OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1900. 4 l Out Cot t espondents' Cor net t " Brlif lUts of Gossip From AH Prtsof th County. f MARKS' PRAIRIE. . Mr. .Tack Kerr has been repairing fences the past week. Mr. Win. Lend; came near losing bis house by fire one day this week. Mr. Wilt Armstrong, of Paradise City gave n social dance last Saturday evening and several of our people at tended and had a fine time. A delight ful lunch was served at midnight and all went home well pleased. Lumber Is being delivered for Mr. Ben Wolfor's new residence. The dance at Needy was well at tended and it would have been a suc cess if it was not that several young "would he smart ones." who always come to the Xeedy dances drunk as lords. It is up to the persons giving these dance to issue cards of Invita tion and this will keep out this class of hoodlums. It Is getting to be a dls marriage to Miss Lena Oerhnrdos, of Eagle Creek. Next Saturday night there will be a call mooting at Harding Orange, (lenernl business and practice work for degree team. The team has com plete paraphernalia now and the young ladies look "Irresistible" in their new robes. About a dozen ladles attended the sewing meeting at Mrs. F. Berbers j Wednesday last. In behalf of the Grange. All had a jolly time. The farmers are all busy sowing 'irrain ami taking advantage of the Hue weather. HEALTH. Positive, Comparative, Superlative. I hava uat J on of your Hah Hrani! 811c kera for flv ytari, nd now want a iww one, lo on (ur a friend. I would not be without on furl wura th coat. They are Juat aa far ahaad ol a common coat a a common on la . ahead of nothing." ( Num1 m ap.lti'lUn.) UlfinFST.UVlRBU0RI,nFUR.19fll. B sura you don't gat on of th com mon kind -this la that rtCQNTJfr v TOWER CANADIAN CO., Limited, TORONTO, CftNUDh. Makors of Wet Weather Clothing & Hah. mark of eicallanc. A. J. TOWER CO., aoaroN, u.a a. Means the ability to do a good day's iwoik, without undue fatigue and to find life worth living. You cannot have Imliirestlon or constipation without trace to the community the way these ' lts unsettinK the liver nnd polutting dances are being coniiucien. Our roads are getting fine now and there Is a good deal of travel in con sequence. Miss Pnchmnn. our teacher reports an average attendance of "f pupils during the past month. Mr. John Mark was calling on Messrs. Ogleshy Sunday. Mr. Albert Cribble and family were visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Jesse Sun. day. Mr. Geo. Scramhlen Is busy these days putting in phone lines and put ting in phones. It seems he puts in about four phones to the mutual's one. There Is a large amount of potatoes unsold in this vicinity. Several friends and a host of rela tives visited Mr. and Mrs. Dave Zim merman Sunday, it being his 69 birth day. Mr. and Mrs. Wra. Leach were cal- ing on Mr. Kerr's folks Sunday. the blood. Such a condition may be best and quickest relieved by llerblne the best liver regulator that the world has ever known. Mrs. D. W. Smith, writes, April 3. 02: "I use Herblne, and find it the best medicine for con stipation and regulating the liver I ever used." 50 cents. Sold by Hunt ley Pros. Co. GREEN WOOD. We are glad to see the announce ment of W. S. Hider as candidate for Commissioner. There are reasons why he should be elected, lfe Is a strong faithful Republican, always stayed with his party, is well posted In county affairs, has served many years as Road Supervisor, and has good knowledge of roads and con structing bridges, is a good honest farmer, has been a resident and tax Mrs. G. McGonegal has been quite j payer of New Kra district for 33 years ill at her sisters near Aurora the past! and we fully believe he is a man of week. his word. What he says he'll do, he'll Politics is warmine uo and Remibli-1 do. can leaders here are getting down to j One of the readers asked why the business. One of them will circulate : correspondents have something of a nctition for Wm. " Mat toon for Com- value to report weekly. Our corres- VIOLA. We are glad to know that Miss Clara Sevier, who has been under the care of Ur. Mount for the past two weeks. Is rapidly Improving. Loretuo Tenny and Mr. Randolph made a trip to Oregon City Wednes day. Some of the corduroy ami old plank roatl in this part Is almost Impassable. William lliclnbottom and wife have moved to the liiHolsi sawmill near Ktacada. Several rigs have been badly broken bv coming In contact with the old corduroy road between here and Rod- land. Carl Ward and Uron Tenny each has a very Hue talking machine. The Kpworth l.euguo social at W. II., Mattoon's was a great success. Rev. Patton wont to Mho! Monday to preach the funeral sermon of Mr. Sonn. Mr. Copeland purchased a horse of John Hughes last week. Teaming from this part to Oregon City is almost stopped by the broken plank and old corduroy. HIGHLAND. The farmers are getting along nice ly with their seeding In this vicinity. This linn weather has put the ground In the very best shape. The senmm seems to be at least, two weeks earlier than common. The political campaign has opened In this neighborhood, ami a great many of the voters have registered. George Randall, eandldutu for Rep resentative and Grant Plmlck. for County Judge, on the Republican tick et, and Mr. Sohuohel, were here on the 12th of this month and made yomo addresses on the political Issues of the day. Mr. Randall and Mr. Uimlck will carry n large majority of the vot ers In this part of the county. Mr. Sohuebel advanced some good Ideas on the Primary Klectlon law. a ft A healthly man Is a king In his own right; an unhealthly man Is an unhap py slave. Htirdock Wood Hitters builds up sound health keeps you well. "Suffered day and night the torment of Itching piles. Nothing helped me until 1 used Donn's Ointment. It cured me permanently."- Hon. Joint R. Garrett, Mayor, Gtrai'd, Ala. MOLALLA. of ISIS, ruing Win. Vnuhan. a pioneer passou away nisi tsuuuny morning with pneumonia. Deceased was St years and !!.' days old; leaves a wife and cloven children who wore nil with him In his recent llness. The funeral will take place tomorrow and all that is mortal of our old-time friend ami uelghbor will be laid to rest In the Adam's cemetery. Mrs. L. W. Robblns, who Is at the hospital, having undergone an opera tion, Is getting along nicely. Miss Myrtle Cross Is also Improv ing, with a fair prospect of getting well. K. K. Judd has purchased a piano for ills daughter and won't there be a pleased Una "when I'apa comes home" tonight? One of Oregon's old time February weather. 1 Tho Kind Yotl llavo Ahvuyn IJouRlit, niul vthleW lmit hovn hi two for over !H jour, liai bomo Iho hltfimturo of and 1ms been liuuloiiixler IiIh ier- J1' w,,,,,,,,P,',vltloii hImco Its Infancy. 1-C4,CCA4't Allow mi imt f iwleeclvei villi III t lllri. All Counterfeits, Imitations and sTiwt'UN-trnoil" urn but 1 llxpcrlniciit that trlllo with and endanger tltn health of lufuut mul Children F.xorlem'o against .experiment. What is CASTORIA Oastorla Is u harmless Hiibstltuto lor Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Hyrups. It Is 1'loasant. It contains neither Opium, IMorpliIno nor other Nit not In ruiliHtance. Its uiro Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worm nnd allays iVverlshness. It cures Dlarrhtea ami Wind Collo. It relieves Teethlnif Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulate tho (Stomach and liowcls, giving healthy and natural hloep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho Signaturo of SHUBEL. Want a Daily Paper? Here is your Chance Portland Daily Telegram Oregon City Enterprise $5.00 BOTH PAPERS FOR ONE YEAR This is certainly a rare offer. Take advantage of it by sending in your order at once. 5 Jacob Grasmlller planted a hopyard last year w ith the Intention of getting rich In a few years, and now he has plowed it up again to prevent getting poor. . John Heft Is making great Improve ments on his new farm. 0. A. Shubal and Chris Mot'hnke our telephone' directors, attended the meeting at Heaver Creek last Snlur- ! day. Mrs. K. F. Glnther, Mrs. Anna Gross muller and Mrs. Fred Moehnke Bpeitt a pleasant afternoon at Mrs. Hot tman's one day last week . Women's Aid Society of the Luth eran church spent a profitable after noon at the home of Mrs. Uluhni last Wednesday afternoon. Miss Calla Hornschuh has Veen visiting with her sister. Mrs. Emma Muralt, during the past week. The Evangelical Church has been holding revival meetings during the week and closed Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hellman. of iClarkes, visited with his parents to day. Mr. Illuhm is improving slowly. Wm. Hellman is working for Eu gene Cummins. Henry Gunther was a pleasant cal ler at the Clarke home last Saturday night. The farmers around her are busy putting In their Spring crops. Miss Mabel Clarke Is home on a visit. Mr. Editor, since Mr. Ilrownctl Is again a candidate, wouldn't It be a pretty good plan to give those who "like" Urownell a chance, through your columns to say why they "like" him? Personally we would like to know what that "good" man "has done these past twelve years to win and hold the confidence of those who have been his oonstltutents. Speaking of County Jndge, Richard COMMON COLDS ARE THE CAUSE OF MANY DISEASES. Physicians who have gained a national reputation as analysts of the cause of various diseases, claim that If catching cold could be avoided a long list of dangerous ailments would never bo hoard of. Every one knows that pneumonia and consumption orig inate from a cold, ami chronic catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung trouble are aggravated and renrer trouble are aggravated and rendered more serious by each fresh attack. lv not risk your life or take chances when you have a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will cure It before these diseases develop, This remedy contains no opium, morphine or other harmful drug and has thirty years of reputation back of It, gained by Its cures under every condition. For sale by Howell & Jones. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. mc eixTaua immii), rt an WILLAMETTE. MOUNTAIN VIEW. PARKPLACE. Our school Is having vacation this I Quit" an eicltlng time was exper week. jleiic'd by obi man Muck lust Sunday Miss l,l.U Shipley Is visiting j nlgt.t lie got up shortly after mid friends at Everett. Washington. i night, something seemed to tell hltn Mrs. Ida Fuller Hpent Wednesday In there was trouble brewing and he Portland. walked out to wnrd the (daughter burn Miss Carrie Fuller Is vltdtlng this week with friends In Portland. Everett Downey gave a pleasant Valentino party to a number of his young friends Wedensday evening Frank Capon Is looking after his farm Interests near Seattle. missioner this week. (pendents' corner calls for brleflets of We want the voters of this county j gossip and as our correspondents are to watch the Portland Rod and Gun I mostly girls and women they are not Club as they have several little bills supposed to. know a great deal about that they will try o get through our I the various ways of raising crops and next session of the legislature at the 'breeding stock. I think if our editor Scott, of Milwaiikle, in our Judgment expense of the taxpayers That fish j would leave space for the farmers to rod license and gun license Is just a j relate their experiences both In fall neat little graft to give a few "dudes" jure and In success of raising different a little office. ' 'crops it would greatly benefit us all Mr. George Oglesby was visiting and would help the correspondents. Major J. J .Taylor at Paradise City Its true we have as gwd farmers here would make the best County Judge. last Sunday. CROUP Begins with the symptoms of a com mon cold; there Is a chilliness, sneez ing, sore throat, hot skin, quick pulse, 'agriculture. uoarseueHs ami lir.peuea respiration. Give frequent small doses of Bullard's Horehound Syrup, (the child will cry lor it) ana at tne nrst sign or a croupy as any where, In fact, there are many pioneers here with years of experience and as I persurne the reader is a new comer with not much experience he would be much benefitted by calling on some of them, till we hear through our columns of some experience in Bright's Disease and Diabetes News. Mrs. Johnson anil son from Portland were guests of Mrs. M. Rivers last Friday and Saturday. Miss Essie Guard Is suffering from a felon on her hand. She lias It treated every day by a doctor, but It still con tinues very painful. Martha Pontlng Is helping at Mrs. Apperson's for a few weeks. The Misses Agatha Cutter, I .aura and Myrtle Puroell, Mabel and llertha Kennedy atended the Valentine social in the Haptlst church Tuesday evening and report a very enjoyable time, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Smith and son, Woodson, from Iiaker City are visiting at Capaln Smith's. Fred Is going: to tabulate mail in Portland for several weeks and Mrs. Smith will visit In Parkplace and Sellwood for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Freytag and daughter, Morna. from Portland were ; guests In Parkplace the first of the week. Mr. Puroell came home Monday for! a few days visit with his family. i Guy Kennedy attended Macbeth at the Marquam Tuesday evening. The Misses Edith and Gladys Ham ilton, from Oregon City visited Park place scIkkiI Tuesday; they were wel come guests, as they used to bo pupils of this school. Mrs. W. Smith, of Clackamas Heights, is still unable to walk and Is suffering greatly from rheumatism, which she has had for about two months. Jimmy O'llrle had a lively runaway I uorked senseless Monday. Mrs. Dick Grooves entertained friends nt dinner Wednesday. Mr. und Mrs. Ed. Cupoii an I huh) of Kv rhnri & Co . when he hiiw two 'i'ii start and run II" pleked up a idiovel Ihi ml ! nnd atarted In pursuit u ben another I mm put In an tipponr iitteo who grappled with Mr. Murk and t'ley fel Ode of the others returned ire! In lighting tho two Mr Mack and they made ','o lr em-iipe Mr, Mack laid on the round Imtll nlmi'ot morning before he re vivere.l Hlltnelcnlly to get to the house and start the alarm. The men from Portland visited nt the parental undoubtedly. were robbing th" homo Sunday. "daughter house as a beef and n venl Lloyd Fuller was In Portland Tues-h, .,.n wiled and were hanging In day evening. jtt, hiitbllng beside there was a hun- Mr. Sanders Is putting a new picket !,r,., dollars worth of hides. The men fence around his yard. ' l,nd a team and vehicle as they were Mr. and Mrs. Tlbbots entertained i tracked. Only a few days ago pet friends at dlnnler Sunday. Uold's slaughter house had been br.ik- Mrs. James JK.wney gaveV very de ,.n nt nth Tl,,h,,. it Is an amusing llghtful tea Thursday afternoon. (a, t I(, i.lir n,,, different methods that In the future the Enterprise will give the following subscription club bing ratei: Weekly Oregonian and Enterprise, both one year, $2.26; Semi Weekly Journal and Enterprise, both 1 one year, 2.00.. Either call at Enter prise office or mail your order. There! In regard to the school, it Is not as dead as It may seem, since there is a social now in progress. We cough apply frequently Ballard's Snow :Jf notRO farubhin'l the other schools The John J. Tulton Co. of San Fran cisco, First in the World to An nounce the Cure and present Definite Percentage ol Recoveries (87 percent) and Give Out List ol the Cured. ' " Liniment to the throat. Mrs. A. Vliet, New Castle, Colorado, -writes, March l'j, 1902: "I think Bal lard's Horehound Syrup a wonderful remedy, and so pleasant to take" Sold by fluutley Bros, Co, after all. as there have been only two surrounding us. And as for the dance, there hasn't been one yet this year in Greenwood and only one here last year. I'm afraid our reader has been dreaming. LOGAN. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED. Here are tome of tho flan rrBtsco meo eries. All of them wnrcdixilareil by fhjaiclane to be incurably 111 with Bright's Ulwiane or biubeten: N. W. Spauldlng, President Spauldliig 6:iw Co.i Adolph Wetike, founder Cal. Cracker fn Carl D. Zellc. Dloncr.r druuidnt: C'baa. i I Ent'clko. editor San Kmuclaco Journal: II. M- Wood, editor Spirit Review; Edward Short, of the Call; C. A. Newton, yardmaster 8. I'. Co. (Sacramento); John A. Phelps, Hotel Repiillor; ... 1 1 t I VI C . .. I C If U V "Sign'' enthusiasts say Spring is local applications, as they cannot c m Ur0Bdw8y. . P. ooyhenetx, oss near, but don't be too sanguine. The rac.h the diseased portion of the ear. , Tn)mon Bl (tBpp(,d , tlmBlt). R, c, Poll ground-hog or any other hog could see There is only one way to cure deafness MaDa(?Br piao coast BIhcuUCo.; p. j. iiaco their shadow on February 2. t-liat Is by constitutional remedies. I e,deri raciflc Coast Agt. Beth Thomas Clock Mr. Grant Uimlck and Mr. Walter Deafness is caused by an Inflamed Cn.. n. cutler, Attorney, 3.x Pine St., Wm, Tooze were at Logan Saturday night condition of the mucous lining of the , nie, Real EMate, m SanHome St.; Mm. c. C, and explained the direct primary law. Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Maithewson Proprietor Hotel Clifton; Thoa, A small audience greeted the speak- inflamed you have a rumbling sound Hankins, Merchant (Petaiumaj; Col. Wm. era, as it was not generally known, be- or n perfect hearing, and when it is , HawUina, U. 8. QuartormoHtur'i Department; ing announced on short notice. entirely closed, Deafness Is the result, Cbas. F. WacUer, Merchant, 131 th St.; Mrs. Miss Laura Clay was to have lect- and unless the inflamation can he j Thos. Cbrtstol,- 27th St., and hundreds of tired on enual suffrage Sundnv even- takpn out and this t.nhe restored to i o'hrri. Some were at death's door when lint on ium (Tuuip'iuuun, uu, many nucu ri:ivr,-u. i :im A HABIT TO BE ENCOURAGED. The mother who has acquired the habit of keeping on hand a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, saves herself a great amount of uneasiness and anjclety. Coughs, colds and croup, to which children are susceptible are quickly cured by Its use. It counter acts any tendency of a cold to result In pneumonia, ami If given as soon as the first symptoms of croup appear, It will prevent the attack. This rem edy contains nothing Injurious and mothers give It to their little ones with a feeling of perfect security. SEED T I M E a T- 8PRINQWATER. Ing but failed to appear, who anticipated hearing home disappointed. Miss Nellie Rlckhoff was out the past week visiting friends and rela tives. Miss Nellie is attending high , school in Portland. ' Geo. Eaden has returned from his i mountain homestead. MIsa Iva Harrington, of Oregon Clrv won tho ftwpst of Mm inn.nuii. I Saturday and Sunday. Mr, Severn O. Kirchem, eldest son of J. C. Kirchem of Logan, will on and those its normal condition, hearing will be her went destroyed forever; nine cases out of ! ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. iWedneaday, February 14, be united in ! pation. We will give One Hundered Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lars, free. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, 6, Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for const!- muy wiire In extrermx may be learned Jiom thls: Home recovered wl.o Bad been lapped dozens of times; others were already in the twiicbiuK of uraemlo polaonlri,", many bad from lour to six phvMclana column the fatal dlairnoxls; nrera! loft Ntandaid hoi Uh'.h ia exiremiv, several had relatives called In fur last Interviews, and a fow recovered who were in a alale of absolute coma. In a word about 87V, of all eases of n right's Disease and Dahetes, hnretoforn positively In curable, are Dow curable under the new Kulloa Compounds. The Renal Compound for Hr1(rht't and Kidney Disease tsl; fur Diabetes, il.iiO, Pamphlet free. W have Just enljllshd a depot In jonr city whet a you will flud Um Com pounds and pampbltita, vis: Charman & Co., City Drag Store. The series of meetings that the Presbyterians held In Sprlngwater came to a close February 4: Kosult 111 Joined the church; two by conversion; eleven by letter. The Sprlngwater Orange had a very Interesting meeting last Saturday; two were Initiated anil there was also a literary contest, the losing side to furnish an oyster supper. Sidney Smith Is home from Astoria on a visit. A young man, while out calling with his best girl, had the misfortune to tie his horse up loose and when they came out to get In their buggy, lo, and behold, buggy and horse were gone. The young couple found the wreck up the road, fixed it up and went on their way rejoicing. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lincoln, of Call- ' fornla are on a visit to relatives and friends In Sprlngwater. Their mother, Mrs. Bard, and sister, Mrs. Cary are '. thinking of going back with them to California. Mr. Walter Dean and wife, from Dasmascus were in Sprlngwater on a j visit. Another man killed in Cazadero: Have not heard particulars. Al Lacy has moved to one of the suburbs of Portland. t5e experienced farmer has learned that some grain3 require far differ ent soil than others; some crops need diffcr cnthandling than others. He knows that a great deal depends upon right planting ct the right time, and thct the coil mu3t be ke;.t enriched. No tne cf complaining in summer about a mis take made in the r.pring. Decide before the cscd 13 planted. Uo best time to reme dy wasting conditions in the human body i3 be fore the evil i3 too deep rooted. At the first evi dence of loss of flesh Scott' 3 Emulsion should be taken imme diately. There is noth ing that will repair wasted tissue move quickly or replace lost flesh more abundantly than Scott's Emulsion. It nourishes and builds up the body when ordi nary foods absolutely fail. W$ tllt atnd you itmpli free. would have been adopted to catch the culprits bad certain ones been In Mr. Mack's place. Much credit Is due Mr. Mack for the effort he made lo kV't the ill. Mrs. Snialley, Mrs. t'has. Kly and Mrs. Francis have been quito Nick the past Week. Mr. itea Cnibb Is building a new fence across the front of his place. The residence occupied by Mr. West has been sold and he Is now look ing to buy a home. Several are offer ring their places for sale. ' Wiley May has been cleaning up the hopyard and getting It In shape. The lovely weather the nam three weeks has given the farmers n chanc to sow their oats and the women to mnke garden. The political pot' is boiling and the several candidate; are being discuss ed with a liberality of Rood nnd bad qualifications which make one wonder if any reully good men ever got Into odlce. .lust wait until the ladles vot then there will be an Interesting time, for certain. I P. I). Currlns Is selling fruit trees for a S alem nursery. Mr. Miles from St. Johns, visited Mr. and Mrs, Hurley vlast Saturday nnd ssumiay, CARUS. Be sura that this picturs tn the form of a label la on the wrapper of avrry bottle of Emulsion yuu buy, SCOTT BO,WNE CHEMISTS 409 Pearl Street NEW YORK 50c. and $ 1 all druggists Everybody uroimd here seems to he hruMng notntoe t:i i wn. Horn, to tho wife of Wm. Smith, a milr of twins, on the Hth. One Is a bov nnd the other a girl. Mrs. Snenp,, ,,, daughter llertha are sn""dlng a fe v days In Portland. Iva Irish is working for Mrs. Frank .Ipi'iror, ' 1 , Mb's .!ngi?'r has gone to Portland to attend school. Somo of the boys went fishing Bun dnv. Mr. rind Mrs, Howard had some of their relatives from Macksburg to sp-n l S'lndny with them. drill Thomas was promenading our streets Sunday, Mr. Harris, of Heaver Creek, spent nniuruay anil Sunday with W. X. Davis. Mrs. Inskeep called on Mrs. Smith Sunday afternoon. .lames Peter Kmmott and lady friend were seen buggy riding in our burg Sunday. , , The Inf-int son of Mr. and Mrs. Davis died Saturday. Miss Tilllo Thomas come out from Portland Monday to spend a few days with her mother. Miss Purns spent Saturday after noon with Mrs. Ooucher, (Jlen Irish did somo plowing for Mr. Doboo, the first of the week. Mr. (inrdlner l planting potatoes on Fred Llnsley's placa, DENTISTRY At Molalla. every Monday: 8aturdiy on Appointments. JoilN W. THOMAS, Pentist Wm.