed States Henator, Mr. Carter says he
will advocate) the aliollMhlim of rail
road paHMeH, oppose political Kraft
and machine polities, favor taxliiK
corporutloiiH In the uninn proportion
an private Individuals and thn Hit me
Hlamliird of morality and honesty In
public an In private life,
Mllwaukle la Crowing
The pioneer town of Mllwaukle: Iiiih
taken on new life and Ih now growing
nlowly hut HuliHtuntlally. John Welz
lor In completing two new cottages,
A. Walker aUo Ih erecting a dwelling
and K. II, lochlor Ih completing a
handsome dwelling. Tho city will put
tilt a hundHomo City Mall costing from
$2000 to $:iooo thin year. Mayor Shin
dler U coiinervailve, and wontM tho
money on hand before tint work Ih
Hturted, and does not want a debt on
the municipality. He say thut by
July the city will be In a position to
I take dounlto HtcpH toward tho erection
of a City Hall, but that ho Ih ophhc(
to starling before that time. Oregon-
Kruse Announces Platform
lion. J. L, Kruno, of Stafford, who
nerved tho (icoplo of CliickimittH coun
ty In the Hoiiho of Iteprt'HentatlveH
during the hchmIoh of 1901, han flled
hU petition with tho County Clerk
announcing that he will he a candi
date for nomination bh on onn of the
three HeprenentatlveH on thn Republi
can ticket. Mr, Km hi HubHcrilx-K to
Statement No. 1, of tho Direct Primary
I.aw, and pledgi'H hlniaelf at all tlmea
to voto for tho people's cholco for
t'nlled mate Senator. Mr. Kruno
will endeavor to havo repealed tho
preHi-nt law regulating the burning of
hIhhIiIukh and will work for a atato
banking law.
TIiIh ailment U cuimed unually by
rheumutlHin of the tmiHclea and may
! bo cured by applying Chamberlain's
tturiile f .! xxiii V,.,nic rvlilrnt In ouUielt
yinilillll,-)M. ii. (i. Giikkm.
The aM of w leniifn; Inventions Is not
needed to determine whether your lungs
are iidrctcd, The firnt ymptins can k
readily noted l,y anyone of average In
telligence, Theie Ih no iliw iise known that f;lve so
many jiluin wiirniigH of its approach sh
riiiiHiiiiiiti(in, nml no m-rions diM-nne Unit
can l,e no otiickly reached anil chiTkeii,
If the medicine uwl i Dr. Iloachee's
CertiiHii Hyriip, which is made to cure
It is in the early stages that German
Syrup-should I taken, when warnings
are given in the cough that won't quit,
the congestion of the hroitrhial ttik-s and
the gradual "weakening of the lungs, ac
companied ,y frciiueiit expectoration.
Hut no nwitter now decp-m-uird your
cough, even if dread coiiumption has
alreudy attacked your lungs, (ierman
Syrup will urely effect a cure as it halt
done la-fore In thoiiHnrid of apparently
hopeleH canes of lung trouble.
New trial kittles, 35c. Regular size,
73c. At all druggitit. s
Char man & Co., City Drug Store
Pain Halm two or threo tlmea a day
and rubbing tho parta vigorously at
each application. If thla doc not
afford relief, bind on a pleco of flannel
Hllghtly dampened with Pain Halm,
and (julck relief Ih almont aura to fol
low. For aalo by Howi-II & Jones.
Following Ih tho report of Highland
school for tho month ending Febru
ary 9, lnoO. Number of pupil en
rolled 31; number of day taught, 20.
Total number of day attendance C-t'J.
Averago dally attendance 28. ThoHO
who wero proHent every day are:
Harold Voha, Herbert Voha, Kddlo
Voha, Badlo Fellowa, Kva Schram,
Ituby Schram, Edna Voha, Stella
Helm, Dwlght Falrfowi.
Vlnltor proHent Mra. Ada StevenH,
MIhhi-h Mary Adams, (lertlo Shock
ley and Mr. D. Miller, director. Via
Itorn alwaya welcome.
If you aro acquainted with anyone
who Ih troubled with thla dlHtroHslng
ailment you can do him no greater
favor than to tell him to try Chamber
lain's Salve. It given Instant relief.
Price 25 cents per box. Sold by
Howell & Jonea.
Mrs. Cochran, Formerly of Needy, One
of (Victims In Firs at
-PORTLAND, Or., Fob. 13. Four
pornonH lout their Uvea In a flro of un
known origin that burned for Ave
hours, wiping out. rows of frarno build
ing on both sldea of Eant Morrison,
from Water atrpet to tho river yenter
day. It was at firat feared that tho
fatulltlea would bo more appalling,
hut lant night at 8 o'clock Deputy Cor
oner Arthur L. Flnley announced that,
In all probability, all bodies of tho
dead had been taken from the rulna.
There Ih a poslbl)lty that there may
bo more burled under tho great ma
of dcbrln.
For reaaon believed to be sound,
It Ih thought that the body of the
woman, taken from the ruin after
daybreak. Ih that of Mrs. Cochran,
grandmother of Harry Cochran. The
hitter was a partner In the White
Front aahjon, under tho rooming -house
whore the woman met her death.
If the woman is In reality Mr.
Cochran, her death standa out a one
of the most pathetic and thrilling fea
ture of the fatal fire. According to
Mr. Carrie Cooper, landlady of the
Iiouho, the aged woman was the firat
to be aroused hy tho flames. She was
up lnntantly, flying from room to room
awakening thoe In peril. She suc
ceeded In warning all tho sleeper,
started down tho front stairs herself,
but turned back upon remembering
her pet canary.
"I hoard Mr. Cochran cry out that
she could not bear to leave her can
arw to die." Hald Mr. Cooper. "She
turned and entered the building, which
was enveloped In flame. I never saw
her afterward, and am convinced that
her body now lie at the morgue. She
had often told me that she would
never part with her canary without
making an effort to save Its life. Thl
occurred at times when we would
hear the fire alarms."
The property loss approximates 130,-
000 with $30,000 Insurance. The fire
exceeded In the loss of lives of white
perMon any conflagration In the his
tory of Portland.
The Dead.
Nathaniel P. Young, aged 35 years,
cremated in East Side Transfer Com
pany's barn. ,
Edward Dalley, aged 8 years, cre
mated In room at 2i)5 East Morrison
Woman believed to be Mrs. CocH
ran, aged C5 years, cremated In room
ing house at 287 East Morrison
Unidentified man, taken from ruins
of Alpine House.
Mrs. Cochran, who Is mentioned In
the foregoing report as being one of
me victims of tho fire, Is a former
reid. nt of Clackamas County, having
lived ot Needy until a year ago when
she sold her large farm and removed
to Portland that her grandson might
engage in the saloon business.
A Little Sound Advice Will Help
Many a Sufferer in Oregon City
No woman can be healthy and well
If the kidney are sick. Poisons that
pass off in the urine when the kidneys
are well are retained In the body when
the kidneys are Biek. Kidney and
bladder get inflamed and swollen,
crowding the delicate female organs
nearby and sometimes displacing
mem. 1 his la the true cause of many
bearing-down pains, lameness, back
ache, sideache, etc. Uric poisoning
aiso causes headaches, dizzy spells,
langour, nervousness and rheumatic
When suffering so, try Doan's Kid
ney Pills, the remedy that cures sick
kidneys, -You will get better as the
kidneys get better, and health will
return when the kidneys are well. Let
a grateful woman tell you about
Poan'8 Kidney Pills.
Mrs. A. Canavan, of 330 Lincoln St.,
Portland. Ore., says: "I was led to
recommend Doan's Kidney Pills three
years ago from the great relief I had
found In a case of kidney complaint
which had annoyed me for a long time.
I tried other remedies previously but
Doan's Kidney Pills were the only
remedy that helped me. My trouble
had lasted for three years, during
which 'time I suffered from irregular
action of the kidneys and backache. At
times I was in such misery with the
aching and weakness that I could not
rest in any position. I suffered from
headaches and dizziness and could
hardly attend to the simplest of house
hold duties. Doan's Kidney Pills freed
me from this miserable existence and
I never have lost an opportunity to
recommend the remedy. In fact, I
gave a public testimony in 1903, which
I am glad to repeat and confirm."
Plenty more proof like this from Or
egon City people. Call at Huntley's
Bros, drug store and ask what their
customers report.
For sale by all dealers. Pnice 50
cents. FostorMllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole a gents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Chas. V. Moore, a machinist, of
Ford City, Pa., had his hand frightful
ly burned in an electrical furnace. He
applied Bucklen'a Arnica Salve with
the usual result: "a quick and perfect
cure." Greatest healer on earth for
Burns, Wounds, Sores, Eczema and
Piles. 25c at Howell & Jones, drug
Woman Suffragists Hold Interesting
Exercises at Oregon City.
For years It haa been said, "The
women of Oregon can vote whenever
they show that they want to." From
present Indications the women want
r.o, a itogeiner not less man . women
'regon v,uy, w say noining oi sev-
era! hundred voters, personally met
and listened to Miss Gall Laughlln
Monday at the magnificent reception
at the home of Mrs. Sarah Chase In
the afternoon and at the Baptist church
in mo evt-iiuiK wiii-iw a nwienuiu pro-
gramme oi parnouc music and ad
dresses was effectively rendered.
Mr. Chase was assisted In receiv
ing by her daughters: Mrs. O. L,
Hedges and Mrs. L. Adams; Mrs. J.
K. Hedges, Mr. C. D. Itourette, Mrs.
C. II. Cauflold, Mrs. G. A. Harding.
Mrs. C. H. Dye and Mrs. C. W. Evans.
No speaker that ever came to tho
Chautauqua platform at Gladstone
Park ever left a better ImpresHlon
than did Mi Laughlln In Oregon
City, Monday, where she modestly be
came spokesman for the women who
cannot speak for themselves. Her ar
guments that the franchise for women
wa right, was Just, was expedient and
the next step In the development
of Individual liberty were received
with applause and approbation.
"I always believed that,'' said many
a pioneer mother, who had faced In-
dlans, fought the wilderness and help-
ed to make a home In the newest west,
A Oregon City was the first Capital
of Oregon and the Mecca of overland
emigration, as might have been ex -
pected. a large proportion of tho i
women present were of the old pioneer I
stock honored In the history of the
state and representative of Influen
tial families.
Mr. Sarah A. Chase, whose stately
home like a catle on the bluffs over
look Oregon City, Is the daughter of
John Stevenson, a personal friend of
Abraham Lincoln, who served with
him as fellow delegate to convention
at Springfield, Illinois, in 1853 with
his family crossed the Plains tc . Ore-
gon, settling at Sprlngwater In Clack -
amas county. Inheriting much of her
father's ability and energy, Mrs. Chase
has become a financier, buys and sella
, , ' , , V. l, , J . . .
band free to attend to his individual
line of business.
On the platform with Miss Laughlln
in the evening, besides Mrs. Chase,
w ere Mr. O A. Harding state presl -
dent of the omen s Relief Corps, and
granddaughter of the famous Samuel
K. Rarlow, who In 1846 built the first
road over the Cascade mountains Into
Western Oregon; Miss Addle Clark,
the accomplished and efficient superin
tendent of the Oregon City schools;
Miss Laura Gregg, of Kansas, National
organizer now managing the Suffrage
campaign in Oregon; Mrs. Ida Porter
Boyer. of Pennsylvania, Suffrage press
representative, and Mrs. Eva Emery
Dye, who presided. Mrs. R. C. Gan
ong, the popular Oregon City soloist,
who bears the name of another hon
ored pioneer of 1852, sang with effect
"The Star Spangled Banner" and "Col
umbia, the Gem of the 'Ocean," with
chorus accompaniment by the choir.
The stage decorations of flags, green
ery and the portrait of Lincoln, gave
an effective background to Miss
Laughlin's text from Lincoln: "I go
for all sharing the privileges of the
government who assist In bearing Its
burdens, by no means excluding wo
Furnlihtd Every Week By the Clackamas
Abstract Company.
H. L. Stratton to P. J. Lutz, lot 14,
block 8, Falls View; $3500
E. M. Haines to I. S. McArthur,1121
acres in Alfred CI.; $4,500 v
W. D. Brown to J. P. Galeener, 3.1
acres in 3. 3, E; $500
A. H. Shaver to Z. B. Shaver 170
acres In section 24, 5 1, E; $2,500
L. E. Armstrong to C. Ewald lots 6,
7, 44 and lo block 98, Oak Grove; $125
S. L. & I Co. to L. E. Armstrong lots
1 to 7 and 14 to 20 In block 98, Oak
Grove; $
M. Heller to C. E. Thebo NE quarter
of NW quarter, section 31, 1 3, E;
E. Graves to M. Welmer 60 acres in
section 15. 41, E: $1,800
H. Donley to J. E. Boyer part ' of
Fisher Cl 22, E; $125
Wni. Shindelr to E. G. Lowe lots 34
and 35, block 14, Mlnthorn; $300
P. Troger toA. P. Troger SW quarter
of SW quarter, section 31, 3 1, E;
A. H. Breyman to Proctor & Beers,
E half of SE quarter, section 33; SW
quarter of NW quarater and SW quar
ter of section 34, 1 4, E;
Proctor & Beers to W. J. Harris
N half of NE quarter of NE quarter
section 33; SW quarter of NW quarter
and SW quarter of section 34, 14, E;
E. E. McFarlane to G. Lazeele part
of McCarver Cl 31. E; $1,454.
J. S. Crumbly to E. Minich part of
lot block 1, Green Point; $830. "
C. McCown to C. Howell, block 2,
Gladstone; $800.
J. F. Peterson to C. Pauling lots 5
and 6 blk. 26, Oswego, $200.
O. and C. R. Co., to W. M. Frazer,
lot 5 and SE of NW of SW section
5, S 5. E; $342.
A. S. Ellis to H. B. Moore lots 1 &
2 In Annex Add Oregon City; $200.
H. Salmon to I. Larkins et al lot 8,
block 34 Milwaukie Hgths $10.
E. F. Riley to A. E. Kelso, lots 27,
DO YOUr Work Work Guaranteed
We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
Office Opposite Masonic Building
'Zrr1 Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Vigorous Health I th OrAt Bonros of
Powar to Inspire and Enoouraajo
11 Women Btiould 8ek It.
of the m0t notedi mm1nl and
richest men of this century, In a recent
articie, has aald. Whatever I am and
whatever auocesa I have attained In
this world I owe all to my wife. From
the dav I first knew her h hiu h-
an Inspiration, and the greatest belp
male OI mv iiie.
To be anch a auecesflful wife, to f
tain the love and admiration of her
husband, to inspire him to make tha
jinoat of himself, should be a woman's
j constant study.
' lt woman finds that her enerlea
! are flaWin(f. nat 8h fret" easily tired,
1 dark shadows appear under her eyes,
UM uuiicue, wanna-
dowun Pvft,ins' nervousness, irregularitlea
or the blues, she should start at one
to build tip her system by a tonic with
specific powers, such as Lydia E. Pink
ham Vegetable Compound.
Following we publish by request
letter from a young wife s
Dear Mrs. Pink bam:
" Ever inoe my child was born I havs suf
fered, a I hope few women ever h&va.wita hv
i flammaUon, female weakness, bearing-dowa
V'm. bwliahe and wretehed headaches. Is
j harmwr
1 " Lydia E. Pfnkbam's Vegetable Compoun4
! made me a well woman, and I foel so grateful
' that I am glad to writ and tell you of my
I nrnrreioui reoovry. It brought ma health.
What Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable
Compound did for Mra. Ainsley it win
An .;n,.
rt ,mnt. JL, J
dersW Mrs. Mnkham
! daughter-in-law of Lydia E Pinkham,
1 at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and
always helpfuL
to 31 blk. 43, Minthorn, $100.
A. Lowell trustee to A. W. Bodgen
N half of SW and S half of NW ft
SW of NE of section 18, 44, E; $1250.
D. J. Hite to J. A. Hite E half of
W half of SE section 30, 14. E; $906.
N. Sladen to L. B. S. B. Smith, lots
1, 2, & 3 of Aiiperson' Subrivision to
Gladstone, $120.
P. Nehren, to E. Matthies, part of
lots 1 and 2 byock 132 Oregon City;
W. Fisher to O. Johnson loats 13
& 14, Oswego, $1000.
C. Barz to G. Lindell 12 acres in
Wills CI. 11, E; $5300.
H. A. Gist to D. J. Hite NW of NE
section 3, 24 E; $800.
A Ammacher to M. Amecher 72
acres in section 12. 2 2 E; $400.
Hibernia Sav. Bank to M. D. Slssins
lots 16, 17 in Milwaukie Park $98.
W. G. Langford to G. E. Loder, lot
C. Bunavesta, $1.
J. Broetje to Clack Co., 11 feet off
tract 9 Broetje's acre Homes, $5.
E. Lund to E. S. Alexander S half
of SE section 18, 26, E; $800.
The Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co.
are owners of the only complete Abstract
plant In Clackamas county. Prompt and
reliable work on short notice, and all
work guaranteed. Abstracts made, money
loaned,, mortgages foreclosed, trusts exe
cuted, estates settled and titles perfect
ed. J, T. Clark. Atty at Law,
President and Manager.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Deserves Your Patronage.
The grpwth of a community and the
success of its local institutions, depend
entirely on the loyalty of its people. It
Is well enough to preach "patronise home
Industry" but except the service given
at a home institution equals that of out-of-fown
enterprises, this argument car
ries no weight and Is entirely disregard- '
ed, as It should be. But with Oregon Cltj
people it Is different , A few months
ago E. L. Johnson established the Cas
cade Laundry. It Is equipped with the
latest Improved machinery and ia dally
turning out work that Is equal to any
and superior to much of the laundry
work that is being done in Portland.
Being a home institution and furnishing
employment for many Oregon City people
it is enjoying an immense patronage.
The high standard of the work being
done commends it to the general public.
Laundry left at the O. K. barber shop will
be promptly called fog) and delivered to
any part of the city. Telephone 1204.
E. L. Johnson, proprietor.
Belching and that sense of fulness
so often experienced after eating is
caused by the formation of gas. The
stomach fails to perform its functions
and the food ferments. Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets will cor
rect the disorder. They aid digestion
and strengthen the stomach and bow
els. For sale by Howell & Jones.
Prices Reasonable