6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1906. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Rev. Bollinger will preach, at- the church in this - place next Sunday af ternoon at half past 3 o'clock. Let there be a large attendance. Several are on the sick list. Mrs. Moran has been very poorly the past week. Mrs. St. Clair and Mrs. Smal ley are sick. , ' Mr. Reasoner has moved his family to Willamette Falls. Rumor is that Mr. Seely of the Peo ple's Grocery will move his store from 7th street to the one here and com bine the two. . ; Will Hall met with an accident the other day while driving some cattle. His horse stepped in a hole throwing him off and fracturing a bone in his arm. The entertainment last .week at May's Hall was a decided succes and a large crowd was present; good order maintained and an enjoyable evening passed by those present. Mrs. Matchett and Mrs. Pettitt went to Portland last Saturday. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Cover who was pronounced incurable is on the road to recovery. James Curran is moving his family into the Howard property and has given up farming. John Lewellyn went to his farm at Springwater last Saturday. We also mention the fact, he is to be our next County Commissioner; the right man for the right place. The boys who think they will have a charivari party soon will have to wait awhile. The woman in the case has not got her divorce yet. The ladies of this place are making an effort to get chairs for the little church instead of those hay racks that are at present used for seats. We are a progressive people on the hill and hope by making our church attractive to bring in more of the people, especially our boys to church and Sunday school. We have bright intelligent boys here from 12 to 18 years of age that we wish to see be- come model citizens. Several people here have made gar den. Grandpa Warner is foremost in the work and Sam Francis next. Mrs. Geo. Gibbs, on Molalla avenue south, has been seriously ill with the Grippe. Dr. Norris was the attend ing physician. Rather a peculiar runaway occur red on the street here one day lately. A team started from the water trough near Everhart's store and ran south at a rapid gate. As it crossed the street crossing 'in front of Seely's store the spring seat fell on which a man and an elderly woman were . sit ting, the woman fell backward into the wagon and the man pitched forward, but neither fell out of the wagon. Af ter the team was stopped both gather ed themselves up, righted the seat and trotted on as if nothing had hap pened. The new arc light in front of the church is very satisfactory at least to those living near. Mr. Scholtz says his hens lay just as well at night as in day time, they don't know the difference. Mr. Griibbs says his wife can tend garden this summer while he is asleep as he is too tired to work after being in the mills all day. Mr. West grumbles a little about the light not shining in the cow stable while he milks the cow, and thinks some of moving the cow barn to the front yard. We don't want to talk about the weather for it is so near perfect. Mrs. Matchett drew the pretty pil low raffled off by Meade Corps last week. You know all we know for this time. More anon. . NOTICE OF STREET- IMPROVE MENT. Notice is" hereby ..'given - that " John Quincy Adams Street of Oregon. City, Oregon, from the South Line of Sev enth Street to the North Line of Sixth Street will be improved with crushed rock and by laying sidewalks, wooden curbs, corner, blocks and drains, and by grading said street according to the, established grade thereof. This notice is published pursuant to an order, made by the Council of Ore gon City, Oregon, at a regular meting held February 7th, 1906. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder Febuary 16. ' TREASURER'S NOTICE. I now have money to : pay County Warrants endorsed 'prior to January 1st. 1904. Interest will cease on such warrants on the date of this notice Oregon City, Oregon, February 9th, 1906. ENOS CAHILL, -Treasurer of Clackamas County, Ore. -SHERIFF'S SALE. In. pursuance of a depree, judgment and order of sale rendered in the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, on the 8th day of January, 1906, in the cause of U. S. Howland, plaintiff vs. Margaret L. Roberts, administratrix of the es tate of Owen J. Roberts, deceased et al, defendants, and of an execution duly issued out of said court in said cause on the 8th day of January, 1906, I will expose for sale and sell as the law directs at the front door of the County Court House of said county, in Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday, the 12th day of February, 1906, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., the real prop erty described in said decree, to-wit: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Sylvester Hathaway Donation Land Claim in Township one South, Range Two East of the Willamette Meridian Clackamas County, Oregon, running thence east 40 rods; thence south 40 rods; thence west 40 rods, thence north 40 rods to beginning point, ex cept strip 8 feet wide off east side for a road. Oregon City, Oregon, January 12, 1906. J. R. SHAVER, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore, By E. C. Hackett, Deputy. January, 1906, duly levy upon, the fol lowing described real nronertv of said VCy if defendant,, situate and .being in the oJl Y' - County of Clackamas, and State of f uregou, lo-wn: j me jsw or nw of Section 27, T. 3 S. R." 4 E, W. M., lot 1 of Sec. 28, iK Section 28, T. 3S- R. 4 E. W. M.i and described .as: beerinnine at th R15 y lm& corner of the D. .L. C. of Franklin 1 II fierce jno. 3S, in saia xp. and running ' - thence 13 24.10 phalim tn f-rio - Utio Pkrsuadk an obstinate case rather than lash it into action if you want to see TwriHy,t ,, n. pood progress made. This is as true T-?. R,ange,'. thZaf I wlren it is a faulty human system as tracing said section line 2.90 chains when it is a bauiky mule. i to the NE corner of the SE quarter Alcoholic stimulants and alcoholic med- j of the NB4 of said section 28; thence icincs whip the digestive functions into ; west 24.10 chains to the east line of quick action but do not prevent the weak- the said claim Nn ?R in vniri Town-enin- reaction which follows so closely. , f saiq ciaim xso. dS in saia 1 own In easels of impaired appetite and diges-! shlP and range; thence South 2.90 tion mal-nntritioh and wasting away, a chains to the place of beginning con issue and reliable tonic is needed and is taining 7 acres more or less, and I the only thins that can be relied upon. will, on Saturday, the 10th day of Feb Dr. FierT-e discovered, forty years ago, : ruary 1906, at the hour of two o'clock that Nature had provided freely for these! at thn fmnt ri- f n needs of her cUildren and that in her la- 7 " a ,nLdoo , tb,e bounty boralory were the remedies. Glyceric Court House in the City of Oregon extracts of Goiden Seal root. Queen's root, ! City, in said County and State, sell Stone root. Black Cherrybark. Bloodroot ! at public auction, subject to redemp- and Mandrake root, as prepared, com- i tion, to the highest bidder for TJ. S. bined and preserve d wiUmut alcohoUin j gold coin cash ln hmd all th j ht Zr. Pierce s Golden Mcaicnl JJwcovery, tlti- ti . , . . . ,fi. . constitute the most effective and certain tltIe interest which the within tonic, alterative and tissue rebuilding I named defendant, or either of them, remedy ever offered to the public J bad on the date of said judgment, or A prominent merchant. Mr. J. Alfred since had in or to the above described Arcanfl, of ;.-) Saint Lawrence Street. Mod- real property or any part thereof, to U?'v.a;iV, t"SV;....iNV. ! satisfy said judgment order, decree, on for nine years. v hen I have it in the house I need no doctor or other medicine. ?v:iie years ajro I was troubled with rheu matism. Your 'Golden Medical Discovery' eliminated tue uric acid from the system. Since that time I have never been without if. in the lion -e. There is no other medicine 1 tiUik so much ot. nor none I think its euual. Every one to whom I recommended it is. pleased with the results, and all thank me for advisinsr its use. It is a splendid remedy for stonweh trouble: cures colds in a few days, and is' the only sure cure I know of lor 'La Gr:ppe.M' Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the paper-covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. ThnuWnik HaTrT KiflnPT - of llon.' Thos7 F. Ryan, Judge of the IUUU5duUS DdlB HMUGJ ...... county Court of Clackamas County. Trouble and Never Suspect it .'0& $Z , , "How To Find Out. ; 1 date of the first publication Is Febru Fill a bottle or common glass with your ary 2, 1906, and the date of the last water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; jg March 9th, 1906. y interest, costs and all accruing costs. J. R. SHAVER, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. Hackett, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Janu ary 12th, 1906. NOTICE OF FfNAL SETTLEMENT. SUMMONS. In the future the Enterprise will give the following subscription club bing rates: Weekly Oregonian .and Enterprise, both one year, $2.25; Semi Weekly Journal and Enterprise, both one year, $2.00.. Either call at Enter prise office or mail your order. Represent the survival of the fittest. We nave Decome the largest ftewi nousein tne wona rjecause our seeas me Deuenniia otnera. lx you wmn w K row tne most beautiful fiowere ami lhe unest v?kb- tables? Pluul thebestseeda Ferry a. 1906 Seed Annual free to all applicants. M. FERRY Sl CO., V OREGON CITY MARKET REPORT. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat No. 1, 6773c per bu. Flour "Valley, $4.25 per bbl. Hard wheat $4.90, Portland, $1.10 per sack. Howard's Best, $1.25 per sack. Oats In sacks, $1.15 per cental. Hay Timothy, baled $11$12 per ton; clover $9; oat, $9; mixed hay $9. cheat, $8.50. Millstuffs Bran $19.50 per ton; shorts, $20.50 per ton; chop $18.00 per ton; barley rolled $25.50 per ton. Potatoes 4550 per .hundred. Eggs Oregon 22 1-2 to 25c per dozen. Butter Ranch 5560; separator 60c; creamery. 65 70c. Rutabegas, Carrots', Turnips, Par snips and Beets 60c per sack. Good Apples Choice $1.00. Honey ll12c per lb. Prunes (dried) Petite, 3c per lb; Italian, large, 5c per lb; medium, 3c; Silver, 4c. Dried Apples Sun Dried, quartered, 4c lb; sliced, 6c; fancy bleached. ,7c. , , Dressed Chickens 12c tb. ' Live Stock and Dressed Meats Beef, live $3.003.25 per hundred. Hogs, live, 5c;- dressed, 7c; sheep, $3 $4 per head; dressed, 7c; veal dress ed 77c; lambs, live 2.503.00 per head CASTOR I A Jor Infants and Children, TfcB Kind You Hare Always Bought . Bears the Signature of In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Amy B. Oakes. Plaintiff, vs. P. P. Oakes, Defendant. To F. P. Oakes, above named defend ant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the expiration of six (6) weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons which date of the first pub lication is January 26, 1906, and date of the last publication la March 9, 1906. and If you fail to so appear and answer plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint, to-wlt: That the bonds of matrimony here tofore and now existing between the Plaintiff and the defendant be annuled and forever dissolved and set at naught and for such and other further relief as equity and the nature of the suit may require. This summons is published by the order of the Honorable Thomas A. McBride, Circuit Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clack amas County, which order was duly made and entered on the 24th day of January, A'. D. 1906 in the above entitl ed Court. Date of last publication March 9, a906. J. B. RYAN. Attorney for Plaintiff. ' SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Chas. H. Willerling, Plaintiff, vs. Jennie Willerling, Defendant To Jennie Willerling, the above named Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 7th day of March, 1906, said date being after the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief heretofore prayed for and for a decree of the said court dissolving the marriage contract now existing between plain tiff and defendant and holding the same for naught, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem just. This summons is published by order. of Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the above entitled court, which order was made and entered on the 12th day of December, 1905, and the time pre scribed for publication thereof is six weeks. - Date of first publication, January 19, 1906; date of last publication. March 2, 1906. JOHN F. LOGAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. 25, 26, 27, Washington Building, Port land, Oregon. real property to satisfy the claims filed and allowed by said administra tor against the said estate and to pay the costs of administration there of. You and each of you are hereby cited to appear in the above -entitled Court, on Monday, the 19th day of February, A. D., 1906, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the County Court Room in the County Court House, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, and then and there show cause, if any you have, why an order should not be granted to the said administrator authorizing directing and permitting him as such administrator to sell the above des cribed real property at public auction or private sale, end it is further or dered that a copy of this citation be published for at least four consecutive and successive weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper publish ed, printed and in general circulation In said Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated this 16th day of January, A. D.. 1906. (Seal.) THOS. F. RYAN, Attest: " County Judge. F. W. GREENMAN, - . County Clerk, Clackamas County, Ore. Notice is, hereby, given that the un dersigned Executor of the estate of Sarah 'A. lilmmett, deceased, has filed the account of his doings herein, with the County; Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregonand the County Judge has set Monday, the 5th day of March. 1906, at "the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the county court room of said coun ty as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the final settlement of said estate. Dated February 2, 1906. JOHN LEWELLEN, O. D. EBY, Executor. Attorney for Executor. SUMMONS. SUMMONS. CITATION. Iln the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. ' - In the Matter of the Estate of James Anderson, Deceased. : To James Anderson, Sr., and all other persons : interested - in the- above en titled estate: . You and- each of you are iereby no tified that G. B. Dimick; the duly ap pointed, acting and qualified admin istrator of the above entitled estate, has filed his - petition in the above Court praying for an order of sale bl the following described real property belonging to said estate, to-wit: The south East of the Northwest of Section 28, T. 1 S., R. 3 E. of. the-W. Mv anff'thab Said petition sets In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Jacob Miller, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas McMillan, Defendant. To Thomas McMillan, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified and requir ed to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitl ed Court and cause on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons to-wit: the 19th day of January, 1906, which is the time specified ln the ord der directing this publication, and if you fail, to so appear or answer, the plaintiff for want -thereof, will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in said complaint on file herein, to wit: - The foreclosure of that certain mort gage for $115.00,' dated at Oswego, Or egon, March 13, 1894, and which mort gage is recorded in Mortgage Records of Clackamas County, Oregon, "Volume 28, at page 381, and ' for such other and further, relief as to this Court may seem Just and equitable. This summons is published by order of Thomas A. McBride, Circuit Judge of the Fifth Judicial District of Ore gon, and said order was made, dated and entered in said Court on January 16, 1906. The date of the first publi cation of this summons is January 19, j 1906, and the date of the last publica tion or this summons Is March 2, 1906 DIMICK & DIMICK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. William Etters, Plaintiff, V vs. A. W. Bowman and Blanche E. Little, Defendants. . - To A. W- Bowman andf Blanche E. Little, said defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action on or before March 15, 1906, and if you fail to answer, for want thereof the plain tiff will take judgment against, you and each of you for $200 and costs and apply for' an order. of sale of the following described attached real es tate to satisfy said judgment, to-wit: Commencing at a stake in the above named county which is 25.60 chains east and 29.40 chains north of the N. W. corner of the D. L. C. of James Winston, No. 59; running thence N. 40 degrees thirty minutes E. 11.87 chains; thence N 26 degrees 15' E. 5.84 chains thence N. 87 W 18 chains; to left bank of Clackamas river; thence down stream 'with the meanders of said river S. 30 W. 9.02 chains; thence S 13 W. 5.38 chains; thence S. 8? E. 8.03 chains to the place of beginning except 2.50 acres therefrom conveyed to Wm. Etters. ' This Summons is published by order of. Judge Thomas F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court of said county. Dated January 29, 1906.. The date of the first publication of this summonsbeing February 2, 1906. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. a sediment or set tling indicatesan 1 unhealthy con- j dition of the kid- i neys ; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid- ; ney trouble ; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back i& also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What To Do. -There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine ot beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized, it stanas tne mgnest for its wonderful cures of the most dis- ! tressing cases. If you need a medicine j you should have the best. Sold by drug- e-istsin fiftv-eent and one-dollar sizes. i You ma v' have a sample bottle and a Wt- iViot- fpllc nil fKJ" about it, both sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, ?T. Y. When . J. F. CLARK, Attorney for Plaintiff. Rome of Swamp-Root. writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer s bwamp-Koot, ana the address, Einghamton, N. Y. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Lessie Eary, Plaintiff, vs. ' Frank Eary, Defendant. To the above named Frank Eary, Defendant. . In the name of the State of Oregon you are required to appear and ans wer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, in the'Cir cuit Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, on or before March 12th, A. D.- 1906, or the plaintiff will apply to said court for the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: . For a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween you and the Plaintiff, on the grounds of willful desertion of her by you for more than one year prior to the date of filing this suit, and for the care and custody of her minor daughter Valla and for such other and further relief as in equity, she may be entitled, and unless you so appear, "on or before said , March 12th, 1906, and answer said complaint, a decree will be taken against you for want thereof. This summons is published by or der of the Hon.' Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the aforesaid court, made and entered of record on January 19, A. D., 1906, and the first publication thereof is in the issue of the Oregon City Enterprise of January 26th, 1906, and the last publication will be in the issue of March 9th, 1906. C. H. DYE, Attorney for Plaintiff. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Portland and The Dalles ROUTE Regulato r Line Steamers "BAILEY GATZERT" "DALLES CITY "REGULATOR" "METLAKO" "SADIE B." t 8tr. "Bailey Gatzert" leaves Portland 7 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days; leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Tues days, Thuarsdays and Saturdays. Str. "Regulator" leaves Portland 7 A. M. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays i ieaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Mondays. Wednesdays and FrJ Jays. Steamers leaving Portland make daily connection at Lyle with C. R. & N. train for Goldendala and Klickitat Valley points. C. R. & N. tram leaves Goldendalo on. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:30 A. M., making connection - with steamer "Regulator" for Portland andr way points. C. R. & N. train leaves Goldendale on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8:30 A. M., connecting at Yyle with steamer "Sadie B." for The Dalles, con necting there with O. R. & N. train Bast and West. Str. "Sadie B." leaves Cascade Lock dally (except Sunday) at 7 A. M. for The Dalles and way points; arrives at 11 A 11.; leaves The Dalles 2 P. M., arriv Cascade Locks P. M. Meals served on all steamers. Fine accommodationa xor teams and wagons. Landing at Portland at Alder Street Dock. MARCUS TALBOT,. V. P. & G. M Cen. Office. Portland. Oregon. SUMMONS. SHERIFF'S SALE' ON EXECUTION. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of CXacka mas. . N Mary Stubbe, Plaintiff, v vs. David ' Warner, Defendant. STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. ss. ' By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled Court, in the above' entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 2d day of January, 1906, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 25th day of No vember, 1905, in favor of Mary Stubbe, plaintiff, and against David Warner, defendant, for the sum of $15. with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 25th day of NovemDer, i805, and the further sum of $15.00 costs and disbursements, and" tne costs oi ana upon this writ, com manding me out of the -personal nroo- erty of said defendant, and if sufficient could not be found, then out of the real property belonging to said defendant on and after the date of said' judg ment to satisfy said sum of S30.00 and also the -costs upon this. said writ.. - .Now,- Therefore, By virtue of said execution, judgment -wder- and" de-. cree, ana in compliance . with the commands of said writ, being -unable to nno any personal property of said In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for Clackamas County. . - Ada Burrows, Plaintiff, ' ' vs. - -. ' , ' . James M.' Burrows, . Defendant. v To -James M. Burrows, defendant above named : In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before 24th day of February, 1906. said day being ..more . than six weeks from 12th day of January, 1906, the date of the first publication of this summons and if you fail to so answer. for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief prayed for, to-wit: For a decree of said Court forever dissolving the bonds .of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and de fendant and for such other and fur ther relief as to the Court seems just and equitable. The order for publication of Sum mons in this court was made by the Hon. Thomas McBride, Judge of the above entitled court on the 9th day of January, 1906. The date of the first publication of this summons is .January 12, 1906, and the date of the last publication is February 23, 1906. ED. MENDENHALL and ' j A. R. MENDENHALL, j Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. . " Pearl T. HInman. Plaintiff, vs. . Thomas Forester, Defendant. To the above named Thomas For ester, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed in the above entitled suit in the Circuit Court of the State of .Oregon, for Clackamas county, on or before the 12th day of March, 1906, said day being more than six weeks from the 2d day of February, 1906, the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court' for the relief demanded in the complaint filed in said suit to-wit: For a decree against you forever quieting plaintiff's title to the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot No. 3 in block No. 30, of Oregon City, Oregon, and that by said decree all adverse claims of defendant . be determined, and decreed that defend-' ant has no right, title or interest in Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. UNION DEPOT 8:00 A.M. Dally. 7:00 P.M. For MavKers. Rainier. Clatskanie, Westport Ulirton. Astoria, war renton, Flavel, Ham mond, Fort Stevens, Gearhart Park. Sea side, Astoria and Seashore. Express Daily. Astoria jsxpress. Arrives. Dally. 11:10A.M. 9:40 P.M. C. A: STEWART, Comm'l Agt., n Alder street. Phone Main 806. J. C. MAYO. O. F. & F. A.. Astoria. Or. You Will Be Satisfied WITH YOUR JOURNEY - It your tickets read over the Denrer f and Rio Grande Railroad, the" Scenic . Line of the World" ' ' BECAUSE There are so many scenic attractions and points of interest along: the line ' between Ogden and Denver that the trip never becomes tiresome. , . If yon are going )Bast, -write or informs tion and get a pretty book that will tell yoa all about It. t W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent PORTLAND. ..',;"- OREGON Bright's Disease and Diabetes News. said land or any part thereof, and that ; Tbe Joba J. FmHoh Co. f San Fran- plaintiff's title is valid and good. That defendant ; and all persons claiming under by or through him be forever barred from asserting or claiming any interest in said land ad verse to this plaintiff. - This summons is published by order of the Honorable Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of the County court of Clackamas County, Oregon, made, dated and filed January 29th, 1906. The" date of the first publication of this summons is February 2, 1906 and the date of the last is March 9th, 1906. J. F. CLARK, . Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. Cisco, First la th World to An- ounc th Cure and present Definite Percentage of Recoveries (87 per cent) and Give Out Lists ot the Cared. Here are some ot the San Francisco recov eries. All ot them were declared by physicians to be incurably ill with Bright's Disease or Diabetes: N. W. Bpaulding, President Spaulding Saw Co.; Adolph Weske, founder Cal. Cracker Co.; Carl D. Zeile, pioneer druggist; Chas. Engelke, editor Saa Francisco Journal; R. M-. Wood, editor Spirit Review; Edward Short, of the Call; C. A. Newton, yardmaster S. P. Co. (Sacramento); John A. Phelps, Hotel Repeller; Mrs. M. Empey, 130 Stelner St.; Mrs. S. E. forth that it is necessary to sell the ' defendant's,- I did on the 2d day of Executor's Final Notice." Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Executor of the last will of Ferdinand- Rath, deceased, late of Clackamas County, Oregon, has filed his final report, with the Clerk of the County Court of said county and state and the county Judge thereof has ap pointed Monday, March 5th, A. D., 1906, for the hearing of objections, if any there be, to said report, and for the final settlement of . said . estate. Any person having objections pp such, report, if anythere bearebereby jio-j titled to file - such- objections in said Court on or before said date of final hearing. The first notice of hearing is published in the issue of February 2,1906. CARL-AV RATH, Executor of the aforesaid estate. ClinR. 1737 RmftdviiT' Ihfra- f CZnwtiant rvi In the Circuit Court of the State of ! Fillmore St. (tapped 38 times): R. c. Pell Oregon, for the . County of Clack- j Manager Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.; P. J. Bach amas. , elder. Pacific Coast Airt. Seth Thnm.. r-i J, S. Wilson, Plaintiff, Co.; E. B. Cutler, Attorney, 330 Pine St.: Wm- vs. Hale, Real Estate, SIS Sansoma St.; Mrs. C. O Ruth Wilson, Defendant. Matthewsoa Proprietor Hotel Clifton; ThosT To the above named Ruth Wilson, Haskios, Merchant (Petaluma); CoL Wm. Defendant: Hawkins, TJ. S. Quartermaster's Department; In the name of the Stat of Oregon, ! Chas. F.- Wacker, Merchant, 131 8th St.; Mrs. you. are required to appear and answer j Thos. Christol, 428 27th St., and hundreds of the complaint filed in the above en-others. Some were at death's door when put on titled suit in the Circuit-Court of the ne comPunds. but many such recovered. That . . , , , many were In extremis may be learned fmm State of Oregon for Clackamas County this: Some rocovered woo hadVbWenawSi on or before the 12th day of March, dozens of times; others were already in the ' 1906 said day being more than six x?Jj0&?it& weeks from the 2d day of February, diagnosis; several left standard hr7,?ii? ?i 1906, the date of the first publication extremis; several had relatives called in for last of this summons, and if you fail so . lSbtfinte'e .'e were in a. to answer, ior want tnereoi the plain-; - '-ma-'fcord about 87 of all Losses f Brighfs tiff will apply to the court for the re- D,se5?e and Dibet"s, heretofore positively in- lief demanded-in complaint herein toV; Commas" bV.?2SS STb1 wit: For a decree of said court dis- S?" Kidney Disease is tl; for Diabetes, il.il -, solving the bonds of matrimony now inlnSFZu w?.h-v8 3USJ, es'abiish-d existing between plaintiff and defend-. SMiSjSS lu wUi ant and for uch other and further re- " ... ; v - Uef to the court may seem mete and Charman A Co CU, Drug Store!